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» Ronaldo admitted that he is gay. Why didn't Cristiano Ronaldo admit he was gay? gay or not gay

Ronaldo admitted that he is gay. Why didn't Cristiano Ronaldo admit he was gay? gay or not gay

The internet is freaking out: is the three-time Ballon d'Or winner gay or not, one of the best footballers of our time?

It seems that the handsome man himself admitted, but the fans still have doubts.

The word is not a sparrow

The word that is not a sparrow flew out of the mouth of Ronaldo the day before, during the 12th round of the Spanish Championship, when the Real Madrid star had a skirmish with the Atlético midfielder Koke.

After the game ended 3-0 in favor of the royal club, in which Ronaldo scored a hat-trick, he spoke about the skirmish with Koke to teammates:

Koke called me gay, Ronaldo complained.

And what did you do? one of the players asked.

Nothing, what can I do? He called me gay, I replied: "Yes, I'm gay, but I'm filled with money, and you / bad person/».

Note that for Cristiano Ronaldo, the match with Atlético was the 39th game for Real Madrid.

Believe - don't believe

“Cristiano Ronaldo admitted that he is gay. On the other hand, he is a cool player, does not disgrace his team, does not upset the fans, ”wrote one of the Twitter users, adding an unflattering epithet related to the game of the Russian national team.

Gay or not gay?

This question has long tormented fans of the Portuguese footballer. Even Ronaldo's novels with interesting ladies do not save: some suggest that the athlete meets with women only as a distraction.

"Wedding" Ronaldo with Badr Hari

In December 2015, one of the participants in a sports TV show on French television unexpectedly announced that Ronaldo was dating, and by no means platonically, a Moroccan kickboxer Badrom Hari. In social networks, photos were also found where half-naked Ronaldo and Hari were hugging near the pool. In one of the photos, Hari even held Cristiano in his arms.

However, many users then doubted that the athletes were not fooling around, but seriously “fired” their unconventional relationships.

Ronaldo and Shayk

Ronaldo always had beautiful girlfriends: in particular, he has a long romance with a Russian supermodel Irina Shayk, with whom they broke up in January last year.

“Cristiano Ronaldo lived with a Russian woman and realized that he was gay,” one Twitter user joked /

During his career, Cristiano Ronaldo became the most famous player of the Portuguese national team, received several dozen awards and turned the heads of many women. Among his chosen ones was the Spanish model Nereida Gallardo, the Russian beauty Irina Shayk and even the American actress Paris Hilton.

Despite numerous novels, dates with several girls at the same time, Ronaldo is haunted by rumors about his orientation. It is not surprising that many foreign publications from time to time began to raise one age-old question: “Isn't Cristiano Ronaldo gay?”

When discussing the personal lives of famous people, the public cares little about the facts, sometimes one small spark is enough to spark suspicion.

In 2013, a photograph published by singer Rihanna became such a spark.

It was the most common shot in which a football player hugged his old girlfriend, but through negligence, or with malicious intent, the girl called her fan a “good gay friend.” Despite the fact that this statement spread around all the news sites of the world, the athlete did not react in any way to the event.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Badr Hari

The next high-profile scandal related to the sexual preferences of a young football player occurred at the end of 2015.

One of Cristiano's friends, Moroccan athlete Badr Hari, posted on his Instagram a picture in which he held him in his arms, signing with a grin that they were almost married.

The discussion of their relationship continued on French television, the presenters arguing whether frequent dates with a friend would have an impact on the athlete's productive game.

Journalists were not stopped by the fact that the discussion of relations between friends was clearly conducted in a joking manner - the British tabloid The Sun published a scandalous headline in which it announced that the football player was in a love relationship with his Moroccan kickboxer boyfriend.

Although the celebrity did not react to the event in any way, the scandal had consequences: the coach banned the football player from such frequent flights to Morocco.

Cristiano Ronaldo: "Yes, I'm gay"

Later, the Russian media wrote that Cristiano came out, confessing to his non-traditional orientation. There was a conflict between Ronaldo and Spanish midfielder Koke. During the skirmish, Koke called his colleague gay, to which he allegedly received the answer: “Let me be gay, but I have money.”

Although there is a nuance about which the media preferred to remain silent. Koke called Ronaldo not "gay" or "gay", but "f**k", which is a rude expletive, but does not necessarily indicate an orientation.

Even the Russian media could not ignore this incident:

provocative behavior

Recall that the Portuguese is under attack from the very beginning of his career at Manchester United. English fans took a dislike to the young striker for his earring and streaked hair.

Not a single match passed without mocking whistles and insulting shouts. Of course, the situation has changed over time. But even now, Cristiano's behavior often raises questions from journalists.

Someone does not like his metrosexuality, someone sees a sexual connotation in the actions of the captain of the national team on the field: they say, he often feigns injuries, which does not fit in with male behavior.

But what about the girls?

The athlete himself does not care much about rumors about his orientation. Besides, he has four children. Not every man can boast of such a quantity. The first child was born in 2010, presumably from a surrogate mother, and seven years later, another surrogate mother gave birth to twins for a football player.

Cristiano Ronaldo's reputation is suddenly under attack. Hints about the unconventional orientation of a football player from the press have been heard for a long time, but recently a flurry of accusations of homosexuality has simply hit the Portuguese scorer.

Sexual orientation of Cristiano Ronaldo

More recently, Ronaldo was difficult to convict of something like that, he constantly met with girls, changed them “like gloves”. It is difficult to list all the passions of a football player, the most famous are:

  1. Jordana Jardel is the younger sister of the former Sporting player, the club that Ronaldo started with. The girl dreamed of becoming the second Victoria Beckham, but broke up with Cristiano, as her modeling career took off and there was very little time left for amorous affairs.
  2. Relations with actress Gemma Atkinson were similar to the series - the couple quarreled, then reconciled. As a result, passionate Gemma and Cristiano decided to disperse.
  3. Nereida Gallardo is a well-known sweetheart of Cristiano, an avid visitor to nightclubs, a biker. Their relationship was beautiful, but short-lived.
  4. And Letizia Filippi "stole" Cristiano from Gallardo - the model who took third place in the Miss Italy contest.
  5. Ronaldo also met with Paris Hilton, they quickly found a common language, however, Cupid never shot any of them in the heart.
  6. - the girl whom Ronaldo courted for 5 years. They broke off their relationship in 2015, fans still regret that such a beautiful couple broke up.

Ronaldo immediately after found a replacement for the Russian model. Either Yara Khmidan, or Lucia Villalon, or both at once replaced the former girlfriend of the football player. Ronaldo himself says that he currently has several girlfriends.

Cristiano Ronaldo is gay now?

Irina Shayk said in an interview that she suspected Cristiano of cheating during their relationship. True, she did not specify with whom the football player also spent time.

Rumors accusing Cristiano of homosexuality are unconfirmed. Allegedly, the Real Madrid club began to notice that Ronaldo very often flies to Morocco after training and returns only at night. This is not the best way to affect his physical form.

But, of course, this is not what worries the spiteful critics. Thanks to photos on social networks, it turned out that the footballer was flying to Morocco to visit his friend, kickboxer Badr Hari. The couple boldly demonstrates their tanned bodies in the photo - men have a good time near the pool. In one of the pictures, Badru holds Cristiano in her arms - the photo has the caption "We Got Married".

In the press, Rihanna's phrase that Cristiano Ronaldo is gay, or rather, is interpreted as such, in fact, the singer only said - "I have many gay friends" without regard to Ronaldo's personality, began to flicker often in the press.

Gay Cristiano Ronaldo or not?

The answer to this question is, at least, not yet obvious, although the press is pumping up excessive attention to every gesture of Cristiano Ronaldo. Then he was filmed on vacation, touching a friend for an intimate place, although, it is worth noting, the photo is very controversial. Then at the game that took place not so long ago, he pressed his colleague too tightly to himself. Then he put his hand on the thigh of Lionel Messi at the award ceremony. Their relationship with the Moroccan kickboxer is watched, in general, with double predilection.

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Even if Cristiano Ronaldo is gay, then, for sure, he will tell the public about it last. One way or another, the football player ignores the rumors and continues to delight his fans with an excellent game.

*The press and Internet users today are actively discussing news that has gone far beyond sports: Cristiano Ronaldo has confessed to his non-traditional sexual orientation. Fans of jokes about Russian football have already posted a lot of jokes on the net, which boil down to the fact that if the owner of the Golden Ball is gay, then the players of another notorious team are “…” (common dysphemism). "MIR 24" dug into Cristiano Ronaldo and found out if the footballer's fans should look for a new idol.*


1. Jordana Jardel

Cristiano met the sister of the former Sporting player, Brazilian footballer Mario Jardela - Jordana - back in 2003. Then the midfielder was already playing for Sporting and was noticed by Manchester United coach Alex Ferguson. Jordana worked as a model. However, the couple broke up without repeating the success of another star couple - David and Victoria Beckham.

2. Nereid Gallardo

Many Western newspapers wrote about the relationship of one of the best players in the Portuguese national team with the Pyrenean beauty. The affair with the Spanish model also turned out to be short-lived.

3. Imogen Thomas

Ronaldo was also credited with an affair with Imogen Thomas, a model and winner of the Miss Wales 2003 title. Imogen now has two children, with whom the beauty often appears on Instagram, but the children are from another man.

4. Paris Hilton

In 2009, reporters captured Cristiano Ronaldo next to Paris Hilton. Of course, a rumor immediately spread about the football player's relationship with the "first socialite" of America.

5. Letitia Filippi

This Italian model is 7 years older than the Portuguese football player. The yellow press wrote that Ronaldo left Letizia for the sake of a married 25-year-old Ukrainian model.

6. Irina Shayk

Russian model Irina Shayk also spoke about her relationship with the three-time winner of the Golden Ball. The couple broke up in early 2015. Irina (by the way, the winner of the "most severe" beauty contest, which took place in Chelyabinsk) then shared her revelations with the press. She stated that she was unhappy with the football player, and her ideal man is completely different. “These cannot be considered men, only boys,” Irina said in an interview with a Spanish magazine.

7. Yara Khmidan

Western yellow media recently attributed Ronaldo an affair with Ukrainian Yara Khmidan. The girl lives in New York and is filmed for the best American glossy publications. Many football fans then noticed that Yara looks like the Russian model Irina Shayk, which means that Cristiano cannot forget his former lover.


1. A friend from Morocco

The media suspected Cristiano Ronaldo of being gay in 2015. The British tabloid then wrote that the Real Madrid striker flies 4 times a week to his friend, a kickboxer of Moroccan origin, Badr Hari. Moreover, according to the tabloid, the football player flew to Rabat after the end of training, and returned at night in order to be in time for a new training session at the “creamy” base in Valdebebas.

2. Child

Cristiano Ronaldo has a child, however, despite the numerous girls with whom the press attributed romantic relationships, Ronaldo chose a surrogate mother to give birth to a child.

3. Coming out

On Saturday, Madrid hosted the match of the championship of Spain between Real Madrid and Atlético Madrid. In the second half, Ronaldo came into contact with Atlético player Koke. Subsequently, already in the locker room, Ronaldo retold the squabble to his teammates:

“Koke called me “…” [homosexual], and I told him: I may be “…” [homosexual], but with a lot of dough.”

On Tuesday morning, this conversation became the property of the Spanish press.

Most of the accusations of one of the best football players in the world of non-standard sexual orientation are based on rumors and assumptions. Regarding the conversation leaked to the press, Cristiano Ronaldo has not yet given official comments.

According to the Spanish radio station COPE, during a skirmish on the field with Atlético Koke, Cristiano unwittingly admitted his non-traditional sexual orientation. After midfielder Matrasnikov called the Portuguese "gay", Ronaldo answered the offender like this: "Yes, I'm a f**k, but very rich." Officially, Ronaldo has not yet made a “coming out”, but football fans have been gossiping for years about what Koke said in the heat of a quarrel to Cristiano in person. And, I must say, there were enough reasons for such rumors.

The first reason is the episode already mentioned above, but in addition to that, we have collected nine more for you to complete the set.

Excessive concern for one's own appearance. Makeup, glamorous hairstyles, well-groomed eyebrows and mud masks for face and body. Cristiano's Instagram is full of photos of this kind, and for many football fans, such attention to their own appearance does not seem normal.

"Surrogate Paternity". It's no secret that the son of Ronaldo - Cristiano Jr., was born from a surrogate mother from the United States. The secret lies elsewhere - why did the football player decide to build a family in such an unconventional way?

Unsuccessful and short-term relationships with girls. According to the media, Cristiano has been in relationships with a huge number of beauties from all over the world, and even if you divide this army of sexy girlfriends in two, there is still an impressive number. But why, out of all the scattering of charming representatives of the fair sex, Ronaldo did not choose for himself the one and only one with whom he would tie the knot? Only with Irina Shayk, the Portuguese stayed together for an impressive period of time, but, according to the same media, all these months the Russian woman skillfully worked on her own image, agreeing to be a spectacular “cover” for the Real Madrid star.

"Too warm" relationship with Badr Hari. For more than a year, the Spanish press has been talking about the strong friendship between Ronaldo and Moroccan kickboxer Badr Hari, and their relationship has already become a byword and an Internet meme. And if Cristiano's weekly flights to Morocco on his own plane can still be explained by a thirst for adventure, then the photos where the Portuguese is in the arms of another man are already too suspicious.

Excessive emotionality. Ronaldo is not shy about shedding tears in public, and while folk wisdom says that men cry too, crying three times in a night after winning Euro 2016 is already too much! But it was precisely this that recently became known from a video with a speech by Cristiano in the locker room of the Portuguese national team that got on the Internet.

Love for simulations on the field."Drawing" in the opponent's box and "diving" have become an integral part of the playing style of Ronaldo, and it is Cristiano who is considered a symbol of the small football tricks that have become so popular in the modern version of the once truly masculine sport.