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» Guidelines for the integrated development of underground space in large cities. Urban underground structures Underground construction in a modern city

Guidelines for the integrated development of underground space in large cities. Urban underground structures Underground construction in a modern city

(a. urban underground structure; n. Stadtuntergrundbauten; f. ouvrages souterrains hurbains; i. obras subterraneas urbanas) - a complex of underground engineering. structures designed to meet the transport, communal, household and socio-cultural needs of city residents. G.p.c. located in the depths of the soil mass under the roadway of the streets, near buildings or directly under them, under the railway. and cars roads, under rivers, canals, etc. The comprehensive development of the underground space of large cities makes it possible to rationally use the surface area and contributes to the streamlining of transport. services to the population and improving road safety, reduces street noise and air pollution from vehicle exhaust gases, and helps improve the artistic and aesthetic. qualities of the mountains environment. G.p.c. can be conditionally grouped into a number of groups: transport. structures (passenger and freight subways, road transport tunnels, pedestrian tunnels, underwater tunnels, deep expressways, underground parking lots and garages, multi-tiered underground complexes, etc.), mountain structures. communal x-va and engineer. communications (see City Collector), objects and enterprises for cultural, domestic and commercial purposes (storages of food and goods, refrigerators, shopping centers, post offices, exhibitions, etc.). See also underground structures.

Literature: Complex development of underground space in cities, K., 1973; Guidelines for drawing up schemes for the integrated use of underground space in large and major cities, M., 1978.

V. L. Makovsky.

View value Urban underground structures in other dictionaries

Temporary Buildings and Structures— Specially built or adapted to
construction period production, warehouse, auxiliary, residential and public
buildings and
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roads: artificial
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object, starting from the date of entry into force of the contract
action until the last is issued
readiness document.........
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Code of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 1995 No. 167-FZ
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building (
structures) which are
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account of the estimated cost of construction, intended for the needs of construction as a whole.
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buildings and
structures erected in
construction period (for example, a temporary building to accommodate workers involved in construction).
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The growth in the number of residents of our cities and the level of their needs for housing, recreation and living conditions is constantly growing. The city is forced to go into the sky, develop peripherally and sink deeper, deeper and deeper underground.

A strategic innovative approach to the implementation of projects for the development of the underground space of a modern city is a pressing answer to the question of a completely new understanding of a comfortable environment.


In the process of natural development of any systems - technical, industrial and urban planning, a barrier arises that is simply impossible to overcome with the help of simple quantitative accumulation of traditional technological methods.

Usually, as a classic example, they cite the problem of the power barrier in aviation, when a further increase in flight speed and altitude - these most important indicators of technical progress - turned out to be impossible on aircraft with a piston engine. This barrier was successfully overcome by the transition of the aircraft industry to jet propulsion.

Today, in the field of urban planning, in the course of solving social, transport and environmental problems, the so-called "barrier of space and technology."

Currently, the area of ​​the earth's surface occupied by housing, industrial, economic and socio-cultural facilities, transport, energy and other types of engineering communications is more than 4% of the entire land surface. The built-up area in some European countries already reaches 15 or even 20 percent of their total territory.

Squares, avenues and city streets are filled with “hordes” of cars, the number of which is growing exponentially, requiring the expansion of the roadway and the number of parking spaces.

The development of new territories inevitably leads to a reduction in forest land and a decrease in the area of ​​land suitable for agricultural production.

The shortage of land in cities, and especially in megacities, is prompting urban planners around the world to look for additional ways to develop territories.

World experience shows that in urban planning it is necessary to abandon the old form of design - planar development of urban areas according to the principle "one to one" with engineering infrastructure independently completed from them.

Time and current circumstances dictate the need for a transition from horizontal to vertical zoning of urban space, which can ensure the formation of a comfortable residential and industrial environment, based on the deep-spatial organization of the entire system of objects, as an integral organism, including the housing stock and all the necessary social and production facilities. and engineering infrastructure created at the underground level. In modern urban planning science, this process is called “comprehensive development of underground urban space.”

Underground urban space - this is the space under the daytime surface, used to expand the habitat of citizens, implement the priorities of environmental and economic well-being and sustainable development, and create living conditions for people in extreme circumstances.

A scientific discipline called "underground urbanism".

The purpose of this article is to introduce readers to current problems of innovative development of underground urban space, as well as the main theoretical components of underground urbanism and modern experience in solving problems encountered in domestic and foreign practice. The author’s task did not include coverage of metro construction issues, since this specific type of transport construction is covered quite well in the media.

Basics of the concept of underground urbanism

Underground urbanism or underground urbanism, underground urbanization (underground urbanistics) is a field of architecture and urban planning associated with the integrated use of underground space in cities and other populated areas, meeting the requirements of urban aesthetics, social hygiene, as well as technical and economic feasibility.

The main goal of underground urbanism is to ensure optimal working, living, recreation and movement conditions for the mountain population, increasing the area of ​​open green spaces on the surface, and creating a healthy, comfortable and aesthetically attractive mountain environment.

The development of underground urbanism is strongly influenced by various factors, such as:

  • environmental and technical characteristics (groundwater, soil and rock);
  • knowledge of underground features and existing ideas about underground space, as well as information databases;
  • architectural ideas and organization of urban space;
  • legalization and administrative capabilities, features of land ownership, land use regulation, environmental protection and constructive capabilities;
  • economic factors (land cost, costs between above-ground and underground construction), the full cycle of use of the structure and external factors;
  • psycho-sociological aspects of human behavior in underground space.

The key challenge is to use these opportunities in a way that maximizes environmental, social and economic benefits. Technically, this problem is difficult to solve, but can be successfully implemented if the tasks are socially and politically acceptable, economically possible, profitable and legal.

The planned use of underground space is carried out in conjunction with surface planning and development, with various types and types of existing underground structures and taking into account subsequent stages of city development.

This requires the development of special sections in city master plans and in detailed planning and development projects.

The degree of use of underground space, equipment and technology of work depend on the size of the city, the nature and content of historical and future development, the concentration of the daytime population in various parts of the city, the estimated level of motorization, natural-climatic, engineering-geological and other conditions.

In accordance with this, in the general plan of the city and the detailed planning project, zones with varying degrees and order of use of underground space are distinguished.

World experience shows that at the present stage, the strategy for solving complex socio-economic and urban planning problems is carried out through the formation of the spatial structure of cities through the creation of multi-level and multifunctional urban formations with maximum vertical development, with the integrated use of underground space according to a single urban planning plan linked to the general city ​​development plan.

The need for the construction of underground facilities for a wide variety of purposes and the tasks of innovative development of underground infrastructure require effective cooperation of scientists and specialists representing various areas in geomechanics and geotechnics, urban planning and architecture, which inevitably contribute to the rapprochement and mutual enrichment of specialists from various fields and various scientific schools.

At the same time, a change in the general urban planning strategy is planned: instead of a centralized development scheme with the highest density (both on the surface and underground) in the center of the urban agglomeration, it is proposed to disperse the bulk of the volume of multi-storey above-ground construction (with relatively less dense underground construction) in the suburbs.

With this construction concept, the problem of a systematic approach to the development of underground space at a depth of 20-50 m becomes especially urgent. Currently, it is used only for transport and utility networks and dispersed objects of various purposes of relatively shallow foundation.

A short excursion into the history of the origins of underground urbanism

The bowels of the earth have always hidden something terrible, in fact, like other spaces unknown to man. These fears come from the depths of centuries. However, humanity, fighting for its existence, was forced "step on the throat" fear of underground space

It is known that the first human habitation was a cave. She protected him from bad weather, protected him from predators, kept him warm and calm. With the help of simple devices, a person dug, scratched and scraped it in breadth and depth. Sometimes the caves formed an entire settlement.

From ancient times to the present day, cities have been preserved underground, the largest of which are located in the Turkish region of Cappadocia. Excavations have shown that up to 100 thousand people supposedly lived in a complex system of underground rooms. This twilight world with its own special culture was founded by the first Christians, hiding from the persecution of the Roman pagans.

One of the underground cities, Kaymakli, stretched for 19 km and consisted of 8–10 levels, where there were living quarters, warehouses, churches, monasteries, pedestrian corridors and cemeteries. Archaeologists who excavated the city in the 60s were amazed by the perfection of the system of 70-80 m long ventilation tunnels, shafts and pipes, which made it possible not only to supply clean air to such a depth, but also to control its humidity and temperature.

In the 16th century, Leonardo da Vinci proposed arranging streets at different levels for a separate movement of “seniors” and ordinary people. And only now can this experience accumulated by humanity be appreciated and used.

However, large-scale urban underground construction began only in the 2nd half of the 19th century. This was facilitated by the emergence and development of rail transport. From the 20-30s. The intensive development of road transport has confronted architects and engineers with the difficult task of improving throughput, increasing transport speed, and at the same time creating a safe and comfortable intersection of human and traffic flows.

Thus began the construction of underground railways (subways) and road tunnels. Transport began to go underground, and not only for its operation.

In the 40s Large-scale construction of underground garages and parking lots began. Since the 60s The construction of tunnels was carried out for pedestrians; over time, they began to be saturated with shopping functions in order to bring people closer to their usual comfortable environment.

Brief information about the modern underground urban economy andgeneral principles of classification of underground structures

The modern system of underground urban services includes underground engineering and transport structures, trade and public catering establishments, entertainment, administrative and sports buildings and structures, public utility and storage facilities, industrial facilities and engineering equipment.

Engineering and transport structures include pedestrian, road and railway tunnels, metro and light rail tunnels and stations, parking lots and garages, separate premises and station structures.

Underground retail and catering establishments include trading floors and auxiliary premises of cafes, cafeterias, snack bars and restaurants, trade kiosks, shops, separate sections of department stores, shopping centers and markets.

Underground entertainment, administrative and sports buildings and structures consist of cinemas, exhibition and dance halls, separate rooms for theaters and circuses, meeting rooms and conference rooms, book depositories, archive rooms, museum storerooms, shooting ranges, billiard rooms, swimming pools and sports club premises .

Public service and storage facilities located underground are reception centers, ateliers and consumer service factories, hairdressing salons, bathhouses and showers, mechanical laundries, food and manufactured goods warehouses, vegetable stores, refrigerators, pawn shops, tanks for liquids and gases, warehouses for fuel, lubricants and other materials.

Industrial and energy facilities located underground include individual laboratories, workshops and production (especially those that require careful protection from dust, noise, vibration, temperature changes and other external influences), thermal and hydroelectric power plants, industrial warehouses and storage facilities.

Almost all city engineering equipment - pipelines (water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply), drains and storm drains, cables for various purposes - are underground networks. More and more transformer substations, ventilation chambers, boiler rooms and boiler houses, gas distribution stations, treatment and water intake facilities, and general network collectors are located in the urban underground space.

Underground structures are very diverse. They can be classified by purpose, location in the city, space-planning scheme, depth, number of tiers, etc.

In relation to the tasks of underground urbanism, the classification “by purpose” is most often used. In accordance with it, all underground structures are divided depending on the time a person stays at the site:

  • duty shift stay up to 24 hours
  • long stay up to 3 - 4 hours;
  • temporary stay up to 1.5 - 2 hours;
  • short-term stays no more than 5 - 10 minutes;
  • premises and structures without the presence of people.

Underground urbanism and the practice of using underground space in modern conditions.

The innovators of underground urban planning are Canada, Japan and Finland.

In Canada in 1997 An entire underground city was built - PATH. Residents just need to leave the house and go downstairs - and they will get to work without any obstacles. There is no need for winter clothes and a car.

Montreal has the largest "underground city" (La ville souterraine) with an area of ​​12 million square meters. m. Promoted by the mayor's office as one of the local wonders, the city is interesting not only for its size. The designers have proven that below you can place not only what you want to keep out of sight - pipes, warehouses. IN La ville there is almost everything you need for life: shopping centers, hotels, banks, museums, universities, metro, railway interchange hubs, bus stations and other entertainment and business infrastructure.

Japan is home to the country's largest underground city - Yaesu. It houses 250 restaurants, shops and other service facilities. According to statistics, Yaesu is visited every month by 8 to 10 million people.

In Beijing, in accordance with the program approved by the city government, in five years all transport from the surface will be removed underground - people will be able to freely move along the streets, relax in parks, and breathe fresh air.

The state, the professional urban planning community and developers see the intensive construction of underground structures as one of the most promising areas for the development of Russian cities.

Underground urbanism is seen as the key to solving numerous problems plaguing all major cities of the country, where increasing housing density is exacerbated by the rapid growth of the vehicle fleet and the inevitable disruptions in public transport.

A kind of beginning of a new urban planning era in Moscow was the construction in 1997 near the walls of the Kremlin, on the site of Manezhnaya Square, of the Okhotny Ryad shopping and entertainment complex, located mainly below ground level. In a multi-tiered underground complex with an area of ​​about 70 thousand square meters. m. housed a variety of objects: an archaeological museum and offices, a shopping center and bars, cafes, restaurants, parking lots and garages. In essence, a small underground city appeared.

The development of the adjacent underground spaces under Tverskaya Street and Bolshaya Dmitrovka began immediately, as well as the construction of the gigantic above-ground and underground complex “Moscow City” on a little-developed section of the bank of the Moskva River in the Krasnaya Presnya area.

Here the architects’ imagination ran wild: the project envisages the construction of not only stations of two new metro lines, but also multi-storey underground garages and monorail stations, which should connect the complex with the Sheremetyevo international airport. Time, however, has made its own adjustments to these plans, but the “ span depth", which is creaky, but takes on real features.

Development of underground potential as the main path to sustainable development of the city.

It is no secret that our Russian cities are often expanding chaotically, carelessly and rapidly, without any effective control.

The consequences of such anarchic growth are, for example, an increase in traffic jams and, as a consequence, levels of air pollution, a lack of green spaces or difficult water supply, which is incompatible with the concept of sustainable development.

The development of underground space makes it possible to effectively use such functions as transport interchanges, shopping centers, theaters, and public catering facilities. This in turn should lead to greater compactness of cities, ensuring sustainable development of the city and will create a favorable environment for life as a result of free ground space for recreation and social activity, green fields and residential areas.

In large cities with high population density, the opportunity to save and rationally use urban territory when designing underground spaces is especially valuable.

The exploitation of underground potential will make it possible to use space more efficiently, make the traffic system more mobile, which will lead to a reduction in the amount of harmful emissions and noise levels and, as a result, to renewal and improvement of the quality of life in the metropolis. At the same time, the length of underground communications and the cost of socially useful time are reduced, and the quality of transport services for the population is improved. It becomes possible to save energy resources due to lower heat losses of underground buildings and the absence of sharp temperature fluctuations depending on the changing seasons.

Free space is not the only resource in underground construction. In order to achieve sustainable development, groundwater, geomaterials and geothermal energy should also be optimally used.

Despite the fact that the transition from surface to depth has been taking place for a long time and more and more urban underground resources are being exploited, this is happening, unfortunately, without real planning.

Managing the potential of underground space is necessary for the rational use of resources and preventing possible irreversible consequences of chaotic development.

Underground construction in a modern city

The choice of zones for the most active construction of underground structures is determined by urban planning and functional requirements and the feasibility of using certain areas and zones of the city.

It should be noted that sanitary-hygienic and psycho-physiological requirements are established the normal stay of people underground is no more than 4 hours, but a number of significant advantages almost completely compensate for this limitation, namely:

  • underground structures can be designed under existing buildings, roads, communications and even river beds;
  • construction is not affected by changes in relief, problems of insolation or shading of neighboring existing objects, or the influence of external factors;
  • Only underground space makes it possible to create the shortest routes for transport.

Underground structures are provided with a complex engineering system, which includes: constant and reliable artificial lighting; ventilation with continuous supply and exhaust ventilation, sound notification system; systems for maintaining humidity and temperature.

The organization of the architectural and spatial environment of underground structures is significantly influenced by the following factors:

  • natural conditions and the nature of the historically developed urban environment;
  • the presence of existing, previously laid communications and foundations of neighboring buildings, which, as a rule, will form a single interconnected system with new underground facilities.

When studying natural factors to determine the nature of the site and its natural features, detailed engineering-geological and hydrogeological studies are necessarily carried out, and engineering-geological maps and profiles are compiled.

The construction of underground facilities at shallow depths is usually carried out using an open method, while deep-level facilities are constructed using a closed method. When constructing underground objects, water is lowered, soils are consolidated, objects are waterproofed, and structures designed for rock pressure are used.

The main emphasis when creating underground structures in Moscow is on the technical and economic advantages of closed excavation and tunnel construction. The main thing is that there is almost no need to dig ditches, fence off large areas, block streets, disrupting the rhythm of already intense traffic.

There is no need to demolish buildings, relay underground communications, restore road surfaces and green spaces. Invisibly for the citizens, another important level of the city is gradually being created for a richer and more fulfilling life in an overpopulated metropolis.

Environmental benefits of underground structures

Within a city, underground structures can be located almost everywhere, with minimal impact on the natural landscape and environment. They are reliably protected from direct exposure to climatic factors: rain and snow, heat and cold, wind and sun. Underground structures are characterized by increased vibration resistance and acoustic insulation. And, finally, they are quite well protected from the effects of seismic blast waves and penetrating radiation, which ensures their invulnerability from weapons of mass destruction.

Energy efficient aspects of underground structures

One of the most economical solutions is underground placement of warehouses and refrigerators. Thus, with an underground location, the cost of constructing warehouse buildings is 4 times lower, and operating costs are 10.6 times less than with above-ground placement.

The cost of constructing refrigerators when located underground is 3.3 times lower, and operating costs are 11.6 times lower than when located above ground. These data were obtained by comparing similar large refrigerators built in Kansas City and Sao Paulo (USA).

When assessing energy costs, both refrigerators were turned off, causing the temperature in the above-ground refrigerator to increase by 0.6 °C per hour, and in the underground refrigerator by 0.6 °C per day. Much better thermal insulation and heat capacity of the environment make it possible not only to save energy, but also to connect underground refrigerators to the power grid, bypassing the peak of electricity consumption, and reduce the power of underground refrigeration units.

Preliminary conclusion

In recent decades, there has been a significant increase in underground construction for various purposes and its multifunctional use. This was facilitated by the reduction in the cost of underground construction. If earlier the cost of underground work was several times higher than above-ground work, today, due to the improvement of equipment and technology of underground work, their cost in many cases is slightly more expensive than above-ground work, especially in built-up areas.

Economic efficiency of underground urbanization

The effectiveness of underground urbanization consists of socio-economic, engineering, economic and urban planning components.

When identifying efficiency, objects placed in underground space can be divided into three groups.

1. The effectiveness of placing transport communications and structures underground is determined on the basis of: saving urban areas due to areas for the construction of both the objects themselves and the protective zones around them; increasing vehicle turnover; reducing the duration of trips; cargo delivery; reducing the number of stops, saving energy resources; maximum preservation of existing ground-based buildings; improving the sanitary and hygienic condition of the terrestrial environment.

2. The effectiveness of placing underground entertainment facilities, trade and public catering establishments, as well as a number of public utility facilities is determined on the basis of: saving territory, as well as preserving above-ground buildings when located in established parts of the city; saving time for the population by bringing service facilities closer to the consumer along the route of his movement (passing service); increasing the turnover and profits of trade, catering and cultural and entertainment enterprises due to their convenient location in areas of intense concentration of pedestrians and passengers - potential visitors to the listed service facilities.

3. The efficiency of underground placement of warehouse facilities, industrial buildings and structures, communal facilities, individual transport structures, and engineering equipment facilities is determined on the basis of: saving urban areas; reducing the length of utility lines by placing structures and objects in the center of loads; improving the sanitary and hygienic condition of the urban environment, economic benefits due to a compact planning solution.

Thus, based on the integrated use of the city’s underground space, efficiency is considered in various areas:

  • socio-economic - saving time by the population, reducing transport fatigue, improving sanitary and hygienic living conditions for the population, pedestrian safety;
  • urban planning - the correct choice of functional and construction zoning of territories, solving transport problems, increasing the area of ​​green and water spaces;
  • engineering and economic - accelerating the turnover of vehicles, increasing the speed of movement of all types of transport, saving fuel, reducing costs for the development of engineering equipment, increasing the profitability of service enterprises, concentrating construction, reducing its time and ensuring the complexity of development, saving operating costs, reducing the size of alienation of agricultural lands.

The total economic effect is calculated for each type of object, taking into account the saving of territory, the preservation of existing buildings and the operating conditions of underground structures: savings in transport costs, transport time, growth in trading profits, etc.

Factors that increase the cost of using underground space include: geological and engineering-geological conditions, the complication of engineering and structural solutions for underground structures, and the constraint in carrying out work in existing development areas. Underground construction causes additional volumes of excavation work, strengthening of load-bearing and enclosing structures, complication of work on waterproofing objects, and complication of sanitary equipment.

At the same time, underground construction allows you to reduce costs for foundations and roofing, and eliminate a number of structural elements of ground-based buildings, such as external window units, internal drains, facade finishing, etc.

In addition to the above results, the feasibility of underground construction of a number of structures is determined by the specific requirements of the operation of the facilities themselves. When designing facilities in underground space, favorable operational factors should be taken into account, such as immunity to climatic influences; relative stability of temperature and air humidity, starting from a depth of 5-8 m. This is an indispensable environment for placing underground food warehouses, wine storage facilities, storerooms for film and photographic documents, pawnshops, as well as industries that require thermally constant conditions of the internal environment (radio electronics, precision engineering and etc.).

Such positive characteristics of underground structures as increased vibration resistance and acoustic insulation compared to above-ground structures are also used. The advantage of the underground solution for a number of industries and workshops is the ability of the floor bases to bear increased loads from heavy technological equipment.


An increase in the volume and scale of effective exploration and development of underground urban space is observed today all over the world. It is associated with the ever-increasing concentration of the population in these cities and the continuous growth in the size of the vehicle fleet, which give rise to almost all of the most pressing modern urban problems - territorial, transport, environmental, energy.

The innovative use of underground urbanism methods and installations has proven to be the only way to improve and adapt the transport system to the growth of major cities without significant changes to the traditional planning structure and development.

The principles of vertical zoning of urban space have been scientifically determined and formulated.

The levels closest to the ground surface (up to 4 m) are reserved for pedestrians, continuous passenger transport, parking lots, and local distribution networks. Levels from - 4 m to - 20 m are used for subway routes and shallow vehicle tunnels, multi-level underground garages, warehouses, reservoirs and main sewers. Levels between - 15 m and - 40 m are intended for deep rail transport routes, including urban railways.

In recent decades, an increase in the volume and scale of underground construction has been observed in the most significant cities of Russia. Large underground complexes for various purposes, transport and communication tunnels, underground parking lots and garages, production and warehouse facilities are being built, and the length of metro lines is increasing.

Scientists, urban planners and we, humble construction practitioners, are striving to penetrate and master deeper, deeper and deeper into the bowels of the earth. In the modern world, where science offers innovative solutions, where unique technologies exist, and there are highly professional specialists - any “barriers of space and technology” will be successfully overcome!

(a. urban underground structure; n. Stadtuntergrundbauten; f. ouvrages souterrains hurbains; And. obras subterraneas urbanas) - a complex of underground engineering. structures designed to meet the transport, communal, household and socio-cultural needs of city residents. G.p.c. located in the depths of the soil mass under the roadway of the streets, near buildings or directly under them, under the railway. and cars roads, under rivers, canals, etc. The comprehensive development of the underground space of large cities makes it possible to rationally use the surface area and contributes to the streamlining of transport. services to the population and improving road safety, reduces street noise and air pollution from vehicle exhaust gases, and helps improve the artistic and aesthetic. qualities of the mountains environment. G.p.c. can be conditionally grouped into a number of groups: transport. structures (passenger and freight subways, road transport tunnels, pedestrian tunnels, underwater tunnels, deep expressways, underground parking lots and garages, multi-tiered underground complexes, etc.), mountain structures. communal x-va and engineer. communications ( cm. City collector), objects and enterprises of cultural, domestic and commercial purposes (storage facilities for food and goods, refrigerators, shopping centers, post offices, exhibitions, etc.). See also underground structures. Literature: Complex development of underground space in cities, K., 1973; Guidelines for drawing up schemes for the integrated use of underground space in large and major cities, M., 1978. V. L. Makovsky.

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  • - waters found in the rocks of the earth's crust in any physical state - underground water - podzemní voda - Grundwasser - földalatti víz...

    Construction dictionary

  • - - industrial, agricultural, cultural, defense and municipal objects created in mining areas. rocks below the surface...

    Geological encyclopedia

  • - waters found in the upper part of the earth's crust in liquid, solid and gaseous states...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - Selection of architectural and planning solutions...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - specially equipped mine workings in the thickness of rocks, having various purposes: transport and hydraulic tunnels; metro; power plants; refrigerators...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

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5. Shallow urban underground structures erected using a closed method Introduction

Designs and technologies for the construction of shallow urban underground structures (multi-purpose complexes, underground garages and parking lots, communication tunnels, pedestrian crossings) must satisfy the following basic requirements:

Ensure the stability of the walls of the workings during the excavation and operation of the structure;

To withstand loads and impacts from rock pressure or the thickness of the overlying soil and ground transport;

Ensure waterproofness of linings or their waterproofing;

Ensure mechanized development of soil and construction of lining;

Ensure that disturbances to surface traffic and pedestrian conditions are minimized;

Eliminate, if possible, the use of water reduction, which can cause settlement of the soil surface, above-ground and underground objects;

Ensure the safety of the surrounding mountain range and nearby above-ground and underground objects;

Ensure high penetration rates, reduce material consumption, labor intensity and construction time;

Ensure compliance with environmental, sanitary and fire requirements.

The construction of shallow underground structures should be based on the use of industrial technologies using modern tunneling equipment, monolithic or prefabricated reinforced concrete lining structures, comprehensive mechanization of all main processes and specialization of certain types of work, and the introduction of new building materials into the production of work.

At the same time, the entire complex of underground structures must be built using unified design and technological solutions, mutually interconnected.

5.1. Mining methods of work

5.1.1. The mining method consists of developing the entire cross-section of an excavation at one time or in parts, replacing the removed rock with temporary support, followed by the construction of a permanent lining made of monolithic concrete or reinforced concrete elements. Close contact of the lining with the surrounding soil mass is ensured by injection of cement mortar behind the lining.

5.1.2. The existing main methods of carrying out work on the construction of excavations using the mining method can be divided into three groups:

The first group includes methods in which the excavation section is completely freed from rock, using options for a fully open section (flow and ring options), a continuous face, a stepped face, a central adit, an underwater section, lower and upper benches, and then in the excavation of a full section construct walls and vault lining;

The second group includes methods when the calotte is first opened and secured, in which a vault is erected, resting directly on the rock, using the options of double-deck, single-deck and with leading calotte);

In the third group of methods, lining walls are built in adits, after which a calotte is opened, in which a vault is erected, supported on the walls (supporting core method).

5.1.3. Methods of excavation and means of mechanization are determined depending on the purpose of the structure, the size and shape of the cross-section, engineering and geological conditions, etc., based on the results of a technical and economic comparison of options.

5.1.4. Before the start of the main work on the construction of workings, if necessary, it is necessary to excavate an advanced adit within the entire section to ensure drainage of the workings and drainage of groundwater by gravity, improve its ventilation, organize transport connections between portal sites and clarify engineering-geological conditions.

5.1.5. The continuous face method should be used for excavating workings up to 10 m high with a monolithic lining in rocky soils with a strength coefficient according to Protodyakonov of at least 4. In this case, temporary fastening of the workings when excavating in rocky (unweathered) soils with a strength coefficient of 12 and above is not required, and when excavating weathered rocky and highly cracked soils, the use of temporary support is mandatory.

5.1.6. The bench method should be used for excavation of workings with a height of more than 10 m, constructed in rocky soils with a strength coefficient of at least 4, and for excavation of workings with a height of less than 10 m in rocky soils with a strength coefficient of 2 to 4. The excavation of workings should be carried out mainly with a lower ledge.

5.1.7. The supported arch method can be used in the construction of excavations or their sections up to 300 m long in dispersed soils such as hard clays and loams, in cemented coarse-grained and other soils, as well as in rocky soils with a strength coefficient from 1 to 4, capable of withstanding pressure from the heels of the arch lining taking into account all loads acting on the vault. When constructing excavations in non-watered soils, the supported vault method should be used primarily in a single-shaft scheme. Excavations in water-saturated soils should be constructed using a two-shaft scheme.

The upper and lower adits must be connected to each other by ground passes (fournels), as well as inclined racks (bremsbergs).

When excavating tunnels using the supported vault method, the opening of the calottes should be carried out in separate sections (rings), the length of which is set depending on the engineering and geological conditions and should not exceed 6.5 m.

5.1.8. The support core method should be used when constructing excavations or their sections up to 300 m long in non-water-saturated clay soils that are not capable of absorbing pressure from the lining roof. In this case, the walls are erected in adits, after which the calotte is opened, in which a vault is erected, supported by the walls.

When constructing tunnels with a cross-section of more than 40 m2, preliminary excavation along the axis of the excavation of the lower transport adit is allowed.

Side adits for the construction of walls during excavation should, if possible, be developed along the entire length of the excavation section being constructed.

5.1.9. The development of soil in the face, depending on engineering geological conditions, cross-sectional dimensions and the adopted excavation method, is carried out in the following ways:

When excavating in a continuous face - by drilling and blasting using drilling equipment and removing soil with rock-loading machines or excavators;

When excavating by bench method - the upper bench is drilled and blasted using self-propelled drilling rigs or mining machines, and the lower bench is drilled and blasted using self-propelled drilling rigs and soil removal with excavators or rock-loading machines;

When excavating a working in parts (using the supported arch and support core methods) - in the calotte and side strasses - with jackhammers and pneumatic shovels; in the core - with tunnel excavators or drilling and blasting with soil removal using small-sized rock-loading machines.

5.1.10. Recently, work on developing soil in the working face and transporting it to the surface of the earth has been carried out using modern automated and mechanized means.

Roadheaders with mechanized installation of temporary and permanent supports are widely used.

5.1.11. Currently, new, more effective methods of soil development are being created and implemented: hydraulic, pneumatic, electrophysical, chemical, etc.

These methods can be used alone or in combination with mechanical methods.

5.1.12. The choice of mechanization means should be made based on the conditions for ensuring the flow process at the lowest cost and construction time.

5.1.13. Soil excavations against the design cross-section of the excavation in rocky soils in cases of excavation development by drilling and blasting without using the contour blasting method should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in Table. 5.1 .

In dispersed soils, the removal of soil against the design section when developing excavations by mechanical means should not exceed 50 mm. At the bottom of an excavation without an inverted arch and when developing a tray for an inverted arch in dispersed soils, digging through the soil is not allowed.

Table 5.1

The method of filling voids formed by digging soil against the design section must be established by the work plan.

5.1.14. Temporary fastening of excavations when excavating with a continuous face or bench method in fractured, strong and medium-strength rocky soils should be carried out using anchor or shot-concrete supports or combinations thereof.

The use of arched support as temporary fastening is permitted during a feasibility study. In these cases, arched and anchor-arched support can be used in fractured rocky soils with a strength coefficient of up to 8, as well as in areas with tectonic disturbances.

5.1.15. Sprayed concrete should be used as temporary support when excavating in rocky, fractured soils that do not exhibit rock pressure. When excavating excavations in rocky, fractured and weathered soils that exhibit rock pressure, sprayed concrete reinforced with metal mesh in combination with anchorage should be used.

The number of layers of sprayed concrete is established depending on the engineering-geological conditions and the thickness of the sprayed concrete adopted by the project.

5.1.16. Anchor support should be used for temporary fastening of excavations for the period of work until the construction of a permanent lining in rocky, fractured soils with a strength coefficient of 4 and above. In this case, reinforced concrete, polymer concrete or metal anchors are used. The use of anchor support in weaker soils should be justified by field studies.

When installing anchor support in frozen soils using reinforced concrete anchors, solutions must be used that contain additives that accelerate setting, or electrical heating must be performed to ensure hardening of the solutions.

5.1.17. The design of the anchors, their number and length are determined by the project depending on the strength and condition of the soil.

A passport must be drawn up for the anchor support, taking into account the engineering and geological features of each section along the length of the excavation.

5.1.18. Permissible deviations of the actual position of the anchor support from the design one should not exceed the following values: distance between anchors - ±10%; hole size - 5 mm; The hole inclination angle is 10°.

5.1.19. Mining methods of work have been improved in different countries.

1) In Japan, tunneling in hard rock is carried out by drilling a system of cracks in the face. To do this, unloading slots are arranged along the contour of the tunnel opening or directly on the surface of the face face, which weaken the mass and facilitate its development by explosive means.

This technology is advisable to use in hard rocks that maintain the stability of leading cracks for the period of the main mining operations included in the technological cycle.

2) In China, the central adit method is used in rock formations. With this method, mining work is carried out with preliminary excavation of a central pilot adit, from which fan-shaped holes are drilled. To increase the degree of stability of the face and avoid clogging the pilot adit with blasted rock, it is necessary to create an advance of the lower part of the face, i.e. to arrange a kind of upper ledge, which is achieved by a certain sequence of blasting the upper holes. This drilling and blasting technology has the following advantages:

Possibility of detailed study of geological conditions of work;

Acceleration of drilling and blasting operations by conducting them on a wide front of the pilot adit;

Possibility of selective soil consolidation.

This technology, along with accelerating the pace of excavation, allows for the evacuation of rock with a reduction in the cost of mining operations.

3) In foreign practice, many underground structures have been built using the mining method (underground garages and parking lots, underground shelters, storage facilities, etc.).

A typical example is a tunnel-type underground garage built using mining methods for 1,500 cars in Salzburg (Austria).

Two tunnels, each 136 m long, are located parallel in the rocks and connected to each other by joints (Fig. 5.1 ). Each vaulted tunnel with a span of 16 m and a height of 15 m is designed for 4-tier storage of cars. On each tier with a height of 2.2 m, a two-sided rectangular arrangement of cars is adopted perpendicular to the axis of the passage; The dimensions of the parking space are 5´2.3 m, the passage width is 6 m. Spiral ramps with a diameter of 18 m are installed at the ends of the tunnels for the passage of cars from tier to tier.

Tunneling was carried out mainly by drilling and blasting, and partly by a tunnel boring machine with a selective action working body of the AM-50 type with a productivity of 40 m 3 /h. The lining of the tunnels was constructed from shot concrete.

5.1.20. The most progressive method for the construction of underground structures using the mining method is the New Austrian tunneling method (NATM).

The NATM technology for supporting the excavation consists in creating a special shotcrete support held by a rod anchor system, constructed with maximum involvement of the enclosing soil mass into the work (Fig. 5.2 ).

Using this method, a two-layer lining of a closed outline is erected. The primary lining is made of shot concrete 10 - 20 cm thick and reinforced with steel arches or anchors, and the secondary lining is made of monolithic concrete or shot concrete 25 - 35 cm thick.

When constructing tunnels using NATM, ribbed shotcrete linings reinforced with lattice arches are effective. In this case, instead of expensive rolled, profile steel, reinforcing elements from welded reinforcement frames of various cross sections are used.

Using NATM allows you to:

To increase the range of application of the mining method of work in difficult engineering and geological conditions, including in soft soils, in which it is difficult to use the traditional mining method of work;

Increase the load-bearing capacity of the support without thickening it by installing reinforcing elements (arches, anchors);

Construct underground structures of almost any shape and cross-sectional size;

To develop rocks both by drilling and blasting and by mechanized methods using excavators and various tunnel boring machines;

Combine excavation with special methods of soil hardening by drainage, consolidation by injection methods, freezing, etc.;

Provide a reduction in construction costs of up to 10% compared to other methods.

Fig.5.1. Scheme of an underground garage in Salzburg (Austria)

1 - parking tunnel; 2 - entrance ramp; 3 - exit ramp; 4 - parking spaces; 5 - passages; 6 - auxiliary workings; dimensions in meters

Rice. 5.2. Comparison of lining designs made using mining and neo-Austrian methods

a) mountain method: 1 - wooden puff; 2 - steel arch; 3 - rospans; (1, 2, 3 - constitute temporary support located outside the permanent lining); 4 - concrete or reinforced concrete permanent lining; 5 - reverse arch

b) New Austrian method: 6 - load-bearing rock-anchor vault; 7 - anchors; 8 - outer layer of sprayed concrete lining 5 - 15 cm thick (together with anchors serves as temporary support); 9 - internal layer of permanent lining made of sprayed concrete or concrete 15 - 35 cm thick

5.1.21. The main requirement for the construction of underground structures using the NATM method is to monitor the behavior of the soil mass, both in the ongoing mining operation and on the earth's surface. Collection, evaluation, optical and written indication of observational data are carried out using computer technology and using high-precision mathematical apparatus. The main condition for monitoring is the immediate submission of measurement results to the construction management and technical supervision authorities in order to take urgent measures.

5.1.22. The NATM method, due to its technical and economic advantages, has become standard in the field of underground construction over the past 10 - 15 years.

In many countries of Western Europe, Asia and America, NATM is enriched with various modifications and is used in almost any engineering geological conditions and at any depth. Special measures for consolidating soils make it possible to use this method in weak, water-saturated soils.

When using NATM, they began to use roadheaders, for example, "Paurat E 242" and pliable tubing support with rock compression elements of the "Meiso" type.

5.1.23. Below are examples of the use of NATM in world practice.

1) In Vienna and Copenhagen, NATM built shallow subways to prevent settlement in densely populated areas by injecting strengthening solutions into the host rocks and reducing water to 10 m.

Selective harvesters from Noel and Alpinist Westfalia make it possible to pass through tunnels with a height of up to 6.5 m and a width of up to 7.8 m using the New Austrian method.

2) In the USA, in recent years, NATM technology has been significantly modified, maintaining the basic principles, but adapting it to the conditions of underground construction in North America.

The modified “North American technology” is characterized by a more intensive use for the development of a breed of tunnel boring machines with a boom working body, which have a fairly high productivity and do not require manual labor. In addition, in the USA, additional drainage and injection consolidation of weakly stable soils are often arranged.

3) A slightly modified NATM technology is used in Norway. In fractured rocks it is used in combination with drilling and blasting operations, and in soft rocks - with mechanized development. The main feature of the “Norwegian method” is the fastening of the excavation with dispersedly reinforced shotcrete, applied in a “wet” manner, and anchors.

4) One example of the successful implementation of NATM technology for the construction of underground structures is the construction of a three-tier underground parking lot for 345 cars in Landesberg (Germany). Due to the fact that the parking lot is surrounded by architectural monuments and the creation of ground-based objects is practically impossible, a closed method of work was adopted.

According to engineering-geological surveys, a 17-meter layer of dense gravel and conglomerate lies on the surface, underlain by a layer of water-resistant clay 3-34 m thick. The groundwater level is located at a depth of 1 m from the surface of the earth.

The parking lot is made in the form of an underground excavation with a length of 180 m, a span of 18.9 m and a height of 16.4 m (Fig. 5.3 ). The construction of the parking lot was carried out in 6 stages with the development of the rock with a backhoe excavator and the fastening of each excavation element (cross-sectional area 20 - 40 m2) with a layer of shot concrete and lattice arches with a step of 0.8 - 1 m. The shot concrete was applied in "dry" technology. The walls of the main excavation were secured with 2 layers of shot concrete 20 cm thick with two steel meshes. In addition to the main excavation, a 60-meter passage tunnel, 3 elevator shafts with a depth of 30 m and an emergency ventilation shaft with a depth of 37 m were built. The construction of the parking lot was accompanied by measurements of deformations of the ground surface, buildings, structures, as well as passable underground workings.

Rice. 5.3. Longitudinal section (a) and cross section (b) of an underground parking lot in Landesberg (Germany)

1 - parking spaces; 2 - lining; 3 - travel; 4 - entry-exit; 5 - emergency exit; (distance in meters)

5) The largest underground sports complex in Norway was built using the mining method in the Holmlia area, occupying an area of ​​6800 m 2. The main workings of a vaulted cross-section, with spans of 15 - 25 m and a height of 8.5 - 13.2 m, were laid at depths of 16 - 18 m from the ground surface.

6) An underground complex for a sewage and storm water pumping station was built in Chicago. The vaulted underground workings with a span of 19.2 m, a height of 29.3 m and a length of 83.7 m were constructed using the drill and blast method.

For information

Underground structures are usually called such structures, the main parts of which, for operational reasons, are located underground.

According to their purpose, underground structures are divided into:

  • transport (pedestrian, road and railway tunnels, subways, parking lots, etc.);
  • industrial (primary ore crushing buildings, skip pits of blast furnace shops, underground parts of bunker trestles, slag granulation plants, continuous steel casting, etc.);
  • energy (underground complexes of hydroelectric power stations, pumped storage power plants and nuclear power plants, bus and cable tunnels and mines, energy water pipelines, downstream basins of pumped storage power plants, etc.);
  • storage facilities (oil, gas, hazardous and radioactive waste, refrigerators);
  • public (public service, trade and public catering enterprises, warehouses, sports and entertainment facilities, etc.);
  • engineering (tunnels and collectors of heat, gas, electricity and water supply networks, gasoline pipelines between gas stations, treatment, pumping and water intake structures, etc.);
  • special and scientific purposes (charged particle accelerators, tunnels for aerodynamic tests, underground factories, defense facilities, civil defense structures, etc.).

Separate premises of ground-based structures can be underground: airports, train stations, garages, shopping centers, high-rise residential and administrative buildings. In addition to their purpose and functional characteristics, underground structures differ in shape and cross-sectional dimensions, planning scheme, location in the city, depth, construction method, environmental friendliness, design features and types of materials used, ventilation and lighting conditions, etc.

In accordance with the planning scheme, a distinction is made between extended underground structures - tunnels - horizontal or inclined underground workings, the length of which is many times greater than the cross-sectional dimensions, and underground structures of limited length - chambers - mine workings, which are large in all three directions. Vertical mining openings are called shafts or shafts. An adit is a horizontal or slightly inclined mine opening designed to serve underground work (soil removal, rock exploration, ventilation, drainage, etc.).

According to their location, urban underground structures can be either under built-up or undeveloped areas. Underground facilities located under a built-up area can be:

  • isolated from buildings and structures;
  • built-in - underground structures combined with the basement floors of the building;
  • attached - underground structures located next to buildings and connected to them by underground passages and passages;
  • built-in - attached.

Underground structures located in areas of the city territory free from development are placed under main roads and main city streets, railways, squares, parks, water barriers, and various natural and artificial obstacles.

Depending on the depth of installation, underground structures are divided into:

  • shallow, located at depth H< (2 + 3)5;
  • deep, H > (2 + 3)5, (where 5 is the largest size, span or height of the cross-section of the excavation).

Methods for excavating underground structures are determined by their depth, design features, topographical, urban planning and engineering-geological conditions of the construction area. The construction of underground structures can be carried out in the following ways: open, lowering, mountain, panel, mechanized and pushing method. In difficult engineering-geological conditions (weak soils, quicksand, etc.), special methods of soil consolidation can be used during excavation: artificial freezing, cementation, chemical consolidation, etc.

Based on the interaction of an underground object with the external environment (in terms of environmental friendliness), underground structures can be classified as follows:

  • structures, the need for construction of which is determined by directive, without taking into account their possible interaction with the external environment (special purpose objects, civil defense, some transport tunnels, first subway lines, etc.);
  • structures in the design and construction of which environmental factors are taken into account in an implicit form (most transport tunnels and subways, underground hydroelectric power stations and pumped storage power plants, various storage facilities, etc.);
  • structures in the design and construction of which the interaction of the underground facility and the natural environment is taken into account as much as possible (Manezhnaya Square, modern metro lines);
  • facilities built to minimize the impact of harmful factors on the environment (underground nuclear power plants, storage facilities for aggressive and harmful substances, radioactive waste, modern road transport tunnels);
  • environmental facilities (alternative heat and power supply systems using solar energy, etc.).

Created 03 Sep 2013