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» Runic formulas and staves are proven and the most powerful for all occasions. A ritual to call a loved one to you Runes to a call from a man

Runic formulas and staves are proven and the most powerful for all occasions. A ritual to call a loved one to you Runes to a call from a man

Quite often it happens that you need to contact or see a person, but he does not answer or does not get in touch. Runes can help with this, they will let you know what happened and help you call the right person.

These techniques can also be used in emergency situations, when someone is missing and there are real reasons for concern.

In this case, the Runes will tell you what could have happened to the person and help you find him or give him the opportunity to contact you in any way.

This could be a personal call or meeting, a dream that will show what is happening, or signs pointing to a specific person.

Runes that will help call a person to contact.

Mannaz is the main Rune that characterizes the person himself and humanity as a whole.

Gebo – partnership, partnership or friendship.

Ansuz – knowledge, conversation, communication.

Soulu – solar energy and recharge of runic formulas. Inflames a person’s desire to communicate.

Uruz is the driving force.

Runic formulas that help to call a person.

Two basic simple formulas, but quite strong.

Soulu + Mannaz + Ansuz

Solulu weaves energy from one person to another, making it clear that the person being sought is needed.

Mannaz in conjunction with Ansuz - the desire of the necessary person to get in touch.

Ansuz + Gebo

Calling a person to communicate and contact.

Calling a person for verbal contact.

Soulu and Uruz call for action.

Kano + Gebo – a person’s desire to communicate, the desire can be both spiritual and physical (sexual).

Thurisaz - clears any obstacles, sets the direction and enhances the effect of all Runes of the formula.

Calling an object.

Raido + Kenaz + Gebo

Raido are the paths along which a person must come to communication or contact.

Kenaz and Gebo – a person’s desire to make contact.

Raido + Nautiz + Turisaz + Vunyo + Mannaz

Raido, Nautiz - the need for communication and the road to communication. Here you can enter the full name of the call object before the formula, and after Raido Nautiz you can enter your full name.

Turisaz – destruction of barriers.

Vunyo – joy and light.

Mannaz is the one who calls. Under this Rune you can write your full name and date of birth.

Forced calling of a person for communication.

Soulu + Nautiz + Ansuz + Evaz + Nautiz + Soulu

Nautiz - overwhelms with the need (need) to communicate.

Ansuz is the embodiment of communication.

Evaz is a sign of friendly and partnership relations.

Soulu – nourishes and strengthens the formula.

Calling an object to a contact.

Nautiz + Evaz + Turisaz + Kano + Gebo + Nautiz

Nautiz - the need for a meeting.

Evaz - movement of an object towards the caller.

Turisaz – clearing paths and overcoming obstacles.

Kano – passion and desire for communication, as well as physical contact.

Gebo is the desire to communicate, the desire to see a person.

This formula requires patience and persistence. The result will be, but not instantaneous.

Calling a person or coming to him in a dream.

Mannaz + Perth + Gebo + Laguz

Mannaz is directly a person, an object that needs to be dreamed of.

Perth – impact on the object, that is, on a subconscious level.

Gebo - the human subconscious perceives this dream friendly and does not resist thoughts about the caller.

Laguz is in this case a symbol of sleep.

If a person is needed.

Uruz + Raido + Nautiz + Teyvaz

Second plan: Kano + Vunyo

Uruz - gives birth to a thought about a person, makes you move towards the caller.

Raido is the road along which the object of the call must come to the caller.

Nautiz - overcoming any obstacles, the need for communication.

Teyvaz – strengthening the desire to communicate, this is the direction of the path (Raido).

Kano and Vunyo - desire and joy from what is happening.

If it is necessary for a person to come or get in touch within a certain period of time, then the formula should be used:

Raido + Dagaz + Raido

Raido – road and path.

Dagaz is a time period.

Calling a person for contact, improving relationships. (can be used after a quarrel).

Nautiz + Gebo + Kenaz + Soulu + Teyvaz + Eyvaz

Nautiz – the need to communicate.

Gebo – partnership and friendship, taking relationships to a new level.

Kenaz – kindling a fire and opening a person.

Soulu - solar energy, recharge and help from Kenaz.

Teyvaz - sets a win-win direction.

Eyvaz - magical intervention.

Calling the target for contact and subsequent meeting.

This runic formula can only be used in the love sphere, if there is sympathy on both sides.

Ansuz + Laguz + Vunyo + Mannaz + Raido + Nautiz + Dagaz + Ansuz + Gebo

Mannaz is defiant, a center of attraction.

Ansuz, Laguz and Vunyo - the object of the call, begins to experience pleasant thoughts about the caller, he begins to have thoughts about communication.

Raido and Nautiz - need to meet in person.

Dagaz and Ansuz - thoughts about the caller.

Gebo – relationships, reaching a new level.

The return of the one who wants to escape.

Raido + Evaz + Nautiz + Kano + Gebo + Vunyo

Raido – different paths to the caller.

Evaz is the driving force behind the formula.

Nautiz - the need to return.

Kano - the desire to return.

Gebo - relationships.

Vunyo - joy from the ongoing process, helps to remove forced attraction, a person thinks that he himself is returning of his own free will.

Call a person, having his data.

Raido + Gebo + Evaz + Nautiz – Mannaz + Gebo – Nautiz + Evaz + Gebo + Raido

Center - Mannaz + Gebo - the basis of the runic formula, this is the caller.

Mannaz is an object that needs to be called.

Gebo – relationship with the caller.

Nautiz – compulsion to communicate.

Raido – variants of the object’s arrival path.

Evaz is a direct road to the caller.

Writing rule: in the first part, the Runes up to Mannaz + Gebo are written and indicate the person who needs to be called; under the Runes, the full surname, first name and patronymic of the person, gift of birth and place of residence are written. In the second part, after the combination Maknnaz + Gebo, Runes are prescribed, and under them the caller’s data.

This runic formula is applied to the photo of the object of the call, in red. When activated, you can confirm the formula by dropping a drop of blood on your full name and date of birth. Blood can be replaced with saliva, the result will not change.

Urgent call of a person.

Raido + Gebo + Dagaz + Vunyo

The first three Runes speed up the process of meeting and getting in touch.

Vunyo lights the road and gives joy from communication itself.

Second version of the formula:

Raido + Gebo + Dagaz + Laguz + Raido + Kenaz + Laguz + Gebo + Raido + Vunyo

Raido, Dagaz, Gebo - activate directed movement from the object.

Raido and Laguz - trigger the flow of positive emotions.

Kenaz + Laguz – attraction of a different nature.

Gebo + Raido – result, meeting and communication.

Vunyo – joy from the work done.

Searching and calling the right person, this formula can be used to find a soul mate with a caveat: the right person for you.

Otal + Gebo + Berkana + Raido + Perth + Algiz + Inguz

Otal – family values.

Gebo – for building from friendly to serious relationships.

Berkana – harmonization of relations.

Perth – transformation and reaching a new level.

Algiz – protection and help of the Higher powers.

Inguz – completion, fertility and achievement of what is desired, further development.

This runic formula merges the path and path of the caller with a suitable partner, making them one. Gives harmony and takes relationships to a new level, under the protection and protection of Higher powers.

A runescript bridge that helps you contact an object.

Ansuz + Naut + Hagl + Ansuz + Raido + Gebo + Thurisaz

Ansuz - thoughts.

Naut is the need for relationships.

Hagl – transformation of negative into positive.

Gebo – relationship, union.

Turisaz – clearing and giving speed to a person to get in touch.

If you add the Dzher Rune after Thurisaz, the runic formula will be nourished and provide cyclicality for dating and continuous communication.

Application and activation of runic formulas for communication with a person.

All runic formulas that relate to calling a person, no matter for what reason and in what area, are applied only in the photo, preferably in any shade of red. Application on a blank sheet of paper is possible if you have experience and good visualization.

Activation is carried out by reservation. Decontamination after finding a person, or after achieving the desired result. It is not recommended to constantly use one formula and replenish it. This can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, we made a formula, activated it, got the result, used it, deactivated it. While the stave is working and achieving results, it is best to try to improve relationships or take them to a new level, so that by the end of the stave the relationship reaches a stable level.

There is probably no person who would not dream of having a magic wand that fulfills all wishes. However, then he realized that magic exists only in fairy tales, and another dream found its place in the category of empty illusions.

But I'm willing to bet. Runic magic is quite capable of becoming a personal “magic wand” for all occasions, which can radically change your life and make it work in your favor. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time to study all the nuances of rune magic, but believe me, the result is worth it! By correctly composing runic formulas and staves, you can achieve what you could only dream of before.

In this material I want to talk about proven and strong ones, repeatedly tested in practice by many people (including me). The information will be useful to beginners who have just begun to learn the basics of magic.

The runes from which the stave is composed:

  • - symbolizes the wallet and its contents;
  • - a symbol of money, prosperity, abundance, wealth;
  • — sets the direction for the project, concentrates all efforts on attracting finance;
  • - guarantees the receipt of money;
  • 2 - provide new opportunities for financial receipts
  • — ensures the integrity of money, protects against wasteful spending;
  • - a symbol of a rich harvest.

Do not forget to specify the meaning of each of the symbols used (or compose a poem). In order for it to start working, it needs to be applied to a small piece of paper, activated in any convenient way and placed in your wallet between two large denomination banknotes to give it the opportunity to feel the monetary energy. If you do everything correctly, the first results should appear the very next day.

Becoming the “Golden Dragon”

Runes used and their effects:

  • — opens the way to finances, removes all obstacles;
  • — provides safety and protection;
  • — directs the performer to money;
  • - transforms the performer’s life, makes it rich, helps to generate new income;
  • - symbolizes the performer;
  • , 4 times - a symbol of increasing wealth;
  • , 2 times - enhances cash flow, gives it consistency.

Draw a picture on a piece of paper and activate it (speech, breathing, saliva). In your reservation, be sure to promise that you will burn the piece of paper with gratitude as soon as you get what you want. Incorporate visualization into your work: imagine how your body turns into a living dragon and soars up. When you achieve your goal, fulfill your promise - burn the piece of paper, thanking it.

The first results may already appear within 2 days - 2 weeks.

Standing up to protect yourself and your home

Sample text of the visa:

I protect myself and my house from harm,

You can't break your enemies' defense against daring!

I only allow happiness and goodness here,

I call on the gods to protect!

Betting on happiness

The purpose of this runogram is to remove all negativity from the performer’s life and fill it with happiness, joy and prosperity. Becoming attracts good luck, gives an energy boost and creates a field for gifts of fate.

Runes used:

  • , 3 times - attracts good luck associated with partnerships and relationships with other people. Provides new useful contacts, promotes positive communication;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of vital energy and strength, insight;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of joy and positive emotions.
  • , 2 times - a symbol of luck. Fulfills wishes, promotes receiving gifts of fate;
  • - symbolizes the person himself and his independence, acts as a magnet;
  • — eliminates internal resistance, prepares for change;
  • — protects itself by becoming, ensures the correct operation of the runes.

In the clause you can describe the action of each of the runes. Recommended for use as an amulet.

Runogram for good luck in business

The goal is to bring good luck into the performer’s life.

The runic formula is made up of 3 runes: — —

Runes, ancient signs of power, allow you to do many things necessary for life and solve problems in a magical way. To those who know how to handle them, they can give wealth, love, recognition, success, help develop magical abilities and protect from evil. Since ancient times, Scandinavian runes have been used in love magic to attract a man or woman. Runic spells, or galdr, are spoken aloud; formulas or galdrasts are usually inscribed on an amulet or other medium.

Calling a person with runes - what is it?

Challenge is a term from the field of love magic used by European and Slavic peoples. It is a spell, by reading which you can force the object of desire to come to you. In Old Slavonic magic there is an analogue of a challenge - “inducing melancholy” to make a person think about himself and get bored. Now, with the development of technology, the challenge operates much more widely: a person may not come in person, but get in touch, for example, by phone or the Internet.

How to use formulas correctly

The runic challenge is a formula (galdrastav), which is specified in a special way and applied to a photo of the object of passion or any other medium with his name, for example, a sheet of paper. When making a slander, the purpose of the stave must be stated: so that the one on whom the challenge is made comes to the practitioner. Then each rune is discussed separately. The runes are then activated in the usual way.

Popular formulas

  • Soulu - Mannaz - Ansuz (this formula is quite strong and does not have any special name). The first rune, Soulu, transfers power from one person to another. The two remaining runes, Mannaz and Ansuz, make a person want to communicate (since Ansuz is the rune of speech).
  • Ansuz - Gebo: an even simpler call for a person to communicate.
  • Raido - Dagaz - Raido: this formula is used if you need to set a certain time period in which the object should arrive. Two Raidos at the edges are the path, and Dagaz in the middle is time.

What to do if the challenge formula didn’t work

As a rule, the formula does not work if a person has a negative magical effect, or there was a strong quarrel with subsequent rejection. In this case, it is recommended to do a cleaning: it will remove both other people’s work and negative emotions. If the attitude towards the caller is not the best, it is advisable to harmonize or accompany the call with a trick that will deceive the feelings. The runic challenge itself can only work after preliminary rituals.

Love spell using runes

A love spell is performed using the same scheme and technology as a runic call. A runic formula aimed at calling a person will work more powerfully if you specifically address one of the gods. To evoke tender feelings, you can turn to Freya, for sexual desire, attachment - to Frey, for marriage, childbirth and the return of your husband to the family - to Frigg.

A photograph of an object is its image, a print that includes the magic of similarity: what is done to the image of the object will happen to it itself. A photo works almost the same way as a biomaterial - it carries the energy of the object. It is good to apply a knitted rune in the photo - Freya's Seal. It consists of two runes: Inguz and Berkana.

  • Inguz - rune of male power, sexual desire;
  • Berkana is the rune of female beauty, conception, childbirth.

Tied together, these runes give a strong love spell, which can subsequently lead to marriage. It is not recommended to do it if the attitude towards the object is not serious.

Strong spell to call

This stanza is drawn for the guy to call, on his photo or on a medium with his name written on it. Author - lov_ushka.

  • Two Nautiz are forced to come;
  • Evaz (in the center) calls the object from any point, wherever he is;
  • Turisaz - overcoming all obstacles on the way;
  • Kennaz - passion, desire to see each other;
  • Gebo - the desire to be together, to be close.

  • Nautiz is the central rune, causing an urgent need in a person;
  • Ansuz - thoughts about him, the desire to communicate, talk;
  • Vunyo mirror - actually melancholy, sadness, sadness far from the object;
  • Laguz - dreams, premonitions and unconscious aspirations;
  • Nautiz and Teyvaz are an incentive to take real action in order to see each other.

How runic bets work on a man’s love

Usually, stakes act quickly and encourage the object to take specific actions, give impetus, and even relationships begin on their own. After a call, the object may suddenly appear and offer something, for example, calling for a meeting. After being challenged by romantic feelings, he begins to court, strive for communication, and some formulas provoke specifically sex.

Simple formulas for a man's love

Love spell of Tursov

The very first known bet on love was described in the Elder Edda. “The runes I cut, Thurs and three more: lust, madness and restlessness,” the text reads. Accordingly, this is a formula of four Thurisaz. Traditionally, it was applied to the palm before greeting. It is worth remembering that this formula has a harsh effect on the psyche and is unsafe.

Betting on reconciliation with your loved one

The formula is applied immediately after a quarrel or breakup. The central rune is Gebo, partnership and mutual understanding. Two inverted Ansuz help to forget grievances. Vunyo’s steam room evokes the joy of meeting, and Soulu makes passion flare up with renewed vigor.

Powerful Challenge to the Wind

The central rune is Ansuz, this is the power of words spoken into the wind, and the thoughts of the object about the caller. Gebo - meeting of lovers. Raido is in this case the rune of the wind, which brings a challenge to the object. Vunyo - joyful thoughts when meeting. Posted by Insolate.

A slander (spell) is cast into the wind. You can compose it yourself. For the ritual you will also need a drop of your favorite perfume, a little rosemary, verbena, clover or other love spell herb. The ritual is suitable for those who get along with the element of air. The stav is drawn on paper and then burned. Herbs and ashes are blown from the palm into the wind, while you need to think about the object of the call.

Important Information - Moral Issues

Runic formulas can actually arouse a person’s love and bring him to the practitioner. But is this good? Isn't the use of such formulas violence against the individual? In the Christian tradition - yes, like magic, which is considered a sin. In the northern tradition, morality is different. If a magician is able to evoke love for himself with his magical power, then he definitely deserves it. The gods patronize the brave and daring, not the modest and fearful. Therefore, there are no restrictions on any magical effects: everything that a magician can do is possible.

Someone else's soul is in the dark, and sometimes we cannot guess how a person will behave in a given situation, although sometimes we really want him to obey our wishes! There is nothing impossible in the magic of runes, and a good example of this is a runic spell to subjugate a person. Is it ethical to cause confusion, to break someone else's will, to inspire thoughts - this is a purely individual question, because circumstances are different, and such positions are not always used for selfish or destructive purposes.

How do rune staves work to subjugate a person?

The principle of operation of such ligatures can be explained with a simple example. Probably, in the life of each of you, at least once there was a situation when you did something, and then you couldn’t understand at all why and why you did it. You get the feeling that at that moment you were being moved by someone other than yourself. Submission bets act in a similar way: a person, instead of his own thoughts and desires, begins to feel what you inspired in him, and as a result, behaves accordingly.

Is it safe to inspire thoughts in a person with runes?

Within reasonable limits - yes. If we just want to inspire sympathy, trust, or force the person of interest to go somewhere or, conversely, not to go, nothing bad will happen. This is the so-called light confusion. But if we force a person to destroy his marriage, to hate someone, or, God forbid, to commit a crime, this is already an action aimed at changing fate, for which, naturally, the hour of reckoning will come, and retribution can be very cruel. Therefore, using runic staves to inspire thoughts is entirely at your own peril and risk. Always remember the possible consequences!

Proven rune staves for indoctrination and submission

We have collected for you five proven and powerful runic bets for instilling thoughts, however, we tried to avoid the overly aggressive, cursed ones, which can cause irreparable harm to a person.

"Think as I command" by Adeliniel

This position allows you to introduce a certain thought into the consciousness and subconscious of the object of influence - and do it in such a way that the latter will perceive it as his own. We put a person on the photo.

Working runes:

  • - a person to whom we inspire a thought
  • The copula - - symbolizes his consciousness and subconsciousness, respectively
  • - penetrates the consciousness and subconscious of the object with a certain thought (when specifying a rune, we must indicate which one)
  • The combination – – – forms a new mental flow (we describe in detail the “new” thoughts of a person)
  • - responsible for the complete acceptance of suggested thoughts
  • - hides the fact of “foolishness”, thanks to which a person considers imposed thoughts to be his own
  • - energetically energizes becoming
  • - loops its action, makes it permanent

Gentle suggestion of thoughts from Banshi

This simple runic approach to instilling thoughts will be useful if you want to instill trust and sympathy in a person. It can be used on an object of sympathy, clients, colleagues, superiors - in a word, in any cases when you feel that a person does not trust you, but his trust is vital to you. Traditionally, we draw runes on a photograph of an object.

Elm includes two ligaments:

  • – – - give spiritual comfort to a person when communicating with the operator, calm him down
  • – – mirror - they cut off the object’s desire to find out the true reasons for his changed attitude towards the operator

Becoming “Emperor” from the runologist Linguist

This formula can be manipulated by a person, forcing him to perform certain actions. However, the author himself claims that becoming is used not only for manipulation, but also to give courage and determination to oneself (with appropriate reservation). They are applied to a photo of the object, and described in writing.

Working runes:

  • - destroys all obstacles and blocks that prevent a person from deciding on the action we need
  • - force him to think, act, live in a certain way (specify specifically)
  • - concentrates him on the goal, sweeps away all obstacles on the way, temporarily cuts off all other desires, except for those given by the stav
  • - we stipulate the suggestion of specific thoughts
  • Connection – - gives the object the willpower to accomplish what is planned
  • - transforms desires and thoughts into the will of a person, into his intention to “go and do”
  • - allows the target to take control of the situation
  • - helps you go all the way to your goal
  • Pair - - makes a given direction of will pleasant for a person

Formula “I'm right” from Variyamo

This simple rune to inspire thoughts will help you convince a person that you are right. It is very useful in many life situations, especially when we need to convince a loved one, spouse, relative, friend, work colleague, or boss of something. It is better to use it once, apply directly to your hand immediately before talking with the person you are interested in.

  • – – - direct the flow of information you are trying to convey directly into the listener’s brain

How much easier it would be to live if the people around us were sensitive to our requests and did what we want, right? But, alas, as they say, you can’t get into someone else’s head. However, some kind of magic still exists, and real magic can be called, for example, a runic spell to subjugate a person. Let's figure out what it is, how it works and whether it is safe to use such formulas in everyday life.

How do runic staves work to subjugate a person?

Many people think that runic bets on instilling thoughts are the same as a love spell. Actually this is not true. A love spell is aimed primarily at instilling in a person feelings of love, affection, and sexual attraction. Submission formulas work a little differently: with their help, certain thoughts are instilled in the object that are beneficial for the operator. Thoughts can concern any area of ​​life. So, for example, you can convince your boss that you work well and deserve a bonus, push the person to a decision that is beneficial for you, remove hostility and arouse sympathy if the object is biased towards you for some reason, force someone to repay a debt, etc. .d.

All such bets are divided into two categories: light and strong. Light ones include those that do not act for long and do not break a person’s will, but simply guide him and push him to certain actions. Strong ones can be compared to zombies, when the object completely falls under the control of the operator.

Is it safe to inspire thoughts in a person using runes?

Many people ask the question: does the rune “Inspire thoughts” and similar formulas pose any danger to the operator and the object? In fact, this is purely a matter of ethics and personal preference. Some runologists prefer to use only staves that do not affect the will of people, while others do not see anything wrong with strong formulas that change the views and behavior of others. In general, runes work quite softly, and their effect can be stopped at any time by destroying the triggered stave. Therefore, they are, of course, less dangerous than, for example, the same love spells on blood performed using black magic rituals.

Another question is how the suggestion of thoughts affects the person we are subjugating. Much here depends on natural willpower. So, for example, people who have a strong will from birth, under the influence of such rules, cannot always behave adequately, and those who in life are followers and are guided by other people’s opinions, in most cases, will not even feel that they have been “subordinated.” In any case, after activating the formula, the object must be monitored in order to stop the influence of the runes in time if something goes wrong.

Proven and strong runic bets on instilling thoughts and subjugating a person

We have put together a good collection for you, which includes proven and powerful runic staves and formulas for inspiring thoughts. Before using any of them, carefully read its description to understand exactly how the runes will act as part of the formula.

Becoming “Hard Submission”

This formula contains only three runes, but they have a very powerful effect. The object of the action of the stave actually becomes a “thing” in the hands of the operator.

  • blocks any resistance from the one we want to subjugate
  • Nautiz creates coercion, forces a person to obey your will
  • Fehu symbolizes “a thing in the hands of the owner.”

During a slander, it is important to name the person and say that Fehu will turn him into a “thing” in your hands. Activation takes place in any way convenient for you.

Formula "Rod of Compulsion"

This runic stave “Inspire Thoughts” works very powerfully. It shouldn't be used just for fun. It is ideal only for really important situations, when, for example, it is vital for you that a person leaves his family, goes to the hospital (if he does not want to be treated, and the illness is serious), or pays you a large debt. Those. it should not just be a personal whim, but an action that will significantly affect your life. You must clearly know why and what you are forcing the object to do.

Despite the fact that at first glance we do not see the usual runes in the formula, the “rod” contains nine Nautiz and three Thurisaz runes in encrypted form. This glyph represents an ancient spell that must be read out loud - it is a slander. It sounds like this:

“S’urs sauriz’u, s’ursa droukhtin! Flew s’u well! Fundin ertu. Hav s'yer s'ryar s'raur, Ulvur! Hav s'yer niu noiz'ir, Ulvur! Ikir s’ik ikir oik ik unir, Ulvur.”

We put the formula on a piece of paper, at the top of which we indicate the name of the person we are subordinating, or on his photograph. While pronouncing magic words, we think about what exactly we are forcing this person to do. Activation can be anything.

Runic becoming “Forcer”

This runic becoming, in order to subjugate a person, belongs to the author with the nickname Bagirka. It contains the signs of the Elder Futhark, Icelandic runes, European glyphs and the non-alphabetic symbol Sol.

  • The dot in the center indicates the object of coercion
  • Runes Sol enhance the work of the formula
  • Reversed weakens a person's will
  • Nautiz and Icelandic Naud force him to obey the operator
  • The sign of the Icelandic series Stangin Iss forces a person to live in captivity of illusions and not notice the magical influence
  • The European glyph "Will over man" effectively turns the subject into your slave

Also in the ligature there are hidden runes that are used for love spells. But in this case they are not specified, since we will work with the staff solely for coercion. We stipulate it entirely, by the power of the elements.

Elven becoming "Key"

This formula, despite its strong effect, cannot cause any harm to a person. The runes in it seem to “press” on certain points of the object’s subconscious, forcing it to act in the way we need. It turns out that on a subconscious level he receives a certain program, according to which he begins to act. We stipulate in full, pronouncing clearly and understandably the very “scheme” that should be “imprinted” in the head of the object of coercion.

Remember that by using runic staves to subjugate a person, you actually become his “master”, so do not forget to destroy the used formula after you achieve your goal.