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» Do-it-yourself runic wax candles with herbs. Magic rune candles DIY magic candles made of honeycomb and wax with herbs

Do-it-yourself runic wax candles with herbs. Magic rune candles DIY magic candles made of honeycomb and wax with herbs


In general, candles are one of the most commonly used items in magic - salamander magic, fire magic helps to properly concentrate and direct energy to the object, gives the magical message additional energy and strength, and acts as quickly as possible. In my practice, I prefer to combine the possibilities of runic magic and fire magic - these are the areas that not only do not contradict each other, but also perfectly complement aspects of each side in the work.

Each runic candle contains the corresponding energy-information flow of the corresponding rune or runic formula. By activating the candle by lighting it, an algorithm is laid for the desired changes in the situation. With such candles you can directly influence the existing situation, you can charge any magical talismans. If the situation so requires, then you can use not one, but several runic candles at the same time, which will increase the impact on the existing problem.

Below I give some simple ways to use candles in runic magic.

I do not use church candles in my practice and strongly recommend abandoning the popular belief that church candles can be used anywhere and everywhere - they say, there are no ordinary candles, then take church candles. The runes and egregor of the Northern tradition belong to polytheistic religions, this is a pagan egregor and its worldview is completely contrary to the dogmas of Christianity. Using church candles in your non-church practices, you a) give away part of the energy of HE b) weaken, if not nullify, the effect of the runes. The easiest way out if you do not know how to make candles yourself is ordinary paraffin candles, which can be bought at almost any store.

Method 1.
Runic formula drink.
A candle of the appropriate color and size for the ritual is selected, placed over the carrier of the formula, and a reading is made that this candle provides a drink of such and such a runic formula. The color of the candle is quite important when performing a magical action. Each color emits certain vibrations and attracts corresponding actions. If you find it difficult to choose the color of the candle for your ritual - use white candles.

Method 2.
Runic candles.
You carve the corresponding runes or runic formulas on the candle. For various rituals, you can use a whole range of runic formulas, but I do not advise beginners to compose runic formulas on their own. The easiest option is one candle with a rune or a runic formula, which is placed in front of the photo / object. The runic symbols on the candle should be facing you.

Lighting a candle, fire activates the runic formula, giving it an additional initial effect. In order to exclude any ambiguous interpretation of the runes, you make a reading on the candle corresponding to the ritual. Candles can be additionally strengthened with various powders and oils, herbs.

The candle is active directly during burning. It is not recommended to watch movies or listen to music during the ritual in the room so that additional programs are not mixed into your practice. Also, I do not recommend eating and drinking in the room where the ritual is located. The remains of wax from a burned-out candle have no value; they are disposed of in the usual way. Do not forget to close the channel with gratitude for the work done.

Such runic candle programs can be created for almost any magical practice: cleaning, attracting money, love, a new job, and much more.

From the very beginning it is worth understanding that the candle, whatever it may be, is only part of the process. To get the desired result, it is important to be clear about the goal you want to achieve.

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with a few simple but very effective runic formulas on which you could try this practice.

Nautiz-Soul-Nautiz - runic cleansing of negativity.

Uruz-Nautiz-Berkano is a formula for the restoration of energy channels and the harmonization of human energies. Good to use after cleaning.

Soul-Dagaz-Vunyo is a successful way out of this situation.

Teyvaz-Uruz-Gebo - ensures victory and achievement of the desired goal on the love front.

Kveort will ensure the successful cleaning of the premises.

I also advise you not to forget about paying for your work. Using the runes of the elder futhark, you turn to the Northern egregor, even if you do not make special appeals to the hypostases of the gods. When you get the desired result, do not forget to thank egregor for helping you. Dark beer and bread / honey will be an excellent offering to egregor.

As mentioned above, the runic ritual is always the same, but its composition is different. To carry it out, you will need three runic candles (no more and no less) with the symbols that you have chosen to achieve your goal. In addition, a golden candle is always used, which is located strictly in the center of the ritual scheme.

Arrangement of candles in a runic ritual

In the figure you can see how the candles are arranged. Runic candles with their symbols are turned to you.

Light the candles and focus on the goal you want to achieve with your ritual.

Then, mentally pumping your energy, increase the flow of energy that rises above the golden candle.

"Highlight" the first runic symbol by imagining its outline above the candle on which it is applied. As soon as it becomes clear and stable, transfer it to the channel of the golden candle and “release”, allowing it to dissolve. Do this with the second and third runes, transferring the symbols to the channel.

Wait for the rune candles to burn down to where the rune symbol begins. After that, blow out all the candles with your breath, at a time. If this succeeded, you did everything right and get the desired result.

Put the rune candles together, wrapping them in a rag. They should be kept until you get what you want. Then they can be disposed of - just burn to the end.

Looking at Fire is the most ancient practice of consciousness. One of the types of this looking is the Candle.

Looking at the burning Fire, at least at a small Candle, the Fire God Svarozhich is almost in it and ask him to burn everything bad in you.

Light is a form of transmission of information to a person by the Higher Forces. Man can convey this information to man only through words. Look into both eyes and do not forget that you have a "third eye" and a "sixth sense".

Look at the burning Candle with an absent-minded gaze at the point of divergence of infrared and ultraviolet tones. This is the fastest transmission of information from man to the Gods. Release your thoughts and wishes to the Higher layers of the Information field of the Universe.

They look at the flame of the Candle - without blinking, having abandoned all vain everyday thoughts, as if "forgetting" for a while about everything around.One must “forget” one's human ego so that only Fire remains!

Turn to the Fire God Svarozhich in your Heart, so we reunite our inner Fire (the Fire of Life burning in the Heart) with the outer Fire in front of our eyes.

Fire is the power of Overcoming within us. The fire outside will help us feel the Fire within us, which will burn us - in the words of the ancient conspiracy on Fire: "All our sorrows and illnesses, all fears and commotions, patterns and tributaries - only upward pure Agni thought."

A candle that has the outlines of a Rune on it is like a sword in the hands of an experienced Warrior. Runa knows what she is doing and where she is hitting. Runes are an ancient symbol (Patterns) for arranging the various energies of the Universe, which are needed at this moment for our purposes. First, gather your thoughts and "forgetting" about everything, understand yourself and each of the Runes.

Create a firm unshakable Thought or Desire and take a Rune or several at once as an assistant. And then light the Candle and look, look carefully how together the Fire and the Rune will pick up your Thought and will perform your Deeds, and only Righteous Deeds, and do not think about the bad.

We offer you an individual selection of rune candles with a wide spectrum of action. Some of the rune combinations that complement and reinforce each other's actions are presented below in the text.

All candles are made of wax natural beeswax, handmade, with natural cotton threads.

With the help of candles, it is possible to purify the consciousness and subtle-field systems from various external influences of the negative plan, to be filled with positive states, to harmonize one's state and energy, and also to attract prosperity, luck and love.

For questions about the individual order of rune candles, please contact the site administrators.

Runic candles are not canonical fire magic candles. But on the other hand, magic and the canons are not always compatible, since in magic the elements of creativity and creative experiment are no less necessary than strict adherence to the rules. There is only one ritual using runic candles, but there are many variants, or varieties of it.

Preparation of candles
In order to be able to use candles in a runic ritual, they must be made in a special way. In fact, these are all the same candles on which the rune symbol is applied in accordance with its meaning and influence. You can see the meanings and influences of runic symbols in the table.

The first thing you need to understand and consider when choosing a rune for your action is its multifaceted influence. You will receive it in full, and if for some reason the influence on one of the plans does not suit you, do not choose this rune, use another one. The second thing to talk about before introducing you to the runic ritual of Candle Magic itself is the method of applying the rune. To do this, you will need two candles of red and gold colors, consecrated and not containing any symbols or drawings.
In addition, you will need a tube 2-3 mm thick with which you will cut out the symbols, and a small knife that will only be used in candle magic. Take a candle of the color that best matches the symbol of the chosen rune. Having glowed your stylus - a tube on a golden-colored candle, put the rune symbol on the candle. The symbol should be as large and clear as possible and located approximately in the middle of the candle. Then, after the symbol is burned out, it must be filled with drops of wax from a white candle. Let the wax harden a little, and then, using a knife, remove the excess from the candle, leaving only the symbol. Consecrate the candle using the standard rite of consecration. Now your rune candle is ready to go.

Runic ritual
As mentioned above, the runic ritual is always the same, but its composition is different. To carry it out, you will need three runic candles (no more and no less) with the symbols that you have chosen to achieve your goal. In addition, a golden candle is always used, which is located strictly in the center of the ritual scheme.

Rice. Arrangement of candles in a runic ritual
In the figure you can see how the candles are arranged. Runic candles with their symbols are turned to you. Light the candles and focus on the goal you want to achieve with your ritual. Then, mentally pumping your energy, increase the flow of energy that rises above the golden candle. "Highlight" the first runic symbol by imagining its outline above the candle on which it is applied. As soon as it becomes clear and stable, transfer it to the channel of the golden candle and “release”, allowing it to dissolve. Do this with the second and third runes, transferring the symbols to the channel. Wait for the rune candles to burn down to where the rune symbol begins. After that, blow out all the candles with your breath, at a time. If this succeeded, you did everything right and get the desired result. Put the rune candles together, wrapping them in a rag. They should be kept until you get what you want. Then they can be disposed of - just burn to the end.

As an example, we give a table of protective runic symbols that can be used both for the general protection of a person and for the protection of a certain chakra zone, and in fact - the processes and events taking place in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bhuman interests.

Of course, this is not a complete story about how to use the Rune in candle magic. But this is quite enough to get started and start getting real results from your magical actions.