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» Garden labyrinths. Green labyrinth - a classic of gardening art Do-it-yourself children's labyrinth at the dacha

Garden labyrinths. Green labyrinth - a classic of gardening art Do-it-yourself children's labyrinth at the dacha

When you create your own cozy corner on the site, you have an irresistible desire to make it not only attractive, but also extraordinary. You can satisfy this desire with the help of such an idea as the design of a labyrinth.

It should be noted that this task is far from possible for everyone, because it is not simple, but very exciting. With the right approach and thoughtful preliminary design, building a labyrinth will not take much of your time.

How to create a decorative labyrinth?

In order for you to get a good result in the end, you need to follow the work in a certain strict order:



Garden labyrinth.

To make the right and correct decision, you need to familiarize yourself with each type of labyrinth and when choosing, pay attention to the following criteria:

Combination with other landscape forms already used in the local area;

Size of the site for the labyrinth;

Skills in performing planting and construction work.

Creating a labyrinth from stones and its advantages

This method of creating this type of labyrinth is quite simple and allows you to achieve the maximum level of originality when decorating it. This type of landscaping has many advantages over other options. For example, the most important of them:

1) high uniqueness and originality of each project; 2) quickly completing a larger volume of work; 3) the result will be noticeable immediately upon completion of the space; 4) low cost; 5) availability of building materials; 6) minimum time spent caring for the area with the labyrinth, inclusive, until you decide to try to change it; 7) the attractiveness and originality of the landscape will be ensured not only in the summer, but even in the winter; 8) variety of species, both artificial and natural.

As for which stones you should give preference to, you don’t need any special recommendations; it all depends on your artistic taste and financial capabilities. Almost all types and types of stones with different natures of their origin can be suitable for building a stone labyrinth: crushed stone, gravel, boulders, pebbles, boulders, cobblestones.

The main requirement is the correct relationship between all dimensions of the area and the parameters of the material. For example, large boulders on a small local area would not be appropriate. But smaller options in this case will be preferable.

How to create a labyrinth-flowerbed

This option is also not particularly complicated, but at the same time it can provide richness, brightness and spectacularity to the site in the period from spring to autumn. A very important point is the selection of a pattern for planting flowers and combining them in height and color.

It should be noted that the undeniable advantage of such a solution is:

Possibility of creating a labyrinth even in a small area;

Quick manifestation of the results of the work done;

Little time spent on supervision and care.

What flowers should be used to form this labyrinth? The answer is quite simple. When choosing a flower variety, please note that you should not use those species that can actively spread to areas adjacent to this planting site. If this happens, then you will not be able to achieve a clear and defined demarcation of the territory. In this case, the lines of the selected pattern may certainly be disrupted.

It is necessary to give preference to these types of flowers:

1) Border rose.

2) Dwarf snapdragon.

4) Coleus.

5) Hazel grouse.

6) Narcissist.

7) Tulip.

8) Salvia sparkling.

The variety of shades of these rocks is very wide and therefore it will not be a problem for you to come up with a more interesting solution for creating contrast in the adjacent figures of the pattern of this labyrinth.

The main distinctive features of the labyrinth garden

To arrange such a landscape form, it is necessary to zoning the personal plot, based on the selected pattern using. For this purpose, different types of shrubs are most often used, which can be easily trimmed.

If you decide to give preference to a labyrinth of plants, then you should take into account that the plants will require thorough care for them, as well as regular shaping. Because otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired result, and all vegetation will turn into a shapeless mass.

The choice of plants depends solely on your imagination, but still there are the most acceptable options, thanks to which you can create a beautiful hedge, but with minimal expenditure of your precious time:

1) White derain;

2) Common privet.

3) Evergreen boxwood.

4) Derain is blood red.

5) Small-leaved elm.

6) Common laurel.

7) Cotoneaster brilliant.

If you want to plant annual plants, then turn your attention to a plant such as Kochia broom. This shrub can grow up to one meter in height and produces abundant, dense greenery.

Creating Attractive Paths and Labyrinth Design Features

When creating attractive paths, there are a few specific rules that need to be followed at the design stage:

1) You may prefer more winding shapes when designing a labyrinth.

2) If you still give preference to the classics and clearly verified geometry of all figures, then make the paths rectilinear with the same width along the entire length of this labyrinth.

3) When choosing a material, consider the following nuances:

They will look interesting if they are made from wooden cuts. They will emphasize the beauty and originality of the entire incredible landscape;

Paths strewn with gravel or small pebbles will look more natural;

Excellent options for creating a pedestrian area of ​​considerable width are artificial materials (clinker brick or concrete), as well as large natural slabs.

When designing a labyrinth, the amount of work will be different and depends on the scale of the territory for the labyrinth and the specific type already chosen, but still the sequence of stages of this work will remain unchanged:

1) First of all, separate the area to create the labyrinth.

2) Delimit a certain area for the labyrinth using pegs and rope, based on the lines of the selected pattern.

3) Gently and carefully remove the turf from the entire area.

4) Dig up the entire area.

5) Use a rake to level the ground.

6) Beautifully decorate the walking area using selected materials.

7) Following the project with precision, plant plants and lay out stones.

8) The removed parts of the turf can be laid on free areas.

9) Lightly compact it to ensure the integrity of the soil cover.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that even despite the difficulties in creating a labyrinth, its attractiveness and originality, if properly designed, will constantly delight your eyes and your guests. If you nevertheless make the decision to arrange your own plot in this way, perform all the required work very carefully and accurately, so as not to be disappointed with the result obtained upon completion of the project. Start with the simplest forms, without trying to immediately complete some complex task, and in the future you will successfully expand your own space.

Developing a fantasy maze with your own hands (Video)

This solution is acceptable if you have a large local area and you like to do most of the planting and construction work yourself. In other words. A fantasy labyrinth is a unique combination of all the previously mentioned types of this landscape form on a purely individual basis.

These types of projects are very complex in their design. It should be noted that often contrasting and smooth transitions from one figure to another can cover absolutely the entire area.

You must understand that it is difficult to create such a labyrinth on your own, and this requires excellent artistic taste in order to correctly distribute a wide variety of stones and plants. It will also require constant and complex care for the plants so that they remain in the same attractive shape.

You can see more about the labyrinth garden in our video

Stone labyrinths lead to eternity

Mysterious labyrinths... Scientists are still at a loss as to what kind of people created them - similar structures are known in Scandinavia, the British Isles, Brittany and further south.

The most ancient labyrinths are associated with the mysterious Minoan civilization, which flourished on the island of Crete in the 2nd millennium BC. e. The historian Herodotus described a huge Egyptian labyrinth near Lake Birket Ka-Run, serving the pharaohs and priests for sacred purposes (its area was - it’s even scary to imagine! - more than 70 thousand square meters).

Today, tourists from all over the world admire the labyrinth of Villa Pisani in Italy, one of the most bizarre in the world, and the Hampton Court Labyrinth in England.

In addition, the image of the labyrinth is applied to clothing and interior items, providing magical protection for oneself and loved ones. This is an ancient tradition - even the floor of the Reims Cathedral is decorated with such images.

Classic “stone labyrinth” on Oleniy Island, White Sea
Gateway to another world
The history of the creation of labyrinths goes back to ancient times, when people were dominated not by logical, but by imaginative thinking. Therefore, it is not so easy for modern scientists to understand why, spending enormous efforts, our ancestors laid out stone circles and spirals. There is a version that the labyrinths are models of ancient fish traps. It is also believed that labyrinths represent a diagram of the Sun and planets. Or perhaps the twists of the labyrinth repeat the figures of an ancient magical dance...

The version that many modern researchers adhere to is that the labyrinths were conceived as a kind of laboratory for improving the spirit, and special mystical rituals were performed inside. It is no coincidence that the structure of the labyrinth resembles the structure of the brain! A person, passing the labyrinth to the end, overcame his deepest fears and became one of those initiated into the secrets of this and that world. Moreover, he gained new strength, vigor and was resurrected in soul and body. The labyrinth was seen as a path to the kingdom of the dead and a way to gain magical power. There is an assumption that a person walking through the labyrinth symbolized the Sun, dying and rising, and, therefore, joined the ancient natural rhythms.

The magic of labyrinths

However, for a modern reader who wants to improve his health and touch the supernatural, it is not so easy to find a real ancient labyrinth - and walking through them is often prohibited, since they are unique monuments of a vanished culture. In addition, the labyrinth, like any magical phenomenon, should be approached with caution, and you should know the optimal time and rules for its passage.

An echo of a long tradition are the landscape labyrinths created in the 16th-19th centuries. in the palace parks. By that time, magical knowledge was almost lost and labyrinths were perceived by most as simple fun. But there is reason to think that such labyrinths also had magical powers - this is evidenced, for example, by the story of the meeting in the Louvre labyrinth of Prince Henry and Marguerite Valois with the ghost of Jeanne d'Albret (see the novel “The Young Years of King Henry IV” by G. Mann ). There is reason to believe that the unique Water Labyrinth in Gatchina, associated with the name of the most mystical Russian Emperor Paul I, has properties similar to the Louvre labyrinth.

On the territory of Russia there are labyrinths that have their origins in much more ancient eras. The famous Arkaim has become a real Mecca for spiritual seekers. Many people go there specifically to walk through the “labyrinth of desires” laid out by enthusiasts in our time. The labyrinth is quite large, and when you finally reach the center, you should stand in it and make a wish. Eyewitnesses claim that many of their wishes were fulfilled (perhaps all of them are fulfilled - just not right away). The magical atmosphere is facilitated by a tectonic fault passing through the steppe and stunningly beautiful nature. Moreover, Arkaim itself is built in circles and resembles a walnut on top, also being a kind of labyrinth. Just choose your wishes more carefully - according to legend, in exchange for a wish fulfilled, the labyrinth takes away seven years of life. Women expecting a child should also not go into the intricacies of the paths, otherwise difficulties may arise during childbirth.

Ancient labyrinths in our country are also located in Dagestan, on the Karelian Isthmus. Most of them are found on the Kola Peninsula.

The strange story of my traveling companion

Everyone knows such a beautiful and mysterious place as the Solovetsky Islands, which has long been considered a sacred land for peoples and tribes living along the shores of the White Sea. Long before the monks who founded the Solovetsky Monastery came here, the islands were the site of pagan rituals. The amazing stone labyrinths that have survived to this day conceal the memory of these rituals.

The creators of labyrinths left our world long ago, but the sanctuaries live their own magical life. I happened to remember this when visiting Solovki in July of this year. The trip program included exploring the labyrinths on Bolshoi Zayatsky Island. Taking advantage of the guide's absence, I walked through the entire ancient labyrinth, from beginning to end - but nothing supernatural happened to me...

On the boat ride back, I chatted cheerfully with friends, discussing my fruitless visit to the labyrinth. I added mockingly:

It turns out that the ancient beliefs are wrong! If sacred forces were present in this labyrinth, they left it long ago.

A random fellow traveler, a thin, tall man of about fifty, looked at me strangely and said:

You're laughing in vain. The labyrinth does not reveal its secrets to everyone.

And to whom does he reveal his secrets? - I asked.

Don't know. But here’s what happened... - here he hesitated, and then said quickly: - With one of my good friends. He was the son of a member of an archaeological expedition that explored the settlements of ancient people on the Solovetsky Islands. In the summer, during the holidays, he and his brother were sent to their father...

I pricked up my ears, and the man continued the story:

And so, on June 21, the day of the summer solstice, he and his brother played on the shore of Bolshoi Zayatsky Island (excavations were underway nearby). My friend remembered this quarrel with his brother forever. The children did not share the strange shell found on the shore - and the younger brother rushed away with one desire: to run away somewhere away from the offender.

On his way there was a large labyrinth made of stones covered with moss. The boy did not immediately realize that he was no longer running away from the offender, but was moving in a spiral, following the circles of the labyrinth. Suddenly he realized that he was unable to stop or turn - his legs carried him on their own. The world outside the sanctuary began to transform strangely, blurring and changing shape. Gray shadows glided around, with each circle they became denser and clearer. With growing horror, the boy saw people in animal skins with masks on their faces that depicted either demons or animals (or maybe they weren’t masks at all?). People were performing some kind of ancient war dance, spinning and dancing, echoing the rhythm with hoarse voices.

Suddenly, a gaping passage opened in the center of the sanctuary, in which a huge figure of a monstrous creature loomed... The boy rushed to the side and lost consciousness. The father who found him decided that his son had suffered from sunstroke...

After a pause, my fellow traveler said: “Later, I read a lot about why labyrinths were built in ancient times, and I figured out a lot. Now I look at those events differently. You know, someday I’ll still pluck up the courage and go through this labyrinth to the end.”

My shocked friends attacked him with questions, but the rest of the trip the man was silent, as if regretting that he had started talking in front of strangers... And I remembered this story for a long time.

When planning the arrangement of a free area around a private house, everyone tries to make it not only as cozy and comfortable as possible for relaxation, but also attractive to the eye. In this case, such an original element of landscape design as a stone labyrinth would be an excellent option.

In addition, in addition to its aesthetic function, it will also visually increase the space of a small courtyard and become an excellent place for children's fun. In addition, the arrangement of such a structure made of stones is simple and will not take much time.

The first labyrinths appeared in those immemorial times, about which we have more guesses and assumptions than reliably established facts. Why people built such objects is still unknown. Although there are many different theories and assumptions on this matter - from ancient calendars to mystical places of connection with the other world.

Stone labyrinths, of which more than half a thousand have already been discovered, are concentrated mainly in the northern part of the European continent. They are mainly located in the coastal areas of Sweden and Finland, where 440 such objects were found. There are several dozen in Russia, Norway and Estonia. There are even individual specimens in the British Isles.

On the Baltic Sea coast, the oldest buildings are dated by scientists to the 13th century, but most of them here, as well as on the Kola Peninsula, the coast and islands of the White Sea, and on Novaya Zemlya were built in the 16th-17th centuries. Due to a number of historical factors, the labyrinths of boulders on the Solovetsky Islands are most famous in the post-Soviet space. Among the hypotheses of their purpose is a path for spirits to another world or a model for the construction of fishing traps, since they are adjacent to the sea.

A stone labyrinth in landscape design can also be perceived as protecting the house from evil spirits that should get lost in a series of its bends. And for fans of Feng Shui, he will become a guide.

In addition, by walking along its paths, concentrating on a specific problem and giving free rein to the subconscious, it is quite possible to obtain a result leading to a solution (that is, a way out).

The labyrinth became a popular element of landscape design in the 18th century. in Western Europe, when intricate passages surrounded by “walls” of tall and densely planted vegetation were everywhere on the territory of estates. Then a similar fashion spread across America and came to the Russian Empire.

Today, in parks, squares and suburban areas, labyrinths of different heights are built, using both a wide variety of vegetation (trees, shrubs, flowers) and building materials (stone, brick, elements made of concrete or wood, etc.).

Among all the options, stone structures stand out for their simplicity of arrangement and aesthetic appeal. Whether small, playing the role of a purely visual element of landscape design, or large in size, intended for walking, such a labyrinth will look great both from ground level and from above.

Its advantages also include its unpretentiousness - after completion of the work it practically does not require maintenance. Making such an object with your own hands near your home will not be difficult. This does not require any special skills. You will only need to work with a shovel and spend time selecting stones.

The plan of the structure should first be drawn on paper and the dimensions should be estimated taking into account the thickness of the lines of the stones. Then, using a rope and pegs, mark the contours of the bends in the selected location and dig trenches for laying stone walls.

It is better to select stones of a similar color, elongated shape and with a flat top similar in size. In this case, after filling the trenches, they will be securely fixed like teeth in the jaw and even children will not be able to move them during active games.

The material for filling the space between the stones depends on the surrounding landscape, of which the labyrinth should become a harmonious element. This could be sand, marble chips, etc. To make the structure look natural, even pine needles are acceptable as decoration if several pines grow nearby.

Moreover, such a labyrinth of stones will decorate the surrounding area not only in the warm season. Even in winter, its outlines crushed by snow look quite impressive.

March 2, 2015

“Don't go there! Don't trample the beds! Why did you climb into the flowerbed?!” Often children outside the city have even more restrictions than at home. Going to a country house or countryside becomes a real stress, because the young creature is torn out of its usual environment. It’s too spacious here, there’s too much oxygen, and it’s completely unclear what to do here. Sometimes they are forced to do unusual work, sometimes they are left to their own devices and the children do not know what to do with themselves...

It's fun at the dacha! This attitude will allow the little person to fall in love with life outside the city. What does your country estate have that you can’t find at home? Fascinating and entertaining, making you move and breathe deeply in the fresh country air... The most popular and simplest options are a slide, a sandbox, a swimming pool, a trampoline and a swing. What if you make a rope maze or a climbing wall? We offer you several ideas that can be implemented on the site and that your child will definitely like.

Landscape design for children

Select a small corner for your child at the dacha and build a real village with him there with houses, paths and toy inhabitants (their role can be played by dolls or Lego men).

Your child can plant flowers and herbs in the gardens of his village, just choose the safest ones. Do not under any circumstances decorate your tiny village with lilies of the valley, do not plant irises nearby (their roots are considered poisonous), there is no place for delphinium, foxgloves and buttercups. Working with your child in his personal dacha corner, talk about plants, their benefits and possible harm.

When you choose a place for a children's corner in the country, make sure that there are no evil nettles or prickly rose hips growing nearby, and that the fence boards are polished and will not give the child a splinter. Make sure that during sunny hours the mini-village is in the shade, since a child who is playing too much may refuse to leave his property.

House for children in the country

There are many ready-made proposals and a lot of descriptions on how to make a house for children with your own hands. Tree houses are popular abroad. And we invite you to grow a playhouse for your child! Of course, this will take much more time, but you can plant the seeds and choose plants together with your baby.

A green shelter for young summer residents can be grown from sunflowers. Draw a circle, clear its contours of grass and plant sunflower seeds close to each other.

Once the sunflowers have grown (they should be about five feet tall), tie the flower heads together. The result is a hut-house in which you can hide from your parents.

A similar hut can be made from legumes. Such tepee-teepees are sometimes made only for decoration, but your child can be given one such playhouse.

At the beginning of the summer season, install the base sticks, securely fastening them at the top. Plant the plants and adjust the direction as they grow; they should tend upward and entwine the base. A hut in the country can be planted from beans, but it is better if it is tall sweet peas. When the pods are ripe, children will play and enjoy the fresh peas. In addition, this plant improves the soil, enriching it with nitrogen.

School board at the dacha

Children love to draw on walls and fences. This natural desire has long been described by psychologists - children perceive the world in life-size, so they even prefer to draw a simple person the size of themselves. So let them draw what they want on the big board. It can be chalk or marker, it depends on your preferences. Teenagers will also be happy to draw, since they associate the board with school, where free artists are not given free rein. Do you remember your wonderful school years?

Auto track for children in the fresh air

This track will look great on the lawn. If there is none, then an uncultivated corner of the garden overgrown with soft grass will do. To make a racing track you will need sand and cement, a motorcycle or bicycle tire, flags, paint and two hollow tubes that will simulate barriers that cars can crash into.

Draw a track and cut the turf (the depth will be approximately 5-10 cm), install the tire in the planned place so that it sticks out from under the ground in a semicircle - it will imitate a tunnel. If you install the tire slightly diagonally, it can become a “dead loop” for desperate racers.

Fill the finished trench with a mixture of sand and cement, install the pipes and smooth the surface of the route with a trowel. When the track is dry, draw the markings, set the flags and invite your child to play.

Rope park at your own dacha

A few meters of simple clothesline will make your baby squeal with delight. Between the trees (there should be at least four of them), you need to pull the cord in a chaotic manner, and let the baby try to get through this web.

A dacha imitation rope park will bring joy to both children and adults. Try to overcome the obstacle course yourself - it’s not so easy and very funny. Try not to get confused and be sure to keep an eye on your child while he is having fun in the rope maze.

Do-it-yourself swing in the country: three budget options

A huge swing can be a good gift for the summer holidays, which the child will spend at the dacha. They can be made from a wooden pallet, tied with a rope to a strong branch of a large tree. The costs are minimal, and your baby and his friends will have plenty of delight!

Don’t forget to occasionally check whether the rope is frayed or whether the branch to which the wooden pallet is tied is cracking. Safety first.

Swing from an old chair

You can turn an old chair or an outdated wooden chair into a swing by hanging it on the branch of a tall and strong tree.

Find an unnecessary chair and remove the legs. Attach two boards under the bottom of the seat with screws, and tie a rope to these boards. To avoid damaging the tree, place a piece of thick leather or other material under the rope on the selected branch to protect the branch from abrasion.

Paint the swing in a bright color, then it will become a creative element of your garden design. And it will be much more interesting for children!

A rocking skate is perfect for active and active children, because it is more convenient to swing on it while standing rather than sitting. The author claims that it took him only 20 minutes to make this swing. The author of the rocking skate was helped by his sons. Fathers and sons team up for some fun!

What you will need: a skateboard (old or new), a strong rope, a pair of round sticks, a drill. You or your little helpers need to remove the wheels and drill holes in the board.

Thread the cord through the holes, securing the joints with knots.

You can make “handles” so that the child can hold on to future swings more confidently. To do this, drill two holes in the rounded sticks, thread the rope and again tie knots at the attachment points for security.

Do not tighten the knots too tightly; you may need to adjust the length of the cord so that the swing hangs evenly and the “handles” are positioned symmetrically. Tie the finished rocking chair to a tree branch, personally check the finished object for strength, and only after that allow the children to have fun.

DIY climbing wall

Young fidgets will be interested in conquering the rock climbing wall. It is not necessary to make it high and very large; low climbing walls are also quite difficult, but they are safer and do not require rope insurance.

An A-shaped wall would be a universal option, since on rainy days it can be moved under the roof and the fun can continue there. Try to make such a climbing wall with your children, and if they are capricious, saying that the wall is too small, give a compelling argument - climbing low (up to 4 meters) boulders and walls is called “bouldering” and is a full-fledged sport.

To make a climbing wall for children, prepare special grips (you can buy them in specialty stores or find them online), beams, two sheets of plywood and a carpet for them, galvanized bolts, washers and nuts.

Make two frames from the beams, connect their upper parts and secure with bolts. Cover the plywood with carpet and glue it to the base, then attach the grip blocks to the almost finished wall.

The homemade climbing wall is ready to be conquered! Just be sure to keep an eye on your children, especially if they are very young.

A huge water mattress will not replace a swimming pool, but it will also bring a lot of pleasant emotions to your kids. This bed is soft, a little cool and absolutely safe.

To make such a bed you will need thick film, tape, parchment, an iron and water for filling. No extra expenses will be required, although this thing looks expensive. Let us warn you right away that if you plan to keep a water-filled mattress outdoors for several days, it is better to lay it on a sandy area. A lawn is not suitable, as plants will not be able to breathe under the polyethylene and will die.

To tightly solder sheets of thick polyethylene, fold them together, place parchment paper on top and bottom and press with a hot iron.

Try not to touch the film not protected by parchment with the iron, otherwise an unexpected hole will appear in the mattress. Remove the paper from the melted edges only after it has cooled completely, otherwise you may create unnecessary holes again. Although we still need one small hole - we will insert a hose there to fill the bed with water. After filling, seal the area with tape so that the water can be easily drained.

Spray the cool waterbed with water and let the kids have fun!

This concludes the hit parade of budget entertainment for children. We hope that they turned out to be useful for you and that you will implement one or two of these ideas already this summer season. And when you do it, share it with the readers of Green Portal! We are waiting for letters and photos by email

Probably everyone remembers from childhood how the heroes of Jerome Klapka Jerome wandered through the green labyrinth of Hampton Court. Everyone also remembers the wonderful myth about the frightening Cretan labyrinth of the Minotaur and the saving thread of the lover Ariadne. For many centuries, people have built various labyrinths - first for sacred and then for artistic purposes.

Labyrinth - an area with specially intricate passages between cropped dense greenery (for example,%20 hornbeam, linden) inside the park. That's what the encyclopedia says. The Dictionary of Symbols states that the labyrinth is a metaphor for a person's journey from birth to death. From a technical point of view, a labyrinth is a complex system of paths and passages leading to a certain goal - the center of the labyrinth.

The earliest depictions of labyrinths have been discovered in rock art around the world. Our ancestors believed that in this way they could “confuse” evil spirits and protect their home. However, even today Feng Shui experts assure that a properly made labyrinth is capable of directing energy flows and performing the function of a kind of amulet. Moreover, it does not matter at all how large and intricate the labyrinth is and what materials it is made of - the only important thing is the correctly chosen pattern.

In European landscape art of the late Middle Ages, labyrinths made of hedges became a traditional element of palace gardens and park complexes; walks through such labyrinths were a favorite pastime of the aristocracy.

Today, labyrinths are still a widely used element of landscape design. At the same time, labyrinths can be large and small, simple and complex, made of a variety of materials - flowers, stone, paths, etc. The labyrinth is a real “magnet” for children - it’s so fun to play tag and hide in it! And adults like to leisurely stroll through the labyrinths, immersed in their thoughts.

As a simple temporary option, you can form a sheared labyrinth from annual plants - for example, Kochia broom (height up to 1 meter), which creates a thick green mass and lends itself perfectly to shaping and cutting.

A much simpler option that requires less space is a labyrinth of flowers. Flowers for a labyrinth-bed should be selected that are not spreading, compact, of a leveled shape - with erect stems or spherical bushes, not prone to self-seeding, so that the outlines of the labyrinth are not blurred and it does not turn into a simple blurry spot. For example, actively reseeding poppy and eschscholzia are absolutely not suitable for these purposes. But any annual or perennial border flowers are perfect - for example, dwarf snapdragon, sparkling salvia, coleus, border rose, etc.

The color scheme should be fairly uniform - otherwise the outlines will also be visually blurred. If your labyrinth consists, for example, of two interlocking spirals or several lines, you can make them contrast with each other.

A flower labyrinth can be a flowerbed (a compact version intended only for viewing) or a place for walking, where garden paths are laid between flower ribbons - in this case, the winding paths will also follow all the shapes of the labyrinth.

An interesting option is a “disappearing” labyrinth on the lawn, which appears only in the spring and is renewed annually. Such a labyrinth is made from bulbous flowers that do not require annual digging - daffodils, botanical tulips, hazel grouse.

In order to make such a labyrinth, we will need a sufficient number of flower bulbs, a long rope and, of course, several meters of lawn. The planting of a flower bed is carried out in early autumn. Using a rope, we lay out a pattern of the future labyrinth on the lawn. Along the contour, we cut and remove rectangular pieces of lawn turf so that a landing area is formed approximately two bulbs deep. The width of the flower ribbon is about half a meter (maybe less depending on the total area of ​​the labyrinth). Then we plant the bulbs (preferably quite tightly) and cover them again with the removed turf. Ready! You will see the outlines of the labyrinth in the spring, when the bulbous shoots appear. In the summer, the labyrinth will disappear from the lawn, but will remind itself again next spring.

Stone labyrinth

An interesting option for a landscape composition is a labyrinth made of stone. Like a flower labyrinth, it can be a small (for viewing) or large-scale (“walking”) composition.

It is advisable to select stones large enough, if possible more or less the same size, shape and color. You can simply lay the stones in a chain along the contour in one row or form a low masonry side. Such a composition, by the way, will serve as a decoration for the garden not only in spring and summer, but also in winter: the outlines of the labyrinth under the snow look extremely impressive.

And, of course, the huge advantage of a stone labyrinth over most other types is that after construction it will not require virtually any further maintenance from you.

You can enliven a stone labyrinth with the help of vegetation: place small alpine plants, young plants, etc. here and there. Stonework can even be turned into a “flowering wall” by planting plants with hanging stems between the stones.

Fantasy labyrinth

The most unpredictable of labyrinths is the fantasy labyrinth: there are no laws here, and the only limitation is the limits of your imagination! Unlike traditional labyrinths-amulets and labyrinths-symbols, such a labyrinth may not have any pre-planned pattern, clear outlines and a single goal - the center. The main thing here is the intricacy of the paths, unexpected turns and intersections, where you never know what awaits you around the corner. You can turn the entire garden into such a labyrinth, along with a playground, a recreation area and approaches to the house. The idea is that the transition paths should be small, with frequent turns and even “loops” - so that in each individual section you cannot see what is hidden a few meters away. This can be achieved through arches, pergolas, and tall plants along the paths. Hedges here are not trimmed, they are allowed to grow freely and hide everything that is further than a few steps away. Around every turn you can expect a small surprise: a bench for rest, a gazebo, an elegant sculpture, an original flowerbed, a new landscape composition.

A continuation of such a labyrinth can even become... a vegetable garden. Here, pergolas with climbing beans and decorative pumpkins and cabbage borders can line the paths. And vegetable beds can be made in the form of twisted spirals to emphasize that they belong to the labyrinth and this part of your domain.

Whichever labyrinth you choose, you are unlikely to ever regret your decision. A labyrinth is an element of landscape design that always attracts attention, looks impressive and can become a real pride of the owner of the site. And don’t let the complexity of the path to your dream scare you! There is always a way out of any labyrinth...