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» Garden house in half a brick. Features of brickwork in half a brick. What is this type of masonry

Garden house in half a brick. Features of brickwork in half a brick. What is this type of masonry

Brickwork in half a brick greatly simplifies the work, and also makes it possible to obtain a strong and reliable surface.

Half-brick masonry is usually used for wall cladding or building partitions.

The construction of brick buildings is one of the most quality options construction. To date, a similar technique is used to build objects that have completely different shapes and number of floors. At the same time, there are several options for mounting similar products used for the construction of certain objects.

The use of brickwork in half a brick and its advantages

Bricklaying is a versatile and responsible process that allows you to get an excellent durable and quality surface. There are several options for mounting such material. Each of them is able to give an excellent result and is used for the construction of certain types of buildings. best practice implementation of private construction is the use of half-brick masonry, since it is it that is a prime example of simplicity and efficiency.

Half-brick laying is the most commonly used variation in the installation of such material, since it appearance familiar to everyone. This construction method is designed for low-rise construction, which makes it popular for the construction of private houses. The characteristics of such a masonry are as follows:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • aesthetics;
  • profitability;
  • ease of installation.

All these qualities are inherent in the building, which was built using the half-brick technique. In terms of structure, this variation of masonry is the most economical and simple, which makes it possible to do it yourself and get a wonderful result.

The principle of constructing a plane and a list of tools

A half-brick wall is the easiest for construction work, and its appearance is good. The principle of constructing such a plane is to shift each subsequent row of bricks by half relative to the first. The length of a standard brick is 250 mm. Based on this, the upper unit of the product is laid with an offset of half, that is, by 120-125 mm. This method of laying makes it possible to create surfaces with increased strength and stability. In addition, their construction is a simple procedure.

Independent implementation of construction work is a responsible procedure, the quality of which will depend not only on the appearance of the building, but also on its strength.

For a brick building using the half-brick technique, you will need the following set of tools:

  • Master OK;
  • shovel;
  • solution container;
  • level;
  • square;
  • rope.

A separate moment should be considered the preparation of mortar for masonry. It consists of sand-cement mixture in a ratio of 1:3. It is diluted with water until a homogeneous mass with a thick consistency is obtained. Such indicators of the mixture are ideal.

Description of the construction process

The construction of any building begins with laying the foundationresponsible for its stability and strength. The process of pouring it has many subtleties, one of which is waterproofing. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to cover upper layer foundation insulating material, ensuring the preservation of the qualities of the base. Such products can be various materials, starting from special bituminous impregnations and ending with ordinary roofing material.


The construction of the wall according to the half-brick method begins with the erection of the end elements, which are the columns.

In the process of their installation, the main reference points of the building are created, on which a full-fledged roof can be laid. First on isolated foundation 2 corner bricks are laid.

In the future, it is from them that the wall will be formed. As a rule, its construction is carried out from left to right. To mount the first row, you must first tighten the thread to control the evenness of the plane. Each subsequent brick, starting from the corner, is planted on cement mortar and compacted well. This should be done carefully, as excessive pressure on the material can cause the plane to skew. The joints between two bricks are also filled with mortar.


The second row is also laid from the corner of the building in such a way that the joint between the bricks of the first layer is half blocked. Every few rows it is necessary to reinforce the brickwork, which consists in laying a metal mesh between the bricks. It is installed inside cement mortar, which is overlapped by the next row of material. This method of dressing will improve the load-bearing characteristics of the wall and give it a colorful appearance.

The easiest to perform is laying in half a brick. It is often used to create interior partitions from bricks, building cladding, construction of fences for garden beds, etc. The walls laid out in this way cannot be load-bearing structures, but they are strong enough to hang some decorative elements or furniture on them. Laying in half a brick will save resources in the construction of secondary partitions, while the consumption of bricks and mortar is reduced by at least 2 times. In addition, the operating time is also reduced, which saves not only materials, but also time and effort. How such brickwork is carried out, what is required for this and where it is beneficial to use it, will be described below.

Description, application

Often, when building simple structures that will not carry a serious mechanical load, people try to save money. Therefore, when construction work often used cheap Construction Materials(for example, drywall), which do not always have required characteristics. good decision for the construction of simple structures there will be construction brickwork in half a brick. At the same time, in the case of building indoor objects, the floor does not require reinforcement - its strength is often enough to withstand the mass that half-brick masonry has.

For the first time this type of masonry appeared around 7000 BC. Archaeologists have discovered objects that belong to the ancient Indian culture in India and Pakistan.

Over the past time, masonry technology has not changed much. It is carried out in such a way that visible part will consist only of the spoon parts of the brick. The principle of laying is quite simple - the brick is laid in one row on a layer of mortar. In this case, the laying is carried out in a checkerboard pattern so that the vertical seams between the rows of bricks do not form one line. Failure to comply with this rule leads to a deterioration in the strength of the structure. This masonry provides a wall thickness of 12 cm - the width of the brick (if there is no additional wall decoration). This thickness allows you to withstand the weight of hanging furniture, but will not be able to withstand the weight of the building structure. Therefore, such masonry cannot be carried out for the construction of load-bearing walls (after all, according to the SNiP and the Law on Construction, the thickness of the load-bearing walls should not be less than 38 cm).

It is possible to lean on such walls any structures (for example, rafters for a roof) only after an examination and a special permit (project) is issued from the controlling services. At the same time, the load on such a wall should be limited - it can withstand a mass of about 120-130 kg. Therefore, you need to hang furniture and equipment on it based on these figures (for example, hang a 150 liter electric water heater on such a wall is impossible). In the case of the construction of walls, one side of which is outside the building, additional strengthening (reinforcement) of the masonry structure is necessary. For this, reinforcement is laid so that it forms a transverse "lattice". The reinforcing grid is fastened by welding to the elements of the laying in adjacent walls. The lattice step is carried out with a thickness of 3-4 bricks (rows). The reinforcement can be supplemented with a metal mesh, which is placed in the seam.

You can build such walls for the following purposes:

  1. For garden fencing. Especially often this type of masonry is used for fencing flower beds on the street in front of the entrance to the yard. This will eliminate accidental or deliberate arrivals at the flower beds.
  2. For the construction of interior partitions. Such masonry will allow you to create a solid wall that will have good sound insulation, in addition, it will allow you to finish with any materials. In this case, it is important to take into account the mass of the finish (for example, the total weight of the plaster) and not overload the wall.
  3. Construction of ancillary buildings. For example, dog kennels, small sheds, coal bunkers, etc. During the construction of such facilities, it is strongly recommended to organize a foundation for laying (for more details, see the section " preparatory work»).
  4. Construction of various kinds of fences: to prevent soil from sliding (if the site is on a slope), to visually separate any objects, etc. At the same time, such masonry cannot be made during the construction of full-fledged fences, since the wind load at a wall 1.5 meters high and more than 2 meters long exceeds 350 kg.

About how to make a similar masonry for various needs and with various conditions, read below.

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Preparatory work

Before starting the construction of the wall, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work, which will differ significantly between laying the wall indoors and outdoors.

The first thing to do is draw up a diagram. The scheme is drawn up based on the actual dimensions of the wall. This is done to calculate the required amount of materials (brick + mortar). Having the exact dimensions of the wall (and knowing its thickness), calculate the amount of material. Yes, for 1 square meter 61 pieces of standard brick or 45 pieces of one and a half are required. In the scheme, they also try to draw brickwork.

Next, the construction site is cleared. If it is planned to build indoors, then the floor is carefully leveled, removing unnecessary areas or pouring cement cavities. Similar work is done with the ceiling - the surface must also be perfectly flat. If there are gaps, then they should be cleaned of debris and filled with cement or concrete mortar.

In the case of building a wall on the street, it is necessary to prepare a foundation for it, since it has a large mass. To do this, they dig a trench with a width of about 30-40 cm, a depth of 50-60 cm. After that, formwork is made from boards, metal sheets, slate and other improvised materials. A "pillow" is laid at the bottom of the trench. For this, an 8-10 cm layer of sand is poured, which is leveled and rammed, the same layer of gravel (or crushed stone), it is also equalized and rammed. After that, they proceed to pour the foundation with cement or concrete mortar. Then the foundation is given time to dry, and the formwork is removed. Laying on the foundation should be done so that the longitudinal axis of the wall coincides with the axis of the foundation (i.e., bricks are placed in the middle of the foundation, leaving the foundation protrusion on 2 sides). This completes the preparatory work.

In construction brick house or other object most commonly used brickwork in half a brick, which is suitable for construction internal partitions, but does not allow the construction of load-bearing walls with a thickness of ≤ 380 mm in accordance with the regulations of SNiP II-22-81. The document specifies that minimum thickness load-bearing walls for brickwork of group I is limited to a range of 4% -5% of the height of the house or floor. If the height of the house does not exceed 5 meters, then the carrier must be at least 250 mm thick, that is, one brick. The thickness of the masonry in half a brick is 120 mm, which is not enough to withstand the load of the weight of the house. Therefore, in order to save materials in regions with a warm climate, builders go for a trick: a half-brick load-bearing wall is laid out with perpendicular dressing, which, taking into account the thickness of the mortar layer of 8-10 mm, allows achieving thickness standards bearing wall in 250 mm.

Such a wall can easily withstand the weight of a low-rise building, and internal walls and partitions are raised with ordinary half-brick masonry with a wall thickness of 120 mm. Such a wall does not take the main loads, but easily withstands the weight of decor items, furniture and household appliances. In addition, bricklaying according to this scheme is much stronger than drywall or wooden partitions, and the use of only brick and mortar is saving family budget, since brick and mortar are consumed 2 times less than when laying in brick, one and a half or two bricks, and there is an undoubted saving in comparison with the consumption of materials for partitions from other building materials.

Construction and bandaging of walls in half a brick

The main advantage that bricklaying reveals is that there is no need to reinforce the base of the floor, even wooden. The masonry process itself is based on raising the walls in such a way that front side The walls consisted of spoon-faced bricks. The spoon is the long side of the brick, the poke is the short side, the bed is the wide upper and lower surface of the product.

Laying in half a brick is carried out in one row, in a checkerboard pattern, on a cement-sand mortar. Vertical mortar joints between bricks should not line up, so as not to reduce the strength of the masonry and wall. Without a plaster layer, the thickness of the wall will be 120 mm. Load bearing capacity such a wall is small, but if there is a need to use a half-brick wall as a carrier (for example, to support truss system or interfloor overlap), you need a preliminary examination and permission from the architectural regional or city services. The standard weight limit for such walls is up to 130 kg.

For dressing masonry in half a brick with bearing wall the adjoining is laid out in such a way that the end surface of the bearing wall is bonded, and the inner surface is spoon. The number of three-quarter bricks is calculated based on the thickness of the bearing wall. Adjacent rows are laid out through one. If the thickness of the bearing wall is one and a half or two bricks, with the first row laid according to the “spoon-poke” scheme, then the next row is laid according to the “poke-spoon” scheme, etc.

Where else can you use laying in half a brick:

  1. As a fence.
  2. As interior non-bearing partitions with good noise reduction parameters and the ability to decorative finishes any materials.
  3. In the construction of household facilities - sheds, verandas, pavilions, garages.
  4. In the construction of boundary structures: prevention of landslides on the site, delimitation of the land allotment, etc. During the construction of external fences, it must be taken into account that the wind load of brick walls, the thickness of which is 12 cm, a height of 1.5 m and a length of ≥ 2 m, is no more than 350 kg.

Preparation for the masonry process

A wall diagram and laying order are drawn up, with all required dimensions and with reference to the plan of the room or house. Based on the scheme, the amount of building materials is calculated - mortar and bricks. Practice shows that for 1 m2 brick wall required required 61 units standard products, or 45 one and a half units. The scheme also includes drawing the laying, taking into account the thickness of the mortar joints.

When building a wall inside the house, the surface of the floor and ceiling at the site of the future partition is leveled: by planing for wooden floors and pouring mortar for concrete surfaces.

If the wall is being built from the outside, then a shallow foundation is needed under it, which is laid like this:

  1. A trench is dug ≈ 300-400 mm wide and ≈ 500-600 mm deep, the bottom is covered with a sand cushion, the thickness of which should be at least 100 mm. The sand is moistened and compacted.
  2. Plank or metal panel formwork is mounted.
  3. The ditch is filled with a concrete solution (sand - 3 parts, crushed stone - 3 parts, cement - 1 part) without reinforcement.
  4. After four weeks of hardening and drying of the concrete, the formwork is removed.
  5. The brick on the base of the foundation must be laid out in such a way that the long axis of the foundation is aligned with the axis of the wall.

Then tools and building materials for masonry are prepared:

  1. Concrete mixer or container for cement-sand mortar.
  2. Construction mixer, spatulas and trowels, oven hammer for splitting bricks, as a rule.
  3. Building level, plumb line, cord, metal square, jointing fixture for seams.
  4. Prepared cement, sand, bricks.

How a half-brick wall is laid out

The sand must be clean - river or sifted. Cement for laying in half a brick must be used not lower than grade M 500. All bricks must be soaked with water, laying them in a tank and completely filling them. The time spent in the water is at least an hour. Wet brick will not take moisture from the mortar, which will allow the cement to set evenly, providing the calculated strength of the wall.

Start of laying: the corner supports are displayed first. The second row is laid on the first brick row, and the process continues to the upper row after the reinforcing mesh cage. The corner masonry has a height of 5 bricks, laid in such a way that the guide brick overlaps (bandages) each other at an angle of 900. Each row must be controlled for verticality and horizontality using a level. Bricks are pressed into the solution only in the center of the product, in order to prevent displacement to the sides.

After laying the brick to the first layer of the armored belt, a cord is pulled along the first row to control the laying. A mortar is applied evenly over the entire row and bricks are laid. After the third row, the evenness of the wall is checked. After laying each subsequent row, the cord rises to the height of the brick. To ensure the required strength, after the fifth row, it is recommended to take a two to three hour break in work to allow the mortar to set. In order to build the wall faster, it is allowed to use high-strength double brick M 150, which has a size of: 120 x 138 x 250 mm.

Since the double brick has big sizes, it makes sense to give the masonry greater strength with the help of more frequent mesh reinforcement. On sale there are ready-made grids with a rectangular or zigzag profile, but you can make a stack with your own hands. Rectangular mesh should be laid horizontally every five rows. A mesh with a zigzag profile is laid in the attached masonry places, its rods are connected by welding or wire knitting. When reinforcing, the mesh is laid so that the ends of the rods protrude 5 mm beyond the wall. This is necessary to control the presence of reinforcement. After the mortar has hardened, these protruding ends can be cut or bent.

Building a half-brick wall is the easiest masonry option to perform and the basis for many others. Most often it is used in the construction of interior partitions and facade cladding.

This type of masonry allows you to significantly save building materials, since their consumption is halved, and the consumption of the solution also decreases accordingly.

What is this type of masonry?

Laying a wall in half a brick assumes that only the spoon part of the bricks will be turned outward. General principle simple: the bricks are laid in one row on a layer of mortar, each subsequent upper row is shifted by half a brick so that the joints of the seams do not coincide with each other, which negatively affects the strength of the structure.

The wall thickness of half a brick is 120 mm provided that the brick has standard sizes. This is enough for the construction of a partition, but not enough for the construction of a load-bearing wall.

A half-brick load-bearing wall is almost never erected, as it will turn out to be too unreliable and thin. According to the rules and building codes, the thickness of the bearing wall must be at least 380 mm, what is one and a half bricks.

The minimum allowable value is 250 mm, that is, it is one brick thick, but such walls are applicable only for one-story buildings or for upper floors multi-storey buildings. The load on the wall in half a brick can only be very small, for example, it will no longer be possible to install a 100-liter boiler on it.

Moreover, if it is used as outer wall, additional insulation is required. To increase strength, transverse reinforcement is used, when every 3-4 rows of masonry are laid metal mesh rectangular shape.

Knowing how many mm the wall thickness should be, you can calculate the amount of materials. How many bricks are in 1m2 of masonry in half a brick? If you do not take into account mortar joints, when using single brick consumption per 1 square meter will be 61 units, when using one and a half - 45 units.

When taking into account mortar joints, the actual consumption is 51 units or 39 pieces if one and a half bricks are used.

The process of laying in half a brick

Half-brick brickwork is quite easy to learn, so a non-professional can handle it. The first step is to prepare all the tools and make markings so that the first row is even.

For masonry you will need:

  • Building bricks () in sufficient quantities. In calculations, all halves are taken into account as whole, 5% necessarily assigned to a possible fight and marriage;
  • Mortar prepared from a mixture of sand and cement. The sand should be fine and carefully sifted so that pebbles and other construction debris do not come across in it;

Advice! The approximate proportion of sand and cement is 1:4, the most commonly used brand of cement is M500. The more sand in the solution, the less plastic it will be. To increase the plasticity of the solution, it is recommended to add a small amount of liquid soap.

  • Necessary working tools and equipment: a trowel, a large container for preparing a mortar, a shovel, a pickaxe for working with bricks, a building square, a plumb line. You will also need a thick fishing line or nylon cord, with which you can align the row.

It is important to organize workplace to have everything you need construction site was at hand.

Preparatory work

The wall lies already on the finished foundation, and it should be as even as possible. Fitted on top of the base waterproofing layer from roofing felt or other similar material. On the basis, markings are made for masonry so that the wall turns out to be even, and all the provided doorways are in place.

Note! The basis of any masonry is the first row, so it must be done very evenly and accurately. First of all, two bricks are laid at the ends of the row. If the floor in the building is not completely flat, then start from the corner where its level is higher.

A fishing line is stretched along the entire row, along which the row can be checked in order to prevent deviations from a straight line. Before laying, the bricks are soaked in water for a while, so that later they do not take moisture from the mortar.

Laying work

Step-by-step instructions for laying in half a brick:

  • All do-it-yourself masonry work begins with the removal of corners. The following are applied to the first bricks on the sides, further ones are placed on the resulting masonry of 4 bricks so that the next row overlaps the previous one. This is done in order to form the so-called dressing;

  • When the corners are ready, a layer of mortar 80-100 mm wide is applied to the base of the row, a brick is placed and gently pressed. The entire row is checked by a level so that the bricks lie strictly horizontally. They can be pressed to the solution layer only in the center, otherwise the row may turn out to be uneven;

  • The line rises and the next row is laid. The thickness of the solution layer is 8 mm. It is important that the vertical seams of the previous rows are strictly in the center of the upper bricks. The photo shows how the bricks should lie so that the connection is as strong as possible.

With this method of masonry, the cost of materials is significantly reduced and the speed of work is increased. For additional acceleration, you can use a double silicate brick M 150, having an increased height and increased strength. It can be used both in the construction of internal partitions, and in facing works.


It is not so difficult to master brickwork on your own, while the half-brick laying option remains the simplest and most affordable for a novice master. Compliance with the rules and building codes will provide the wall with strength and resistance to significant loads.