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» Homemade car air freshener. Choosing the best car flavor. DIY gel fragrance

Homemade car air freshener. Choosing the best car flavor. DIY gel fragrance

How nice it is to get into a car, the interior of which, instead of the acrid smell of smoke, is fragrant with citrus or your favorite perfume. But not all air fresheners offered in stores cope with their task. Many of them “don’t survive” until the end of the week. To get a truly effective and inexpensive flavoring, you need to make it yourself.

What types of car air fresheners are there?

All air is divided into two large groups:

  • neutralizers;
  • flavorings.

What's the difference between them? The former neutralize foreign substances; the latter fill it with a pleasant aroma.

Types of fillers in air fresheners

Depending on the content, car air fresheners come in several types.

  1. Cardboard flavors are the most inexpensive of all those on the market. This car air freshener looks like a piece of cardboard soaked in a special substance, cut out in the shape of some kind of figure, usually a Christmas tree. The useful life of this flavor is 2 weeks.
  2. Liquid fresheners look like small perfumes poured into a glass or plastic container. It has small holes on the lid through which the aromatic liquid evaporates out, filling the car interior with a pleasant smell. Such air fresheners are attached to the car.
  3. Solid flavors are by far the most expensive and least in demand. Outwardly, they look like small briquettes or plastic boxes filled with granules. The service life of such a flavor is 6 months or more.
  4. Gel air fresheners are durable and release more intense aroma compared to liquid fragrances. But they have one serious drawback: at low temperatures the gel hardens, freezes and deteriorates.
  5. Natural flavors come in pouches filled with herbs, coffee beans, or other natural ingredients. Another form of such air fresheners is wooden figurines impregnated with a special composition.

Good car air freshener: reviews

Despite the wide range of flavors in stores, finding a decent one will not be easy. Other car enthusiasts will tell you which car air freshener to choose and which one is best to buy. Most of them use gel fragrances, since the smell in them evaporates more intensely than in others, and also lasts for a long time.

Other car enthusiasts prefer natural air fresheners that contain coffee beans or other natural materials. Their main advantage is that they emit a natural aroma and do not smell like “chemicals”.

These two types of fillers are most often used by car owners in their cars.

Sometimes, after purchasing another air freshener for your car, it turns out that it doesn’t smell at all, or is not as intense as indicated on the package. What can be recommended in this case? First of all, you need to print out the fragrance without leaving the checkout, so that if there is no smell, you can refuse the product. This way you will be able to avoid buying a “pig in a poke.”

Which air freshener to choose from the assortment offered by the store depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities. Today the most inexpensive is a cardboard flavoring agent. A good car air freshener will cost more. But it will last at least nine months.

How to make your own car air freshener

From simple products found in every kitchen, you can make a good car fragrance. To do this you will need: a small jar with a lid (a container left over from an old fragrance will also work), essential oil, baking soda, foil and a toothpick.

The sequence of making the air freshener is as follows:

1) Make holes in the lid of the jar. To do this, you can use a nail or knife. It all depends on whether the lid is metal or plastic. If the jar is used from an old flavor, then you won’t have to do anything at this stage, since it already has all the necessary holes.

2) Pour in soda - about half the can. Flatten it so that it lies in an even layer.

3) Place 25 drops of essential oil on top of the baking soda and place foil over the jar. Flatten it by placing a jar lid on the foil.

4) Using a toothpick, make holes in the foil through which the aroma will evaporate. Close the jar with a lid. The car air freshener is ready!

5) The old air freshener should already have a special mount for the car. If the jar is new, then you can secure it in the car using double-sided tape, which is glued to the bottom of the jar.

The aroma can be very intense at first, depending on the number of drops of essential oil and the intensity of the scent itself. After a while, it may seem that the air freshener no longer fulfills its function. In this case, you need to open the jar and add a few drops of essential oil, that is, update the filler.

DIY gel fragrance

Gel car fragrances are considered one of the most effective, but they are quite expensive, and the smell disappears after 30 days. Therefore, for those who want to save money, it is proposed to make an air freshener for the car with their own hands.

To make a gel flavor you will need: a bag of gelatin (10 g), glycerin, essential oil, a jar for filler, a container for mixing ingredients, water. Then everything is very simple.

Gelatin dissolves in water according to the instructions on the bag. After it swells, you need to add a teaspoon of glycerin and 7 drops of any essential oil. Now all the ingredients need to be mixed and you can fill the prepared jar with the resulting mass. By the way, in this case a container from an already used flavoring is perfect.

Car freshener for coffee lovers

It will take a minimum of time to make such a freshener, but the result will be an excellent odor neutralizer and flavoring agent - two in one. Coffee lovers will especially like the new car freshener, because they will be used as a filler. Everyone knows that they perfectly absorb the smell. Housewives often place a jar of grains in the refrigerator to neutralize the unpleasant aroma in it.

To make your own car air freshener, you will need a small bag with drawstrings measuring 5 x 7 centimeters and whole coffee beans. You can use any fabric for sewing, but it is better if it is burlap, or thin chintz will do. It is important not to forget to make ties. By the way, you can hang a bag on them in the car. And then you need to pour coffee beans into it. Now all that remains is to tighten the bag - and the air freshener is ready. It neutralizes unpleasant odors and gives the car interior a light coffee aroma.

Aromatherapy is very popular today. You can scent a room or car using store-bought products or make your own scent. To prepare a fragrance with essential oils, you will need to choose your appropriate aroma.

There is a wide range of esters, so choosing the right one for yourself will be quite difficult. The most popular oils are:

  1. Ylang-ylang. The product will help you relax, protects the nervous system from strong psychological stress, reduces symptoms of fatigue, stress, and promotes brain relaxation. The oil is considered one of the best aphrodisiacs for women.
  2. Verbena. The oil will be indispensable for the car, as it promotes concentration, tones the body, and improves mood. With its help you can get rid of headaches.
  3. Lemon oil. The product has strong antiseptic properties. The smell of lemon will help protect your car from various insects and mosquitoes.
  4. Patchouli. The oil will help tone the body and cheer up. Helps improve memory.
  5. Cinnamon essential oil. The aroma of the oil helps cope with severe psychological stress and relieves symptoms of chronic fatigue. Excellent for use as a car flavor as it neutralizes unpleasant odors.
  6. Fir essential oil is considered one of the most beneficial oils. Thanks to its properties, the oil helps destroy almost all types of bacteria and microbes, eliminates unpleasant odors, increases resistance to stress, and strengthens the immune system. The product also helps repel insects and is almost as good as ylang-ylang as an aphrodisiac.

Do-it-yourself car air freshener - necessary ingredients

Before you start creating a flavor, you need to prepare the following components:

  • Cooking form. Jars of cream, cookies, and soap are great.
  • Essential oil.
  • Baking soda.
  • Small fabric bag.
  • Wax.
  • Boiled water.

How to make a sachet with your own hands for a car

  • First you need to mix 1 cup of boiling water and 10 drops of your favorite ether.
  • Pour baking soda into a separate bowl, pour flavored water into it, mix thoroughly until smooth and pour the entire mixture into the mold.
  • As soon as the mass in the form acquires a dense structure, it must be placed in a sachet and hung in the car.

Scented Christmas tree

Surely everyone has come across a car fragrance in the shape of a Christmas tree. You don’t have to buy this air freshener in a store, because you can very easily make it yourself. The peculiarity of self-production is that the flavor can be of any form, just like essential oil.

  • First you need to cut out a blank of the desired shape from cardboard.
  • After that, you need to wrap the figurine in felt, punch a hole in the upper part, through which you pull a beautiful thread.
  • You only need 4-6 drops of essential oil. Initially, the smell from such a product will be fragrant for about a week, then, when the fabric is completely saturated, the aroma will be present in the car for a month.
  • It is not recommended to impregnate the same form with different aromatic oils, because after mixing, the esters can cause irritation. If you need to replace the flavor, it is better to prepare another form.

Long lasting flavor

Such a fragrance, made independently, will provide a long-lasting fragrance in the car.

To prepare you will need:

  • glycerin – 1 tsp. ;
  • essential oil – 5 drops;
  • food gelatin – 1 package.

Gelatin must be diluted with water according to the instructions; if a thicker consistency is required, reduce the amount of water by half. Add glycerin to the gelatin, mix the mixture well until smooth. Pour everything into a prepared beautiful container, add essential oil. The air freshener is ready.

Flavor made from wooden sticks

To create a flavor you will need:

  • 100 ml liquid baby soap;
  • wooden sticks, thin - 3-6 pcs.;
  • 1 tbsp. l. alcohol;
  • glass container;
  • 10 drops of ether.

Pour soap, alcohol, essential oil into a container, mix all ingredients. After this, put the sticks in the jar and leave to steep for 5 hours. After 5 hours, stick the sticks into the container with the other side for another 5 hours. The result is unusual flavors that can be distributed throughout the car.

Flour stones

To prepare you need:

  • 100 g flour;
  • 100 g soda;
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil;
  • 7 drops of essential oil;
  • water for mixing.

Mix all ingredients in one container. Then divide the dough into several parts, give it the desired shape, put it in the refrigerator until completely hardened. These flour stones can be placed in the car as a beautiful air freshener. To make the dough look more attractive, you can add food coloring to it.

There is no need to buy expensive air fresheners for your car, because they are quite easy to make yourself at minimal cost, and most importantly, from natural ingredients and your favorite essential oil.

What happens if you close your eyes and feel the world without the help of vision? It’s simple - another sense (smell) comes into play.

When sitting behind the wheel, the first thing we pay attention to is the aroma of the car (the smell of the dashboard, covers, baked goods, hot coffee in the cup holder, and so on).

But all this is secondary. The main source of aroma is car air freshener.

It would seem that everything is simple. All you have to do is go to the store, choose a freshener that suits the price and smell, and stick it in your car.

But is it worth poisoning yourself with “chemistry”? - Of course not. Today there are many ways to make your own air freshener.

What is a store-bought air freshener?

When buying a freshener in a store, we don’t even think about its composition and strength. But such a product is an ordinary “chemistry” that emits not only an odor, but also toxic substances.

The task of manufacturers is to achieve maximum concentration of aroma and prolong the effect of their product. Everything else doesn't matter to them.

But that's not all. You can buy a freshener that seems to have a pleasant smell, but after opening it you get a completely different aroma that is irritating and clearly reveals a chemical base.

At the same time, it is unknown how the store-bought product will affect health. So why take the risk? Below we will look at the most interesting and simple recipes that allow you to make a freshener from available materials. At the same time, you will be confident in the naturalness and benefits of the product.

Gel freshener

This method is one of the simplest and most cost-effective. As a basis for the “smell,” you can use regular glycerin and a number of additional elements.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

The advantages of such a product are versatility, durability and pleasant aroma.

You can be sure that the composition will not spill accidentally, and the smell will emanate for a long time.

If desired, you can add a little dye and transfer the composition into a transparent bottle. All that remains is to find a suitable place in the cabin.

Hydrogel freshener

In this version, the base is a hydrogel, which is easy to buy in a store.

The algorithm itself looks like this:

  • prepare everything you need - hydrogel, essential oil, container, water;
  • wash the container and drop 25-30 drops of essential oil into it (here based on the volume of the prepared container);
  • pour water into the container and mix the composition well;
  • open the bottle and add about 35-40 hydrogel beads;
  • now add water and leave the mixture alone for 10-12 hours;
  • If there is liquid left inside, it can be drained.

That's all. This design can be used in a car and at home.

In the first case, use a pin or small drill to make several holes in the lid to allow the aroma to escape.

If you use the air freshener at home, it will be easier to open the lid and put the product somewhere on a shelf.

Citrus freshener

When buying fruits or flowers, we don’t even think about the possibility of their alternative use. For example, from several dozen dried clove flowers and 2-3 oranges you can make a high-quality freshener of natural origin.

The manufacturing scheme is as follows:

  • divide the flowers into equal slides (for each of the oranges);
  • stick flowers into the surface of the fruit until you get original “hedgehogs”.

This freshener will “work” for 12-15 days. In a car, it can be placed in the glove compartment, placed on the dashboard or on the rear parcel shelf (behind the passenger seat).

Aromatic pendant

This option is difficult to classify as a car air freshener, but it should not be ignored either.

The essence of the preparation is as follows:

  • prepare small containers (small vials);
  • fill them with a special composition (the following options are suitable - twigs, petals or sand);
  • add a little essential oil to the composition. The main thing here is not to overdo it (2-3 drops are enough);
  • close the container and let it sit for a while. Before installing it in the machine, you just need to make a few holes in the lid to release the pleasant aroma out.

Felt air freshener

Many people have seen on the shelves freshers made of solid material in the shape of Christmas trees, coffee beans and other figures.

You can do a similar thing with your own hands. All you need is a piece of wool felt. The latter can be bought in a store by choosing a color that matches the interior of the car.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

At the same time, do not repeat the mistake of most car enthusiasts who hang the air freshener on the rearview mirror. This product will distract you from the road and may cause an accident.

The best option is to mount the “smell” somewhere near the rear window or in any corner of the dashboard.

Simple options

There are also simpler options for air fresheners:

  • Take a piece of cotton wool and drop a little essential oil on it. All that remains is to find a place for such a product so that it does not stain anything around. The scent can be updated from time to time.
  • Use baking soda. Take a salt shaker or other container (the main thing is that it has holes), pour baking soda inside and add a little essential oil.
  • Take a small bag and pour aromatic herbs or coffee beans into it. This will be enough to scent the salon for a long time.

Bottom line

As you can see, you don’t have to buy a car air freshener in a store—you can make it yourself.

There are several advantages here:

It's nice when the car interior smells good. For this purpose, you can make a car flavor with your own hands. Of course, air fresheners are sold in stores. But their choice is usually quite poor. In addition, they quickly lose their properties; they have to be changed at least once a month. It's quite expensive. It is much easier to make such a product yourself by choosing your favorite scent.

Why is it worth making your own air freshener?

Benefits of homemade flavors:

  • They are not harmful to health, as they do not contain additional chemicals. This is important, because the vapors from the air freshener are constantly inhaled.
  • They will save money. Cheap store-bought air fresheners wear out quickly. Those that are designed to last longer have a fairly high price.
  • You can choose the scent (or even a combination of them) that you like most. In addition, depending on what oils are used, the scent can have a tonic or relaxing effect.

Which scent should you choose?

The easiest way to make your own air freshener is to find aromatic seasonings in the kitchen, pour them into a small bag and take them with you in the car. Cumin or anise seeds, cinnamon and vanilla are suitable for this purpose. Coffee beans will also give a lasting effect, especially if they are fresh. The choice of scent depends only on the preferences of the car owner.

To make such a freshener, essential oils are most often used. They have a lot of advantages: affordable price, durability, large selection. But you need to know that not all of them should be used in a car. You should not overuse those that give a relaxing effect, so as not to lose concentration on the road. After all, you need to be careful while driving; you need to react quickly in unexpected situations. Lavender, jasmine, and vanilla have an undesirable calming effect. But such smells are perfect during periods of stress, if the driver is in an excited state.

In normal times, it is optimal to choose invigorating scents for your car. They will help you cheer up and focus on the road, and will not let you fall asleep. This could be, for example, the smell of citrus, mint, or cinnamon. They should be given preference.

It is also important to make the air freshener in such a way that it does not completely drown out all odors in the car. This will prevent you from missing some faults. For example, if exhaust gases enter the cabin.

Simple ideas for air freshener

The car fragrance must be safe so that there is no risk of spilling it. Then you won’t have to clean the car properly in an attempt to get rid of the ingrained odor. It is convenient to use bottles from used purchased products. You can put a piece of cotton wool in them, after dripping a small amount of selected essential oils onto it. The intensity can be varied, the intensity of the smell depends on how many drops of the product there were. This type of car air freshener is short-lived, so you won’t get tired of the aroma. If desired, it can be replaced after a few days.

If there is no suitable jar with a lid, then the top can be covered with foil, which is used for baking.

Another option for those who are interested in how to make a car flavor with their own hands is to use regular soda. If you don’t have a bottle, you can take a salt shaker. Or another container, the main thing is that there are holes in the lid. Pour the substances into it into a quarter of a jar, then add 15 drops of your favorite oil. This design will smell for quite a long time, you just need to shake it from time to time.

How to make gel flavor?

A good idea for a car is a gel air freshener. Its consistency will prevent it from staining the interior in the event of, for example, emergency braking. In addition, if you approach the matter creatively, it will look interesting and unusual. So you can give it to your friends, car owners.

To prepare it you will need gelatin. This ingredient must be poured into boiling water and stirred until it dissolves. The quantity depends on how much of the finished product you plan to receive. Separately, you need to dissolve a large spoon of salt in cool water, add the resulting mixture to the hot gelatin.

Then, pour the desired essential oil, alone or combined with others, into the container prepared for the fragrance; 30 drops are enough. After this, add the gelatin mixture and stir thoroughly. The next day the mass will be stuck and the air freshener will be ready. To give it a more original look, you should use food coloring. They are added to the bottle before pouring the gelatin. Then you can put a few pebbles or shells.

You can also use aromatic balls poured into a bag or jar as a car freshener. You can decorate your interior with them, especially if you give them an interesting shape during manufacturing. They are also suitable as a gift for car enthusiasts. To prepare them, you need to mix one and a half cups of flour, a quarter cup of salt, and a quarter teaspoon of cornstarch. Separately, add a tablespoon of oil and dye to boiling water. There should be two thirds of a cup of water. The liquid mixture is poured into the dry ingredients and the dough is kneaded. Then it is rolled out into flat cakes and shapes, such as hearts, are cut out using a mold or simply a knife. The easiest way is to roll the balls. After complete drying, the freshener is ready.

Making an air scenter yourself is not that difficult. With some skill, this will not take much time, and your favorite smell in the car will delight you for a long time.

Any car enthusiast wants the interior of his car to be clean and smell nice. Everyone's preferences are different - some prefer the smell of coffee, while others will choose citrus fruits. The best choice is to make your own flavoring from food ingredients that are not harmful to health.

Variety of flavors

Now available on store shelves a wide range of various factory-made car air fresheners with different scents - both classic and exotic, which cannot be compared with anything. Therefore, it is impossible to definitely say which car flavor will be better than others.

If you decide to make a car air freshener with your own hands, then first you need to decide on the smell. What tastes and properties do essential oils for gel flavors have:

  • Ylang-ylang. It has a relaxing effect, has a positive effect on the nervous system and relieves stress.
  • Lemon. Has a strong antiseptic effect. Helps protect against insects and pests in the car interior.
  • Cinnamon. It has an invigorating effect, relieves fatigue and increases attention when driving. Can interrupt the persistent smell of tobacco.
  • Verbena. Increases driver concentration and composure. Raises your mood and feeling of vigor.
  • Fir. The most popular option. Fights germs and insects, eliminates foreign persistent smells in the cabin.

But you don’t have to use oil to make your own. There are many natural ingredients, which have a pleasant smell and have a positive effect on the body, for example:

  • Coffee. The simplest option. You can use your favorite variety of bean coffee. Fresh beans can retain their aroma for a month.
  • Anise. Used for medical purposes to clear the respiratory tract.
  • Fennel. It smells like a men's deodorant with a refreshing effect.

If you decide to use a flavoring base essential oil, do not be afraid to mix scents in small proportions, such experiments will delight you with their results. You don’t have to throw away the glass jars from the oil concentrate, but later use them as a container for the flavoring.


Liquid based

To make your own car fragrance, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Body (cans of cream, oil, roll-on deodorant are perfect).
  • Essential oil.
  • Synthetic bag for filling.
  • Wax.
  • Water.
  • Soda.

To make a car flavor with your own hands, you will need to do the following:

  • Add 10-12 drops of essential oil to one glass of boiled water.
  • Pour baking soda into a separate container and pour in the prepared solution, stirring thoroughly until smooth. Then pour the mixture into the prepared form.
  • After the composition has hardened into shape, you can place the flavor in the machine.

Christmas tree

The most popular format of car fragrance. You can also make it yourself. The shape can be made to your taste.

You will need cardboard 2-3 millimeters thick, cut to the desired shape. Then wrap the cut out shape in felt, and make a hole in the upper part for the lace. Essential oil requires no more than 8 drops. In the first ten days there will be a concentrated and rich smell inside the cabin, and after the covers and upholstery absorb the aroma, it will persist for the next three months.

Gelatin based

The longest-lasting flavor is gelatin-based; it can retain the scent for two months.

To make it you will need:

  • Glycerin - 1 spoon.
  • Essential oil - 8 drops.
  • Edible gelatin - 80 grams.

We dilute gelatin with water according to the instructions indicated on the package; if desired, you can prepare a thicker solution by adding a smaller volume of liquid. Add glycerin to the prepared mixture and mix thoroughly. Then we pour everything into the prepared body and add essential oil.

It is not necessary to buy expensive air fresheners and flavors for the car interior. You can make them yourself. Your favorite scent and the shape you choose will bring more pleasant emotions than a factory product.

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