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» Moonshine still with two steam chambers - what are its advantages? Steam steamer in a moonshine still, purpose and principle of operation Non-removable steam steamer

Moonshine still with two steam chambers - what are its advantages? Steam steamer in a moonshine still, purpose and principle of operation Non-removable steam steamer

The steamer is a container in which some of the harmful impurities settle during the distillation. The mash vapor, passing through this device, partially condenses and moves further, cleaner, towards the refrigerator. The steamer is an extremely important part of the moonshine still, which affects the quality of the final product and its taste. It is often confused with, although these are completely different devices in design.

The presence or absence of this device does not in any way affect the need for double distillation. In any case, this process will have to be done at least twice, but the result with this sedimentation tank will be cleaner and better in 100% of cases. That is why we highly recommend using it and under no circumstances abandon it.

In the distillation cube, under the influence of temperature, the mash begins to evaporate. Passing through the moonshine still, the vapors pass through the steam chamber. Some of the vapor condenses and settles in the container. For the most part, these are harmful compounds called , which are undesirable in the distillate. The remaining vapors pass through the tubes further to the refrigerator, where they cool and drip into the finished product.

After distillation, this container is removed and its contents are disposed of. This mixture smells and looks so terrible that the need for a sump is not even raised.

The tasks that the steam steamer solves:

  1. Vapor Purification mash from harmful impurities.
  2. Splash protection boiling mash, which worsen the taste of the distillate.
  3. Moonshine flavoring. You can put a bag of herbs or other tasty ingredients in the container. Once saturated with this smell, the moonshine will have an identical taste.

A glass jar with two tubes is the very steamer we are talking about.

Do you need a steamer in a moonshine still?

There is an opinion that double distillation purifies the moonshine sufficiently so that it can be drunk. And if the mash is still distilled twice, then what’s the point of steaming with a steamer? There really is a share here, but many people forget about the smell of this container after distillation.

We believe that if there is any opportunity to improve the quality of the final product, then you need to use it. Even if just a little bit of harmful elements leave the moonshine, then this can already be considered a success. After all, we are talking about our health, and here at chance it may not work out.

So, after each distillation, the sump stinks so much that any doubts about it need to disappear quickly.

If even some of this crap does not end up in our distillate, then this can already be considered a good result. And for this, you can take the trouble to wash the steamer once again for future distillation.

Does it make sense to install 2, 3 or more steam tanks?

The effectiveness of this is so low that there is no point in it No. All moonshiners have clearly come to the conclusion that one cleaning device is quite enough and there is no point in making any additional adjustments to the devices of the moonshine still.

In addition, the more settling tanks, the lower it will be. After all, part of the alcohol settles along with the fusel, and if there are 3 or 4 such containers, then the alcohol may not reach the refrigerator at all.

One container is more than enough. Distillers with multiple devices are just a successful marketing ploy, which many moonshiners still know nothing about.

Review of devices with and containers for purifying moonshine vapors.

Three containers for collecting harmful impurities on one distiller.

How to make a good steamer with your own hands

We consider it complete blasphemy to describe the making of a steamer using text instructions with photographs, so it’s best to watch the video. Moreover, it was provided by a channel with one of the most experienced moonshiners in our country Antonich and Alexey Podolyak.

The whole process does not take as much time as it seems. The device will be made from regular two-liter jar, into which 2 adapters for tubes are screwed in and the whole thing is sealed with heat-resistant silicone sealant.

Which steamer is better to choose (stainless steel or glass)

The most correct steamer - sealed. There is no fundamental difference in where harmful impurities will settle, in glass or stainless containers. The main thing is that all connections are securely closed and no losses occur anywhere.

  1. Stainless steel It’s easier to wash and impossible to break, so it’s better to give preference to it. It will cost several times more, but it will serve you for many years without any problems.
  2. Glass Over time it will fade, accumulate an unpleasant aroma and eventually need to be replaced. Even good cleaning will not help you, glass is not kind to time.

Made of stainless steel
From glass

What can you put in a steamer for aroma and taste?

If you put rich or bright-tasting foods into this device, the moonshine will be saturated with this aroma and will smell pleasant. In theory, you can put whatever you want.. Choose your favorite flavors and experiment.

Ingredient options:

To imitate chacha, you can add grapes.

  • Sliced ​​citrus fruits (except lemon).
  • Raisin.
  • Black currant leaves.
  • Pieces of apples, pears, melons and other fruits.
  • Cinnamon sticks.
  • Mint.
  • Juniper.

Strongly smelling products should be placed on the bottom no more than 1 cm high (and even less juniper).

Fruits and berries can be added to the maximum, but no more than 25% of the total steam.

For home use for every taste and budget. Distiller models are constantly updated and improved, and additional “body kits” appear for a variety of distillation modes. But often for a novice moonshiner it is preferable (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand) - a classic, good distiller. Such a device will allow you to obtain moonshine in its most natural form: moderately strong, with the characteristic aroma of the raw materials from which the mash was prepared.

A steamer is an optional, but very desirable item in a classic moonshine still. Thanks to the presence of this block, the final product is protected from the ingress of drops of boiling mash and a significant proportion of fusel oils. In this article we’ll talk about how to use a steamer correctly so that the resulting drink is high-quality and clean.

Surely, before buying a distiller, you will do a lot of research to get an idea of ​​the models and their capabilities. And many of them will certainly describe the advantages and disadvantages of the steamer. To understand how to use a steamer in a moonshine still, you need to know about the principle of its operation. In it, the so-called priority condensation of vapors of substances with a boiling point higher than that of ethyl alcohol occurs. And this, as you know, is “tail” impurities (fusel oils). In other words, the hot steam entering the steam chamber condenses ALL of it. And then, thanks to the continuous supply of new portions of hot steam, the low-boiling fractions evaporate again and go further into the cooler, but the high-boiling “fusel” remains in the liquid phase.

The stray drops of mash also remain here: during intense boiling, they are captured by the vapors and carried away from the distillation cube. In connection with this physics, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for connecting the steam generator and working with it:

  • Tightness of the connection. It is completely undesirable for there to be a “leakage” of vapors: odors throughout the entire house and eventual loss of product.
  • During long-term distillation, the steam tank must be emptied periodically. Otherwise, the accumulated condensate will gradually be captured by vapor and unnecessary impurities will inevitably end up in the distillate. In this regard, steamers with a drain valve or automatic drain are very convenient. Some collapsible models (for example, in the form of a glass jar) can also be removed and replaced during the process.
  • The steamer can be further cooled. In this way, condensation will occur better (an additional obstacle to the evaporation of heavy impurities). But often they don’t do this on purpose; the difference in temperature with the environment is enough.
  • A collapsible steamer can be used to aromatize alcohol vapors during re-distillation. This direction of using a steamer allows you to experiment with homemade drinks, obtaining aromatic alcohol immediately during the distillation process (you can read more about this in).

Otherwise, no special movements are required in the matter of proper use of the steamer. This unit, in the mode of distilling mash or raw alcohol, successfully copes with the work itself. Here, unlike devices with a film or distillation column, there is no fine adjustment of the process. It is only important to maintain a tight seal and drain the condensate in a timely manner - and the classic machine with a steamer will become your reliable assistant in preparing strong homemade drinks.

Despite the widest range of strong alcoholic drinks in the windows of our stores, many alcohol lovers prefer home-made alcohol. And it's not just about saving money. The quality of modern vodka is very often questionable, and the number of poisonings from purchased “scorched” products is growing from year to year. So the “Kulibins” make moonshine stills in their kitchens. And each of them wants to get the most pure product of the highest strength. For this purpose, the design of a classic moonshine still is often supplemented with various cleaning structures. We will describe the device of one of them in this article.

Moonshine still design

As a rule, it consists of a distillation cube and a refrigerator connected to each other. Aluminum milk cans are often used as the first. They are very convenient for this role, since they are hermetically sealed, and to turn such a container into a distillation cube, you only need to drill a hole in the lid. Other containers made of weakly oxidizing metals (stainless steel, copper, galvanized steel) can also be used.

The refrigerator can be made of a copper tube with a diameter of 0.5-0.8 mm, twisted in a spiral. This design is air or water cooled. In the first case, the spiral is cooled by outside air, which is not very effective. With water cooling, the refrigerator is located in a vessel with standing water, which is changed as it heats up.

More advanced moonshine stills are cooled with running water. The spiral itself is welded into a large sealed container that has outlets for water inlet and outlet. The continuous water flow perfectly cools the coil, as a result of which alcohol vapors very quickly condense and turn into liquid.

What is moonshine made from?

Homemade moonshine is made from mash. It is obtained by fermenting foods containing sugar. The simplest recipe for making mash is to mix water, sugar and brewer's or baker's yeast in a certain proportion. After about a week, a translucent bitter hop wort is obtained, ready for distillation.

Moonshine can also be distilled from any fermented juice, including wine. This is how Calvados is obtained from apple must, and chacha from wine.

What is a dry steamer and why is it needed?

The classic design of a moonshine still does not provide for any additional accessories. However, the content of fusel oils and other harmful impurities in the mash, which also have a rather unpleasant odor, makes the alcohol toxic and unpleasant to the taste.

To reduce the concentration of such substances in moonshine, folk craftsmen invented a reflux condenser. A self-made moonshine still must have a similar cleaning system. Otherwise, it will be unpleasant to drink yourself, and it will be a shame to treat your friends.

The main purpose of the steamer is to get rid of unnecessary moisture and impurities contained in alcohol vapor as much as possible at the initial stage. It is impossible to buy such a device in a store today. Therefore, moonshiners make steamers with their own hands. Its design is quite simple and does not require any special knowledge in the field of chemistry or the purchase of expensive materials.

The principle of operation of the steam steamer

The principle of operation of the steamer is quite simple. It is based on the process of gas purification with liquid (sparging). Heated alcohol vapor is fed into a container, where it cools, settling on its walls, or dissolves in the liquid in it.

The high temperature inside the reflux condenser stimulates the separation of lighter fractions, which, rising upward, are pushed into the outlet under high pressure. Tobacco smoke in a hookah is cleaned and cooled in a similar way.

Assembling a steamer with your own hands

The alcohol vapor coming out of the steamer contains one third less of various harmful impurities. In addition, the water content in them also decreases significantly, which increases the strength of the output liquid by several degrees.

If it is really possible to achieve such cleaning performance for a future drink at the initial stage, then why not make a steamer with your own hands? No drawings are needed here. Everything is done by eye from scrap materials. So, we will need:

  • 3-liter glass jar with screw cap;
  • 2 copper (brass) gas fittings with screw-on nuts and rubber washers;
  • a piece of copper or aluminum tube with a diameter suitable for the fitting nut;
  • automotive sealant (red);
  • drill with drill bit;
  • round file.

If you have the listed materials and tools at hand, it will take no more than 40 minutes to make a steamer with your own hands at home. Connecting it to the main structure will take about half an hour.

Making a steamer with your own hands from a jar

Having prepared the necessary materials, you need to make sure that the lid closes the jar tightly. If the seal of the container is broken, steam under pressure will escape from it, thereby leading to the loss of valuable potion and filling the room with an unpleasant odor. If everything is fine with the connection density, then you can start assembling the steamer with your own hands from a jar. Photos of its main elements as they are assembled are presented below.

Unscrew the lid and use a drill to make two holes in it. Using a round file, we expand them to such a size that the lower parts of the gas fittings can fit into them. We cover the edges of the holes made from the bottom of the cover with a layer of automotive sealant and place rubber washers on it. We insert the fittings from the top with the thread down and secure them with nuts. As a result, we should have a lid with two hermetically screwed outlets. But that is not all.

We assembled a simple steamer with our own hands from a jar. In principle, you can leave everything as is, it will work. However, in order for the cleaning process to be more thorough, it is necessary that steam from the inlet fitting enters the liquid. To do this, you need to attach a pre-prepared tube (copper, aluminum, metal-plastic) to its lower part in any convenient way. Its length should be such that there is approximately 8-10 mm from the bottom of the jar to its lower end. That's it now.

As you can see, making a steamer with your own hands is an absolutely inexpensive and not so complicated process. But now the drinks you produce will have a more noble taste and smell.

How to connect a steamer to a distillation cube

If the question of how to make a dry steamer with your own hands can be considered closed, then the question of connecting it to the main structure remains relevant. After all, in addition to the fact that you need to think through and make a reliable steam line, you need to take care of its tightness.

Typically, copper tubes are used for these purposes. They are sold at automobile markets and in stores selling spare parts for ventilation systems. The cross-section of the tube must be selected based on the thickness of the fittings we used. It is desirable that the internal diameter of our pipeline be several millimeters larger than the fitting itself. This will allow you to connect them without unnecessary problems, without using additional tools.

So, the length of the tube is calculated based on the distance at which the distillation cube and the steam chamber will be located from each other. Its edges are usually bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Fortunately, the copper tube bends perfectly, and if necessary, it can be easily straightened and bent in a new way. One end of the pipeline should go into the hole in the cube, usually located in its lid, and the other should be put on the inlet fitting.

The second tube is needed to connect the reflux condenser and the refrigerator. Here, if the sections of the pipeline and the cooling coil are incompatible, you can use a piece of silicone hose and small clamps.

The issue of sealing connections

Naturally, any pipe connection that does not have a thread and a seal cannot be considered airtight. A tube inserted into the lid of the distillation cube or put on a fitting will allow steam to pass through, especially if it is supplied under pressure. It is inappropriate to use sealant here, since the structure is collapsible, and we don’t need any extra chemicals.

Moonshiners found a simple way out here too. Dough or bread crumbs can be used successfully to seal joints. Thanks to the right consistency, they can easily fill up any unnecessary space between the connecting elements. When heated, both the dough and the bread harden, making the connection not only airtight, but also somewhat immobile.

In this simple way we assembled and connected the steamer to the apparatus with our own hands. A photo of the finished structure is shown below. Of course, your device may look different, but this does not change the essence.

Steamer test

And now that we have figured out how to make a steam generator with our own hands and connect it to the main structure, it’s time to start testing it. If you have no experience in moonshine brewing, it is better to use ordinary water instead of mash for the first time. So, using an example, you can look at the principle of operation of a moonshine still, and a reflux condenser in particular.

We fill the distillation cube with water and heat it. Water, like, in principle, mash, if its quantity is 30-40 liters, will heat up for about 1.5-2.5 hours until the process of boiling and evaporation begins. During this time, it is quite possible to connect all other structural elements.

When the boiling process begins, the walls of the steamer will be covered with steam, which, as it cools, will begin to flow to the bottom of the jar. When the accumulated liquid covers the edge of the inlet fitting tube, the bubbling process will begin, during which steam will pass through the water accumulated at the bottom. Under the influence of high temperature, the already purified steam will be supplied to the outlet and then to the refrigerator.

What you need to know about the distillation process

If the tests were successful, you can begin practice. We change the water to mash, heat it, and assemble the system. When the temperature in the distillation cube reaches 78 ° C, alcohol vapor will begin to evaporate.

Now the main thing is not to rush and maintain a constant temperature regime. Intense boiling of the mash will lead to the formation of foam and its entry into the pipeline. This is an extremely undesirable phenomenon. Slow boiling will also negatively affect the quality of the drink. In this case, alcohol vapor will contain an increased amount of fusel oils.

After some time, a light brown liquid will begin to collect in the steam pan. This is the same phlegm (moisture) that the steam tank is designed to collect. It does not contain alcohol, but has a strong unpleasant odor. Without the use of a steamer, all this liquid would invariably end up in the mash. With a mash volume of 30-40 liters, by the end of the process its amount will be 1-2 liters.

Little tricks when using a steamer

But assembling a steamer with your own hands is only half the battle. It is also important to use it to its maximum benefit. For more thorough cleaning of the future drink, the reflux condenser can be partially filled with clean cold water. To give the moonshine a certain aroma, add lemon and orange zest, as well as dried fruits or medicinal herbs and spices, into the steamer. Hot alcoholic steam will dissolve the essential oils contained in them and fill the drink with their aroma.

The production of alcoholic beverages at home has become widespread. In such cases, special attention must be paid to the quality of the product. If this topic is close to you, then you definitely need to know why you need a steamer in a moonshine still. At least to broaden your horizons in this area. This device allows you to simplify the production of alcoholic beverages, and its quality will be much higher. Let's take a closer look at the mentioned device.

What is a dry steamer?

Let’s decide at the very beginning the purpose of the steamer. This is a structural part that is part of the moonshine still itself. Why do you need a steamer in a moonshine still? It is designed to ensure that the raw materials for its production (that is, mash) do not get into the final product (alcoholic drink). The steamer also helps to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in moonshine. It should be noted right away that this design is not a mandatory element of the apparatus for producing the drink; it can easily perform its function without a steamer. However, its presence can significantly improve the taste and overall quality of the product.

Advantages of using a steamer

The following design advantages explain why a steamer is needed in a moonshine still:

  • During the operation of the device, the drink is purified at the level of physical reaction. The cleaning efficiency is high compared to the use of various chemical reagents (coal, soda and others).
  • In addition, the drink that has passed through the steamer is better prepared for the second distillation, and its quality becomes simply ideal. Some even, saving time, do not allow the product to undergo a second distillation.
  • In addition, the design is inexpensive, and those who have the desire and certain knowledge can make it themselves at home. Otherwise, a steam tank is called a reflux condenser or a suction chamber. It is installed between the coil and the distillation cube.
  • By putting some spices in the steamer (lemon zest, ginger, anise) you can give your drink a certain aroma.

Why do you need a steamer in a moonshine still?

The main purpose of the steamer is to purify the raw materials at the time of distillation. The element also serves as a physical barrier between the coil and the reservoir with the initial raw material (mash). The steamer prevents the mash from getting into the final product.

Otherwise, the steamer can be positioned as an additional purification of moonshine. Thanks to its use, the quality of the final product increases significantly. In the steamer, all undesirable components and most of the fusel oils are separated, which not only increases the taste characteristics of the moonshine, but also significantly reduces the harmfulness. The unpleasant smell so characteristic of moonshine practically disappears.


To understand the principle of operation of a steam steamer, it is necessary to say a few words about its general structure. The reflux condenser itself was invented for other purposes: it was intended to increase the productivity of steam engines; it was installed in steam locomotives. The increase in power was achieved through a process in which coarse-grained droplets were separated from the steam.

Following the same example, alcohol vapors and droplets of fusel oils are separated in a steamer. Here is the answer to the question of why you need a steamer in a moonshine still.

The design of the steam tank itself is extremely simple: it is a sealed container that has inlet and outlet pipes. No additional elements are provided inside the device.

Even an ordinary glass jar with a metal lid can play the role of a steamer. The main task is to make the structure airtight, the main problem is the junction of the tubes. Therefore, if you decide to install a dry steamer, but you are not sure that you can do it correctly, it is better to purchase a ready-made option.

With your own hands

Well, if you have experience in craftsmanship and your hands can do a lot, then you can make the design yourself so as not to overpay. Everyone decides for themselves whether a steamer is needed in a moonshine still. To get a better quality product, it is recommended to install it.

The manufacturing principle is quite simple:

  • First you need to apply markings to the lid. Mark the tube insertion points.
  • It is necessary to drill holes of the required diameter. The size will depend on the diameter of the tubes and fittings for the connection.
  • The fittings need to be connected to the tubes and inserted into the holes in the cover.
  • For fixation, use nuts of the required diameter.
  • For complete tightness, the joints must be sealed using cold welding or epoxy resins.
  • Connect the tubes to the coil and the tank with mash.
  • Screw the lid tightly to the jar.

That's the whole design principle. If necessary, you can use several elements that are connected in series.

Important Note

The main note is that the volume of the tank must be selected based on the volume of vapor being distilled. With a small volume, splitting into vapor fractions will not occur. If the volume is too large, the vapor will cool more intensely, and the performance of the system itself will decrease. You also need to take into account the fact that the specific design is such that the steam tank requires frequent washing and cleaning. For this reason, it should be easy to remove and put back. The decision is made in all cases individually on the question of whether a steamer is needed in a moonshine still (reviews in most cases give a positive answer). If you decide to use a device, then consider whether it would be easier to make it yourself or to purchase a ready-made one.

The principle of operation of the steam steamer

Let's take a closer look at the operating principle of our device; this will paint a complete picture confirming the need for a steamer. The element works as follows:

  • The mash boils inside the tank, during this process the formation of vapors occurs, which contain both ethyl alcohol and other evaporating substances, including harmful fusel oils.
  • All this steam moves through the pipes. If the boiling is too intense, drops of mash may get inside the tubes.
  • Once in the steam tank, the steam begins to cool, and the composition is divided into fractions. The reason is that alcohol boils at a lower temperature than fusel oils. That is why harmful impurities in the form of condensate settle on the walls of the steam chamber, and alcohol vapors, driven by a new portion of steam, are sent through the tubes into the coil.
  • Already in the coil, the vapors condense and pure moonshine is formed. The cycle is repeated until the mash boils in the tank.

The steamer significantly reduces the time required to clean the product. In the absence of steam, a large amount of harmful impurities remains in the moonshine. They are not only harmful, but also cause an unpleasant odor and worsen the taste.

How many steamers are needed for a moonshine still is up to everyone to decide for themselves. In principle, one is enough, but for double condensation, some install a dual design. The market offers many models, the choice is yours.

Is a second steamer needed in a moonshine still?

Let's figure out why two elements are installed, and is it true that the moonshine will be more purified? Why is a second steam chamber needed in a moonshine still? Is this design improvement rational? The main emphasis of manufacturers of double purifiers is that with such a dry steamer you will not have to do a second distillation. There are different points of view, but, as practice has shown, this is still not entirely true. Indeed, the alcohol will be of better quality, your head will not hurt after the first glass, and fusel will no longer come out of this design. But in order to get a drink of the highest quality, no matter how you look at it, the alcoholic drink needs to be distilled again. This will get rid of all impurities. This rule should not be neglected.

The lion's share of the negative effect is contained in impurities with fusel oils. For many years there has been debate about the presence of this component, which supposedly emphasizes the essence of moonshine. In fact, fusel oils are very toxic and dangerous for our body, they increase the danger of alcohol several times, it is better to get rid of them as much as possible.

Dangerous sediment always accumulates at the bottom of the steamer, which is what the “brewmaster” of the drink struggles with. Do not even think about using this mixture for any purpose, much less consuming it.

The benefits of steamer

We figured out why a steamer is needed in a moonshine still. Reviews from “transporters” confirm the effectiveness of using this device. So, what do those who have already introduced a dry steamer into the distillation system of alcoholic beverages note?

  • Thanks to the steam chamber, effective filtration of all impurities is ensured.
  • There is a significant decrease in the amount of fusel oils.
  • The taste of moonshine increases.
  • Getting rid of the unwanted effects of drinking alcohol, in particular, no headaches after drinking in moderation.

In a moonshine still, the steamer, as we have seen, is an irreplaceable thing. Now we know what this device is for. Draw your own conclusions. By the way, there is nothing wrong with making alcoholic drinks at home. There are also echoes of those times when, when there was a shortage of alcohol, moonshine was punishable by law. Nowadays everyone prefers natural products, and the same is true with alcoholic beverages. It is better to serve your guests your own drink, properly prepared, than to buy a product of unknown quality in a store. Many will agree with this.

First you need to decide on the subject of consideration itself. A steamer is a structural part of a moonshine still, designed to prevent mash from getting into the final product, as well as reducing the concentration of harmful substances in the drink. It’s worth noting right away that the steamer serves as an auxiliary element of the moonshine still and the device can function without it, but its presence significantly improves the quality of the resulting product and taste characteristics.

Stainless steel steamer

Among the most significant advantages of using the device are:

  • During the operation of the device, the product is purified, which occurs at the level of physical reactions. This significantly increases the efficiency of the process compared to the use of chemical reagents such as activated carbon, soda and other absorbents.
  • Installing a dry steamer allows you to save time required for cleaning products. The fact is that traditionally, to improve the quality characteristics of the drink, the method of double distillation is used. If you install a steam tank, the process is carried out in one cycle.
  • The element in question does not significantly complicate the design, but at the same time has significant efficiency of use.

Among other things, a steamer is inexpensive to purchase, and if you have certain knowledge and skills, it can be made independently.

Purpose of the steamer

The main purpose of the steam chamber of a moonshine still is to clean the raw materials during distillation. In addition, the element acts as a physical barrier between the tank with mash and the coil. With its help, the entry of mash into the final product is completely eliminated.

Sukhoparnik - additional system for purifying moonshine

Thanks to the use of a steamer in a moonshine still, the final quality of the product increases significantly. The element allows you to separate most of the fusel oils and other undesirable components, which not only improves the taste characteristics of the drink, but also reduces its overall harmfulness. The unpleasant smell inherent in moonshine also practically disappears.

Types and device

In order to better understand the specifics of using this structural element, it is necessary to say a few words about its general structure. Initially, the reflux condenser was invented to increase the performance of steam engines and was installed in steam locomotives. The required increase in power was achieved by separating coarse-grained water droplets from steam. The steam chamber of a moonshine still has approximately the same function, only here the drops of fusel oils are separated from the alcohol vapors.

The design of the reflux condenser is extremely simple - it is a sealed container with inlet and outlet pipes. No additional devices are provided inside the element. If necessary, an ordinary glass jar with a metal lid can play the role of a steamer. The main problem in this case is ensuring the tightness of the junctions of the tubes. That is why, if you decide to put a steamer on the moonshine still, then it is better to purchase a ready-made option.

A simple steamer from a can

Although, if you have some experience in producing such work, then why pay, because you can do it yourself. The principle of operation of the element is quite simple. To do this, you need to carry out a series of sequential actions:

  • First, markings are applied to the lid of the jar. The tube insertion points are marked.
  • Next, several holes of the required diameter are drilled in the lid. This indicator will depend on the diameter of the tubes and connecting fittings used.
  • The fittings are connected to the tubes and inserted into the lid of the jar. The elements are fixed with nuts, and to achieve complete tightness, you can use epoxy resin-based glue or cold welding.
  • The tubes are connected to the mash tank and the coil, and a glass jar is screwed to the lid.

In principle, the simplest reflux condenser is ready. If necessary, the structure can consist of several such elements connected in series. It is important to pay attention here that the size of the tank should be selected based on the volume of vapor being distilled.

If the volume is small, then the splitting of the steam into fractions will not occur, and if the volume is too large, the steam will cool too quickly, thereby reducing the performance of the system.

It is also worth considering that the specificity of the functioning of the steamer is such that the element requires regular washing, which means it should be easily removed and connected. It is necessary to decide what to use, a home-made device or to purchase a finished product individually.

To finally understand the issue, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the operating principle of the steam generator. The element works as follows:

  • When the mash boils, vapors are formed inside the tank, which contain ethyl alcohol and many other evaporating substances, such as fusel oils. All this steam mixture moves further through the pipes. If boiling occurs intensely enough, then mash particles get inside the tubes.
  • Once in the steam tank, the steam mixture cools down slightly, which is why the composition is divided into fractions. The fact is that the boiling point of alcohol is much lower than that of fusel oils. Therefore, harmful impurities condense and settle inside the steam chamber, and the alcohol vapors driven by a new portion follow further through the pipes into the coil.
  • In the coil, the vapors condense, and pure moonshine is obtained.

The installed dry steamer can significantly reduce the time required to clean the product. In the absence of an element, the amount of harmful impurities in the final product is still quite high. In addition, impurities are not only harmful, but also cause a characteristic unpleasant odor and impair the taste.

Most often, these shortcomings of the resulting drink are eliminated through repeated distillation, which requires some time. If you use the device, the second stage of processing can be avoided. Why perform double distillation if it is much easier to install a steamer on the moonshine still? The market offers many options for manufacturing devices in which the element is already installed, so everyone can choose their own model.

Are you still thinking about the need for a steamer? Watch the video: