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» The most energy efficient projects: a Swedish house with a greenhouse. How to build a greenhouse or a house quickly and for pennies Who wants a house with a large greenhouse

The most energy efficient projects: a Swedish house with a greenhouse. How to build a greenhouse or a house quickly and for pennies Who wants a house with a large greenhouse

House with a greenhouse as a shell

The house with a greenhouse that we would like to tell you about is, first of all, a visual embodiment of a method of protection from the winter cold. A huge number of people are forced to live in an area of ​​harsh climatic conditions, which impose a number of requirements on the architecture of residential buildings.

Some experts advise northerners to wear thermal underwear and warm clothes, arguing that purchasing long johns is a more economical solution than turning on the heating boiler at full power. Someone offers more original ideas. What do you think, in particular, about setting up a tent - at home! - in order to reduce heating bills?

Returning to the object that became the reason for writing this article, let’s say that it implements perhaps the most original and rather expensive approach to saving thermal energy. In front of us is a house located not far from Stockholm. The owners built a greenhouse around it, inserting 4 mm thick glass into an aluminum frame.

The concept of such structures was first proposed back in the 70s by the Swedish architect Bengt Warne. His project was called Naturhus.

Well, the idea turned out to be quite sound, as the following video tour convinces us of.

The owners of the house, Marie Grandmar and Charles Sasilotto, were so inspired by Varnay's work that they decided to create their own version of Naturhus. They purchased a property that already had a summer home on it and installed a standard greenhouse around it, spending about $84,000.

The couple installed a centrifugal cleaning system in their house Wastewater, which separates urine from solid particles. Next, the resulting liquid is purified using special plants and sent to water the beds and trees.

A greenhouse allows you to significantly extend the gardening season and grow representatives of the Mediterranean flora such as figs, as well as reduce heating costs.

The space between the walls of the house and the glass shell can be used all year round. It includes several compact terraces and one large one, located on the roof of the cottage.

Of course, this concept will only work in countries with harsh climates characterized by short summer and frosty winter. But the very fact that the heroes of our article are extremely satisfied with their home speaks of its wealth.

What do you think about her?

Even experienced summer residents in the middle of the first decade of the new century, they began to abandon the greenhouse, they say, there is a lot of hassle, and the result is not so impressive. Moreover, the younger generation is egging you on: tomatoes are sold on every corner, and you’ve been bending your back over one bush all summer.

But the next crisis seems to have put an end to these doubts and reasoning. A greenhouse is needed. It allows you to get a good harvest of fresh herbs and vegetables, and environmentally friendly products. And this is not only savings family budget allocated for vegetable products, but also for medicines, because pure products allow you to maintain health, receive vitamins and microelements. The only question is how to grow a full-fledged crop without spending a lot of money on the purchase and maintenance of a greenhouse without headaches from either cold or overheating.

The best option for high yield of the greenhouse - if from spring to autumn someone lives permanently at the dacha. This is quite realistic for pensioners today, because modern technologies at low cost, they allow you to insulate country house, create in it comfortable conditions for accommodation. But permanent residence does not cancel some measures to facilitate physical labor in the country.

If the holiday village is guarded, then, of course, the best option is a stationary greenhouse covered with polycarbonate. It will serve for many years and will allow you to grow greens and vegetables even without heating from the end of March to November. The arched structure on the foundation will save on covering material and will withstand wet snowfalls without problems.

The word “foundation” does not mean that the greenhouse needs to be poured concrete base. The best option is a base made of wooden beam, treated with anti-rotting agents. It will play an important role in the thermal insulation of the greenhouse and will successfully serve for at least 10 years. And this is an excellent timing, because small garden then using the greenhouse in one place is extremely problematic; it is easier to install a new foundation and move the frame with polycarbonate.

If cases of theft in your village are frequent, then it is better to do good foundation, on which you can quickly and easily install a collapsible greenhouse and cover it with thick, high-quality film. Such a greenhouse is also beneficial for the reason that snowy winters will not suffer from snow load.

I have already written about the choice. Perhaps we can also mention the new generation cellular polycarbonate with the Bio label, which guarantees an increase in yield and the amount of vitamins in vegetables. Actually, this, as in the case of film, is the result of the action of light-converting additives. I would give preference to this particular polycarbonate, remembering that the effectiveness of light-converting additives will decrease after a certain number of years. As far as I know, manufacturers provide a 10-year warranty.

I will add that it is very important to find a material whose price and quality are in harmony. In the comments to that article, we recalled how strong and durable the reinforced film produced in the 90s was, and how quickly it crumbles now. Same with polycarbonate. The first polycarbonate roof of my greenhouse served faithfully and partially still serves for more than 20 years. But one day I decided to change the design of one ramp and, foolishly, partially used a piece of newly purchased polycarbonate. So, it only served for 3 years, but I am already noticing signs of destruction along the edge of the roof overhang.

What I mean is that you need to buy from a conscientious seller material produced by a company with a good reputation.

And further. In the case of polycarbonate, you should not save money and neglect special edge and connecting tapes - they significantly increase the service life of the material and ensure high level transparency.

Until recently, the glass greenhouse was considered the most advanced. In it, the ground freezes little, thaws quickly, retains heat well and has high light transmittance. The main disadvantages of such a greenhouse are the need for a solid foundation, expensive materials and construction work. But if you position your country property as an estate, then it makes sense to incur the cost of a fundamental greenhouse. True, I would refuse traditional glass, as a fragile and dangerous material, and replace it with modern monolithic polycarbonate. It is lightweight, flexible, with high light transmittance and 4 times less cold than glass. Its price is high, but...

No matter what excellent covering material we choose, the quality and durability of the greenhouse directly depend on the frame. This was experienced by many summer residents in the winter of 2013, when many vaunted structures collapsed from the snow load, at the same time destroying the covering. Now, blowing on the water, at the end of the season, summer residents install spacers and supports in their greenhouses. Honestly, I haven’t heard of anyone being patient and suing the manufacturer. And while we support “reliable and durable structures” with sticks from the forest, low-quality goods will be sold on the market.

Alas, most reliable design for a year-round sheltered greenhouse in the conditions of the Russian winter, a handmade one remains. The best option- from wooden block. Properly designed and made, it will serve for a long time and reliably, and the material will not let the cold into the greenhouse. Welded metal constructions from the “do-it-yourself” series are also reliable, but the metal itself is a “cold bridge”.

However, not everyone can afford a custom-made greenhouse, so we have to choose from what is offered to us by a huge army of manufacturers, focusing on their wallet and reviews of the owners of the “greenhouse from the store.”

Ecology of consumption. Estate: Scientists from the Netherlands who created an unusual greenhouse house. The essence of the idea is to combine energy-efficient technologies and a garden complex in one home.

City dwellers are often deprived of the opportunity to purchase truly fresh vegetables and fruits, only picked from the garden. And many country residents do not always have the opportunity to grow whatever they want on their plot. For example, heat-loving plant species. This is due to the limited area of ​​the site or unsuitable climatic conditions. The solution may be to install a thermos greenhouse.

Thus, the researchers want to test the idea of ​​​​building autonomous home, which can feed its residents.

For a bold experiment (its completion is scheduled for 2018), a house was built according to frame technology, with glass roof and transparent walls third floor.

The house is oriented to the cardinal points. The slope angle of the transparent roof is designed in such a way that the plants receive the maximum degree of solar insolation. If necessary, the windows are covered with curtains. In addition to the greenhouse, the house was equipped with a rainwater collection system, which is used for irrigation and technical needs, a solar collector, and a ground heat exchanger.

Tests have shown that the idea works in a greenhouse too all year round manages to grow a variety of vegetables and fruits. For example, watermelons, tomatoes, peppers, beets, zucchini and cauliflower.

To bring the experimental conditions as close as possible to natural environment, a family of four settled in the house (based on the results of a competitive selection). According to the conditions of the experiment, people should live in their usual rhythm. Despite theoretical training and detailed instructions, the townspeople had a hard time. The absence affected practical experience life "on earth".

So, people had to adjust their work schedule to the garden. Getting up early in the morning, distributing responsibilities, doing weeding, fertilizing, deciding who does watering and on what day, caring for plants, monitoring the operation of the ventilation system, etc.

According to Helly Scholten (the wife of the head of the family), they once left home for a few days in the summer, and when they returned, they discovered that the plants planted in the vertical garden had died due to the heat and lack of moisture.

This served as a lesson to the family and made them view the experiment as something other than fun game, but as serious work that requires a lot of effort and knowledge. Things went well. Now the Dutch are fully self-sufficient in vegetables and fruits, and even have a surplus.

The project developers emphasize that although the house is experimental, the technology is being tested on it, and ways are being sought to improve the home, combined with a greenhouse. In the future, the researchers plan to put the production of house kits on stream, so that everyone can have their own personal garden. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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We are so accustomed to straight lines and angles that it is difficult to imagine anything else in our summer cottage. We have square or rectangular houses and the same greenhouses. Meanwhile, there are more advantageous forms buildings, for example, one of the oldest forms used by nomadic peoples is domed buildings. Such buildings have excellent aerodynamic qualities, they retain heat better, and it is quite easy to build such greenhouses and even houses.

Tents can be called one of the first home-made dwellings erected by man. Wigs and yurts were light, simple and mobile shelters for nomadic peoples. But this design is not outdated - modern architects and designers use such structures to build huge stadiums and observatories. It turns out cool and with a minimum of costs.

Materials for frame and cladding

Dome structures assembled from straight parts are called geodesic. They are assembled into triangles, and the more triangles you make, the smoother the shape the structure will get. The material for the frame can be wooden slats, metal pipes D20 or PVC pipes.

There are several websites and forums dedicated to dome-shaped buildings. For example, a fairly old but functional site

Geodetic form

There is a special calculator here that calculates the length of parts for tents with different frequencies.

For example, you select a dome with a radius of 10 feet (about three meters) and a triangle frequency of 2. The calculator calculates the length and number of parts and connectors for you.

Calculation of the length of frame parts

Using metal pipes as a material, you can easily compress their ends and drill holes in them for fastening using hand tools. Of course, with a vice and drilling machine everything will be easier and faster, but, in principle, you can do this with a hammer and drill.

Hole in frame part

The more precise the holes in the frame parts are, the easier it will be to connect them later with bolts.

Ready-made pipe frame

If you use wood for the frame, you can connect the parts metal fastenings and screws.

DIY greenhouse from

Top coating

When the frame is ready, it's time to cover the greenhouse. You can use plastic film, it is the cheapest, but will not last more than a season. You can also use more durable reinforced film or PVC film, which can last up to three years.

Another option is to cover the greenhouse with sheets of cellular polycarbonate from 4 to 10 mm. The sheets can be simply cut with a knife and mounted on the frame.

Greenhouse covered with cellular polycarbonate sheets

Shape provides strength

The aerodynamic shape of the dome ensures the strength of the building even at strong winds. In addition, this shape allows you to maintain the temperature inside and distribute heat evenly.

For example, on a sunny day at -15 °C outside, the air in the greenhouse can heat up to +26 °C. And especially for cold winter You can make an additional greenhouse inside the tent from wire and plastic film.

Additional greenhouse inside the dome

Dome house in two months

So, with minimal costs you can make a durable geodesic greenhouse on your site. But that's not all the dome shape can be used for. For example, you can even build a country house, and even do it in just a couple of months.

Of course, a house needs a foundation. For example, some builders in the Tyumen region used a pile-screw, the installation of which can be easily handled without the help of specialists. Of course, heavier structures require a solid foundation.

The frame of the house is made of wood with metal fasteners and is sheathed on top with sheets of moisture-resistant plywood. Various insulation and materials are used for exterior finishing Houses.

They even sell kits for self-assembly domed house.

The result is beautiful round houses, which, despite their low cost and speed of construction, are durable and retain temperature well, which means they save on heating costs.

Constantly improving technologies for the construction of greenhouse structures, manufacturing plants are providing ever new ideas to farming enthusiasts. Today, greenhouses and greenhouses can be seen in a variety of expressions and with completely different functions.

A greenhouse that is attached to the wall of a house or an ordinary outbuilding is great idea for the construction of a building for growing various types plants for pleasure, interest and profit. In this case, we build the roof slope at a specific angle, taking into account the climate in the region. The angle of inclination should not be too large, but its inclination should be enough to prevent snow and raindrops from accumulating on the top of the building. Such a structure can also be attached to residential building, and to the summer design.

The greenhouse attached to the house is an unfinished form that is, as it were, a continuation of the house. It is best to build such a greenhouse on the south side of the building, where Sun rays happen most often.

The wall of the house protects the greenhouse very well from the wind. Energy supply, water supply, heat supply, in an attached greenhouse near the wall of your house will cost you less.

An attached greenhouse can be covered with:

  • Glass:
  • Polyethylene;
  • Polycarbonate.

The frame of this greenhouse can be built from wood or metal profile. The Maxidom chain of stores will help you decide on the choice of material.

A practical greenhouse in a country house: what can be grown in it

Growing cucumbers in the kitchen or basement of a private house is a very real thing. By building a greenhouse, you can get juicy, environmentally friendly, natural and healthy berries and vegetables in early spring and throughout the year. How to organize such a greenhouse in the basement, or on ground floor with your own hands? The main problem that will need to be solved is the lack of daylight. And if growing champignon mushrooms may be in the dark, then cucumbers really need a sufficient amount of light.

Greenhouse in country house in the basement will require a decision from you non-standard tasks, so how are u basement has its own characteristics. It's dark, damp and cold there.

Since the outside temperature is low in winter, you should insulate the basement. If there are drafts in a leaky basement, then good harvest It won't grow there. Once the equipment is installed, you need to think about the soil. For the basement, it is better for you to choose small quartz or granite gravel. When you have prepared the soil, you should consider lighting. For normal, correct height, cucumbers need at least 10 hours of light every day. An important issue in proper cultivation plants is the disinfection of space as a prevention of crop diseases from various ailments.

In the basement you can grow:

  • Cucumbers;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Greenery;
  • Potato;
  • Zucchini;
  • Pepper;
  • Eggplant.

Each culture requires separate care and its own microclimate. Therefore, before planting any crop in such a greenhouse, analyze whether you can provide it with everything necessary.

Built-in greenhouse on the second floor of the house: design features

In addition to the basement, some people use the second floor to grow plants. country house. This is also not a bad option, even because there are already daylight. In addition, you cannot allow free space to go to waste.

A greenhouse on the second floor of the house will help you obtain a variety of vegetables at any time of the year. Proper care behind such a greenhouse can give you a real winter garden.

But there is this method and your shortcomings. It is not allowed to equip a greenhouse in an old-style building. A greenhouse means constant dampness and humidity. The greenhouse structure must be completely sealed, otherwise the first floor will constantly suffer from moisture penetration. If the house has an extension, it is better to equip a greenhouse there.

Features of the greenhouse on the second floor of the house:

  • The advantage is the fact that such a house already has heating and lighting, you just need to adjust them;
  • Plants are best grown in closed, airtight containers big size. Then it will be convenient for you to process and water them;
  • Large, large climbing plants are not suitable for such a pleasure;
  • Provide the room with ventilation, otherwise the plants will not grow.

Low, compact flowers are best suited for growing on the second floor of a house.

House in a greenhouse: Sweden on its own site

With each new season, farming enthusiasts never cease to amaze us. Their discoveries benefit people all over the world. More recently, a family from Sweden patented their discovery, who built a greenhouse around their house, and thereby killed, as they say, two birds with one stone.

A house in a greenhouse “Sweden”, this is how we can now call a new discovery in the field of greenhouse construction. And now everyone has the opportunity to enjoy many benefits all year round.

Similar designs began to grow like mushrooms all over the world, and the scope of application of such technologies has grown significantly. Now it is possible not only to reduce the cost of heating premises in a private home, but also to make it more comfortable.

Greenhouse houses can be equipped with:

  • Place for growing plants;
  • Botanical Garden;
  • Pool;
  • Beach;
  • Terrace for relaxation;
  • Outdoor dining;
  • Playground for children;
  • Place for walking;
  • Aviary for animals.

Owners of private houses constantly have more and more new ideas about the use of such a building, but one thing is obvious - this new breakthrough has many advantages and only positive reviews.

Greenhouses in a private house on the roof: advantages

Roof greenhouses have appeared a long time ago, but they are not often used due to the complexity of installation. It is almost impossible to adapt old buildings for this type of occupation, and therefore this technology It is used mainly in the construction of new, modern buildings.

Greenhouses in a private house on the roof are a great idea for those who want to grow healthy crops at home. But you must be prepared to face a number of difficulties.

By equipping such a greenhouse correctly and organizing the cultivation of vegetables, fruits or flowers in it, you will provide for yourself healthy products during the whole year.

Advantages of a greenhouse on the roof of a house:

  • The ability to save space on your garden plot and in the yard;
  • Lighting comes entirely from the sun;
  • Heating can be made integral with common system home heating;
  • The design is easily ventilated;

This option may have a common area with the roof of the house, or may occupy only part of it.

What is a house in a greenhouse (video)

Greenhouse structures are particularly diverse and have many options. Those who know how to save space and have learned to value and protect every free meter of land are constantly developing new greenhouse technologies. Nowadays greenhouses can be seen not only on personal plots and dachas, but also on the roofs of houses, and even around the building itself.