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» The easiest and simplest magic tricks for beginners. Simple magic tricks for children and adults - easy to do at home! Demonstrating chemistry tricks for children at home

The easiest and simplest magic tricks for beginners. Simple magic tricks for children and adults - easy to do at home! Demonstrating chemistry tricks for children at home


Hello my dear readers! There is less than a month left until the New Year. It's time to think about what to cook for festive table. For many dishes we will certainly need beets - what could we do without them? Right now we will look at the question of how to bake beets in the oven in different ways.

Why might we need oven-baked beets? For preparing a salad (even a whole series of holiday salads), for preparing a wonderful side dish for meat, poultry, homemade ham. And also to quickly cook delicious borscht or make a dressing for borscht for the winter.

I like the taste of baked beets much more than boiled ones. It's rich, caramel-y, deliciously—wonderful. I hope that I have convinced you - this beautiful burgundy root vegetable needs to be baked! And as a reward, I will give you recipes for absolutely magical baked beet salads for unlimited use. But that will be later, but today we turn on the oven and go!

How to bake whole beets in the oven for vinaigrette and salad

How to bake in foil correctly

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly with a brush to remove adhering soil, sand, and other contaminants.
  2. Dry with a towel that absorbs moisture well.
  3. Carefully wrap the root vegetables separately in foil, place them on a baking sheet, and place them in a hot oven.
  4. Bake at 190 - 200°C for sixty - ninety minutes.

    On a note

    The baking time depends very much on the beets themselves. Young, juicy specimens bake faster than more mature specimens.

  5. After about forty minutes, remove one root vegetable from the oven and pierce it with a wooden skewer. If it enters without effort, then the vegetable is ready.
  6. Remove from the oven, cool in foil, unwrap, use immediately or store in the refrigerator.

How to bake in parchment or baking paper

  1. Wash the vegetables, wipe them dry, and wrap them in parchment.
  2. Place on a baking sheet.
  3. Bake in the oven at 200°C for an hour to an hour and a half.
  4. Check readiness as in the previous recipe.

My comments

  • Packaged root vegetables can be placed in a mold, on the bottom of which a thick layer of coarse salt has been previously poured. It is believed that the presence of salt helps to establish the optimal temperature in the oven.
  • Whole baked beets are ideal for making vinaigrette, salad with grated root vegetables, mille-feuille.

How to properly bake in a sleeve or in a bag

  1. Place clean vegetables in a sleeve or baking bag. Close the ends of the sleeve and the opening of the bag with special clamps or clips. Make several punctures in the packaging.
  2. Place in a hot (200°C) oven.
  3. Bake for about forty minutes. Remove and check doneness with a wooden skewer. If necessary, place in the oven and bake until desired degree of softness.

How to bake beets and carrots in the oven for a holiday side dish

Ideal side dish for tenderloin, oven-baked pork chops, homemade sausages, roasts chicken fillet. The cooking process is not at all complicated. Place the prepared beets and carrots on a sheet in one row. Bake in the oven until preferred tenderness. Season with dressing from butter and honey, bake for a couple more minutes and that’s it!

This dish can sometimes be fed even to those who categorically do not accept beets and carrots as a side dish. I'm not even talking about appearance this delicious food - he is wonderful!


  1. Five beautiful oblong carrots;
  2. Five bright juicy beets;
  3. 80 ml olive oil;
  4. 60 g butter;
  5. 40 g honey;
  6. ground black pepper;
  7. ground cumin (optional);
  8. parsley dill;
  9. salt.

How to bake deliciously

  1. Peel thoroughly washed vegetables and cut into beautiful pieces. Carrots can be cut into “pucks”, and beets into “wedges” and cubes.
  2. Place vegetables in a bowl and pour over olive oil, sprinkle with salt, spices, mix thoroughly.
  3. Spread evenly on baking sheet. Bake in the oven at 200°C for fifteen minutes. After the specified time has passed, taste the vegetables to see if they are done. If you like everything, then pour the pieces with a dressing made from a mixture of honey and melted butter. Bake for a couple more minutes.
  4. Serve immediately, sprinkled with chopped herbs. Although I like this whole mixture cold.

How to bake beets and potatoes in the oven

Another fabulous holiday side dish or base for a warm salad. The combination of potatoes, beets, thyme and garlic is very successful. A handful of crumbled cheese on top of the finished dish and the delicious salad is ready.


  • Approximately 800 g potatoes;
  • three beets;
  • 4 - 5 cloves garlic;
  • a couple of small onions or a handful of onion sets;
  • three to four sprigs of thyme;
  • 80 ml olive oil;
  • salt.

How to cook deliciously

  1. Release clean vegetables peel, chop.
  2. It is better to bake potatoes in wedges, and beets in wedges.
  3. Mix the vegetables in a bowl, add olive oil, add salt, add peeled garlic cloves and onions, mix again.
  4. Place in a baking dish (mold, baking sheet, frying pan), place sprigs of thyme (dill, savory, rosemary) on top of the mass, cover tightly with foil or parchment.
  5. Bake in the oven at 200°C. After half an hour, open the pan and cook for another fifteen to twenty minutes or until done.

How to quickly bake beets in the oven in pieces

Sometimes you need to roast beets quickly. In this case, it is best to bake it in pieces. This method is very good for baking vegetables for salad with cheeses (gorgonzola, brie, camembert).


  • Beet;
  • olive oil;
  • salt.

How to cook quickly and tasty

  1. Cut the clean root vegetable into the pieces you need.
  2. Place on a sheet lined with baking paper.
  3. Sprinkle with olive oil and salt.
  4. Place in the oven at 200°C and bake until done.

    Ready baked beets should be soft, with a pleasant caramel flavor.

Well, here we are – we’ve covered the main baking methods. Now I’ll give you, my dear readers, a recipe for a wonderful salad with baked beets as a “seed”.

Roasted beetroot, goat cheese, pistachio and basil salad


  • One bright baked beetroot;
  • 130 g goat cheese;
  • 30 g peeled pistachios;
  • a handful of chopped basil;
  • olive oil;
  • salt.

How to cook

  1. Peel the whole baked root vegetable, cut into small thin pieces, add salt and olive oil.
  2. Crumble the goat cheese and mix with finely chopped basil and pistachios, crushed into fine crumbs using a rolling pin. Simple, elegant and very tasty!

My dear readers! I look forward to your comments and questions. Share the article on your social networks - maybe one of your friends will find it useful.

Always yours Irina.

How amazingly musical and euphonious the Polish language is in song! Touching, sincere, very much in the style of Portuguese “fado”...

Anna Maria Jopek feat Luis Guerreiro — Spójrz, Przeminęłoby

A popular joke says that after the birth of a son, a man becomes a father, and after the birth of a daughter, he becomes a daddy. But when it comes to entertainment, it doesn’t matter what gender your child is, the main thing is that communication pleases both of you. And, if you want to surely win the trust of the younger generation, you must be the best in your business - that is, it must be very fun and interesting to be with you. Perhaps you are not even a parent, but an uncle, an older brother or a family friend - one way or another, while communicating with your baby, you turn into a potential source of fun, pranks and all kinds of ideas.

It doesn’t hurt to stock up on them in advance so that your imagination doesn’t let you down at the right moment. For example, master several spectacular tricks. Even adults often fall for such tricks and admire the unique talent of the “sorcerer.” Not to mention the little one who always perceives man-made miracles with a bang. But all you need to gain a reputation as the soul of a children's company is to understand the essence and practice a little to do magic tricks for children easily and without hitches. Are you ready to become a magician? Then read, memorize and try your hand.

What types of tricks are there? Magic tricks for children and adults
Tricks, illusions, transformations and riddles will never go out of fashion - they always intrigue viewers of any age. But still you are unlikely to entertain adult company their friends with tricks, albeit very spectacular ones. But any children's party With the help of magic tricks, a matinee or birthday party can be turned into an unforgettable event for children. Professional actors and animators know this firsthand, so in their arsenal they always have a set of items necessary for performing tricks and creating the appropriate atmosphere. This selection usually depends on the theme and type of performance and, of course, on the age of the audience. As an amateur magician, you don’t have to carry around a whole van of colorful paraphernalia. But when going to an event where there will be children, take with you a minimum set of items that will help you out and make you look like a real wizard:
Of course, your main weapon in the fight for the favor and trust of the audience is not material objects, but dexterity of hands and speed of movements. Do not forget that such performances are loved precisely because they create a mysterious atmosphere and the illusion of touching magic. And your task is simplified by the fact that children, for the most part, are more gullible than adults, willingly believe in miracles and are not familiar with most of the laws of physics. All you have to do is not to destroy their willingness to be surprised and secure the image of a sorcerer.

The best simple magic tricks at home
Each magician has his own secrets and signature numbers. To make it easier for you to find your own style and form a repertoire of tricks, we have prepared a list of easy-to-perform but quite impressive tricks. To study and reproduce them you will not need a lot of time or special equipment, but diligence and accuracy will not hurt. Each proposed trick is accompanied by a “decoding”, that is, an explanation of its essence and principle of operation. Try to keep your training secret so that the secrets of the illusions are not revealed ahead of time.

  1. Turn the scarf into a ball. You will need it uninflated balloon, a needle and two handkerchiefs of the same size (for example, 40*40 cm).
    What the audience sees: you are holding an ordinary square handkerchief in your hands and showing it from both sides. Then you fold all the corners of the scarf together, press them with your palm and bring them to your lips. You blow into the scarf like into a pipe, and it begins to swell, increase in volume and turn into a ball. You show the ball to an astonished audience and then pierce it with a needle to re-make it into a scarf.
    What actually happens: first, you must fold both identical scarves together, matching their edges perfectly. Use small stitches to sew the scarves around the perimeter, leaving only a small hole in one of the corners. Insert a balloon into this hole so that its container is between the scarves in a kind of “bag”, and secure the neck to the hole of the sewn scarves. When performing a trick, hold the corner of the scarf in which the ball is hidden in your hand. When you inflate the scarf, blow into the balloon to fill it with air.
  2. Make the threads run. You will need a spool of thread, a spool without thread, and a black marker or felt-tip pen.
    What the audience sees: on the table in front of you there are two spools standing vertically: a black one with wound threads and an empty white one. You place your palms on the coils and clench them in your fists. Cast any spell or simply count to three. Then you raise your hands and it turns out that the threads have managed to “rewind” from the black spool to the white one. No matter how many times you repeat this trick, each time the threads will be on one or the other spool.
    What actually happens: Pre-prep the coils by coloring the ends of one side with a black marker and leaving the other side white. Place the coils side by side, but with different sides: one with the black end up, the other with the white end. Your main task is to quickly and quietly turn the coils while they are hidden in your palms. Then, to those looking from the outside, it will seem that the threads were previously on a black spool, but are now wound on a white one. And vice versa.
  3. Enchant the box. You will need a matchbox or any other box of similar design and a thin small handkerchief (cambric or chiffon).
    What the audience sees: you are holding a half-open matchbox in your hands. Then take it out completely indoor unit and demonstrate to the audience that it is completely empty. Then close the empty box, shake it in your hand, and say the “spell.” Open the box again and take out a beautiful scarf.
    What's actually happening: It's no coincidence that the boxes are half-open at the beginning of the presentation. In the free space under the lid lies a handkerchief folded many times. When closing the box, you push the scarf out - the main thing is that at this moment the corresponding side of the case is facing inside your palm. What follows is a matter of the beauty of your gestures, how effectively you wave your handkerchief, diverting attention from the unnecessary box.
  4. Guess the cards. You will need a standard deck of playing cards.
    What the audience sees: you place any six cards on the table in front of you front side up. Then you invite a volunteer from the audience and ask him to mentally select any card from those on the table and remember it. Then you collect cards from the table, return them to the deck and shuffle them. At this time, you can tell the audience a funny story from your life or just joke. From the shuffled deck, you take out six cards and place them on the table in the same way as the cards were before, but face down. Then you take one card and return it to the deck. Turn the remaining five cards face up. Among them, the card that the viewer wished for is missing!
    What actually happens: when you remove the first six cards from the deck, you deliberately put them down and try not to confuse them with the rest. Then, after a lyrical digression, you place any other six cards on the table - the main thing is that none of them are from the first set. Thus, no matter what card you remove, there will not be a hidden one among the remaining ones. And this trick works because the audience, as a rule, obediently selects and remembers one card, as you ask. No one remembers what other five cards were around her. Therefore, when you place the second selection on the table, it is obvious that the hidden card is missing, and all the others seem to be the same.
  5. Bring your pencil to life. You will need a pencil of any color or a pen with a rough surface.
    What the audience sees: You are holding a pencil in your hand, pointed side up. The second hand makes passes in a vertical direction. Under their influence, the pencil itself repeats the movements: it rises higher, then falls lower.
    What actually happens: you clench the pencil in your fist, with the back of it facing the audience, thumb down. With your other hand, fingers straight, close the bottom of your fist. After this, you can safely rest the thumb of the hand holding the pencil on the base of the pencil and move it higher and lower. When viewed from the side at this time, it seems that the pencil has come to life and is moving itself, following the gestures of the hand with an open palm.
  6. Turn an orange into an apple. You will need a handkerchief, a medium to large sized ripe orange and an apple slightly smaller than the orange.
    What the audience sees: you hold in your hand and show everyone an orange juicy orange. Then you put it on the table in front of you, cover it with a scarf and say magic words. You tear off the scarf, and an equally juicy and appetizing apple appears before the eyes of the public. There is no sign of an orange nearby.
    What actually happens: Peel the orange very carefully in advance so as to keep the peel as intact as possible. Then place an apple inside it. During the performance, when lifting the scarf, you need to press your hand not only on the fabric, but also on the orange peel in order to discreetly grab it and lift it along with the scarf. The apple remains on the table as it is - without the orange “disguise”.
  7. Command the light bulbs. You will need a floor lamp or desk lamp and an incandescent light bulb.
    What the audience sees: You try in vain to turn on the light by flicking the switch on the tabletop - the light bulb does not light up. After several attempts, you unscrew the light bulb from the socket and show it to everyone present so that they can see with their own eyes that the light bulb is completely intact and should burn. Then you cast a spell or simply ask the light bulb to shine for you. Return the light bulb to lighting fixture and with the words: “Light bulb, light up!” press the switch. The light bulb, convinced by your admonitions, obediently lights up.
    What actually happens: at the beginning of the performance, the light bulb is in the socket, but not screwed in to the limit. Thus, there is no contact and the light does not come on. After manipulation at the height of the trick, you screw the light bulb into the socket again, this time all the way. Of course, after clicking the switch, the light comes on. This trick is designed for children who are not yet familiar with the intricacies of lighting fixtures.
  8. Repair torn paper. You will need two identical white sheets of paper and glue.
    What the audience sees: you are holding a flat, whole sheet of paper in your hands. Then you turn it on both sides so that those present are convinced of its ordinariness. Tear the sheet in half, put the halves together and tear in half again. You crumple the resulting quarters of paper in your palms. The audience can clearly see the wad of crumpled paper in your fist. You begin to straighten it and smooth out the creases. In the end you give it back to the paper original appearance and a flat surface.
    What actually happens: on the eve of the performance you will need to fold one of two identical sheets several times and carefully glue it with a corner to one of the upper corners of the second sheet. When the glue dries, place the glued paper under pressure overnight (for example, press it down with a stack of books) so that both sheets adhere to each other as tightly as possible and do not fall apart. While performing the trick you will tear and crumple large leaf, and cover the folded one discreetly with your palms. When the time comes to “restore” the paper, unfold the carefully folded sheet in advance, and hide what is damaged in its place, in your fist.
  9. Insert the thread into the needle by feel. You will need a needle with a narrow eye and a bright (visible from afar) thick thread.
    What the audience sees: despite the fact that even inserting a thread into a needle suitable diameter Not everyone succeeds the first time, but you can do it with ease. And without even looking at the eye of the needle: put your hands with the thread and needle behind your back, insert the thread and show the public the successful result of your work.
    What actually happens: multiply the named prop by two. Insert one thread into the needle in advance and stick it into the back of your clothes as discreetly as possible (although you don’t turn your back to the audience anyway, which means no one will see the forgery). When you hide your hands behind your back, stick an empty needle into your clothing and hide the thread in your fist. Unfasten the needle and thread and show it to the audience.
  10. Remove the paper clip without using your hands. You will need a piece of paper and a paper clip.
    What the audience sees: you place a sheet of paper and a paperclip on the table and invite everyone to try to put the paperclip on the sheet of paper, and then remove the paperclip, but without touching the paperclip with their hands or any auxiliary objects. Give the audience all the time necessary so that everyone can try their hand to no avail.
    What actually happens: after the audience's attempts have exhausted themselves, it's time for your benefit performance. Fold a piece of paper in half and place a paper clip on the fold. Now pull the edges of the sheet into different sides- and the paper clip will come off the paper on its own. This trick uses ingenuity more than sleight of hand and attention, but usually causes a storm of emotions in young spectators associated with the anticipation of repeating the trick on their own.
  11. Use a magic wand. You will need a large newspaper (one page spread), a sheet of A4 paper, paints or markers, a handful of confetti and streamers.
    What the audience sees: when performing any tricks, you use your own magic wand. At your request, after waving the wand, swirls of multi-colored confetti burst out. When the performance comes to an end, you thank the magic wand for its help and say goodbye to it. Then you wrap it in a sheet of newspaper and intensively crumple it so that those watching this have no doubt that the stick under the newspaper could not survive and retain its shape. And you unwrap the newspaper, from which streamers pour out, into which the magic wand has turned!
    What actually happens: your “magic wand” is made in advance by your own hands, from a rolled, glued and brightly colored sheet of paper. The void inside this roll is filled with serpentine at one end and confetti at the other. While you are using the stick, hold it by the edge where the serpentine is hidden. With each swing, confetti will fall out of the second end. Then, when it's time to say goodbye to the magic wand, crumple it under the newspaper. When unfolding the newspaper, hold the crumpled paper and allow the streamer to fall out freely.
The listed tricks can be shown even to small children, because none of the tricks are dangerous. There are other illusions based on chemical reactions(like coloring starch and soap solutions with cabbage juice) and the operation of the laws of physics (a handkerchief that does not ignite from a candle). But it’s better to save them for older audiences, because kids not only won’t appreciate the full depth of your miracles, but they may also accidentally get injured trying to repeat your tricks.

Secrets of a successful magician
So, now you know the basic secrets and what props you need to do magic tricks for children. It's time to take care of your own person, that is, your new role magician: appearance, demeanor, various subtleties of behavior, voice and gestures. To begin with, it won’t hurt to watch films about artists of this genre - and don’t get carried away with cartoons about clowns, feature films for adults contain much more useful ideas. In particular, we recommend the films “Prestige”, “Now You See Me”, “The Great and Terrible OZ”. Borrow from the main characters their “tricks” - eye expressions, theatrical gestures and even intriguing statements. All this will definitely play into your hands when you find yourself in front of an open-mouthed young audience. For our part, we would like to give you some additional advice:

  • Every trick you perform must be well rehearsed. Don't be lazy to practice as many times as necessary to get the illusion perfect. It's convenient to do this in front of a mirror to evaluate how convincing you look. Better yet, ask a trusted person - an “assistant”, that is, a friend or relative, to watch your rehearsal and point out your mistakes that are noticeable from the outside.
  • For your performance, choose a variety of tricks with different props, because young audiences are not very persistent, and your task is to prevent them from getting bored with monotonous performances.
  • When showing tricks to children, don't limit yourself to simple demonstrations. mysterious phenomena, and try to beat every trick, accompany him thematic story, a joke or a small scene.
  • When starting a trick, do not tell the audience what they are about to see, even if you decide to include it in the eyeliner of the act. Surprise is an important part of a good magic trick and a big part of the fun of watching it. Don't deprive viewers of these emotions and don't diminish your mysterious image.
  • Make eye contact with the audience frequently while speaking. Address any phrases to everyone at once or to someone selectively to lull your vigilance. The main thing is to divert attention from your hands at the moment of performing the main manipulations. You yourself never look at your hands.
  • Following the previous principle, do not remain silent during the presentation. It is not so important what exactly you say, but you should constantly chat and entertain those present. Small, deliberate pauses can be made only at those moments when they are relevant to the plot of the trick. And then, it’s best to fill them with suitable music.
  • Try not to perform the same trick twice if you are speaking to a new audience. But this recommendation does not apply to one or two of your “crown numbers”, which you do best, invariably cause delight among the audience and the secret of which you jealously guard.
  • Every magician faces persistent requests to reveal the secrets of his tricks. Whether to do this or not is up to you. You may want to teach your young viewers magic tricks, or, on the contrary, you may prefer to preserve the reputation of a real wizard. One way or another, always leave your best numbers not declassified, but share those that will be easy to replace with other numbers next time.
  • For amateur magicians, it is better to choose several simple and short numbers for your performance than to prepare complex and difficult tricks to perform. Firstly, difficult tricks require longer preparation and you risk not being able to cope with them. Secondly, children perceive many short-term entertainments better than the need to follow one action for a long time.
We can say that any trick, regardless of its content and the props used in its performance, consists of two parts: mechanical and psychological. The first lies directly in the execution of the trick, its technicality and mastery of objects. The second includes everything related to the behavior of the magician and his work “in public”, the ability to interest the public and present himself and his performance in the most favorable light. The better you master both components of success and learn to combine them, the more joy you will bring to your young viewers. But positive emotions, from surprise to delight, are the goal and the best reward for a magician. Therefore, we wish you inspiration, creative success and a grateful audience.

We decided to devote this page to simple tricks. Simple tricks - This mini tricks or just small tricks that “fall short” of a full description and do not require complex explanations and diagrams. And as their name suggests, simple tricks do not require complex props. Nevertheless, these simple tricks very funny and can lift the mood in any company and anywhere: at home, outdoors, on a trip.

Scarf chicken trick

For demonstration you need a white or yellow thick large scarf. Roll the scarf with two identical tubes inward. After this, bend the scarf the other way around and fold the tubes in half. Connect the ends of each tube sticking out of them together, stretch the scarf to the sides. The result will be a figure similar to a chicken.

Focus is making the newspaper stand

Invite the children to make a regular paper newspaper stand upright. Most likely, nothing will work out. Offer to help them, and after some of your manipulations the newspaper actually stands vertically on your hand. The secret of the trick is that you unfold a whole newspaper and take it by opposite corners. One hand is on top of the newspaper, and the other hand is below. After this, you stretch the newspaper so that a fold is formed in the center. The bottom corner needs to be slightly bent. If you then remove your hand from the top of the newspaper, it will maintain its balance while standing on your hand.

Focus spoon glued to nose

A trick spoon glued to your nose is suitable for when you drink sweet coffee or compote, stirring it with a light teaspoon. To demonstrate the trick, remove the spoon from the cup. Turn the spoon handle down and place the concave side towards your nose. Lightly press the outside of the spoon with your fingers. After you remove your hand, the spoon will hang on your nose as if it were glued. The secret of the trick is simple. You really glued the spoon with the help of the sweet drink that remains on it when you stir it. Even with little acting ability, a few seconds are enough to convince the audience of this trick of the extraordinary properties of your spoon.

Focus: control your heart rate

Do you want to show off your unique abilities to your friends? Then this little trick is for you. Ask someone who is willing and able to do this to find your pulse on your wrist. After this person is convinced that there is a pulse, you suggest first slowing it down and then stopping it completely. How surprised he will be when your pulse cannot be felt. Then make it beat again. The secret of the trick lies in a tennis ball hidden in advance under the armpit. As soon as you lightly press on it with your hand, the pulse at the wrist will slow down and then stop altogether. This occurs because the artery is blocked by the ball in the armpit. If you release the pressure on the ball, the pulse is restored.

At all times, people have been interested in strange, mysterious events for which they could not find a logical explanation. This explains the success of magicians who give people a fairy tale, a small miracle that you want to be surprised by and really want to believe.

In the professional environment of illusionists, it is forbidden to reveal the secrets of tricks, but many tricks have already ceased to be a mystery. On the one hand, this deprives a person of miracles and secrets in real life, and on the other hand, it gives you the opportunity to be amazed at human ingenuity and try to master the art of magic on your own. “Sleight of hand and no fraud” - this is the principle by which magicians work. The goal of a trick is not to deceive, but to surprise and delight. This video "Easy Tricks" will teach you a simple trick with coins.

Video lesson “Easy tricks”

How to learn to perform tricks?

Showing tricks is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is not enough to learn the very principle of the trick and its features; it is important to convince the person that this is really magic, and not a deft movement of the hands. To do this, you simply need to master acting skills. Those who do not have acting skills can try to learn it.

Learning to perform tricks correctly:

  1. Firstly, a person must believe in his focus, in his abilities. He must behave like a real magician, who is confident that he is creating real magic and that everything will definitely work out for him.
  2. Contact with the audience plays a big role. The illusionist's words should depend on the audience, appropriate to the age and occupation of those watching the trick. Questions to the audience and dialogues with them help a lot.
  3. It is important to be confident in your abilities and not get lost under any circumstances. Even if something goes wrong, you need to quickly get your bearings and pretend that everything is going according to plan.
  4. No one should get into an argument with the audience. In the crowd of spectators there will always be a skeptic who will not be surprised by anything. There is no need to waste your time focusing on him; it will still be difficult to convince him. More attention needs to be given to those viewers who really expect a miracle and believe in the magician.
  5. After performing a trick, there is no need to divulge its secret. This will undermine the authority of the magician and spoil the impression of even the best trick.
  6. Before performing a trick, it must be rehearsed for a long time and carefully. One unsuccessful trick can ruin the impression of all previous tricks, even the most successful ones. Remember that authority is very hard to earn and easy to lose.
  7. Learning how to do magic tricks is easy for those who train, rehearse and educate themselves a lot, learning new tricks and techniques.

Three ordinary coins themselves attach to each other and, without falling, hang calmly in the air! Magic, and that's all. How to master this magic?

Learning to do a coin trick:

  1. We take three ordinary coins in denominations of 5, 10 and 50 kopecks.
  2. For the trick to be successful, you need to take two small magnets.
  3. We attach these magnets to one coin and we can safely perform a magic trick!
  4. We make sure that the audience does not see the magnet. A little secret: so that the audience cannot understand the secret of the trick, it is necessary to draw their attention to elements that are not at all important for the trick. This way they will be distracted and will not be able to figure out the trick.
  5. Before starting the trick, the magnets should be held in your hand and then discreetly attached.

That's all! This is how easy it is to master seemingly complex and amazing tricks. Let's learn to create miracles with our own hands and surprise our family and friends! Good luck!