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» The most common mistakes in Russian are accent. Errors in stress. Orthoepic dictionaries of modern Russian language

The most common mistakes in Russian are accent. Errors in stress. Orthoepic dictionaries of modern Russian language

Verbal stress in the Russian language is characterized by diversity (can be on any syllable and any part of speech: news, science, education, bourgeoisie) and mobility (in different grammatical forms of a word it can move from one syllable to another: head, head; accepted, accepted; brave, bold, etc.). Prepositions, conjunctions and particles usually do not have independent stress and are adjacent to independent parts of speech: behind the mountain, I wasn’t, father would come, sit down. In some cases, the emphasis shifts to the preposition: downhill, on the floor, overnight.

Thus, independent and function words have the same verbal stress, making up a single phonetic word in sound. The correct choice of stress in a word is of great importance in working on speech culture. Below are examples in which television and radio presenters most often make erroneous accents.

Errors in stress placement in the forms of nouns

In this group of errors, attention is drawn to the long-established tendency for many frequently used non-monosyllabic masculine words to move from the category with a fixed accent on the root to the category with a movable stress on the ending in plural forms.

The most common mistakes made on television and radio:

Which airport should passengers find themselves at... (Inga Pavlinova, “Vesti - Chita”, RTR, 12/20/07);

In museum storerooms... (Mikhail Tokhmachev, “Emergency”, NTV, 03/05/08);

Passing warehouses in Ingushetia... (Alexey Alikin, Vesti - Chita, RTR, 02/01/08);

In temporary storage warehouses... (Yulia Dyatlova, “Vremya Novostei”, “Altes”, 02.19.08).

There should be: airports, warehouses, warehouses, in warehouses.

Apparently, fluctuations and the desire for final stress generate a reverse wave - towards root stress in words with a movable stress type.

Linguistic consciousness (paradox: unconscious, of course) strives in one way or another to restore the lost balance and the following results:

They chanted at the funeral of an Israeli teenager... (Vladimir Kantimir, “Press Review”, “Russian Radio”, 03/18/08);

In the Kemerovo and Tula regions... (Ksenia Gorkovenko, “Vremya Novostei”, “Altes”, 02/22/08);

One of the largest ports in the Far East... (Correspondent Andrey Voloshko, News Release, Channel One, 03/17/08).

The correct words should have been: funerals, regions, ports.

In the noun review, the stress fluctuates between the prefix and the root.

The radio station “Russian Radio” said:

The BMV company announced a recall of its cars... (Nika Gorbunova, “Automagic”, “Russian Radio”, 02/07/08).

It is necessary to give a review (a review is a review, response, opinion).

Sometimes there is a group of words in which the stress tends to shift to the suffix. This group includes the following accentological errors:

A dancer named Caramel... (Victoria Stankeyeva, “To people about people”, “Russian Radio”, 03/04/08).

Meanwhile, the norm is a dancer, and the emphasis used is not recommended and can only be justified by the professional nature of the speech.

The same transition of stress from the root to the suffix in the following example:

Relations with the Moscow Patriarchate... (Alexey Erofeev, Vesti-Chita, RTR, 03/10/08).

In this case it should be patriarchy.

Sometimes TV presenters make mistakes in placing stress in borrowed words.

Works in a state drug dispensary... (Maxim Galkin, “Who wants to become a millionaire?”, Channel One, 01/23/08).

Must be pronounced at a drug dispensary.

Erroneous stresses were observed in a separate group of masculine words.

Let's note these errors:

After leaving the airport... (Viktoria Mikhailyuk, “Vesti - Chita”, RTR, 02/17/08);

Since March 6th, foot and mouth disease has not been observed in the territory of Eastern Aimak... (Vladimir Okunev, Press conference, “Vesti - Chita”, RTR, 03.26.08);

Triptych... (Maxim Galkin, “Who wants to become a millionaire?”, Channel One, 02/17/08);

With the advent of diapers, caring for newborns has become much easier... (Alexey Lysenkov, “Your own director,” RTR, 02/18/08);

Opening fire from a machine gun at an Israeli checkpoint... (Zhanna Agalakova, “Time”, Channel One, 03/10/08);

There are police checkpoints everywhere... (RIA - Novosti correspondent, Radio Mayak, 03/10/08);

Thanks to Alexy the Second... (Marat Kashin, “Vesti”, RTR, 02/14/08);

Konstantin Balmont... (Yulia Dyatlova, “Vremya Novostei”, “Altes”, 01/17/08).

That's right: airport, Aimak, triptych, newborns, checkpoint, checkpoints, Alexy, Balmont.

The next group of accentological errors is represented by words with a violation of stress norms in feminine nouns. Here's what came from the TV screen:

Plowing must be very careful... (Galina Vorovinova, Vesti-Chita, 02.23.08);

Maces... (Vsevolod Neroznak, “News”, Channel One, 03/06/08);

By the will of fate, those who found themselves in a hospital bed... (Alexey Alikin, “Vesti - Chita”, RTR, 02/16/08).

It should be: plowing, maces, by the will of fate.

And finally, errors in the placement of stress in the forms of neuter nouns. The following was said on radio and television programs:

Good intentions... (Correspondent Dmitry Kochetkov, “News”, Channel One, 01/03/08);

More politics than good intentions... (Ernest Khavkin, “Countrymen”, Radio Russia, 02.25.08);

Centralized funds must be allocated... (Interview with N. Nikonov, “Vremya Novostei”, “Altes”, 01/16/08);

There must be a petition from the ministry... (Svetlana Verkhoturova, Vesti - Chita, RTR, 02.22.08).

There are mistakes in these examples, it should be pronounced like this: intentions, means, petitions.

Errors in stress placement in forms of adjectives

This type of error includes a group of words often used by radio and television workers in which accentological errors are made. We noted the following examples:

Despite all the assurances of high-ranking officials... (Ekaterina Andreeva, “Time”, Channel One, 03/17/08);

Gross domestic product... (Svetlana Sveshnikova, “Day Studio”, Radio Russia, 02/18/08);

Gross domestic product... (Anna Konyukova, Segodnya, NTV, 03/27/08);

On the day when the Ukrainian Parliament... (Mikhail Leontiev, “However”, Channel One, 02/11/08);

With in-depth study of foreign languages... (Advertising, TVC, 02/10/08);

This procession partly resembles a religious procession... (N. Zabuzova, “Segodnya”, NTV, 02/10/08);

And Yuri Mikhailovich wants it to be more beautiful... (Mikhail Leontiev, “However”, Channel One, 03/21/08).

It should be: high-ranking, gross, gross, the Ukrainian version is outdated and not recommended for use, with in-depth, godfather (procession), but godfather (father), more beautiful.

Errors in placing stress in adverbs

In this group, according to our observations, only two examples turned out to be erroneous:

As well as the legislative body... (Sila Golovaty, “Vremya Novostei”, “Altes”, 01/28/08);

Exactly like the regional Department of Internal Affairs... (Marat Sedikov, “Criminal Russia”, NTV, 01/30/08).

In both cases it should be equal.

Errors in stress placement in verb forms

The vast majority of deviations from the norm occur in prefixed verbs. The prefix tends to pull the emphasis onto itself.

Here's what was said on TV and radio:

They will be ready to accept the special flight... (Olga Kupriyanova, Vesti - Chita, RTR, 02/17/08);

When did the aggression begin... (Serdar Avlikuliev, News Release, Radio Russia, 01/23/08);

It makes no sense to discuss after the match is lost... (Sports commentator Vladimir Topilsky, “News”, Channel One, 03/10/08);

Most of these laws were adopted... (Alexey Frolov, Segodnya, NTV, 03/02/08);

A work program will already be adopted there... (Andrey Ukharev, “News”, Channel One, 02/05/08);

That today an attempt will be made... (Zhanna Agalakova, “Time”, Channel One, 02.28.08);

To the group of journalists who arrived in Chechnya today... (Svetlana Verkhoturova, Vesti - Chita, RTR, 03.23.08);

The fire brigade that arrived to extinguish his house... (Mikhail Tokhmachev, “ChP”, RTR, 02.02.08);

The number of voters who took part in the elections... (Inga Pavlinova, “Vesti - Chita”, RTR, 02.02.08).

The given examples do not correspond to the literary norm; the correct words should have been: accepted, begun, lost, accepted, undertaken, arrived, arrived, accepted.

Errors in prefixed verbs with the root - key - are also typical. There is a very persistent widespread tendency towards root stress in the forms of the present (future) tense and the participial form in - n -.

The agreement that is concluded between you and us... (A. Mikhalev, “Ten minutes at the mayor’s office”, “Altes”, 02/17/08)

Thus, the verb from the class of words with fixed stress moves into the class with movable stress, which is happening before our eyes, however, despite its activity and widespread use, it cannot, at least now, be considered the norm. The contract is concluded.

It’s a shame that respected television and radio journalists were unable to avoid erroneously placing emphasis on the following verbs:

Information about time varies from several hours to a day... (Mikhail Leontiev, “However”, Channel One, 03/16/08);

And this created good preconditions... (Ekaterina Andreeva, “Time”, Channel One, 02/06/08);

How to make the life of any housewife easier... (Advertising, “Russian Radio”, 03/05/08);

The administration intends to apply for assignment... (Ksenia Gorkovenko, Vremya Novostey, Altes, 02/21/08)..

You need to say: varies, created or created, facilitate, intercede.

Thus, the above examples and their analysis indicate a gradual, slow change in orthoepic norms, and, consequently, in the phonetic system of the Russian language. This is a change in the speech of radio and television workers.

Most of the errors in the examples given can be analyzed from a systematic point of view. It is known that the system of literary pronunciation does not always coincide with the system of colloquial or vernacular, and even more so dialect pronunciation. A native speaker who has not sufficiently mastered the system of literary norms demonstrates a different system in their speech creation, which causes a violation of spelling.

In order to prevent spelling and accentological errors in future professional activities, we have compiled appendices to this final qualifying work: “A short dictionary of stress and pronunciation” [Appendix 1] and “Accentological minimum” [Appendix 2]. The “Accentological Minimum” dictionary lists the words in which fluctuations in stress are most often observed in the speech of radio and television workers.

      Errors associated with ignorance of the stress inherent in the language from which the word is borrowed: meager - meager, blinds, gala concert(from French); bartender(from English).

      Errors associated with the absence of dots above the letter in printed texts e, which is always pronounced with an accent: bile(they started talking bile), newborn(neg. newborn), introduced(nesp. imported), etc.

      Poor spelling knowledge: reservation– a gross mistake, as it should be armor, and the emphasis is armor(preemptive right to receive something) and armor(protective coating) – performs a semantic-distinguishing function ( ticket armor - tank armor). Poor knowledge of morphology: toast – a masculine noun and in the plural has stress on the last syllable – toast (compare: bag - bags, boot - boots, scarf - scarves

      and so on.).

Low level of language proficiency, uncritical attitude to one’s speech."Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language"

– a special dictionary that records the normative stress in words, the pronunciation of words, their forms, and also, with the help of special normative notes, shows the options and conditions for their use. (The system of normative marks is unified for assessing pronunciation, accentological and morphological variants.)

    Regulatory litter system

    Equal options are connected by a union And: barge And barge, simultaneous And simultaneous, muscular And muscular, tunnel And tunnel, meatballs And meatballs.

    Options, one of which is the main (preferred):

a) litter add.(acceptable): birch bark and add. birch bark, cottage cheese and extra. cottage cheese, cheap and add. cheap (the second option is conversational);

b) droppings add. outdated. (acceptably outdated): angle and add. outdated perspective, hypocrisy and add. outdated. hypocrisy, industry and add. outdated industry. The litter indicates that the second option is gradually being lost, but it used to be the main one.

    Beyond the literary norm(prohibitory signs are used to indicate these options):

    not right.(wrong): kitchen! not right. not right kitchen, prey! not right. not right prey, concentration! not right.. not right concentration, plum! not right.

    plum, he will pay! will fill, borrow! : . borrow; alcohol!. alcohol; borrow; alcohol! grossly wrong .(grossly wrong)

    document! grossly wrong. document, engineers! engineer, petition! grossly wrong. petition; options, the specific emphasis in which is traditionally accepted only in a narrowly professional environment: ammonia / in professional speeches ammonia, drivers /

in professional speeches

driver, compass /

among sailors compass, epilepsy / from doctorś epilepsy, convicted / at lawyersō convicted.

All options that are outside the literary norm are assessed as errors.“Emphasis is truly the soul of a word. Take away the stress from a word and it will disappear. Put the wrong emphasis and the whole word will be destroyed” (N.A. Fedyanina).

Spelling(from Greek

Oh, my poor native language,
Who didn't mock you -
The punks, the officials, the linguists...
Who didn't break the poor fellow,
Didn’t twist, didn’t torture:
“Easy, start, back, accepted,
You are right, sympathize, connect"
Well, okay, a swindler or a thief,
Or drunks and drug addicts,
But a teacher, but a prosecutor,
But TV announcers!
Worker and intellectual
They beat their native speech like a mongrel:
"The Convict and the Incident"
Blessed, sympathize, stunned"
Well, okay, just a bureaucrat,
But a journalist, but a deputy
The language has recently been distorted.
From my heart I want to appeal
To all who are the son of true Russia
It's time not to start, but to begin
Cleanse our tongue from filth
Friends, take care of yourself,
When you speak Russian
After all, this is our native language -
Save it for your grandchildren!

As we know, the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​created by humanity over its centuries-old history. Researchers claim that its vocabulary is over 200,000 words. The vocabulary of such great people as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, according to researchers of their work, is about 20,000 words. And the average vocabulary of an ordinary person with higher education is 2000 words. You don’t have to be a mathematician to calculate that we use only a small fraction of that iceberg called the Russian language. In this regard, a very legitimate question arises: why do we, using only a small part of the vocabulary fund in communication with others, artificially impoverish our speech, voluntarily refuse to use the diversity and beauty of our language?

Stress norms- one of the most important problems of the Russian language. They are numerous and not easy to digest. The stress is learned along with the word: you need to remember it. Often, incorrect stress is remembered easier and faster, which is later very difficult to eliminate. This is the task of a literate person - to master the norms of stress and correctly apply them in practice. Russian stress is distinguished by the presence of a greater number of pronunciation options than stress in other languages ​​(for example, in French the stress always falls on the last syllable). Norm– uniform, exemplary, generally accepted use of language elements. The norm is mandatory for both oral and written speech. There are different norms: orthoepic (pronunciation), orthographic (spelling), word-formation, lexical, morphological and syntactic. Language norms- a historical phenomenon. Changes in literary norms are due to the constant development of language. What was the norm in the last century and even 15-20 years ago may become a deviation from it today. The sources of changes in the norms of the literary language are different: colloquial speech; local dialects; vernacular. professional jargon; other languages. Changes in norms are preceded by the appearance of their variants

Difficulties in mastering Russian accent are associated with two of its features: diversity and mobility.

Diversity- this is the ability of stress to fall on any syllable of a Russian word: on the first - iconography, on the second - expert, on the third - jalousies, on the fourth - apartments. In many languages ​​of the world, stress is attached to a specific syllable.

Mobility- this is the property of the stress to move from one syllable to another when changing (declension or conjugation) of the same word: water - water, hozhU - you're walking. Most words in the Russian language (about 96%) have movable stress.

Some are annoyed by the creaking of foam on glass, some by the scraping of a fork on a plate, and some by illiterate speech. Unfortunately, our sometimes blatant illiteracy is visible and audible at every step! The site's correspondent interviewed dozens of people and looked through the same number of forums to compile a kind of hit parade of speech errors that are annoying.

Accent errors

This is the most common type of error. Unfortunately, a couple of such slips, and you will be called illiterate. It would seem that we have already eaten away the baldness with the notorious “it doesn’t ring, but it rings”, but not a day goes by without hearing it in transport, in a store, at work. If you still have similar instances among your friends, introduce them to the phrase “From those who call, they bring news.” It's a shame, but it works flawlessly - everyone immediately starts calling.

Not cakes, but cakes;

Not a phenomenon, but a phenomenon;

Not provision, but provision;

Not blinds, but blinds;

Not a catalog, but a catalogue;

Not kilometer, but kilometer;

Not water, but water;

Not a leg, but a leg;

Not a newborn, but a newborn;

Not a woman in labor, but a woman in labor;

Not a shell, but a shell;

Not sorrel, but sorrel;

Not spark, but Iskra;

Not beets, but beets;

Not more beautiful, but more beautiful. And by no means more beautiful!

Not a shoe, but a shoe (and not a shoe, but shoes).

There are also clerical words that are often pronounced incorrectly. These words are prey, agreement, means, alcohol, excited. These words are a kind of jargon of specialists in a certain direction. For some reason it is customary for police officers to say “excited” instead of “excited”, but it is a mistake - it is a mistake in Africa too.

One coffee please!

But the wrong emphasis is not so bad. As the survey showed, people are much more irritated by the incorrect definition of the gender of words. Thus, the phrase “I washed my hair with shampoo and made delicious coffee” is capable of infuriating 9 out of 10. The use of the word “tulle” in the feminine gender, “suede” instead of “suede” can also be safely included.

Another layer of errors is the incorrect ending of words in the plural. The leaders in the hit parade of errors are:

Editor, inspector, contract;

Well, for some reason people don’t like the letter “s” at the end of a word!

I say as I want!

But these are not the most annoying errors. Let's move on to the leaders of our "hit parade" - mistakes that some people, as they admit, simply cringe. If any of the phrases listed below are in your vocabulary, get rid of them immediately!

- Stop near the main post office!

No one knows where the letter “P” came from in the word “main post office.” Some people still slightly “ennoble” it and say “near the main post office”, but still with a “P”. Remember it yourself and pass it along the chain: correctly - “near the main post office”!

- It was a long time ago - in the year two thousand and one...

Numerals are a generally complex topic. Unfortunately, such “pearls” can often be heard even from television announcers. We remember and correct others: we say not “two”, but “two”, that is, it will be correct: in two thousand and one.

- Will you come to my birthday?

No comments. For some reason, our people turned “birthday” into one word and assigned the neuter gender to this “neologism.”

- “I miss you” or “I miss you.”

You can only miss a person or a phenomenon, but not ABOUT or FOR!

- Pay your fare.

Either “pay the fare” or “pay the fare”. There is no third.

- With a creaky heart, I agreed...

You can't shake your heart! You can grind your teeth, but you can hold your heart together when it is torn apart. Therefore, “grinding your teeth” or “reluctantly.”

- I chose a better option.

The best is already a superlative degree, and this word does not need any additions at all.

To fix or not?

The list of such errors can be continued endlessly. It will definitely include “lay down, put down”, “podcherka”, “in bed”, “lend”, “plottish”, “rezetka”, “tubaretka”, “mosquito” and so on. The question is, should you point out the mistake to your interlocutor or “not pretend to be the smartest one”? Philologists and editors are unanimous: the error must be pointed out! Only this can be done politely, without offending the interlocutor. Example:

I missed you so much!

Yes, I missed YOU too!

A subtle and harmless hint.

Competent interlocutors for you!