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» The most faithful, jealous and flighty signs of the zodiac. How zodiac signs are jealous The most jealous zodiac signs survey

The most faithful, jealous and flighty signs of the zodiac. How zodiac signs are jealous The most jealous zodiac signs survey

Are you familiar with jealousy, and how susceptible are you to this destructive and unpleasant feeling? What can your zodiac sign say about this, taking into account, of course, your character traits and temperament?

1. Scorpio

You are a poisonous person and will never miss an opportunity to sting your partner, as jealousy and suspicion seem to be born with you. You are always stalking your other half, constantly wondering about their whereabouts. Spying and regular accusations are your usual actions in relationships. If you could, you would implant a chip under your partner's skin to constantly monitor him.

2. Virgo

Against the backdrop of your insecurity, you behave in an annoyingly curious manner and only push your partner to lie and cheat. No matter what he does, you will still blame him for all sins. You are essentially causing the person next to you to suffocate in the cage. If you don't pull yourself together, your jealousy will ruin everything.

3. Leo

Your inflated ego prevents you from being openly jealous, but underneath the lion's confident and menacing image is a trembling little kitten. The moment you have any suspicions (even unfounded ones), you begin to go crazy with jealousy and growl furiously.

4. Aries

Your superficial bravado masks deep insecurities in your romantic relationships. And it’s not your partner’s behavior that causes jealousy - it’s your own complexes. Are you starting to wonder what the problem is? Are you overweight? Bad hairstyle? Not high enough salary? You will not blame your partner, you will torture and eat yourself first.

5. Gemini

Your conscience prompts you to jealousy, because you yourself are not without sin. You know what you have been doing behind your partner's back, so when you are jealous, it is nothing more than a projection - you believe that he, too, is capable of unseemly acts towards you. The more jealous you are, the more guilty you feel.

6. Libra

You're very jealous, but you're also afraid of conflict, so you'll show your jealousy in little passive-aggressive comments: "Why do you think this girl is cute? You need to get your eyesight checked." You also understand that showing jealousy can be seen as a sign of weakness, so you try hard to restrain yourself.

7. Capricorn

You don't ask questions because you don't want to hear the answers. You suspect, but don't blame. You may be very jealous, but you will never show it. Instead, you suffer and carry everything inside, hoping that your partner will not succumb to any temptations.

8. Taurus

You are very loyal by nature, but your mistake is to expect everyone else to be as loyal as you. Your partner must give you a real reason for suspicion, because you will not specifically look for “traces of a crime.” But if the deception is too obvious, you will not even explode in a fit of jealousy - you will simply leave and burn all the bridges behind you.

9. Sagittarius

You are not prone to jealousy, but you are also not prone to forgiveness if someone gives you reasons to be jealous. You understand perfectly well what a slap in the face and a blow to pride this is. You also don't want to show that you can and know how to be jealous. But when you have a good reason, then the relationship is over.

10. Cancer

For you, love is blind, so you almost never notice when you are being deceived. But if you suddenly find out that your partner has betrayed you, you will never forgive him. He took your love for granted, so you will take this love from him.

11. Aquarius

You love to flirt and even manage to have several affairs at the same time. But similar behavior from your partner makes you quietly furious. You like to think of yourself as an open and tolerant person, but at heart this is not the case at all. Once it becomes impossible to deny that your partner is cheating on you, you will immediately stop all contact with him.

12. Pisces

You consider jealousy a disgusting quality because you are an overly understanding person who tends to justify everything. More often than not, you even blame yourself rather than your partner. Unfortunately, people take advantage of this, which is why they are more likely to deceive and betray you than any other sign - you will always understand and forgive anyway.

Which zodiac signs fall victim to mistrust and suspicion more easily than others? Is jealousy written in the stars? It turns out, yes, and in front of you are the most jealous signs of the Zodiac.

Every person can at least once try on the role of Othello, because jealousy adds “spice” to love. But there are people who, by their very astrological nature, succumb more quickly than others to the influence of the demon of mistrust and suspicion. Find out what your partners have written in their horoscope. Find out if your boyfriend or girlfriend has the makings of an ardent jealous person before you get involved with them seriously, for life. We present the rating of the most jealous among the zodiac signs.

Scorpio: won't even allow you to look at someone else

The most jealous zodiac sign in men (and in women, too) is Scorpio. At the same time, he himself changes left and right, but he will not even allow you to cast a quick glance in someone’s direction. And if, God forbid, he begins to have some kind of male problems, he becomes literally obsessed with gloomy visions of how his dissatisfied partner seeks solace in the arms of others.

Topping the list of the most jealous zodiac signs, Scorpio will try to destroy your self-esteem until you yourself finally believe that you are scary and unsexy and that you should be grateful that only he wants you. “You’re lucky that you have me, because I’m the only one who loves such small breasts” - thrown casually, it sounds innocent, but it destroys your psyche.

At first it may seem that with Scorpio anything is possible. But it's a trap! You will quickly realize that wherever you go, he will follow you everywhere. Well, how does he, one wonders, know who you talked to and what you talked about on the phone?! Camera, wiretapping, surveillance - this is his specialty. This jealous person will not even particularly hide the fact that he goes through our pockets, reads emails and text messages. To check your fidelity, he is even ready to hire a private detective. If a handsome, seductive stranger suddenly appears in your environment, then it is quite possible that he was sent by a jealous Scorpio, who is sure that you are looking for a replacement for him. He does not dispel his doubts at all - he just needs proof. And when he gets them, he will destroy you. It will tarnish your reputation so much that Zuckerberg will personally remove you from Facebook.

Aries: You never know when a wave of jealousy will hit

Aries does not behave like a typical, classic jealous person. Nevertheless, the top most jealous signs of the Zodiac cannot do without him. He does not control you, does not monitor you, like the aforementioned Scorpio. In everyday life he is pretty good - except for those few moments, thank God, when something goes to his head. It is never known when this will happen, nor what exactly initiates the explosion of jealousy. Fury fills his eyes, and then no explanation can reach him. You are like that, you are a cheater, and that’s all! He, Aries, is telling you this, so it's not even discussed!

As soon as a shadow of suspicion appears in his head, he stops thinking rationally. Angry, he will first make a scene for you, and then - maybe! - will check whether he had a reason for this. Just in case, he will remember all the guys in the area as your gentlemen. You can also be given a black eye - so that no one doubts who you belong to.

When a jealous Aries already feels better, he will calm down, and sometimes he even apologizes. For example, because you need to look for a new job after he burst into a meeting in a fit of rage and beat up your boss.

Taurus: possession, possession is his basic need. You are his property, period.

Which zodiac sign is the most jealous? It will seem to many that the answer to this question does not imply mention of Taurus, because by its nature it is calm and does not arrange bright scenes of jealousy. Yes, that's true. He only defends himself - just in case.

First of all, he will enslave you economically. He won’t allow you to work - supposedly you shouldn’t bother about money, because he earns enough. But in fact, we are talking about ensuring that you do not provoke other men at work. You don’t need to go to the store either: your purchases will be delivered directly to your home and delivered to the fourth floor. Taurus willingly pays for everything - until he meets a very nice courier from the supermarket on the stairs, bringing your order. Perhaps he will let you into church, but only to the service of an old priest, and not some young handsome priest.

To reduce your attractiveness, he will feed you sweets, which will cause you to gain about twenty kilograms in weight - which, however, is only a plus for him, because for a Taurus there is never too much of a beloved body. And if, in his opinion, you are doing something wrong, he will punish you by taking away your pocket money.

Cancer: terrified of losing you

Cancer is also one of the most jealous signs of the zodiac. His jealousy is not caused either by the need for control or by the desire to dominate his partner - only by fear. He is terrified of losing you, especially since he usually has a lot of complexes about his appearance and manhood. From here it is only one step to obsession. He does everything to tie you to him.

What he does best is create emotional dependence, because in this matter he is a true master. A jealous Cancer instills a deep sense of guilt in a partner. “I devote myself (entirely) to you, I’m tearing my veins, and you’re going to meet someone unknown!” If you succumb to such emotional blackmail, you will become addicted or become a victim of depression.

This honorary participant in the ranking of the most jealous among the zodiac signs is even capable of attempting suicide, possibly becoming a victim of a serious illness. “How could you do this?!” - when you hear this, you feel like a criminal, even if your fault was that you jumped out to the kiosk around the corner for cigarettes.

You are never alone. When he is at work, his mother, sister, aunts walk with you like bodyguards. Cancer, if it had its way, would gladly lock you up at home. He would like to have many children so that you would be forced to constantly take care of them. A nanny will take them to and from kindergarten. And the fact that he plays tricks with this same nanny - well, it’s just sex...

Leo: boasts of his possessions

Unlike the other most jealous zodiac signs, Leo is not going to lock you in the four walls of the house. It is vital for him to show off his diamond to the world. You should accompany him during business meetings and parties with friends, laughing only at his jokes. With this person you feel like you are on a leash. Yes, you can and should wear rather bold outfits, but other men should know that you are the exclusive property of Leo.

Reconciling jealousy with the need to show off their partner is a very difficult task, and Leo quickly becomes paranoid. Most of all, he is afraid of becoming an object of ridicule, of losing the respect of others, because he will have horns. This fear prevents him from sleeping and begins to give him visions. He “notices” that people are looking at him strangely, whispering something in front of him, and then suddenly becoming silent when he approaches.

However, Leo is too proud to show outbursts of jealousy. He will not forbid you to leave the house and meet with whomever you want. But you will have to reckon with the fact that when you return home you will find him mortally offended. He will shower you with cold and will not even deign to look at you. And what can we say about explanations for why he behaves this way. You have to guess for yourself!

Capricorn: typical dog in the manger

A list of the most jealous zodiac signs among men and women cannot be complete without Capricorn. He himself is not very interested in the intimate, sensual side of life, but he will never allow you to meet another man without his knowledge, for example, for “women’s health” in case of his incapacity or complete indifference. It is noteworthy that this is not about jealousy, but about the absolute power that he should have over you.

Capricorn will lock you up at home and chain you to the radiator. Or he will develop such a busy schedule that you will not even have time to think about cheating. This jealous person will call you thirty times a day, asking tricky questions and checking where you are and what you are doing. And just try not to answer the call! Even if you have an airtight alibi, it will prove to you that you only need 25 minutes to make certain purchases. So why did it take you all of 28 minutes? What have you been doing for the last three minutes?

Suspicion in him is generated by all your new outfits (and new ones are those that have been hanging in your closet for at least five years) and cosmetics. After all, you can walk around in a bag and wash yourself with gray soap!

He will never forgive betrayal - even fictional ones. Capricorn will kick you out of the house in socks, counting on the fact that you will then stand under the fence and tearfully ask to take your things.

Of course, representatives of the signs that astrologers have identified as the most jealous signs of the zodiac can be very different. We all need to keep in mind that under certain circumstances the demon of jealousy and suspicion can awaken in everyone, but this is most likely to happen to those who are included in the ranking of the biggest zodiac jealous people among men and women.

So, which one zodiac sign considered the most jealous?


Aries is one of the most jealous signs of the Zodiac. Even years later, from time to time he is interested in the lives of his former partners. He remains interested in “how long”, “with whom”, “is it serious”, he continues to “monitor” social network pages, casually tries to find out from his friends how things are going with those who were once dear to him - his Jealousy eats him up. His jealousy does not mean that he misses a certain person... No, selfishness and a sense of ownership rule here - Aries is not used to sharing “his own” with someone, so he becomes furious when he finds out that his ex-half happy with someone else.

Nevertheless, it must be said that sometimes it is outbursts of jealousy that kindle interest in a new partner and become a kind of signal that the game can begin. Aries is generally a very gambling sign of the Zodiac, getting involved in the game, he cannot stop, there is no need to be angry at Aries’s outbursts of jealousy, he just understands how painful and scary it will be for him to find out about physical or emotional betrayal (yes, psychological factor worries him even more), because this fear provokes strong jealousy in him. Having deceived Aries, you can’t even count on him forgiving the betrayal. If anyone betrayed him, he remained forever in a past life.


A sense of ownership, a suffocating sense of affection, and even some kind of emotional dependence constantly force Cancer to experience this terrible, merciless and such burning jealousy. True, he differs from the other most jealous signs of the Zodiac in that he does not like to show his emotions, he will keep it all to himself, making it only worse, because his sparks of jealousy turn into a terrible flame, and the one who kindled this terrible fire will be very unlucky . He is constantly tormented by doubts about his other half. Cancer is not completely confident in the sincerity of his chosen one’s intentions, and feels a certain instability if he does not take really serious steps.

Cancers often choose partners to whom the feeling of jealousy is alien, since they themselves want to gain freedom, while the Cancer partner himself must prepare for emotional swings. And yes, a representative of the Cancer zodiac sign will only be with someone who will not give the slightest reason to doubt him.


Scorpio is the most jealous sign of the Zodiac, it’s better not to give him a reason (he’ll find one himself). They have extremely possessive natures and can be jealous even of former partners for whom they feel absolutely nothing. They themselves would like their attacks of jealousy to manifest themselves less frequently, but they find it difficult to cope with this feeling. They expect their partner to give them freedom and independence, but it is difficult for them to show reciprocity in this. Although outbursts of jealousy do not last so long, they are quite frequent, especially if Scorpio is not confident in his partner. But Scorpios can also be understood - they are one of the most devoted signs who are ready to go hand in hand with their partner all their lives. And this is exactly what they expect from their chosen one, and their fears and doubts manifest themselves in the form of “shots” of jealousy.

Scorpio's lover must understand and accept him, and in order for outbursts of jealousy to be extinguished, you need to show more attention and surprise with pleasant surprises that will make Scorpio's heart beat faster - this could be romantic trips, walks, joint sports, etc. , but the main thing is to be able to make Scorpio understand that his partner is serious. Scorpio women do not understand the joys of fleeting relationships, one-time sex and want their partner to be honest with them.

It is hardly possible to say with certainty that there is the most jealous zodiac sign. If you approach this issue objectively, it turns out that the first place in the jealousy ranking could be shared by two or even three representatives of the horoscope. Everyone is jealous, but everyone is jealous in different ways. And yet, first we will pay attention to the first owners, who are not ready to share their loved one even with his friends and the pet cat.


1st place. For Aries, a loved one becomes the center of the universe. The representative of the fire sign does everything to keep him under control, but does not spy from around the corner, but arranges completely open interrogations of the chosen one.

Video: ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aries.


2nd place. Of all the zodiac signs, Scorpio is capable of the strongest feelings, so he is even more afraid of losing a loved one than of losing his own life. He trusts his companion, but only until the first deception. Then control will begin, accompanied by stormy scenes of jealousy and scandals, which sooner or later will lead to a break in the relationship.

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Read the detailed characteristics of Scorpio.


3rd place. At first glance, it may seem that this optimistic and sociable person is in principle incapable of jealousy, but this is a mistaken opinion. Accustomed to flirting, Geminis, as they say, judge others by themselves, so they don’t fully trust anyone. People of this sign control their chosen ones, but do it in such a way as not to attract attention.

Video: GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Read more about Gemini.


4th place. Cancer is jealous of a loved one even when there are no objective reasons for this. Dissolving in a loved one, he expects complete reciprocity, but in reality everything usually turns out to be much more complicated. Faced with misunderstanding, Cancer withdraws into itself, which complicates life for both itself and the chosen one.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Read more about Cancer.


5th place. Capricorn does not advertise his jealousy, but he is much more prone to mistrust than people of other signs. The chosen one is not satisfied with interrogations, but keeps him under an invisible hood. If he suspects deception, he will find out the truth in any available way in order to clarify the situation.

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Capricorn.


6th place. Taurus is afraid of losing everything they are used to, and this applies not least to their loved one. It’s not always about feelings: a person of this sign is conservative, so he clings with all his might to everything that, in his understanding, is stability. For this reason, he is even able to forgive his chosen one for betrayal, however, life after such events will never be the same.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Read more about Taurus.


7th place. Virgo is not so much jealous as distrustful. When choosing a life partner, she is usually guided by calculation, so she will most likely ignore an accidental betrayal that does not threaten her relationship. If the chosen one’s romance is not a holiday one, Virgo will begin to fight for her happiness, and, most likely, will win. Having achieved her goal, she will begin to look for an “alternate airfield” for herself in order to break off relations with an unreliable person.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Read more about Virgo.


8th place. Leo is a bright personality, and, in a sense, prone to narcissism. A person of this sign claims only the first place in the life of the chosen one; it is important for him to feel loved and the only one. If Leo suspects insincerity, he will break off the relationship without trying to understand the situation.

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Read more about Leo's characteristics.


9th place. Pisces are capable of very strong feelings, so they tend to idealize their loved one. Even if he walks openly, a representative of the water element is unlikely to notice it, and therefore will not torment himself with suspicion and look for evidence of betrayal. If this fact is confirmed, Pisces is unlikely to suffer for long. People of this sign cannot stand loneliness, so they will very quickly find a replacement for the unfaithful chosen one.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Read more about Pisces.


10th place. Sagittarius is far from a romantic; moreover, he himself is prone to cheating, so Sagittarius does not expect loyalty from a loved one. He is not suspicious, and will only find out about the fact of betrayal if he catches his chosen one in bed with his new passion. However, for Sagittarius, this is not a reason to break off relations - most likely, he will “goof” in revenge, after which everything will return to normal.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Sagittarius.


11th place. Aquarius has no time to control his loved one - he is busy with himself. Even if we are talking about family life and the couple is united by everyday life, Aquarius will still be in his thoughts around the clock. To provoke him to jealousy, you have to try, but even if you succeed, it is unlikely that it will come to a scandal - Aquarius will simply turn around and leave in search of new happiness.

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aquarius.


12th place. When entering into a love relationship, Libras first of all care about their own comfort. Yes, they are capable of love, but they are unlikely to sacrifice the opportunity to live beautifully. Even if the chosen one walks from them to the right and left, Libra will not dare to break the connection if it is beneficial to them. Most likely, they will start walking in retaliation, but they will do it quietly.

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Read more about Libra.

How you can win from the jealousy of representatives of the Zodiac Signs, which Sign is the most jealous and how to deal with the jealousy of your soulmate, our horoscope will tell you.

Jealousy often complicates relationships. She strives to quarrel her partners by throwing wood on the fire, often without reason. For a jealous person, it doesn’t matter at all what you say and what arguments you give, he will always turn all his words against you. In jealousy there is only one soloist - the one who is jealous.

With the help of jealousy, we try to exercise control over loved ones, to protect them from what we consider to be unwanted communication. Feeling afraid that we will be replaced by finding someone more interesting, prettier, smarter, we do not notice how we are turning the life of our loved one into a complete nightmare. Jealous does not always mean that he loves, but always that he is afraid of losing.

Aries- These are energetic jealous people. They do not accumulate suspicions, do not drag a bag of thoughts with them, but immediately dump everything on their partner. If they are already suspected of treason, then they cannot be convinced, and they act abruptly: either they leave themselves, or they cancel the enemy, there is no third option.

It is impossible to expect anything good from Aries’ jealousy, because they will not forget how their loved one looked at another, even for five seconds. The jealousy of Aries is not summer rain for you, but a serious storm warning in addition with thunder, hail, lightning and a hurricane, bringing complete destruction.

Taurus They are patient in jealousy; they can suspect for years without saying anything. With intuition that restlessly tugs at the heart, they are not friends; they will only justify their partner, believing in the best, until they hit their foreheads with the fact of betrayal. Strange calls, lipstick on the collar, frequent business trips and other evidence - for them this is the normal course of things. But if your partner has cooled down, then you can become jealous.

Taurus people go out of their way to suppress this feeling. As long as there are no compelling reasons, there is no jealousy. And when there is betrayal, there are no more Taurus. They do not linger around such a person.

Twins They approach jealousy very creatively. They begin to be jealous even before the relationship. They are inspired by the opportunity to argue, to delve into the past relationships of their chosen one, to substantiate the fact of betrayal, to overwhelm them with arguments.

One thing you need to know when dating a Gemini is that they are great inventors. If an insignificant reason for jealousy slips through and you are not justified, then expect an atomic bomb explosion and many casualties.

Cancers are not jealous - Cancers languish in torment. Among all the Signs, Cancers are the most emotional; the mere doubt of infidelity causes them great pain. Having doubts, they are ready to change and please their partner in everything, they surround them with love, care, and do not skimp on gifts and signs of attention.

At the same time, Cancer, who has become jealous once, will begin to distance himself from the unfaithful chosen one, alienate himself and protect his inner world. And once the reasons for jealousy pass, do not be surprised to find a crack in the relationship.

Lions, one might say they are not jealous. Their self-confidence and narcissism make it difficult to think that there are better people. Faced with betrayal, Leos immediately become disappointed in their partner. They will not tolerate such an attitude, because only an unworthy person can refuse Leo.

Once your Leo gets jealous, you are close to collapse. It is necessary to rehabilitate yourself by turning what happened into a misunderstanding. He will believe this and forgive.

Virgo they dropped the gift of jealousy and never found it. They are very careful when choosing a partner. The other half, in their opinion, should not give reasons for jealousy. Well, if such a situation happened, then Virgos think sensibly and indifferently. After a discussion alone, they go to their partner with demands.

The scenario of events cannot be predicted: Virgo may ask to change in return, forget her forever, master an open relationship, or even live together. But the whole conversation will take place over a cup of tea, without hysterics and squabbles, until this conversation drives you crazy.

Scales they can’t decide which cup to put their jealousy in: on the one hand, they love and value freedom, they trust their partner, but on the other hand, they are damn jealous. The internal struggle does not allow them to sleep peacefully.

Libra's jealousy, by and large, hinders them. A threat hangs over relationships and destroys tender feelings. After all, if you once gave them a reason and then forgot about it, then after a few years the relationship can collapse instantly, and you won’t even understand why.

Scorpios In jealousy, the creators create it, like Leonardo da Vinci's paintings. It has a million shades, sudden manifestations, hundreds of turns. With all this, they keep their own scores: you stumble once, Scorpio will repay you tenfold, without revenge, simply because it is beautiful.

If you are in a relationship with a Scorpio and want to write a drama soon, then all you have to do is let them doubt your fidelity. You won't find such expression of feelings anywhere.

Sagittarius They like to be offended out of jealousy, and not only at their partner, but for the rest of their lives. However, their character does not allow them to accumulate grievances, and they quickly forget everything. At the same time, they do something exciting, immerse themselves in their own world, or even fall in love with someone else.

You made Sagittarius jealous - be prepared that you will have to bring him back and conquer him again. And now only you will be jealous.

Capricorn jealous means he loves. But the situation here is simple: representatives of this Sign can meet and be happy in a relationship, experiencing only sympathy. And as soon as jealousy appeared, it means love came.

They react to this quite strangely: either straight away, or a breakup. In any case, Capricorns experience jealousy very hard, and only a partner can help them cope with it.

Aquarius They only care about themselves, they don’t have time for jealousy. They, of course, notice some strange things, but do nothing about it until their personal interests begin to suffer. This is where scandals, intrigues, and investigations begin.

The jealousy of this Sign has a huge advantage: it is easy to stop. Aquarius wants and is ready to believe that you are faithful. And they are never jealous of people from their past relationships. You risk becoming an ex-partner if you give a good reason.

Fish need jealousy. If they have a mood, nothing can interrupt it. Manifestations of jealousy are always different: either a romantic evening or a scandal. And Pisces very often go too far, to such an extent that the partner is ready to go on a trip around the world, just to get away from them. But this, of course, does not help.

If there was a reason for jealousy, but no reaction followed, then do not be upset. Be patient: Pisces will decide all their affairs and thoroughly take care of you.

There is no point in fighting jealousy, and in order to stop experiencing it, you need to learn to trust your partner, learn to believe in yourself, and forget the experience of past relationships. If your Sign turns out to be the most jealous, don’t be upset. You have every opportunity to change for the better and learn to live in harmony. We believe in you, we wish you happiness, and don't forget to press the buttons and.