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» The most cruel laws in the world. Countries and examples of the most cruel laws against women. Which of these countries would you like to visit?

The most cruel laws in the world. Countries and examples of the most cruel laws against women. Which of these countries would you like to visit?


In some countries, in order to get a few years in prison, it is not necessary to rob or kill someone. There are seemingly stupid laws in the world, for the violation of which severe punishment is provided.
1. In Canada, it is illegal to post election results on Facebook and Twitter before the exit polls have stopped. It's a memory of a law from 1938 that was meant for journalists working in the polls, but now applies to people using social media. In April 2011, Canadian officials warned social media users that they must enforce this and other laws during the May 2, 2011 elections. Failure to comply could result in five years in prison and a $25,000 fine. All over the world - and even in the West - people face harsh, sometimes unusual punishments for their actions. Let's find out which ones.

2. Growing or importing tobacco or smoking in public places is illegal in Bhutan. In January 2011, the nation known for its conservatism passed a law punishing people who smuggle tobacco products with up to three years in prison. As of April 2011, two people are already serving time for such a crime - including a Buddhist monk.

3. In January 2011, Chinese authorities sentenced a farmer to life in prison and fined him $302,000 for using fake military license plates to evade a $560,000 highway toll from 2008 to 2009. But the immediate public outcry that followed—during which many noted that the penalties for murder and rape were much lighter—convinced officials to start a new trial.

4. In February 2011, Bingu Wa Mutharika, the president of Malawi, reportedly passed a law that punishes gassing in public places, with the rationale that such a law would promote “citizen discipline and self-control.” The law also prosecutes duels. In addition, those who "pretend to be fortune-tellers, disturb peace in cemeteries, or offend a woman's sense of decency" are subject to punishment.

5. Sudanese journalist Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein faced the prospect of 40 lashes made of camel hair for wearing "indecent" clothes while in a restaurant. Her story in the West has become a famous lawsuit. She was ultimately forced to simply pay a fine, which she also refused to pay, but was released when the Union of Journalists paid for her. In the latest news - a 16-year-old Christian girl was sentenced to 50 lashes for wearing a skirt that was too short - she showed her knees.

6. For making fun of the King of Thailand or his photograph, you go to jail for fifteen years for insulting the monarchy.

7. If you were a tailor living under the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan, you would get jail time for taking measurements from female customers. If you were a woman who used nail polish, your fingers would be cut off.

8. Singapore is notorious for high fines for everything from chewing gum to not flushing the toilet. If you bring the foul-smelling durian fruit (pictured) on public transport, you will have to pay a $3,500 fine. Overstayed your visa? You will be beaten with rods, rattan sticks four feet long and half an inch thick, soaked in water.

9. Until recently in Shandong Province, if you used the Internet too much, you could be sent to a clinic where they would be treated with electric shock. The Ministry of Health repealed this law in July 2009.

10. Don't expect sympathy or understanding if you were raped in Saudi Arabia. In this case, it is you who will most likely go to court. In 2007, a gang rape victim was sentenced to 200 lashes and six months in prison for violating the law on keeping women in a male society if the men were not close relatives. (Her rapists, at the same time, were originally sentenced to only 10 months.)

11. Do you like to ride with the breeze? Just not in Kansas. Tires screeching on pavement can land you in jail for 30 days.

12. If you stick a postage stamp with a picture of Queen Elizabeth on an envelope upside down in the UK, you can be charged with treason and go to jail.

13. And in Denmark you will be arrested for wearing a mask in public places. The law was adopted so that the authorities had the opportunity to consider who exactly goes to protests.

14. If you hold hands or kiss in public in Malaysia, you risk being jailed for a year.

15. In China, corporate responsibility means taking full responsibility for your company's actions - literally. In the event of fraud, bribery, or other abuse, you risk a death sentence, like the CEO who was sentenced to death in 2007 for a $390 million scam - he lured the gullible with a fake giant ant farming program

Not so long ago, namely on January 25, 2013, the State Duma
bill passed to ban propaganda
homosexuality among minors.
According to some politicians, this
the only way to protect normal family values.
I advise you to read for the sake of interest, what measures and bills
against homosexuality adopted in different countries of the world.


: five years in prison to the death penalty
Same-sex marriage: prohibited
: No
Anti-discrimination laws: No

Sharia norms, which form the basis of the legislation of this North African state,
explicitly prohibit homosexual relations, providing for punishment even for
that a man dresses in a woman's dress.
For violating this rule, a Sudanese court once sentenced
19 young people to be punished with 30 lashes each and major
(according to local standards) a fine of $400. If it were proven in court
that the partygoers didn't just change into women's clothes,
but also had sexual intercourse, the punishment could be much more severe - up to the death penalty.


Punishment for same-sex relationships: life imprisonment
Same-sex marriage: prohibited
Possibility of adoption of children by same-sex partners: No
Anti-discrimination laws: No

In 2010, Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete denied
accreditation to one of the diplomats representing Western Europe,
based on his non-traditional sexual orientation.
The Tanzanian authorities reacted just as harshly to the threat of the British prime minister.
David Cameron to deprive the country of financial assistance if it refuses
respect the rights of sexual minorities:
“We do not agree to legitimize this stupidity in order to receive help and money,”
- said the head of the Tanzanian Foreign Ministry Bernard Membe.


Punishment for same-sex relationships: life imprisonment
Same-sex marriage: prohibited
Possibility of adoption of children by same-sex partners: No
Anti-discrimination laws: No

About how harshly the authorities of this island nation react to
public manifestation of homosexuality can be judged by this fact.
No major cruise agency specializing in organizing
trips for supporters of same-sex love,
does not include Barbados in the list of places to visit.
Homosexual travelers are specifically warned of the danger
appearance on the island and even more so the manifestation of their inclinations,
which can lead not only to domestic violence, but also to severe criminal penalties -
up to life imprisonment.

Saudi Arabia

Punishment for same-sex relationships: the death penalty
Same-sex marriage: prohibited
Possibility of adoption of children by same-sex partners: No
Anti-discrimination laws: No

Perhaps the most famous case of the death penalty for homosexuality
in Saudi Arabia - public beheading with a sword of three
convicted of sodomy in 2000. This verdict became widely known outside the country.
and caused a lot of protests, which, however, did not lead to any real consequences.
The only direct consequence is the inclusion
Saudi Arabia to the list of countries to which people with non-traditional
sexual orientation is not recommended to go on vacation.


Punishment for same-sex relationships: the death penalty
Same-sex marriage: prohibited
Possibility of adoption of children by same-sex partners: No
Anti-discrimination laws: No

A striking example of the official reaction of the UAE authorities to homosexual
relationship can serve as a sentence passed on two lesbians -
Bulgarian and Lebanese citizens accused of unnatural
public hugs and kisses. They spent a month in jail
after which they were extradited. Such punishment can be considered
unusually soft: if there were citizens of the UAE in the place of foreign women,
for them, the case would have ended with the death penalty by beheading.


Punishment for same-sex relationships: the death penalty
Same-sex marriage: prohibited
Possibility of adoption of children by same-sex partners: No
Anti-discrimination laws: No

The loudest event demonstrating the attitude of the Iranian authorities
to homosexuality, was the execution in 2005 of two underage boys,
accused of same-sex love - Mahmud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni. The judgment of the court was carried out
despite protests and official notes from most of the developed countries of the world. Didn't react
Tehran and the demand to introduce a moratorium on the death penalty for homosexuals
or, in principle, refuse to prosecute persons of non-traditional sexual orientation.
And last year, the head of the Iranian Supreme Council for Human Rights, Javad Larijani, said
that the country's authorities consider homosexuality "a manifestation of immorality and a disease."


Punishment for same-sex relationships: life imprisonment
Same-sex marriage: prohibited
Possibility of adoption of children by same-sex partners: No
Anti-discrimination laws: No

Pakistan's constitution does not explicitly ban homosexuality,
but such relationships are considered illegal and prosecuted
according to Sharia law, which has been in force in the country since 1990.
In 2011, Pakistan's largest Islamic party Jamaat-e-Islami
issued a statement saying: "People like this (homosexuals) -
a real curse and the dregs of society.
They don't deserve to be called Muslims or Pakistanis."


Punishment for same-sex relationships: up to 20 years in prison
Same-sex marriage: prohibited
Possibility of adoption of children by same-sex partners: No
Anti-discrimination laws: No

A year ago, in January 2012, a Malay court acquitted the country's former deputy prime minister and leader of the opposition movement for the second time.
Malaysian Anwar Ibrahim. The first time he was accused of same-sex relations in 1998 - immediately after the relationship between
Ibrahim and Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad escalated over differences in mitigation approaches
world financial crisis for Malaysia. On charges of corruption and homosexuality, Ibrahim was sentenced to 15 years in prison,
but in 2004 the sentence was reviewed and all charges dropped. The second trial began in 2008 and dragged on for almost three years,
but again ended with the justification of the politician.

In June 1035, the Soviet Union passed a law that changed the punishment for fleeing the country. From that moment on, flight outside the country was equated with treason and became a particularly serious state crime, which was punishable by death. In addition to the fugitive, members of his family were also liable. This law became one of the most cruel and severe in the Soviet era. But this was not the only law that could now raise eyebrows. In Soviet history, there were many laws and decrees that would now seem very strange or overly cruel. Life remembered the most severe and unusual laws of the Soviet era.

Trade Prohibition Act

Two decrees, effectively prohibiting trade and market relations in the country, were issued in November 1918. We are talking about the decrees of the Council of People's Commissars "On organizing the supply of the population with all products and items for personal consumption and the household in order to replace the private trade apparatus" and "On the state monopoly on the trade in certain products and items."

The meaning of the law was to completely abolish the market (including the black one), primarily the food trade, and transfer the distribution of any goods throughout the country to the hands of the party. Having come to power, the Bolsheviks, for ideological reasons, tried to supplant market relations and replace them with natural commodity exchange, when peasants grow bread and exchange it in the cities for industrial products.
These decrees had not only ideological, but also quite pragmatic goals. The Bolsheviks mobilized a gigantic army to fight the whites, which numbered about 5.5 million people. Which is more than the number of the Red Army at the time of the start of the Second World War and twice the size of the modern army of 1.5 billion China. It is very difficult to feed such a huge mob even in peacetime, and even more so in conditions of complete collapse of industry and chaos.

Theoretically, it was supposed to exchange bread for manufactured goods. But in the conditions of the collapse of industry, there was nothing to give the peasants. Therefore, bread (and a number of other goods) was forcibly confiscated by armed food detachments and subsequently redistributed by the party.

When abolished: In response to constant crop losses, farmers have drastically reduced their area under crops. The already insignificant crops were badly affected by the drought of 1921. The result was a monstrous famine that engulfed territories with a population of about 30-40 million people. The Bolsheviks were unable to cope with the situation and turned to the capitalist states for help. Starvation deaths are estimated at about 5 million people.

Despite regular round-ups of "pouchers" (who sold food illegally) and their periodic executions, the black market successfully survived the decrees and existed all the time. Moreover, the middle-level Bolsheviks themselves often used his services. The decrees were canceled in 1921 in connection with the transition to the New Economic Policy, when market relations were partially restored.

Euthanasia Law

Conditional name of the note to the 143rd article of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1922. This note allowed the killing of a person, committed out of compassion for him, and in fact was the legalization of euthanasia. It was formulated as follows: "A murder committed at the insistence of the murdered out of a sense of compassion is not punished."

The initiator of this note was a high-ranking Bolshevik, Yuri Larin (Lurie), who put forward this idea when discussing the code at a meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Larin suffered from progressive muscular atrophy and pointed out that if one of his Bolshevik comrades had obtained poison for him at his request, he would have been tried for murder, which would not have been fair at all. Therefore, he proposed that a note be added to the code about mercy killing.

When canceled: The note lasted only a few months. The new Criminal Code was published in May 1922, and already in November of the same year, this note was removed from it. Probably out of fear of widespread use of this practice.

Dispossessed Law

The 65th article of the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918 affected the rights of a number of Soviet citizens who were engaged in certain activities before the revolution. It was about merchants, clergymen, policemen, gendarmes, persons who had "unearned income", and those who used hired labor.

Formally, according to the law, they were only forbidden to participate in elections both as candidates and as voters. In fact, the dispossessed, as this category was called, were subjected to very versatile discrimination. In addition, members of their families were subjected to the same discrimination. It was almost impossible for them to get a good job, and the apparatus was periodically cleaned from randomly dispossessed people. During the periods of the card system, they were issued cards of the latest category, or even not issued at all. The children of the deprived could not get a higher education and were not subject to conscription into the army - only to the rear militia, which resembled a mixture of a construction battalion and alternative service. The militias were engaged in various kinds of economic work (logging, work in mines, construction) and at the same time paid a special tax, since the militia, unlike the army, was self-supporting. The term of service was three years, while the service itself was often much harder than service in the conventional army.

Campaigns were periodically launched to expel disenfranchised children from high school. Theoretically, it was possible to get out of the deprived, but for this it was necessary to prove one's loyalty to the Soviet regime for many years. For example, the well-known Soviet historian Pyotr Zaionchkovsky managed to enter a university only at the age of more than 30, having previously worked at a factory for ten years without any complaints. By the beginning of the 1930s, there were more than 3 million people affected by the rights of citizens in the country.

When canceled: the new Constitution of the USSR in 1936 abolished the existence of dispossessed people.

The Law of the Three Spikelets

Adopted in August 1932 against the backdrop of increased theft from collective farm fields due to the very difficult food situation in the country. The breakdown of traditional relations in the countryside, dispossession and collectivization led to another famine that broke out in the Soviet country. Against this background, the theft of collective farm property (primarily food) has become more frequent.

In order to put an end to this, truly draconian measures were taken on the initiative of Stalin (he himself described them in such a way in correspondence with Kaganovich). Any collective farm property, including crops in the fields, was equated to state property, and its theft was punishable by death. In the presence of mitigating circumstances (worker-peasant origin, need, small amounts of theft), the execution was replaced by imprisonment for a period of at least 10 years. At the same time, those convicted in these cases were not subject to amnesty.

As a result, petty thefts, traditionally punishable by public censure, correctional labor or, in the worst case, several months in prison, have moved into the category of especially serious state crimes. And a collective farmer who picked a few spikelets in the field or dug up a few potato tubers turned into a particularly dangerous criminal.

Since the decision of the Council of People's Commissars did not indicate the volume of theft, after which criminal liability would arise, any theft, even in the smallest amount, fell under the action of this law and was punished by 10 years in prison.

How it ended: after the law began to be applied, the number of convicts increased to such an extent that even the Kremlin grabbed their heads. There was simply nowhere to place such a number of prisoners at that time. Starting in the spring of 1933, job descriptions began to go to the regions on not being brought to justice for petty and isolated theft. However, locally, they were generally not listened to. Therefore, in 1936, at the highest level, a review of all cases in this category was initiated to relieve prisons. As a result of the revision, it turned out that most of the people were convicted unreasonably - for insignificant theft. All these people were released from prisons with the removal of their criminal record.

Foreign Escape Law

In June 1935, escaping abroad was equated with treason. The fugitive, in case of falling into the hands of Soviet law enforcement officers, was subject to the death penalty. His relatives, who did not inform about the impending escape, were subject to imprisonment for a period of 5 to 10 years with confiscation of property. If they did not know about the intentions of a relative to escape, then in this case they were subject to exile in Siberia for a five-year period.

First of all, the law concerned military personnel and officials. Since ordinary citizens already did not have the opportunity to leave the country, unless they lived in the border areas and did not know the secret paths there. The law was adopted in connection with the increasing cases of flight of officials sent on business trips abroad. Since the late 1920s, the number of defectors began to grow rapidly.

A feature of this law was severe sanctions against all relatives of the fugitive. Defectors, as a rule, were beyond the reach of the Soviet court, but the principle of collective punishment directed at their relatives, according to the plan of the initiators of the law, was supposed to keep potential defectors from their intentions.

When abolished: flight abroad was considered a serious crime until the very end of the Soviet era. However, in Khrushchev's time, the legislation was corrected and the fugitives no longer faced the death penalty. In addition, the principle of collective punishment of the fugitive's relatives was abolished.

Juvenile Punishment Law

In April 1935, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars, the age of criminal responsibility was lowered from 14 to 12 years.

The publication of the decision immediately gave rise to a legal collision. According to this decision, criminal liability with the application of all measures of criminal punishment (including the death penalty) was to be brought from the age of 12. However, the Criminal Code prohibited the application of the death penalty to minors. In order to avoid confusion, some time later, a special clarification was issued by the Prosecutor General's Office and the Supreme Court, which stated: "the instruction according to which execution is not applied to persons under the age of 18 should be considered as no longer valid." However, each such verdict had to be agreed with the Prosecutor General without fail.

The law was seen primarily as a deterrent. In the mid-30s, after collectivization, dispossession and famine in the country, as after the Civil War, child homelessness increased sharply. And with it, juvenile delinquency. According to the legislation in force at that time, adolescents under 14 years of age were not held criminally liable in any case. Under the new law, teenagers from the age of 12 were liable for theft, bodily harm, murder and attempted murder.

When repealed: The USSR was repeatedly criticized for this law, including by friendly Western public figures. Nevertheless, the law formally lasted until 1959. Over the 24 years of its existence, at least one case of the execution of a known juvenile offender is known. In 1940, 16-year-old serial rapist and murderer of children Vinnichenko was shot. But imprisonment from the age of 12 was really applied. The teenagers served their punishment in special places of detention for minors.

Law on being late for work

The law criminalizing absenteeism, tardiness and unauthorized leaving work was passed in June 1940. At the same time, he extended the working day to eight hours. The end of the 1930s was marked by a significant tightening of labor legislation. Not only were output rates increased, but the length of working hours was also increased. In addition, maternity leave for women was reduced (to 35 days before childbirth and 28 days after childbirth). In 1939, the practice of punishment for being late for work for all workers and employees in the country was significantly tightened. Being late over 20 minutes resulted in automatic dismissal.

The 1940 law was a kind of culmination of the crackdown. From that moment on, absenteeism without good reason, as well as being late for more than 20 minutes (equating to absenteeism) was punishable by corrective labor for a period of six months with deduction of a quarter of wages in favor of the state. Basically, the punishment was served at the place of work. That is, de facto, everything came down to a fine in the amount of a quarter of the monthly salary, which the offender paid every month for six months. However, if during the period of serving a sentence a person again allowed absenteeism or being late, this was considered an attempt to evade the imposed punishment, and the culprit served the remaining term of punishment in places of deprivation of liberty. Arbitrary dismissal and transfer to another place of work were also prohibited. Only the director of the enterprise could give permission for dismissal. Unauthorized change of work without the permission of the director was punishable by imprisonment for a term of two to four months. For harboring truants or arbitrarily resigned workers, directors of enterprises were threatened with criminal liability.

Good reasons for being late or absenteeism were considered to be illness, various kinds of force majeure circumstances (fire, accident, etc.) or the illness of a close relative (meaning a sick child who had no one to leave with in case of leaving).

The intention of the law was to prevent mass dismissals of workers from factories after the extension of the working day and the deterioration of working conditions. Previously, workers had a loophole that allowed them to quit even against the wishes of their superiors. To do this, you just had to skip a working day or be late for at least half an hour, which automatically led to dismissal. However, with the entry into force of this law, absenteeism, as well as being late, began to be considered criminal offenses and led not to dismissal, but to corrective labor at the same plant.

When repealed: According to some estimates, more than 3 million people were punished under this law during the 16 years of the existence of this law. Most of them got off with correctional labor at the place of work. In April 1956, the law was repealed.

Law on defective products

The release of low-quality and defective products at enterprises was considered a serious state crime. For the first time, marriage began to be punished in 1933 with the release of the resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars "On liability for the production of low-quality products." Under this ruling, issuing a marriage was threatened with imprisonment for at least five years. True, the responsibility was primarily assigned not to ordinary workers, but not to directors of enterprises, engineers and employees of technical control departments.

In the summer of 1940, this resolution was clarified by the issuance of a new decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. In terms of content, it was almost identical to the previous one, but specified the limits of punishment. From now on, negligent workers were threatened with 5 to 8 years in prison for the production of low-quality or incomplete products.

When repealed: The law was repealed in April 1959.

Bachelor's tax

Officially called a tax on bachelors, childless and small families. The tax began to be levied in November 1941. Given the time and circumstances of its appearance, it can be assumed that the introduction of a new tax was supposed to stimulate the birth rate in order to compensate for the losses during the war. However, even in those periods when everything was very good with the birth rate, the tax was still not canceled. Another reason for the emergence of a new tax was, apparently, the need to support a huge number of orphans who lost their parents during the war. The tax was planned as an emergency measure, but it turned out to be such a convenient means of replenishing the treasury (in some periods, tax revenues reached 1% of annual budget revenues) that in the end it lasted until the very end of the existence of the USSR.

All Soviet men between the ages of 20 and 45 had to pay 5% of their salary to the state every month until they had a child. Full-time university students were exempt from tax until they reached the age of 25. Women also did not pay tax until they got married. From that moment until the birth of the child, they also deducted 5% of the salary.

Military personnel, pensioners, persons unable to have children, schizophrenics, epileptics and midgets were exempted from the tax.

Workers and employees deducted 5% of the salary. Collective farmers were put in a more disadvantageous position. Due to the peculiarities of their remuneration, they paid a fixed annual rate of 100 (and later 150) rubles.

Taking into account that the collective farmers, in principle, earned very little, receiving only a part of the monetary reward (and another part in products) for workdays, this tax was very burdensome. For example, in 1950 collective farms on the territory of the RSFSR received from 127 to 156 rubles per year. This is an average per yard. That is, in fact, the collective farmer had to pay all the remuneration received for the year to pay the tax if he did not have children. At the same time, in the case of the birth of children, he was not exempted from paying it, just the amount was proportionally reduced for the birth of each child, until the appearance of the third. However, it is worth noting that the birth rate was then high, so the tax affected the minimum number of rural residents.

When canceled: in 1992 after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

In some countries, violence, beatings and humiliation are not prohibited and the most cruel laws against women are applied. And many men living in these countries beat and rape their spouses with impunity and mercilessly, because there violence in marriage is not considered and is also not prosecuted by law. But with such behavior, they simply violate the laws against women. Such countries are India, Bahamas, Singapore, Nigeria and many others.

There is also the concept of "honour killing". This medieval punishment is applied when a husband or any other male family member catches his wife, sister or daughter in an illegal sexual act, and in most cases, following the tradition, kills her. He does this, believing that she dishonored their family. And by killing her, in his opinion, he restores the honor of the family.

A victim of such a murder can be a woman who expressed a desire to get a divorce, refusing to plan. If incest occurred during rape, then the responsibility for the most part lies with the woman. It is generally accepted that she must protect her honor, even at the cost of her own life. If the woman is still alive, then she is considered guilty, because she did not prevent the deprivation of her honor.

Violation of laws against women in African and Asian countries

In India, there is a law according to which any sexual relations of spouses are not considered rape if the spouse has reached the age of 15. However, in Singapore, a similar law allows a relationship with a spouse over 13 years old. In the Bahamas, a girl must reach at least fourteen years of age.

Malta and Lebanon

Also, when entering into a marriage after a guilty verdict is passed, the charges are immediately dropped, however, for a period earlier than 5 years, the charges can be re-laid and the prescribed punishment applied. In most cases, these are hard labor for decades or imprisonment.

Costa Rica, Peru and Ethiopia

Similar laws have already been repealed about ten years ago.

At the same time, statistics show that the number of crimes against the honor and freedom of women has not increased, but decreased significantly.


In turn, in Nigeria there are no less terrible laws, according to which the beating of a spouse for "educational purposes" or if she disobeyed and did not obey the will of her husband, is considered quite legal.

Also, the beating of a child by a teacher for disobedience, violation of discipline and failure to follow instructions, or punishment by the owner of servants and maids hired to work, is not considered an illegal act.


According to the custom in Tunisia, a man in a family receives exactly twice as much inheritance as the weaker sex in the same family.

If two sisters and a brother inherit in a family, then the brother gets half, and the sisters equally divide the remaining share of the inheritance among themselves.

Saudi Arabia

Here, girls are forbidden to drive a car, because they are representatives of "immorality."

However, there it is believed that only a man has the right to drive. Another reason for banning girls from driving is the unfounded fear of terrorism, violence and other acts aimed at encroaching on the honor of women.

Violation of laws against women or infringement of their rights in some countries comes to the point that the spouse independently chooses a profession for his wife and limits her ability to work in any other jobs, carry out financial transactions and conduct entrepreneurial activities.


In the Republic of the Congo, the wife is obliged to follow and obey her husband in everything.

Also, she has no right to take part in any financial transactions and engage in trade without the consent of her husband. If the husband agreed, and later changed his mind, then the wife is obliged to stop all activities and obey the will of her husband. Such a strict law deprives the inhabitants of the Congo of the opportunity to open their own business, earn money and take part in any financial transactions. And these are not the most cruel laws against women.


In Yemen, it is believed that the wife is obliged to work in the house where the spouses live, and in everything to obey the will of her husband

In addition, there is a law prohibiting a spouse from leaving the house without the express permission of her husband without a good reason. It is only allowed to leave without permission due to the care of elderly parents, if these are the only relatives. The same law allows marital rape and infringement of the rights of the wife.


In Egypt, there is a law according to which a spouse who caught his wife cheating, and subsequently killed her and her lover on the spot, is subject to arrest for a period of less than the shortest term for unintentional murder - 20 years of hard labor.

In 2011, amendments were made to the law, which prescribed a sentence of 5 years, but at the same time it could not exceed 7 years of imprisonment or correctional labor.


In the Republic of Mali, located in West Africa, there is a law that prohibits a widow from remarrying if 4 months and 10 days have not passed since the death of her husband.

If she is pregnant, then she is obliged to wait for the birth of a child before entering into her next marriage. However, even after giving birth, she most likely will not be able to remarry. A divorced woman does not have the right to remarry if 3 months have not passed since the date of the official divorce.

The motives and reasons behind the creation of the most cruel laws against women

Thus, when laws against women are violated, we have terrible statistics, according to which only every fourth bride is kidnapped of her own free will, and in relation to other brides their rights are violated. Several thousand women annually marry against their will and are further abused by their husbands. Around 5,000 “honour” killings are committed in the world every year, despite the ever-increasing tightening of laws around the world regarding violence against women and the infringement of their rights.

Every second man living in the Caucasus region believes that having several wives is quite natural and does not see anything immoral or unnatural in this. And in accordance with centuries-old traditions, it is believed that the more wives he can afford, the more he is self-sufficient and revered in society.

More bride kidnappings are known under the guise of Muslim traditions. However, quite a few victims of violence and kidnapped brides do not report to the police, considering it shameful: they are afraid of shame.

Bride kidnapping. Shot from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

An example can clearly show the extent of this problem:

The young man asked the guys to kidnap the girl and bring her to his house, allegedly for the wedding ceremony. However, when the girl was brought in, he raped her in his house and took her by force to the wedding hall, forcing her to remain silent and threatening to kill her. But when everyone gathered, the girl began to scream and ask for help, talking about the incident in the man's house. The man was detained by the police.

According to the commission of the Caucasus region, one of the reasons for such an attitude towards women and the infringement of their rights is the inability of women to receive the required protection from the state and impunity for such actions. It is such laws that allow men to infringe on the rights of women and feel their superiority.

To avoid such actions against women, to protect their rights, to give them the opportunity to choose their own path in life, to get rid of fear and violence, an international association for the protection of women's rights and freedoms was created. Its goal is to open its offices and implement programs in which any woman in need of help can take part.

Video review of countries where women's rights are violated:

Already 2018, but still many inhuman laws that violate women's rights, continue to exist in our "modern" world.

Where can married women be raped?

The issue of sexual assault was a hot topic in India when news of the gang rape and death of a female student in 2012 spread around the world. But a year later, an article appeared in the country's legislation: "Any sexual relationship between a man and his wife, if the wife is over 15 years old, is not rape."

Thus, marital rape was legalized in the country.

Similar laws exist in Singapore, where marital rape is considered acceptable if the girl is over 13 years old. In the Bahamas, rape is also not considered rape if a legal marriage is entered into, and the girl is at least 14 years old.

Where can you kidnap a woman with impunity?

In Malta and Lebanon, a crime ceases to be a crime when the perpetrator marries the victim. For example, in Malta, if the offender “marries her after kidnapping a woman, then he is not subject to prosecution,” the law says. If the marriage is concluded after the trial and the conviction of the defendant, the sentence is immediately canceled.

In Lebanon, crimes involving rape and kidnapping are no longer considered as such at the time of marriage. However, if the divorce occurs within five years of the crime, the prosecution may be reopened.

Similar heinous laws have been repealed in Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Peru and Uruguay in the past decade.

Where is it legal to beat a woman?

In Nigeria, the cruelty of a "wife-rearing husband" is legal. Violence is also permitted if parents or a school teacher punish children, or if "the master punishes maids and servants for educational purposes"

Where are women legally prohibited from working?

In China, women cannot work in mines, or engage in heavy physical labor, or "other work that women should avoid." Similar laws exist around the world. In Madagascar, women cannot work at night, except when it comes to family business. And Russian legislators decided that the work of women "in difficult, dangerous, unhealthy conditions ... is prohibited."

This broad statement covers 456 different types of work, including train driver, carpentry, direct firefighting, and deck crew work.

Where are women not allowed to drive?

In Saudi Arabia, there is a fatwa that says that “women are forbidden to drive” because it is “an undoubted source of immorality”, because in a car a man and a woman can meet one on one, and women take off their headscarves. And although this is not officially recorded in the legislation, women are still not issued a driver's license.

In December, two women were detained and then brought before a terrorism court for attempting to cross the border.

A Saudi Arabian historian went on TV to support a ban on women driving, arguing that women who drive in the US and Europe don't care that "they might be raped on the side of the road, but we do."

Where do men choose jobs for women?

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, "a wife is required to live with her husband and follow him wherever he goes." She is also prohibited from appearing in civil court, "engaging in commerce or incurring financial obligations" without her husband's permission.

If the husband initially agrees, but then changes his mind, then from that moment on the wife can no longer engage in trade or assume any financial obligations. As a result, it becomes impossible for women to open their own business or independently enter into financial transactions.

In Guinea, a similar law applies to women who want to work separately from their husband, which is illegal if he is against it.

In Yemen, there is a law according to which the wife "should obey her husband and not be disobedient, and also do all the housework in the house of the spouses."

She is also forbidden to leave the house without express permission. When she does go out, it should only be for “work that both spouses agree to do and that is not contrary to the laws of Islam. The only legitimate excuse for her would be the obligation to take care of her elderly parents if there is no one else to take care of. This law also allows marital rape.

One of the laws of Sudan
Provides that the husband has the following rights:

“(a) to be cared for and obeyed;

(b) that the wife keep herself and his property safe.”

Where sisters inherit less property than brothers?

Tunisian women legally inherit only half as much property as men. If there are two daughters in a family, then by law they are entitled to only two-thirds of what could be inherited.

But if these two potential heirs have a brother, the ratio changes: “Where there are sons, the inheritance of a male child becomes twice as large as the inheritance of a female child,” the law says. In the UAE, the law is almost the same, and men earn twice as much as women.

Where can a wife be killed for treason?

Egyptian law states that "If someone catches a wife at the moment of infidelity and kills her at the scene of the crime, along with her lover, is punishable by arrest" [approx. transl.: the law does not specify for how long the offender is taken into custody, however, it follows from the law that this period is less than the punishment for unintentionally causing grievous bodily harm (imprisonment for a period of three to seven years)], instead of the prescribed usually hard labor for 20 years for murder.

Where a woman cannot get a divorce?

In Israel, where marriage and divorce are handled by the rabbinical courts, women have fewer rights to leave their husbands than men to leave their wives. .

In 1995, judges decided not to force a husband to divorce his wife after six years of separation. Quoting ancient Jewish law, the court decided that "everything depends only on what he wants, and we must accept his decision."

The judge remarked on this occasion that it is better to be a slave than a wife who obeys Jewish laws. Moreover, women will not be allowed to work in these courts.

Ancient legal complexities can lead to situations such as the one experienced by a woman in Jerusalem who is unable to marry her partner with whom she has lived for over 10 years due to the refusal of her late husband's relatives to perform the khalitsa ceremony. [a rite that frees her from having to marry her husband's brother.

In September, the rabbinical court denied her request to remarry.

In Mali, women are subject to strict guidelines regarding remarriage after divorce: a divorced woman can only seek a new husband three months after her divorce, and a widow cannot remarry until four months and 10 days after her husband's death. .

If a widow is pregnant, she must wait until childbirth first.

Where does the testimony of one woman in court not count?

The right of a witness to testify in court seems undeniable. But in Iran, in standard cases, the testimony of two men is required. In cases where severe punishment is expected, "the testimony of two respectable men and four respectable women is sufficient."

In Iran, it is also illegal for a woman to appear in public without proper clothing; The violator is punished by imprisonment or a fine.

Where women cannot obtain citizenship for their children?

Children born out of wedlock to an American father and a foreign mother have difficulty obtaining US citizenship: written confirmation is required from the father that he will provide them with financial support [approx. transl.: we are talking about children born out of wedlock not in the United States; and a longer period of residence in the United States as a resident than for a US citizen mother. It turns out that it is much more difficult for a foreign woman to obtain US citizenship for her children [approx. transl.: than to a father who is not a US citizen].

If such children are over 18 years old and they are trying to obtain citizenship, then they will only be able to obtain it if the mother already has US citizenship.

This law was approved by the Supreme Court in 1998, and Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote about this: “By design, the law should provide support and protection.

Instead, he treats mothers differently from fathers, reinforcing social stereotypes at the level of public policy.”