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» Will New Year's wishes come true? How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true. Wishes for the New Year

Will New Year's wishes come true? How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true. Wishes for the New Year

“Be careful with your wishes - they tend to come true,” said Mikhail Bulgakov. Everyone has dreams that they can move mountains to achieve. People believe that if you make a wish for the New Year, it will definitely come true. The main thing is to voice it correctly.

How to voice your dream on New Year's Eve

Pledge is the correct wording. Follow the recommendations:

  • make a wish in the present tense, not in the past. “I want me to be happy” is a bad option;
  • do not use “not”, denial, phrases “at any cost, nosebleed”;
  • do not order higher powers;
  • add the phrase “I achieve this quickly and easily”, “this benefits my family.” So protect yourself from negative consequences;
  • have a clear vision of your dream;
  • do not demand the impossible;
  • do not wish harm or losses to other people;
  • Don't use the phrase "at least." For example: “At least a little money.” Make a tiny profit; the higher powers will not appreciate modesty;
  • do not use names in requests (for example: I want to marry Peter. The wording will not work).

What to wish for the New Year?

The traditional holiday from December 31 to January 1, New Year according to the old style, is a great time to fulfill wishes. Here are the most suitable options for wishes that will definitely come true:

  • meet your soulmate;
  • create a strong family;
  • improve relationships with relatives;
  • go on a pleasant trip;
  • see loved ones more often;
  • become healthier;
  • see friends more often;
  • successfully complete the project;
  • make repairs the way you want;
  • learn new things;
  • make the right purchase;
  • do what you love.

A common belief is that you should dress brightly for the New Year. The more red details you have in your outfit, the more likely it is that the Universe will notice you and bestow blessings on you next year.

Ways to make wishes for the New Year

Classic version with champagne

This option is known to many. Make a wish while the chimes are striking. You can simply whisper your dream into a glass of champagne and drink it during this period. Another option is to write on a piece of paper, burn it, throw the ashes into a glass and drink. If you don’t drink alcohol, you can throw the ashes into a glass of juice, drink, or plain water.

Important condition: Before you drink a glass with a wish, you need to clink glasses with everyone present in the room and wish everyone happiness in the coming year.

Making your dreams come true over dinner

While you are preparing your holiday meals, mentally describe your dream. Choose something associated with her. For example: a new apartment - safety, children - the joy of fatherhood/motherhood.

Next, select a symbol associated with your dream. Let's say: a coin, a heart. One of the dishes must be made in the shape of this symbol. It could be a small cookie that you eat whole.

During New Year's dinner, think about the first association you chose and be sure to eat the prepared dish.

Ritual with a postcard

We write wishes to people in postcards. You can also give it to yourself. Choose any one in the store or make it yourself. Write a capacious and beautiful wish.

Hide the card under the Christmas tree and take it out on January 1st. Wear it as a talisman. Throughout the year, it will attract what you wish for yourself.

Wish card

It is very simple to make such a talisman that attracts good luck and fulfills wishes. The map can be large, small, of any shape, schematic, in the form of an appliqué - as convenient as possible, you are limited only by your imagination.

You need to place your desires on the map and draw a path that will connect them. The map must have a beginning and an end. Write “January” at the start and “December” at the finish.

Forest round dance

The ritual is suitable if several people agree to perform it. It is held on New Year's Eve. or a few days before. The more friends and relatives you gather, the better. Take decorations, Christmas tree decorations, firecrackers and sparklers.

Go to the forest or planting, find the tallest, most beautiful spruce. Dress her up, lead round dances around her, light sparklers and shoot firecrackers. While you dance, think about your dream and its realization.

Magic craft

The task is to glue and fold an animal or bird from colored paper and cardboard. The method is suitable not only for adults, but also for children. When the craft is ready, place it on or under the Christmas tree.

After January 1, the decoration can be removed. Now it's a talisman. Whisper your wishes to him and he will fulfill them. You can make one wish at a time. Before wishing for the second, wait until the first is fulfilled.

Letter to Santa Claus

A method known to everyone from childhood is to write a letter to Grandfather Frost. Many people still consider the method to be effective. There are several versions of how to behave with a written letter:

  • burn and scatter the ashes to the wind on New Year's Eve;
  • that same night put it under the pillow and sleep on it;
  • carry with you constantly as a talisman;
  • really send to Veliky Ustyug (in the hope that Grandfather Frost will read this letter).

A simple way to make your New Year's wish come true

The ritual must be carried out while the chimes are striking. At this time, go to the window or balcony, open the shutters and voice your desire out loud. The universe will hear it and fulfill it.

Important: You cannot tell others what you will wish for. Otherwise, the wish will not come true.

Bottle method

There are several options for the ritual. The main thing is to arm yourself with an empty champagne bottle that was left over from the festive table. Think about your dream, exhale into the bottle and close it.

The second option is to write a wish on a piece of paper and throw it into a bottle. It is sealed and left until next year in a secret place. When January 1st arrives, you will need to get rid of the bottle.

Ritual with leaves

This method is suitable for those who have many desires. You need to prepare 12 notes. Write a wish on each one. Turn over the leaves and stir. On the blank side, write the name of the month. Hide the notes in a hat or bag.

In the morning, take out any at random. Find out which dream will come true and in what month.

If the dream is related to material wealth

  1. On December 31, open all the doors and windows in the house (windows are fine). Tell poverty to leave the house. Clean up and close the windows. Repeat the process on January 1st. This time say that you attract wealth into your home.
  2. On the eve of the New Year's holiday, go to a deserted place, light a small fire and throw into it something that reminds you of financial failures. Say that you drive away poverty and attract wealth.
  3. There is an opinion that higher powers love specifics. On New Year's Eve, place a piece of paper under your pillow with the amount and purpose for which you will spend it written. An important condition: you need to sleep on this bed that night.

Tree of wishes

When people first began decorating the Christmas tree, not only paper decorations were used as toys, but also tangerines, cookies, and candies. This has a magical background. Decorating the Christmas tree with goodies is necessary to fill the house with everything you need.

Important clarification:
On New Year's Eve, each family member needs to take something off the tree and eat it. Each decoration has an interpretation:

  • candy - prosperity;
  • cookies - strong relationships;
  • tangerines - happiness;
  • apples - good health;
  • lollipops - sudden surprises, joy.

Simple effective ways will help you make your most cherished dream come true on New Year's Eve. But remember, higher powers favor those who achieve their goals. Therefore, there is no need to remain idle and wait for everything to happen on its own. Make an effort to achieve your plans.

New Year is time and magic. Many people around the world make wishes every year, hoping for them to come true. Everyone has their own rituals to make their wishes come true, but what is the correct way to make a wish for the New Year?

How to correctly formulate your request?

A lot depends on the correct formulation of the desire.

  1. must be in the present tense. Most people make wishes in this form: “I want to move to another country,” “I want to get married,” “I want to earn a lot of money,” etc. But it will not come true, you will only wish for it. Say, write, think: “I’m moving to another country,” “I’m getting married,” “I’m earning a lot of money.” All sorts of “I want and wish” don’t work.
  2. No time limits. For example, “I will go in for sports on October 4, 2017.” Don't limit it to a specific date. At the moment you are ready to fulfill your wish, it will not come true, and you will be disappointed in your New Year's wishes. That same dream will definitely come when you make the necessary changes. For example, some circumstances or your worldview. You will never be able to know the exact time.
  3. Eliminate the word "not". Try not to use this particle. For example, instead of “I don’t smoke,” use “I run in the morning and quit smoking.”
  4. Feelings instead of details. People believe that the more detailed you describe your desire, the more accurately it will come true. But it has been proven that this is not the case. Give your dream more feelings and emotions rather than details. For example, “I am happy with this person,” “I feel lightness and peace when I do my work,” etc.
  5. The desire should not concern specific individuals. It happens that your goal is friendship or a relationship with some person, but this person may not want a relationship with you. If you really want to achieve your dream, then correctly formulate it, add that fulfillment is acceptable, but will not contradict the desire of this person.
  6. Don't wish harm on others. You should not make wishes that will harm someone.
  7. The wish is given for you, not for anyone else. Everyone is familiar with the situation with such a desire: “I want my husband to get a vacation” or “I want my

If you make a wish for the New Year, it will definitely come true. Everyone is waiting for this miracle, even skeptics. We all really, really want the fabulous New Year's Eve to be rich in pleasant surprises, and on January 1, a new wonderful and interesting life begins, where there is always a place for celebration, dreams come true and hopes realized. How to make a wish for the New Year correctly so that it comes true?

The most popular ritual of New Year's wishes is to write a wish on paper at the beginning of the chiming clock, then burn it, dissolve the ashes in a glass of champagne and have time to drink it while the main clock in Russia counts down “twelve”. Some people do not burn the wish sheet, but save it until next year. Many people prefer to simplify the ritual and make wishes mentally. And people, far from the New Year's sacraments, simply wish each other fulfillment and good luck. Regardless of the chosen method, several rules should be taken into account to make your wish come true.

How to make a New Year's wish correctly?

Rule one: On New Year's Eve we know exactly what we want for the coming year. A common mistake on New Year's Eve is spontaneity and ill-conceived desires. Maybe we would like something completely different, but under the influence of circumstances, other people’s opinions and... champagne, we make wishes that are not our own. It’s better to make a wish in advance, although in the New Year’s bustle it’s not so easy to find time for this. And yet, if you want, you can always find half an hour, or even better, an hour or two, to prepare in advance, think through it thoroughly and write a “bucket list.”

Rule two: New Year's Eve is a special time, which means that the desire(s) should be special, or rather fateful. The magic of New Year's Eve should be used as much as possible. To decide what you want so special, you should conduct an audit of the outgoing year. New Year's Eve is a great opportunity to take stock. A sample list of questions will help you with this:

How does the outgoing year differ from the previous one for me personally?
What wonderful thing happened in my life this year?
Were these wonderful events the subject of my wishes last New Year?
Did these events happen unexpectedly for me, or were they the result of my specific actions leading to achieving my goal?

Rule three: if you want to be lucky, then become a wizard yourself, help fortune fulfill your desires. Think about how your desire can be fulfilled. What is desire? A desire is a goal that we want to achieve and it is a plan that must be implemented. Before setting a new goal, it is wise to review early unfulfilled goals and unfulfilled dreams. Here is a sample list of questions:

What wishes of mine were not fulfilled (plans were not realized, goals were not achieved)?
Are these desires still important and relevant for me?
What could I have done, but didn’t do, to make my wishes come true?

Here you need to use your imagination and think creatively about your answer. You have nothing to lose, your wish did not come true. Imagine what could lead to the fulfillment of your desire. What if everything is not as unattainable as it seems to you at first glance? Don't say no right away, try it first! What if you suddenly get an unexpected idea on how to make your dream come true?

Rule four: your desires should bring you happiness. Don't be boring, don't want to be "cookie-cutter." Once again return to the question: “What is the difference between the passing year and all the others?” What new, interesting things have you experienced this year that you haven’t had before? Make your life more diverse, don't be afraid to dream. Dreams do come true!

New Year is a magical time of miracles. Take a magic pen and start doing magic by making a list of your wishes.

Rule five: you must believe that your wish will certainly come true. Thought is material and the Universe is abundant, you get what you believe in.

Rule six: Feed your desires with your positive energy. New Year's Eve is already charged with special energy, when the space is open to desires, requests and prayers. Your personal energy will “attract” your desire to you. To do this, you need to set yourself up for success and good luck. Remember your previous victories and achievements. Re-experience the feeling of excitement, joy and happiness. In anticipation of its imminent fulfillment, create a “wish list”. For greater clarity, visualize pictures of the future: either mentally create images of them, or find corresponding photos in magazines or the Internet.

Rule seven: Write down your wishes in the present tense, positive, without the “not” part. For example, “I am not sick” should be replaced with “I am healthy.”

What you do next with your finished wish list is up to you. You can burn it, dissolve the ashes in champagne and drink. You can hide it until next year. Or you can make two copies, burn one of them and keep the other.

If you don't believe in New Year's miracles, try it anyway. After all, the only way to check is to wait for the next New Year and compare its results with your wish list, writes

Happy New Year everyone!

The ashes of a treasured piece of paper in a glass of champagne, 12 white grapes swallowed while the clock strikes, a coin under the tablecloth as a symbol of wealth, or new red underwear as a guarantee of hot sex - you may have already done all this, more than once. If it seems to you that traditional signs do not work, it is better to choose a time and perform your own ritual... not forgetting the rules of Feng Shui and the advice of psychologists.

1. In a couple of days: free up space

Why do some dreams come true and others don't? Maybe there is simply not enough room for them in your life? It’s better to start preparing New Year’s wishes by saying goodbye to the past. Moreover, you need to part with him both in word and in deed.

It’s not enough to simply brush off the dust and remove from the surface everything that is out of place. As you walk through the house, carefully look around to notice and throw away everything that is broken, old and unnecessary without regret. Look into your closets and get rid of at least those items or pairs of shoes that you have never worn in the previous 12 months. In general, all items from the “what if you need it” category are solid candidates for discarding. The Chinese or Feng Shui experts would say that such things accumulate stagnant, blocking energy. The Italian New Year's tradition is based on approximately the same logic: on December 31, not only clothes, but sometimes even old furniture fly from windows and balconies. The meaning of “sorting out the rubble” is to clear the space around of what is pulling into the past and make room for something new in your own life.

Think about what some of the things that you are getting rid of may be associated with for you: old misconceptions, old habits, empty affairs, outdated connections, wrong relationships - everything that you want to leave in the past. If you are outside the city or have a fireplace in the house, it is good to throw several of the most “charged” symbolic objects into the fire: for example, a crumpled cigarette pack, a receipt from an unnecessary purchase, a note from an unpleasant person...

Don't forget to clean your desktop, remove all junk from your mail, update your diaries and notebooks.

In the days remaining until the New Year, try to complete at least one (even small) task, fulfill a promise to someone, or repay a debt. Listen to yourself and notice how a new feeling of lightness grows inside.

2. The day before: set a vector of desires

It is customary to thank the passing year by remembering all the good things. This ritual has an important psychological meaning. Over the past 12 months, you have changed, and your desires have changed with you (even if it is not obvious at first glance). By analyzing your feelings and assessing events, you can form a vector of movement for the better. To do this, you can use NLP techniques. Take 2 sheets of paper and a pen, find a few free minutes and try to honestly answer the following questions.


Remember: what events happened in your life over the past year?

Which ones were the most joyful - and why?

Which ones are the most unpleasant and why?

Write down the three most important themes that have defined the past year.

Which of the following do you NOT want to face in the new year?

What have you achieved that you are most proud of?

What do you think others underestimated?

What is your biggest regret that happened this year?

What did you wish for that did not come true?

How do you feel the general mood of the passing year? Notice both positive and negative emotions.


Looking back, what did you miss most in the past year? (For example: time, money, support, determination, etc.)

If something happened again, what would you do differently?

What has this year taught you, what lessons will you remember?

Name at least three things for which you are grateful to other people, the Universe, and life itself.

Name at least three things you are grateful to yourself for.

Save the piece of paper with the second list (“Conclusions”), and burn the first, still listening carefully to the feeling of lightness that continues to grow inside. By celebrating positive changes, you start the movement of time.

3. Night of December 31st: “charge” your dream

If the previous stages of work have been completed correctly, you are ready to name your desires. It is important to formulate them specifically, with details and your own feelings: imagine exactly what you feel when they become a reality.

Pay attention to what or who your desire is directed at: you personally; on your relationships with people; globally on your role in this life or place in the Universe.

Try to place the main emphasis not on external circumstances (for example, “I want to meet the ideal man”), but on your own role and quality in this situation (“I want to be a happy, loved and loving woman”).

Eliminate any negations and the “not” particle: for example, instead of “I want to lose 10 kg,” it is better to say “It’s easy for me, I’m at the optimal weight and in great shape”; instead of “I don’t need anything” - “I always have enough money for what is important to me.”

Our words have powerful energy: if the desire is correctly formulated and written down, it becomes a goal, and the Universe immediately begins to implement it. Place the piece of paper with your wishes in an envelope and hide it in a secluded place. If in the process of work your imagination has created some kind of symbolic image, try to draw it - carefully, in colors, with love. Roll this piece of paper into a roll, tie it with a ribbon and hang it on the New Year tree: after the holidays it will also need to be removed in order to be unrolled next December.

Finally, to consolidate the result, on the first day (or even the first night) of the new year, you can perform the “Ritual of Eight Oranges.” It is believed that these solar fruits embody the energy of prosperity and joy of life, and the number “8” symbolizes prosperity according to Feng Shui. When entering the house, throw them onto the floor over the threshold so that they roll throughout all rooms except the bathroom and toilet. While rolling the oranges, sincerely and out loud wish yourself all the best - happiness, love, success, wealth, health, etc. During the first week of the New Year, give these fruits to your guests or neighbors. But most importantly, catch the feeling of the holiday and carry it into the future: your dreams are already beginning to come true!

Every year on December 31, the hero of the famous film says: “We have stopped doing big good stupid things...”

And indeed, with age we often become bored: we lose our recklessness, inspiration, faith in miracles, and often faith in general. But if you feel nostalgic, looking at uncontrollably fantasizing children, watch for a falling star, enjoy reading “Harry Potter”, watch the movie “The Secret” or “Battle of Psychics” - it means that you still have hope for something better in your soul , amazing. On the eve of the holiday, it's time to give it a vent. So, gentlemen and ladies, let's make New Year's wishes!

Why is now the right time? The change from one year to another is the threshold of old and new. The smell of a Christmas tree and tangerines, bubbles of champagne, and the chimes create an enthusiastic - magical - state. (Well, are you experiencing at least some kind of inner uplift?) Add to this a powerful energy impulse - after all, a huge number of people in your time zone are freezing in anticipation of a miracle. All together provides ideal conditions for reformatting your own reality.

So, do the wishes made for the New Year come true? Yes, if you formulate a message and send it to the Universe Right.

Important rules - choose a goal

  1. The desire must come from the heart, be yours, and not imposed by society: a career, a cool car, etc.

    If it seems that you really want an expensive car model, think about what you expect from owning this car. Maybe you really want increased attention from women or authority among colleagues? And further: why do you need this attention or authority - to feel loved?

    Make an effort and the car will appear. But if what was expected of her does not happen - if she was not the real goal - disappointment will come instead of joy. Try to reach the main value. True desire should evoke spiritual trepidation and special vibrations.
  2. The mystery must be relatively realistic. “If this is impossible, it must be done,” Alexander the Great used to say, but not everyone believes in their abilities so much.

    Let the realization of what you want not entirely depend on you (otherwise you would just go and do it), but you are capable of taking some steps to realize it. Without this, there will be no necessary faith in fulfillment.

  3. You need to think about the end, not the means: a car, not getting a loan; an apartment, not a mortgage or inheritance; a trip to Paris, not a work trip to end up there. There can be a lot of ways to get what you want - we don’t see the complete picture. So there is no need to limit the Universe, everything is fine with its imagination.
  4. Desire should not have contradictions with internal attitudes.

    Example: I want money, but I am convinced that it spoils people; I want to get married, but I’m sure that all men are bastards. What you believe in will come true. Or nothing will come true - the Universe will be confused by the vagueness of your request.

  5. Don't interfere with other people's desires, it should only concern you. Otherwise it is disrespecting their free will.

    If a girl dreams of love with a married (or single, but not interested in her) man, it would be environmentally friendly to wish for a loving husband with similar qualities, but not this particular person. Even if you want something for your child, it is not a fact that his soul wants the same.

  6. Think about what you will gain and what you will lose if you achieve what you want, and how it will affect others. For example, you want to earn more, but at the same time you are afraid that there will be no time left for rest and family. That is, in the current state of lack of money, it is important for you to have free time. And this secondary benefit may outweigh.

    Look for options to earn more and at the same time have the opportunity to relax - to believe in the possibility of fulfilling your intention.

  7. And once again about environmental friendliness: do not wish anything bad on anyone. No one has canceled the boomerang law: everything will return. It is better to ask for peace of mind for your own soul, harmony and love.

We formulate the desire correctly

  • The first rule - the most hackneyed, but no less relevant - concerns the particle “not”. Historically, our fellow citizens have a stronger “from” motivation than a “to” motivation. In a country that has experienced war, repression, perestroika, default and other cataclysms, people are accustomed to living like on a powder keg and dreaming so that nothing bad happens again. Instead of wishing something good.

    If you focus on the negative, you can only wait for the negative. Therefore, the correct wish would be health, and not “I want not to get sick.”

  • Formulations are made in the present tense. If you write: “I want me to get well/receive/come out…” - this will be perceived as a fait accompli (you are already healthy, you have received it and come out - everything is ready). It would be more correct:

    “Every day I become younger, filled with strength and health for the benefit of the Universe.”

  • Be careful with your words - Santa Claus takes them literally. Do not use expressions like “I want to, even cut me”, “at any cost”, “bleed from the nose”.

    If you are looking for a job or want to get married, indicate what you expect from your job or husband. Do not use the words “at least some” - everyone will be rewarded according to their faith, then you will not be able to disentangle it.

    Avoid the formulations “I want it, my stomach is cramping”, “I’m sick of Ivan (Norway, a house by the sea, etc.) - otherwise it will cramp and you will get sick.

  • The wish must be formulated as clearly as possible. Determine the situations in which what you want is appropriate and in which it is not. At the end write something like:

    “May the Universe harmoniously bring this or something more into my life.”

    Thus, you will open up to benefits that you did not expect - if this does not contradict the Path chosen by your soul. For example, if you dream of working in some company, you can get a position not in your city, but in a branch abroad.
  • Express gratitude: “The gift of health keeps me alive. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
First give thanks for what you already have, and then ask for what you want. Don't do it formally - feel Gratitude. If you want money, but are on the verge of poverty and find it difficult to feel grateful, remember the situations when you got something for free.

As a child, your parents bought you clothes, food, took you to the sea or to your grandmother; a colleague paid for your coffee; a friend gave you a dress that didn’t fit her and didn’t take any money from you. Say a sincere thank you for every episode.

When we are grateful for what we already have, we have a chance to receive something more. The final wording could be:

“I thank you for all the money I have received throughout my life. My prosperity is growing every day. Thank you thank you thank you!"

And finally, magical rituals

  1. The most famous: when the chimes strike, you write a wish, burn the piece of paper, put the ashes into a glass of champagne, and drink the contents. Make it to the last strike. Think over the text in advance and prepare leaves, pens, lighters. Or light a New Year's candle - this will enhance the magic.

  2. You can, like the Italians, prepare 12 grapes and eat each one at the next chime. It is believed that grapes will bring prosperity in the coming year.

  3. During the chimes, say to your drink or food everything you want to receive next year: “I attract health, love, wealth...” Drink to the dregs, eat to the tiniest bit.

  4. At midnight, light a Chinese lantern, say your wish and launch the lantern into the sky. Don’t take your eyes off it, feel: you have just given wings to your dream! The flashlight disappeared from view - the request went out into the Universe.

  5. At sunset on December 31, write 12 mini-essays covering different areas of your life. Literally three or four sentences: desire and justification why it is important for you to get it. Place the pieces of paper under your pillow, and in the morning of January 1, take out three of them. These wishes will come true in the new year.

  6. Fortune-telling. The whole New Year's company writes their wishes; You can have several, but each on a separate piece of paper. They need to be rolled up and placed, for example, in a Santa Claus hat. Then those present pull out the pieces of paper and read what is in store for them.

  7. Make a paper bird, an angel or a symbol of the year according to the eastern calendar (2019 is the year of the Pig). Tip: do this with your children. Say your most cherished words over the resulting creation. It’s even better to speak it out during the manufacturing process - this way you will put the energy of action into the toy. Place it on the Christmas tree and let it soak in the festive atmosphere. When you put away the Christmas tree, place the toy in a visible place - so that it reminds you of what you want and motivates you to achieve your goal.

  8. “Jump into a parallel Universe” is a comic ritual from simoron. To perform, you need inspiration, a state of lightness and soaring - New Year's Eve is conducive to these sensations. You can jump from chairs, stools, sofas, just follow safety precautions. While the chimes are ringing, you need to shout your intention and snap your fingers while jumping. Have you landed? That's it, you've jumped into the new year! You are in a parallel world where you have what you want!

  9. Also from simoron. Take a saucer with a blue border. At the bottom, put the symbol of your dreams: a ring, if you want to get married; a bill if you want money; a pacifier if you dream of a child, a model or picture of a house if you dream of your home. Let this goodness be solemnly presented to you on a platter as a gift - ask someone close to you. To enhance the effect of the ritual, hang a lucky star (can be made of foil) over the place in the house where you spend the most time.

  10. Another Simoron technique that can be performed at a New Year's tea party is aimed at attracting money. Put a spoonful of honey in black tea, place the cup on a green leaf - the color of a dollar, “cabbage”. Stir the honey in the cup clockwise with a pencil for one minute. Think about money at this time. Then take a piece of paper from under the cup and write on it: “Tea, there will be money!” - and have a drink. Keep the pencil and piece of paper until your wish comes true.

  11. After midnight, draw your dream - do something like, maybe schematically. The main thing is that what you draw resonates with joy in your soul. Roll up the design, tie it with red ribbon or thread, seal it with melted wax - so that it gets on both the paper and the tape. Write your initials on the warm wax and hang the tube on the tree. On Christmas night, put it in a secluded place. Has your wish come true? Open the scroll and circle the picture in red. When a new goal appears, burn this piece of paper.

  12. You can make wishes collectively - this will bring revitalization to the company. Cut them out and write your dreams on them. During the chiming clock, go out onto the balcony (open the window) and let your snowflakes fly. While they are flying, repeat your desires to yourself again.

“Guys, you have to believe in miracles!”

You can come up with your own ritual. The main thing is to do everything with faith. And then you will definitely see your scarlet sails.
- Feed your desire with joyful emotions - this way you give it the energy to fulfill it. Think about him in happy moments of your life. Remember when you just feel uplifted.
- Don’t tell anyone about your desire, otherwise the energy of intention will weaken or go nowhere.

The exception is desires like “I want to quit smoking in the coming year.” There is a different execution technology at work here: if you have voiced your intention, you will be ashamed not to fulfill it.

- Stay in a good mood. Like, as you know, attracts like. If there is darkness, anger, resentment and other negativity in your soul, it will be difficult for the light to break through to you.
- Thank you! This sets the mood for positivity and ensures a flow of good gifts.

“May such a miracle happen to you next year that I won’t even tell you, so as not to tempt fate!” With coming!