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» Make an outdoor toilet in your country house with your own hands. Do-it-yourself toilet in the country from A to Z. How to make a toilet in the country comfortable and warm

Make an outdoor toilet in your country house with your own hands. Do-it-yourself toilet in the country from A to Z. How to make a toilet in the country comfortable and warm

A toilet in a summer cottage is an essential item. The very first building that appears on the territory is a toilet. It is better when it is free-standing. So, while doing business in the garden, you don’t need to constantly go into the house. This will prevent you from bringing dirt and soil into the house with you, and unpleasant odors will not spread where the living rooms and kitchen are located.


Building an outdoor toilet in a garden plot is not a difficult task, but it has its own characteristics and nuances. The toilet must meet all sanitary standards and rules and not cause inconvenience to the owners of the site, as well as their neighbors. Even at the design stage, it is necessary to decide how all stages of construction will occur.

First of all, you need to decide where the building will be located so that it is as convenient and comfortable as possible for people. You also need to decide whether it will have a cesspool or without it. In the first case, you need to know how to make it, what size it is, how to ensure its tightness so that waste does not clog the ground and water on the site. Secondly, what neutralizer to use: chemical composition, bio-filler or peat.

An important point that needs to be thought through before starting to build a toilet is the design of the house itself: according to what scheme to build it, from what materials, what size, how to neutralize the spread of odors in the future. In order for the building to complement the appearance of the site, it is worth thinking about the design of the house.


There are several types of garden toilets.

With cesspool

This is the simplest and most common type of outdoor summer toilet. A depression of about 1.5–2 m is made in the ground, over which a small wooden structure is installed. Waste accumulates in this pit, and over time, fermenting, decomposes. If the pit fills up too quickly and the contents do not have time to decompose, you can resort to using a sewer machine. A wooden house can be made in original design to decorate the site, for example, it can look like “Teremok” or “Mill”.

Backlash closet

This is one of the variations of the previous option. Such a toilet is most often built adjacent to a house or to other heated structures on the site, for example, with a utility block. Its design includes a receiving funnel, a waste pipe, a cesspool and ventilation - a backlash channel for extracting air. To allow air to pass through the channel, it is placed near the chimney. Moving along the drain pipe, the air enters the heated part of the chimney, and then upward to a special hole for ventilation. An undoubted advantage is that such a toilet is warm and can be used in winter time of the year.

Powder closet

Its design does not provide for a cesspool. The recess under the toilet is presented in the form of a barrel. This option is suitable for areas with high inland waters, where it is not possible to dig a hole. To neutralize odors, ash, sawdust, and peat are used; sewage is sprinkled with it, if necessary, and “powdered.” As the barrel fills, it needs to be emptied. By mixing sewage with peat, it can later be used as fertilizer.

Peat toilet

Its structure resembles a powder closet, since it involves the use of peat to neutralize odors. The design is a regular toilet filled with peat. Instead of pipes, a special container is used that accumulates waste. This option can be installed both on the territory of the house and in a specially equipped house on the site. To neutralize odors, it is important to provide the building with a ventilation hole.

Dry toilet

The simplest type of arrangement of a country toilet. This is a portable cabin with a capacity of special means for waste recycling.

Chemical toilet

It is similar to the previous mobile version, but in this case, not a bio-filler, but a chemical substance is used for waste disposal. It cannot subsequently be used to fertilize the soil.

The main factor by which a choice is made from existing options is depth of groundwater passage. If their level is at a depth of more than 2.5 m, even when it rains or floods, any type can be installed. If the water level is higher than this mark, it is better not to choose options with a cesspool.

Important nuances

When deciding to build a toilet on a summer cottage, choosing its type, you need to know the rules for its installation. There are laws that regulate the construction of summer cottages. In addition, you need to think about how to design an odorless toilet, what sanitary standards are important to comply with, and how to design a closet in the absence of a sewerage system. When choosing a place for construction, you should make sure in advance that it is as hidden as possible from the eyes of neighbors and that if the door is opened, no one can see anything.

One of the main points is to decide how the contents of the toilet will be cleaned. If you are planning a cesspool, you need to take care in advance of unhindered access to it for a sewage truck.

Sanitary standards

Before starting construction of a country toilet, you need to make sure that the future construction will comply with certain sanitary standards and hygiene rules.

  • The distance between the closet and the well or borehole should be at least 30 m to avoid water contamination. In addition, if the terrain is uneven, the toilet should be located at a level below the drinking water sources.
  • If there are buildings on the site intended for washing (bathhouse, shower), the distance to them should be at least 8 m.
  • If there is a premises for keeping animals on the territory, its distance should be at least 4 m.

  • It is also worth taking care of cultivated plants. The minimum distance from trees is 4 m, from bushes - at least 1 m.
  • The toilet should not emit any unpleasant odors. When determining the location for future construction, the wind rose must be taken into account.
  • The cesspool, if any, must be well insulated to prevent sewage from mixing with groundwater. The best option is to provide a special container for its bottom.
  • The distance of the pit from residential buildings should be the maximum possible value, the minimum is 5 m.

  • The distance of the toilet from neighboring areas must be at least 1 m.
  • For a toilet house, you need to think about how to install lighting. All wiring must be carefully treated with a special mixture that repels water.
  • Cleaning of the pit should be carried out immediately as needed. To do this, you can use the services of a vacuum cleaner or use a chemical agent that decomposes waste, which will also serve to prevent the development of fungus and other harmful microorganisms. If neither one nor the other option is possible, the pit must be covered with metal sheets to rot the sewage.

What to do if there is no sewerage?

If there is no possibility of central sewerage on the site, The following waste disposal options are considered legal.

  • A metal or plastic container that can collect waste. A sewer machine can be used to clean it.
  • A special septic agent that dissolves sewage.
  • VOC – local treatment facility. Such a device requires registration with the SES.

The best way to choose a treatment facility for yourself is to contact the chairman, who will suggest the best solution. It often happens that an approved type of waste disposal system already exists for the entire dacha cooperative.

Do I need to register?

According to SNiP 30-02-97, clause 8.7, if there is no equipped sewerage system on the site, it is possible to install a powder closet or dry closet. If you plan to install a toilet with a cesspool, before starting its construction it is necessary to coordinate and register the project with the SES.

It is worth keeping in mind that the rules for installing a country toilet may vary depending on the region. Each region has its own environmental rules, which need to be clarified individually in the regional SES. One law is still the same - human waste must not be poured into the ground, groundwater must not be polluted.

In case of violation of the law, an administrative fine is imposed on the land owner, and his actions are regarded as damage to the land. However, such actions occur quite often, so usually the first time inspectors are limited to a warning. It must be borne in mind that after some time the inspector may organize a repeat inspection, so it is better to eliminate all violations in a timely manner.


The size of the future toilet depends on its type. Different designs have different recommended values. If you plan to install a powder closet on the site, its size should not be less than 1 m in width and 1.4 m in length, minimum height ceiling - 2.2 m. The maximum value of the parameters can be absolutely any. For immersing pipes, it is better to determine the depth of 50–70 cm.

For backlash closets important parameter- size cesspool. Its depth should be at least 1 m, preferably 2 m. Its diameter is usually 1 m. An above-ground building can have any dimensions. A simple one is designed in the same way country option with a cesspool.

In any case, the size of the toilet should be such that all family members can comfortably sit inside, freely turn around and stand up to their full height.

How to build?

To build a toilet on the street with your own hands, you first need to determine where on the site it will be located. It must meet all sanitary standards and hygiene rules, and the level of groundwater passage must also be taken into account. You also need to determine whether the house will stand separately on the border of the site, or will be adjacent to another room and you need to think about ventilation system for him.

The second stage is to choose the right waste disposal system, which will be optimal in this area. You need to determine whether a cesspool is required and how to make one yourself. It can be made of various materials: brick, concrete, special container, barrel, car tires, well ring. It is also necessary to take care of a foundation for the building that can support its weight and not sink into the ground over time. The easiest way to equip a toilet in a private home is to use a dry toilet, which does not require such time and effort.

The third and final step is the construction of a house and installation of a toilet, if the toilet is a separate building. The most common types of toilets are the “Teremok”, “Domik” or “Shalash” types. To choose a toilet design, you need to determine the weight of the building. You can pre-calculate it based on the weight of the selected materials. The toilet house should be as light as possible, because over time the soil underneath may sag, and the entire structure will need to be repaired.


You can use materials for constructing a toilet. various options. Often what is left over from the construction of the main structures on the site is used.

To build a cesspool you will need the following:

  • sand;
  • cement mixture;
  • crushed stone;
  • reinforcement to strengthen the foundation;
  • chain-link mesh to cover the bottom and sides of the hole, as well as metal pins to attach this mesh to the soil.

Another option, instead of chain-link and concrete, is brick, which is also used to line the bottom and walls of the pit. You can also use a concrete well ring that has holes or large rubber tires in its walls. The easiest option is to purchase a ready-made, special container, treated with a septic solution and available in various sizes.

The toilet house can be made from different materials.

Made of wood

To ensure that the wooden building is not very heavy in weight, it is better to use boards. The structure made from timber will be heavier; in this case, you first need to take care of the foundation.

The most common version of a country toilet is made of wooden boards. It has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of wooden construction include:

  • Aesthetic appearance. Compared to a metal or plastic house, a wooden one looks more solid and comfortable. In addition, it fits harmoniously into the natural atmosphere, as it is made of natural material.
  • The construction of such a house will not require large financial expenditures.
  • Durability. If the wood is treated in a timely manner with protective solutions and the surface is cleaned of dirt, the building can last for many years.
  • The tree itself has the property of neutralizing unpleasant odors, especially in the first time after the installation of the structure, emitting a pleasant forest aroma.
  • If the building becomes unsuitable for further use, it can easily be disassembled into parts and disposed of, using it to light a stove or fire.

Made of brick

This is a thorough, time-consuming and expensive option. It will also require the construction of a foundation. It is worth understanding that the use of this material will not provide additional heat inside the toilet. To do this, the room must be insulated separately, using lightweight materials, such as polystyrene foam.

And corrugated sheets

Such a structure can be erected without spending extra time and effort. In addition, the corrugated sheet makes for a light-weight building, which will prevent the soil from settling.

From plywood or OSB board

Quite a simple and convenient option. Its construction will not require much time and financial costs. You can also use this material for cladding a frame built from profile pipe or timber.

Disadvantages wooden structure are the following factors:

  • All wooden buildings are highly flammable and in case of fire are completely destroyed within a short time. This can be avoided by using a special impregnation with a heat-resistant solution.
  • If you do not treat the surface with a special product, the boards can quickly become damp and rot.
  • Wood is a material that can harbor various insects that destroy a building. Only periodic treatment of the premises with a pest control agent can get rid of them.

Required Tools

During the work you may need the following items:

  • for arranging a cesspool: a shovel, a crowbar or a hammer drill (in case stones get into the soil), hand drill, a container that will be placed in the hole (a large barrel or a concrete well ring), a hammer, a screwdriver, a stone and metal grinder, an electric jigsaw, a measuring tape, a level;
  • for building a house: a hammer drill or drill, fasteners (sealant, self-tapping screws, nails, dowels), a hacksaw for metal surfaces, a tape measure and a level, pliers, insulating tape (for ventilation), a hammer, metal corners, a handle and a valve, a toilet bowl.

Step-by-step instruction

Before starting the construction of a country toilet, it is necessary to draw up a detailed work plan and drawings for each stage.

The construction project must include the following steps:

  1. Construction of a cesspool.
  2. Construction of the foundation.
  3. Construction of a house.

The first stage is digging a cesspool. Its shape is determined by its future design. It can be in the shape of a circle or square.

If a special container is used, the hole is made so that its inlet is located in the intended location for the toilet seat, and the other hole is located outside the building, which is intended to clean the container from sewage. The shape of the hole should be the same as the container, and its size should be slightly larger, about 30 cm in diameter, so that the soil can be compacted more easily.

If concrete or brick is chosen as the walls of the pit, the shape and size can be any.

The arrangement of the pit occurs in stages:

  • The bottom of the dug hole must be covered with stones, crushed stone or pieces of brick for drainage purposes.

  • After this, you need to secure the chain-link mesh to the walls. To do this, metal pins are used that are driven into the ground. You can further strengthen the walls by adding a reinforcing grid to the mesh.
  • After this, it is necessary to cover the walls with a layer of concrete of 5–8 cm and allow it to completely harden. Then the walls need to be plastered again using concrete. This layer should also be left to dry completely.

  • The hole needs to be covered. For this, a reinforced concrete slab can be used, which will subsequently serve as the foundation for a future building.
  • Wooden blocks or concrete pillars are placed on top of the pit, which are sunk into the soil, creating a flat surface one level. The tree must be soaked in any septic solution.
  • The entire surface is covered with dense polyethylene. At the site of the future toilet and the hole for cleaning the contents of the pit, the necessary space is left. These two openings must be lined with formwork around the perimeter. A hatch is subsequently installed in a place intended for the disposal of sewage.

  • A lattice frame is placed on the film, which is also finished with formwork around the perimeter.
  • The entire site is filled with concrete. This layer must be allowed to dry thoroughly. For better surface strength, after some time it can be covered with dry cement. This concrete pouring will serve as the foundation for future construction.
  • You can proceed to installing the toilet house.

If you plan to line the bottom of the pit with car tires, you need to keep in mind that using such a structure is possible only at rare intervals, when the family comes to the summer cottage only on weekends, for example.

Such a pit tends to fill up very quickly and will be inconvenient to use.

  • First of all, to equip this option, you need to dig the hole itself. It is made in a shape that follows the outline of tires, but is 15–20 cm larger in diameter.
  • The bottom of the pit is covered with stones and rubble for drainage purposes. This layer can be about 20 cm high.
  • Tires are placed at the bottom of the hole in the center in such a quantity that the top one forms an even layer with the surface of the earth.
  • Along the outer perimeter, the voids left are filled with crushed stone and sand and compacted.

  • To make the structure more durable, you need to build a light foundation on top. To do this, a depression about 50 cm deep is made in the ground along the perimeter of the laid tires around the entire toilet.
  • Sand up to 10 cm in height is poured into the bottom of the depression, and the same layer of crushed stone is laid on top of the sand.
  • Crushed stone and sand are covered with thick polyethylene on top.

  • Then you need to give the foundation a strong frame. For this, lining the recess with brick and treating it with cement, or installing a reinforcing mesh, which must be filled with concrete mixture, is suitable.
  • After the concrete layer has dried, the foundation is plastered and leveled.
  • The surface must be covered with an insulating material, for example, roofing felt.
  • You can begin installing the toilet house. To do this, you first need to install a frame of wooden, strong blocks on the foundation, on which the building itself will be installed.

If you plan to build a pit using a large barrel or several barrels stacked on top of each other, the algorithm of actions absolutely repeats the construction of a pit with car tires. This type of design is very simple to implement, however, it has one big disadvantage - fragility. When metal comes into contact with soil and sewage, it tends to quickly rust and deteriorate.

After constructing the pit, you need to think about how the room will be protected from gases coming from this pit. Even if you install a tight damper, between wooden planks There will still be gaps that will allow air and unpleasant odors to pass through. For the functioning of the ventilation system, another hole is left in the pit, which will be connected to the hole in back wall

toilet. The diameter of the hole should be about 10 cm.

The next stage is the construction of the house itself. To do this, you must have a pre-prepared diagram and construction drawing. First you need to decide on its design. So that the house does not spoil the appearance of the entire site, you can choose very beautiful options, for example, imitating a fairy-tale hut made of logs - the “Teremok” type. To do this, first a frame is made according to the drawing from boards in the shape of a diamond. After this, you need to build a roof and cover it with roofing. After the roof, the walls are sheathed with wooden boards or metal sheets - any available material

. This design can be installed both on a cesspool and on a dry closet. The final stage is installing the door and window. This is done last, because during the installation of the house the structure may undergo some changes in size, and the doorway may end up being a little wider or narrower. The door is hung on 2 or 3 hinges. It is necessary to ensure that there is a latch with inside premises. The window is usually made small in size on the side where the door is located under the roof. In addition to the window, it is necessary to provide a small hole under the roof - natural system

air exchange. Since it is located directly under the roof, the roof covering protects it.

If desired, you can make interior decoration of the room. This will give the toilet a finished and cozy look. To do this, the walls are painted or covered with wallpaper. You can hang curtains on the windows, add decorative elements - paintings on the walls, flowers in pots. This is a fairly simple structure to construct, which will not take much time and effort. Its undoubted advantages are the spaciousness inside the room and the stability of the base. The walls of such a house also serve as a roof. This design is especially successful during the rainy and snowy seasons; the walls will always remain dry.

Construction is being carried out in accordance with the drawing. First, a frame is made, a place for the toilet is designated, and then the walls are sheathed with the selected material. In this case, only the front and rear walls are covered, the side walls are covered with roofing material. The waste disposal system with this design can be either a cesspool or a dry closet.

Another option for a house is the traditional or Birdhouse type. This is a rectangular house that is built according to general principles according to drawings. Its design can be absolutely anything. The building is mounted on a wooden frame made of beams, which is attached to the foundation. Usually front vertical racks the frame is longer than the rear ones. In this case, a slope for the roof is obtained. These racks are attached primarily to the base frame. Then another horizontal frame is fixed - the ceiling.

Horizontal crossbars are installed at a height of approximately 50 cm. A toilet is expected to be installed in this location. After this, the walls are sheathed and the roof is covered. The last step is laying the floor and installing the toilet seat.

Often the toilet is combined with another building, for example, with a shower or utility unit. In this case, construction will take much large area, which needs to be thought through in advance. Combining a toilet with a shower will allow you to use one water drainage system.

Arranging a country toilet is an important issue. If you think through its construction well in advance, it will last for many years.

  • Most best view country toilet - peat.
  • To make the cesspool strong, isolated from the earth and groundwater, it can be filled with concrete or brick can be used to line the walls and bottom.
  • For interior decoration better use of premises warm materials, for example, a tree. In addition, you should take care that the floor is not slippery. Therefore, for example, tiles are not the best option.

  • During the construction of the frame of the house and covering it with boards, it is necessary to treat the material with an antiseptic solution so that the building is protected and lasts longer. After this procedure, the tone of the wood becomes darker.
  • If a chemical solution is used as a cleaning agent, in addition to its intended purpose, it will additionally serve as a preventative against the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.
  • You should not install a toilet intended for urban use in your summer cottage. Conventional toilets have a curved internal flush direction. The country toilet should have a straight direction. In addition, models for city apartments usually have a lot of weight, which is undesirable for an outdoor situation. The best option is a special plastic model.

  • It is better if the toilet seat is warm, especially if you plan to use the toilet in winter. There are special thermal seats made of polypropylene that retain heat even in the coldest weather.
  • Do not ignore the question of house design. It must be beautiful so that the building will last for many years and delight the owners. Among original ideas You can distinguish a house in the form of a fairy-tale hut, a carriage, a Chinese house, or a mill.
  • If inner space allows you to hang a hand wash basin in the toilet.

Successful examples and options

Appearance the toilet house can be absolutely anything. Everything is limited only by the owner’s imagination.

  • The building in the form of a mansion looks very neat.
  • Connoisseurs of originality may like the design in the form of a real carriage.
  • The traditional building in the form of a house looks very harmonious on the site. Construction in the form of a hut is considered successful; the walls are maximally protected by the roof from humidity and other environmental factors.

Corrugated sheets can be used as an alternative material.

The simplest option is a dry closet, which does not require the construction of a separate building.

If a person decides to purchase a country plot for relaxation with friends or family, the question of how to make a toilet in the country will arise first. A house for the discharge of natural physiological needs is a mandatory attribute not only of any home, but also garden territory, where you have to stay for more than one hour. It is quite logical that every owner will want to start and finish building the toilet everyone needs at their dacha as quickly as possible. And although at first glance it seems that this matter is quite simple, there is no need to rush. Should be carefully studied dacha area and decide on the choice of location for the toilet house, taking into account a number of sanitary requirements. Another important point is the choice of the type of restroom, because there are several of them. What kind of toilet is better to build on the territory of a summer cottage?

How to choose the right place for an outdoor toilet?

Convenient and comfortable for dacha residents is to place the toilet inside the house. It's warm and dry here. Don't go out at night or on a rainy day. But such a closet requires a long time to construct and is more expensive. If a person is working in the garden beds, it is preferable to run to the yard restroom, without thinking about the possibility of soiling the floor of the home. Therefore, at first it will be easier and more correct to build a toilet on the street. Where should it be placed on the site? To do everything right, you should take into account the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the arrangement of outdoor closets. This is especially true for latrines with cesspools.

Since the most unpleasant thing about them is the smell, restrooms are usually located not in close proximity to the walls of a residential building, but at a distance of 8-10 m from them. You should not plant trees and shrubs near the toilet. The distance between them should be several meters. If there is a well at the dacha, then a distance of 50 m should be maintained between it and the latrine. If the country house is not located on the outskirts, but is surrounded by neighbors’ plots, you need to think about their comfort. You cannot build a yard latrine right in front of their house, even if the areas are separated by a fence (the distance from the fence should be at least 1 m). It is better to place the closet so that neighbors do not smell it or see it right in front of them. It is necessary to observe the wind and determine which direction it blows most often. And if there are no buildings nearby, you can build a restroom in this place.

An important circumstance is the topography of the dacha plot and the presence of groundwater underground. If the suburban area has a slope, then the toilet should be located in a low area so that the source of water intake is higher than it. In this case, dirty wastewater will not end up in clean water. It is good when groundwater flows at a depth of 2.5 m, i.e., sufficiently far from the surface of the earth. This means that you can build a latrine with a cesspool on your site. And if the depth of the groundwater level is less than 2 m, types of toilets with containers for collecting sewage are suitable. Otherwise, the soil and water may become contaminated harmful products decay.

Main types of yard latrines

Having decided on the location of the future toilet, it is worth thinking about its design. Currently, there are several types of latrines that are suitable for a summer residence:

  • dry closet;
  • powder-closet;
  • peat latrine;
  • chemical toilet;
  • latrine with pit cesspool.

It is advisable to install all of the above water closets, except the last one, in areas with groundwater close to the surface of the earth. A latrine with a cesspool is installed only when the groundwater flows deeply. What are these toilet houses?

The simplest solution for a summer residence would be a dry closet. This is a booth that you can buy and install on your site without wasting time on construction. Inside the cabin there is a two-section container for collecting sewage. Special feces breakers are poured here. They process them and eliminate the unpleasant odor. 7-8 days after you start using the dry closet, it will need to be cleaned of sewage by draining it either into other containers or into the soil. Caring for this toilet is easy. But the disadvantage of such a restroom for some zealous owners is its cost.

A chemical water closet is almost no different from a dry closet. The only difference is in the antiseptics poured into the tank. Chemical reagents that destroy sewage are harmful to the environment; they cannot be used to fertilize the soil on the site. Therefore, such latrines are better suited for cities. They can be seen on construction sites or public holiday events.

A powder closet is a toilet structure without a cesspool. It is replaced by any volumetric container (barrel, reservoir) installed under the toilet seat. All sewage entering the container is immediately sprinkled with sawdust, peat or ash, as if powdered on top to eliminate the unpleasant aroma. Hence the name of the closet. When the tank is filled to the top, it is emptied and the contents are used as fertilizer.

A variant of the powder closet is the peat toilet. Dry peat is poured into the drain tank, which enters the reservoir under the toilet seat and sprinkles with sewage.

The most familiar to everyone, but the most labor-intensive to build, is a latrine with a cesspool. A toilet house is installed above the pit. After filling the pit, sewage is either removed manually or vacuum cleaners are called in to help.

How to build a support for a house for a toilet?

Any outbuilding begins with a drawing. The owner needs to decide on the size of the future closet before purchasing building material. The following sizes of country toilet are common:

  • height - 2 m;
  • side width 1.5 m;
  • depth 1-1.2 m.

But you can adjust them as you wish: make the structure taller, more spacious.

To prevent the toilet from being blown away by the wind, it is necessary to provide support for it under the frame. As for the foundation, it is not necessary for a small building. There are several ways to construct supports. In the first case, you can make a stable base from bricks or blocks. To do this, at the site of the future toilet, remove the soil to a depth of 30 cm, then thoroughly compact the soil. The perimeter of the area is laid out with blocks or bricks. A toilet house is installed on top of the support. It can be easily moved to another location in the future.

In the second case, asbestos pipes with wooden beams can be used as supports. Pipes with a diameter of at least 15 cm and a length of 100 cm will be stable and reliable. First, 50-80 cm recesses are dug along the perimeter of the base in each of its 4 corners. Asbestos pipes are installed vertically in them, into which 1/3 of the concrete solution is poured. Then wooden beams with a length of 2.3 m and a diameter of 5x5 cm are inserted inside such supports. They will serve as vertical parts of the frame of the future toilet. The tree will be firmly fixed in concrete mortar, you just need to ensure that the beams are level during installation so that they are strictly vertical. The rear beams should be 10-15 cm shorter than the front ones, since the roof of the house is usually sloping.

Making a closet frame and covering it

By installing the vertical support beams and adjusting their height, you can strap the frame. The top screed is made at the level of the roof of the structure. Horizontal slats are nailed around the perimeter of all sides of the house. At the front and rear, they should protrude 30 cm beyond the boundaries of the building. Since the roof is made with a small canopy and leads away from the restroom rainwater so that it does not flow directly onto the wall. The lower screed is performed at the level of the seat or toilet seat at a height of 35-40 cm from the floor of the restroom. The front wall is not touched, because there will be a door here. To make the body even stronger, diagonal jibs are placed on its side and rear walls. Two more vertical supports are installed on the front wall of the toilet, their height is 190 cm. A horizontal jumper is nailed along their top line. The door will be inserted into this frame.

Now you should sheathe the structure with the selected material: wood or metal profile. It is warmer and more comfortable to be inside a wooden toilet. It is better to take boards 1.5-2 cm thick for it. Measure the material in height and nail it vertically to the frame on 3 sides. Be sure to ensure that the boards fit snugly against each other and that there are no gaps between them. At the bottom of the back wall you will need to make a small door from the same boards. A container filled with sewage will be drawn through it. To make this process easy, the door is made to the height of the toilet seat and the width of the rear wall of the restroom. Hinges are used to secure the door. The roof of the toilet house can be either slate or wood. To extend service life wooden roof, it is covered with roofing felt on top.

Arranging a toilet seat and door

After all 3 walls of the closet are ready, you can begin making the door and attaching it to the body of the structure. The dimensions of the door (width, height) must match the opening prepared for it. The boards are knocked together. Screw 2 hinges onto the toilet body and door leaf, and hang the door on the wall. Screw the handle on the inside and outside. 1 more important element the door is a latch. It is attached to the door on both sides. You can close the door using a regular hook, a steel latch or a latch - this is everyone’s personal choice. To make the restroom light, it is advisable to make a small window above the door and glaze it. A window can also be cut on the side wall of the toilet.

Now all that remains is to do the most the right part toilet - toilet seat. As mentioned above, its height is usually no more than 40 cm. A toilet seat that is too high is inconvenient, especially for children. The frame of the toilet seat is 50 cm wide. Like the walls of the restroom, it is covered with boards and a hole is cut out in the top center for the discharge of natural needs. It shouldn't be too big or small. A container for sewage with a volume of 30-40 liters is placed under the finished toilet seat. The rest of the floor is covered with boards. The wooden toilet house needs to be painted or varnished. When the coating is dry, the toilet is completed with the finishing touches. A container for sawdust or peat and a holder (bracket) for toilet paper, put the trash can on the floor. The powder closet is ready!

How to make a cesspool?

Some owners prefer the good old fashioned pit toilets. How to properly arrange such a restroom? First, you need to dig a hole 150 cm deep. The slope is made towards the back wall of the future closet. Then all the walls and bottom of the pit are compacted tightly with a layer of clay (20-25 cm), you can line them with bricks. The toilet house, which is being built, like the powder closet, will be located above the front third of the pit. The base for the toilet is made of wooden beams. Boards are laid over the pit (outside the closet) and covered underneath with roofing felt. A hole is cut in the flooring and the lid is hung on hinges. This will be the hatch. A pipe for ventilation must be brought out of the pit up parallel to the back wall of the toilet. Its lower edge should fall 20 cm below the level of the toilet floor, and the upper edge should extend 80 cm above the roof of the closet. A wooden house is installed next to the pipe above the pit and the pipe is secured to its back wall using clamps. Next, a concrete blind area (1 m wide) is poured around the outdoor toilet for the dacha. It will prevent rainwater from entering the cesspool.

What kind of latrine should I build? suburban area, each owner will decide for himself, but any closet will require a little time and effort. There are pros and cons to building a country toilet with your own hands. But when the design is ready, the person will be proud that he made it himself.

Most often, the design of a “place for reflection” is shelved. Usually this is a simple and unpretentious design (it’s good that it doesn’t get blown away by a gust of wind), consisting of wooden house and a cesspool. However, there are enthusiasts who approach this issue creatively, with soul and create a real masterpiece on their site, bringing the country bathroom closer. In today's review we will tell you what a country toilet can be and what technical solutions will be able to make it comfortable, and your care for it the least tiring.

As you probably noticed, closets in the country can be different forms: in the form of a house, cabin, booth, with or without fences, with or without cesspools. With certain carpentry and plumbing skills, building a comfortable bathroom in your dacha will not be difficult. Moreover, modern technologies make it possible to create a toilet without constructing a cesspool. How? Let's consider the options.

Advice! If your house is equipped with a water supply network and sewerage system, then the easiest option is to build a so-called “water closet”. All drainage system is installed inside the house, and the toilet itself is installed outside, which will free up space in the country house and get rid of foreign odors.

The water closet can only be used during the warm season. In winter, the water in the tank will simply freeze

Peat toilet: an option for everyone

An interesting type of toilet where waste must be covered with peat. For this purpose, a container with peat mass is specially installed next to the tank.

Important! It is advisable to connect ventilation to the toilet.

These toilets are in Lately are becoming increasingly popular: models such as Ekomatic, Piteco, Biolan are already familiar to most “advanced” summer residents. The liquid part is simply drained into a special tank, which must be emptied.

ecomatic dry closet

dry closet biolan

Powder-closet: the fastest in speed of assembly and installation

The powder closet can be installed in any corner or area. There is no need to dig a cesspool for it; just use a simple bucket or other container.

The entire structure also consists of a toilet seat where the toilet stand is installed

For repeated use, the waste is sprinkled with ordinary wood shavings. Ready-made designs equipped with a special mechanism for sprinkling.

Advice! Typically, this design is used in areas where, due to the groundwater level, it is impossible to dig a full-fledged cesspool. However, if you want to use the powder closet not outdoors, but indoors or in a closed perimeter, then it is better to provide a ventilation system.

Dry toilet: expensive but effective

Typically, a fairly expensive system is used in street cafes or in crowded places. However, there are also more compact designs that are quite suitable for a country house. The principle of operation of a dry closet is simple. The sewage is pumped into a special container where chemical substances, which operate on the principle of treatment facilities.

The containers require cleaning, so you will have to “splurge” on periodic maintenance of the dry closet.

Country bucket toilet: simple and cheap

An even simpler option country closet. One of the most accessible and inexpensive. It works on the principle of a night vase, just a little larger in volume. A disposable bag is usually placed inside. Sometimes they don’t do this and simply disinfect the container after each use. These bucket toilets are very common in nursing homes. After all, very often it is difficult for older people to get to the bathroom on their own due to their age. A country bucket toilet can be an excellent replacement for an outdoor toilet during the cold season.

Chemical toilet: an interesting odorless toilet option

Variation of the bucket toilet. However, in this case, the waste cannot be used as a waste product, since it has already reacted with chemicals and can be dangerous for feeding plants.

Toilet in the country with a cesspool: a classic of country life

A classic country bathroom is an outdoor toilet with a dug cesspool. What designs do craftsmen come up with to turn a classic latrine into interesting element decor!

There are two types:

  • Option 1. Non-portable cesspool: a waste pit is built with a concrete base and equipped with filters so that the waste does not disturb the ecosystem of the site.

  • Option 2. Cesspool with a portable house. After filling one hole, it is preserved, pumped with special substances for rotting, and covered with metal sheets. And the house is moved to another place, where a new closet is being dug.

Backlash closet: a universal solution for home and street

Such a toilet can be installed even in the absence of a sewerage system. This is an improved version of the classic cesspool. Such a system necessarily requires installation, but without the usual sewage system.

The advantages of such a toilet are that at first glance they are no different from a regular one. All odors are tightly hidden inside the container.

Important! The cesspool from the toilet towards the general storage tank goes with a slight expansion, and the bottom must be made with a slope.

Country toilet with shower: ideal for hot weather

This is a more expanded version of the water closet, the only difference is that it is equipped not only with a toilet, but also with a shower, possibly or a washbasin. This is a full-fledged open-air.

Which toilet is better to choose for a summer house: with or without a cesspool?

Of course, everything depends on financial capabilities. Sometimes the option with a cesspool will be ideal, in some cases you can get by with a bucket.

As we have already said, a cesspool is not suitable for every summer cottage. In this case, you can use other alternative ways and solutions.

Types of toilet models for country toilets

Do not place it in an outdoor toilet under any circumstances. The fact is that under the weight of the entire structure, taking into account the weight of a person wooden base the toilet may not hold up. This is why it is better to use a porcelain and plastic toilet. Before choosing a toilet, think about whether a simpler option for a country house building will suit you. require mandatory connection to water supply systems and drainage structures.

Provide pipe branches from all water points in advance. For example, a water closet provides for the drainage of sewage into a septic tank or cesspool.

Advice! A homemade tank requires mandatory sealing of the joints, usually these are concrete rings 100 - 150 mm thick; after they are created, the hatch is covered with a slab or sheet, which can be removed if necessary to pump out the wastewater using a sewer truck.

Plastic and ceramic toilet

The most versatile toilet of all is plastic. It is quite light, but at the same time durable. You can cut the bottom in yourself if you need to install it directly above the septic tank. They are also easy to wash, there are the most different variants colors and shapes.

Ceramic toilets are a little more expensive, but they also look more solid. Domestic models cost on average about 2,000 thousand rubles.

Which is better to buy a country toilet for an outdoor toilet?

  • There must be fastenings at the bottom of the device, otherwise it will be problematic to install it on;
  • the device should be as light as possible and the mechanisms should be simple;
  • The hole at the bottom should be wide to make it easier to clean.

What means can you use to eliminate odor in a country toilet with a cesspool?

In almost every version of a country toilet it is necessary to arrange a forced toilet, perhaps except for chemical ones. That is why it is better to take care of this at the stage of planning the closet.

If the ventilation pipe was not initially provided, then you can install it yourself. To do this, use a regular one or a piece metal pipe, it is important to strengthen it in the cesspool. And bring the second half to the roof of the toilet, the edge should protrude. IN warm time years, the sun will heat the pipe, and it will begin to work like an exhaust hood .

Important! Under no circumstances should bleach be added to cesspools or peat toilets! It will kill all the necessary bacteria that are working hard to break down the waste.

bioactivator biosept

They are quite simple to use: the product must be diluted in water according to the instructions, poured into a cesspool, and then the bacteria will work independently without your help.

We list the most popular names:

  • "Intavir";
  • "Successful";
  • "Clean house";
  • "Sanex";
  • "Micropan";
  • "Doctor Robik";

The main advantage of using such products is their environmental friendliness, safety for the soil, as well as an additional deodorizing effect.

How to choose a place for an outdoor toilet for a summer house in accordance with regulations

When choosing the location of a country toilet, it is important to consider many factors. This is, first of all, the proximity to natural water sources and wells. Sanitary buildings should be located no closer than 25 meters to the water source.

If the terrain of the site is complex, then it is best to place the cesspool in a lowland rather than on a hill, otherwise the runoff may spread into the soil of the entire site.

Install the toilet away from residential buildings, including neighbors, as a gust of wind can carry an unpleasant “aroma” out the window to your neighbors.

Advice! If you plan to use a sewer truck to clean the wastewater, place the cesspool closer to the entrance

If your site has a high level, any manipulations with digging cesspools are extremely contraindicated. Otherwise, you risk destroying the harvest and spoiling it. In this case, the only solution may be a sealed storage container.

Country toilet projects - drawings with dimensions and photos

We propose to study the most interesting, in our opinion, drawings of country plumbing buildings, the implementation of which will not be difficult.

Building a country toilet with your own hands does not require serious construction experience or professional equipment.

This article will help you decide on the appropriate material for making a cubicle, learn about the main differences between a sewer system with and without a cesspool, and also provide complete instructions for building a country toilet.

Sanitary and hygienic standards for country toilets

Before starting installation work on the independent construction of a toilet in the country, you should carefully study the regulations that govern the construction procedure. There are certain requirements that must be met:

  • check that the toilet does not disturb the neighbors. Otherwise, they have the right to complain to the appropriate authority and there is a possibility that the building will need to be moved;
  • choose a location, taking into account all the standards and regulations for placement. If this is not done, the result will be a serious deterioration of the ecological situation in the area, contamination of the soil and nearby reservoirs and water sources. The owner of the site will have to pay fines, and health may also be affected due to environmental pollution;
  • when designing, you need to take care of the issue of removing waste from the cesspool;
  • When selecting a suitable design, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the site, in particular the water horizon. If groundwater is located close to the surface, you need to opt for a completely sealed system.

Attention! Following these requirements will help prevent a variety of operational problems in the future.

Choosing the location of the toilet

The main factor that you need to focus on when choosing a location is the type of building used. It is especially important whether there is a storage pit for waste, and whether the container where it will be stored will be completely sealed.

Choosing a house for a toilet in the country

The next step is to select the desired shape of the booth. The main types include:

  • "Birdhouse" - has pitched roof, is characterized by simplicity of design and cost-effectiveness. Best suited if the toilet is visited only in the summer;
  • “Izbushka” has a complicated structure. It has the ability to retain heat even in winter, but requires greater consumption of materials;
  • “Hut” - distinguished by the presence of protection from the winds, has a roof with two slopes;
  • “House” - this variety is highly durable and can retain heat.

There are also sophisticated cubicles with a second shower compartment or additional space for other needs. Separately, we can distinguish dry toilets of the electric or chemical type, as well as those in which waste is processed using peat.

Dry toilets are built when it is impossible to equip a waste pit or septic tank. The most suitable option in terms of economic accessibility and practicality is wooden toilet with a cesspool and a birdhouse type cubicle.

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Cabin drawings with dimensions

In order to correctly carry out the installation procedure, it is important to find and first study the correct drawings with the dimensions of the future toilet in the country. The simplest type is the “Birdhouse”; even a complete beginner in construction can build it, so we will explain the installation process using this type as an example.

The following elements are numbered in the drawing above:

  1. Strapping (to connect several components).
  2. Rack.
  3. Door.
  4. Door knob.
  5. Door crossbar.
  6. Front wall.
  7. Roof truss system.
  8. Roofing covering.
  9. Ventilation.
  10. Deflector.
  11. Side wall.
  12. Top cover covering the drainage hole.
  13. Support system (most often made of brick).
  14. Back wall.

Advice! If the person making a toilet in a dacha is experienced enough and has engineering knowledge, then he can draw up a drawing of a toilet for a dacha with his own hands. Otherwise, it is better for the master to use ready-made options.

Building a wooden toilet with a cesspool - step-by-step instructions

When the owner of a summer cottage has decided on a choice suitable place, which meets all the requirements and rules, and has also chosen the necessary shape of the cabin, you can begin building a country toilet. This process includes several stages; first you need to prepare all the necessary materials.

To build a toilet we will need the following tools and materials:

  • 2 square meters roofing felt (for roofing and waterproofing);
  • sand;
  • cement block (4 pieces) or concrete curb (2 pieces, 2 meters long);
  • 40 pieces of lining;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • door with necessary components;
  • 4 things. edged board;
  • galvanized metal profile;
  • wooden beam;
  • nails, screws and other fastening elements;
  • building level;
  • varnish or paint for finishing.

For additional insulation of the toilet, foam plastic may be needed. Also, the list does not include materials for beautiful interior cladding.

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Digging a pit for a hole

The depth of the cesspool should not be less than 2 meters. It can be constructed from various materials. The most popular are:

  • plastic;
  • brick;
  • concrete rings;
  • monolithic concrete.

Sheathing and roofing

Basically, the cladding is carried out using boards or lining, which gives the building a more aesthetic appearance.

The lining can be positioned vertically or horizontally, depending on the preference and convenience of the owner of the summer cottage, who is constructing a wooden toilet on his own.

The elements are attached to the frame base with nails, screws or other fasteners.

As flooring thick boards of wood are used, which are characterized by increased strength. The permissible thickness should be minimum 4 cm.

In most cases, dacha owners, when constructing a wooden toilet on their own, provide for ventilation. Its installation is a fairly simple procedure: you need to place one end of the pipe inside the room, and the other outside, placing it a meter above the roof of the house.

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Wooden toilet without cesspool

Arranging a cesspool with your own hands is the simplest and most effective way implementation of sewerage. However, this cannot be done if the following conditions are met:

  • shale or limestone type soil;
  • The water level in the ground is more than 3 meters;
  • visits the dacha a large number of people, therefore, a significant load is planned.

In such a situation, the only way out would be to build an outdoor country toilet without a drainage pit. There are the following varieties of this type:

  • powder-closet;
  • backlash-closet;
  • dry closet

In most cases, a powder closet is installed when there is a high groundwater level on the site. As a rule, the tank is located under the toilet and has a small volume (up to 18-20 l).

The basic principle of operation: wastewater is coated with a powdery composition (most often with peat mass), which prevents the appearance and spread of unpleasant odor. After such treatment, the sewage is transferred to the compost.

The main advantage of this type of outdoor toilet without a cesspool is its simplicity of structure and low construction costs.

  1. Viewing window.
  2. Seat cover.
  3. toilet seat
  4. Storage capacity.
  5. Entrance door
  6. Lining for support joists
  7. cesspool
  8. Ventilation window

The backlash closet is characterized by a completely sealed container where sewage and waste water are located. The wastewater in such a toilet does not enter the soil, and therefore is not capable of polluting the environment.

It will be necessary to ensure periodic cleaning by calling in special sewer equipment. The structure of the backlash closet assumes that the main storage capacity may be located at some distance from the upper cabin, so such a toilet is often placed in a building.

The disadvantage is the inability to use the building in winter period, because The drains freeze and are difficult to pump out. The solution is to install a special heating system.

Dry toilets are often installed in the countryside. Their operating principle is similar to the work of powders - a closet; waste treatment is also carried out with peat. In some cases, biological preparations containing microorganisms that speed up processing or chemical agents are used.

When using a chemical toilet, it is important to use only safe products.

Pros and cons of a cesspool

The advantages of building a toilet with a cesspool yourself:

  • the ability to create a filtration system that can independently get rid of wastewater and sewage. Thanks to this, there is no need to regularly call a sewer truck and provide access to the pit;
  • Can you use a similar toilet? all year round.


  • it takes more time to build and equip the drain;
  • installation and creation of a pit for a toilet is more expensive;
  • Possible soil contamination high level groundwater.

Advantages of a country toilet built independently, without a drainage pit:

  • mobility, allowing you to move the structure without problems, as well as place the tank at some distance from the cabin;
  • the possibility of construction with groundwater close to the surface;
  • simple installation;
  • less stringent requirements for location on the site, in particular, for distances to water sources, because the sealed system does not lead to environmental pollution;
  • if necessary, the building can be easily disassembled or completely removed.

Disadvantages of such toilets:

  • the likelihood of the stench spreading. This does not apply to all types of toilets (if processing occurs using peat, this problem does not arise). An unpleasant odor quickly appears due to the small volume of the tank where waste and waste are stored. The solution to the problem is the construction of a forced ventilation system;
  • the need to regularly eliminate the filling of the tank. This is done using sewage disposal equipment or complete processing and transfer of waste into compost is ensured;
  • impossibility of use in winter.

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Thus, the construction of a toilet is possible even for craftsmen who have no experience in construction. However, it is important to study the instructions and recommendations in order to know how to build a toilet in the countryside correctly.

First of all, it is advisable to decide on the material and type of cabin, then design the sewer system. This will allow for high-quality construction, as a result of which the toilet will last for decades.

No place where people live can do without a toilet, and the cottage is no exception. Building a country toilet with your own hands will not be difficult. A toilet for a summer house can be organized different ways ranging from traditional rustic to modern septic tank. This article will look at how to organize a waste collection and disposal site and make a comfortable and beautiful toilet.

Types of toilets for summer cottages

Depending on the method of construction, a country toilet can be divided into three types: street, peat, septic tank or cesspool.

Street or summer toilet for the dacha is a separate building with a pit underneath for collecting waste - this is the simplest type, it will perfectly satisfy all the needs of the owners.



Its main advantage is that cleaning may not be performed for more than 10 years, due to the slow accumulation of waste. This is facilitated by its design; the pit is not sealed and has ventilation. Part of the liquid fraction evaporates, and part is absorbed into the soil. Thus, the accumulation of waste occurs very slowly.



Despite all the advantages of an outdoor toilet, it cannot be built when the groundwater level is high, more than 2.5 m. Otherwise, there will be water in the pit all the time, and not just in the spring, and sewage can get into the groundwater. This is especially dangerous if the water supply to the dacha is carried out using a well. Also, the installation of a country toilet is subject to certain standards for location on the site.

Peat or Finnish toilet for a summer residence- this is a structure without a pit; all sewage accumulates in a special tank. A country toilet of Finnish design is built as a separate building. It has a simple operating principle. After each use, waste products are sprinkled with peat, or a mixture of peat with ash, sawdust, and crushed bark. The mixture promotes the decomposition of sewage. Once the container is full, it must be emptied compost heap for further processing. Recycled waste is organic fertilizer, which can be used to feed plants.



This species has no location restrictions. The disadvantage of a dry composting toilet is that it requires regular removal of the contents. Therefore, it is advisable to arrange it if the dacha is used seasonally and is constantly used by no more than 1 - 2 people.



Fig. 10.

Septic tank allows you to organize a bathroom in country house. This becomes possible thanks to a sealed cesspool, which can be installed anywhere on the site and at any groundwater level. A septic tank makes it possible to make a toilet in a country house with a toilet like in a city apartment. Unlike a country toilet, a septic tank can be used year-round. Therefore, it is usually arranged in places of permanent residence.

Fig. 11.

Fig. 12.

The disadvantage of a septic tank is its high cost and labor-intensive installation. The septic tank does not just accumulate waste, it processes it. A septic tank can be of various designs. Depending on the type of septic tank, the percentage of recycling is different, but does not reach 100%, so it is necessary to periodically pump out sediments, and doing this with your own hands is quite difficult. In this connection, the septic tank must be accessible for access by a sewage disposal truck.

Fig. 13.

Fig. 14.

Building an outdoor toilet with your own hands

Most dachas are used only in summer. Therefore, the outdoor toilet is most popular. The construction of a country toilet with a cesspool underneath will not require much effort; it is quite easy to do it yourself, and you can use improvised materials during construction.

Standards for the location of a toilet for a summer residence

The first stage of construction is choosing the location for its installation. When choosing a location, it is necessary to take into account sanitary standards.

Fig. 15.

The country toilet must be located at a distance of at least 8 m from residential buildings, at least 12 m from the cellar and at least 25 m from the source clean water(wells or wells). Therefore, it is usually located in the far corner of the garden.

Fig. 16.

Fig. 17.

Sooner or later, the cesspool will fill up and the toilet will no longer be usable. The pit can be cleaned or the toilet can be moved to another location. As a rule, they choose the second option, make a new hole next to the old one and move the cabin. Compositions with bacteria are added to the old cesspool, which will turn the sewage into compost in a couple of years. The compost can be extracted for fertilization and the pit can be reused.

How to make a pit toilet

Construction of a toilet for a summer residence begins with the construction of a cesspool. A standard pit has a depth of 1 - 1.5 m and a width of 1 m. If the groundwater is far enough away, then the depth of the toilet pit may be greater.

Fig. 18.

To prevent the pit from crumbling, it is necessary to strengthen the walls. You can strengthen them with bricks, rubble stones, old car tires, concrete rings, or install a tank. A more durable option is concrete rings. However, the simplest, fastest and most popular is the barrel. This design uses metal or plastic container volume 200 l.

Fig. 19.

Rubble is poured into the bottom of the cesspool in a layer of 10–15 cm. Holes are made in the barrel through which the liquid fraction of sewage will flow into the ground. Place the barrel in the hole and fill the perimeter with crushed stone. The crushed stone will act as drainage and prevent the pit from silting. Instead of crushed stone you can use broken brick, stone, etc. In this way, the service life of a country toilet can be significantly increased.




How to make a foundation for a toilet stall

The second stage of building a toilet for a summer house is the construction of a cabin. Traditionally, the cabin is made using frame technology. First, the frame is assembled, then covered with clapboard, corrugated sheets or siding. A frame toilet can be assembled from wooden beam or welded from a metal profile.




The cabin is enough lightweight design, so no special foundation is required. To prevent the toilet stall from standing directly on the ground, it is placed on concrete blocks. In turn, concrete blocks are placed on a sand cushion 10–20 cm thick. This approach provides a reliable base and natural ventilation, which contributes to the absence of odor.




The easiest way is to make a booth from wood, because... When working with wood, no special tools, such as welding, are required. A wooden cabin will not heat up in the sun, unlike a toilet made of corrugated sheets, and it will be comfortable to use.


You can make a wooden booth with your own hands from timber with a cross-section from 50x50 mm to 100x100 mm. First, the base of the frame is assembled, then the vertical posts are installed, after which the rafters are attached and the sheathing is made.




All elements of the cabin frame are connected with self-tapping screws and construction metal corners. From the outside, it is covered with boards, slats or a block house, which makes the stall look like a toilet made of logs. Any roofing material can be used for the roof. The door for the toilet house can be made from boards or used ready-made.



Toilet seat

The toilet seat can be made in various ways. The two most popular options are a platform and a special plastic bucket. When making a platform, it is important to take into account that its height should be 45 cm and width 60 cm. These dimensions guarantee ease of use of the country toilet.




An important point to consider when building a cabin is the presence of a window. The window performs two functions of lighting and ventilation. The window should not be glassed, so the house will not be hot and there will be no smell.



Toilet stall drawings

The toilet stall may have a different design, but the principle of construction is identical for all. Here are some examples.














Cesspool toilet in the country

A septic tank for seasonal use is rarely made due to the high labor intensity of its construction. Of course, you can purchase a ready-made septic tank, but then you will have to pay a considerable amount of money for it. If the dacha is visited all year round, then installing a septic tank is completely worth the effort and money spent on it.


A septic tank is a sealed chamber or several chambers into which waste products enter, where they accumulate and are partially processed. The main criterion for the construction of a septic tank is its volume. For a family of three people, the minimum volume of a septic tank should be 1.5 cubic meters.

The simplest septic tank consists of one chamber and is quite easy to do with your own hands, because... in essence, it is a sealed cesspool that eliminates the leakage of sewage and flooding with groundwater.



The procedure for constructing a cesspool for a country toilet is as follows. They dig a pit 1.5 - 2 m deep. A sand cushion 20 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the pit. Next, pour concrete slab 10 cm thick will be the bottom of the cesspool. After that, the walls of the cesspool are built from brick, stone or concrete. The outside of the building is waterproofed to protect it from groundwater. They lead to the cesspool sewer pipe from the toilet. The sewer pipe is laid with a slope of 2-3 cm per 1 m of length. A roof is placed on top of the pit. The roof can be made of wood or concrete. For year-round use, the roof of the cesspool must be insulated. When creating a roof, be sure to provide a hatch for pumping out sewage.


A simpler and faster option for creating a cesspool is to use ready-made concrete structures, for example, rings. In this case, it is necessary to dig a pit, install rings in it and run a sewer pipe from the country toilet.



Additionally, the septic tank must be insulated and equipped with ventilation. The simplest ventilation option is to install a vent riser in the house and bring the pipe to the roof level.

Operating a septic tank of this type is quite simple. Gradually it fills with sewage, and when 2/3 of the volume is filled, the septic tank is emptied by a sewage disposal machine. This will have to be done regularly, so the septic tank must be located in a place accessible to the sewer truck.

Diagrams and drawings of a homemade septic tank





Autonomous sewage system

An alternative to a homemade septic tank is the “Tank” septic tank. He is plastic barrel, divided into sections. First, the first section is filled, while solid waste sinks to the bottom, and only the liquid fraction remains on the surface. As it is filled, the liquid fraction is poured into the adjacent section, where similar processes occur. A composition containing anaerobic bacteria is added to the septic tank, which decomposes sewage. The water purified in this way is drained into the drain, and the sediment is pumped out by a sewer truck.


Another option for a septic tank with a high percentage of waste recycling is a septic tank " Autonomous sewerage" The principle of its operation is similar to a traditional septic tank, with the only exception that the autonomous sewage system is equipped air compressor, which enriches sewage with oxygen, and the decomposition process occurs under the influence of aerobic bacteria. Autonomous sewerage is dependent on electricity, but allows for a high degree of recycling of waste.




Installation of the last two types of septic tank involves preparing a pit, installing a septic tank in it and connecting it to the sewer system of the house.

We looked at all the ways to design and build a toilet for a summer house. If you plan to live or visit your dacha all year round and want to have the comfort of a city apartment, then you should immediately install a septic tank. If you visit your dacha only in the summer, then it is easier and faster to build a summer toilet with a cesspool under it. If you don’t go to your dacha often, then the simplest option for installing a toilet is a Finnish peat toilet. Whatever toilet option you choose, any of them will perfectly meet your needs, and the dacha will not be left without a toilet.