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» Make apple cider at home. We make cider at home. Ingredients in honey cider

Make apple cider at home. We make cider at home. Ingredients in honey cider

Apples are the most popular and beloved fruit, which is grown in almost every garden. After harvesting, very often there are a lot of apples left on the ground that are not suitable for storage and homemade preparations, and many owners simply have to throw them away. So that the aromatic fruits do not go to waste, you can make homemade apple cider.

Traditional fresh apple cider recipe

This method is quite labor-intensive, but the result will certainly not disappoint you and you will not regret the time and effort spent.

Before making cider from apples, you should sort out the fruits very carefully. The most suitable apples for this drink are winter varieties. All fruits must be well ripened, without obvious signs of rot.

The prepared fruits must be crushed to prepare the wort. To do this, you can use a regular hand grater, meat grinder, blender or juicer. When using a juicer, do not throw away the pulp - making apple cider will be much faster with it.

Mix the juice and pulp, add a little sugar, mix and place in any container for fermentation. The wort can be prepared in any enamel pan, milk can or glass jars. Using this recipe for homemade apple cider, you can do without sugar, but then the fermentation process will be much longer, and the strength of the resulting drink will be significantly lower.

Be sure, before making apple cider, think about how and where you will store it. If you are going to prepare a large amount of the drink, then prepare a special room in which you will prepare the mash and keep the finished cider. The wort must be placed in a warm place for 3-4 days - the temperature should not be lower than room temperature.

The wort for apple cider at home needs to be stirred daily and carefully monitored when fermentation begins. As soon as the first signs of fermentation appear on the surface, the pulp will need to be squeezed through a fine sieve or several layers of gauze. Pour the resulting juice into three to five liter jars, install a water seal on them or wear regular rubber gloves. Using gloves, make a small puncture on one of your fingers to allow excess carbon dioxide to escape.

You can make cider from apples as a weak alcoholic drink without adding sugar, but in this case the wort will ferment for several days longer.

Place the cans of cider in a cool, dark place where they will sit for 1-2 months. When fermentation has completely stopped, the drink will need to be drained from the sediment. You can strain the resulting cider using several layers of gauze.

Pour homemade apple cider into small containers - it is best to use half-liter bottles, close and put in the refrigerator. You need to pour the drink right up to the neck and close it tightly, otherwise, due to the ingress of oxygen, the cider may turn into fruit vinegar.

Apple cider prepared according to this recipe can be stored for three years. The longer the drink sits, the tastier and more aromatic it will be.

The easiest apple cider recipe

If you don’t have a lot of apples, but you want to try making a delicious aromatic drink, then you can use a simpler method of preparing it. The simplest apple cider recipe is to put the apple juice in a warm place and let it ferment.

Unfortunately, natural fermentation of juice is only possible if there is a special variety of apples and strict adherence to technology. Using regular apples, the cooking process can take several months, so it is advisable to add sugar and yeast.

Despite the fact that yeast is not used in the industrial production of cider, it will be quite acceptable for preparing a homemade drink.

A cheaper and more accessible option for owners of small gardens and personal plots is to preserve the natural juice for the winter, and make cider from the remaining pulp.

Fill clean three-liter jars with juice squeezes - about a third. Add a little white raisins or yeast to each jar, a glass of sugar and top up with cold, clean water.

Before preparing apple cider, prepare a water seal or rubber gloves - this is done so that the containers with the drink are protected from oxygen.

Cover the jars and place in a warm place for 5-6 days until fermentation stops.

Using gauze, carefully strain and pour the resulting drink into glass jars or bottles. You need to pour the cider very slowly so that the sediment that falls to the bottom does not rise.

Fill the containers to the neck and seal tightly with lids.

Apple cider prepared according to this recipe can be drunk immediately. Store the drink in the refrigerator only in closed bottles, so it is advisable to use containers no larger than one liter.

Each winemaker has his own special recipe for homemade apple cider. Homemade cider can be dry and sweet, with little or no alcohol content. You can use fresh apples or homemade apple juice, or you can prepare a drink with the addition of yeast, raisins or other fruits. If desired, you can mix different varieties of apples in different proportions and each time get new tastes and aromas to suit every taste.

There is no special technology for preparing this drink, so you can become the author of a unique, exclusive drink that can compete even with the most famous varieties of cider produced in elite wineries around the world.

Cider is one of the popular drinks that is created from apple juice. It is made in many countries, but historical cider was prepared in those parts where fertile orchards were located.

You can prepare many different dishes from apples. These can be compotes, preserves, jam and marmalade. In addition to all of the above, aromatic wine - cider - is prepared from apples.

Reference! The most delicious cider is made in France, which is where the name comes from.

There is a wide variety of these drinks, which differ in strength, aroma, and sweetness.

You can make apple cider at home.

Alcoholic drinks made from natural ingredients are gaining more and more popularity. First on the list is apple cider. Many people, drinking this alcohol, do not know about all its beneficial and negative properties.

Apple cider contains many useful macro- and microelements, vitamins, which bring one benefit to the body. This is all due to the fact that during production all the beneficial properties remain.

Reference! Many healers used this drink to treat blues, diabetes and the gastrointestinal tract. Then the usefulness of the product began to be called into question due to the presence of alcohol in it. But experts confirmed the fact that cider is useful. The main thing is to take it in small doses.

Apple cider has a positive effect on the body:

  • Affects appetite, increasing it;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • slows down aging.

Whether an alcoholic drink is rich in beneficial properties or not depends on the condition of the fruit and the type of apple. If the drink is prepared at home, it will be much healthier than one that is mass-produced.

Beneficial features:

  1. Helps with depression.
  2. Helps normalize metabolism.
  3. Used for gastrointestinal disorders and in the treatment of diabetes.

If you drink cider in small quantities, you will notice how the appearance becomes better. The skin looks younger and fresher, the hair is healthy and shiny. Some people make medicinal baths and fill them with cider. After this procedure, the patient will feel improvements in the skin. The skin will be soft and smooth.

But in addition to the positive qualities, this product also has negative aspects:

  • Apple cider is an alcoholic drink with a strength percentage of 3%-7%.
  • In champagne form it is about 6%.
  • If you do not control the amount of alcohol you drink, you can harm your body. The first signs are nausea and vomiting.

Attention! Apple cider is a natural product that does not contain toxins, food additives, carcinogens, etc. With a low calorie content, the product contains a large amount of carbohydrates. But this content does not exceed the norm.

No other negative aspects or effects on the body were identified. There may only be an individual intolerance or allergy to any ingredient.

Watch a video about the history of cider:

Simple recipe

Before preparing cider, you need to properly choose apples:

  • First of all, they need to be carefully examined.
  • It is better to put rotten and damaged ones aside.
  • The fruits should be soft, juicy and ripe.
  • It is advisable to use apples of different varieties (bitter, sweet, sour, etc.). This will diversify the taste and add piquancy to the drink.

Reference! Unripe or overripe apples should not be used. Green fruits are very sour, and overripe ones contain a lot of pectin.

If you prepare apple cider according to this recipe, you will get a drink with sweet and sour notes.


  1. The first thing to do is to bring the apples until smooth. This can be done using a meat grinder or blender. Pour boiling water over the jars, dry, and then fill 2/3 of the volume with applesauce. Free space is necessary for foam to form. Don't forget to add sugar (per 1 kilogram - 150 grams of granulated sugar). Now let's move on to preparing the wort.
  2. The necks of the jars should be wrapped with cloth or gauze. Then leave it in a secluded place for a couple of days, remembering to stir periodically. On the fourth day, the apples will ferment, the smell of yeast, abundant foam and hissing will appear.
  3. Next, the resulting mass needs to be filtered. Pour the final juice into a separate jar, put a water seal or medical glove on top. Place in a dark place for 2.5 months (approximately 50-70 days). As soon as the liquid acquires a light shade, the liquid stops bubbling, and sediment settles to the bottom - the work is nearing completion.
  4. Now all that’s left to do is strain and bottle. Place in a dark place to allow the apple cider to ripen. It is important to fill the container all the way to the neck so you don't end up with vinegar. Be sure to monitor the temperature, it should not be higher than 12 degrees.

The ripening period is three months. This is exactly how long it takes for the final taste to form. If the cider has been properly prepared, it can be stored in the refrigerator for about two years.

Reference! Also, cider can be made not from apples, but from apple juice. Fruit preparation is carried out using the same technology.

Other cooking methods

Not every person knows how to properly prepare apple cider. A product prepared at home is considered the healthiest.

Therefore, it is important to choose the appropriate recipe to properly prepare an alcoholic drink.

Traditional (classic)

The simplest and most classic recipe. There are no unnecessary ingredients except apples and sugar. The main thing is to monitor the ratio of fruits. There should be more sweet apples than sour ones.

To prepare you need:

  • ten kilograms of apples,
  • about 1.5 kg of sugar,
  • If necessary, prepare purified water.

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the apples from cuttings, seeds and leaves. Remember that you cannot wash them, you just need to wipe them with a cloth.
  2. Grind until smooth.
  3. Scald a jar or any other container with boiling water.
  4. Fill the jar with apples, but not completely. To make the drink sweet, you need to add sugar. The sweeter the apples, the less sugar you need.
  5. Mix the resulting mixture well.
  6. Cover the neck tightly and place in a dark place for three days. Don't forget to stir daily.
  7. Next, squeeze out the juice and pour into a clean container. Install the water seal (you can use a glove).

The fermentation process takes two months. Drain the drink and filter. Pour into clean containers and place in the refrigerator or cellar for three months.

The video describes the classic method of making apple cider at home:

Juice (no sugar)

The difference with the traditional recipe is the absence of sugar, and also that apple juice is used for fermentation.

The cooking technology is similar to the previous recipe:

  1. The squeezed apple juice should stand in a warm place for at least two days.
  2. Then, pour it into a fermentation container and install a water seal.
  3. Store in a dark and warm place for thirty days. During this time, the juice will have time to ferment.
  4. After the fermentation process is over, the liquid must be poured into a clean vessel.
  5. To avoid touching the sediment, you can use a straw. Also leave in a dark, but cool place for four months.
  6. Filter the resulting drink and bottle it. In a couple of days you can try.

How to make cider from store-bought apple juice is shown in the video:


This recipe uses sweet honey instead of sugar. Making this cider takes a very long time.


  • Take one and a half kilograms of honey;
  • Eight kilograms of apples;
  • Six liters of plain water.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the apples into several pieces and put them in a paper bag.
  2. Place this bag in an enamel bowl. Be sure to cover it with a good, dense net to place the load on top.
  3. Be sure to dissolve the honey.
  4. Pour the resulting juice into a separate bowl, cover with a cloth and leave to ferment for a month.
  5. Afterwards, pour the syrup into a separate bowl and repeat steps 3 and 4.
  6. Drain the resulting drink again, and then repeat steps three and four.
  7. Drain the syrup again, but mix it with the liquids obtained in steps 5, 6 and 7.
  8. Leave the mixture for ten months in a dark place.

From dried fruits

This is an alternative cooking recipe, where instead of fresh apples, regular dried fruits are used.

You need to prepare:

  • purified water - approximately 10 liters;
  • dried fruits – 1 kilogram.

How to cook:

  1. Take a clean jar and add dried fruits into it.
  2. Fill everything with water and cover with gauze.
  3. Store in a cool place until fermentation begins.
  4. Next, add raisins to the container and close well. Leave in a cool place for a month.

How to make cider from dried fruits is described in the video:



You need to take one orange. You will also need a liter of apple juice, five pieces of cinnamon, one ginger root and sparkling water (two liters).

Cooking method:

  1. Take an orange, peel it and cut it into small slices.
  2. Then mix all the ingredients together except water. The mixture needs to be boiled.
  3. Cook for about thirty minutes.
  4. While the liquid is cooling, take glasses and fill them halfway with sparkling water. Only then can the resulting liquid be added.

With raisins


You need to take one kilogram of fresh apples and twenty grams of raisins.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the apples well, chop and squeeze the juice out of them.
  2. Place in the refrigerator for three days. Then drain off the sediment and bottle.
  3. Pour boiling water over raisins and add to each container.
  4. Store bottles in the refrigerator.

Simple method using dried fruits

You don't need to use fresh fruit or apple juice to make apple cider. Dried apples work well.


  1. Place one kilogram of dried fruits in a clean bowl, add ten liters of water and place in a cool place.
  2. When the fermentation process begins, the container must be tightly sealed and the drink must not be touched for about a month.
  3. After the expiration date, bottle the cider and put it in the basement.

With wine yeast

Ingredients: natural apple juice, yeast mixture (wine).


  1. To prepare wine yeast mixture, you need to take a glass of any unwashed berries. It is good to soften them, forming a paste.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water. Add granulated sugar (about a glass - one and a half), and put it in a dark place for two to three days.
  3. Don't forget to stir every day.
  4. Next, the apple juice is poured into a clean and sterilized jar.
  5. The yeast you prepared is also added there.
  6. Put on a water seal and put it in a dark room for four days.

Learning to use correctly

There are some rules on how to properly drink apple cider. Whether to follow them or not, everyone decides for himself.

Rules of use:

  1. The apple cider should be cool, but not cold.
  2. Glasses need to be tall.
  3. Pour the alcoholic drink in a thin stream. This creates a minimum amount of foam.
  4. When pouring into a glass, the bottle should be held as high as possible.
  5. There is an interesting legend that you don’t need to finish the last sip of cider. It spills out onto the ground. This is done in order to thank the earth for a good harvest.
  6. Fish and seafood are served with this alcoholic drink.
  7. Sweet cider is drunk with sweet salads and cakes.
  8. You can drink it both for breakfast and dinner. Slowly, in small sips.

Cider is not only tasty, but also a healthy alcoholic drink. There are many ways to prepare it at home.

In order for the drink to turn out, it is important to observe all proportions and strictly follow the recipe. And with what and how to use cider, everyone decides for himself.

Apple cider is a delicious drink that you can make yourself. The classic recipe for apple cider at home is quite simple, and it is recommended to try it for the first time. Next time you can experiment with the ingredients, preparation methods and infusion time.

According to the classic recipe, you will need a minimum of ingredients from which you will get a clean, aromatic drink.

We will need:

  • 1 kg apples;
  • 50 gr. raisins;
  • 300 gr. Sahara.

Let's start making apple cider. Any variety of apple is suitable, the main thing is that they should be fragrant. We wash all apples well, cut off rotten areas and other damage, and remove the core. Next, we chop them finely and put them in a three-liter bottle. Having folded half of the product, sandwich it with some sugar, fold in the other half of the fruit, and add the remaining sugar. Add raisins on top - they will give the desired fermentation process. Fill the top with spring (if possible) or distilled water in a volume of 200 ml.

We close the container tightly and insert a special water seal into which we pour 60-degree moonshine or vodka with a volume of 40-60 ml. Leave for 10 days. When bubbles begin to appear in the bottle, fermentation has begun; when they stop rising, the process is over, you can begin filtration.

Take a sieve and a container for pouring. Insert a funnel with a piece of cotton wool to filter the sediment. Pour the drink and close tightly. Store in a dark place.

On a note. Instead of a water seal, you can put a sterile medical glove on the jar, after first piercing one hole with a needle so that the gas escapes. When the glove is inflated, fermentation has begun; when it falls, it is over.

The easiest and fastest way to cook

This recipe for apple cider will be relevant in the winter season - the drink is drunk hot, like mulled wine, for example. Quick apple cider warms you up after a walk in the cold.

For a homemade low-alcohol drink:

  • apple juice 1l;
  • 1 apple and 1 orange;
  • brown sugar ¼ cup;
  • spices: 2 cinnamon sticks, cloves, nutmeg and a little allspice.

Cooking method:

To begin, cut the apple in half, peel the seeds and stick cloves into it, cut the orange into circles, and grate the nutmeg on a fine grater.

Let the juice heat up. Once the juice is hot, add brown sugar and stir until dissolved. Then add the rest of the prepared ingredients. Bring the drink to a boil and cook for ¼ hour. Then we catch pieces of fruit.

The drink is ready to drink. It is served hot.

Recipe for making juice without sugar

An option for quickly making delicious homemade cider from simple store-bought juice:

  • apple juice 2.5 l;
  • yeast.

As a rule, store-bought juices contain quite a lot of sugar, so there is no need to add any additional sugar.

We use a sterilized three-liter jar as a container. Pour apple juice into a container. Pour half a teaspoon of dry yeast into 50 ml of warm water and leave for 15 minutes. When the yeast is ready, pour it into a jar of apple juice and place it under a water seal. Leave to ferment at room temperature for a week.

We filter the fermented juice and pour it into clean bottles for storage. Store in a cool, dark place.

With added honey

Honey cider made from homemade apple juice is very tasty and... quite alcoholic. Quite a lot of time passes from the start of preparation to the possibility of tasting. Nevertheless, the drink is worth it, we recommend trying it:

  • liquid flower honey 1.5 l;
  • water 4.5 l;
  • a packet of wine yeast;
  • freshly prepared apple juice 1.5 l.

First, prepare the honey base - pour the honey into water and begin to cook slowly. It is important to remember the water level, since after cooking the honey water there will be much less and will need to be added.

When it starts to boil, foam will appear, which must be collected. Continue cooking over low heat for 1.5-2 hours until foam stops appearing. Add drinking water to the original level and bring to a boil. Afterwards we put it in a bowl of water to cool, it will be faster.

While the honey base is boiling, prepare the juice: peel the apples, cut them and pass them through a meat grinder, then squeeze out the juice using gauze.

By this time, the honey syrup (full) will have cooled down and will be a little warm. Add sugar and stir thoroughly.

In accordance with the dosage indicated on the bag, dilute the required amount of yeast in warm water and leave for 15-20 minutes.

In the meantime, pour the honey into a sterilized bottle, then add yeast and set the water seal. Let it ferment at room temperature for about a month.

After a month, carefully pour the drink through the filter and leave it for another 2-3 days so that the last sediment falls out. During this time, the drink will become more transparent.

Prepare bottles for carbonation. For a liter bottle you will need a teaspoon of sugar. Pour for carbonation - formation of gases. Carbonation lasts about three weeks.

On a note. If the apples are sweet or sweet and sour, you will need to prepare 1.5 liters of them. If it’s sour, 1 liter is enough. The best option is 1.5 liters from different types of apples.

Homemade apple and pear cider recipe

Mixed cider made from apples and pears is very aromatic and unusual:

  • pears 6 pcs.;
  • apples 5 pcs.;
  • wine yeast;
  • sugar (50 g per 1 liter of drink).

Fruits can be taken in different varieties. Wash it thoroughly. We remove damaged areas and darkened spots from the fruit, cut out the cores and cut into small pieces so that it is convenient to pass through a meat grinder or juicer. We turn the prepared puree into juice. The volume is a three-liter bottle. Depending on the size of the fruit, it may turn out a little larger or smaller.

Ferment the yeast with warm water in a separate glass, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Then pour them into the puree and add 0.3-0.5 drinking water. It is important to leave a small free space up to the neck of the bottle. Add sugar in an amount calculated for the resulting volume of the drink. We put a water seal and leave it to ferment for 1.5 weeks. It is recommended to pour a little vodka or moonshine into the water seal to prevent germs from entering.

Pass the fermented cider through a sieve and pour into disinfected bottles to ripen for 1.5-2 months in a cool, dark place.

On a note. A hydrometer is used to measure the alcohol level in a drink. The approximate value for cider is about 23, which is about 10-11 degrees.

Soft drink for children

Apple drink is liked not only by adults; children will also appreciate it. But with the usual method of preparation, the cider turns out to be alcoholic. In this recipe we will tell you about non-alcoholic cider for children:

  • apple juice 3 l;
  • orange 1 pc.;
  • we use unground spices: star anise (5 pcs.), cinnamon (2 sticks), pepper (10 pcs.), cardamom (5-6 broken boxes), fennel (2 tsp.), cloves (10 pcs.);
  • flower honey.

Pour the juice into a saucepan. Cut the orange into small rings, then into quarters and add to the juice. Immediately add the spices.

Place the pan on the fire and cook until it boils. When it boils, let it cook for 10 minutes, remove from heat and let stand for a while (40 minutes). Afterwards, we catch all the fruits and spices, add honey to taste, stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved and pour into cups.

  • dried fruits 2 kg;
  • sugar 6 kg;
  • yeast 300 gr.;
  • filtered water 20 l.

First of all, we heat 10 liters to 80 degrees. Pour dried fruits into a large container and fill with water. Cover with a lid and let the wort brew. We wait until its temperature cools down to 35 degrees.

We heat the remaining water to 50 degrees and dissolve sugar in it. By this time, the wort will have reached the desired state and the sugar syrup can be combined with the apple wort. Stir and measure the temperature, which should be 35-37 degrees. If the temperature is correct, add yeast. Leave to ferment. When the foam stops releasing, filter and bottle.

How to make cider carbonated?

The carbonation of the drink depends on the sweetness of the apples. In general, the gas bubbles are almost invisible, making the cider similar to apple wine.

  1. Be sure to filter homemade cider to remove sediment.
  2. Thoroughly wash and dry plastic or glass containers for pouring cider.
  3. Add a teaspoon of sugar per liter bottle. It is sugar that promotes secondary fermentation, but since the bottles will be tightly closed, the drink will remain carbonated.
  4. Pour cider into bottles, not adding 3-5 cm to the neck, and close tightly.
  5. Leave to ripen for two weeks in an unlit place.

Still from the film “A Good Year”

There is a legend that cider was invented by King Charlemagne when he once sat on a bag of overripe apples. We hasten to disappoint you: it is no longer customary to make apple alcohol this way.

In the more than a thousand years that have passed since the significant discovery of cider making, we decided to choose the simplest possible recipe suitable for home use.

And even if you don’t have “your own” apples that you “didn’t pour all sorts of nasty things on,” it doesn’t matter - we’ll take store-bought ones.


    10 kg apples

    1.5 kg sugar


    three liter jars

    medical gloves


    medical IV tubes (sold at the pharmacy)

Step 1: Preparing the Apples

Wipe the apples with a dry cloth. They cannot be washed, because wild yeast lives on the surface of the fruit, which is needed for fermentation. Remove leaves and tails.

Step 2: Put the apples in the juicer

There is no need to peel the apples before doing this - process them together with the peel and seeds.

Step 3: Pour sugar into jars

Don't forget to sterilize the container first. Place four tablespoons of sugar in each jar.

Step 4: Pour in the juice

Fill the jars no more than 2/3 of the volume; free space is needed for foam and carbon dioxide. Don't forget to stir.

Step 5: Place the seal on the jar

We put a glove and a small hole over the neck so that it does not explode.

Step 6: Wait a few days

Let our future cider ferment in a dark and warm place for about a week. You will understand that he has stopped doing this because the glove will change position from vertical to horizontal.

Step 7: Strain the Sediment

To do this, pour the juice from the jar into the pan through cheesecloth. And then into a clean jar.

Step 8: Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6

This time we wait twice as long - four days will be enough.

Step 9: Strain the sediment again

But now we do it with the help of tubes. We place one end in the middle of the jar, the other - above the pan. To get the process going, suck in air from the free end of the tube as if you were about to drink your cider. Why can't I use gauze again? Because now we need to act more delicately, without disturbing the harmful sediment at the bottom. The process is slow, but necessary.

Step 10: Final Pull

Close the jar with a lid and let it sit for another ten days. Then repeat point 9, and the finish line!

Step 11: Bottle the Cider

Cover the bottles with caps. That's all.

How to make cider carbonated

According to the recipe above, we got “still” apple wine, but if you want sparkling wine, you can add them if you take two more simple steps.

    Add sugar (10 grams per 1 liter) to the bottom of each bottle and leave 5-6 cm of free space from the neck. Shake it up.

    Then transfer the containers to a dark room at room temperature for 10-14 days. Check the gas pressure once a day so that your bottle does not explode, otherwise it will be a pity for the apples and your efforts.

  • Author Maria Minaeva

From apples you can not only make jam, marmalade, compotes, jelly and marmalade, but also prepare aromatic apple wine, which the French call cider. In fact, the best ciders are produced in France - greenish-golden, with the aroma of apples, strength up to 8 degrees, with varying degrees of sweetness. is a low-alcohol and slightly carbonated apple juice, unusually fragrant and tasty, ideal for the holiday table. Interestingly, in America, cider is a type of apple juice. Make apple cider at home and invite friends over for a tasting! Everyone loves the refined and delicate taste of homemade apple wine, in which you can feel honey notes, and playing bubbles in a glass with ice cubes create a good mood and a cozy atmosphere. If you are preparing wine for the first time, choose the simplest recipe and only then master more complex cooking methods. So let's get started!

Choosing apples for cider

The classic recipe recommends using any of 50 varieties of apples that are ideal for cider, including varieties such as Antonovka, Melba, Foxville, Steyr, and Yantarka Altai. Typically, these varieties contain a high concentration of tannins, which give the drink a unique flavor. To make apple wine at home, take any varieties available in your area, the main thing is that they taste good.

Never use underripe or overripe apples - green fruits are too sour, and very ripe apples have lost their juiciness and contain too much pectin. Late and winter varieties of apples, which contain a lot of tannins and sugars, are excellent for cider. In this case, apple wine will turn out to be very aromatic, healthy and tasty.

Initial preparation of apples

Carefully inspect the apples, set aside rotten and damaged fruits. Apples should be very juicy, moderately soft and ripe. Use apples of several varieties (sweet, sour, tart, bitter) for piquancy and versatility of taste. If you take fruits of one variety, it will lose its flavor.

It is not recommended to wash apples before preparing the drink - just wipe them with a dry cloth. The fact is that it is on the surface of the peel that wild yeast lives, which is necessary for the natural fermentation of cider. Keep the apples for three days in a dry and dark place to allow them to mature, and then remove the leaves and stems. The fruits are ready for further heat treatment!

A simple recipe for apple cider at home

Try preparing apple wine according to our recommendations, and after a while you will enjoy a delicious drink, moderately sweet and moderately strong.

1. Grind the apples in a meat grinder or in a blender to a homogeneous pulp along with the peel and seeds, pour boiling water over the jars, dry and fill with applesauce to ⅔ of the volume - after all, you need to leave room for carbon dioxide and foam. Add sugar to the mixture (150 g of sand per 1 kg of fruit) and start preparing the wort.

2. Wrap the necks of the jars with cotton cloth or gauze, folded several times, and leave to ferment for four days in a warm place, remembering to stir the apple mass once a day. By the end of the fourth day, the apples will ferment - a characteristic smell of yeast, abundant foam and a promising hiss will appear.

3. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and pour the resulting juice into a separate dry jar, put a water seal or medical glove on top and leave the jar alone for 45-70 days in a dark place. The water seal removes carbon dioxide and prevents oxygen from entering the jar, which often leads to spoilage of the wort. As soon as the liquid becomes lighter, air bubbles will no longer form in the jar, and you will see sediment at the bottom, the cider is almost ready.

4. All you have to do is strain the drink, pour it into bottles, seal it tightly, and then put it in a dark place to ripen. It is advisable to fill the container to the very neck, as oxygen can turn the cider into vinegar. At the same time, the temperature in the room where the cider is located should not be higher than 10-12°C, and the settling period should be about three months - this is exactly the time required for the formation of taste. Properly made cider can last two to three years in the refrigerator.

You can make cider not from apples, but from fresh apple juice. The selection and preparation of fruits are carried out using standard technology, and then the liquid is placed in jars under a water seal for 3-4 weeks. After filtration, the cider is poured into jars, tightly closed and infused for another 4 months. And as a finishing touch, pour the cider into bottles and move it to the refrigerator, basement or cellar.

What you didn't know about cider

Now you know how to make cider - a light golden drink with an apple and honey taste that does not cause a hangover. It is sometimes prepared without sugar, and apples are mixed with pears, quinces, cherries, lingonberries, currants, raspberries, blueberries, grapes and other fruits. You can flavor the drink with spices - cinnamon and cloves; do not use yeast, but cook apple juice with honey, citrus fruits, and ginger. Then you will get not a strong cider, but a sweet one, the preparation process of which does not involve fermentation.

How to drink cider correctly

Apple wine should be drunk cool, enjoying every sip. However, you should fill the glass with the drink correctly - gourmets advise pouring the cider so that its stream breaks against the walls of the glass. While the stream flies in the air, the wine is saturated with oxygen and the drink begins to foam, which contributes to the maximum development of the flavor bouquet. Since the foam does not last long, drink the cider as soon as possible to experience its unique taste with fresh apple notes and the aroma of summer...

If you learn how to prepare cider according to different recipes, you will not have problems with drinks, since apple wine perfectly replaces champagne at family parties and, in its non-alcoholic version, is served at the children's table. Enjoy the juiciness of fruit in your glass all year round!

Non-alcoholic cider: recipe


  • 1 liter of natural apple juice
  • 1 orange, peeled
  • 5 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 finger-length ginger root, chopped
  • 2 liters sparkling or soda water
  • ice cubes


1. Combine apple juice with orange slices, cinnamon and ginger in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
2. Reduce heat and cook for 30 minutes.
3. Remove from heat and let cool for 10 minutes.
4. Pass through a strainer to remove excess spices.
5. Fill a tall glass with ice, add half a glass of sparkling water and add a quarter of the cooled mixture.
6. Garnish with an orange slice and a cinnamon stick.