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» Filming voice extras season 5. Shooting as an extra: how to get there and how much they pay for it. Steps on the actor's career ladder

Filming voice extras season 5. Shooting as an extra: how to get there and how much they pay for it. Steps on the actor's career ladder

Last season I got ready for everything, but somehow never went to film the program. Although I watched the last season with all my eyes. After all, super-talents were gathered.
I hardly watch the current season, it doesn’t catch me. The jury was disappointed. They seated Pelageya with Bilan, their jokes and jokes went away. Pelageya doesn’t look like herself, she became like a dried roach. Emaciated, skinny, she lost her zest, it seems to me..
And the people chosen for season 3 of “The Voice” are somewhat similar to each other. With rare exceptions.
But maybe I missed someone, since I hardly watch this season.
And then my friend kept asking to record the program, so I went with her. I made an agreement with a colleague and we were taken into the hall.
They record “The Voice” a month in advance. We got to the duets. We mainly listened to Gradsky’s duets and a few of the Pelageins’ duets. And we left without waiting for the end. Since the filming ended in the night.

Video and photography during recording is prohibited, but I took a photo of the hall before the recording began, so I didn’t violate anything))
On “The Voice” not only the support group comes to the hall, but also the extras. The extras are paid money)) - 600 rubles. You need to come an hour before the recording, and then sit until the end. It’s almost 9 hours. The audience sits without backs. And after several hours of continuous sitting, everyone is already starting to spin back and forth, since this is a test for the back))
Plus, you need to practice applause and stand up after each performance. This is strictly monitored by the moderators in the hall. By the way, that’s why there are age restrictions for visiting “The Voice” as an extra.
Up to 35 years old! On the one hand, this is a violation of human rights)) And on the other hand, adults will be reluctant to get up from their seats a hundred times an evening, actively and cheerfully applaud and not leave a sad or preoccupied with the hardships of life expression on their face ))
They are filming “The Voice” in a hangar on Liza Chaikina Street. The toilets there are bad. The project, which brings billions in profits to the channel, saves on toilets for the crowd. They installed three! dry toilets on the street and a crowd of more than a thousand people is forced to stand during the only half-hour break in a huge queues.
Well, the toilet for the guests, the support group, the orchestra workers, I tell you, it’s like in the worst eatery on the highway. In my opinion, it’s even worse.. I wanted to take pictures, but then I changed my mind, why scare people with disgusting pictures?))
I remembered 2005, Ostankino. I first started working on TV that year. And I was terribly surprised by the local toilets. At that time, renovations had not yet been done by the new director of Ostankino. And stars, world-famous people, went to such toilets that it’s scary to remember.
And yesterday I again came across these ugly toilets. And again, an expensive project, but they save on people... well, I digress... Let’s move on from toilets to creativity))
Gradsky's competitors sang some of the same classical repertoire... Well, except for the duet of guys who beat Steve Wonder. Two pianos. black and white, guys in dark glasses, supposedly blind (???-vulgar..)
Gradsky was quite surprised when he didn’t make a choice in the direction of the Sad Youth, Alexander Bichev. It was such an unfair choice that there are no words. I find only one excuse for him - That perhaps he somehow didn’t find contact with Bichev, they didn’t agree on the characters.. Well, there is no other explanation. Since the Sad Youth’s voice is amazing. He himself is unearthly. And he lost to some gray mouse..
From the audience, the girl couldn’t stand it, she screamed, “Save! Save!”, but the jury was not impressed. The stranger was angry at such injustice and defiantly left the crowd.

My conclusion is that I have talents, no doubt. But in my opinion, there are a lot of “thieves” in this season...Hence the jury selections that are not so interesting and strange..I guess I’m wrong.

Photo: Ruslan Roshchupkin

By turning on Channel One on Fridays, viewers see a ready-made television product - the mega-popular show “The Voice”. What remains behind the scenes? Why has fashionista Polina Gagarina been sitting in the jury chair in the same clothes for seven issues in a row? Doesn't she have a new one? What do judges write in their red notebooks? Who chooses the songs for the blind auditions? Who decides what the contestants will wear? And if every performance is a surprise for the jury, then why does the orchestra know all these compositions? “TV program” found the answers to all these questions!

1. A note about your boy

Sitting in their chairs, the jury members continually mark something in their notebooks. What are their notes about?

Grigory Leps, as it turned out, does not write, but... He produces quite interesting pictures in the style of abstract art.

“I write down my associations in a notebook,” Dima Bilan admitted to TV Program. — For example, recently, while recording another program, I realized that I associate one person with a certain artist. And the main thing is to record your impression at that second, because then, when you arrive home, you forget about everything. If someone picks up my book and tries to read it, they won’t understand anything!”

2. The main thing is that the suit does not interfere

The show has been running for a month and a half, and during this time the jury members have never changed their clothes. Well, okay, guys (Leps, Bilan and Agutin) - maybe they don’t like to be fashionable. But Polina had to show off in something new! Why is this happening?

The fact is that “blind auditions” are not filmed in the same chronology as we see on TV. These program releases are not in live and prepare in advance. For several days, the jury honestly recruits teams, and then television episodes are “cut” from this. If Polina, Leonid, Grigory and Dima had changed their clothes, the editors would have had a hard time later. Now they can shuffle the contestants' numbers like cards in a deck. Otherwise they would be forced to adapt to appearance jury. Otherwise there would be new question: Why are the judges dressed differently on the same broadcast?

3. I’ll sing you a song...

The performances of the contestants are impromptu for the jury. We see how nervous the artists are standing backstage. And it seems as if they will be singing “The Voice” on stage for the first time. How then does the orchestra know the melodies?

In fact, the performances are a surprise only for the jury! The contestants themselves prepare for them for about a month. Moreover, they rehearse songs with musicians in advance. So for what is happening on stage it is just a work process and no magic!

4. Difficulty of choice

This leads to the next question: who chooses the songs for “blind auditions”?

As a rule, this is done by the contestants themselves. Sometimes experienced program editors can give their advice, but no one will insist on this.

It happened that the creators of the show immediately honestly told the contestant: “The song doesn’t suit you, better choose another, more effective one.” But they didn’t listen and flew by. This season there was a similar story: one of the participants insisted on a certain song, performed it, but no one turned to her. She has a great voice though! And in another television project she reached the final. Or another example: Sardor Milano, who passed the “blind auditions” this season, had previously auditioned for “The Voice” four times - and failed every time. As he later admitted, he got in the way every time incorrect choice songs.

5. Fashionable verdict

Some participants look impressive and bright, while others look completely everyday. It’s as if we left the house to get a loaf of bread, and on the way we stopped in to try our luck on “The Voice”. Who decides what they sing in?
At the “blind auditions”, contestants perform in their own clothes. The whole image is their doing. Then, when they advance to the next round, professional stylists begin working with them to select clothes.

The Voice project is a television show dedicated to finding talented performers. The project started on Channel One in early October 2012. “The Voice” is a Russian adaptation of the Dutch project The Voice, episodes of which began airing on the RTL4 channel in 2010.

At the moment, the show “The Voice” has completed two seasons. The winner of the first season was the Russian singer Dina Garipova (she later became one of the finalists of the Eurovision Song Contest 2013). The winner of the second season, which ended in December 2013, was Sergei Volchkov.

In the spring of 2014, the host of the project, Dmitry Nagiyev, announced the start of casting for the third season of “The Voice”. It is expected to start in early September.

How to get to the project?

To take part in the TV show “The Voice”, you need to fill out a form posted on the official website of Channel One. In the questionnaire you will need to indicate your personal information, phone number and email address, tell about your hobbies and successes in the field of vocal singing. You must attach several photographs of yourself to the application form. The size of each photo should not exceed 100 KB, so it is recommended to choose photos that show you close-up and from different angles.

We continue the competition for the best story. Our participant today is Valeria Pokidova. Valeria told us about how she went with her friend to the show “The Voice”, diligently clapped, stomped and shouted in the crowd, looked for a toilet on the set, beat money out of the organizers and learned about the secrets of Russian show business. Valeria, Thanks a lot! We love to study the insides of domestic television - once we were called to negotiations in Ostankino, they ended in yelling and swearing, and Olga Osipova once watched for a week without a break, and, of course, we talked about the unimaginable construction, a look from the inside. Friends! We are waiting for your very same stories, send them to us as soon as possible, especially since from October 13 to November 13, 2015 you can also win a T-shirt with Theodore for the best TSI. Three winners will be determined by readers: the more likes, shares and retweets your story gets on social networks, the more chances you have to get a great T-shirt for free!

I have a friend, and she is a crazy fan of the show “The Voice” on Channel One. She has me, and I love to sing. However, the story is not entirely about singing. Recently, she and I moved to Moscow and began looking for work. There was no work, but the show “The Voice” was. After a tedious process of sending out resumes to employers and completely ignoring us as potential employees, we came across an advertisement. Spectators were required for the show “The Voice”, payment was 550 rubles. Without hesitation (and we should have), we sent applications. We were invited, but were immediately warned that we had to look according to the dress code - bright and elegant clothes, no dark things. Deciding that white is also smart, I put on a white T-shirt. My friend wore blue. All that remained was to get to the Airport metro station and find people with signs “Sveta” and “Maxim”. They are assistants to the show organizers, they recruit extras and manage them. Coming out to the station and finding hundreds of colorful people, we realized that we had come to the right place. We were led out of the metro into the street in a friendly formation. They built it in two columns. And we began to wait.

They didn’t specify what to expect, so for a whole hour two columns of dressed-up boys and girls baked under the sun. The atmosphere in the queue became tense. Not only was it incredibly hot, but in the absence of movement my legs were numb, and on top of everything else, it was absolutely unclear what we were all waiting for. The queue began to ask each other whether anyone had already been to such events and what actually happens in such cases? It turned out that among us there is a real guru of extras - Maxim. He was wearing a yellow T-shirt and had a smug smile on his face. The girls surrounded Max and asked him hundreds of questions like: “When will they let us in and when will we get paid, and how long will it take to record the program?” When the guru announced that he was on “The Voice” for the first time, the number of his fans sharply decreased, but Max did not give up and continued to broadcast. After all, he has already been on the set of almost all the programs of Channel One (and the second one too). They will let you in before examining you, they don’t always pay money, filming can last until two or three o’clock in the morning. The line sighed in disappointment and moved forward. While we were walking, a remake of the famous screensaver was born in my and my friend’s heads - “This is the Voice, children!” In a sad voice I said: “This is asshole!” "Full!" - Dasha echoed me.

We had barely walked one block when we were stopped again and lined up two by two. Another half hour passed before the organizers began letting people into the pavilion. It turns out that in order to finally get into it, you need to go through a casting from the organizers. In appearance. The so-called Sveta and Maxim, as well as a couple of other people unknown to us, began to examine us and call us to them one by one. My friend was allowed through, but not me. However, I was not going to give up and brazenly joined Dasha. We were given the coveted ticket, according to which a fee is given at the end of the program, and we were seated in the hall. It was a moment of bliss. Because we were sitting in the first row, everything and everyone was perfectly visible, and the charming Dmitry Nagiyev lifted the mood with his jokes. However, the joy was short-lived, as the moderator came and began to teach us how to clap, stomp and shout correctly. We, naive, thought it was simple. If they sing well, clap, if they sing poorly, keep quiet. It turned out not. If the moderator raises his hands up - active claps, if he twirls them above his head - the audience stands up. And if you are disappointed now, then I understand you perfectly. I also used to think that the audience in the hall stood up of their own free will as a sign of support for the participants. So, the moderator showed us five basic movements, we, like obedient seals for a piece of fish, repeated everything, and the director ordered to begin.

Judges appeared in the hall - Grigory Leps, Basta, Alexander Gradsky and Polina Gagarina. We filmed the second round - fights. The members of Gagarina's team sang in a duet, and she chose the best. The worst one left the project. The contestants had just entered the stage, and Polina was already crying. The decision to expel participants was not easy for her; she delayed for a long time, wiped away tears, and filming was constantly interrupted. The make-up artists came out, handed her a handkerchief and re-painted her. Leps coughed regularly, and in between “cough-cough” moments he drew something on pieces of paper. Gagarina's team did not interest him. The crowd began to get tired. We were constantly scolded, asked to clap more actively and shout louder. Three hours passed. Filming of Polina's fights has ended. My friend and I were getting ready to go home. But fig was there. It turned out that the filming of the knockouts of Grigory Leps’ team was supposed to take place on the same day. But, since he is a fairly busy man, he needed to leave on business, “but when he returns, then we will continue filming.” Dasha and I, of course, were upset, but we couldn’t do anything, we really needed the money, and we were curious about what Leps’ team would sing. So, we stayed, but decided to eat and go to the toilet while we had time. However, the latter turned out to be practically impossible.

The spectators were kicked out of the hall and taken into a huge cold room, where, according to the already established tradition, they were lined up and told to leave one by one. When the person who came out came back, the next one was released. I think you can imagine how many spectators there were at the “Voice” show and how long the line was to exit the pavilion. My friend and I stood at the very end. Ahead of us were grandmothers who were outraged by this behavior of the moderators, and as a result they wailed loudly. I didn’t want to listen to them, but I had to. It turned out that they spend almost all the days of their retirement traveling to this kind of show. And each of them has exactly the same story with the toilet:
- No, what’s wrong, it’s impossible to go to the toilet, but what if filming starts now, and we haven’t even peed?
- Oh, do you remember how a woman shit herself on the show “Alone with Everyone”?
- Yeah, it’s okay that she shit herself, but the smell was permeating the whole room, and they didn’t even let her out!
- And one peed on “Let’s Get Married,” remember?

It’s good that Dasha and I didn’t remember or know anything like that. But they learned their lesson and fraudulently squeezed a little forward in order to make it in time. The toilets were located outside. Three cabins for a lot of people. We broke through. While waiting for my friend, I approached the organizers to find out what was going on with the payment, where should I go to get it? The organizer looked at me with sad eyes and said that they would not pay money for a ticket like mine. I will only get something if I come with him on the next day of filming, they say, payment is for two days of filming, not one. I told this news to a friend, she advised me to contact the extras guru Maxim, we thought he should have known what to do. We went into the pavilion, found Max, and he said that they had deceived us so that we would leave and not ask for money, and these tickets were quite valid for one day. We were inspired and began to wait. This time we wait until we are released from the cold room and allowed back into the hall. By the way, in cold room there was nowhere to even sit. The only place where it was possible to somehow sit down was a huge pedestal on which a model airplane was located. Moving this unit away from me, I sat down. But that was not the case: a strange-looking woman flew up to me, or was it a man? And she began (began?) to explain that in front of me was not just some kind of airplane, but a model that costs half a million rubles, and if it breaks, I will be stuck for a large sum of money. In response to my question, why not put this relic in another place, they offered me to change seats. There was nowhere to change seats, so my friend and I decided to have a snack. It's good that we took food with us.

We finished filming until 23:00, Leps played the drums and grunted. At the exit from the pavilion another line awaited us. Queue for money. We, already accustomed to queues, calmly defended it and received the coveted 550 rubles.

Clutching money in our blue hands from constant applause, Dasha and I promised each other in hoarse voices not to go to any filming again. And I’ll answer the question that’s probably on your mind: no, we weren’t shown on TV.


We love your very same stories - after all, this is one of the best ways study the Post-Apocalypse surrounding us. Therefore, we are starting a competition - send your craziest, truly hellish, scary, unimaginable, incomprehensible story, and the authors of three best stories will receive T-shirts as a gift from us. The T-shirts are cool, we buy them in Europe, we print the logo with Theodore in St. Petersburg, the T-shirts are indestructible and can be inherited by your grandchildren if you live. Have you been attacked by a naked policeman? Did the SVR want to involve you in the investigation of the theft of a TV? Are you in a paradoxical situation? Have you seen something that still haunts you? Have you become a participant in a story that you can safely tell to children? Are you in trouble that it’s better not to tell your children about? Have you realized the true End of the World of the things around you? Have you seen the terrible truth? Write to us soon.

Become a TV star, hear the cherished “Lights, camera, motor!”, sign autographs at meetings with fans and pose for the paparazzi on the red carpet. Everyone has a chance to participate in the filming of a movie, series, TV show, video clip or advertisement.

How to get into the crowd, is the work of the spectator and the actor adequately paid? crowd scenes and can a few seconds in the background be a springboard to an acting career? We figured out these issues, and at the same time talked with regular participants in crowd scenes about their work and impressions.

You can sign up for some major television projects as a guest directly on their official website. This is how, for example, viewers are recruited for the filming of the Channel One show “Evening Urgant” - (follow the link you will find a viewer’s form, by filling out which you will receive confirmation and details about the filming time by email).

But to use for group employment in in social networks experienced actors do not recommend:

“Extras and filming groups” on VKontakte – you can’t trust them. Offers came, I went through castings, getting into different roles (not just extras), but in most cases it was a “scam”, they say: “Sorry, you are suitable for us, but you have to pay for us to cast you.” There is no point in searching VKontakte, only through film studios or knowledgeable people“says Danila, a student at the acting college.

Naturally, the bulk of the offers on all these sites apply only to Muscovites, since filming takes place at Moscow television studios or in metropolitan clubs, and ends very late. There are fewer, but still quite a lot of offers for extras in St. Petersburg; in other cities of Russia, filming is carried out much less frequently and they rarely recruit extras there.

Are actors in crowd scenes paid for their work?

Price tags for participation in crowd scenes of films or TV series vary from 600 to 1000 rubles, less often they offer large sums (as a rule, they pay more than a thousand for playing a passing role with a replica).

You can also earn extra money by participating in the filming of television shows - both as guests on talk shows and as spectators in the hall. Here they pay from 150 to 600 rubles, rarely offering larger amounts. Rates are approximately the same for participation in the filming of music videos and commercials.

To participate in paid filming, as a rule, it is necessary to undergo at least an absentee casting - based on a photo, and also to exactly meet all the parameters presented by the employer (height, clothing and shoe size, hair length and color, type of appearance, nationality, and so on).

Such castings are held infrequently; more and more often they are now limited to simply selecting based on photos through email and Internet forums.

“The requirements for extras are not as high as for episodic actors and leading actors, but you still always need to give 100% - in case they notice you, one of the directors likes you. Although some extras perform poorly because they believe that this is not a role. And at the same time, such actors are still waiting for grandiose roles! Even if you have a small role, you need to play it in such a way that everyone remembers it!” – Mikhail tells us about his experience of participating in the filming of the detective series “Maryina Roshcha”, “Trace” and others.

Although there are many paid vacancies in this area, according to the reviews of all the extras, earning a living with such work is incredibly difficult, if not almost impossible. The filming process requires constant full concentration from all actors, long waits, and precise execution of all the director’s instructions, and food and rest for extras are, as a rule, not provided.

“Extras at the Fashionable Sentence are given 500 unfortunate rubles for 12 hours of filming. Many grandparents living nearby were in the studio during this time without proper food precisely because of this money,” Diana about the filming of the “Fashionable Verdict” program for Channel One.

“Those who spent time filming two programs were paid 300 rubles. On the set I met people who make only this living. They are seasoned, to some extent “friends” in Ostankino, they are known by sight by the organizers - impartial women who gather people for filming and call them to inform them about the time of the next filming,” - Marina about the filming of the program “Closed Screening” for Channel One .

“It’s stupid to do this for money. Only perhaps out of love for art or a desire for dubious fame,” - Anastasia about filming the film “Tsar”.

“Many of my friends manage to fully support themselves on such earnings. True, I’m not one of them,” Victoria about filming in the youth television series “Club”, “Daddy’s Daughters”, “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” and others.

Extras: who are all these people and why are they here?

“Then some kind of movement began, and the organizers began to gather a column of people. My friend and I fell into it. But then a whisper ran through the column: “They won’t take us!” They won’t take this column!” Somehow, my friend and I instantly met two other girls, grabbed hands and ran to the end of that moving column. For some reason no one stopped us. And we passed quietly. The next day at school everyone admired us, because many really didn’t make it to the shooting. And good. They would die there like we did,” Sofia about the filming of the film “Shadowboxing.”

Who plays all these restaurant visitors, spectators at concerts, silent waiters, postmen, taxi drivers, salesmen, and just passers-by on the streets? The most ordinary people, most often students, and not necessarily theater universities, and pensioners. Films and TV series constantly require extras, and therefore getting to the set is not a difficult task. However, it’s worth immediately taking into account that, as a rule, this is a full-time job - from the very morning until 10-11 pm, and therefore, working 5/2 full time or studying full-time, it’s not so easy to find an opportunity to participate in filming something simple.

– By what criteria are they selected? – I ask a man in a bright orange shirt and blue tie.

- Yes, whoever you like, whoever suits the color. Like decorations, each artist has a specific color.

- No, what should I do? This is work! The camera is looking at you, you have to smile, laugh, make them laugh. You work for them! They turn on the soundtrack, the artist comes out, and you clap and smile, and then shout: “Happy New Year!” No one cares that you are not having fun at all. You have to be funny to THEM, otherwise, get out!”

“When I went there for the first time, I was very interested in the filming process itself, so I sat in the front row and watched more of the work of the cameramen and lighting crews than what the director, Urgant and Gudkov were talking about. Although when Ivan appeared and somehow unexpectedly appeared above my head, I almost fell out of my chair,” Diana about the filming of the show “Evening Urgant” for Channel One.

“You gain valuable experience working with a camera: you learn to be natural, but at the same time attentive, focused on the task set by the director. This is not as simple as many people think; you need to get used to all this. And I was able to make a lot of acquaintances on the set; useful connections wouldn’t hurt!” – Mikhail about the experience of participating in the filming of detective television series “Maryina Roshcha”, “Trace” and others.

“Since I was going to film a TV show for the first time, I wanted to dispel a certain myth of show business for myself. To see how it’s all filmed, to see how much the audience I saw on the screen corresponds to the reality on the set, how interested the people nearby are in the show, how lively their reactions are. Well, and see Vanya Urgant, of course. The filming was a pleasant surprise: Vanya’s jokes are funny, and the live music from the group “Frukty” gives optimism, and the audience around is sincerely happy,” - Anastasia about the filming of the show “Evening Urgant” for Channel One.

Do expectations match reality?

“The studio looks like cardboard, frankly, it’s drawn out and boring, although the heroines of the program really look shocked, and Evelina Khromchenko looks very professional. But the most important disappointment: voting for best clothes“It’s fictitious,” - Diana about the filming of the show “Fashionable Verdict” for Channel One.

“I was left with such negativity from our world of cinema that, without professional training, I went to work as a gymnast in the circus. If only it was further away. Although castings often interest me - as a means of self-test,” - Irina about filming the film “Above the Sky.”

“The first thing that caught our eye when we sat down in our seats were the screens above our heads, on which instructions for action appeared: “laughter,” “applause,” Tatyana about the filming of the “Evening Urgant” show on Channel One.

“We sat on some plastic benches, after which it was quite difficult to straighten up. Well, the main disappointment is that we went to the “Closed Screening” in the hope of watching a good movie, and at the same time listening to the opinions of critics and knowledgeable people. But it was not there. They showed us the film company's screensaver. Then there was a pause. And credits. Like, it’s time and honor to know, guys,” - Marina about the filming of the program “Closed Screening” for Channel One.

“I don’t get as much pleasure from filming TV series as I would have from filming feature films. According to rumors, in big cinema there is a completely different organization, everything is more serious, strict, large-scale, a very large film crew works. I would like to immerse myself in this atmosphere, working non-stop inspires me,” Mikhail about his experience of participating in the filming of the detective television series “Maryina Roshcha” and “Trace.”

What's difficult about being an extra?

Long waits, lack of proper food, the need to strictly follow the director's instructions. Many are also upset that actors in crowd scenes have almost no opportunity to communicate with famous partners on the set.

“They only showed us the credits, but we listened to three hours of philosophizing from the guests and the presenter. Filming of the first program has ended. As it turned out, the second program was supposed to be filmed next, which of course we were not warned about. We were angry and hungry, that’s why we blew ourselves up home...” - Marina about the filming of the program “Closed Screening” for Channel One.

“Sometimes they bring you to a shoot in the winter at ten in the morning, keep you until the metro closes, then you wait for a few more hours for your fee and no one thinks to add anything by taxi: “Why? The metro will open in an hour and a half,” Victoria about filming in the youth television series “Club”, “Daddy’s Daughters”, “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” and others.

“For extras, the instructions are to sit up straight, do not cross your legs and clap on command. You are a mannequin. You don’t have a special role, you should be there, but unnoticed and in the way the director needs. At first everything is interesting, you delve into the process, notice the details. After two hours it’s already difficult to sit still as needed,” Ksenia about filming the program “Let’s Get Married!” for Channel One.

Attitude towards extras in the acting workshop

Working as an extra for many is a great start to an acting career. True, there are cases when actors have a disdainful attitude towards extras. What is this connected with? With their own behavior.

“Walking as passers-by for pennies, standing in the background—deserves respect. But there are also such mass actors who, by incredible chance, received small cameos and begin to pretend to be stars,” Rinat, a professional actor.

“They fed me and that’s okay. Whether you are cold or uncomfortable, no one cares. You are not actors, you are extras. You are easily replaceable and not important in the frame. If one girl or boy left or didn’t come, then the missing people are sometimes recruited directly from people passing by - you don’t even have to pay money to them,” Veronica, actress of crowd scenes.

Witness what is left behind the scenes!

Everyone knows that they often shoot dozens of takes of the same scene, getting different reactions from the actors, choosing the right light, creating the right emotions... Seeing all these episodes and finding out what was left behind the scenes is another privilege of being an extra.

“It was in Anapa on the set of Yeralash. It sounded “Camera, motor, let’s start!” and the guys - “vacationers” children's camp“They started fighting with pillows. The director of the camp came, whose role was played by the famous artist Anatoly Zhuravlev. When he began to say his line, a pillow flew at him and landed on the safit. The soffit fell on Zhuravlev - this was not planned. Although he did not receive any serious bruises, filming stopped for that day, since he refused to continue filming...” - episode writer Mikhail about the filming of the TV magazine “Yeralash”.

“The presenters, especially Guzeev, were encouraging. She hilariously screws up takes and talks with the director about absolutely everyday topics, for example, discussing with him who will go where on vacation,” Ksenia about filming the program “Let’s Get Married!” for Channel One.

Steps on the actor's career ladder

Many actors begin their careers by participating in the filming of films, TV series and commercials as extras. This is what this whole pyramid looks like:

Extras– participants in staged crowd scenes are, as a rule, non-professional actors.

Statistician- an individual member of the crowd.

Episode- an actor performing a separate small role, perhaps with text, but his character is not a significant character in the film or series.

Often: episodic actors are recruited for filming series. For example, distant relatives of the main and secondary characters who appear in only one episode are episodic roles, waiters in a new restaurant or random companions are episodic characters, any random characters who appear in only one episode are episodic characters.

Supporting heroes– permanent characters in a film or series who play a significant role in the development of the plot, appear on screen repeatedly, have a film background, their images are worked out in detail by the screenwriters.

Often: stars of the first magnitude play supporting roles, because often minor characters have a specific character, their images are bright and memorable. Prestigious film awards, including the Oscar, are awarded for the performance of supporting roles.

the main role- the pinnacle of the actor’s career.

Can working as an extra be a step on the path to fame?

Leonardo DiCaprio began his career by playing episodic roles in the TV series Roseanne and The New Adventures of Lassie, and then received a larger role in another soap opera, Santa Barbara.

Orlando Bloom began his career with episodic roles in the television series "Accident". It is worth noting that Bloom by this time had an acting education.

With a 15-second appearance in the film, “Fire Service” began her career and Julia Roberts, who spent several years playing tiny roles in little-known films before she was able to attract the attention of producers and achieve at least supporting roles.

Keira Knightley Since childhood, she has acted as an extra, participated in many TV shows and received episodic roles in TV series.

Sergey Bezrukov He first appeared in films as a street child in the film “Stalin's Funeral”; his name is not listed in the credits. Only after repeatedly participating in filming as an actor in crowd scenes did Bezrukov begin to receive offers to play supporting roles.

Movies about movies? Yes!

The life story of an unemployed actor named Andy Millman, who all his life dreamed of breaking into big cinema, but so far only achieved a place in the crowd, is told by series "Extras". All those who want to learn more about the life of extras actors and look at all the vicissitudes of this profession from the outside are recommended to watch this series!