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» Champignon recipes with potatoes in a roasting pan. Fried champignons with potatoes. Tubers with mushrooms in the oven

Champignon recipes with potatoes in a roasting pan. Fried champignons with potatoes. Tubers with mushrooms in the oven

Step-by-step recipes for preparing hearty and tasty fried potatoes with champignons

2018-05-13 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams of the finished dish

2 gr.

4 gr.


11 gr.

88 kcal.

Option 1. Classic recipe for fried potatoes with champignons

Fried potatoes are perhaps the most popular second course. They love it for its ease of preparation and unique taste. The dish can be made even tastier and more aromatic if you add champignons to it.


  • 650 g potatoes;
  • freshly ground black pepper;
  • 300 g peeled champignons;
  • ground red pepper;
  • two onions;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • raises oil - 40 ml.

Step-by-step recipe for fried potatoes with champignons

Using a sharp knife, remove the skins from the potatoes. Remove the outer skin from the mushrooms. Cut the mushrooms in half or into quarters.

Heat a cast iron skillet over moderate heat. Pour in the oil and add the chopped champignons. Fry, stirring continuously, until the liquid evaporates.

Cut the potato tubers into oblong slices. Dry slightly and add to the pan with the mushrooms. Continue frying, stirring regularly. Season with spices.

Once the potatoes are soft, add the finely chopped onion. Cook for another three minutes, stirring continuously. Remove the dish from the heat and add finely chopped herbs.

After you cut the potatoes, rinse them again to remove any excess starch. This will prevent the slices from sticking together during frying and will significantly reduce the calorie content of the dish. Be sure to dry the potatoes on a towel before frying.

Option 2. Quick recipe for fried potatoes with champignons in a slow cooker

A multicooker is a universal device in which you can prepare any dish. It frees the owner from the need to constantly monitor the process. In addition, dishes prepared in a slow cooker turn out much tastier.


  • seven potatoes;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • a bunch of fresh dill;
  • three stalks of green onions;
  • refined oil - 10 ml;
  • two pinches of ground black pepper;
  • half a kilogram of fresh champignons.

How to quickly cook fried potatoes with champignons

Peel the onions, rinse the vegetable and chop into small cubes. Wipe the mushrooms with a damp sponge and cut into slices. Peel the potatoes. We wash it and chop it into strips. Rinse again and dry on a disposable towel.

Grease the inside of the multicooker pan with oil. We install it in the device and turn on the “frying” program. After a couple of minutes, when the oil is hot enough, add the champignons and onions into the bowl. Fry without closing the lid, stirring regularly.

When the mushrooms are browned, add the potatoes. Pour in ¼ cup boiling water. Close the lid and fry for 25 minutes. During cooking, stir the dish a couple of times so that all ingredients are evenly fried. Five minutes before the beep, open the lid so that the vegetables become crispy. Pepper, salt and add chopped dill and onion.

If you need to make a lot of fried potatoes, cook them in small batches. This will ensure that the potatoes are evenly covered with a golden brown crust. Place the vegetable only in hot oil.

Option 3. Fried potatoes with champignons and soy sauce

A tasty and satisfying lunch can be prepared from simple and affordable products: potatoes, mushrooms and onions, and soy sauce will add piquancy to the dish.


  • potatoes - six tubers;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • bulb;
  • spices for meat;
  • 30 ml vegetable oil;
  • 10 ml soy sauce;
  • 200 g fresh champignons.

How to cook

Peel the potatoes. Wash it and cut it into strips or random slices. Rinse again and dry on a napkin.

Clean the champignons and trim the mushroom stems. Grind into not too thin slices.

Heat a cast iron frying pan, pour in oil. Add the sliced ​​potatoes and fry, stirring regularly, until golden brown. Pour soy sauce in a thin stream and stir

Add slices of champignons to the potatoes, add salt and season with spices. When the champignons are lightly fried, add the onion, cut into half rings. Fry, stirring, until the potatoes are done.

Fry the potatoes over moderate heat, without stirring too often, so that the slices remain whole and are covered with a golden brown crust. Do not cover with a lid while frying. Condensation that collects on the inside of the lid will get into the potatoes, causing them to simmer instead of fry.

Option 4. Fried potatoes with champignons in sour cream sauce

Sour cream goes well with potatoes and mushrooms, revealing the taste and aroma of the products. For cooking, it is better to use small mushrooms. The dish will have a pleasant creamy taste.


  • 300 g small champignons;
  • 50 g Dutch cheese;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • six potatoes;
  • half a liter of sour cream 25% fat;
  • butter;
  • a small bunch of fresh greens.

Step by step recipe

Peel and finely chop the onions. We wash the champignons, cut off the lower part of the stem and the dark parts.

Heat a frying pan and melt a piece of butter in it. Sauté the onion in it until soft. Add the mushrooms and continue to fry until deliciously browned. As soon as the moisture has evaporated, add a little more oil.

In a deep plate, combine sour cream with salt and eggs. Whisk everything until smooth. Pour the contents of the frying pan with sour cream sauce and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour.

Peel the potatoes and chop them into thin circles. Fry the vegetable in a separate frying pan in melted butter. Transfer the browned potatoes to the mushrooms. Salt and stir. Finely three cheese. Chop the greens. As soon as the potatoes become soft, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and herbs. Keep on low heat for three minutes.

Do not put all the vegetables and mushrooms into the pan at once. It is advisable to fry the onions and champignons separately and only then combine with the rest of the ingredients. Salt the potatoes at the end to make the vegetable crispy.

Option 5. Fried potatoes with champignons and pork

If you are not on a diet, you can cook fried potatoes with mushrooms and pork. The result is a flavorful, nutritious dish that men will especially like.


  • 300 g pork fillet;
  • 150 g fresh champignons;
  • 50 g cream oils;
  • 30 ml vegetable oil;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • 800 g potatoes;
  • ground black pepper.

How to cook

We wash the pork, trim off excess fat and membranes. Cut the meat into thin strips. The cooking time of the dish depends on their thickness.

Peel the potatoes. Wash and cut the vegetable into bars. Rinse again and dry on a disposable towel. Wipe the mushrooms with a damp sponge. Cut each into four parts.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. Fry the pork in it over high heat on both sides until golden brown. Add the champignons and fry, stirring regularly, for about seven minutes. Now add the potatoes and continue cooking for another seven minutes. Reduce heat, add butter and stir. After about ten minutes, add pepper and salt. Remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave to infuse.

Start frying the potatoes over high heat; once they are browned, turn the heat down to medium. For piquancy, season the dish with garlic, dill, cumin or black pepper.

Fragrant, fried potatoes with delicious champignons are the dream of any gourmet. Preparing the dish is not at all difficult if you know some rules and choose all the ingredients correctly.

Probably not a single feast would be complete without potatoes and mushrooms. This dish is prepared in different ways: in pots, stewed, baked in the oven, cooked in a slow cooker. You can also vary the ingredients of the dish - add your favorites, experiment, and the taste will only improve.

Fried potatoes with champignons in a frying pan

A high-calorie, satisfying dish that can be compared in nutritional value to potatoes with meat. Potatoes fried with champignons can hardly be called dietary, but what a unique taste and aroma this dish has!

You can, of course, prepare potatoes with champignons from any type of potato, but if the goal is to create a truly tasty dish, then you should pay attention to the type of potato. When choosing this vegetable, you need to choose starchy varieties, that is, those that contain a large amount of starchy substances.

They allow the finished potatoes to actively absorb mushroom flavors and crumble appetizingly into the finished dish. To ensure the quality of the potato, you need to cut it in half: good potatoes will not immediately become covered with juice and starch crystals on the cut.

Let's start preparing a hearty dish:

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them first into slices and then into strips (the thickness of the piece should be at least half a centimeter). It is advisable to place the potatoes on a paper towel to remove excess liquid;
  2. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan. In this case, you can use a mixture of oils (butter and vegetable) - this will make the dish even more aromatic and tasty;
  3. As soon as the frying pan is well heated, put the potatoes on it and give them the opportunity to brown. There is no need to constantly stir the potatoes - this will only cause them to fall apart and lose their taste and shape;
  4. In another frying pan you need to fry the onion, but before that you need to peel it and cut it into cubes;
  5. Wipe the champignons from dirt and cut into strips. Add the mushrooms to the fried onions and simmer for another 20 minutes;
  6. It's time to combine all the components of the dish. Place onions and mushrooms in a frying pan with potatoes, season the dish with spices and salt;
  7. We serve the potatoes to the table. In addition to the dish, you can serve a vegetable or cheese salad.

Tubers with mushrooms in the oven

The dish can easily be called vegetarian and can be enjoyed during Lent. In terms of satiety, potatoes prepared in this way are in no way inferior to traditional roast meat.

Required ingredients:

  • 300 grams of champignons (fresh only);
  • 800 grams of potatoes;
  • 5-6 cherry tomatoes;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 80 milliliters low-fat sour cream;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 60 grams of hard cheese;
  • 30 grams of green onions.

Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Calorie content: 270 Kcal/100 grams.

Potatoes with champignons baked in the oven taste like French meat, and the cooking principles for these dishes are similar.

  1. Wipe the champignons from dirt with a paper towel and cut into transverse slices;
  2. Prepare a special baking dish. It should be ceramic or glassware with high sides. Line the bottom of the container with foil around the entire perimeter and grease the surface with softened butter;
  3. We lay out the first layer of the future dish - chopped mushrooms and lightly add salt to them;
  4. Peel the potatoes and cut into round slices. Place them on top of the mushrooms. Season everything with spices and salt to taste;
  5. Peel the onion and cut it into thin rings with a sharp knife. Place onions in the next layer;
  6. Place cherry tomatoes in random order on all ingredients;
  7. In a small bowl, mix sour cream and garlic passed through a press. Stir and cover the vegetables with this sauce;
  8. Place the pan in the oven for 30-40 minutes;
  9. At the end of cooking, 10 minutes before, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and leave in the switched off oven for another 5-10 minutes.

Sprinkle the potatoes and champignons with chopped green onions and serve.

Potatoes with mushrooms in a slow cooker

A very simple recipe for your favorite dish, which can be easily and quickly prepared using a slow cooker. All dishes in a slow cooker not only retain their nutritional value, but also save our time.

Required ingredients:

  • 500 grams of champignons (fresh only);
  • 800 grams of potatoes;
  • 50 grams of sour cream;
  • 200 milliliters of hot water;
  • salt, herbs, spices - to taste.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: 218 Kcal/100 grams.

The highlight of this dish is the absence of onions in it. The fact is that it takes a lot of time to prepare it, and we strive to reduce it as much as possible. The end result is a tender, creamy roast that isn't fried, but rather slowly simmered.

A dish like fried potatoes with champignons can decorate not only an everyday table, but also a festive one. There are several options for its design and presentation, which gives the cook freedom of imagination. This food can be confidently offered to fasting people, vegetarians, culinary aesthetes and picky eaters. It goes well with various salads, sour cream dressings, and fresh herbs.

You can prepare fried potatoes with mushrooms at any time of the year, since champignons are constantly on sale, and potatoes, as everyone knows, are the most popular and affordable vegetable in our area. Instead of raw champignons, you can use marinated ones. A good idea is to combine fresh and canned mushrooms at the same time.

Some housewives add a small clove of garlic, pre-chopped, to the almost finished dish. This component, combined with a small amount of freshly ground black pepper, provides the dish with novelty and piquancy. For those who love delicate sophistication, devoid of pungent odors, it will be enough to use only a pinch of salt as spices.

Taste Info Potato main courses / Fried potatoes


  • Washed potatoes – 650 g;
  • Peeled champignons – 300 g;
  • Onions (white, yellow) – 2 pcs. medium size;
  • Vegetable oil for frying – 4 tbsp;
  • Black, red pepper, salt - to taste.

How to cook fried potatoes with champignons in a frying pan

Fried potatoes with champignons in a frying pan with a thick bottom are prepared quickly and easily. The main task here is to choose the right dishes to which the ingredients will not stick during frying.

First of all, you need to remove the skin from the potatoes. If the champignons have not yet been peeled, then after they have been washed, it is necessary to remove the outer skin.

Add frying oil to a frying pan heated over medium heat. Mushrooms, cut into quarters or halves depending on size, should be fried, stirring constantly.

Potatoes, cut into 4 or 6 pieces into oblong slices, should be slightly dried and only then added to the mushrooms. Vegetable oil from different companies may differ in its characteristics, therefore, if necessary, its quantity can be increased. During frying, the ingredients should mix easily. The fire under the container should be either high or medium. One of the secrets of this dish is constantly stirring the contents of the pan.

Spices are added to taste during frying.

The onion, cut into thin half rings, is added only after the potatoes are cooked. It’s easy to check if the potatoes are ready: they are well fried if the largest slice can be easily pierced with a fork. After the onions are placed in the frying pan, heat treatment lasts about 3 to 5 minutes.

Greens, previously washed and chopped, are added to the finished dish, removed from the heat. Dill, parsley, green onions and even cilantro (coriander) will be relevant here as culinary herbs. Champignons give potatoes a special aroma and taste, an ideal addition to which would be fresh sour cream as a sauce.

Fried potatoes with champignons in a frying pan is a great option for lunch or dinner. Salads with fresh vegetables, seasoned with unsweetened yogurt or flaxseed oil, would be appropriate for this dish. Lovers of homemade pickles can safely combine potatoes with mushrooms and crispy cucumbers or juicy pickled tomatoes.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms do not seem to be a complicated dish. But in skillful female hands, such a simple product as potatoes can become a work of art. It is unlikely that there will be a person who will say that he does not like tasty, appetizing, satisfying and aromatic fried potatoes. Today I want to talk about how to cook fried potatoes with champignons. This simple and very tasty dish will always come in handy at any table. And I am sure that this dish can conquer any man’s heart. Moreover, champignons can be found in any supermarket all year round, which is good news.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms and champignons in a frying pan

Kitchen utensils and equipment: non-stick frying pan with high sides, knife, cutting board, spatula, deep bowl.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • In this recipe we will use champignons that we bought at the store.. Of course, you can use other mushrooms. For example, forest ones, collected with one’s own hands. But everyone knows perfectly well that champignons are the safest type of mushroom. Especially if they were bought in a supermarket. They are in no way inferior to wild mushrooms, but you will be sure that they are edible and will not harm your health and the health of your loved ones. Keep in mind that mushrooms are a rather dangerous product and you need to be careful when choosing them, especially if these are not purchased, but collected mushrooms.
  • Eat two ways to prepare this dish. Cooking mushrooms and potatoes at the same time. In this case, the ingredients are filled with each other's aromas. But do not forget that the heat treatment time for each product is different. Therefore, you cannot put them in the pan at the same time. The second option is separate cooking, and at the end mixing the two finished products.
  • When choosing a potato variety for frying give preference to red and yellow potatoes. White is more suitable for cooking, as it has a loose structure.

Cooking sequence

  1. Wash, peel and slice 600 g of champignons.
  2. Pour 35 g of vegetable oil into a non-stick frying pan with high sides and place on the stove.
  3. When the oil is hot, place the chopped champignons in the pan. Fry them until the liquid evaporates from the pan.
  4. When the mushrooms are cooked, transfer them from the frying pan to a plate and set aside for a while.

  5. Peel and cut 2 onions into half rings. Add them to the pan as soon as the potatoes have acquired a golden color. Stir and cook potatoes and onions until cooked.
  6. When the potatoes and onions are ready, add fried mushrooms and 2-3 g of salt. Mix well and turn off the heat.

Video recipe

In the video you can see a recipe for cooking fried potatoes with champignons in a frying pan.

How to serve and how to complement the dish

  • This dish can be supplemented with various spices and vegetables.. For example, if you decide to cook fried potatoes with champignons and onions. Onions will enhance and complement the taste of mushrooms. All you have to do is cut the onion into half rings or cubes and add it to the pan 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking. But time it so that the onions cook and don’t burn.
  • You can also add garlic, thanks to this the dish will be more flavorful.
  • Don't be afraid to add spices, but don’t overdo it, otherwise you may kill the taste of the mushrooms.
  • This dish is already quite filling, but if you want, you you can add meat to it at your discretion. But keep in mind that pork is quite fatty meat, and in this case, reduce the amount of vegetable oil.
  • Also you you can replace vegetable oil with mustard oil, thanks to this your dish will acquire a beautiful golden color.
  • Complete the dish with various sauces. A wonderful combination will be with adjika and spicy mustard. Sour cream sauce or homemade sour cream would also work well.
  • Serve the dish in portions to everyone present at the table. If you have a sauce or several sauces, then serve them in gravy boats. This way, those sitting at the table can decide for themselves whether to add it or not.

  • If you are using frozen mushrooms, then do not forget that this product tends to absorb moisture. Therefore, before heat treatment, defrost them properly, then transfer them to a colander, rinse under running water and squeeze out a little excess liquid.
  • If your champignons are dried, then before cooking they need to be filled with cold water and left for one hour. Then drain the water, squeeze out the mushrooms and let them dry.
  • Fresh mushrooms should not be washed too thoroughly with water, otherwise they will absorb excess moisture and will fry very poorly.
  • If you are preparing fried potatoes with champignons and sour cream, then to prevent the sour cream from curdling, pour 3-4 tablespoons of boiling water into it before adding it to the pan.
  • If you decide to boil the champignons before frying, then under no circumstances use aluminum cookware. It tends to oxidize upon contact with certain substances found in mushrooms. As a result, this will ruin the appearance and taste of the mushrooms.
  • To prevent potatoes from sticking together during frying, you need to soak it in cold water for 2-3 hours in order to remove excess starch. Then you will need to dry it from water. Thanks to this, the potatoes will turn out fried and will not fall apart.
  • Do not salt potatoes while cooking. Salt tends to absorb oil, and because of this it will simply fall apart and have the consistency of a puree. The dish must be salted 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking.
  • I really love mushroom dishes, so I want to recommend you a few more recipes with this product. You will definitely like it. You can also read,. And your little family members will love this wonderful one. And be sure to try something interesting, something you haven’t tried before.

Potatoes with mushrooms are such a traditional combination that it’s rare that someone’s mouth won’t water as soon as they imagine this dish. And you can prepare it in different ways, because there are a great many recipes for potatoes with mushrooms. Potatoes with mushrooms are such versatile products that even a novice housewife can prepare them, and the dish will always turn out delicious. We have collected the most delicious options for preparing champignons with potatoes on our website. This dish ranks among the top tastiest diet dishes in the world, and the combination of protein-rich mushrooms and starch-rich potatoes makes it very satisfying during Lent. A large selection of recipe variations for this dish can be found on the website

Fried potatoes with champignons

For a large frying pan you will need 6-7 medium sized potatoes, 400 grams of champignons, 1 medium sized onion, 23 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste, ½ teaspoon ground paprika and oil for frying.

Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them in half and cut into slices 3 mm thick, dry on a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Heat a large frying pan, preferably with a non-stick coating and a thick bottom, and pour in 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil, then add the potatoes and fry over medium heat, stirring, for 7-8 minutes. At this time, wash and cut the champignons into slices, cut the onion into half rings, pat the onions and mushrooms dry with a paper towel and lightly salt. When the potatoes begin to become slightly transparent and acquire a uniform light golden crust, add onions and mushrooms, salt, add paprika and pepper, mix thoroughly, and fry without a lid, turning the potatoes with champignons every 2-3 minutes. When an even golden crust appears on the potatoes and mushrooms, add finely chopped potatoes, stir and cover with a lid. Bring the dish to readiness over low heat for 8-10 minutes, after which you can serve, sprinkling with finely chopped dill.

Champignons with potatoes in the oven

This dish turns out delicious if you cook it in the oven, and it will be especially healthy and dietary if you bake the champignons in a sleeve. For this dish, it is better to choose large mushrooms, which are meatier and more flavorful.

Peel, wash and cut 8-10 medium-sized potatoes into 4 pieces. Wash and peel 500 grams of champignons, leave whole. Place the mushrooms and potatoes in a separate pan, pour in 2 tablespoons of olive oil, add ¾ teaspoon of salt, herbs to taste and stir so that the vegetables are soaked in the marinade and leave for 15 minutes. At this time, turn on the oven to heat up, temperature 170 degrees.

Place champignons and potatoes in a baking sleeve, set the oven temperature to 160 degrees and place the sleeve on a baking sheet, tying it. There is no need to add water, as the champignons will give up their moisture and imbue the potatoes with their flavor. Bake the dish for about 45 minutes, then open the sleeve and, if necessary, bring it to readiness on the grill, giving it a golden crust. Serve the potatoes with champignons hot, sprinkled with fresh herbs.