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» Shish kebab in the oven on skewers. Shish kebab in the oven on skewers. Recipe for shish kebab in the oven on a baking sheet on an onion bed

Shish kebab in the oven on skewers. Shish kebab in the oven on skewers. Recipe for shish kebab in the oven on a baking sheet on an onion bed

The oven copes with cooking shish kebab no worse than smoldering coals. Of course, pork on the grill takes on a special, “kebab-like”, smoky smell. It’s difficult to get this effect at home, but it’s possible. For baking delicious kebab There are culinary tricks and techniques for using pork on wooden skewers:

  • Thread the pork, making small indentations so that the kebab cooks evenly.
  • Wooden skewers can be soaked in cold water for several hours so that they do not burn in the oven.
  • To give the dish a characteristic smoky smell, some housewives add liquid smoke. I do not use this product when cooking. Now there are disposable smokers on sale that can be used directly in the oven.
  • If the oven tends to dry out, it is better to place the meat in a baking bag (sleeve) or wrap it in foil. There is also a great way to prepare it.
  • You will learn the rest of the cooking secrets in the recipes below, step by step photos They will help you quickly understand the cooking process.

    Cooking aromatic shish kebab from pieces of pork with onions in the oven

    A reliable marinade recipe for barbecue on coals, in the oven or. Onion juice softens the meat, making it tender and flavorful. No long marinating required - tasty dish will be ready in half an hour.

    List of required products:

    How to cook pork kebab with grated onion in the oven:

    For kebabs on skewers, as for any other kebabs, it is better to use meat with moderate marbling (internal fat streaks). A large number of external lard will only spoil the dish, because... excess fat will not have time to render out, as in the case of cooking over coals. Therefore, it is recommended to completely cut off external fat deposits.

    Wash the processed pork and be sure to dry it. Cut into cubes (rectangles) with a side of no more than 4-5 cm. The cutting should be smaller than for a classic kebab.

    Place the chopped pork in the container in which it will marinate. To prepare the marinade, grate the onion on a coarse grater. When slicing with a knife, the onion juice will not release enough to soften the meat fibers. Add the onion to the meat. Add seasoning and salt. If you don't have ready-made seasoning, mix several types of spices. Suitable for shish kebab: coriander, marjoram, basil, parsley, all types of pepper, mustard, ground ginger, etc. Pour in the oil, you will need a little of it. It will serve as a link between the marinade and the meat and will prevent the dish from drying out in the oven.

    Mix everything with your hands. Marinate for 30 minutes to 36 hours. When marinating for a long time, it is necessary to hide the pork in a cool place. Place 4-5 pieces on each skewer (not close together).

    Cover a heat-resistant sheet with sides with foil. Place the skewers so that the edges of the skewers cling to the sides and the meat does not touch the bottom of the pan. You can also bake the dish on a wire rack, placing a container underneath to drain the fat. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 250-270 degrees. Place the kebab in it. After 5-7 minutes, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. Continue cooking for about 12-15 minutes more. Remove the dish from the oven and let it rest under foil for 7-10 minutes. The juice should disperse through the fibers, and the pork will be very juicy.

    Serve exceptionally hot.

    Shish kebab with vegetables - juicy pork in the oven, baked on skewers

    A hot meat dish with a predominance of protein is served with a side dish, preferably a vegetable one rich in fiber. We offer you to prepare bright, tasty 2-in-1 kebabs from vegetables and meat. The dish uses a light, unobtrusive marinade with spices. Try it!

    Ingredients for 4 large skewers:

    Recipe for cooking shish kebab in a gas oven with pieces of vegetables:

    Wash away any fine debris from the meat and remove moisture with paper towels. Cut the meat into cubes or oblong pieces.

    Mix salt, vinegar or juice, oil and seasoning. You can choose spices according to your taste. Provençal herbs go very well with vegetables and pork. Of course, the taste will be slightly different from traditional kebab. If you want to bring the dish closer to the classics, use kebab seasoning. Paprika, garlic, rosemary, thyme, coriander in any combination are also suitable.

    Stir the contents of the bowl and pour over the chopped meat. Use your hands to spread the mixture over the pork. Let her stand aside while you do the vegetables. The kebab will have time to soak in the aromas of spices. If possible, you can marinate longer.

    Cut the onion into rings. It’s better to choose a smaller onion so that the rings don’t look too bulky on the skewers. Instead of onions, you can use leeks or shallots. Chop the pepper into squares. If you are using cherry tomatoes, simply cut them in half. Chop large tomatoes into quarters.

    Place meat and chopped vegetables on skewers in any order.

    Place the kebab on a baking sheet or pan so that it does not come into contact with the bottom, i.e. “hung” on the sides, as shown in the photo.

    Bake at 200 degrees for 6-7 minutes on each side. To brown the pork appetizingly, turn on the grill (top heat). This is how my kebab turned out. I advise you to try it too!

    Pork skewers baked in the oven

Subtleties of cooking shish kebab in the oven, recipes in several versions

Everyone loves meat dishes! There are a great many ways to cook meat, and each of them has its own secrets, depending on the type and quality of the raw materials. Let's look at the intricacies of cooking shish kebab in the oven, recipes in several versions, and try to bring the quality of this dish closer to perfection. Of course, cooking your favorite dish in your own kitchen cannot compare with cooking over a fire, but this will be the only drawback!

Conditions for juicy homemade kebab in the oven

Good meat

The meat should be fresh (not frozen), without tendons, with small layers of fat. Classic barbecue requires, of course, lamb, but pork remains the most popular. Whatever type of meat you choose, keep this nuance in mind: the older the animal, the darker and denser the meat, and the tougher the kebab will be.

Successful marinade

A high-quality and thoughtful, moderately sour marinade is the key to success! There are dozens of recipes for marinades, and every lover of picnics or homemade kebabs in the oven has his own secrets for preparing marinade. Marinade is always creativity and luck!

Temperature and cooking time

This condition is no less important for obtaining brilliant fried meat. You won't object, will you? Before you make a kebab in the oven from a certain type of meat, you need to choose the optimal temperature regime.

* Cook's Tips:
— To prevent the kebab from drying out in the oven, choose meat with thin layers of fat. In this case, the meat pieces will remain tender and juicy.
— The oven imitates the heat of a fire, and therefore we must warm it up well. Then a crust will immediately form on the surface of the meat, which will prevent the evaporation of meat juice.
— Just like with kebabs in nature, the skewers need to be turned over, poured with marinade and the juice that has been released, and monitor the temperature.

How to cook shish kebab in the oven

Any kebab starts with a marinade. Therefore, first we will prepare the marinade. Most classic version- based on vinegar and water, but we will give you several more options for the most popular marinades.

Classic marinade recipe:

  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Freshly ground black pepper - half a tsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp.
  • Purified or boiled water - 500 ml

Preparation of the marinade solution involves simply stirring the ingredients until the salt dissolves.

The classic marinade recipe is also often based on lemon juice instead of vinegar. In that case, we take a little less water(1 cup) and the juice of half or a whole lemon.

An excellent and very unusual marinade is obtained if wine vinegar is used instead of ordinary vinegar - preferably red. The aroma of barbecue hits you hard! We recommend!

Mayonnaise based marinade:

  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.
  • Salt - half a tsp.
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Spices- according to preferences
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.

Sour cream based marinade:

  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp.
  • French mustard with grains - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - half a tsp.
  • Freshly ground pepper - to taste

Pork shish kebab is easy to prepare in the oven, but requires your constant supervision.

1. Take pork (up to 1 kg), cut into pieces 4-5 cm in size. Peel several small onions, cut them into rings 5 ​​mm thick. Place everything in a deep bowl, add the marinade, mix thoroughly, cover with a plate of smaller diameter than the dish, and press down with pressure. Leave for at least 8 hours (in the refrigerator), or preferably for a day.

2. Turn on the oven and heat it to 250 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil. We string pieces of pork onto short skewers, alternating them with onion rings.

Place the kebabs on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Fry for 25-30 minutes.

* Cook's advice:
To ensure air humidity in the oven, place a metal bowl (or frying pan) with water on the bottom. The water will evaporate and increase the humidity inside the oven.

3. Every 5-10 minutes we look at the contents oven: turn the skewers, as we do on the grill or fire. Pour over the released juice, or water, or wine. It’s easier to do this on a baking sheet: by turning the skewers, we simultaneously dip the meat into the juice at the bottom of the pan. We try to prevent the meat pieces from burning and drying out.

4. If we tried, then the kebab in the oven, the recipe for which we analyzed in detail, will turn out with a beautiful golden brown crust, juicy and even smelling a little like a fire!

5. Remove the skewers with meat from the oven, place them on a serving dish lined with green lettuce, decorate with vegetables and serve to the table to the enthusiastic screams of your family!

Bon appetit!

Homemade kebab in the oven on skewers


  • Pork (neck) - 1 kg +
  • Bulb onions - 3-4 medium sized heads+
  • Marinade - optional +
  • Bacon or smoked brisket— 200 g +


We offer you very original recipe kebab on skewers, which is baked in a glass jar! The meat in this version is very soft, flavorful and juicy!

1. Cut the pork (can be replaced with veal) into small pieces, onion peel and cut into rings. Put it all in a bowl and mix with the marinade. Press everything down with a press and put the bowl in the refrigerator for several hours (min. 6-8 hours).

2. Cut the aromatic bacon into 1 cm thick slices. We string the marinated meat pieces onto wooden skewers, and place slices of bacon and onion rings between them.

3. Take two three-liter jars. The jars must be perfectly dry (otherwise they may crack). We place skewers with products strung on them into jars (vertically). Each jar holds 4-6 skewers. Cover the jars with foil and place in a cold oven. Bake at an oven temperature of 180 degrees for about one and a half hours.

4. At the end of baking, turn off the heat, but do not open the oven - the jars may crack due to a sharp temperature change. Let's wait 20 minutes, cultivating patience!

5. Remove homemade kebabs from the oven and jars. The aroma is so hard to stand on your feet! Rather, put it on plates and enjoy the juicy and incredibly tasty meat - with a crust on the outside and very soft on the inside! Bon appetit!

Shish kebab in the oven! Do you think it’s impossible to make it tasty? Then you are wrong. The main thing is to know what kind of meat to use, how long to bake it and how to get a golden brown crust. You will find answers to all these questions in this review.
Recipe contents:

Shish kebab in the oven - a memory of the fun time spent in the summer fresh air. But in order not to torment yourself while waiting for warm days, you can cook shish kebab in the oven. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

How to cook pork on skewers in the oven - secrets and subtleties

Anything magically delicious meat dish must have 3 components: ingredients, cold cooking (cutting, kneading, marinating), hot cooking (heat treatment). Now let's talk in more detail about the intricacies of the ideal homemade kebab.
  • Preparing meat. Clean the films and veins of fresh meat, and pre-defrost frozen meat in the refrigerator. But it is preferable to use the first option.
  • Pickling. In order for the pork to acquire flavor and tenderness, it must be marinated. This will require at least 2 hours. But it’s better to wait longer - 8-10 hours. We'll talk about the types of marinades below.
  • Skewers. It is more convenient to use specially designed metal skewers, since they are guaranteed not to burn during the cooking process. But you can also use wooden skewers. Then soak them in cold water for half an hour in advance. This method will help protect them from burning.
  • Barbecue smoke and aroma. To get a real barbecue smell, like from a barbecue, you can use liquid smoke. Its quantity should be as follows: 2 tsp. for 2 kg of meat. But you need to experiment with it carefully. It is preferable to refrain from using it if food is being prepared for children.
  • Foil. If you are worried that the pork will be tough, then wrap it in foil. You need to wrap each piece separately, and remove the foil preferably 10 minutes before cooking.
  • Oven temperature. The ideal temperature for fatty pork is a maximum of 250°C. High heat on the surface of the pieces will instantly create a crust. Then the liquid will not be able to evaporate from them.
You need to marinate meat correctly; choosing the right products is already half the battle. There are many options for marinating meat. For example, use vinegar lemon juice, wine, beer, sparkling water, kefir, sour cream, onion juice, mayonnaise. You can also use mixes or bake dry, by releasing its own juice. To do this, the meat is salted, peppered and pressed firmly with your hands while kneading. But which marinade is better and tastier is up to the chef to decide.

In addition, not a single marinade is complete without spices. You can buy a special spice “for pork”, or you can choose a bouquet of spices yourself. The best spices for the base of marinating pork include khmeli-suneli, crushed Bay leaf, curry, ground black pepper, garlic, onions, soy sauce, honey, mustard.

Juicy and roasted meat skewered on wooden sticks, in a classic mayonnaise-vinegar sauce, will not leave anyone indifferent. This is a great idea to add variety to both your everyday and holiday table.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 268 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 4
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes for cooking, 30 minutes for baking, 3-4 hours for marinating


  • Pork (neck or ham) - 1 kg
  • Vinegar essence - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Onion - 1-2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp.
  • Basil - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Wash the pork and pat dry paper napkin. Cut into large pieces and place in a deep container.
  2. Add peeled, washed and chopped onions there.
  3. For flavor, add your favorite spices and herbs.
  4. Pour vinegar and mayonnaise into a bowl and mix vigorously with your hands.
  5. Leave the pork to marinate for 3-4 hours. However, it will already be perfect in an hour. Thanks to acetic acid the pork will become tastier and softer, and ready kebab will acquire a characteristic sourness.
  6. Thread the marinated pork onto wooden sticks, alternating meat with onions, and place on a baking sheet that has been previously covered with parchment.
  7. Heat the oven to 250°C and bake the kebab for 25-30 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to turn it periodically so that the pork is evenly baked.

Shish kebab in mustard marinade will look great on any festive table. This is a great solution for any special event. The dish will always surprise and delight guests.


  • Pork neck - 700 g
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Grainy mustard - 1 tbsp.
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Wash the pork and cut into square pieces about 4 cm in size.
  2. Peel the onions, wash and cut into rings.
  3. In a bowl, combine vegetable oil, mustard, pepper and salt.
  4. Add meat and onions to the marinade and mix thoroughly. Leave to marinate for 2 hours, but you can leave it overnight.
  5. After a certain time, place pork pieces with onion rings on soaked skewers, alternating, and place them on a baking sheet.
  6. Send the kebab to bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20 minutes until golden brown.

If there is no oven at home, housewives can pamper their men with kebab cooked in a frying pan. This dish turns out no less tasty than baked in the oven.


  • Pork - 500 g
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Rosemary - 1 tsp.
  • Ground pepper - a pinch
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Cut the washed and dried pork into pieces slightly smaller than for a classic kebab, about 2.5 cm.
  2. Chop the peeled onion into thin half rings.
  3. Combine rosemary, ground pepper and salt. Stir and pour in lemon juice.
  4. Pour the marinade over the meat, add the onion, stir and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  5. After this time, pull the pork onto skewers, alternating with onions.
  6. Heat the grill pan well and lay out the meat to fry.
  7. Over medium heat, bring it until golden brown, then turn it over. reverse side and cook until golden brown. It should cook for about 5-6 minutes on each side.

If you bought a lean piece of pork and are worried that the kebab will turn out dry, then wrap it in bacon. It will give the meat juiciness, aroma, tenderness, and taste.


  • Pork - 800 g
  • Bacon - 250 g
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce - 70 ml
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Salt - to taste
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Wash the pork, dry it and cut it into 4 cm slices.
  2. Cut the bacon into thin long strips. It is more convenient to do this if you first keep it in the freezer for about 20 minutes.
  3. Mix soy sauce, honey and mustard. Add ground black pepper and salt.
  4. Place the pork in the marinade, stir and leave for 2 hours.

If you live in a private house or have warm dacha, then you can cook barbecue at any time. But residents of city apartments have the opportunity to fry meat on coals only during picnics. However, if a trip to nature is not possible, then you can fry the kebab in the oven on skewers. This dish turns out very tasty, juicy and aromatic.

  • 500 gr. chicken hearts;
  • 150 gr. onions;
  • 4 tablespoons of ketchup;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar (optional);
  • 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • spices and salt to taste.

If you purchased frozen chicken hearts, you must first defrost them. You need to defrost slowly, ideally, you need to remove the package from the freezer and leave it in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. During this time, the meat should thaw.

We clean the hearts, wash them and dry them. Place in a bowl. Cut the onion into half rings, salt it and mash it with your hands to release the juice. Mix with tomato sauce. If the sauce is sour, you can add sugar. Add spices to taste to the tomato-onion mixture.

For example, you can use garlic powder, dry aromatic herbs, and a mixture of pepper. Add vegetable oil and mix. Add the prepared marinade to the hearts and mix. Leave it at room temperature for 1 hour or in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Thread the hearts onto wooden skewers. Place the onions from the marinade in a mold or on a baking sheet, and place the prepared kebabs on top. Place the baking sheet in the oven, heated to 200 degrees.

After 15 minutes, check for readiness. Clear juice should flow out of the cut heart. If blood is released, then let the kebab cook in the oven for a few more minutes. But don't keep it for too long to avoid drying it out.

Original chicken kebab in batter

Baked in batter - an original and tasty dish.

  • 800 gr. chicken fillet;
  • 4 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 125 gr. wheat flour;
  • 0.25 glasses of milk;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Cut the chicken fillet into thin long pieces. Prepare the marinade by mixing balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, ground black pepper, pressed garlic and sunflower oil. Mix everything until smooth.

Read also: How to cook shish kebab in the oven at home: 12 juicy recipes

Pour the marinade over the chicken fillet and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Thread the fillet strips onto a skewer, threading the skewer lengthwise.

Prepare the batter. Mix raw chicken yolks with milk, add salt and pepper to taste, add flour, knead. Beat the whites until fluffy and gradually fold them into the dough. The mass turns out to be quite thick.

Roll each prepared semi-finished kebab product in flour, then dip it in batter. Place on a greased and parchment-lined baking sheet and bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Advice! If desired, skewers in batter can be deep-fried. After such frying, the kebabs should be placed on napkins to drain excess fat.

Shish kebab baked in a jar

You can cook shish kebab in the oven in a jar. The advantage of this method is that the juices in the meat are better preserved, and it is almost impossible to dry out the kebab. You can cook shish kebab from different meats in a jar, here is one of the options.

  • 1 kg of meat (preferably pork neck);
  • 150 ml light beer;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 3 onions;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings to taste.

Cut the meat into large-sized pieces Walnut. Mix the meat with the onion, which has been cut into circles. Season with spices to taste, do not add salt yet. Pour in the beer, cover the meat with an inverted flat plate and place a weight on top. Marinate for 2-4 hours.

We take the usual one glass jar with a capacity of 3 liters, it must be dry and clean. We will also need skewers of such length that they fit in the jar. Thread the meat onto skewers, mixed with onion rings.

Place the remaining onions in the bottom of the jar. If desired, you can pour 2-3 tablespoons into the jar " liquid smoke" Place the prepared skewers (4-6 pieces) into the jar. Cover the top of the jar tightly with foil. Place the jar in a cold oven. If you cook in two jars, then make sure that they do not touch each other and do not touch the walls of the oven.

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees and leave to cook for 1 hour. Then turn off the oven and let the jars cool slightly in the oven. After 20 minutes, take out the jar and remove the kebabs from it.

Chicken kebab with potatoes

Shish kebab can be cooked in the oven at the same time as a side dish, such as potatoes.

  • 1.5 kg chicken fillet (from thighs);
  • 4 onions;
  • 50 ml vinegar (9%);
  • 7 potatoes (large);
  • oil for greasing the baking sheet;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Cut the fillet into pieces and place in a bowl. Add salt, pepper and other seasonings to taste. Garlic powder, curry, and aromatic dry herbs are very suitable. Cut the onion thinly - into halves or quarters of rings. Mix with meat and add vinegar. Leave to marinate for 1-2 hours.

Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices. Cover a baking sheet with parchment or foil and grease it well with oil. Lay out the potato mugs. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, you can add a pinch of nutmeg or other spices.

Place a layer of onions from the marinade on the potatoes, and then distribute the skewers on which pieces of marinated chicken fillet are strung. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven (180-190 degrees), cook for about 30 minutes. We periodically look into the oven as soon as top part When the kebabs are browned, you need to turn them over. During the baking process, the potatoes are soaked in meat juice and turn out very tasty.

Cut a piece of pork into pieces the size of a walnut, chop the onion into half rings. Mix the meat with onions, add spices and aromatic dry herbs. Pour in vegetable oil and knead with your hands. Leave to marinate for 2 hours.

Preparing the vegetables. Cut young zucchini into circles, pepper into slices, tomatoes into slices. Sprinkle the vegetables with dry oregano and basil, pour over soy sauce.

Turn on the oven at 220-230 degrees. Place the marinated pork on skewers. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and grease it with oil. Place the skewers with kebabs and bake for 20 minutes. Then we place mugs of zucchini on top of the kebabs, and after five minutes we place skewers on which pieces of pepper and tomatoes are strung onto the zucchini. Bake for another 5-7 minutes. The dish is ready.

Dietary chicken shish kebab with zucchini

  • 1 kg chicken breast fillet;
  • 250 ml yogurt (low-fat);
  • 60 ml soy sauce;
  • 250 gr. vegetables (zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes);
  • spices to taste (you can use ready-made seasoning for chicken).

Recipes for shish kebab on skewers.

Shish kebab is considered a Caucasian dish, but in fact it is not. Initially, the first mentions of such food appeared during the times of nomads. To be more precise, the nomads of Asia who moved in entire tribes. Originally it was meat skewered on metal or wooden rods and roasted on a spit. Nowadays kebab has undergone a lot of changes; it is cooked on skewers and skewers.

Pork skewers on skewers: recipe

This dish is most often prepared for the holidays. IN winter time It is not always possible to cook a full-fledged barbecue on coals. You can use a conventional oven for this. The meat is not threaded onto skewers, but onto wooden skewers.


  • 200 ml tomato juice
  • 700 g pork neck
  • Spices
  • Skewers
  • 2 onions
  • Cut the pork into 5 cm thick pieces and place in a bowl
  • Fill everything tomato juice and add spices and salt
  • Enter the onion, cutting it into rings. Leave the meat to soak for 2 hours
  • Thread the pieces onto skewers. They should be pre-soaked in water.
  • Cut off the baking sleeve and place the kebabs in it. Tie the ends and bake for 30 minutes.
  • At the very end of cooking, cut the sleeve and let the meat brown

Chicken fillet skewers on skewers: recipe

Chicken fillet is quite dry, so it needs to be prepared in a special way. Initially, it is marinated and cooked with fattier meat or in its own juice. This will make the meat taste more tender and juicy. The recipe is ideal for those who watch their figure.


  • 500 g fillet
  • 50 ml soy sauce
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • Pepper mixture
  • Wash the chicken and cut off the membranes and fat. Cut into 4 cm pieces and place in a container
  • Pour sauce, butter into the meat, add salt and spices, stir
  • Cover the container with film and leave for 1 hour
  • Soak the skewers in water and let them sit
  • Thread the meat onto wooden skewers and place on the sides of the container. It is best if it is a bar-shaped bread pan.
  • Pour water into the bottom of the container and bake the kebabs for 25 minutes

Chicken breast skewers on skewers: recipe

A spicy and unusual dish. It cooks very quickly. Marinade with a sweet flavor.


  • 500 g breast
  • 50 ml soy sauce
  • 50 ml honey
  • 20 g mustard
  • Spices
  • Cut the breast into thin strips along the entire length of the fillet
  • After this, pour all the ingredients for the marinade onto the meat and leave for several hours.
  • Soak the skewers in water and thread the meat with a snake
  • Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown

Chicken heart skewers on skewers: recipe

This offal is quite fatty and appetizing. It makes excellent appetizers and kebabs.


  • 500 g hearts
  • 30 ml balsamic vinegar
  • 30 ml soy sauce
  • Spices
  • 30 ml liquid honey
  • Cut off the veins and tubes from the hearts and rinse
  • Place in a bowl and add all liquid ingredients
  • Pour 3 cm of water into the bottom of the baking tray and place a wire rack on top
  • Place the strung hearts on a grid and cook at 180 degrees for 25 minutes

Turkey skewers on skewers: recipe

Turkey fillet is quite dry, so it is very easy to dry it out in the oven. That is why the meat needs to be marinated for a long time.


  • 500 g turkey fillet from thigh
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 2 green onions
  • 50 cm ginger root
  • 30 ml balsamic vinegar
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • Cut the fillet into cubes and place in a bowl
  • In a blender, grind the seeded pepper, peeled ginger root and onion
  • Add vinegar and oil and turn on the machine for another 10 seconds, add salt
  • Transfer the paste mixture onto the meat and let marinate. Best left overnight
  • Place on grill pan and cook for 25 minutes

Beef skewers: recipe

Beef takes a long time to cook, so if you want the meat to be tender, marinate it overnight. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Beef skewers

Minced meat cutlet skewers on skewers: recipe

This dish came from the east and was originally prepared from fatty minced lamb, but we will cook from pork and beef.


  • 3 onions
  • 700 g minced meat
  • Spices
  • Bunch of parsley
  • 1 egg
  • 30 ml lemon juice
  • Add the egg and chopped herbs to the minced meat. Pour in lemon juice and onion puree
  • Salt, add your favorite spices and form oblong sausages around the skewers
  • Place foil on the grill and sausages on top. Bake for 30 minutes

Skewers of red fish, salmon or pink salmon on skewers: recipe

Good New Year's version which guests will appreciate. Very tasty and unusual dish


  • 400 g salmon
  • 2 small onions
  • 1 bell pepper
  • Lemon juice
  • Olive oil
  • Pepper
  • Cut the salmon fillet into small cubes, place onion rings and bell pepper on top
  • It is also cut into cubes. Add salt, pepper, oil and lemon juice to the food.
  • Leave to marinate for 2 hours. After this, place on skewers and bake in a pan with foil until browned on both sides.

Shrimp skewers: recipe

Prawns are usually chosen to prepare this dish. big size. It is worth purchasing king prawns first. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Shrimp skewers

Meatball skewers on skewers: recipe

Very unusual recipe. Guests will definitely like it.


  • 500 g minced meat
  • 1 onion
  • 500 g unleavened puff pastry
  • Greenery
  • Pepper
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • Oil
  • Grind the onion in a blender and add salt, pepper and chopped herbs.
  • Pour the entire spicy mixture into the minced meat and hit it on the table several times
  • Make small meatballs with a diameter of 4 cm
  • Roll out the dough and cut it into strips 4-5 cm wide
  • Prick a meatball onto a skewer, then snake the dough around the meat balls
  • As a result, on one skewer you will get 4 meatballs and a strip of dough
  • Bake on a greasy baking sheet for 25 minutes

Lula-kebab skewers on skewers: recipe

More details in the video.

VIDEO: Lula kebab on skewers

What side dish should I serve with meat on skewers?

There are a lot of side dish options. It all depends on your preferences.

Side dish options:

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Potatoes baked with lard
  • Grilled vegetables
  • For everyday porridge menu

How to beautifully decorate a dish with kebabs on skewers: photo

The dish itself, without decoration, looks very beautiful and appetizing. That is why a minimum of decor is welcome. These are mainly lettuce leaves and fresh vegetables. TO New Year's table This dish is often served on skewers decorated with New Year's tinsel. Kebabs for the holiday

Cooking kebabs in winter at home is quite simple. You don't need a convection oven or special equipment for this. All you need is a little imagination, an oven or a grill pan.

VIDEO: Kebabs on skewers