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» Wedding ring box: store and present rings beautifully. Making a spacious box for storing rings DIY wedding ring box

Wedding ring box: store and present rings beautifully. Making a spacious box for storing rings DIY wedding ring box

So, you wanted to organize the rings. I suggest taking the simplest route - making it into a suitable box. There are many options for inserts; I have even seen soft curlers laid in rows on the bottom of the box. But I decided to sew a version that I came up with one day after some thought. It required fabric (I took furniture flock from supplies) and holofiber (from an old pillow).

1. We measure the bottom of the box - width and height. We will need two parts. The first, bottom, is the size of the bottom with allowances on all sides. The second, top, is calculated based on the size of the box and the rollers that fit into it, which we will place along the long side. My box fit 6 rollers, approximately 2 cm wide. For each roller on the top part you need to take 5 cm of fabric. In total, the top part turned out to be 5 cm x 6 pcs. = 30 cm plus allowances on all sides. If the size of the fabric allows you, then you can cut out two parts together, then you will get not two seams, but one. But I didn’t have enough fabric, so two parts.

2. We make markings. Out of some whim, I drew both sides of each part.)) In fact, it is enough to draw the bottom part from the inside and the top from the front side. On the top part, using a washable or disappearing marker, we outline the dimensions along the edges, and between them we draw parallel lines every 5 cm. (You can also use a pencil - the seam will still be hidden deep in the fold between the rollers).

3. On the lower part along the long sides, we outline the dimensions of the bottom with a pencil and draw parallel lines every 2 cm (or a little more, see how it is more convenient to fit future rollers into the dimensions of your box).

4. We combine the allowances on one side along the drawn parallel lines and sew. After drawing out the fabric, it is advisable to trim the allowances on both parts to the same width along the cuts along the seams of the parts.

5. We combine the other two cuts and stitch them too. If you cut two pieces together, you only need to sew one seam to create a pipe.

6. We turn this pipe right side out and combine the first line drawn on the top with the first line on the wrong side of the “bottom”.

7. We pin across the line and lay a line.

8. Combine the second lines on the top and bottom parts.

9. We pin and stitch.

10. Then we combine the next one - and so on until the last line.

11. We get this accordion.

12. We sew on one side, placing the excess on the upper part in more or less equal folds. For some reason, I did not stitch much, although I left more allowances. You sew to the width of the allowance that you left - 2-3 cm.

Along the way, we convince the cat to free up the working space for stuffing the product with holofiber.)))

13. We fill each “tube” with . We don’t overdo it, we make the rollers quite soft so that even wide rings can be easily inserted between them. We try it on the box, specify the size of the structure and stitch it on the open side, also making folds.

14. And then we make a formal disgrace.))) We simply turn the sections to the bottom side and sew them tightly so that they do not turn away. If you really want it or the fabric is loose, you can overlay or process it with a zigzag seam. In the first liner, I tried to tuck everything inward and sew it up neatly, like “hidden”. I pricked all my fingers and it still turned out to be nonsense. There are probably some technologies to sew up this kind of product super-beautifully and mega-neatly. But I didn’t look for them. This time it was enough for me that everything on my face was more or less decent and that the rings were comfortable. I decided to ignore the rest.

Every woman has jewelry, and most of these jewelry are rings. Typically, rings are stored in special boxes, and the more rings, the more space these small-sized jewelry takes up. As a result, the ring storage box is thrown away, the rings are moved into various containers, lost and damaged. That’s why today I want to tell you how to make a ring storage box that allows you to save space and store your rings the way they should be.

We will need: a small rectangular box with a hinged lid (for cookies, sweets, etc.); fabric (preferably velvet).

If you have a bright and beautiful box, you can immediately begin decorating its interior. If the box is nondescript, you can cover it with fabric or use the decoupage technique.

We take a piece of fabric and fold it in several layers so that the width of our fabric is equal to the width of the box. Now we begin to fold the fabric into an accordion.

Let's open our box.

Squeeze the prepared fabric tightly.

Place the fabric on the bottom of the box.

The fabric should be laid in even, tight rows. If you have some space left, add another piece of fabric.
The simplest version of a ring box is ready! Making such a box is very simple, but this option has a small drawback - when you take out the rings, you can move the rows. There is another way - you can cut the fabric into equal pieces, equal in width to the width of the box. Now you need to roll these pieces of fabric into rolls, and then place them on the bottom of the box. All that remains is to place the rings between the rolls. This ring storage box will save space on your dressing table. Since all the rings will be in one place, you will always quickly and easily find the jewelry you need.

If you decide to give your wife or girlfriend a pleasant surprise in the form of jewelry, then you can’t do without beautiful gift wrapping. Making a ring box with your own hands is very easy, and in an original design. This will be doubly pleasant for your beloved, since there is not much to choose from in specialized stores - all models are almost the same. Creating gift wrapping yourself will not be a hassle and won’t take much time if you first study several master classes.

Beautiful DIY gift wrapping

In order to make a ring box, you will have to stock up on the following:

  • Medium density cardboard.
  • Super glue.
  • Corrugated paper or lace.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Regular knitting needle.
  • A little foam.
  • White satin fabric.
  • Fishing line with a small number of small beads.
  • Flowers made of decorative paper.
  • Satin ribbon.
  • Jewelry decoration.

Let's start creating a jewelry box:

  1. Using templates (pre-downloaded from the Internet), we draw the outlines of the future product on cardboard.
  2. Cut out the box parts along the contour.
  3. Using a knitting needle, mark fold lines on the cardboard and bend them carefully.
  4. The allowances on the parts must be glued to the inner walls of the future product.
  5. We decorate the lid and the box itself with corrugated paper.
  6. In a piece of foam rubber we make a slot for the ring.
  7. We decorate the foam rubber with satin fabric, carefully tucking its edges into the slot for the ring.
  8. We place the foam piece inside the holiday packaging.
  9. We decorate the product with beads, flowers and a satin ribbon.

Since the templates for the lid and bottom of the box are the same, they are made according to the same principle. This box can be made in 30 minutes if you have everything you need on hand.

Important! Be careful not to overdo the glue as it may bleed through the decorative paper and ruin your creation.

Making a box for storing jewelry

Sometimes it happens that there is absolutely no money for a good and truly useful gift. In such cases, it is recommended to use your imagination and make your own ring box as a gift. Any female representative will appreciate such a gift, since in most cases a favorite pair of earrings or a ring is lost. And such a product is just what you need!

In order to make such a box for storing jewelry and costume jewelry, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Medium sized shoe box.
  • A piece of bright cotton fabric.
  • Contrast fabric.
  • Stationery glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Thick cardboard.
  • Foam strips.

Let's start creating:

  1. We sew stripes from contrasting fabric for the side parts of the box (take into account seam allowances for folding inwards).
  2. Glue the fabric strips to the product.
  3. We sew the bottom of the box according to the size.
  4. Glue the fabric bottom to the outside of the box.
  5. We cut out the bottom for the box from a cardboard sheet and glue it inside.
  6. We cut out strips from cardboard and cover them with bright material.
  7. We glue them to the inside of the box, creating partitions.
  8. We fold the foam strips in a semicircle and place several pieces in each partition.

This way we get a bright and stylish box for storing jewelry.

Important! If you have various decorative elements in your arsenal - ribbons, small bows or beads, then feel free to use them. This way your product will look more original and impressive.

How to make the simplest jewelry gift box?

With the approach of such holidays as International Women's Day or Valentine's Day, the male part of the population is rushing around in search of an original gift. In most cases, the choice falls on jewelry, but despite their beauty, they also need festive packaging. If you are short on time and the souvenir shops have been closed for a long time, you will have to spend a few minutes creating a small gift box.

To get started, you will need:

  • Designer or regular cardboard.
  • Transparent superglue.
  • Sharp stationery knife.
  • Pen without paste.
  • Ruler.
  • Drawings (templates).

Let's start making the jewelry box:

  1. Attach the template to the cardboard and push it along the contour with a pen.
  2. Carefully cut out the cardboard pieces and form them into a box.
  3. Glue the cardboard parts together.
  4. Tie your masterpiece with twine or satin ribbon.

If you used plain white cardboard to create the product, you can decorate the holiday packaging with heart-shaped details (red or some other color) made using a hole punch.

Important! Press the contour lines along the cardboard slowly, otherwise the box will end up not at all attractive and neat.

In order for you to end up with a gorgeous holiday box, you should consider a few tips that will help you in the creative process.

One of the most touching moments of a wedding ceremony is the exchange of wedding rings. In most cases, jewelry lies on special pads. However, recently there has been a fashion to present newlyweds with rings in beautiful boxes.

A ring box for a wedding can be made of glass, wood, decorated with enamel, rhinestones. The use of such an elegant item at a wedding will be the highlight of a wedding photo shoot. Or you can make the box yourself and get an exclusive wedding accessory.

A wedding celebration will become a truly unique and inimitable event if you strictly adhere to a single concept of the holiday. And it, as a rule, consists of many small but very important details. These are the details that include a box for wedding rings, which can highlight the original style of the wedding, as in the photo.

Wooden boxes are ideal for the following wedding themes:

  • "vintage";
  • "Provence";
  • "boho";
  • "country";
  • "eco".

The decor of the box can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that there are elements that resonate with the main theme of the holiday. For example, a wooden box looks great, the inner surface of which is lined with velvet or elegant lace. A great idea would be to engrave the initials of the young couple and the date of the celebration on the lid of the box.

For weddings in the “vintage” or “Provence” style, the best option would be to choose a wedding accessory in the form of an old chest, inlaid with enamel or just a little worn from time to time.

The concept of a wedding on the theme of “boho” and “country” is wonderfully emphasized by both carved boxes and the simplest, rough-made wooden items. You can choose absolutely any shape of the box for wedding rings.

A wedding travel bag in the shape of a heart will look relevant, because it is primarily associated with romantic feelings, or a book, it will symbolize the common life story of a couple in love. Wedding boxes for engagement rings look like stylish and elegant boxes that will rightfully find their place in the home of a young family after the celebration.

They will decorate any interior and become a wonderful reminder of one of the happiest days in the life of loving spouses.


Glass boxes for rings at a wedding ceremony look unusual, but very elegant. Instead of the usual satin pillow or porcelain saucer, the newlyweds will be presented with symbols of eternal love and fidelity in a glass box. The shape of this wedding accessory can be:

  • butterflies;
  • heart;
  • pearl shells;
  • crystal cube.

Golden rings lying in a glass florarium, among fresh greenery, moss, and delicate buds of amazing flowers look incredibly beautiful. The contents of the box are selected in accordance with the theme of the wedding. Such a cone can delight young spouses with its appearance for a long time; it will become a source of pride and, perhaps, even a family heirloom, because florariums are completely unpretentious in care.

For a wedding in eco, rustic, or shabby chic style, this marvelous accessory will clearly become the most striking detail of the festive event.

Satin and velvet

A miniature box made of velvet and satin is an integral part of a wedding ceremony in a classic style. The tradition of presenting wedding rings to a young couple at a wedding in just such a case is returning again: everything new is well forgotten old!

Naturally, the design of velvet boxes has undergone some changes over time:

  • The shape of the cases has become more diverse, starting from a classic box and ending with a flower basket:
  • Today it is customary to choose a case for wedding rings in either a pastel shade - it looks very gentle and elegant, or, on the contrary, an accessory in a brightly saturated color.

After the wedding, the elegant, stylish box can be used as a miniature box to store a precious ring, for example, a gift from your husband on your wedding anniversary.

It would be great if the initials of the spouses are on the lid of the case.

The case for wedding rings must be selected in accordance with the overall concept of the wedding celebration.

This approach to choosing a stylish accessory for exchanging rings will emphasize the style and status of an important event. You should definitely clarify who will present the wedding rings to the newlyweds. If this mission is entrusted to small children, then it is better to use boxes or velvet cases rather than satin pillows.

In the case when the wedding scenario requires a cushion for the rings, it is necessary to securely fix them on its surface. Otherwise, there is a risk that at the most crucial moment, decorations may slide off the smooth fabric onto the floor, ruining all the charm of the holiday. For a wedding planned in a classic style, a satin or velvet pillow decorated with lace is amazing.

For a nautical wedding, a wooden box painted white and blue with shell decoration would be an excellent option.

How to make a ring box with your own hands - master class

A box for wedding rings can be made by the newlyweds themselves. By calling on your imagination and putting in a little effort, the result will be an exclusive item that is so necessary for the wedding ceremony.

To construct the box you will need the following materials and tools:

  • thick cardboard (about two sheets of A-4 format);
  • PVA glue, moment (any kind you can find at home);
  • sharp scissors;
  • a piece of satin of the desired color and matching lace;
  • artificial flowers, beads for decoration:
  • paper with an unusual texture (for example, a piece of wallpaper of a suitable color);
  • ruler, pencil, eraser;
  • a small piece of foam rubber.

Having prepared everything you need, you can start creating a masterpiece:

  1. First of all, markings of the future case are made on a sheet of cardboard. The bottom of the box will be square, each side of which is 6 cm. The dimensions of the walls will be 4 cm, and 1.5 cm must be set aside for gluing allowances.
  2. The markings for the lid are done in the same way. Its dimensions will be 6.3 cm on each side, and its height will not exceed 2 cm.
  3. The resulting drawings are cut out, then folded along the lines, forming a box. Important! Allowances for gluing the product must necessarily “look” in the opposite direction.
  4. After this, all that remains is to first glue the base and then the lid of the box.
  5. The box is covered with satin fabric on all sides.
  6. The outside of the lid is also covered with satin. The inner surface is decorated with beautiful paper.
  7. Finally, they begin the main decoration of the box, placing bows, flowers, beads on the lid - everything that your imagination suggests.
  8. A piece of foam rubber of the required size, wrapped in satin, is placed inside the box. It is on it that the wedding rings will lie.

This video will teach you how to make your own wedding ring box:

Making a box for wedding rings is quite simple and quick. This option is suitable for a young couple who appreciates beautiful items in stylehandmadeand not exchanged for in-line products. What cases and boxes would you choose for your wedding ceremony? Share your tips.

A project for the soul, nothing less! Well, you must admit that there are few people willing to spend n-amount of time just to make your own ring box, which will be used very rarely, and maybe even only once in a lifetime. However, if you are one of those who, fired up by an idea, does everything to implement it and does not stop when faced with some difficulties, you will probably be interested in trying to repeat the proposed ideas for handmade ring boxes. Think in advance about the style of the jewelry that will be stored inside, take into account the temperament and tastes of the future owner of the box, pay attention to how close the proposed technique is to you, and then be sure to make it, and then opt for one of the DIY ring box workshops and create!

How to make a ring box with your own hands - 5 master classes:

1. Wooden ring box

Absolutely great idea! Eco-friendly, economical, ergonomic. Holding such a ring box in your hands is a special pleasure. Not only does it come with the realization that it is completely and completely “friendly” in relation to nature, but it is also incredibly warm, pleasant, and soulful.

2. Paper ring box

The box is completely opposite in content - simple, cheap, accessible. Made from regular colored paper, used once and thrown away, leaving no unnecessary waste in your living space. It’s a five-minute project, but it’s still a lot of fun, don’t even doubt it!

3. Origami ring box

The origami technique involves almost meditative creativity. Slowly, calmly, carefully and with pleasure, you can put together an excellent ring box that will look stylish and even expensive if you choose the right paper. If you are a lover of simple ideas, you will probably like this box.

4. Decor of a round ring box

And if you don’t want to make a box from scratch, but also don’t want to give ready-made banal things that you can buy at the nearest store around the corner, what should you do? The solution is simple: you can decorate the finished ring box with your own hands, choosing materials to your liking, choosing a color scheme, and giving preference to one or another design style.