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» The legend of Alexander Nevsky in abbreviation. Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. Battles with the Swedes and Germans

The legend of Alexander Nevsky in abbreviation. Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. Battles with the Swedes and Germans

Key words: Chemistry 8th grade. All formulas and definitions, symbols physical quantities, units of measurement, prefixes to designate units of measurement, relationships between units, chemical formulas, basic definitions, briefly, tables, diagrams.

1. Symbols, names and units of measurement
some physical quantities used in chemistry

Physical quantity Designation Unit
Time t With
Pressure p Pa, kPa
Quantity of substance ν mole
Mass of substance m kg, g
Mass fraction ω Dimensionless
Molar mass M kg/mol, g/mol
Molar volume Vn m 3 /mol, l/mol
Volume of substance V m 3, l
Volume fraction Dimensionless
Relative atomic mass A r Dimensionless
M r Dimensionless
Relative density of gas A to gas B D B (A) Dimensionless
Density of matter R kg/m 3, g/cm 3, g/ml
Avogadro's constant N A 1/mol
Absolute temperature T K (Kelvin)
Temperature in Celsius t °C (degrees Celsius)
Thermal effect of a chemical reaction Q kJ/mol

2. Relationships between units of physical quantities

3. Chemical formulas in 8th grade

4. Basic definitions in 8th grade

  • Atom- the smallest chemically indivisible particle of a substance.
  • Chemical element- a certain type of atom.
  • Molecule - smallest particle substances that preserve its composition and Chemical properties and consisting of atoms.
  • Simple substances- substances whose molecules consist of atoms of the same type.
  • Complex substances- substances whose molecules consist of atoms of different types.
  • Qualitative composition of the substance shows which atoms of elements it consists of.
  • Quantitative composition of the substance shows the number of atoms of each element in its composition.
  • Chemical formula- conventional recording of the qualitative and quantitative composition of a substance using chemical symbols and indices.
  • Atomic mass unit(amu) - a unit of measurement of atomic mass, equal to the mass of 1/12 of a carbon atom 12 C.
  • Mole- the amount of substance that contains the number of particles, equal to the number atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon 12 C.
  • Avogadro's constant (Na = 6*10 23 mol -1) - the number of particles contained in one mole.
  • Molar mass of a substance (M ) is the mass of a substance taken in an amount of 1 mole.
  • Relative atomic mass element A r - the ratio of the mass of an atom of a given element m 0 to 1/12 of the mass of a carbon atom 12 C.
  • Relative molecular weight substances M r - the ratio of the mass of a molecule of a given substance to 1/12 of the mass of a carbon atom 12 C. The relative molecular mass is equal to the sum of the relative atomic masses chemical elements forming a compound, taking into account the number of atoms of a given element.
  • Mass fraction chemical element ω(X) shows what part of the relative molecular mass of substance X is accounted for by a given element.

1. There are substances with molecular and non-molecular structure.
2. There are gaps between the molecules, the sizes of which depend on the state of aggregation of the substance and temperature.
3. Molecules are in continuous motion.
4. Molecules are made up of atoms.
6. Atoms are characterized by a certain mass and size.
During physical phenomena, molecules are preserved; during chemical phenomena, as a rule, they are destroyed. Atoms rearrange during chemical phenomena, forming molecules of new substances.

Each chemically pure substance of molecular structure, regardless of the method of preparation, has a constant qualitative and quantitative composition.

Valence is the property of an atom of a chemical element to add or replace a certain number atoms of another element.

A chemical reaction is a phenomenon as a result of which other substances are formed from one substance. Reagents are substances that enter into chemical reaction. Reaction products are substances formed as a result of a reaction.
Signs of chemical reactions:
1. Release of heat (light).
2. Change in color.
3. Odor appears.
4. Formation of sediment.
5. Gas release.

All students in the 8th grade study Chemistry. In different educational institutions Teachers choose books at their own discretion. But whatever book your teacher would choose, find it on our portal in the section Textbooks 8th grade Chemistry. Here you will find tutorials and didactic materials and problem books, that is, absolutely everything that can be useful to you throughout the school year.

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Chemistry workbook for 8th grade Gabrielyan is a set of ready-made homework assignments, including solved problems, calculated reaction equations, taken from teaching aid Gabrielyan O.S., who is classical basis studying chemistry in 8 grades of Russian secondary schools.

Chemistry book for grade 8 Gabrielyan O.S. 2013-2019

Problems and reaction equations in a chemistry course are difficult practical tasks that not all schoolchildren can complete the first time. Eighth-graders may experience particular difficulties in preparing homework: in the 8th grade, students are given a fairly large amount of homework, which does not allow them to waste a lot of time preparing each subject.

Our website offers schoolchildren GDZ in chemistry for the 8th grade Gabrielyan, which allows students to:

  1. do your homework well;
  2. understand the mechanisms of problem solving;
  3. consolidate theoretical material studied in class;
  4. prepare for tests and exams in the subject.

Based on ready-made answers and solutions, parents can check their children's progress in chemistry and help them with their homework.

Our resource has a set of significant advantages:

  • the required textbook can be easily found through the search bar;
  • by clicking on the problem number in the table, you can immediately go to the online answer;
  • the site is available not only on computers - it has an up-to-date version for tablets and phones.

We monitor the database of solvers for updates and strive to ensure that there are several online answers for one task.

Answers from the GDZ textbook on chemistry for grade 8 Gabrielyan

Currently, the curriculum for secondary schools in Russia is compiled on the basis of the textbook by Gabielyan O.S., published by the Drofa publishing house in 2013.

The textbook consists of an introductory part (6 paragraphs) and 5 main chapters that cover such important topics, How:

  1. Atomic structure and atomic compounds of chemical elements;
  2. Simple substances, their properties;
  3. Mixtures of substances and solutions;
  4. Ion exchange reactions;
  5. Redox processes.

The textbook includes two chemical workshops ( laboratory works). All sections of the textbook are supported by practical questions, tasks, and exercises that allow you to effectively master the theory of the subject.

Images of textbook covers are shown on the pages of this site solely as illustrative material (Article 1274, paragraph 1, part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

  • Chemistry 8th grade. Problem book Kuznetsova, Levkin Ventana-Count
  • Chemistry 8th grade. Federal State Educational Standard Rudzitis, Feldman Education
  • Control and testing work in chemistry 8th grade. Federal State Educational Standard Gabrielyan, Krasnova Bustard
  • Troegubova Vako
  • Testing and measuring materials (CMM) in chemistry, grade 8. Federal State Educational Standard Koroshchenko Exam


  • Chemistry workbook grade 8 Eremin, Drozdov Bustard
  • Gabrielyan, Sladkov Bustard
  • Notebook for assessing the quality of knowledge in chemistry, grade 8. Federal State Educational Standard Gabrielyan, Kuptsova Bustard
  • Workbook on chemistry 8th grade. Federal State Educational Standard Gabruseva Enlightenment
  • Exercise book for chemistry 8th grade. Federal State Educational Standard Gara Enlightenment
  • Exam notebook for chemistry 8th grade. Federal State Educational Standard Bobyleva, Biryulina Education
  • Workbook on chemistry 8th grade. Federal State Educational Standard Borovskikh. To the Rudzitis textbook Exam
  • Workbook on chemistry 8th grade. Federal State Educational Standard Mikityuk. To Gabrielyan's textbook Exam


Chemistry workbooks for 8th grade

  • Many parents are increasingly tormented by the question of how to help their children with homework in subjects such as chemistry and physics, since these sciences are complex and simply overwhelming for many students. To solve problems with homework, there are GDZ in chemistry for 8th grade. This is a real magic wand not only for students of any category, but also for parents who are concerned about their children’s learning.
  • Only those students who know well the specifics of this subject and the peculiarities of solving problems in a certain class can cope with homework problems in chemistry. Therefore, the help of a solver in such cases is a brilliant solution for parents. Thanks to the chemistry workbook, an 8th grade student will be able to not only copy from it ready-made tasks(since this does not lead to a serious understanding of the subject), but also to understand how to solve many intricate problems, remember the material that was studied in class, and, if necessary, refer to the textbook. The sequence of solutions to problems in the solution book is described in detail and clearly; even those who have forgotten a lot of the material studied can understand them. Therefore, the established opinion that such books are used only by those who do not want to study is erroneous; many students turn to solution books who consider it their duty to understand the material being studied.
  • Chemistry 8th grade - competent study of science from the basics

  • In eighth grade, students high school begin to get acquainted with a new discipline - the science of chemistry. Considering the high practical, applied significance that it has, the demand for knowledge for further choice profession, it is important from the very beginning to carefully and thoughtfully work with theoretical and practical material by subject. Not everything always works out well; many topics are quite complex. In this case, you should not immediately write down chemistry as one of the disciplines with which it “didn’t work out.” Competent approaches and complexes for its study, selection of high-quality literature and workbooks for it will allow you to overcome temporary difficulties and deal with the most complex issues.
  • But for this you need to work with GDZ not from time to time, but systematically. Not only in order to complete the task assigned at school, but also to analyze the problem in depth, at all levels, including those of increased complexity, to prepare for and participate in subject chemical Olympiads, school and held at other venues. For this to become a reality, you need:
    - develop a competent plan, program independent work. You can do this yourself or by contacting a teacher or tutor;
    - draw up a schedule for completing sections and topics, solving problems, and conducting practical work;
    - from time to time, monitor the results achieved and adjust the work plan based on the data from such analysis.
  • The main topics studied in 8th grade chemistry include:
    - what is chemistry, with the help of what methods and technologies is it studied;
    - what is a substance, chemical laws and formulas;
    - atoms;
    - simple substances and connections;
    - transformations, operations with substances, solutions;
    - equations and reactions.
  • In addition to the theoretical textbook on chemistry for grade 8, it is recommended to include workshops and test materials in the kit for high-quality study of the discipline. Among them:
    - workbook;
    - didactic materials;
    - notebook for practical work;
    - collections of practical and experimental problems;
    - notebooks for laboratory and experiments;
    - simulators and test work in the discipline.
  • By devoting even a little time to studying the problems posed by the discipline, but observing the principle of regularity, eighth-graders will be able to achieve high results in chemistry.

In the history of the Russian state one can find many greatest figures who left their mark and played a large role in its formation and development. Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky is one of them. The personality of this man, famous for centuries, still causes various disputes and contradictions among historians. Moreover, the very time in which he lived greatly contributed to this.

Life of Alexander Nevsky: summary

On May 13, 1221, a second child was born into the family of Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, who was named Alexander. According to some sources, the date of birth is May 30, 1220. Fate had in store for the young prince bright and decent life , forever inscribed in the history and memory of people.

The boy was deprived of his childhood early - already at the age of 9, he, together with his older brother, sat on the princely throne of Veliky Novgorod. And three years later, after the death of Fyodor Yaroslavovich, he remained sole ruler, since my father left after some time to sit at the head of Kyiv.

In 1239 he married the Polotsk princess, who gave him five children:

  • Basil (1245−1271);
  • Dmitry (1250−1294);
  • Andrew (1255−1304);
  • Daniel (1261-1303);
  • Evdokia.

Military campaigns and battles

By the time of the reign of the noble prince, a rather difficult political situation had developed in the primordially Russian lands. In the east, the Mongol horde was gaining power and destroying everything in its path. In the west, another threat arose - the crusading knights, who also set out to conquer new spaces with the blessing of the Pope. In addition, internecine wars between neighboring principalities for supreme power did not stop. All this had to adjust to the young prince of Novgorod.

Alexander Yaroslavovich took part in military campaigns from a very early age. At first he accompanied the priest, then on his own as a renowned commander. Famous battles:

  • July 15, 1240 - Battle of the Neva. It was thanks to her that the prince’s name went down in history with the name “Nevsky”. On the banks of the Neva River, the military leader, who was not yet 20 years old, stopped the invasion of the Swedes going to capture Pskov and Novgorod. But despite the brilliant victory and liberation from their enemies, the Novgorodians rebelled, and Alexander was forced to leave the city. However, a year later the city was captured by the Livonian Order, and the prince was again asked for help.
  • April 5, 1242 - Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipsi, where the Livonian army was completely defeated. This battle was very important - a final truce was concluded with the order and completely got rid of the danger of its invasion of Rus'.

Stories about these events can be found not only in “The Life of St. Alexander Nevsky”, but also in Western chronicles.

Prince's political activities

The years of Alexander Yaroslavovich's reign can be divided into several periods:

  • 1236−1240, 1241−1252, 1257−1259 - Prince of Novgorod;
  • 1249−1263 - Grand Duke of Kyiv;
  • 1252−1263 - Grand Duke of Vladimir.

During his reign, Alexander showed himself not only to be a brave warrior, but also a very bright and far-sighted politician. He realized that power could not be retained only through military action with Western colonialists. There was also an eastern threat. Here he was completely guided opposing views.

He repeatedly visited the Horde with peace negotiations, which resulted in the accession to the throne in Kyiv in 1249, and his brother, whose name was Andrei, in Vladimir. True, in 1252 he had to take the Vladimir throne after the abdication of the ruling prince.

Similar policies Alexander adhered to all the years that he spent in power. This raised many questions and rejection, since the majority did not understand and did not accept constant friendly visits to the Tatar-Mongols.

Nevertheless, it was precisely this line of behavior that was most effective for that time. Despite the obvious talent as a commander and a number of won battles, the priority for the prince was peace settlement conflicts. It was for these reasons that he paid friendly visits to the Horde khans and made concessions to their demands. And although tribute still had to be paid, this helped save Rus' from ruinous raids.

Death of Alexander Nevsky

The prince died at a fairly young age - at 42 years old. Having gone to the Horde to resolve another controversial issue, Alexander became seriously ill and, returning to his homeland, never recovered from his illness. Before his death, which occurred on November 14, 1263, he managed to take a monastic vow under the name Alexy. Initially, the grave was located in the Vladimir Nativity Monastery, where he was buried.

Personality assessment in history

Who this prince is was briefly discussed above. He left an indelible mark on national history thanks to their personal qualities and a character unusual for his contemporaries. This also became the reason for the ambiguous attitude towards his actions and actions in subsequent centuries.

There are three different positions from which Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky is viewed:

  1. Church, according to which the clergy unconditionally recognize and praise the saint as an outstanding representative of his time, who made a huge contribution to the revival, development and formation of the Russian state.
  2. Eurasian, which focuses on the unprecedented relationship of the Grand Duke with the Tatar-Mongol horde, which contributed to the fusion of two such dissimilar cultures.
  3. Critical, whose followers do not recognize the merits of the commander and see only negative sides his reign. Its occurrence is associated with various versions of the description of the life of the saint and conflicting information, which prompted historians to think about the distortion real facts and their exaggeration or understatement. According to followers of this version, it was Nevsky’s reign that became the impetus for further development and strengthening the despotic power of future overlords.

Canonization of a saint

During his reign, Alexander Nevsky was one of the patrons Orthodox Church. He never spared money on the construction and improvement of temples, decorating them with various utensils and literature. He also became the founder of the Orthodox diocese in the Muslim Horde.

The prince began to be revered as a saint immediately after his death by his contemporaries. In the Life there is evidence of a real miracle that occurred during the burial. Firstly, until the very moment of burial, the prince’s body did not undergo any changes. And, secondly, while the last parting words were being placed in his hand, he himself, as if alive, held it out and took the letter. This was regarded as a sign of the Lord’s veneration of his saint.

Later, a life of the pious prince was compiled, which was subjected to repeated revisions over the following centuries. In total there are about 20 versions of it.

The church officially canonized Alexander Nevsky in 1547 during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. At the same time, not only his human qualities were glorified, but also his military exploits in the name of his homeland.

All this time, the relics of the saint were at the place of his burial in the Vladimir monastery. And on the eve of the most significant and decisive battles, the commanders turned to them with prayer for help and protection in the future. At the same time, either the image of the saint himself appeared to them, or some miracle occurred, which was regarded as a sign of blessing and impending victory. All miracles were regularly recorded by chroniclers.

With the coming to power of Peter the Great, a new period began in the veneration of the saint. He considered himself the successor of the great military leader in the fight against the Western aggressor in the person of Sweden. And after a brilliant victory over the Swedes in 1723, he ordered the relics of the noble prince to be moved to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, specially built for this purpose by order of the tsar in the new capital. The procession was supposed to arrive at the place by the beginning of autumn, but due to various delays on the way, this did not happen until October 1 in Shlisselburg. It was decided to leave the relics in the local church for a year.

The body of the saint was moved to St. Petersburg on August 30, 1724. Peter the Great himself personally took part in the ceremony and managed the galley on which the remains were transported. It was this day that was established as the main day of remembrance of the saint.

Currently, the church celebrates the celebration of St. Alexander Nevsky several times a year:

  • 23.05 (05.06);
  • 30.08 (12.09);
  • 23.11 (06.12).

Currently, the icon of Alexander Nevsky is extremely popular among Orthodox believers and is treated with great reverence. In their prayers, the suffering turn to the saint with various requests for help, to give courage and to protect their Fatherland from enemies. This is the patron saint of all warriors; it is to him that mothers turn to when they are expecting their sons to leave the army.

The image of Nevsky in art

One of the interesting facts is that the original image captured on canvas during the life of the Grand Duke has not survived. His image was collected from various sources and descriptions of the 13th century, which was reflected in literature, fine arts and cinema. The most famous portrait of Nevsky was painted from the actor who played the role in the film of the same name by Sergei Eisenstein. It was also taken as a prototype for the order named after the famous commander.

In addition, streets and squares in many Russian cities were named in his honor, monuments were erected. Temples throughout the post-Soviet republics are dedicated to the blessed prince.

Despite such a contradictory characterization, the name of the saint rightfully took its place in the memory of descendants. And many have no doubt why it has survived centuries and become so famous.