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» Turpentine solution. Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home: indications and contraindications for use

Turpentine solution. Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home: indications and contraindications for use

Description and instructions: to " SKIPAR, mixed turpentine emulsion for baths 200ml"

Dosage form.



The emulsion contains: Gum turpentine, demineralized water, castor oil, salicylic acid, camphor, string extract, sage extract, chamomile extract.

Pharmachologic effect.

Mixed turpentine baths are obtained by mixing a yellow solution and a white emulsion. They have the advantages of both yellow and white baths, allowing capillary therapy to be adapted to the condition of each sick person. Mixed baths have an additional effect: they cause the release of various amino acids, including histamine, into the blood through opening capillaries. It is known that histamine injections and histamine ointment have a good effect. But when treated with mixed baths, the physiological formation of histamine occurs, controlled by autoregulatory mechanisms and accompanied by long-term analgesia (pain relief) of tissues. In addition to the analgesic effect, internal histamine, circulating in the newly opened capillaries of the skin, causes the expansion of still closed capillaries of the muscles and capillaries of the arteries of the extremities, penetrates into the arteries of various organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavities, into the head and spinal cord, into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). All this ultimately leads to the restoration of normal blood flow in the vessels, normal nutrition, oxidation and elimination (removal) of metabolites. Normal physiological and mental state is restored. The whole body is healed as a whole.


The use of turpentine baths allows you to relieve stress, relax, increase the tone and resistance of the body to diseases. White turpentine emulsion for baths (for preparing a white turpentine bath) Effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis), metabolic disorders (overweight), varicose veins of the lower extremities, tromblebitis.


Active forms of open pulmonary tuberculosis.

Psychosis in the acute period.

Severe heart failure.

Individual intolerance to turpentine baths or increased skin sensitivity to turpentine.

Method of administration and dose.

Shake the contents of the bottle (yellow solution or white emulsion or mixed emulsion).

Prepare the solution: stir the amount corresponding to the bath number in 3 liters of hot water at 50-60° C.

Fill the bathtub with 150-170 l of water desired temperature and add the prepared solution.

Thoroughly mix the prepared solution in the bath until completely dissolved in water. The amount of solution, water temperature and duration of the procedure are changed according to the schemes indicated in the tables for the use of each type of bath.

Special instructions.

You should know that white baths can only be used by people with low or normal (not higher than 140-150/90 mm Hg) arterial blood pressure. For people with higher levels, only yellow baths are recommended. If during the use of white baths arterial pressure becomes higher than normal, you must immediately switch to mixed.

To avoid irritation on sensitive areas of the skin, before taking a bath, it is recommended to lubricate the area of ​​the armpits, groin folds, perineum, and places of accidental scratches with Vaseline.

Strictly observe the temperature regime and dosage of the solution. Do not plunge your head into the bath. Avoid contact with eyes.

  • - Descriptions and photographs in product cards may differ from what is presented in the pharmacy. Please check information with operators before placing an order.
  • - This product cannot be exchanged or returned on the basis of Resolution 55 of January 19, 1998.

Ancient recipes are becoming increasingly popular in modern society. This also affected turpentine baths. They are used both independently and as part of complex therapy to improve the health of the body.

Turpentine baths come in several forms. One of them is yellow. The procedure got its name because of the color of the final solution. All baths have different effects and purposes, so you should consult your doctor before use.

What is turpentine?

This is the name of essential oil, which is obtained from pine resins, mainly from pine.

The drug is completely natural and of high quality remedy has been used for a long time.

Its second name is turpentine oil. A. S. Zalmanov suggested using it to create healing baths. He studied the properties of turpentine for a long time in order to develop his own healing technique.

Turpentine is effective not only when added to the bath. It is also applied to the body, but for more short term. It acts as a powerful stimulant of peripheral circulation. But using this product you can easily get burned. Therefore, from using it in pure form medicine is trying to move away.

The composition of the product used is important for treatment. It must contain a oleoresin solution. It includes additional active substances and herbs, but they may not constitute the bulk of the components. Technical turpentine is not suitable for therapy, as it is extracted using petroleum products.

The product should be stored in a dark place without access to moisture. Turpentine does not require a special temperature regime, but it is not recommended to heat or cool it excessively. It is important to ensure that the lid is closed tightly and volatile substances do not evaporate. It is necessary to put the medicine out of the reach of small children, as it has a pronounced irritating effect and can cause burns if used incorrectly.

Mechanism of action

To create a solution yellow color turpentine is used with the addition of useful fatty acids and castor oil. This gives the baths a characteristic color. The effect of the product on the skin triggers a chain of biochemical reactions in the body, which leads to the release of histamine and CO₂. The latter excites the receptors responsible for breathing, which increases its depth.

Histamine expands capillaries, accelerating blood circulation. This improves the delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues, which ensures their functioning. Improving metabolism allows you to achieve a weight loss effect, which is supported by the removal of excess water through the sweat glands. This relieves swelling and removes overweight and centimeters.

Improving microcirculation increases the level of nonspecific immunity. This is especially important during the period of colds. At the same time, turpentine removes toxins from the body, which worsen the patient’s well-being when they accumulate in the blood.

The description of the drug indicates its main properties. These include:

  • toning;
  • resorption of calcium deposits in the musculoskeletal system;
  • positive effect on muscle cells;
  • restoration of peripheral circulation;
  • increasing the elasticity of capillaries;
  • removal of excess chlorine and sodium ions from the body;
  • preventing blood stagnation;
  • increased nonspecific immunity;
  • removal of toxic decay products of organic substances;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • stimulation of skin regenerative function;
  • oxygen enrichment of tissues and organs;
  • slowing down aging.

Most effects are achieved by irritating the areas of skin to which the product is applied. But this is not the only way turpentine influences the human body. Getting into the blood, it affects it chemical composition, which triggers a series of biochemical reactions. As a result, not only does the capillary network expand, but also the respiratory center in the brain is stimulated, metabolic processes are accelerated, and the functioning of the endocrine system organs is improved.

Recovery occurs from within, due to which bad influence is practically excluded.

Indications for use

Yellowish solutions are prescribed in special cases. These include:

  • the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system (high blood pressure, tendency to form blood clots, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, obliterating endarteritis, neurocirculatory dystonia, Raynaud's disease);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, including rheumatoid, osteochondrosis, fractures and their consequences);
  • cholecystitis;
  • liver pathologies (cirrhosis, hepatitis of various etiologies);
  • diseases of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the bladder or urethra);
  • problems with the reproductive system in men (prostatitis) and women (inflammatory diseases of the cervix, adnexitis);
  • bronchitis;
  • diseases of the ENT organs (pharyngitis, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, otitis media);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • neurological disorders (sciatica, strokes and their consequences, neuritis, myelopathy, lumbodynia, polyneuropathy);
  • obesity;
  • exostoses;
  • myalgia;
  • ankylosis after injury;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • cellulite;
  • glaucoma.

The use of yellow baths is also possible for preventive purposes in case of frequent colds in a patient. They improve the body's overall resistance harmful effects environmental factors.

Method of performing the procedure

To correctly calculate the physiotherapeutic effect, it is important to take into account several parameters. These include:

  • amount of turpentine emulsion;
  • volume and temperature of the solvent (water);
  • duration of the procedure;
  • frequency of use;
  • number of sessions.

All indicators are selected individually by the doctor who prescribed physical therapy. But there are average numbers that are most often recommended. Thus, the bath is usually performed at a dilution of 1:10000 with a standard volume of water of 100 liters. From session to session, the concentration increases by 5 ml, so that the final dose will be 60 ml. This eliminates addiction to the action of turpentine and enhances the therapeutic effect.

Most often, baths are taken every other day so as not to overload the body.

The temperature of the water in the bath ranges from 40 to 42°C, depending on the condition of the patient and his disease. You should add boiling water as you get used to it and do not let the bath cool down. This can be monitored with a thermometer mounted on the wall or immersed in the solution from time to time.

The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes. After the exposure time has ended, you should carefully leave the bath, holding the edges, as it becomes very slippery. No rinsing is carried out. The patient immediately puts on a warm robe and lies down to rest for about 2 hours. This allows you to enhance the effect of the procedure.

Yellow baths with turpentine can be carried out at home according to the same rules as in medical institutions. But before starting the course, you should consult with a specialist about the dosage, duration and possible contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of turpentine

Despite the large number of beneficial properties, treatment with turpentine is not indicated for all patients. The list of contraindications includes:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • insufficiency of the cardiovascular system;
  • IHD, arrhythmia, hypertension;
  • heart attack and 6 months after it;
  • nephrosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy;
  • fever of unknown etiology;
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • the presence of acute inflammation;
  • dermatological diseases, including infectious (scabies);
  • individual reactions to substances in the drug;
  • mental disorders.

During treatment with turpentine baths, a slight increase in pain in the joint area may be observed. Cancellation of procedures is not carried out, as this is considered normal reaction body. But you should inform your doctor about the presence of pain.

Proper selection of the dosage and type of turpentine baths will allow you to avoid unwanted effects and achieve maximum effect. The price of these procedures is low, and it is difficult not to appreciate the benefits after completing the entire course of therapy.

Instructions for use:

Composition and release form

Skipar is available in the form of a yellow or white, as well as in mixed version, in bottles of 200, 500 and 1000 ml, and contains: demineralized water, gum turpentine, castor oil, camphor, salicylic acid, string extract, chamomile extract, sage extract.

Also in the form of a balm-cream in a 75 ml tube, which contains: demineralized water, soybean oil, horse chestnut extract, glycerin, lingonberry leaf extract, wormwood extract, birch leaf extract, horsetail extract, carbopol, PEG-400 oleate or sodium isopropyl , gum turpentine, propylparaben, methyl paraben, perfume additives.

Pharmacological action of Skipar

According to reviews, Skipar has a beneficial effect on skin of any type, cleanses it harmful substances, normalizes the moisture content of collagen, slows down the aging process. The effect is achieved by combining turpentine with an optimized combination of plant extracts.

Indications for use of Skipar

The drug Skipar is used for:

  • Treatment of the consequences of myocardial infarction;
  • For arteritis (if the pressure does not exceed 140 mm Hg);
  • Sciatica;
  • Treatment of fractures;
  • Rickets;
  • Osteomalacia (bone loss);
  • Anti-aging procedures;
  • Deforming rheumatism with osteoporosis.


  • Severe heart failure;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis in open form;
  • Mental illnesses during acute psychoses;
  • Individual intolerance to turpentine.

Skipar dosage and instructions for use

The drug Skipar is used externally only.

Skipar cream-balm - rub into the surface of the skin with massaging movements until completely absorbed. After use, do not overcool.

Skipar emulsion - before use, shake the contents of the bottle, then stir the amount of emulsion corresponding to the bath number in 3 liters of hot water.

Fill a bath with 150-170 liters of warm water and add the prepared solution. Thoroughly stir the solution in the bath until it is completely dissolved. The amount of emulsion for making the solution, water temperature and duration of procedures vary depending on the type of bath and are indicated in the application tables attached to Skipar. After taking a bath, it is recommended to wrap yourself in a towel without drying yourself until completely dry. The optimal interval between baths is 1 day. The entire course on average consists of 15-25 baths and is repeated 3-4 times a year.

special instructions

According to the instructions for Skipar, baths with white emulsion are indicated only for people with low or normal blood pressure. Those with high blood pressure are advised to take baths only with yellow emulsion. If, as a result of taking white baths, an increase in blood pressure is observed, you need to switch to the mixed yellow-white emulsion Skipar.

It is recommended, in order to avoid skin irritation in areas with sensitive skin, before immersing in the bath, lubricate the area of ​​the groin folds and perineum, armpits, areas with abrasions and scratches with Vaseline. You should avoid getting water with Skipar in your eyes; according to patient reviews, there were no complaints about problems when water with Skipar got into your ears, but it is better to avoid complete immersion in water.

To treat with turpentine baths you will need turpentine mixtures. Information on where and how to purchase high-quality turpentine mixtures can be found in the afterword. I do not recommend that you try to make them yourself, as this is a rather complex and unsafe process that requires certain knowledge, skills and experience. Homemade turpentine mixtures may be of poor quality, and this negatively affects the results of treatment with turpentine baths.
However, taking into account that not everyone can contact the specified address in St. Petersburg, I provide below the compositions and recipes for preparing turpentine mixtures at home.
White turpentine emulsion
To prepare about 1 liter of this emulsion, you need to take 550 ml of distilled water, 30 g of finely shaved baby soap, 3 g of salicylic acid, 20 ml of camphor alcohol, 500 ml of gum turpentine, made according to GOST 1571-82.
IN enamel pan pour distilled water and put on fire. When the water boils, add baby soap and salicylic acid. Boil for about 15 minutes over low heat until the soap is completely dissolved, stirring with a glass rod. Remove the pan from the heat, pour 500 ml of gum turpentine into it, stir everything well and pour in camphor alcohol. Pour the resulting emulsion into a dark glass container. The finished emulsion has the appearance of curdled milk. During storage, it sometimes separates into two or three layers; Therefore, it must be shaken well before use. The white emulsion should be stored in a dark place, at room temperature
Yellow turpentine solution
To prepare about 1 liter of yellow solution, 200 ml of castor oil is required; 150 ml oleic acid; 13.3 g of sodium hydroxide granules; 133 ml of distilled water and 500 ml of gum turpentine (GOST 1571-82).
Pour castor oil into an enamel pan and place in a water bath (in another, wider container with water). Water bath put on the fire and, while the water is boiling in it, prepare a solution of caustic soda. This must be done with great care, wearing rubber gloves, since caustic soda is an alkali. To do this, take a thin glass flask, pour distilled water into it and add caustic soda little by little, being sure to rotate the flask under running cold water (so that it does not burst from heating) until the caustic soda is completely dissolved. Then set the flask to cool completely. When the water in the water bath boils, reduce the heat and after 5-8 minutes from the start of boiling, pour the caustic soda solution into the castor oil and stir thoroughly with a glass rod. As soon as the oil and alkali thicken, mix everything well again and pour in the oleic acid, stirring with a glass rod. When the mixture becomes liquid like sunflower oil , stop heating, remove the pan from the water bath, pour in turpentine and stir well. The prepared yellow solution is transparent, has a yellowish color and resembles vegetable oil

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When using hydrotherapy procedures, a strict individual approach is required regarding the choice of water procedure, its temperature, duration and environmental conditions. Particular importance should be attached to the well-being and health status of the patient. V. B. Kaminsky, a famous Russian doctor, whom I would call one of the first naturopathic hydropaths in Russia, said this about hydrotherapy: “Nowhere is such precise individualization required, that is, such careful and conscious adjustment of the temperature of the water, the administration itself and the duration its effects on the strength of the patient and the degree of the disease, as in physiatry1 (1Hydrotherapy), which should be undertaken by a doctor with innate talent! would give such healing and brilliant results." The first hydropaths were the basis for the right choice The procedure itself and the technique of its application were taken into account the patient’s well-being before and during the procedure. Hydrotherapy should not irritate, bother or frighten a sick person. On the contrary, it should be pleasant and create a feeling of comfort.
At the beginning of the course of treatment for a chronic disease, it is advisable to take a series of hot, warm hydro procedures, and in the intervals between them and at the end of the entire course of treatment, take a set of cold hardening hydro procedures.
Speaking about the technique of using Zalmanov’s turpentine baths, it must be said that it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.
The results of treatment with turpentine baths directly depend on how accurately the technique of their application is followed. The author has been convinced of this more than once. Therefore, I advise all patients using these baths to strictly follow the technique of their use.
Best option The use of turpentine baths can be carried out, of course, with the help of a competent doctor or nurse. A trained medical specialist, doing bath after bath, can conduct the entire course of treatment at the patient’s home.
If you have no opportunity or desire to invite a competent physician, but you have a desire to take these baths yourself, then you can do it. To do this, you need to study the mechanism of action of Zalman baths, the technique of their use, indications and contraindications for them. You can do this using this book by studying the relevant chapters. If you want to treat yourself, I strongly recommend at least once a consultation with a naturopathic hydropath, who will help you identify indications and contraindications for turpentine baths, recommend doses of turpentine mixtures and a treatment regimen. You can also consult with a naturopathic doctor during your self-treatment course so that he can monitor your treatment and help correct mistakes. Very often, incorrect, illiterate application of one or another naturopathic treatment method does not give a positive result, or even leads to negative consequences, discrediting this method in the eyes of other patients. And a method that is worthy only of praise is overgrown with negative myths.
To treat with Zalmanov baths at home, you must have a bath, hot and cold water, a water thermometer with a 50-degree scale, a graduated beaker, a tonometer and a stethoscope to monitor blood pressure, a watch, a mirror to monitor perspiration on the face if you take baths without an assistant, as well as medicinal mixtures: yellow turpentine solution or white turpentine emulsion , and best of all, both. The type of turpentine mixture is selected by a specialist based on the diagnosis, blood pressure and general reaction body of a sick person. The frequency of baths depends on the diagnosis, the general condition of the patient, his age and reaction to this procedure. The dose of any mixture starts with a minimum (20 ml for an adult) and gradually, individually, increases to a certain maximum level, depending on the tolerability of turpentine baths and their effectiveness.
The body's reaction may also depend on weather conditions.
The entire treatment session can be divided into three stages.
The first stage - preparing the bath The surface of the container itself in which you are going to take turpentine bath
Fill the bath with warm water at 36 (± 1) °C to the initial level. The initial water level depends on your body volume. You must remember that after your body is completely immersed, the level of the aqueous solution will rise significantly, and you will need to add more during the procedure hot water. Therefore, choose the initial water level so that after your complete immersion the water does not reach the safety drain hole by about 7-10 cm. It is advisable that by the end of the bath the level of the treatment solution reaches the safety hole. This will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the medicinal turpentine solution.
The deeper a person’s body is immersed in Zalman’s solution, the greater the treatment effect.
While warm water is being filled into the bath, lower the water thermometer into it and control the water temperature so that it does not “run away” up or down from the 36 (± 1) degree mark. The water thermometer must be in the bath, in the water, all the time until the end of the procedure. Take a glass or plastic container to dilute the turpentine mixture in it. Measure with a beaker required quantity
mixture (dose), pour it into a container, then pour hot tap water into it to dilute the mixture, and stir well with a tablespoon. The volume of the container must be at least 0.5 liters so that the medicinal mixture can be mixed well. Pour the diluted mixture from the container into the bathtub. Pour it evenly over the entire surface of the water. Then use both hands to stir well until the mixture is evenly dissolved in the water. After stirring the mixture with your hands, lumps and oil stains may remain on the surface of the aqueous solution, which will completely dissolve with further addition of hot water and increasing the temperature of the solution. After preparing the turpentine bath, proceed to the second stage.
The second stage - taking a turpentine bath
Immediately after immersing yourself in the treatment solution, open the hot water tap and begin adding hot water. The stream of hot water should be such that the temperature of the turpentine solution increases gradually, by about 1 °C in 2 minutes. Relax and lie quietly in the solution, stirring it to ensure uniform temperature with movements of your body, arms and legs. Look at the thermometer and watch. Control the rate at which the temperature rises. When taking a white turpentine bath, the temperature of the solution is usually brought to 39 (± 1) °C. The white bath is warm in temperature.
When taking a yellow turpentine bath, which is hot, the temperature of the solution rises to 40.5°-42C. But during the first baths, I recommend raising the temperature only to 39-40 °C, so that the body has time to adapt to the increase in external temperature. The duration of Zalmanov's baths is on average from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the appearance of perspiration or sweat on the face, as well as on the general condition. taking a turpentine bath means that the body has reached the desired state, it has begun to actively cleanse itself, and the bath can be finished.
Sometimes perspiration or sweat remains almost invisible to the eye until the last minute. In such cases, their appearance can be determined simply by the palm of your hand (for this you need an assistant whose hands remain dry), and I recommend gradually lengthening the bath time, constantly monitoring the pulse rate and general condition.
After completing the procedure, you must carefully get up and leave the bath: turpentine baths are oily, the walls of the bath become slippery. After leaving the bath, cover your body with a robe or bath towel, but do not dry your skin. Lie down in bed and proceed to the third stage of the treatment session. The third stage - rest in bed Although this step does not take place in the bath itself, it is essential to getting the most out of your turpentine baths. You need to lie in bed for a long time (1~2 hours) and sweat thoroughly. To increase sweating, which begins in the bath, you need to cover yourself with very warm clothes, maybe even two or three. In addition, in bed it’s good to drink a glass of hot tea, preferably made from diaphoretic herbs1

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(1 For example, raspberry (fruit), linden (flowers), coltsfoot (leaves), oregano (herb).) or with honey, which will also strengthen and prolong the process of sweating, that is, removing toxins and cleansing masturbation.: from a barely noticeable tingling of the toes to a very strong burning sensation of the skin on many parts of the body. The skin reaction depends on the dose of the turpentine mixture and on the individual skin sensitivity of the patient. Excessive burning means an overdose of the turpentine mixture or an overdose of bath time. Then you need to either reduce the dose of the mixture or slightly shorten the duration of the bath. When treated with yellow and mixed baths, tingling and burning of the skin can also be observed, but to a lesser extent than when treated with white baths. In men, the burning sensation can be especially pronounced on the skin of the scrotum and penis, in women - on the skin at the entrance to the vagina. In such cases, I recommend lubricating the areas of greatest sensitivity with a thin layer of medical Vaseline before taking a bath. Under no circumstances should you lubricate any other areas with Vaseline, as some authors sometimes recommend. I repeat that the skin should have as much contact as possible with the medicinal solution and there is no need to lubricate it with anything or cover it with swimming trunks, panties, bras, or even nightgowns, as some patients do.
And in general, try not to make any changes or innovations to the Zalmanov bath technique, as they have been tested by the vast experience of Dr. Zalmanov himself and his few students-followers. Any modifications and innovations do not increase their therapeutic effect, but, on the contrary, decrease it. If you measure the temperature of the treatment solution with an alcohol thermometer, I recommend checking it from time to time with some mercury thermometer
, for example, with an ordinary medical thermometer. This is due to the fact that alcohol thermometers are less accurate than mercury thermometers, and their readings sometimes deviate slightly from the true value. In such cases, it is necessary to make an adjustment for deviation. Handle glass thermometers with care, remembering their fragility.
After taking a turpentine bath, drain the medicinal solution; do not use it more than once to save money. During the procedure, a variety of toxins, wastes, poisons, and metabolites are released from the body of a sick person. Such a solution will no longer be able to bring any benefit to you or another person. Vice versa. If another person lies in a used, contaminated solution, it is possible that some of the pathogenic substances may enter that person’s body through the skin.
In addition, water has a memory and can transmit some harmful information from a sick body. In general, you just need to follow the rules of hygiene. Hydropaths of past times believed that for correct selection
The treatment procedure should be based on an assessment of the patient’s well-being during the procedure itself.
It should not be painful for him, should not cause a feeling of discomfort, should not worry, frighten or irritate him.

Schemes for taking turpentine baths
There are different schemes for using white, yellow and mixed turpentine baths.

Below are those that are closest to the treatment regimens of Dr. Zalmanov (Tables 2, 3, 4).

table 2 White turpentine baths

Amount of white turpentine emulsion, ml


, °С

Bath duration, min

36°, after 5 minutes 38°

36°.5, after 5 minutes 38.5° 37°, after 5 minutes 39° 37°, after 5 minutes 39.5° Turpentine baths

- unique in its own way beneficial properties an invention that simply cannot be ignored. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the recipes for their preparation and the principle of operation.

Turpentine is a resin secreted by pine trees to heal damage to the bark. The second name - turpentine oil - turpentine received for the high content of terpenes that make up the base

essential oils

. The benefits of turpentine baths have been known since the beginning of the 20th century.

Our grandmothers used it to treat joints, bronchitis and many other diseases. They are famous for their healing effects, and are also recommended for caring for your body. Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov The healing properties of gum turpentine have been known for a long time. Its use in the form of baths was made possible by the discovery of doctor Abram Zalmanov at the beginning of the 20th century. He found a way to dissolve turpentine oil in water. The action of turpentine baths is aimed at almost all systems of the body, so they have wide range

applications - from treatment

Many people are frightened by the association of turpentine with the technical and construction fields. Don’t worry - technical turpentine and gum turpentine are completely different concepts.

A.S. Zalmanov invented a method for distilling gum turpentine with water vapor, thanks to which the emulsion became widespread in the hydrotherapy field. Zalmanov provided 2 types of liquid, which differ in their properties.

There are different schemes for using white, yellow and mixed turpentine baths.

White baths open the capillaries, allowing toxins and wastes to leave the body, which is extremely important for the normal functioning of vital important systems body.

Yellow turpentine baths

After the procedure, your temperature may rise slightly and you will begin to sweat profusely. The presence of castor oil compensates for the effect of turpentine, so you will not feel a burning sensation.

Mixed turpentine baths

Mixed baths come in two types:

  • Mixture of white emulsion and yellow solution
  • Alternating white and yellow baths

The dosage of such baths depends on your health, blood pressure level, and the goals you are pursuing. For example, if you have high blood pressure, increase the dosage of the yellow solution.

Important: When treating a disease, do not adjust the dosage yourself, so as not to aggravate the situation.

How to make turpentine baths?

  • Suitable room temperature is 25-30°C
  • Fill the bathtub halfway with water at 37°C
  • Pour the turpentine mixture (start with 20 ml per 200 liters of water, adding 5-10 ml for each procedure) into a container, add a little water and stir well
  • Pour diluted turpentine into the prepared bath, stir
  • Gradually add hot water. When using a white bath, bring the temperature to 37-38°C, when taking a yellow bath - to 40-42°C

How to take turpentine baths? Instructions

  • Divorce a small amount of emulsion in warm water and hold your hand in it for 10-15 minutes, then observe the reaction for 20-30 minutes. If you see redness or feel itching, refuse the procedure.
  • Before taking a bath, cover all sensitive parts of the body (you can apply Vaseline, for example)
  • Add hot water no earlier than after 3 minutes
  • The procedure time is 10-20 minutes. Start with 10, gradually increasing the time by 1-2 minutes with each dose

Important: If you feel an increasing burning sensation, stop taking the bath immediately! Next time, reduce the amount of turpentine or the procedure time.

  • Be careful - the bottom of the bathtub may be slippery
  • After completing the procedure, put on a robe and lie down for about an hour; there is no need to wash or dry your body after bathing. It is advisable to drink hot tea
  • To achieve results you will need 5-10 procedures

The benefits and harms of turpentine baths

Turpentine baths are widely known as a means of losing weight, but they also have many beneficial properties:

  • Improve metabolism
  • Normalize blood pressure
  • Breaks down and removes fats from the body
  • Cleanses from impurities and toxins
  • Restore and improve blood flow
  • Unclogs pores while being gentle on the skin
  • Improves emotional state

If the rules of use are followed, the amount of turpentine oil is correctly calculated and the time frame is observed, baths do not cause any harm.

Turpentine baths: indications and contraindications

Turpentine baths cover a wide range of medical and cosmetic problems. Doctors recommend this procedure for the following indications:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Lesions of the digestive system
  • Diseases of the circulatory system
  • Gynecological and urological problems
  • Endocrine system diseases
  • Joint diseases
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Although a turpentine bath is a universal therapeutic and cosmetic product, there are a number of contraindications:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Skin diseases with open skin lesions
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Intolerance to components or allergies
  • Alcohol intoxication

Homemade turpentine bath recipes

To take a turpentine bath, you will need to prepare a white emulsion or yellow solution yourself:

  • To prepare a white emulsion you will need: 0.5 l of purified (distilled or boiled) water, 30 g of baby soap, 3 g of salicylic acid, 0.5 l of oleoresin balsam and 20 ml of camphor alcohol
  • Boil water and add acid and grated soap to it, boil for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. After removing the pan, add camphor alcohol and oleoresin balsam
  • Shake well before use

Important: Use enamel dishes for cooking.

  • In order to make the solution you will need: 750 ml of oleoresin balsam, 40 g of caustic soda, 300 ml of castor oil, 250 ml of oleic acid.
    Boil castor oil in a water bath for 5-10 minutes
  • Dilute caustic soda with water and add to the pan. When the mixture thickens a little, pour in oleic acid (you can replace 350 ml olive oil) and stir
  • Stir until the contents of the pan become liquid (the consistency of butter). Then remove the pan and add turpentine

Turpentine baths for osteochondrosis

  • In the treatment of osteochondrosis, yellow baths are prescribed. Due to their property of removing salts from intervertebral discs and influencing phosphorus metabolism they practically help the restoration of cartilage tissue
  • Harmful substances are eliminated through sweat through the skin, and muscle relaxation provides a pain-relieving effect.
  • A.S. Zalmanov prescribed mixed baths for diseases of the spine, alternating 2 white and one yellow. To terminate pain syndrome take baths in a course of 15-20 procedures every day or alternate every other day

Important: Stop taking mixed baths if blood pressure rises above 150 mmHg.

Turpentine baths for joints

Turpentine baths improve metabolism in osteochondral and muscle tissues, which allows you to quickly restore the mobility of a damaged joint and relieve pain.

Turpentine baths for weight loss

  • Thanks to its healing and cleansing properties, turpentine baths actively promote weight loss and get rid of cellulite.
  • Do not overuse the procedures - more does not mean better. In addition, turpentine requires careful handling, because it is a rather active chemical element.
  • The optimal course for weight loss is 20-25 baths, alternating every other day. Then take a break for at least 2 months

Turpentine baths for varicose veins

Before using turpentine baths for varicose veins, be sure to consult your doctor. In the later stages of the disease, hot baths are contraindicated.

You can try rubbing with turpentine. Take 1 tsp. turpentine, 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 egg yolk. Mix the ingredients well. Rub daily for 3-4 months.

Turpentine foot bath

Turpentine baths can be used topically - for the feet or hands. The effect of such baths is similar to full-fledged ones, but is less pronounced. Remarkably helps with the appearance of heel spurs and varicose veins.

For your feet, use the yellow solution unless you suffer from high blood pressure.

Turpentine baths for colds

When you have a cold, take yellow baths, as they increase body temperature, which helps remove harmful substances from the body.

To treat colds, take a bath every day, the duration of the course is 3-6 days.

Turpentine baths for fibroids

The use of turpentine baths to treat fibroids is a controversial issue.

Important: For uterine fibroids large sizes(8 weeks or more) this procedure is contraindicated.

For smaller fibroids, do not raise the temperature above 36°C, otherwise you may cause complications. Alternate yellow and white baths every other day, the general course is 10-15 days.

Dry turpentine bath

Dry turpentine baths are used to rub the problem areas targeted for treatment. You can use them in between Zalmanov baths or as independent procedure. Ideal for traveling or on vacation.

You can buy a dry turpentine bath in pharmacies. It is very convenient: it leaves no residue and does not require rinsing.