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» How long to do morning exercises? How to do morning exercises correctly? Common mistakes when charging

How long to do morning exercises? How to do morning exercises correctly? Common mistakes when charging

Do you do morning exercises? No? In vain! Morning exercises are not only a quick and easy way to cheer up, but also an excellent opportunity to keep yourself in shape without additional special training. You don't need exotic exercises to exercise. The usual and long-familiar ones are quite enough.

The main thing is to do these simple exercises correctly, at the right time and in the right quantity.

Moreover, exercise can be a full-fledged system for training the body and your general physical culture, if you approach it seriously (I’ll tell you about this approach below).

In this post, I will share with you five useful exercises for morning exercises and explain how and in what volume to perform them to get a decent and really healthy exercise.

Morning exercises, set of exercises

To begin, take a few deep breaths in and out so that exercise does not cause an acute deficiency of oxygen in the body, which will lead to too strong a heartbeat (see).

1. Squats: 20-30 times.

2. Push-ups: 10-15 times. (If regular push-ups are difficult for you, do push-ups from your knees as described below).

3. Lying crunches: 15-20 times.

4. Bend forward: 15-20 times.

5. Bend to the sides 3-5 times in each direction with a delay of 2-3 seconds.

Below I will explain how to do each of these exercises and show them in a video. But first, I’ll explain the rules for doing morning exercises, which I myself have been using for many years.

How to do morning exercises?

In the morning we woke up 10 minutes earlier to give ourselves time to exercise. We went to the toilet and washed ourselves. Drank half a glass or a glass of clean water. After a couple of minutes you can start charging. During this time, you can ventilate the room and get dressed for class. Shorts (or lounge pants) and a T-shirt will do just fine. You can exercise barefoot.

We always start and end the exercise with a breathing exercise. Take 3-5 calm but deep breaths in and out.

Perform each strength exercise 10-20 times depending on your physical fitness. Perform one set of each exercise, then rest briefly and move on to the next exercise.

It is important that breathing becomes noticeably faster, but not too fast. For morning exercises, a moderate, without excessive, load is quite enough.

Morning work-out. A set of exercises.


Very useful for legs, buttocks, back. The legs are 40-50 cm wide. They are performed energetically, but without “plumping” down. They sat down smoothly and stood up energetically. When bending your legs, take a deep breath; when straightening, exhale. When bending your legs, your arms extend forward.

The option with arms raised up very effectively strengthens the back, improves posture, and helps fight back pain.

Push ups

Develops arms, abs, shoulder girdle, strengthens legs. Hands at a width of 80 cm or more. Body and legs are in line. When bending your arms, inhale; when extending, exhale.

For variety, I demonstrate a complicated version of push-ups with alternating leg raises. This is a very powerful tool for development.

If regular push-ups are difficult for you, do push-ups from your knees. The rules for performing and breathing are the same.


This is an exercise for the abdominal muscles. Perfectly tightens the stomach and leads to the appearance of “cubes”. Performed while lying on a mat. Looking at the ceiling. We don’t pull our heads with our hands. We twist the body so that the distance between the lower ribs and the pubic bone changes.

When twisting (lifting the body), we exhale, when moving backwards, inhale.

Forward bends

This is a great flexibility exercise. The legs are 10-15 cm wide. The lower back is arched and fixed. When leaning forward, it should remain in this fixed position. Do not round up under any circumstances!

The legs are slightly bent at the knees and fixed. When bending over, inhale; when extending, exhale. Avoid getting too sore in the back of your thighs and behind your knees. They should be moderate and pleasant. Don't force the exercise. Be careful. Excessive effort can lead to knee and lower back problems.

Side bends

Exercise to improve flexibility. Great for strengthening your back.

The legs are 10-15 cm wide or slightly wider. Raise one arm up and, continuing the movement, reach for it with your whole body, bending to the side. Hold the bend. Then smoothly return to a standing position and bend to the other side.

“As the morning begins, so will the whole day pass” - everyone has known about this folk wisdom since childhood.

Morning exercise is the best way to wake up and invigorate.

People who exercise every morning feel alert and energetic throughout the day. Morning exercise should not take you much time, as it is designed to wake up the body and get your body into working condition.

By doing morning exercises every day for 10-15 minutes for a month, you can lose a couple of kilograms of excess weight. Weight loss occurs due to the acceleration of metabolism.

Where to start charging?

Doctors recommend waking up every morning not to the sound of an alarm clock, since such a sound puts the body into a state of stress. They say that you need to get out of sleep only naturally, when, after getting enough sleep, you open your eyes without external irritants.

But the modern world forces humanity to get up early and go to bed late. Try to wake up to the sound of your alarm clock, smile and mentally tell yourself that a wonderful day awaits you ahead. Stretch thoroughly to feel each muscle.

Morning exercises should be aimed at stretching, no strength loads.

The set of exercises given in this article is a complete morning exercise. And strength “male” exercises should not be performed when waking up in the morning, because this can lead to severe stress on the heart.

There are two stages of morning exercises

The first stage includes exercises that are performed right in bed:

The second stage includes physical activity that is performed after you get out of bed.

If the weather is nice and warm outside, the second stage can be done outdoors.

These exercises of the second stage of charging can be performed by men, women and children. You just need to control the load level - gradually increase the load every day.

These exercises are enough to tone your body and prepare you for the day ahead.

The warm-up can be completed with water procedures. If there is no opportunity and time for this, then limit yourself to simple rubdowns.

Morning water treatments

After finishing your morning exercises and feeling a surge of strength, drink a glass of purified water without gas. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps wake up your stomach and speed up your metabolism.

Then we go to the bathroom to harden the body. Perform a contrast shower. If you are not yet ready for such “entertainment”, do a rubdown - wet a terry towel with cold water and wipe your entire body with it.

Do not wet your hair while showering

  • boosts immunity;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps get rid of cellulite.

How to take a contrast shower correctly?

First, prepare yourself for this procedure, prepare a hard terry towel so that after a shower you can rub well and improve blood circulation.

From the first seconds the water should be comfortable and warm, then increase the water temperature. The main thing is not to get scalded. Make sure that there is no tension in the body; the body should be relaxed.

Experts say that in order for a good morning to be not only good, but also healthy, you need to do morning exercises. And with the folk wisdom that how the morning begins, the whole day will be like that, there’s no point in arguing. Not many of us are used to working out after sleep, but let's see what morning physical activity can give us.

What will morning exercises give us?

A few effective exercises in the morning will not take much time, but will bring a lot of benefits. Develop a healthy habit and you will undoubtedly receive:

Even very small loads will help the body wake up. The cardiovascular system will begin to zealously pump blood throughout the body and distribute oxygen to every cell. And this increases energy levels and gives strength. In just 10-15 minutes you will be ready to “move mountains.”

Great mood

Morning exercises do not involve heavy loads; they are easy and enjoyable exercises. And since this is pleasant, the brain will not keep itself waiting and will give the command to produce endorphins - the hormones of happiness and joy. After all, it’s great to start a new day in a good mood, all adversity will fade into the background, and you can set off to conquer the world with a smile on your face.

Losing excess weight

By forcing all organs to work, you will start the digestion processes and speed up your metabolism with the help of exercises. In addition, moderate and regular exercise helps burn excess fat, strengthens muscles and keeps the body toned.

Willpower training

Getting up a little earlier in the morning turns out to be quite a challenge for many. By forcing yourself to tear yourself away from a soft and warm bed and start exercising, you develop a useful habit, train and strengthen the willpower with which you will not need to think.

Strengthens immunity

Thanks to morning exercises, the body receives enough oxygen, energy and health for the whole day. Even without taking into account the research of specialists, we can conclude that it strengthens the immune system and stimulates mental activity.

Rules for doing morning exercises

Morning exercises are aimed at stretching the muscles; there should be no strength exercises. Remember, it’s enough just to “start” the body, and heavy morning loads can negatively affect the functioning of the heart.

After waking up, give yourself 15-20 minutes to finally get rid of the power of Morpheus. Drink a glass of clean water with a few drops of lemon juice. It is wrong to jump out of bed and immediately begin active exercises. This will be stressful for the body. Take your time, stretch slightly, twist, tense your muscles, and only then get out of bed. Complete all the necessary morning procedures and get started.

10 ideas on how to motivate yourself to do morning exercises

Forcing yourself to do exercises regularly, and also to wake up earlier than usual to do so, is not an easy task. We offer several ideas that will help turn morning exercise into a pleasant habit.

1. Move your alarm clock. Usually the alarm clock is placed somewhere next to the bed, at the head of the bed, on the nightstand, etc. Place it far away from you, for example, at the other end of the room. You'll have to get out of bed to turn it off. This will make it easier for you to wake up and be able to do your exercises.

2. Find support from loved ones. Agree with your family that you will all do morning exercises together. This will not only invigorate everyone, but also bring them closer together, because a common goal will appear. If you live alone, then connect your friends to charge. Contact them by phone or online.

3. Record your goals. Every Sunday (or whatever day of the week you consider your reference day) make a plan for the next week. Clearly write down what time you will wake up every day and what exercises you should do. Later you can evaluate your successes or failures.

4. Make a motivating list of music tracks. Music is a great motivator. Set an invigorating, “igniting” composition to ring your alarm clock, and then turn on the player or music player and start exercising to your favorite tracks. They will give positive thoughts and help overcome fatigue.

5. Prepare a place for morning exercises in advance. You won't have to waste time finding and laying out a rug, bringing a chair, or gathering other necessary equipment if you do this the night before. In addition, this will serve as additional motivation to exercise, because yesterday you worked hard and prepared everything, you can’t just pass by.

6. Encourage yourself. If you managed to complete your weekly plan, be sure to reward yourself: get a manicure, watch an interesting movie, or go for a walk in your favorite park. Buy a new exercise t-shirt or something else for working out that will help you wake up more actively in the morning.

7. Tell the world about your plans and successes. Thanks to modern technology, this is easier than ever. Tell your friends on social networks that you are now determined to do exercises every morning. Report regularly on your achievements. Perhaps you will inspire someone else with your success.

8. Give yourself time. Getting up earlier in the morning than usual is difficult. And at first it will seem simply unbearable. But don't give up under any circumstances. Wait another week and you will feel that you are used to the new regime. You will begin to sleep better, wake up before the alarm rings and be full of strength and energy, and morning exercises will help you create an ideal daily routine.

9. Think about your breakfast. If you feel very hungry after sleep, then eat something small that can give you strength: some almonds or a banana. After exercising, eat a full breakfast and prepare something special as a reward for your efforts. But keep in mind that the food should be healthy and low-fat.

10. Tune yourself psychologically. You must clearly understand why you are doing morning exercises. If you want to lose weight, then place a photo in a prominent place with a model whose shape you strive for. If you want to be energetic and healthy, then make a list of what you can achieve if you start your day actively.

Morning exercise is a great habit, the effect of which you will see instantly.

We have prepared 10 effective exercises that will help you wake up and charge you with positive emotions for the whole day.

10 exercises for morning exercises

Exercise 1. Stretching

Start by stretching upward. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands in a lock, with your palms turned outward away from you. Slowly raise your arms above your head and begin to reach your whole body towards the ceiling. Keep your back and head straight, do not bend. Perform the exercise for 10-15 seconds 3-4 times.

Exercise 2. Steps in place

Human feet have many sensitive points that are responsible for the functioning of different organs. To give them a light massage, walk in place, alternately focusing on the heels, toes and sides of the foot. Perform the exercise for 30-50 seconds.

Exercise 3. Rolling from toes to heels

Stand up straight. Place your feet at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Inhale and stand on your toes, exhale and smoothly roll onto your heels. Repeat the exercise 20-25 times.

Exercise 4. Rotations

To warm up the body, it is best to perform rotational movements. Start with the head, then move to the hands, elbows, shoulders, feet, ankles and knees. For each body part, do 10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 5. Alternating bends and squats

A simple but effective exercise that will help you use many important muscles. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your waist. Slowly lean forward, then straighten your back and do one squat. Keep your back as straight as possible to avoid knee injuries. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

Exercise 6. Side bends

Take an upright position with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Raise your right hand up. Smoothly, without sudden movements, first lean to the left, then change your hand and lean to the right. Keep your back straight, lean clearly to the side. Repeat the exercise 15 times in each direction.

Exercise 7. Alternating leg pull-ups

Take a lying position. Straighten your arms up. Start with your right foot. Bend it at the knee and pull it towards you as much as possible, at the same time pull your bent left arm towards your knee. Then change your leg and arm. Repeat the exercise 15 times for each leg.

Exercise 8. “Kitty”

We stretch the abdominal muscle. To do this, stand on the mat with your knees, lean on your bent hands. Alternately bend and straighten your back muscles.

Exercise 9. Push-ups

There is a regular and lightweight version of push-ups. It differs only in the position of its legs. If you are well prepared, then do push-ups with your legs extended, resting on your toes; if it’s so hard, then lean on your knees. Do 15 push-ups.

Exercise 10. Stretching

Stand up, raise your hands up. As you exhale, rise onto your toes and smoothly stretch as high as possible. As you inhale, lower yourself completely onto your feet and relax your muscles. Repeat the exercises 5 times for 10 seconds.

Recover your breath, have breakfast and go conquer new heights!

Doing morning exercises is easy, we hope that thanks to our tips, tomorrow you will begin your path to a healthier lifestyle. Perhaps some of the exercises suggested above are not suitable for you for some reason. Then feel free to replace them with others, use them or consult with specialists. Share with us your successes or effective exercises that you do yourself. Have a productive day!

When we wake up, we are somewhat inhibited, because our body continues to be in a state of rest and sleep. It takes 2-3 hours to finally wake up. The process of washing helps to invigorate, allowing you to send impulses to the nerve centers. However, complete awakening is impossible without working the joints and muscles. This is what morning exercises are aimed at. Before we find out how to do exercises in the morning, let's figure out what its benefits are.

For physical training, you should visit the gym 3-4 times a week, giving a thorough load to your muscles. Morning training, in turn, should have a healing meaning. Exercise will bring maximum benefit if over time the exercises included in its complex improve and become more complex. It is recommended to do it in a ventilated area, wearing clothes that do not restrict movement. It is best to end it with a contrast shower.

The benefits of morning exercises are obvious: it will help overcome hypokinesia syndrome, which is expressed in irritability, bad mood, decreased vitality, increased drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue.

Difference from other types of loads

Don't turn exercise into a workout. She has other goals. Charging is called so because it has the goal of charging you with energy for the whole working day. The training is aimed at tensing the muscles by exhausting the body. After it, the body wants peace, since a lot of strength and energy have been spent. Without certain preparation, you can only bring harm to yourself.

Some people prefer to do a morning jog in combination with various strength exercises for the arms, abs and other muscle groups. Such exercises last longer than exercises: about 40-50 minutes. It would be incorrect to classify this type of load as charging. Exercise is a set of physical exercises designed to warm up muscles and joints.

Exercise can and should be combined with strength loads, but their quantity, duration and type are determined individually depending on physical fitness, free time and desire. When is it better to exercise in the morning or evening? The optimal time for strength training for the body is the afternoon, and for exercise - in the morning.

Charging rules

How to do morning exercises correctly? The body wakes up gradually and therefore any heavy load immediately after waking up causes the heart to abruptly switch to an active mode of operation, which is harmful to the heart muscle.

Some types of exercises can be done right in bed. But this includes warm-up exercises that do not carry any load. This will not be enough to make the day cheerful and active. Therefore, it is recommended to walk around, wash, drink at least a glass of water and then begin the main exercises.

Music for morning exercises is selected individually. If your complex includes intense exercises, you should choose music with a tempo of 140-170 beats per minute. Most modern songs have this tempo. If the exercise takes place in a calm rhythm, you should choose slower compositions. Choose rhythmic songs, as they help to properly organize movements and coordinate breathing with them.

The best morning exercise is the one after which you feel a surge of strength and vigor. The main mistake when charging is excessive load. The main idea of ​​exercise is to tone up the body. It does not have the goal of building muscle mass. The best way to determine the extent of the load is your own well-being: there should not be a feeling of tiredness or tiredness. If this happens, the load must be reduced.

Set of exercises

Exercises for morning exercises have various variations, but the main ones are the following.

Neck exercises

  • Turns the head right and left.
  • Tilt the head forward and backward, right and left.
  • Slow circular rotations of the head.

You should not close your eyes if you have problems with the vestibular system.

Hand exercises

Core Exercises

Leg exercises

Additional exercises

You can also add strength exercises to your morning exercise routine, such as:

  • abdominal exercises,
  • pushups,
  • rotation of a gymnastic hoop (hula hoop),
  • exercises with an expander,
  • exercises with light or medium weight dumbbells.

The effect of regular exercise

By performing the above exercises, you will improve the general condition of the body and help it quickly switch to a working state.

Exercise in the morning activates the work of our auditory, visual, vestibular and other devices, mobilizes the central nervous system to work, which eliminates the state of lethargy that occurs after sleep. Regular exercise leads to beneficial physical changes: improved blood circulation, proper functioning of the heart muscle, acceleration of venous blood flow. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs, the blood is saturated with oxygen, which leads to the activation of acid-reduction processes in the body, strengthening muscles and strengthening joints.

Perform a set of exercises daily for morning exercises, and you will prepare your body for the upcoming physical, mental and emotional stress of the working day. A properly composed set of exercises will lift your spirits and allow you to feel all the joys of an active lifestyle.

However, when choosing exercises, you must remember that exercise is not an ordinary workout.

Morning exercises are a warm-up before the working day. It helps the circulatory system adjust to daily activity and improves the supply of oxygen to muscles, brain, internal organs and tissues. After sleep, blood circulation throughout the body is reduced, the lungs are narrowed, and the nervous system is inhibited. You cannot give yourself a serious load, such as running or strength exercises, immediately after waking up - the body cannot cope with it, there is a high risk of injury or even disrupting the balance of various systems. But after morning exercises, you can either go to the gym or go to work.

Thus, the purpose of morning exercise is to gradually improve blood circulation throughout the body. This will speed up your metabolism. And even if you sit in the office all day after exercise, at least in the first half of the day your body will not accumulate calories, but burn them. That's what you need to lose weight!

When and how?

It is best, of course, to do exercises every day. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough, but if desired, you can increase the duration to half an hour. If you can’t do it every day, do it as often as you can, it will still be more useful than not doing anything at all.

You need to do exercises BEFORE breakfast. But you should definitely drink water before exercise, at least a glass. After all, you didn’t drink at least 8 hours of sleep, some amount of water was excreted in your urine and sweat. Once the fluid is gone, it means the blood has become thicker and increasing its circulation in such an “undiluted” form is overloading the heart. So, you need water, and if you are hungry, juice. Those who cannot live without coffee or tea can also drink these drinks. But a standard cup of coffee (50 ml) will not dilute the blood, so supplement it with another liquid.

Now let's look at the intensity of movements. Remember a simple rule: the colder the weather, the less active you should start. That is, if in the summer you can do exercises with a pulse of 90–100 beats per minute, and by the end of the workout you can raise the pulse to 110, then in the winter start with 85–90.

Subtleties of choice

It is necessary to start with low-intensity exercises and gradually increase the load. The difference from a full workout is that after exercise you should never feel tired. If this happens, then shorten your morning warm-up or make it slower. At the same time, morning exercises are not relaxation or stretching. During class, you should feel that your heart has begun to beat faster and your breathing has become faster. After morning exercises, you should definitely feel a feeling of lightness and cheerfulness. If, after charging, you are going to go to the gym or, for example, ride a bike, the charging should be longer and end at a higher heart rate than usual.

Another important point is breathing. Try to breathe as deeply as possible, not only with your full chest, but also with your stomach. This will open up the lungs that have collapsed overnight and increase the amount of oxygen entering the blood. In turn, increasing the amount of oxygen and improving blood circulation will speed up metabolism and increase the amount of fat burned during movement.


Now let's see what exercises are useful to include in morning exercises and how to perform them correctly.

It is best to start by stretching your arms up, turning your head, and twisting your arms to develop your joints. When you reach up and twist your head, do not throw it back under any circumstances (do not lower the back of your head onto your back). It is better to first bend your arms and legs slightly at the joints, without tension, and then begin to rotate them at a moderate pace.

Use complex exercises, that is, those that involve all the muscles of your body. For example, walking in place or around the yard. Don't forget to move your arms while doing it and don't slouch.

Great exercises to exercise are squats and lunges. You should not go down too low, so that the angle at the knee joint is straight or obtuse. Never bend your knees when doing squats.

Another complex exercise is push-ups. Few people can do push-ups on their toes, as they require decent physical fitness. Feel free to simplify this exercise. The easiest option is to do push-ups with your hands on the wall. The farther your legs are moved from the wall, the more difficult it is. Slightly higher load - knees on the floor, hands on a chair or sofa. Even more difficult - feet (toes, not knees) on the floor, hands on the sofa. Finally, the “female” version – knees and hands on the floor. When you can do 20 push-ups like this, lean on your hands and toes.

Exercises can be done with dumbbells and other weights. In this case, choose exercises that again use as many muscles as possible. That is, don’t just bend and straighten your arms, but do bends in different directions, squats, lift dumbbells from the floor, etc. with weights. But abdominal exercises (crunches, leg lifts) are not suitable for morning exercises - they involve too few muscles, they do not increase the flow of oxygen and blood circulation. It is better to leave them for the evening.

Finally, another option is to exercise with a device that, willy-nilly, involves the whole body. For example, a short bike ride, spinning a gymnastic hoop (hula hoop), stretching an expander, and so on.

In general, as you can see, morning exercises are very simple and at the same time very effective!