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» How many years do ostriches live? How many years does a beautiful and large ostrich bird live?

How many years do ostriches live? How many years does a beautiful and large ostrich bird live?

Despite the fact that this bird naturally runs through the desert and hot areas of Africa, Australia, and America, it very easily takes root in the temperate climate zone. Moreover, they can withstand harsh Russian winters, since their plumage can protect them from frosts of -20 degrees. Of course, they are not left outside during the winter and are kept in the poultry house, since their feet may freeze.

For an ostrich farm, you must choose a dry area that will be located far from flood waters. It is advisable that the site be located in a secluded, warm place, which will be sheltered from cold winds - this is the bird’s main enemy, since it can get sick in drafts. When it comes to sanitation, there are several mandatory requirements.

  1. The site must be located at a distance of at least 1 km from the manure storage facility, other farms, and also at a distance of 2 km from the place of processing of meat and poultry waste. This is due to the fact that one of the most painful types of pets is the ostrich; it is a bird that picks up any infection. In its native environment, in the shroud, in desert areas, the hot air kills most diseases, which is why they live so long. It is difficult to say how long ostriches live in our conditions, since it depends on the species, but at least 15 years ( Australian) and no more than 90 years ( African)
  2. There should be no ponds or other bodies of water on the territory; pets should drink water only from drinking bowls specially designated for this purpose. They do not like moisture and dirt at all.
  3. The soil should be loose, preferably clay-sand, possibly with the addition of shells. This is so that the bird does not get injured when running, is unable to gain high speed, and also does not pick out its inhabitants (worms, beetles, etc.) from the soil.

It is not recommended to make enclosures more than 50 meters in length, as there will be a risk of injury. If you don't limit the space, they accelerate to 80 km/h, and very often forget to brake and do it against a fence. It is best to divide a large area into several sections so that your pets can run around properly and safely.

In winter it should be kept in the poultry house. The usual one will do for this. dry room, not necessarily heated, the main thing is to make a dry, loose floor, on which to throw a lot of straw or hay. Under such conditions, the exotic “little animal” will easily survive the winter.

Is an ostrich a bird or an animal that eats everything?

There is a very common myth that Emu, Nandu and other breeds eat mainly meat, that is, they eat not only herbaceous plants, but also meat, like animals. In fact, this myth is just as wrong as the popular belief that ostriches bury their heads in the ground when startled.

This is the most common bird that simply lives in warmer climates. Its diet is not much different from that of ducks, except that there is only one difference - they really eat a lot. To feed one such “hut on legs”, you need to give it up to 3.5 kg of food per day. The large intestine is very long (9 meters), fiber and fats are successfully broken down in it, and water is absorbed. The cloaca consists of 3 chambers, which is why this bird is unique in its kind: they excrete feces and urine separately, like animals, and not like all the inhabitants of the house. The length of the entire intestinal tract is 18 meters; any greens, even very heavy foods, are perfectly digested in it.

The ostrich is a very voracious bird, it eats up to 2.5% of its weight in adulthood, and young animals eat 3.9-4.1% of its own weight. The only advantage is that it gains weight quickly, the feed does not go down the drain. In one year they grow 70% of their maximum weight. That is African an ostrich will gain 100-120 kg in 1 year, and Australian up to 50-70 kg. You can feed grains and herbs, millet, cake, fish, fruits, including apples, apricots, mulberries and pears. They eat vegetables: pumpkin, cucumbers, watermelons, beets (regular and sugar). You can give exactly the same feed as for pigs.

If you don’t know what an ostrich looks like when it’s eaten enough, look at its behavior. Hungry individuals can be aggressive; they approach the feeding area, become active, flap their wings, and make various sounds. If they have eaten a hearty meal, they stand half asleep on the side, they can sit down in the sun and doze off. You should not overfeed adults; you need to give them exactly as many vitamins and minerals as their body requires. Your attention daily norm for feeding:

Many people are afraid to start a business because they fear that they won’t be able to figure out ostrich breeding on their own. In fact, this process is not difficult at all; it is much simpler than breeding horses or geese. In order for everything to work out, you need to know a few important points, which we will describe below.

  1. Places for building nests must be immediately allocated, or better yet, done independently, since they can dig them out in very inconvenient places, for example, under the hedge itself, in stones and the like. It won’t be difficult for you to dig a small hole and throw hay in there.
  2. It is necessary to maintain feeding during laying, not to change portions or products. Any innovations can stop laying. It is advisable to get used to calcified food even before laying, since the shell of eggs removes almost all calcium from the body.
  3. Males and females must be kept in different rooms or pens, then mating, when you place them in the same area, will be much more productive and faster. If you keep them in the same territory, they begin to mate ahead of time, this process is delayed, and has an adverse effect on the laying of eggs - there are much fewer of them.
  4. During mating and laying eggs, the bird must not be frightened; it must be calm. It is also not recommended to go into their enclosure and irritate them. unpleasant sounds, actions. They are not aggressive, but can attack if their offspring are in danger.
  5. Females will reach sexual maturity in 2.5 years, males approximately in 3-3.5 years, but this depends not only on age, but also on weight and quality of feeding. If the body has enough of everything, they begin to mate much faster, perhaps even after 2 years.
  6. First, the female lays 20 eggs, fertilization is 65%, then this figure increases.
  7. The sexual potential of a male is often determined by the color of his beak and legs - the red color indicates his maturity, readiness for the sexual process, then he can mate.
  8. The ratio of males and females is almost equal to 1:1 or 1:2, if you already have some breeding experience and know how to correctly determine sexual maturity.
  9. To increase the period of laying eggs, they are taken from the nest, leaving 3-4 pieces, since if there are 15-20 of them, the female will immediately sit on the nest and stop laying eggs.

If you follow these recommendations and take into account all the features of reproduction, your business will become profitable, and your “pets” will bring a lot of pleasure from their breeding. And remember that the ostrich is an ordinary bird, which can also be raised on a Russian farm without fear.

Where can I sell an ostrich or what can I get from it?

Many people believe that profit can only be obtained from the sale of meat, but, in fact, it is the cheapest product. The skin from which leather products are made is most valued; it has excellent strength characteristics and satisfies the requirements of even the most demanding customers. One square meter the skins will cost at least $350, so the larger the bird, the more profit it will make.

It is very profitable to sell eggs, since one costs approximately 400-500 rubles, depending on its weight and the place where you will deliver it. They can be sold most profitably in restaurants, as well as in souvenirs. They are used to make lamps, room decoration elements, vases, and dishes.

The liver has a separate value. Its cost is at least 2,000 rubles per kilogram in a restaurant and is considered a delicacy. 1 individual produces up to 2-2.5 kg of liver, which is very profitable. If successfully implemented, you can get +5000 rubles from one ostrich.

Beak and nails are bought by pharmaceutical companies for production medicines against cardiovascular diseases. They are used to make expensive face masks, as well as skin lifting creams. Brisket fat is also used as an anti-aging cream.

Feathers are an equally expensive product; they produce high-quality pillows, linings for winter clothes, stuffing for blankets. They have hypoallergenic properties, retain heat well, and at the same time allow air to pass through. In such clothes, the body constantly breathes and feels comfortable.

Ostriches are amazing birds of our planet. According to zoological taxonomy, they are classified as running birds, also called flat-chested or ratite. They have a small head on a long neck, but their wings are underdeveloped and have no flight feathers. The article discusses their habitats, and also provides information about how much an ostrich weighs, how tall it is, and what speed it develops when running.

Although the ostrich is considered a bird, it cannot fly. Eat different kinds these birds, but they all live in warm climates such as Australia and Africa. These birds prefer savannas or semi-desert areas.


The largest birds on Earth are African ostriches. They are widespread throughout Africa. They live mainly in dry open areas with sandy, sometimes rocky soil. In order to grind food in the stomach, they swallow small pebbles that are found on the ground.

Ostriches are among the best runners. When running, their speed can reach 50 kilometers per hour. The stride length due to height is approximately 3 meters. Their wings are undeveloped, as they are flightless birds. They have 2 toes on their feet, which they can use as weapons. They lead a herd lifestyle, the number of individuals in a herd can be from 10 to 50. Males are 3 meters tall and weigh about 150 kilograms.

Emu (Australian)

Australian emus are the second largest birds living in the world after African ostriches. Their homeland is the shrubby and grassy areas of Northern and Southwestern Australia. The number of emus in Australia decreased sharply when people from Europe arrived in the country. This is due to shooting and hunting them. Therefore, since 1865, measures have been taken to conserve Emu.

Emus eat a variety of foods, most often depending on the time of year. In summer, birds eat grass, leaves, fruits, and in winter, various insects. Sometimes, out of curiosity, Emu can swallow keys, coins, and jar lids. They happily eat grain crops, so in some areas of Australia the state allows them to be shot.

The weight of an Emu can reach 150 kg, and its height is 150 cm. It has 3 toes on its feet. The feathers have matte brown shades. The head is located in the center of the back and neck, it may be a little darker, and the lower body, on the contrary, is lighter. Outwardly, it is impossible to distinguish a female from a male. To determine sex, you need to raise the tail, press down the cloaca and see if the genital organ appears. Females don't have this. Emus can run at speeds of up to 51 km/h. In addition, birds are excellent swimmers. The female lays up to 25 eggs in the nest, which are incubated by the male.

Gorayo (Somali)

Gorayo ostriches are native to Somalia. These birds are the largest subspecies of African ostriches. Some scientists distinguish Gorayo as a separate species, since studies of these birds revealed reproductive isolation from other species of ostriches.

An adult Gorayo is 2.5 m tall. Its weight can be from 105 to 175 kg. Males are always smaller and thinner than females. Distinctive features of the family are long eyelashes, big eyes, bare ears, flat straight beak and well-defined mouth. There are spurs on the wings, and under the beak there is a horny claw.

The plumage of females and males is different: the color of the feathers of males is gray with shades blue color on the neck, and in females it is brown.

The traditional food for Gorayo is various plants, however, not only herbs, but also fruits, leaves, tree branches and shrubs. However, such nutrition does not prevent birds from sometimes eating various rodents, insects and small animals. Gorayo agrees to eat whatever he can eat whole. It happens that he wanders into deserted places where he is unable to find anything edible. In such conditions, he can easily do without water or food for a couple of days.

Birds live in flocks with 5 females and 1 male. They can live with other animals, such as zebras. The inhabitants of the steppes are often close to them in order to notify each other of the onset of danger.

Since ostriches have good eyesight, height and a long neck, they are the first to see the enemy and run away. Other animals, observing such a reaction, try to escape on their own or run after them.

Up to a dozen chicks can appear in an ostrich nest at one time. It takes 50 days for a chick to emerge from an egg. During this period, the female and male periodically change while incubating the eggs. What is the weight of the chick at birth? He is born weighing more than 1 kg, but after 4 months the weight increases to 20 kg and his height increases significantly. In the second month of life, young ostrich chicks develop plumage on their body and head. Distinctive features of Gorayo: black and brown feathers, which are noticeable only a year after birth.

Useful facts

By eating locusts, ostriches can gain a lot of weight, which reduces their running speed. Asphodyl roots, in the absence of water, can serve as a thirst quencher for them. Ostriches can drink not only fresh water, but also salty, but they prefer fresh water.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 3 minutes


Ostriches are long-lived by bird standards. They can live 75 years, but this is ideal. You always need to pay attention to your environment. If we are considering an individual that lives in the wild, then ostriches do not live long, because the birds have many enemies, meeting with which can be fatal. In captivity, on farms, the life of an individual is longer. Individual situations are also considered here. How long do ostriches live? What determines their life expectancy?

In wild nature

The ostrich is a large bird. She cannot fly, but she runs very fast: she can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h. Moreover, the ostrich maintains the pace for several hours. Birds live in Africa. In the wild, they have mastered semi-deserts and savannas. The area is open with little vegetation. There are few corners where they could hide. They have a large number of enemies.

  • Adult birds are attacked by lions, cheetahs, and leopards. Predators are strong and fast, but they are afraid of ostriches because they know that they can give a worthy rebuff. As a rule, birds lose in the fight against large predators. There are known cases when kicks by ostriches led to death of the animals.
  • Small predators, such as hyenas and jackals, vultures and vultures, do not risk attacking adult birds. They destroy egg clutches. During the day, they are guarded by females who cover the nest with their body and cannot leave it, because her instinct tells her that the eggs may become hypothermic. The female protects the clutch without leaving her place. Unfortunately, many hens die in battles with predators. The male helps her save the nest from destruction, but he is not omnipotent.
  • In the wild, ostriches can live up to 30-50 years. Individuals that lead a solitary lifestyle die faster. They don't have to wait for outside help.
  • Birds rarely die from diseases.
  • Living in the wild, they do not develop infectious diseases. This happens for many reasons. Ostriches have good immunity. In the savannah and desert, infected animals that would be carriers of the pathogen are rarely found.

The main enemy of ostriches that live in the wild is humans. Poachers exterminate birds in entire herds, often consisting of 100 birds. IN Lately Foreign hunting tourism is progressing.

People have fun shooting birds from helicopters. Local authorities pass laws against poaching. Transporting ostrich feathers, down, and other raw materials across the border is prohibited.

Habitat in captivity

Living on farms, ostriches live as long as the owner allows them. If a bird is bred for meat, then it is used already at 1.5 years. By this age, an individual can reach 100 kg. Growth in young animals slows down after one and a half years. It may be unprofitable for an entrepreneur to feed livestock for a longer period of time.

Parental families are created from the largest and healthiest individuals. The family consists of 5-6 females and 1 male. Birds are kept to produce offspring. Puberty in an ostrich occurs at 4 years of age. The female has a long period of productivity, up to 30 years. The parent herd is protected from diseases, and a special diet is prescribed for individuals. After a decrease in productivity, the parent stock is renewed.

While on the farm, limited space, the herd is exposed to pathogens of infectious diseases. Ostriches are heat-loving birds. They cannot tolerate low temperatures. High humidity is contraindicated for them. Improper care poultry and infections reduce the life expectancy of ostriches.

Carriers can be other farm birds, domestic animals, and operators who care for livestock. It is difficult to determine how long an ostrich can live in captivity. Much depends on the epidemiological situation in the region.

If you choose the wrong area to organize an ostrich farm, high humidity, with low temperatures environment, the bird may experience rhinotracheitis, sinusitis, and eye diseases. The veterinarian prescribes antibiotic therapy. This sharply reduces the ostrich's immunity, and, of course, shortens life expectancy.

Many diseases lead to death in birds. Among them are bird flu, smallpox, and fungal gastritis. Young animals are vaccinated against some infections. The livestock is given antibiotics according to the schedule, and other preventive measures are carried out.

Ostriches require a lot of space. Birds are freedom-loving. In the wild, they have the entire African savannah at their disposal. In a cramped room or enclosure, birds experience stress, which affects the individual’s immune system.

Creation favorable conditions will prolong the life of the bird and bring profit to the entrepreneur. IN summer period the livestock is kept in open pens. The territory is chosen with a flat topography, illuminated by the sun. Groundwater should be no closer than 1 m to the ground surface.

For winter maintenance, insulated hangars are built with high ceilings. Be sure to think it through ventilation system and heating. Fresh air the bird needs it. Ammonia vapors will cause the development of inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. The bedding is made of deep soft hay. It is changed before the birds settle. The poultry houses maintain a temperature of 15 C. The optimal humidity is 50%. Operators must maintain personal hygiene.

Sometimes householders purchase several ostriches for decorative purposes. The birds are beautiful and attract attention. They will not be used for meat after a year and a half, and will not be culled just because the female’s productivity has decreased. They look after ostriches, clean them, sometimes trim their feathers, and do everything necessary for them to prolong their life. In such conditions, birds can live a long time, more than 75 years.

The African ostrich is a flightless bird, the only representative of its family. The name of the bird is translated from Greek as “camel sparrow”. Today they live not only in the wild, but also on farms. The answer to the question “how long do ostriches live” depends on where the birds live.

The African ostrich is the largest bird of all living on earth. His height is 2.7 meters and his weight is about 175 kilograms.

In the first year of life, birds grow actively. A chick that has just been born weighs a little more than a kilogram, and after 4 months its weight is 18–19 kilograms.

The ostrich's body is dense and its neck is long. The beak of these birds is flat and soft in structure. The bird's eyes are very large, with thick eyelashes located on the upper eyelid.

The body structure of ostriches is specific, which is explained by their inability to fly. Their pectoral muscles are practically undeveloped. The wings of birds are underdeveloped; they have two fingers with claws. The legs are strong, because the main way of movement is running. There are 2 toes on the feet, one of which ends in keratinization. It helps to maintain balance when moving.

The feathers of birds are not densely covered; they are distributed unevenly throughout the body. Some organs are not covered with feathers at all. The barbs in the feather are not connected, so they do not form dense plates.

The male is usually black, with white wings and tail. The female is smaller in size, is gray, and its wings and tail are off-white.

Lifestyle and nutrition

In the wild, the ostrich lives in savannas or semi-deserts. Birds usually live in small groups. They often graze and move across the plains along with the herbivores of that area. Due to their height and keen vision, they are the first to see danger and begin to run away from it with huge strides. A young chick, which has lived for only a month, is capable of reaching speeds of up to 50 km/h.

The main food for ostriches is plant matter: stems, seeds, fruits. However, occasionally they may feed on insects, leftover food from predators, reptiles or even rodents. In captivity, an ostrich consumes more than 3 kilograms of food every day. Birds do not have teeth, therefore, in order to fully digest food, they consume small solid particles that they find (for example, stones) along with food. Ostriches can live without water for quite a long time, since they only need liquid obtained from plants.

Ostrich eggs are often stolen by predators or scavenger birds. Vultures, for example, throw stones at eggs to make them break. Sometimes chicks become prey for lions. However, ostriches are not so defenseless. They only need to kick once to injure or even kill the predator. Sometimes males defending territory may even attack a person.

How long does an ostrich live on a farm?

What is the lifespan of an ostrich? It directly depends on the living conditions of the bird. Females and males can live up to 70 years. However, this indicator is only valid for those birds that live on farms. In this case, they are reliably protected from predators and are practically not exposed to disease. That's why they can live to old age.

The female and male at the age of 35 do not demonstrate high productivity. The lifespan of birds for farmers depends on whether they are needed for industrial purposes.

How long does an ostrich live in the wild?

In conditions wildlife The ostrich often encounters enemies and diseases, so the life expectancy of a bird in the wild is, on average, 30–40 years.

There is a lot about these amazing birds interesting facts.

  1. Having noticed a competitor, the male catches up with him and kicks him. However, if the competitor is a female, the male treats her favorably.
  2. Noticing danger, ostriches flee. At the same time, they are capable of reaching speeds of up to 90 km/h. They even outrun horses! However, this “race” does not last long.
  3. Feathers were valued back in Antiquity. Because of their softness, they were used to make fans.
  4. This is the only bird that has a bladder.

So, the lifespan of ostriches depends on where and under what conditions they lived.

Video “Interesting facts about ostriches”

From this video you will learn some interesting facts about ostriches.

Why do you think emus are being seen more and more often on farms? It's easy to guess if you know how much an ostrich weighs. Weight Limit poultry reaches 250 kilograms. However, depending on the variety, the weight can vary significantly. To know which bird is most profitable to raise, let's find out which ostrich is the largest.

Ostriches are strange birds that came to us from the mysterious African continent, from Australia and from the Middle East. It is logical that the names of the subspecies reflect their place of residence.

The largest bird on the planet is the ostrich

The height of the Australian flightless bird is 1 meter 50 centimeters, and the weight of the ostrich reaches 55 kg. Males have greater mass than females and can reach 100 kg. During egg laying, the male loses a third of his weight, because he is the one who incubates the chicks. The mother is getting food at this time.

Emus live in grassy and bushy areas and feed on pasture and insects. They eat with pleasure cereal plants, therefore, the Australian authorities decided to partially shoot ostriches if they cause harm to agriculture.

You can recognize an emu by its plumage, which contains all shades of brown. The head and neck have deeper dark colors, gradually becoming lighter at the bottom of the body. Emu has three toes on its feet, which are used for protection. The male and female look the same. You can distinguish them by raising the tail and pressing the cloaca. If the genital organ appears, it means there is a “boy” in front of you. Otherwise, you've looked under the lady's tail. However, not everyone will dare to take such peeks - an ostrich can easily kill a person with one kick. Thanks to their strong lower limbs, emus run at speeds of up to 51 km/h and are excellent swimmers.

Newborn chicks of the Australian flightless bird are very tiny - up to 400 g. The clutch includes up to 25 eggs, which means more than two dozen babies hatch at a time. The weight of one egg is 700 - 900 g, which corresponds to 10 - 12 chicken eggs by weight and volume.

The ostrich is an ancient animal. However, at some stage his mental development stalled. The tiny head contains an equally tiny brain. Ostriches are very shy and are afraid even of their own shadow, and as food they can easily feast on bottle caps or anything that fits in their beak.

Emu birds, weighing 160 kg


These are the tallest and heaviest birds among their fellows. Their height is 2.5 meters, the weight of a female ostrich is 120 kg, and that of a male is 150 kg. It is not surprising that farmers noticed a bird of such dimensions. Huge eggs weighing 2.5 - 3.5 kg are eaten. From such an egg you can make an omelet for the whole family.

The average weight of a newborn chick is up to two kilograms. The chicks develop quite quickly. Over the course of a year, a pair of African ostriches hatches up to 40 ostrich chicks. In adulthood, this number of birds produces up to two tons of dietary, easily digestible meat. Ostrich feathers are also used. They are used in jewelry and souvenirs. One ostrich produces up to 2 kg of feathers! The plumage on the body of males is black, the feathers of the wings and tail are white. But the females are not so beautifully colored - in dirty brown tones, the wings and tails have dirty white feathers.

Step length African ostrich, thanks to its long legs, is 3 meters, and it runs at a speed of 50 km/h. Unlike the emu, it has only two toes on its feet, which it uses to fight off predators. In nature, “Africans” live in dry, rocky areas and swallow small pebbles to improve food digestion. The African bird has a well-developed herd instinct. There are up to 50 individuals in the herd.

Strong legs are a serious defense against large predators. With one kick, an ostrich can easily kill or seriously injure a lion or tiger.

The weight of the African ostrich is more than 200 kg

Somali gorayo

The East African state of Somalia has its own species of ostrich, which is a subspecies of the African one. The female gorayo has brighter brown plumage, unlike other species. The birds' head, neck and thighs are not feathered, like their fellow birds. Long eyelashes, huge eyes and a straight flat beak are distinctive features gorayo.

Males and females hatch their chicks in pairs: females during the day and males at night. Newborn birds weigh 1 - 1.3 kg, and grow very quickly. During the season, ostriches increase their weight to 18 - 20 kg. Adults reach their maximum weight after the fourth year of keeping. The height of an ostrich after 3 years is 250 cm, and its weight ranges from 100 to 170 kg, with females being much more massive than males.

They feed on a wide range of plants, and they eat not only grass, but also shrubs and leaves. However, they feast on small rodents and insects with equal pleasure. In the absence of food, an ostrich can live without water and food for up to two days.

Gorayo's average weight is 170 kg

How fast do ostriches grow?

At birth, the chick's height is about 25 cm, and every month it increases by 25-30 cm. And in maturity, its height will be about 2.5 meters.

At home, ostriches reach their maximum weight and height by the age of three, but on farms, birds are usually slaughtered by the age of one and a half years. But you can get eggs after two years of keeping them. On average, an ostrich lays from 80 to 120 eggs per year.


Raising a domestic ostrich is a profitable business. From one carcass you get:

  • delicious meat that tastes like beef;
  • eggs for food;
  • feathers for souvenirs;
  • leather from which handbags, belts and other leather goods are made.

Domestic ostriches are no longer exclusive, and ostrich farms have firmly taken their place in domestic agriculture.