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» How long does Android 5.1 take on a smartphone?

How long does Android 5.1 take on a smartphone?

At the beginning of 2015, the developer of the “green robot” launched an updated version 5.1 of the OS codenamed “Lollipop”, which means lollipop in Russian. Version Android 5.1 will delight users with high performance and the presence of useful functions that greatly facilitate communication between a person and a smartphone.

Top 10 most useful features of Android 5.1 Lollipop:

  1. The ability to connect via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth directly in the instant settings curtain (without having to go into Android settings).
  2. Protection from children and unauthorized persons will allow you to hide personal user data using a pattern key.
  3. Improved contacts app.
  4. The ability to assign important notifications that will remind you of yourself, even if the smartphone is in silent mode.
  5. Animated portrait mode and alarm icons.
  6. Anti-theft mode.
  7. HD Voice Calling function to improve the sound quality during a mobile call.
  8. Supports two radio modules.
  9. The energy-efficient video player ensures slow battery drain when watching streaming videos.
  10. Fixing excessive memory consumption.

What does Android 5.1 promise?

The modern Android 5.1 OS guarantees its users excellent system stability and general improvements in RAM management. Other advantages include good energy efficiency and a huge number of useful functions. For example, users will be able to make voice calls in HD quality, which promises clear sound to voice calls. Anti-theft function is the best security tool for your mobile device. The tablet or smartphone will be blocked, because only the real owner will be able to enter data from the Google account.

Other, no less important features

Android 5.1 supports work with two SIM cards at the same time, which allows you to separate calls into home and work, and significantly save on mobile communications. Top notifications have become the main feature of this version of the OS, as they are always in view when you turn on your tablet or smartphone. It is important to note that you can now connect to a Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth device directly from the notification panel, without entering Android settings.

An event (subscriber call or alarm clock) displayed on the display above the activated application can be removed with one finger movement from bottom to top, without canceling it.

“Silent” mode/redesigned Google Play Store

In Android 5.1 developers returned silent mode, which was removed in version 5.0. This mode is extremely necessary, because in some situations the phone requires absolute silence: no sound, no vibration. Along with the advent of the updated OS, the developers also tweaked the Google Play Store application a little. The search bar is now gray instead of dark green. However, this update is available to all Android users.

Android 5.1 conclusions

The updated Android 5.1 Lollipop OS can improve system stability, energy efficiency and performance. This version promotes optimized use of RAM, smoother and more efficient operation. Unlike Android 5.0, “Lollipop 5.1” prevents the mobile device from overheating during prolonged use of Wi-Fi, offers a good security system and a pleasant interface design.

Android 5.1 is, of course, not the version of the operating system that will revolutionize the life of your smartphones and tablets, but you will probably check for an update for several days in a row as soon as you find out that Google has already released it and the manufacturer of your smartphone has updated the firmware. All in all, we need to discuss the great new features that you will get with the new Android.

1. Access quick settings from the lock screen

With Android 5.1, you can pull down the top curtain to access quick settings at any time, even on a PIN-locked smartphone. This means you can quickly turn off Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, or turn on the flashlight without unlocking your smartphone, but it also means that your friends can surprise you behind your back and, at a minimum, turn the screen brightness up to maximum.

2. Customize quick settings

You may not have noticed, but in quick settings you will now be able to add additional switches (for Wi-Fi access point, invert colors, etc.). Android 5.0 already had all this, but they could not be removed. Now with a long press you can select the switch and hide it.

3. Improved device security

Perhaps the biggest change is the introduction of a Device Protection option - already available on the Nexus 6, Nexus 9 and new devices running Android 5.1. This feature is automatically enabled if you have set a secure screen lock method (such as a PIN) and have added various security measures to make it difficult for anyone else to access the device (for example, the device will remain locked even after a factory reset until the password for your Google account will not be entered).

4. Call with HD sound quality

Google added a pretty cool feature in Android 5.1 - support for high-definition audio, but you'll need to have a compatible device for the feature to work and the appropriate network - Nexus 6 and T-Mobile or Verizon. If you have the necessary equipment and a strong enough signal, you will hear the other person as if he were standing next to you.

5. Priority mode until the alarm goes off

If you don't use the priority mode, then it's worth taking a closer look at it. It allows you to automatically or manually turn off sound notifications for a certain period of time (when you are sleeping, for example). In Android 5.1, Google added the ability to activate priority mode before the alarm goes off (when you need to get out of bed).

6. Support two SIM cards simultaneously

Even if you don’t have a Dual-SIM smartphone, but with Android 5.1 Lollipop there will be support for simultaneous operation of two SIM cards on one phone. There is no doubt that such an option will be very necessary in developing countries, where such smartphones are extremely popular, as well as for those who like to travel. The dialer application will allow you to choose which SIM card to call from and the active card will be indicated using a specific interface color so that you do not confuse the SIM card.

7. Connect more easily

In Android 5.0, in quick settings, clicking on the Bluetooth or Wi-Fi switch could only turn the connection on or off. Fortunately, in Android 5.1 this function will be significantly expanded and you will already have the ability to automatically scan nearby networks or devices; by tapping on the icon, you will see a list of available connections.

8. Temporarily disable notifications

Android notifications now pop up at the top of the screen when new information appears. In Android 5.0 Lollipop, you could swipe notifications off the screen or just wait for them to disappear. In Android 5.1 Lollipop, you can swipe up on a notification to quickly dismiss a notification, but other notifications will only appear in the top bar and not take up space on the screen.

9. Changing the volume of system sounds during music playback

Of course, not the most revolutionary function, but a useful feature. In Android 5.0, while playing music, by pressing the volume buttons you could only change the volume of the music itself, now you can click on the bell icon on the right and change the system sound level. You will have access to various priority modes and settings without interrupting music playback. You can change the alarm volume inside the watch app as well.

10. Ignoring weak Wi-Fi networks

Surely you are eagerly trying to immediately connect to an available Wi-Fi network as soon as you get to the local catering establishment. Typically, such establishments provide access to broadband Wi-Fi, but if Android 5.1 connects to a Wi-Fi network with a weak, intermittent signal, it will remember this network and will not automatically connect to it in the future.

The release date of Android 5.1 was predicted for the beginning of 2015, or rather for the first quarter. The forecast, including ours, turned out to be correct. Let us recall what we predicted. This is not surprising - the fifth version of the system brought a huge number of changes, and this does not go away without leaving a trace. It’s one thing to test them with your own means with the participation of several hundred people, and another thing to test millions of smartphones and tablets around the world that have received the new OS.

In short, Android 5.0, no matter how good it is, needs improvement. This was visible even to the naked eye of the user, and not just the Google programmer. Some of the system's capabilities are implemented in a questionable manner, and some standard applications are clearly unfinished. And the new ART virtual machine, although available, is still made from scratch and needs to be fine-tuned.

Is it any wonder that the first information about Android 5.1 appeared back in November 2014? Literally immediately after the announcement of version 5.0! After that, the release date for the new minor version very soon became clear - early 2015. And so, on March 9, it became publicly available. What's new in it?

Android 5.1 – what's new?

There is little new. Actually, this is quite expected. Google decided to repeat with Android 5.0/5.1 the same trick with the ears that was done with Android 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. If anyone doesn't remember, they had one code name between the three of them: Jelly Bean. Likewise, Google emphasizes that there are few changes between versions of the system.

Android 5.1 received the code name Lollipop - the same as 5.0. We won't be surprised if it's even 5.3. Simply because the OS needs further improvements. And according to unofficial information, Google launched Android 5.0 not in the form in which it had originally planned. That is, during 2015 it will be “brought to completion”, including through such relatively “minor” releases without changing the code name.

If there are few changes, then why not just change the third digit of the version? And this question has a right to life, although the answer to it is obvious - this very “third” number indicates bug fixes, while the “second” guarantees the addition of new functions, interface changes, and so on. So, despite retaining the codename, Android 5.1 has something new, not just bug fixes.

What changes does Android 5.1 bring? Few. More precisely, the average user will not see much new, but their complete list exceeds 14 thousand pieces. Impressive? Without a doubt. It’s just that these are all bugfixes for the kernel and other internal modules of the system, which are mainly important only to developers and affect the overall stability of the system.

However, even ordinary people will be able to notice something. In particular, quiet mode returned in Android 5.1, which for some reason disappeared in 5.0. Why it was removed is unclear. You never know what situations happen when complete silence is required from a smartphone: no sound, no vibration. Anyone who doesn’t want this mode won’t turn it on, but why eliminate it completely? In general, we have improved.

One of its features is its combination with settings. In Android 5.1, these settings have been improved, and in particular, the ability to connect via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth without going to the main settings has been added. When you click on the corresponding icon, a context menu will appear, where a list of available networks will be displayed.

Another notable change is support for multiple SIM cards. It sounds crazy, I agree - dual-SIM Android smartphones are probably produced in larger quantities than single-SIM ones. A budget model without a second SIM card slot is not quoted at all. So, there was no built-in support for such functionality - everything was implemented by add-ons. And now, with the arrival of Android 5.1, there is.

It's about the same story with HD Voice. This technology has been developed for a long time, and operators are implementing it everywhere, although not very quickly. In Russia, support for this standard first appeared in 2010. If anyone doesn’t know, it significantly expands the transmitted voice frequency range, which is why the sound quality during a conversation improves significantly, and words become better distinguishable. In general, HD Voice is now supported in Android 5.1 out of the box.

We also worked on protection against theft. Android already has some of this, but version 5.1 adds something new. Now, if you reset the system to factory settings, the account will not be deleted and will again ask you to enter a password. In theory, this will make it more difficult to use a stolen smartphone or tablet. Initially, the feature only works on Nexus 6 and Nexus 9, but in the future it will be available to all devices running Android 5.1.

By the way, another change is of interest from a security point of view. We are talking about hardware data encryption. So far this has been announced for the Nexus 6. Let us recall that Android 5.0 offers a special mode in which the system partition can be encrypted. This significantly increases reliability, but reduces operating speed. Hardware encryption should eliminate the speed gap.

Another minor improvement is that the volume control now has a shortcut to access changing the volume of notifications while playing music. Previously, to do this you had to go to the menu and look for the appropriate section there.

The volume control panel now has additional icons to indicate modes. By the way, the “Important” mode for notifications now allows you to turn them off until the next alarm.

In Android 5.1, an event that appears on top of the current application, such as an alarm or an incoming call, can be swiped up, but not canceled.

Phone lock for one application has received a new initialization notification. However, a much more useful change is the ability to lock the smartphone to one application when it turns off.

The interface for working with contacts has been slightly changed and improved.

In the status section, separate subsections have appeared for the current status of the SIM card and IMEI.

Along with the release of Android 5.1, the Google Play Store application was also slightly retouched. In particular, his search bar has now lost its dark green color and become gray. However, this “innovation” is available to all Android users.

Replaced some standard icons. In particular, the one used to represent the application, as well as the Android Beam icon.

The remaining changes are not noticeable from the outside. This means increasing system stability, optimizing the use of RAM, and improving system energy efficiency. Android 5.1 fixes the unexpected closing of some applications, and the problem of devices overheating when using Wi-Fi is fixed. We also updated the animation in some applications.

That's all for now. Perhaps we will add material in the future, but very little. We have described everything that concerns ordinary users above. If there is anything to add, it is a list of changes for developers.

Android 5.1 release date

At the beginning of February 2015, the first smartphones in the series were released in India and Indonesia. No one made an official presentation of the system at that time, although the devices went on sale, and very soon screenshots and videos from them were posted.

In general, the general release date for Android 5.1 was March 9, 2015. Almost immediately, Google released builds of Android 5.1 for the Nexus 5, Nexus 6 and Nexus 9. Presumably, Nexus 4, 7 and 10 will also be updated - yet Android 5.1 is more of a corrective release than offering any fundamentally different experience. Android 5.0 handled the latter well.

During 2015, Android 5.1 will be installed on new smartphones from all manufacturers. Nevertheless, . And the rest of the flagships too. It is unlikely that version 5.1 will appear on all devices before the summer of 2015. And by that time Android 5.2 will arrive and again everyone will be left behind. But it’s better this way than slowly correcting numerous errors.


There's not much to write home about Android 5.1. This is not a very significant update, which received a change to a minor version for the reason that Google had to add new functionality and improve the interface. At the same time, nothing significant appeared in the system, which is emphasized by the preservation of the code name - Lollipop.

Should I update to Android 5.1? Definitely yes! Reviews of Android 5.0 are often negative, especially from Samsung smartphone owners. A significantly redesigned system, a new kernel, a new interface, new APIs - all this is good, but it always needs fine-tuning. And Android 5.1 is exactly that fine-tuning. So, logically, it should work faster and more stable.

Show notifications only at times convenient for you

  • View and reply to messages directly from your lock screen. Android can automatically remove important personal information from them so that no one but you can see it.
  • To avoid being distracted by your phone during a meeting, simply specify a time interval when you do not want to receive notifications. And if you're waiting for an important letter or call, turn on the "Important" mode, and Android will notify you only about important events.
  • Now a phone call will not interrupt the game or movie at the most interesting point. You will always have the option to instantly reject it.
  • Choose which notifications you want to receive from which apps. If you wish, you can turn off such notifications completely.
  • The order of notifications on the screen now depends on which application it came from and from whom it came. To see all notifications at once, just tap on the top of the screen.

Creating user profiles

  • If several people use your phone, create separate profiles for you and them. If you forgot your device at home, simply log into your profile on any Android 5.0 phone and you'll have access to all your data (contacts, documents, etc.).
  • Guest profile. Borrow your phone or tablet without fear of anyone reading your messages or seeing your photos.
  • In-app locking allows you to restrict another user's access to only one app.

To open the settings you use most, simply swipe down from the top of the screen.

  • In Android 5.0, it has become even more convenient to turn on the flash, activate modem mode, rotate the screen and broadcast images from the phone to other devices.
  • Working with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS has also become easier.
  • Android remembers your brightness settings and automatically applies them in similar light levels.

Save battery power with Bluetooth Low Energy technology and enjoy a reliable Internet connection anywhere

  • Smoother transition from one network to another. The device switches from Wi-Fi to mobile Internet without interrupting your Hangouts video chat or Skype call.
  • The device connects only to those Wi-Fi networks that have Internet access.
  • Set to low power consumption when searching for other devices that use Bluetooth Low Power technology (such as beacons or smartwatches).
  • Added a mode for interacting with devices that support Bluetooth low power technology.

Faster and more powerful Android

  • Android Runtime (ART) increases the performance and speed of applications.
    • Productivity increased 4 times.
    • Smoother interface for graphics-intensive applications.
    • Compress background applications and services. Now you will have even more resources at your disposal.
  • Supports devices based on 64-bit processors.
    • Supports 64-bit microprocessors based on ARM, x86 and MIPS architectures.
    • Work with 64-bit apps designed specifically for Android, such as Chrome, Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Play Music, etc.
    • Automatically launch applications written entirely in Java in the 64-bit version.

Expressive graphics, improved photo and video quality, new audio technologies.

  • Thanks to the reduced latency when processing the incoming audio signal, it has become possible to work with music services and communication applications that require data transfer in close to real time.
  • Professional audio applications can now mix up to 8 channels, including 5.1 and 7.1.
  • With USB Audio support, you can connect USB microphones, speakers, amplifiers, mixers, and many other audio devices to your Android device.
  • The Android extension pack and support for OpenGL ES 3.1 allow Android to compete with consoles and desktop computers in terms of graphics quality.
  • New features for professional photography:
    • shooting about 30 frames per second at full resolution;
    • support for RAW formats, such as YUV and Bayer RAW;
    • control of matrix, lens and flash settings for individual frames;
    • storing metadata such as noise models and optical information.
  • Advanced video technology with HEVC support allows you to play UHD 4 video, stream high-quality video on Android TV, and take full advantage of HLS broadcasting.
  • On DSP-enabled devices (such as Nexus 6 and Nexus 9), the "OK Google" command can be used even when the screen is off.
  • Use voice commands to get directions, find information, make calls, or send messages.
  • The Nexus has a new feature for sending feedback about your device's performance: Go to Settings > About Phone > Send Feedback.
  • Sharing data just got easier:
    • Improved list of available options in the file upload menu.
    • Android Beam lets you share files by simply holding two devices close to each other.
  • The device wakes up when you pick it up or double-tap the screen (not available on all devices).
  • The plug-in keyboard offers new features such as support for multiple languages, emoji, a search button, and new keyboard shortcuts for the system and apps.
  • Yesterday, Google announced the release of a new update for Android 5, which it dubbed Android 5.1 Lollipop. Android 5.1 Lollipop is the next update after , and the update promises some key features straight from Google for Nexus smartphones and tablets. With that in mind, here's what you need to know about Android 5.1 Lollipop.

    In November, Google finally began rolling out its big update to Nexus smartphones and tablets. The update brought improvements, bug fixes and new features for owners of devices such as and others. Along with the new OS came new problems that led to complaints from Nexus users.

    Slowly but surely, Google has fixed some of the early issues with Android 5.0 Lollipop. First of all, the developer launched the update, followed by the Android 5.0.2 Lollipop update. Both updates remain the most current versions of Android on Nexus tablets and smartphones, but it looks like a new update is on the way.

    It seems that the new, promises a radical overhaul of Android 5.0, is no longer just a corrective update, hence the growing interest among users of Nexuses and other Android devices.

    Android 5.1 Lollipop hit the scene yesterday and hit everyone with a flurry of information. Android 5.1 Lollipop is officially confirmed and at least offers one new feature. The manufacturer reported that the new version of the OS is about to be launched on the first Nexus. There are also several gaps in the Nexus lineup that have not been updated. We are not sure when the developer will roll out updates, so users will have to be patient for now.

    Today we want to look at everything we know now about the new Android 5.1 Lollipop. This guide includes all the latest information and will help you prepare for the next Google update.


    The first thing you should know is that this is not some stupid joke or prank. Android 5.1 Lollipop is a very real update. The way Google chose to announce the release of the new update was, of course, extremely unusual, but it is clear that the update remains very real and will be released on at least one Nexus in the very near future.

    Android 5.1 Lollipop was confirmed yesterday via Google's Indonesian site. Oddly enough, the site did not call the update "Android 5.1", but it is clear that the update is on the way. How did we know about this? Android Police managed to obtain a snapshot of Android One, a device running Android 5.1. It is obvious that Android One will be the device that will be presented with the new software.

    Limited release

    Yes, Android 5.1 Lollipop is currently limited to Android One devices from Indonesia, after which it is likely that the update will be released for the latest Nexus devices to launch. It is not at all a fact that the new Android 5.1 will be updated in Indonesia or other regions where Android One is sold.

    The Indonesian Google site has removed all references and specifications of Android 5.1 for these Android Ones, now the description of the smartphone says: “Android Lollipop (and subsequent updates immediately upon release).” Of course, everything points to the Android 5.1 Lollipop update being imminent, at least for Android One in Indonesia.

    UpdateAndroid 5.1Lollipop forNexus

    Finally, we reached an interesting place. Android Police claims that they were able to find several links in the site code that hint at the upcoming release of the update for Nexus devices, tablets and smartphones. And although the links could certainly be informational stuffing from the manufacturer, this is probably not an accident. Oddly enough, they are all marked Android 5.1.

    • Android 5.1; Nexus 5 - Build LMY29C
    • Android 5.1; Nexus 6 - Build LMY29C
    • Android 5.1; Nexus 6 - Build LMY29D
    • Android 5.1; Nexus 9 - Build LMY22E
    • Android 5.1; Nexus 6 - Build LMY22E

    If Google has allowed the Android 5.1 update to be revealed and it can fix the bugs, we doubt the manufacturer will limit it to three devices. Unfortunately, after two patching updates, there are still system-wide bugs that need to be fixed, we sincerely doubt that Google will leave things as is, for example, with the Google Nexus 7 (2013).

    Unfortunately, it's too early to say when Android 5.1 Lollipop will be released, although we are certainly close to it. If Android One gets Android 5.1 Lollipop with release, Nexus series devices won't be too far behind.

    If and when Google decides to roll out Android 5.1 Lollipop to its Nexus devices, the update will come out of the box with Google's open source Android. And when the factory update files appear, OTA will not be long in coming. Follow.


    Most of Android 5.1's features remain hidden, although we've already heard about the new solution. This is the ability to switch Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections from the quick settings menu.

    This solution may not seem like much, but this addition to Lollipop's changelog will allow Android users to quickly change settings without leaving the app. In other words, you won't have to switch between active screens. This is much more convenient, especially for Android users who constantly switch between smartphone or tablet connections.

    This is currently the only confirmed change to Android 5.1 Lollipop, which suggests that the main focus of the update remains fixing Android 5.0 bugs.

    Change logAndroid 5.1Lollipop (rumored)

    There is also a change log generated based on rumors. This data comes from AndroidPIT, and arrived a few weeks ago, detailing a number of fixes that will presumably come with the new update. Here's the full list of changes. It is not yet clear whether all of them are waiting for us on board the final version of Android 5.1:

    • Silent mode returns, which disappeared with Android 5.0
    • General improvement in system stability
    • Improved RAM management
    • Fixed sudden application crashes
    • Improved battery consumption
    • Fixed network device overload when using Wi-Fi
    • Fixed problems with wireless connection
    • Google Now feature issues resolved
    • Problems with notifications resolved
    • Problems with detecting audio devices have been resolved.
    • Other improvements and changes

    What else you need to know: Nexus users have complained that apps started crashing after updating to Android 5.0 Lollipop. Google is monitoring the issues and believes the crash is caused by a memory leak in the operating system. The bug appears to be preventing the operating system from cleaning up memory as intended.

    Unfortunately, these problems resulted in application errors on Android 5.0, Android 5.0.1 and Android 5.0.2 Lollipop. Most often, users of Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 complained about these problems, although we personally did not encounter this problem while using these devices. On the other hand, we had a chance to get acquainted with the problem personally on the Nexus 6. And finally, the most interesting part.

    Google has said that the fix will come in future Android updates, although the company is not naming a specific update. Perhaps it will be Android 5.1 Lollipop. We hope.