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Incredible facts

What color is this dress? This issue has sparked heated debate online, with users divided into those who think it is a white and gold dress, and those who see a blue and black dress.

The photo of the dress was first posted on Tumblr by Scottish user Caitlin McNeill after she noticed that her friends were seeing different colors in the photo.

The photo quickly became an online sensation due to controversy surrounding the true color of the dress. A label #TheDress (dress) began to quickly gain popularity all over the world.

The girl herself said that she did not expect such a reaction to the dress she wore to a friend’s wedding.

Optical illusion

Actually there is scientific explanation why some people see a blue-black dress, while others see a golden-white one.

The photo itself is optical illusion.

Objects reflect light at certain wavelengths or colors, and the human brain determines the color of an object by taking on the reflected color. This perception may be distorted by the colors of nearby objects.

This is similar to the Adelson shadow illusion. In the image, cell A is the same color as cell B, but their surroundings make them look different.

In this photo, the surrounding colors are so chaotic that the brain cannot understand what color the dress is.

Is the dress blue or white?

Digital analysis of a photograph of the dress revealed that one of the stains on the black lace is orange in the photograph.

The original photo is located in the middle. On the left, the brightness and contrast have been adjusted so that the dress looks more white and gold. On the right, the brightness and contrast have been adjusted to make the dress appear blue-black.

Thus, people who perceive the surrounding area of ​​the dress as dark will see blue as white and black as gold. It depends on how the brain perceives and processes colors.

This dress is actually blue with black lace.

There is one unique dress in the world, the color of which has become the subject of great controversy in the English-speaking segment of the Internet. As often happens when controversial situations arise, users are divided into two camps: the first are firmly convinced that the color of the dress is blue-black, while others see a combination of white and gold.

It all started with the fact that on February 25, a Tumblr user under the pseudonym Swiked published on her blog a photo of a dress with a seemingly simple question at first glance: what color it was: white and gold or blue and black. The girl claimed that the color of the dress became the subject of a dispute between her and her friends, which resulted in a quarrel.

The photo quickly spread across the Internet and gained immense popularity. Within hours, the photo sparked widespread debate. She had her own hashtag #TheDress, which quickly topped the trends in the American segment of Twitter. Almost immediately after the start of the discussion, quite witty photographs and jokes on this topic began to pour in.

Not only ordinary users, but also celebrities took part in the discussions. Thus, the American television star and fashion model, Kim Kardashian, told her Twitter followers that she argued with her husband, the famous American rapper and producer Kanye West, about the color of her dress. American singer Taylor Swift said that she doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about, since “it’s obvious that the dress is blue and black.” At the same time, one of the main characters of The X-Files, David Duchovny, saw green and blue colors. BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith noted that his daughter thinks the color of the dress is greenish-blue, and they are already heading to the nearest department of the city hospital [this is, of course, a joke].

Even tech brands tried to benefit from the debate over dress color:

Of course, in the lively discussion around the mysterious dress, they did not forget to mention the Illuminati.

However, there is a logical explanation for all this madness that this dress has created.

A person’s color perception depends on the individual characteristics of his vision. The retina, the structure of which is extremely complex, is responsible for the interpretation of colors in the organ of the visual system. The outermost layer is light-(color-)perceiving and consists of neuroepithelial cells - rods and cones, which perceive light and colors. Cones are responsible for the perception of colors, and rods are responsible for the perception of shades such as gray, black and white. Cones “work” only if they hit an object required quantity Sveta. So some can see the fabric white, and for others, the color of the same fabric is blue due to insufficient lighting.

The retina of the human eye contains three types of cones that perceive light in the violet-blue, green-yellow and yellow-red parts of the spectrum. As for the color black, which many perceive as gold, there is such a thing as additive color mixing. By mixing the three primary colors (red, green and blue) in a certain ratio, most colors perceived by humans can be reproduced. In contrast to additive color mixing, there are subtractive synthesis schemes. In contrast to additive color mixing, there are subtractive synthesis schemes. As more and more colors are added, the final color will become darker until it is completely black.

Users who believe the dress color is blue-black have more efficiently functioning cones, which ultimately leads to subtractive mixing. Representatives of the second camp, who consider the dress to be white and gold, received cones that are less sensitive to light, which causes additive mixing. If you increase the brightness of your smartphone or monitor screen, you can see how the dress changes color from white-gold to blue-black.

P.S. What do you think, our dear readers, what color is the dress?

P.P.S. What color are squares A and B?

P.P.P.S. Which direction is the dancer spinning?

Most likely, everyone remembers that very dress that set the entire Internet on edge. People heatedly discussed and argued about what color it was - white-gold or blue-black. Now the researchers decided to approach this issue with scientific point vision.

What did scientists find out?

Research by scientists has led to conclusions that indicate that the difference in human perception of color largely depends on how human brain generally perceives colors daylight. It has long been known that the shapes and colors of an object can be viewed completely differently by two people. However, it was the dress that became one of the most dramatic and sensational examples. And now, through research into the colors in this dress, it has become clear that the answer to the famous question of whether all people see colors the same is not necessarily yes.

Color Constancy

In one study, scientists asked nearly 1,500 people to look at a photograph of a dress they had never seen before and say what color it was. Fifty-seven percent of those surveyed said it was blue-black, thirty percent said the color of the dress was white and gold, 11 percent described it as blue-brown, and 2 percent chose a different answer. Some subjects reported that they saw completely different colors when they looked at the photo a second time later. Differences in the perception of color occur because the brain makes an idea of ​​lighting, adjusting the colors so that the same object looks the same in any light. This property is known as color constancy. People who saw the white-gold color thought the dress was illuminated by bright daylight, so their brains ignored the shorter blue wavelengths. Those who saw the blue-black color assumed that the dress was illuminated by warm artificial light. Interestingly, older people were more likely to have seen the white and gold dress. The reason for this may be the fact that older people are more active during the day, while younger people begin their activity in the late afternoon.

Daylight vs artificial light

Another group of researchers had fifteen volunteers look at the dress, but it was displayed on a high-definition screen under controlled lighting and precise screen settings. Instead of seeing standard dress colors, subjects reported seeing a range of shades. Moreover, if the brightness of the light increased, they saw White dress, and if it decreased - blue. The researchers found that people most often reported seeing the same colors that can be found in daylight, which is typically bluish at midday and yellowish in the late afternoon. Thus, this phenomenon would not be possible if the dress were, for example, red. It was the blue and yellow (gold) colors that created such a hype around this dress; otherwise no one would have paid attention to it.

New color property

The third study was conducted on 87 college students who were also asked to report the color of their dress. About the same number of people said they saw blue-black and white-gold. The researchers then inverted the image so that the light stripes were pure gold and the dark stripes were pure blue. And in a follow-up study, 95 percent of participants reported seeing light yellow stripes. Thus, a new property of color was discovered, which concerns the perception of blue and yellow flowers. People are more likely to perceive a color as white or gray if the amount of blue in it changes. However, this is not as noticeable in other colors such as yellow, red or green.

Most likely, you have already seen this dress, and you probably have your own opinion about its color. But the whole world still cannot come to a clear opinion. For some it is invariably blue-black, for others it is white and gold and nothing else!

There were even cases when a person at first thought that the dress was the same color, and then after some time he was sure of the opposite!

This dress has already caused too much trouble. It's time to face the truth and find out what color it really is.

The same photo of the dress that caused so much controversy:

According to some, the original dress, if the lighting were better, should look like this:

Others believe that if it weren’t for the excessive light, the dress would have looked like this:

But why do people see different colors in the same photo? There is one version about this, and it has nothing to do with monitor settings, nothing depends on them, we checked.

It's all about how the eyes of each individual person react to an illuminated object. Some people decide that the dress is not lit enough (or that its surface is highly reflective) and their brain signals their eyes to compensate. Hence the white-gold color. Others think the dress has too much light falling on it (or the surface is less reflective) and their eyes tell them it is blue-black.

Everything is like in the famous Adelson optical illusion. In the picture, square "A" is the same color as square "B", although it seems that this is not the case.

In general, it turns out that a person’s eyes see an image the way the brain perceives it. Also great importance has past experience. If a person has seen a fabric of a similar texture or a similar dress of a certain color, this is with high probability will affect what color he sees in the photo with the dress. Scientists still know little about this phenomenon called “perception difference.”

And here is a photo of the real dress. It still turned out to be blue-black.

A photo of a dress that a girl from Scotland posted on the Internet has divided the whole world into two camps - some see it blue and black dress, other - in white and gold. Who is right and who is deceived by his vision?

The dispute about the color of the dress flared up after a resident of Scotland, Caitlin McNeil, posted a photo of the dress on her blog and asked Internet users: “Help me, is this dress white and gold or blue and black? Me and my friends can't agree and we're going crazy." Within a couple of hours, a photo of the dress spread all over the Internet, and the world was divided into two camps: some began to claim that the dress was blue and black, others were sure that it was white and gold.

What color do you think this dress is in the photo?

It should be noted that there are much more people who see white-gold colors (according to numerous polls on the Internet). In fact, the dress is blue-black, as confirmed by its owner Caitlin. However, this fact did not close the controversy over color.

Why do some people see the dress as blue and others as white?

Scientists tried to answer the question why some people see blue-black and others white-golden colors in the photo of the dress. The human retina consists of two types of photoreceptors - cones and rods. Rods are more sensitive to light and are responsible for perceiving the shape, not the color, of objects. Cones, on the contrary, are responsible for the perception of color, and not for the degree of illumination of an object. In other words, in the dark we perceive the world through rods rather than cones.

Yes, sensitivity color range depends on whether there are more cones or rods in the human retina, as well as on how the object is illuminated. “Our visual system is accustomed to discarding information about the light source and drawing information from the actual reflected light. I'm studying individual characteristics I've been doing color vision for 30 years and this is the biggest difference I've ever seen in individual perceptions,” says Jay Neitz, a neuroscientist in Washington, DC.

What color do you see the dress in - black and blue or white and gold? We are waiting for your comments and do not forget to click on the buttons and