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» Hide friends on VK from an Android phone. We hide friends on VKontakte. Close your page and all data

Hide friends on VK from an Android phone. We hide friends on VKontakte. Close your page and all data

Actively communicating in in social networks, you acquire many acquaintances and “fans”. Directly on VK, any user can see the list of your friends and use this information for their own purposes. What should I do? The administration of the social network, especially for such cases, has provided the ability to hide friends from prying eyes.

Using this function, you can remove one or more contacts from public access; in some cases, the entire list will be hidden. At the same time, no one except you will be able to find out about the existence of a secret connection.

How it works?

By adding a person’s account to “friends”, a certain “connection” is formed between your pages. Now, you receive notifications about actions performed on this page, the contact is displayed in a special list so that you can always write a message with a couple of mouse clicks, etc.

By transferring a friend to the hidden section, he disappears from the list of friends, becoming invisible to other users who visit your page.

  • Via computer;
  • Mobile application (Android and IOS).

Since the algorithm of actions is different, taking into account the method of authorization on the social network.

How many friends can you hide?

IN different time, users were allowed to hide the entire list, then a maximum of 15 people. At the time of writing (2018), the number is limited to 30 contacts - choose wisely.
I would immediately like to warn gullible users trying to “break” the system. To bypass the VKontakte limit - there are no special programs, services or scripts. Using the above methods, you risk losing access to your page.

Hiding friends via computer

1. Using a browser, open the official VKontakte website ( and log in.

2. In the upper right corner of the screen, click on your name. From the drop-down menu, select “Settings”.

3. From the list of settings - select “Privacy”.

4. Find the item “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” - click “Everyone except”.

5. In the pop-up window, check the box for the accounts of friends you want to hide from prying eyes, click “Save changes”.

6. Click on the “Who sees my hidden friends” section, select “Only Me” to hide the list from all users or a few specific ones.

You can check the correctness of the actions performed by logging into your page from another account.

Using your phone or mobile app

You can also change your privacy settings by hiding one or more friends from the list using your smartphone, but with a small caveat. The mobile application for Android and iPhone contains a “Privacy” section, but there is no item that allows you to hide contacts.

Finally, let me remind you once again - do not try to bypass the 30-person limit using third-party programs and services, the only thing you will achieve is losing your account.

Video instruction

But everything is much more complicated and you need to use cunning. I’ll tell you how to do all this on your iPhone right now.

How to hide friends in VK on iPhone?

In fact, iPhone owners always have some problems when using the official application from VKontakte.

Apple very strongly limits the capabilities and access to the device, but this is probably more a question for and why they don’t do all the functionality, as in full version.

I think everyone is familiar with the scheme for hiding friends on this network, but I’ll remind you. The first parameter is Who sees the main information of my page- and here we put who sees the list of friends at all.

But let's say there's someone on your list that you don't want to show to your friends. And in this case we need the parameter Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions— here you can hide your friends.

Well, after we celebrated the right people and added to the list of hidden friends, we simply restrict access to this list in the parameter Who sees my hidden friends.

On an iPhone, this is all done quite simply:

  1. launch any browser and go to your page;
  2. in the mobile version we go to Settings - Privacy - Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions;
  3. We tag all the necessary friends and they end up in the hidden list.

In general, everything is done as in the full version, so there is nothing particularly complicated. The method is not the most convenient, but if you take into account the fact that you will not be doing this all the time, then it’s normal.

Hopefully, in the future we will not look for workarounds and the functionality of the application will be increased. For now we use this method.


This is a very short and informative article about hiding your friends on a device like the iPhone, and I think on the iPad and iPod all this is also relevant.

All you have to do is use this method and tell your friends who actively use this application about it.

Each of us has our secrets. Someone doesn't want to ex-girlfriend I found your new girlfriend among your friends, and someone doesn’t want to “shine” their boss at work with friendships with people from a competing company.

Today we will talk about how to hide friends in VK and indicate who exactly can see your hidden friends and who cannot.

Once upon a time, on the social network VKontakte it was possible to completely close the display of your friends list, which gave people more privacy. But at a certain stage, the guys from VKontakte decided that the world should be more open and left the ability to hide only up to 30 of your friends. In principle, this is more than enough to avoid awkward situations.

So, in order to hide friends on VK, you need to go to the privacy settings. To do this, click on your avatar in the upper right corner of your page and go to “Settings”.

Approximately in the middle of the page, find the “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” setting. By default, the value is “All friends”. Click on this line.

A window will pop up with a list of all your friends on VK. Click on those friends you want to hide from prying eyes. Please note that you can only hide 30 of your friends. Once selected, click “Save Changes.”

Once you've made your changes, the people you've hidden will be listed next to the setting. If you made a mistake, then click again on the line “Everyone except”.

In the window that opens, hover your cursor over the avatar of the person you want to remove from the list of hidden friends and click the cross. After that, click “Save Changes”.

Now, you need to configure which of your page visitors can see your hidden friends.

To do this, click on the “Who can see my hidden friends” setting.

You can specify that only you and no one else can see your hidden friends. If you hide friends only from a certain circle of people, then you can specify that only friends or, for example, only some friends can see your hidden friends.

Please note that your hidden friends If you don’t find out that you hid them from others, be sure to select the “hidden friends” option. In this case, hidden friends will see themselves in your list and will not suspect that you have hidden them.

I decided to update this article in 2017, as a new design of the VKontakte website appeared and many functions moved or changed. The most important thing for which we use the VKontakte website is friends. Without them, there will be no news, no one to play games with, and most importantly, no one to chat with. From our friends we can determine where we work, where we studied, and even who we loved before. But sometimes you really want no one to see some of your friends, but how to hide friends in VK?

The developers of the social network are constantly making some adjustments to the interface and functions of the site, and just recently changes were made to the “Friends” section. There is a list of friends on all social networks and VKontakte is no exception. But for example, on Facebook you cannot hide friends at all, and besides, the system constantly offers to make friends with someone and this may be wrong because someone may not want to show their friends.

How to hide VKontakte friends via computer?

Let's get started, click on yours in the upper right corner of the page and select "Settings". And then go to the “Privacy” section and look for the item “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”, click on it and begin to select.

As I wrote above, you can hide not only your friends, but also, for example, the fact that you subscribed to your ex’s updates. And don't forget about the limit of 30 people!

The last action remains, be sure to check the settings item “Who sees my hidden friends”, “Only me” should be selected there, otherwise there will be no point.

Congratulations, everything is ready! But be careful, if someone logs into VKontakte from your computer or phone when you forgot to log out of your account, they will be able to see all your hidden friends.

How to find out who a friend is hiding?

To find out who your friend or significant other is hiding, you will have to secretly go into his phone and see how many friends he has, and then take away the number that is visible to you. There are no other ways, either hack or ask the phone and secretly look.

How to hide more than 30 friends?

Unfortunately, the VKontakte developers have introduced a limitation on this function; you can only hide 30 people from your list of friends or pages to which you are subscribed! It's a shame that you can't hide all your friends at once.

How to hide friends on VK via phone?

I searched for a long time, but unfortunately there is no way to hide friends through the official application for Android or iPhone phones. But you can launch any browser, go to mobile version VKontakte and do all the operations there!

Open the menu, scroll down and go to “Settings”, then “Privacy” and do the same as on the computer:

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments!

If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.

If you want some people added as friends on your VK page not to be visible in the general list, you can use the built-in function that allows you to hide some accounts. .

Why hide friends in VK and what is the limit on hiding

The only reason you might want to hide someone from your friends list is to prevent anyone or a specific person from seeing that the person you are hiding is among your friends. This process cannot bring any other useful results.

Anyone can hide users, but there is only one limitation - no more than 30 accounts can be classified as hidden.

How to do it

Via computer

It doesn't matter which way operating system or browser you enter the site, in the desktop version of the site, hiding friends is performed by the following steps:

On IOS and Android

In the official mobile application There is currently no feature to hide friends. But there is a way out: just deploy the full version in the browser by following a direct link or through the “Full version” button in the application. After opening the site in your browser, follow the steps described above for a computer.

Let's move on to the full version of VKontakte on a mobile device

For whom are friends hidden?

Any user has the opportunity to configure independently for whom your hidden friends will be hidden and for whom not. These settings also change from the desktop version:

How to remove a person from the hidden list

To remove a person from the hidden list, just go to the section with which you hid him (how to get there is described in the “Via a computer” section) and uncheck the box next to the desired account. Done, after saving the changes the user will disappear from the hidden list and will again become visible to everyone.

Removing a user from the hidden list

You can hide friends only through the desktop version of the site, but you can use it both from a computer and from mobile device Android or IOS. You can personally configure for whom hidden friends are hidden and for whom they are not. You can make a friend visible in the section of the page settings in which he was hidden. .