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» Plums in syrup without sterilization for the winter. Plums in syrup for the winter without sterilization How to cook prunes in syrup

Plums in syrup without sterilization for the winter. Plums in syrup for the winter without sterilization How to cook prunes in syrup

Winter desserts delight us not only with their taste, their aroma reminds us of warm sunny days, our visits to the summer garden, and the cheerful harvest of vegetables and fruits. Nostalgia for summer passes when we open jars of preparations. Try preparing sweet plums in syrup for the winter; according to our recipe, such preparations do not require sterilization. The taste is excellent, the aroma is wonderful, and besides, you will get several products from one jar: natural plums, syrup for soaking pies, sweet sauce for pancakes and pancakes.

We will cover the plums in syrup in halves, pitted; it is better to use plums that are not too overripe, otherwise they will lose their shape after harvesting. You can cover blue or white plums, large or medium size.

Taste Info Sweet preparations

Ingredients for 4 0.5 liter jars:

  • Plum – 1.5 kg;
  • Sugar – 300 grams;
  • Water – 1 liter.

How to cook plums in sugar syrup for the winter

Place the plums in a colander and rinse them under running water, let the water drain after washing, then place them on a towel to dry. Cut each plum in half along the notch and remove the pits.

Fill the jars with plum halves, placing them cut side down. Do not compact the plums; let them lie freely up to the level of the hangers. In this case, you will get more syrup, which can be diluted with boiled water and drunk as a compote.

Boil water in a saucepan, which you take according to the recipe, but increase its quantity a little (by 100 ml), in case you don’t have enough to fill it. You need to be on the safe side. Carefully pour boiling water over the plums in the jar. To do this, place the jars on a towel, and gradually pour a ladle into each jar one by one. In such a situation, the jars will not burst from the heat. Cover with sterile lids, but do not roll up.

Jars with halves should warm up for 10-15 minutes. After this time, pour the boiling water from the jars back into the pan, leaving the lids on the jars. Place sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil again.

You've got sugar syrup. Fill the jars to the brim with it and seal immediately.

Check the sealing of the cans. How to do it? Read carefully. Take the jars with oven mitts from the top and bottom, lay them on their sides, roll them a little, if nothing spills, then everything is fine. To further sterilize the lids, place the jars upside down. You don't have to wrap it up. Let them cool completely and store them in a cool place. In this form, canned plums in syrup will last all winter.

How to Sterilize Canning Lids

  • Place the metal lids in a separate bowl, add water to cover them all, and boil over medium heat for 5 minutes; let the lids sit in this water until ready to use.
  • Do the same with plastic lids, but turn off the heat as soon as the water boils. It is not recommended to keep such lids in water; immediately seal the jars with them.

How to prepare glass jars for canning

  • Very dirty glass jars are washed from dirt with water, baking soda is applied to the entire surface of the jars inside and out, and the soda is thoroughly washed off, rinsing several times. The jars should be turned over to allow the moisture to drain.

If necessary, you need to sterilize them over steam. There are special devices for sterilization in stores; buy them, they are practical and convenient, and last a very long time.

Hello, dear readers. Some people associate the second half of summer with relaxation, while others associate it with home preparations for the winter. I already had a vacation by the sea this year. Yes, and there were already preparations, or to be more precise, they weren’t, but they are still going on. And now I want to show you how my mother made canned plums in sugar syrup for the winter. The recipe is simple, but labor-intensive, and as always, I will show it with photographs. So that you don’t have any questions left if you suddenly want to make the same plums for yourself. Plums according to this recipe are tasty, sweet and sour. Why sour-sweet, and not sweet, because plums themselves contain acids. And that is why we will not add preservatives to our canned plums, and they will stand without preservatives.

For plums in syrup, I take Hungarian plums. Of course, I wanted to make them from white plums, but I couldn’t find white plums on the market, and my children liked the taste of Hungarian plums. I won't talk about mass production of plums. I will show you using a few kilograms as an example.

I bought 4 kilograms of plums at the market, the children ate some, just a little, and I filled the rest with water. They should stand for 10 minutes, no less, and then wash the plums. So, if you suddenly come across a plum with a worm, it will leave it.

As you can see in the first photo, I ended up with three jars. One 3 liter, one 2 liter, and one 1.5 liter. You can use any container for preservation. It doesn’t matter to us which jars we use, what’s important is the syrup itself, which we will pour into the plums.

I will now tell you how many plums and syrup fit in each jar. Let's start with the largest, 3 liter. It holds about 1.9 kilograms of medium-sized plums and about 1.5 liters of syrup. Now, in descending order, 2 liters - 1.1 kilograms - 1 liter of syrup. 1.5 liter - 700 grams of plums - 800 grams of syrup and you can also put 500 grams of plums in a 1 liter jar and pour in 500 grams of syrup.

All these proportions are approximate, it is more likely to know how many jars to prepare and how much syrup to prepare for our plums. And now that our calculations have been made, we proceed to the next stage of preparation.

I prepared three different jars, but you can prepare the same ones, it will be even better. The jars are washed and I send them to be sterilized. How I do this can be seen in the photo on the right side. You can fry them in the oven, as you are used to. In parallel with this, I also put the lids on to boil, in the photo on the top left. And I put water for blanching the plums and water for the syrup. This can be seen in the photo below left. There you can generally see the entire gas stove, so to speak the entire cooking process.

In general, blanching in home canning is used not only for plums. You can also blanch tomatoes. But for example, I don’t blanch tomatoes, I sterilize them. And this can be seen in this article ““. The results are very tasty canned tomatoes.

Plum syrup

Our syrup is the simplest, consisting of sugar and water. And the proportions depend on whether the plum is sweet. If the plum is sweet, then one glass of sugar per liter of water will be enough. If the plum is sour, then it is advisable to add more sugar. You can even have two glasses per liter of water. I have a Hungarian plum, it is sweet and sour, and I added one 350 gram mug of sugar per liter of water.

Regular readers know that I do not have a basement, and our plums will be stored in the apartment. That's why I don't regret sugar. Dissolve sugar in boiling water and leave on low heat. You already take the proportions of water based on your dishes. We calculate sugar in the same way.

Don't be afraid to make more syrup. If you still have it, you can cook compote or uzvar from it. It’s better to let the syrup remain than to cook it a second time. When the syrup is ready and the water has boiled for blanching the plums, we begin the canning process itself.

We put plums in a colander, not full, but somewhere 2/3 full, and put them in boiling water. This can be seen in the photo on the top left. We keep it for about a minute and a half, and then we take it out and put it with a spoon into a prepared bottle, already sterilized. Under no circumstances use your hands, otherwise you won’t be able to stand.

So we fill almost more than 2/3 of the jar. There is no need to tamp the plums, they are hot and fit into the jar so well. You don’t need to put it too full, it may turn out sour, and there won’t be enough sugar in the syrup for all the plums. And they will stand better if more boiling syrup gets into the jar.

And we fill our plums with boiling syrup. As you remember, I left the fire on. Fill our plums with syrup to the very top, literally not adding one centimeter to the edge. And now we roll up with metal lids.

When we've rolled up all the plums, that's not all. The final stage comes, now we wrap all the cans. So to speak, we are doing a “bath”. At least that's what my mother always told me. Look how I do it.
For the photo, I opened the cover to reveal the canned plums. The jars must be placed on the lid, i.e. bottom up. They should stand like this until the plums cool completely. Only after this can we turn our canned plums in syrup over and take them to the pantry.

You can prepare not only “Hungarian” for the winter. You can use almost any plum. The main thing is that the plums are not overripe. If you take overripe ones, then during blanching their skin will burst, and they may not only lose their appearance, but also turn into mush.

What else do I remember when my mother made such plums? The first year the syrup was liquid. But in the second year, there was liquid syrup on top, and jelly-like below. For example, I really loved drinking this syrup. You can also add it to compote.

Have a pleasant and trouble-free preparation.

Preparation of canned plums in sugar syrup:

We remove soft and overly ripe plums and wash only strong, perhaps slightly underripe, berries. To prevent the plums from cracking, you can prick them with a needle in several places.

Place clean plums in prepared jars.

Heat the water and fill the jars up to the neck.

Cover the jars with plums with lids and let them stand for a while - about 15 minutes.

While the plum is warming up, you need to cook sugar syrup from sugar and water.

Pour sugar into a bowl and add water, then bring to a boil. If necessary, remove the foam. Cook the sugar syrup for about five minutes over medium heat - after the syrup has boiled. After this, add citric acid, stir and remove from heat. We drain the water with which we filled the drains.

Pour hot syrup over the heated plums and cover with lids.

Sterilize the jars for 15 minutes, then immediately roll them up. Carefully turn the finished cans of canned plums upside down and wrap them in a warm towel or blanket so that the cooling process proceeds slowly.

If you do not want to sterilize the jars, you can use another method for this preparation. Peel the plums.

Pour in hot syrup - do not pour in regular boiling water. To do this, cook and boil the sugar syrup.

We wait 15 minutes, after which we pour the syrup into the pan and bring it to a boil again. You need to pour boiling sugar syrup over the plums three times and then immediately roll them up.

Important: do not forget to turn the jars over and wrap them well until they cool. Ready plums are great for various desserts, making compotes, jelly and jellies. Bon appetit!

This is a simple recipe for a healthy and sweet delicacy made from plums and syrup for the winter. Such plums can be rolled without sterilization, which greatly simplifies the preparation process.

This preparation can be stored for quite a long time if you adhere to the basic rule: store the jars in a cool place where direct sunlight does not penetrate. We will fill the plums with steep sugar syrup.

Thanks to this, the fruits are not only stored for a long time, but also retain their shape perfectly and turn out sweet and tasty. For cooking, it is best to take plums that are tight and dense so that they do not disintegrate and turn into mush when exposed to hot syrup.

Before cooking, it is important to sterilize jars and lids using a method convenient for you. It is better to take a container that is not too large so that the drains do not take up space in the refrigerator after opening.


  • plums - how many will go into the jar,
  • clean drinking water – 1000 ml.,
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 cups.

How to cook sweet plums in syrup

We wash the plums.

And in its entirety we put it in a sterile, dry jar.

Boil plain water and pour in the fruit for a third of an hour, then drain it.

While the plums are steaming, we make a sweet syrup for pouring. Take one liter of clean water and add 1.5 cups of sugar to it (based on your taste preferences, you can add 2 tbsp. sugar if the plums are sour).

Bring to a boil and pour into a jar to completely cover the plums. We seal the jars with evaporated lids and turn them over.

Leave to cool naturally, covered with a warm blanket. After 24 hours, when the jars of plums in syrup become cold, we put them in the cellar or pantry. Such plums can not only be eaten as an independent dessert, but also used to decorate other desserts and put into homemade baked goods.