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» Dream of going up and down stairs. Climb up the stairs. Interpretation of the general dream book

Dream of going up and down stairs. Climb up the stairs. Interpretation of the general dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Stairs

Your energy and abilities will help you achieve a prominent position in professional circles. Go up - your intelligence and intuition will be appreciated by your superiors. Go down - you will be allowed into a secret that is closed to many behind seven seals. Carry - colleagues need your help. Get to the very top - limitless prospects will open up before you. Shaky - you will be able to repel envy and malevolent thoughts. Beautiful and wide - to honors and glory. Sitting on the steps means you are on the path to prosperity. Someone is going down the stairs - the failures of your colleagues will allow you to see your originality. Running up the stairs - those who shared with you the difficulties and hardships of life will help you in your career growth. Stairway to Heaven is a sensational success. Rope - a difficult task will end in success. Wooden - a complex problem can be solved in a simple but effective way. Screw - your fate depends on the result of completing the task assigned to you. Stone - success will accompany you if you manage to be smart and use non-standard solutions. Escalator - patronage of an influential person. The ladder is success in the most impracticable projects. Step ladder - you will overcome any obstacles on the way to your goal. Going down a ladder from a window - today any adventure will bring unprecedented success.

The steps leading upward are identified with the road that will lead the sleeper to a pedestal and allow him to conquer new heights. And if you had a dream in which you are walking up the stairs, then in real life you are destined for success. But what will you need to do for this? An accurate interpretation of the dream, why you dreamed of climbing the stairs, will help you understand everything.

To choose the right prediction, you should remember all the nuances of the plot you saw. For example, according to dream books, it is of great importance: did you overcome your path alone or were in company, did you feel tired while climbing, what steps were there - rotten or strong and solid.

Basic interpretation

Why do you dream about how you rise in a dream? To well-deserved success. However, most dream books believe that there may be many obstacles on the way to the cherished goal. Overcoming some of them can significantly spoil the triumph of your victory.

The psychoanalytic dream book believes that climbing stairs in a dream is akin to the desire to improve the quality of one’s sex life. It is worth understanding that complete mutual understanding in intimate life is the key to harmony in relationships.

Why do you dream of climbing some stairs? According to Miller’s dream book, this dream foretells excellent business prospects for the sleeper. However, if after the climb you feel unwell, for example, dizzy, then your achievements will not pass without a trace for you. Most likely, you will become selfish and intolerant of people. In other words, having achieved power, you can lose your friends.

The old Russian dream book is sure that if in a dream you were able to reach the top step, then in reality you will gain fame and honor. However, beware of your own pride. It can cause loneliness.

What a climb

If you dreamed that you were going up and down the stairs at night, but did not feel even the slightest fatigue, then soon your sex life will become very eventful, and the list of love victories will expand.

Why might you dream about how you climbed to the top? The dream book believes that if you, standing at the very top, contemplate what is happening below, then in real life you will not forget those who helped you at the very beginning of your journey. If you look to the sky, you will be able to achieve many other goals in reality.

Are you wondering why you dream about going somewhere, barely catching your breath? So, if in a dream you were unable to get to the top because fatigue made itself felt, then in reality you will suffer a lot of failures. The reason will be your laziness. According to the dream book, you should overcome yourself at all costs, only in this case will you be able to achieve what you want.

Did you dream that you couldn’t get to the top step because some unknown force threw you back? The dream book foretells that enemies will interfere with plans.

What staircase

What did you see on the wooden stairs? The dream book is sure that if the steps creaked underfoot, then many obstacles will arise on the way to the goal. To make your dream come true, you will need to spend a lot of effort and outwit all your enemies.

If the tree was of good quality and did not bend under you, then, according to the dream book, your personal qualities and sobriety of mind will help you achieve the desired heights in life. However, you should control your emotions and suppress aggressive impulses.

If steps break under your feet in a dream, this is an unfavorable sign. The interpreter is sure that in reality you are too ambitious and proud. These qualities will become an insurmountable obstacle for you and, in the end, will lead to failure.

Did you dream that you were climbing a broken ladder in a dream? The Dream Interpretation is confident that even in the most difficult situation one should not lose hope for the best. One way or another, you will be able to overcome all the obstacles that will arise on your way and find your long-awaited happiness.

However, if in a dream you are practically suffocating and cannot step on the next step to get to the top, then in reality, having achieved what you want, you will not be happy.

Who to climb with

Why do you have a dream in which you had to rise in the company of a loved one? According to interpreters, the rise should be considered a favorable sign. On the way to your dream, you will receive help and support from family and friends.

A woman who rises with a man in a dream can hope that their relationship will be the beginning of something more. Perhaps in the future you will become a real married couple.

This dream has several different meanings. Climbing stairs in a dream means that in life you will be able to achieve a certain success.

However, quite often such a dream shows the uncertainty of your position or the fact that the dreamer himself may not know exactly what he wants, so many of his plans may in reality turn out to be mirages.

However, going up is always a positive sign, unless there was something heavy and difficult in the dream. The dream book writes that such a dream means rise, success, or even a certain personal growth.

This is what dreams of climbing stairs mean in various situations.

Modern shopping center or office

If you work in such an establishment, then climbing up the ladder means success, growth in both position and salary, or moving to a higher level. Such dreams can represent a good job and career, as well as excellent material prospects.

Sometimes going a few steps higher means expanding your horizons, knowledge and orientation in your activities.

Such dreams are often experienced by students who dream of a good position, a job in the place where they are doing an internship, as well as expanding their own horizons and reaching a new level.

Sometimes a person climbing the stairs in a dream in such a situation dreams that he will soon be able to find an excellent job and become head and shoulders above his peers.

Sometimes the growth will be so fast that everyone around will be surprised.

An ordinary level staircase in a dream means the gradual acquisition of life knowledge and the expansion of one’s horizons, as well as the improvement of one’s financial situation.

Therefore, it is very good if a person slowly or smoothly begins to climb the stairs.

The dream book writes that such a dream predicts your growth. Pay attention to the landscape of such a dream, what you liked about it, what you didn’t, and what new things you saw in the window.

If you have open space and a beautiful view of the city, then growth will allow you to see new horizons and get much more than is possible now.

Therefore, to see in a dream how your classmate or classmate begins to climb the stairs, leaving everyone else behind, or you yourself begin to move away from them, taking a step forward, is a very good sign.

You can not only succeed in your specialty, but also earn good money and expand your own living space.

Why do you dream about climbing the stairs in a shopping center if the office is not your main place of work?

This dream means personal growth, expansion of ordinary life knowledge and one’s own horizons.

In this case, the dream interpretation of a ladder, if it is durable, means that you will soon learn something new that will significantly enrich your life.

You can advance in life while remaining in your usual place or get a new position or job if it is not yet in your life.

But often such a dream means prospects in life or changes. They may be related to the expansion of your company, improving your own activities, the emergence of a new activity, a hobby that will give a different fulfillment to your life.

Pay attention to what you wear as you climb it.

If this is a business suit or your ordinary everyday clothes, then success will come to you due to your knowledge, skills and abilities. By performing your work competently and professionally, you can gain precious knowledge, as well as efficiency, acumen and business skills in your life.

If you climbed it in your usual suit, this dream means that social skills and communication with friends will help you climb up. It is possible that you will receive a promotion thanks to influential acquaintances and connections, as well as people who will show participation and interest in you.

In some situations, such a dream means prospects and unexpected turns in an area of ​​activity that you consider not serious for yourself.

For example, your acting skills, as well as your ability to communicate and get along with people, may be useful in a new job or project.

If a girl or woman climbs the stairs in a short skirt, then she will be able to win over an influential and important person, which will allow her to rise in position.

Sometimes such a dream means the growth of your spouse, or the beginning of an active hunt for a successful and single person. It is a good sign for the dreamer herself to walk up the stairs in a short or red dress or skirt.

It means that she will succeed thanks to her charm and ability to win over important and influential people. If your friend does this, then soon she will be able to get ahead of you in some ways and it will become very difficult to resist this.

Therefore, you should carefully look after yourself, dress nicely and not let yourself go so that an attractive and successful person will pay attention to you.

If you just came to the shopping center for shopping, then the dream book writes that such a dream means an improvement in your material capabilities.

If your store is located on the floor above and you go up to buy what you need, then modern books indicate that you can get the desired result.

Often such a dream predicts an unexpected gift or an opportunity to get rich, as well as an interesting and tempting offer.

In general, shops in a dream mean chances, life offers available to you, and the more of them there are, the more accessible the product is to you, the more interesting events will soon appear in your life.

Endless climbs up the stairs

Such dreams mean the uncertainty of some life situation, excitement or desire to rise up, not supported by real achievements and readiness for results.

The dream interpretation of climbing the stairs in such a situation means that you may get confused in your life situation, lose some guidelines, and also worry about some life problem and the inability to quickly find a solution.

Very often, endless climbs up the stairs, wandering through the corridors in search of the right door mean confusion and uncertainty of your situation. It seems that the dreamer either does not yet understand exactly what he wants and what to strive for, or does not know how to get to his goal.

Therefore, recurring dreams with endless stairs in life predict a situation of fear, confusion and uncertainty.

If you dreamed that you found the right place or climbed the stairs to the right floor, then in life such a situation of uncertainty will soon end. You will be able to get answers to all important and necessary questions, and also get what you want.

Why dream of walking up the stairs in a beautiful dress if it is located in some building? The dream book writes that such a dream predicts success in love and personal life, many pleasant and joyful moments, as well as favorable life circumstances.

If the staircase was a small garden one, then climbing a few steps up it is a sign of a love adventure or a pleasant surprise. This dream means joy, the fulfillment of a small desire.

Climbing a spiral staircase means success in a bold or risky undertaking. For women, this dream predicts success on the personal front.

If you dreamed that you were climbing the beautiful spiral staircase of an ancient castle, expect an intriguing and unusual proposal. Very often this dream predicts the revelation of some secret or an interesting, intriguing incident.

Cleaning up the stairs after yourself or breaking them down so that no one gets into the same place as you is a recipe for success. You can achieve the desired result. And falling while rising or failing predicts failure or a careless step in life. Try to exercise caution and caution in whatever you do.

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Seeing a ladder in a dream is a fairly common occurrence; it is the most common dream. In most cases, people go up or down, but this is not the main thing in the interpretation of a dream, according to dream books. For a complete picture, you should know what it is made of, with whom you are going, rising or falling, whether it is easy for you to rise or not, and also many factors.

Why do you dream about stairs?

The main thing is to know when you dream about it, it means a road or a path, and from the component pictures you will know the deep understanding of the dream.

What staircase design

  1. A wide staircase dreams of respect in society. Its width depends on your position, which means you will achieve success in business and endeavors.
  2. Open staircase. The railings give us confidence and support, if they are absent, then this means that you should be more wary of upcoming events in life; it may be difficult to overcome them.
  3. Staircase without steps. The meaning of this dream according to the dream book is that the steps are a symbol of your capabilities and goals. If no steps, then it’s worth considering that the goals are difficult, and perhaps unrealistically achievable. And it’s worth developing in a different direction, or it’s worth making more efforts.
  4. Broken steps. They mean what's around you ill-wishers and envious people, and possibly enemies. You should be more careful about the environment around you, you may find a person who is trying to harm you.
  5. Broken staircase. If you come across a broken ladder in a dream, then most likely this means worries, an obstacle and certain losses in life.
  6. Stair color. If you dream of a ladder in light colors, then according to the dream book, this is a good sign and makes it clear that you are doing everything right, and soon you will be awarded praise, success, promotion, happiness or wealth. If the stairs are in dark colors, then you are making mistakes somewhere, and soon you will have troubles.
  7. Stepladder in a dream. It is known that a stepladder is a shaky structure and needs support. Then when you dream about it, if you were helped in a dream, then it will happen in life, which means that no matter how precarious the situation, they will help you. If there was no help, it means that people close to you have turned away from you or have turned away and you are left without help, which will entail problems and failures in your personal life.
  8. Spiral staircase. Such view of a ladder in a dream says that success and luck will definitely come, but it is worth using a non-standard or extraordinary method. You may need other ways to achieve your goal.
  9. High stairs. It means that soon a positive trend will await you both in life and at work, respect awaits you and high position in society.
  10. Low stairs, shaky structure. This state of her speaks of failures in life, which may last a long time.
  11. Staircase to execution. Gallows or executioner. You are climbing or descending from the ladder to execution, this dream means that your endeavors are collapsing and will not bring any results. And, in general, it’s worth abandoning your plan and starting work in a different direction.

The material from which the stairs are made

If you dreamed of a staircase, then you should remember what material it was made of. Wood, concrete, rope are very important for the interpretation of sleep. Exactly general picture of a dream with a ladder, will help you find out what awaits you in business.

Material of stairs in a dream, what does it mean according to the dream book

  1. If you dream about a wide concrete structure, it means that you have made the right choice, you are on the right path, and when you encounter small problems, you will easily solve them. There is no need to change anything radically, everything planned will be done. Such a dream is a harbinger of good changes in your personal life and career.
  2. A rope ladder, and you go up or down it. Such a dream means that you are in a precarious position. And it’s worth reconsidering your goals and their achievements; perhaps you should change your tactics. Try to surround yourself with people you trust and who can help you out and help you in difficult situations.
  3. Building and making a staircase from different materials means that you yourself can achieve results without outside help, but it’s worth making an effort.
  4. Iron. Unfortunately, iron in all dream books means heaviness, this also applies to hard work and difficult relationships. And the iron ladder means that a difficult and difficult path awaits you, be it a relationship or a career ladder, everywhere it will be harder for you than usual.
  5. Beautiful marble staircase. Marble means wealth, success, career advancement, but, unfortunately, coldness or disappointment in a loved one is brewing in your personal life.
  6. Wooden ladder. If it is shaky and creaky, then this is a warning that you are making some kind of mistake in business, but when you achieve your goal in a dream, then you just need to reconsider your methods and goals and everything will work out for you.

Why do you dream of going up the stairs?

Climbing stairs in a dream is a good sign, it means that good luck and success will await you, you will overcome difficulties, but in the end you will succeed. The main thing in the dream book is the stairs and you are moving up.

Dream interpretation staircase. Climbing stairs in a dream

  1. A beautiful, wide and reliable staircase to the sky, up. This dream makes it clear that success awaits you, that all your endeavors will succeed. All goals will be achieved, and you will find it easy and enjoyable at work, or success in your personal life.
  2. Climbing stairs in a dream without railings. Such a dream can be interpreted as meaning that you achieve everything yourself without the help of family and friends. The higher you rise, the easier it will be for you to achieve your goal.
  3. Dream Interpretation staircase is dirty and without railings. The goal you achieve will be difficult for you to achieve, but you will do it. But you will not always have to act honestly, and manipulate people, and accept help from people whom you do not completely trust and share the same views.
  4. Why dream of climbing a flight of stairs with a man. Dual sign in a dream. If a man helps you in a dream, this means that you will have a patron or assistant who will help you achieve your goal. If you help a man move up the stairs, and you find it difficult, then most likely this will mean that you will have a person who will bother you and demand your attention and help.
  5. Dream interpretation of stairs and you go up with your loved one. Such a dream carries a positive connotation. Climbing upward in a dream with your loved one, you overcome all difficulties and troubles. Your relationship will be even stronger, you will achieve goals together, and you will enjoy it. If the ladder was dirty, or you had difficulty climbing it, then it may mean that your relationship is at a standstill or your relationship has exhausted itself, and soon you will not be together.
  6. Dream interpretation staircase. You go up with your child. Seeing a child in a dream is a good sign. It means that you have found or will find an activity that you will like, and will boldly be called your favorite activity, and perhaps you will devote your whole life to this activity.
  7. Climbing up stairs in a dream is difficult. In real life it will mean that you will overcome difficulties in work or personal life. If you were able to overcome the distance, then in life, despite all the troubles and set-ups from other people, you will achieve your goal, although it will not be entirely easy for you.

Why do you dream about stairs? You're going down

You get down from it

Going down in a dream is a bad sign, there will be failures and bad luck in life, career and personal life. You will also not keep your promises and your goal and methods of achieving it will not bring results, which will worsen your position in society. And the fault will be you and your inflated demands on yourself and the people around you.

You fall from it

If you dream that you are being pushed and you fall, then you should think about the people around you. Among them there are envious people, and people who are ready to betray you, you should pay attention to them and try to have less contact. If you fall yourself, it means that you are making a mistake somewhere in life, and it is worth finding it and correcting it.

Run away from the person who is chasing you

Frequent dreams about running away from a pursuer are disturbing. These dreams symbolize that you are trying to solve existing problems in real life, but you always is anyone in the way. If you are running away from your pursuer, but don’t see him, such a dream, according to the dream book, means that you are not opening up completely, perhaps you are hiding talents, or you cannot take a responsible step in a relationship, and this bothers you.

Dream about washing steps

According to the dream book, washing means that you are in your career or simply on the path of life, someone who “put a spoke in their wheels,” or, more simply put, you interfered and tried to set someone up. Now this is reflected in a dream, as if you are wiping away your bad deeds. If you wash it, but there is no use, it remains just as dirty. So in life you should apologize to people who you have done wrong, and forgive yourself for these actions.

Climbing the low, comfortable steps to the top - you will have a journey in which you will meet a very interesting person. If the steps were high and it was difficult for you to climb, the acquaintance will take place, but the relationship will be quite difficult. But acquaintance in any case will develop into a strong friendship (see also Staircase).

Imagine that you are climbing the steps to the very top.

If you go down the steps and at the same time walk calmly and confidently, a vacation awaits you, perhaps unplanned, but nevertheless pleasant. If you quickly run downstairs, the dream warns you that you should not rush into the decision to leave your job. It's not so bad, you may not need to quit at all. In any case, if you leave your job now, you will be looking for a new place for quite a long time. You should wait it out, now is not the best time for change.

Imagine yourself going down slowly, taking your time, enjoying every step.

If you dreamed that you fell down the stairs, a demotion awaits you, and it will be associated with some serious mistake on your part.

Imagine that you deliberately jumped off the steps, but did not fall, but flew up. You are flying over the city, enjoying the flight.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream Interpretation - Rise

A dream in which you climb to the top of an ancient Egyptian pyramid means that you will soon embark on an exciting journey. If you climb a huge mountain in a dream, this foretells the onset of perhaps the happiest moment in your life.

Climbing the stairs to the top floor of a high-rise building portends regret over an unfulfilled idea. If you take the elevator, you will have a chance to significantly increase your well-being.

Climbing the fire escape to the very roof of the house is a sign that you will achieve your goal, no matter what it costs.

Climbing to the roof using a ladder means you will be afraid of what you yourself will laugh at.

Climbing onto a certain pedestal or podium means that you will stand out among your surroundings with your originality and talents or abilities that are unique to you.

A dream in which you climb onto the scaffold, supposedly for execution, portends a pleasant surprise. Rising into the sky in a hot air balloon predicts an unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the opportunity to replace the boss in his place when he suddenly leaves for a promotion.

If in a dream you rise to the beginning of the ski slope in a suspended cable car cabin, this portends an improvement in your financial situation.

If you drive up the road leading upward, new perspectives and opportunities will open up before you. If you climb the stairs to board the plane, it means you can easily cope with a difficult task. Climbing a ladder lowered from a helicopter - you will become proud, having taken a higher position, and your friends will turn away from you.

Interpretation of dreams from