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» The dream book dreams that I am standing in front of a mirror. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about the Mirror. "A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

The dream book dreams that I am standing in front of a mirror. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about the Mirror. "A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

If you are lucky enough to see yourself in a mirror in a dream, the dream book is sure: you have met your true essence. However, the mirror itself is too contradictory a symbol, and there are a lot of explanations for what it means in dreams. Therefore, the object should be considered only in conjunction with other features of the dream.

Interpretation of the plot according to the Enigma dream book

Have you seen yourself in the mirror and smiled? Everything will go according to plan. Often such a plot promises general well-being and even the birth of a child. If a creepy face looked out from the looking glass, you will be privy to a terrible secret.

Taking pictures in a dream through a mirror means that an attempt to hold the mask will be a failure. Revealing your two faces can lead to a situation in which you literally show duplicity.

If a man is reflected nearby, he will become your life partner. Dream Interpretation Enigma reminds: If the reflection was your own, but slightly changed, then changes are coming in life. Additional details will tell you what they will be like.

See yourself complete

If the face was very full and rosy-cheeked, expect profit, satisfaction, pleasure. In the dream, the face barely fit into the frame? You need to think about your life and draw conclusions. If the face was swollen, disappointment, poverty, and a difficult test are coming. Among other things, you will soon cry and feel sorry for yourself.

Dream about gray-haired

Why see yourself completely gray in the mirror? Are you a very wise person or do you just want to appear to be one? Sometimes gray hair indicates invisible aging. Seeing yourself with black hair is a sign of disappointment and failure. Being a redhead means inconstancy and deception. Was a charming blonde looking at you? The dream book promises an interesting meeting, an exciting trip.

To be scary in a dream

Did you see yourself as terribly scary? Due to disorganization and connivance, you will not be able to complete what you started. Looked obviously sick? Beware of a nervous breakdown. Why do you dream that you suddenly show huge fangs in a smile? Give free rein to your emotions and offend someone. Was the double furry and ugly? Contrary to expectations, you will quickly achieve your goal and get rich.

Other meanings

If a girl sees that she is a bride, she will not get married for a long time. Along the way, the dream book offers other meanings. See yourself in the mirror:

  • Thin - losses, lack of money, illness.
  • Small – uncertainty, desire to hide.
  • Dirty - honor, relief, interference in business.
  • Battered - gossip, slander, date.
  • Beautiful - happiness, love.
  • Crying - disappointment, loss.

A mirror is a boundary that unites several dimensions at once, through which even a ghost can enter our world. The mirror surface reflects the past and future, shows what a person is initially, without makeup, masks and the role he plays.

See yourself in the mirror according to Miller

Why do you dream about seeing yourself in the mirror? Mr. Miller believes that someone's illness will cause suffering. Did the mirror fall and break? A big disaster will happen in reality. If instead of your own you find someone else’s face, then Miller predicts disagreements and unfair attitudes from others.

The Muslim dream book states: seeing yourself in the mirror means immediate changes, and breaking it in a dream means the collapse of plans. Have you carefully examined your double in the mirror? Interpreter Vanga prophesies: there will be an opportunity to critically evaluate oneself from the outside. Dream fortune telling using the specified object symbolizes a passionate desire to know the future.

Search and not find reflection

Why dream if you couldn’t find your reflection? Changes are coming that will affect the spiritual side of your being. Another interpretation warns of a serious illness. A dream in which you had no face at all has a similar meaning.

In a dream, did you see a real monster instead of yourself? The dream book insists: in your soul you harbor anger, resentment and other negative feelings that destroy you from the inside. Looking for yourself, but seeing another person means that you need to adopt some individual qualities.

Why do you dream about a broken object?

Even in a dream you cannot look at yourself in a broken mirror. Otherwise, what you fear most will happen. Even a small crack on the reflective surface promises a turning point and a crisis.

If you had difficulty recognizing yourself in a broken and cracked product, then the dream book is convinced: it is necessary to completely change your behavior and abandon your ideas. It is possible that someone is trying to subjugate you, suppress you.

It is not better to look at yourself in a mirror shard. Receive sad news and become a participant in a tragedy. If a mirror falls and breaks before your eyes, a loved one will die. If you decide to throw away an unusable product, it will be possible to avoid disaster.

Choose and buy a new mirror

Why do you dream if you decide to buy a new mirror? You will soon realize exactly what others think about you. It’s good to choose the right product in a store. By being careful, you will make a worthy purchase in reality.

Buying interesting decor in a dream signifies a miraculous healing from mental sadness or physical illness. But selling such a product is bad. The dream book predicts a quarrel with a friend or relative. What does it mean if you had to hang a mirror decoration on the wall:

  • The hallway is a problem from the outside.
  • Bedrooms are irrepressible fantasies.
  • Bathroom - dissatisfaction with oneself.
  • Entrance – conflict.
  • Kitchens - household chores.

What does an old and cloudy mirror mean?

Why do you dream of a cloudy reflection in an old mirror? In reality you will be drawn into intrigues and slandered. Another interpretation gives a hint: you are actively looking for your purpose, your place in life, but all your efforts go in vain.

Did you dream about an old dressing table? The dream book promises: memories of the past and unfinished business will come to light. In this case, seeing yourself in the mirror can be a sign of meeting old friends. Have you started cleaning the reflective surface, trying to return it to its former abilities in a dream? Try to establish the truth.

Wipe and break the mirror in the night

In a dream, wiping a dusty mirror means planned changes that will change you for the better. Were you planning to wipe the reflective surface with a wet cloth? This is a symbol of inner emptiness, insincerity of promises, inability to make a decision.

While wiping the trellis, did you manage to break it? The dream book believes that hopes and expectations will not come true. Have you tried to break a mirror, but it didn’t break? This reflects dissatisfaction with one’s situation and the inability to change something. Consciously hitting your double in the looking glass can also lead to efforts that will not bring results.

Did you manage to get through the mirror? In your dream, you literally moved into another dimension. In such situations, maximum caution is required, try not to come into contact with characters who impose themselves.

  • Primary elements - water, metal, wood. Elements - cold, dryness, wind. Emotions - fear, anger, melancholy. Organs - kidneys, liver, lungs. Planets - Mercury, Saturn, Venus. Explanation and interpretation Seeing a reflection in water (one's own or another person's) is a yin state - separation, distance. Seeing a reflection in water in a dream means accepting oneself or another through an intermediary, without having the courage to communicate directly (water-cold-fear). Water is amorphous - it has no form, which means that the person reflected in it does not exist, so the person looking into the water does not exist (has no form). Hidden fears have long been provoking a state of justified, justified distrust of oneself and others and forcing one to turn to complex methods of defense that deplete and destroy the ability to perceive both oneself and the world. It is scary to trust, and a person looks for various reasons and ways to test others, denying that the reason lies in lack of trust in oneself. Constant irritability and periods of depression confirm and strengthen the once-established state of mistrust as one of the means of survival. Gradual distancing seems to be a way to intelligently solve problems that arise. The relationship is destroyed, and the person is left alone, entangled in his own claims and fears: only one reflection remains of waking reality, which manifests itself in a dream. But this is already a warning for the future, so as not to be left alone there. The dream is unfavorable: an urgent revision of the system of spiritual values ​​and relationships is required, because all the troubles are provoked by the dreamer himself. The kidneys, liver and lungs are in an unfavorable pre-morbid state. A reflection distorted by ripples can portend a serious illness. Seeing your reflection in a mirror is a mirror; it is a world of imaginary volumes and shapes, different from the real one, turned from right to left. A mirror in a dream (also a world different from reality) is a very complex image, a combination of various dimensions, allowing one to capture and reflect the inner past of the human soul. You should pay attention to such a dream: it is absolutely necessary - it is given by the Cosmos.
    Everyone lives in their own world, which they create in the way that seems right to them. Emerging relationships, one’s own behavior - all of these are already derivatives of that past first understanding of how one should live. Everyone chooses for himself and then only performs as an actor the image that he once chose, bringing it (the image of himself) to possible perfection - the same in terms of impact on the public/those around him. But this is static. But static is always unfavorable, especially the static of the soul! Seeing your reflection from the past in a mirror is the perception of your true world: a real, undisguised and undistorted attitude towards yourself. One's own face in the mirror of a dream is the way it was until the spiritual makeup - the actor's image - the role began to actively create itself. The consequence of a dream should be an analysis of all your actions from the starting point of the dream (face in the mirror) to the present moment (morning after sleep). To see a reflection of oneself in a mirror in a dream as if from the future - the sleeper knows that the face in the mirror is his, but does not recognize himself; he has never seen himself before; there is nothing to remember. This, as in the first case, is the perception of one’s true face, but not what it was, but what it will be if nothing changes in the person’s real behavior. Actions after sleep are performed at will, depending on whether you liked the face in the mirror or not. But such a dream, as a rule, demonstrates the need for some changes: advice from above should not be neglected. Not recognizing oneself in a mirror in a dream is a complete contradiction between the image chosen out of necessity and the understanding and vision of it by others that actually exists. Such a dream is a sign of the dreamer’s constant strain to maintain a false image, depleting his strength, a sign of an approaching nervous breakdown. Taking pleasure in contemplating your reflection in a mirror in a dream is a sign of the absence of struggle with yourself, complete acceptance of all the events that have happened and are occurring. Disgust towards one’s reflection in a dream is a sign of a constant, exhausting struggle to maintain the chosen pattern of behavior, the discrepancy between the chosen goal and one’s own capabilities. Every action taken to achieve a goal brings disappointment and loss of strength. A mirror covered with cracks in a dream and the inability to see even approximately your own features in it - the chosen pattern of behavior is incorrect until your own face is completely erased (and in reality a broken mirror is a bad omen). Complete submission to someone's will is possible. The dream is very unfavorable; an urgent change in behavior, goals, value system and medical advice are required. Such dreams usually do not predict specific immediate consequences. But the long-term consequences are not good. Seeing another person in the mirror instead of yourself means complete submission to someone else's will (this could have happened in childhood). If the reflection is familiar, then reconsider your relationship with the original, regardless of whether he is alive or has already died. Mental elaboration in this case liberates, and mentally repaid debts grant liberation. This dream can be considered favorable, since such a display is a help. To see some other place reflected in a mirror in a dream (the dreamer is in a room in a dream and sees a road in the mirror, for example) or another person (not instead of himself) - simply means using the capabilities of the mirror to transmit information (for some reason otherwise it was impossible to show it). In this case, you should interpret what you saw in the mirror as an independent dream.

A mirror is a complex, multifaceted symbol in a dream, and dream books interpret the appearance of this object in night dreams in different ways. Moreover, the mirror can be associated with events in various spheres of human life. It symbolizes a person’s hopes and desires, indicating his shortcomings and vices. Therefore, it is important to know why a person dreams about this household item in order to understand how much such a dream can affect events that occur in reality.

Of great importance for the correct interpretation of dreams are the actions that were carried out in night dreams with a mirror. Any smallest nuances can tell you how this item is connected with the events of a person’s real world.

Broken mirror - dream book

Despite the fact that in real life a broken mirror is considered a bad omen, if seen in a dream in such a state, in most cases it does not bode well. So, if you saw fragments of a mirror under your feet, then this predicts that you will receive a lucrative offer in real life.

Why do you dream of looking in the mirror?

The most frequently asked question is why you dream of looking in the mirror. If you feel pleasure from your reflection and you like it, then this is a very good dream, foreshadowing good luck in life. And if, in addition to this, you also smile, then such a dream symbolizes the fact that in real life you feel like a happy person.

But if you don’t like your reflection, then this indicates that you need to pay more attention to close relatives.

Other actions in front of the mirror can be interpreted as follows:
  • Trying on clothes means getting the opportunity in the near future to enjoy the successes of friends;
  • Applying makeup - preparing in reality for an important business meeting;
  • Just make faces in front of the mirror - get the opportunity to travel to distant lands with a friend.

If you look into a mirror in a dream, but do not see your reflection, then this foreshadows a meeting with great love in reality. And if in the mirror instead of yourself in your night dreams you see the reflection of a stranger’s face, then you need to prepare in real life to overcome serious obstacles. When, seeing yourself in a mirror in a dream, you have a desire to closely examine your reflection, then soon you will need to get advice from a wise person. Also, such a dream foreshadows imminent life changes, or emphasizes your desire to change something in your own life.

Cracked mirror - interpretation of sleep

It is very important to know what a cracked mirror means in dreams. If you look into such a mirror in your night dreams, this indicates that you will soon make a good profit. And when you are not even surprised at the broken mirror, then you consider yourself a smart person. But if you dreamed that a broken mirror annoyed you, then this emphasizes the fact that you have problems with a sense of humor, so in reality you very often find yourself in ridiculous situations.

You should also pay attention to the following:
  • If you dream that the reflection of your face is moving away from you, in reality you should expect some news from relatives;
  • When you dream of an approaching reflection, this indicates that it is time to take a break from everyday chores.

Why dream of crying in front of a mirror?

If you cried in a dream, looking at your reflection in the mirror, then in reality you will face a painful separation from your loved one. A dream in which you do not recognize yourself in the mirror is not a very good sign. It is a harbinger of quarrels and conflicts with colleagues.

Seeing a stranger's face in the mirror

When, according to the plot of your dream, it was a big surprise for you to see a stranger’s face in the mirror instead of your own, this indicates that changes will occur in real life for which you will not be ready. The positive or negative nature of the changes can be judged directly by the stranger's face.

If the face of a stranger in a night’s dreams seemed very pleasant, then this indicates that in reality there will be meetings that will not pass without a trace, but will leave a deep mark on the dreamer’s fate. For a woman, such a dream is a harbinger of meeting a man whom she will really like. Perhaps he will become her destiny.

Actions or events are reflected in the mirror

If any actions or events are reflected in a mirror in a dream, then such dreams are prophetic, and to decipher them it is important to remember the plot as a whole. Such a dream always contains fragments of the dreamer's future.

Dirty mirror - how to interpret

A dirty mirror in night dreams can be interpreted in different ways. If you dreamed that you had to peer into cloudy glass, then in reality you will face retribution in the near future for some bad and thoughtless act. For women, such a dream can be a harbinger of the appearance of an obsessive and unpleasant admirer in reality. Also, a dirty mirror in a dream can indicate hidden desires in the intimate sphere, which the dreamer dreams of bringing to life.

according to Loff's dream book

In dreams, mirrors convey a clear reflection of something, display objects, introducing any changes, like the case of Alice in Wonderland, they serve as a door to another reality. The mirror often causes anxiety because of its ability to show us unvarnished what lies ahead, forcing us to interpret what we see and think about whether we like it or not. If a mirror inconsistently reflects objects - adding or removing details - then it represents a reflection of the perception of life against the backdrop of the real state of affairs. In this case, the dream indicates to you a misinterpretation of the motives driving others, which manifests itself in a reluctance to accept these motives “at face value.” Who or what has been added or removed from the mirror? Finally, the mirror as a symbolic door to another world is usually a fantasy generated by the subconscious. After passing through the mirror, Alice discovered that it was a metaphor indicating the presence of other worlds. Does your mirror serve as a gateway or crossing line into another world? What excites or frightens you most about this new world?

I dreamed about a mirror

according to Miller's dream book

To see yourself looking in a mirror in a dream means that you will encounter many discouraging disagreements, the cause of your suffering will be someone else's illness. Seeing a broken mirror in a dream foretells the sudden death of a relative. Seeing others in the mirror foreshadows their unfair actions towards you. Seeing animals in the mirror means disappointment and loss. A broken mirror seen in a young woman's dream promises an unsuccessful friendship and a not very happy marriage. Seeing a lover in the mirror, pale and emaciated, means his death or a failed engagement. If he looks happy, then a slight distance between you will grow. But after a while, agreement will reign in your hearts again. Just seeing a mirror in a dream is a sign of possible imminent deception or difficult obstacles to overcome. For a woman, this dream can be a harbinger of domestic conflicts or divorce.

Why do you dream about a mirror?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to break - loss through betrayal, separation; to see your face - to lead from afar, personal profit, the birth of children; what you look like is how people around you treat you; seeing yourself as a whole means illness; no face - illness, failure; unfamiliar - big changes, betrayal of a loved one (mine); own reflection - you are neglected, financial failures; seeing a lover is a reason for separation; the wife sees her husband - to infidelity; stranger - casual connection; (for a man) to see a stranger - the connection is a trap, beware of traps in the personal.

Mirror in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A mirror is a symbol of duality and mystery. If you see your reflection in a mirror in a dream, you will receive unexpected news. If you broke a mirror in a dream, in reality you will worry about the treachery of a person close to you. A dream in which you saw a monster in a mirror image indicates the insincerity of your promises and inner emptiness. Seeing a huge mirror with a cloudy surface means becoming a victim of intrigue and slander. Not seeing your reflection in a mirror in a dream is a bad sign. Fortune telling in front of a mirror in a dream means fear, doubt, and inability to make decisions on your own.

Why do you dream about a mirror?

according to Vanga's dream book

Looking at your reflection in the mirror in a dream is a sign that in real life you are very interested in what other people think of you. You very often look at your life as if from the outside, trying to analyze your actions and deeds. If you look in the mirror but do not see your reflection, then such a dream suggests that you are in the power of an evil spirit that is doing evil with your hands. Turn to God, for you have a hard life ahead of you. Seeing a broken mirror in a dream is a prophecy of great grief. Suffering and tears await you. Fortune telling in front of a mirror in a dream is a sign that in real life you are overly interested in your future. You want to know literally everything: whether you will live richly and happily, how many children you will have, whether others will respect you, and even the day of your death. Remember that “the ways of the Lord are mysterious” and no one living today can answer all your questions with exact certainty. Constantly turning to various predictors and guessing yourself, you only attract the attention of evil spirits.

Dream interpretation of seeing yourself in the mirror

Mirror surfaces have always been considered a portal between the real world and the other world. There are many beliefs associated with these items. Girls use it to tell fortunes, magicians use it in their rituals, a lot of horror films have been created about it, and science fiction books have been written about it.

Dreaming of reflection in the mirror

After dreams where you happened to see your mirror image, you need to remember all the details; they can significantly change the interpretation. Then you can safely take up the dream book or go to an expert.

How different dream books interpret a mirror in a dream

Why see your reflection in the mirror? There is more than one interpretation of this plot, and predictions about what the mirror itself means in dreams.

Children's dream book

This dream book gives a rather interesting interpretation of such dreams.

A mirror is a reflection of the subconscious of a sleeping person:

  • if you liked the reflection, then you live in harmony with yourself;
  • if what you see in a dream scares you, then you are oppressed by unpleasant thoughts and feelings. Resentment, anger, envy, jealousy are feelings that destroy you from the inside, and you need to get rid of them.

The appearance of such dreams will stop if you understand yourself and recreate your inner balance.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed of a mirror

A mirror is a sign that there will be obstacles along the way that will be difficult to overcome. People around you are trying to mislead you, not telling you the truth, giving you false information.

For a woman, the appearance of a mirror in a dream promises irreconcilable conflicts with her husband, up to and including a complete break in the relationship.

Look at yourself in the mirror - you will quarrel with loved ones.

Why see the reflection of other people - they will treat you unfairly.

To see the reflection of an animal - you will lose something important, or you will be disappointed in a certain person.

The most negative interpretation is the symbol of a broken mirror - after such dreams you should prepare yourself for grief, loss, misfortune, death. And for women, seeing cracks in the glass means complete disappointment in their partner or an unhappy marriage.

Dream book of the 21st century

This dream book gives a rather positive interpretation of dreams about a mirror. Seeing him in a dream means a merry celebration, a party, a feast.

But, at times, such a symbol can show you that a friend is not behaving honestly, weaving intrigues, plotting intrigues for you.

Why do people in relationships dream about a mirror? For an imminent wedding or the revival of old feelings.

For an unmarried girl, a mirror dreams of meeting her future husband.

Seeing yourself reflected in the mirror, the same as in real life, means financial well-being.

Seeing beautiful means a pleasant and happy life.

If you see yourself with a reddened face, you will be surprised.

Seeing your reflection in the mirror

Looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing the reflection of the beast means the successful completion of all affairs.

If you see rashes and pimples on your face, your life will soon change for the better.

Why give a mirror in a dream - to a truce with your enemies.

Why receive it as a gift - a tempting financial offer.

If the reflection is light, then only good changes await you, but if it is dark, blurry, with cracks, then expect trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

Look at yourself through reflective glass - you will argue and quarrel with relatives. The cause of your conflicts will be hidden in the sudden illness of one of your relatives.

To break it is the death of a loved one.

Miller's dream book gives an interesting interpretation of why you dream of looking at the reflection of your loved one:

Look at yourself according to psychology and seers

Psychologists believe that mirrors are the door to our subconscious.

Seeing the reflection of unnecessary objects, or vice versa, there will not be enough of them - you perceive the reality around you in a distorted way, or you idealize events too much, or you see everything in black.

The seer Vanga believed that looking at yourself, your reflection, means that you are highly dependent on the opinions of the people around you. You often analyze and engage in introspection.

Why do you dream that you cannot see your reflection? You are under the power of dark forces, perhaps you have been damaged. Vanga advises to come to God for help.

Nostradamus said if you dream of your reflection, then you will learn the news. Looking in a mirror in a dream, but seeing a monster there - you are insincere in your promises, such behavior devastates you from the inside, you yourself suffer from it first of all.

If you dream of guessing in front of a mirror surface, you do not know how to independently take responsibility for your actions, make decisions, and you are tormented by doubts.

What exactly do you see in the mirror?

Interpreters take a very responsible approach to considering such dreams. Everything is taken into account: your feelings, the direction of your gaze, reflection, the state of the mirror itself.

If you have set yourself a goal to find out why you dreamed about a certain plot, consider it from a variety of perspectives.

What part of the body will you see in the mirror?

  • If you only dream about the reflection of a face, then big changes await you. Your world will literally turn upside down.
  • Look at yourself as if from the outside, you see both your face and its reflection - you are not a sincere person.
  • Looking at your full-length silhouette and seeing yourself more beautiful than in real life - they will try to deceive you, wishful thinking.
  • After dreams in which the reflection was full-length, you should beware of diseases.

Does the reflection match reality?

In a dream, you may see your reflection completely inconsistent with reality. Do such dreams have a specific message, or do they simply show your extraordinary view of things? In addition, they can promise you pleasant changes in life, or threaten the approach of troubles and misfortunes.

Positive Predictions

Reflection doesn't match reality

Modern interpreters interestingly interpret a dream in which a woman saw herself in the mirror image of her old self. It portends your career advancement. Your financial situation will improve significantly, and with it will come public recognition.

For a man, seeing himself aged means long life and excellent health.

Seeing yourself fat in the mirror means you will achieve success. The fatter you are, the higher your status and financial situation will be.

Beware of trouble

You can look in the mirror and see yourself ugly. After such dreams you will have to go through several unpleasant moments, perhaps life will take a sharp turn in an unpleasant direction, be patient.

Seeing yourself gray-haired, with a long, braided braid - you have a long road ahead of you, which you will need to overcome alone.

Dream books generally say that seeing yourself gray is negative. A gray-haired image suggests that you will receive sad news that can throw you off balance for a long time.

In a dream, you began to look at your reflection, but you seemed completely different to yourself - be extremely careful in your statements, do not trust your thoughts to anyone. They may be misinterpreted and you will lose your reputation.

Seeing the silhouette of another person instead of your reflection means you are not happy with yourself. You try to find an ideal for yourself and strive to imitate it.

You often have a dream in which you see yourself bald - your vitality is running out. The display of a bald head is a reflection of your inner world, you are too open, your energy flows away from you in a stormy stream, take action.

What outfit did you wear when you looked in the mirror?

The most common interpretation of dreams in which you saw yourself in a dress, in a mirror, in a dream - to family troubles.

Seeing your reflection in a dress

Reflecting in a wedding dress is a positive vision. You will be visited by a bright feeling, a love affair, perhaps just a light flirtation with a work colleague.

But, if the dress was dirty, then you will soon end your relationship with your loved one, according to the dream book.

It is believed that a wedding dress means health. And a mirror image is an individual who thinks like you. Such a dream could mean that you will soon meet a like-minded person.

Also, a mirror image of you, in a white dress, is a dream of receiving an offer for a pleasant job. If you liked the dress and admired yourself, then you tend to greatly exaggerate your merits, consider your appearance more beautiful than it really is. The dream book also says that the delight that the dress evokes in you speaks of your desire for self-satisfaction.

Why look at your reflection in a dirty and torn dress - it means health troubles. Worse dress means worse health.

The main thing is not what dress you were wearing, but your inner feelings. They are the ones who set the tone for the interpretation.

Seeing yourself completely naked in the mirror in a dream means you will be surprised at how events will unfold.

Also, seeing naked people in the mirror suggests that you are too shy and give in to difficulties.

Sometimes you can come across an interpretation that says that seeing yourself naked in the mirror means a loss of life direction, loss of values, and depression. Others argue that such a dream indicates that you always believe that you have the last word.

Other interpretations of the reflection in the mirror

  • Starting a conversation with your reflection means a good time spent with pleasant people.
  • Intimacy in front of the mirror - you will meet an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • If your reflection is distorted, then you can safely get ready for the journey, a pleasant journey awaits you.
  • Seeing yourself as a little beautiful girl looking in the mirror - you will achieve your goal even earlier than you thought.