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» Ingredients of a fruit cocktail for weight loss. Classic cabbage smoothie with kefir. Products prohibited for making smoothies

Ingredients of a fruit cocktail for weight loss. Classic cabbage smoothie with kefir. Products prohibited for making smoothies

Girls try to look perfect, so they often use a variety of diets to lose extra pounds and make their figure beautiful. But such diets are not always safe for health, so when choosing to lose weight, you should pay attention to the possible consequences of dietary nutrition.

We want to offer smoothies for weight loss, prepared in a blender according to recipes with photos. These drinks are not only an excellent breakfast or snack replacement, but also contain the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.

Today, smoothies are prepared based on vegetables, fruits, berries, as well as with the addition of kefir and oatmeal. In addition, dried fruits, various types of nuts and natural yogurt are often added to the drink.

To get the most delicious and low-calorie drink, you should follow certain rules for choosing and combining products, which we will talk about in more detail.

Products prohibited for making smoothies

There is a specific list of foods that cannot be used to prepare a nutritious drink. Such “dangerous” products increase the calorie content of the smoothie, so it cannot be called dietary.

If you use prohibited products, your weight will not decrease; in addition, the number of kilograms may increase.

Prohibited products include:

  1. Canned fruits and vegetables. Such fruits contain a lot of sugar, since this particular product is a good preservative. You should not buy such fruits and berries if you want to lose extra pounds. For cooking, you should use fruits, berries and vegetables, fresh or frozen.
  2. Fatty dairy products. They contain a large amount of calories. Fatty dairy products include cream; if you use a product with a high percentage of fat every day, this will lead to weight gain.
  3. Dairy drinks and products with fillers. You will have to completely eliminate dairy products that contain sugar from your diet; this supplement does not help you lose weight, but only promotes weight gain.
  4. Sports supplements. They usually contain a lot of carbohydrates, and this component is necessary for athletes who want to gain muscle mass. Such supplements are not suitable for weight loss.

You can use protein that contains a minimal amount of carbohydrates. Per 100 grams of product there should be no more than 8 g of carbohydrates.

Cooking rules

Before telling you how to prepare a smoothie for weight loss in a blender according to recipes with photos, you should clarify a few simple rules for preparing drinks.

To get the most healthy and tasty drink, you should:

  1. Use only low-calorie foods to make smoothies. Nutritionists strongly recommend using large amounts of fruit. To make the smoothie more filling, you can add high-calorie fruits, but in small quantities.
  2. Smoothies should not be drunk with ice. The fact is that a very chilled drink is easy to drink; the receptors do not have time to recognize the taste of the cocktail, which increases the risk of overeating.
  3. Sugar in the drink is prohibited. If you add granulated sugar to a smoothie made from fruits and berries, then the girl will not lose extra pounds from such a smoothie. Sugar will only increase your hunger, which will lead to weight gain.
  4. The cocktail should be taken as one of the main meals. You should not combine a full dinner with drinking this drink. In this case, the weight will not go anywhere.

Vegetable smoothies require a certain approach to preparation, but an important rule is the absence of salt.

It is this component that retains water in the body, so it should not be used; it is better to use spices and seasonings.

Options for delicious and healthy smoothies

To prepare a smoothie for weight loss in a blender, you should consider simple recipes for making drinks with photos. To create cocktails, you can use fruits, vegetables, berries and additional additives.

Green smoothie with spinach

The finished drink contains many useful vitamins and microelements; in addition, the cocktail has antioxidant properties. If prepared correctly, you can get a drink with good taste.


  • purified water - 210 ml;
  • medium-sized banana - 1 piece;
  • spinach - 95 grams;
  • green apple - 1 piece.

Cooking process:

  1. Fresh spinach is cut into small pieces and filled with filtered water.
  2. Peel the apple and do the same with the banana. The fruits are cut into pieces and sent to the spinach.
  3. The mixture is placed in a blender bowl and blended for several minutes to obtain a homogeneous mass. One hundred grams of the drink contains only 45 kcal.

Smoothie with ginger

Many girls know that it helps to quickly burn extra pounds if used correctly. We suggest preparing a simple but very tasty drink based on green tea and ginger.


  • ginger root - 110 grams;
  • sweet dried apricots - 3 pieces;
  • green tea - 150 ml;
  • natural honey - 10 grams;
  • green apple - 1 piece;
  • fresh lemon - 12 pieces.

Cooking process:

  • First you need to prepare it, for this you brew it and leave it to cool for a while.

  • Transfer the dried apricots to a small bowl and pour half a glass of boiling water. Leave the dried fruits for fifteen minutes so that they swell a little.

  • The ginger root is peeled and then cut into pieces. You should also peel the green apple and chop it into small pieces.

  • Pieces of green apple and chopped ginger are placed in a blender bowl, and steamed dried apricots are also added there.

    Do you like smoothies?

  • The ingredients are poured with already cooled green tea, juice from half a lemon and ten grams of honey are added.

The composition is whipped with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained, the result is a vitamin cocktail that can be drunk both cold and warm.

Fruity with pineapple

Pineapple has special properties for the body, as it has an effect on excess fat and helps make you more slender. But it is worth considering that nutritionists strongly recommend using fresh pineapple, since canned fruit will not work.


  • fresh pineapple - 1 piece;
  • lemon - 2 slices;
  • green apple - 1 piece;
  • grapefruit - 12 pieces;
  • fresh apricot - 2 pieces;
  • lime juice - 2 tablespoons


Cooking process:

  • First, the apricots should be pitted, and the lemon should be peeled from the white films, leaving only the citrus pulp.

  • Peel the green apple and remove the seeds and stem. The prepared fruit is cut into small pieces.

  • Place all the fruits in a blender bowl and beat until smooth; add two tablespoons of lime juice to the finished mixture.

The cocktail is re-whipped and consumed instead of breakfast or lunch. It is not recommended to use such a smoothie in the evening; it is best to prepare vegetable or protein drinks for dinner.

With zucchini and pumpkin


  • young zucchini - 1 piece;
  • fresh cucumber - 110 grams;
  • fresh pumpkin - 210 grams;
  • spinach - 110 grams;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 3 pieces.

Cooking process:

  1. Zucchini and pumpkin should be peeled, then cut into small cubes and simmered with water. The cooking process should last about 15 minutes.
  2. The rest is chopped with a knife and transferred to a blender bowl, where the stew mixture is added and beaten. Add salt and pine nuts as needed.

Raspberry-banana smoothie


  • frozen or fresh raspberries - 170 grams;
  • ground cinnamon powder - to taste;
  • large banana - 1 piece;
  • low fat milk - 110 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. The banana is peeled and cut into pieces.
  2. Place a piece of banana and raspberries into a blender bowl, pour milk over everything and add a little cinnamon powder.
  3. Whisk the ingredients and pour the cocktail into a glass.

Banana drink with kefir


  • low fat - 2 cups;
  • lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • large banana - 1 piece;
  • natural honey - 1 spoon.

Cooking process:

  1. The banana is peeled and cut into pieces. Place a banana in a blender bowl, add lemon juice and kefir, and add a spoonful of honey for taste.
  2. Whisk the ingredients for a few minutes and then pour the drink into a tall glass. You can decorate the smoothie to your liking.

Berry smoothie


  • blueberries or currants - 160 grams;
  • natural honey - 10 grams;
  • orange juice - 1 glass;
  • natural yogurt - 255 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Place blueberries or currants in a blender bowl, add orange juice and yogurt.
  2. Beat all ingredients for several minutes. If you don't have orange juice at home, you can use pineapple juice.

Tricks for preparing the drink

There are several small tricks and tips that will help you prepare a tasty and satisfying drink:

  • to get a thick consistency of the drink, you should add more fruits and berries to the cocktail;
  • It’s worth mixing sweet and sour fruits, this will make the taste of the cocktail more rich;
  • To prepare the drink, natural yogurt is used; you can replace the product with kefir;
  • Almonds, sprouted wheat, flax seeds and various nuts are used for decoration.

We have described the simplest and most delicious options for making smoothies; you can find hundreds more recipes for making such drinks.

Fruit and berry smoothies are best consumed in the morning and lunchtime, and vegetable smoothies are good for dinner; protein shakes are also suitable for the evening.

A smoothie is not a drink, as most of us think, but a tasty, healthy, nutritious and low-calorie mixture (cocktail), prepared from various food components using a blender. A smoothie can be a complete replacement for lunch or dinner, depending on the products added to the mixture. With the help of smoothies, you can easily lose a couple of extra pounds in just a week, and you won’t feel hungry or constantly irritable.


What is a smoothie and its effectiveness for weight loss

Literally from English “smooth” means soft, insinuating, gentle. England is considered its homeland, where it is widely consumed as a light snack or lunch by office workers. A smoothie is a very satisfying dish, because it contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, cleansing it and improving digestion processes.

The smoothie is easily digestible, does not leave a feeling of heaviness, helps normalize metabolism, and is recommended even for those who have problems with the digestive system. A tasty and low-calorie smoothie can be used effectively for weight loss, completely replacing dinner or lunch. To do this, when preparing it, you should use mainly fruits and vegetables (except for high-calorie bananas, grapes, etc., otherwise you can get the opposite effect), natural juices, as well as other low-calorie foods. The desired result will be achieved quite quickly and without much effort. The smoothie's puree-like consistency normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, saturates it with essential vitamins and nutrients, and helps quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger for several hours, which prevents unnecessary snacking between main meals. As a result, you do not transfer, and the small amount of calories consumed will allow you to lose weight painlessly.

Smoothies can be considered a tasty alternative to delicious buns and chocolate, which we often cannot deny ourselves. When using this cocktail for weight loss, it is important to know a few things. It is advisable to eat a smoothie for weight loss with a small spoon, rather than drink it, so the feeling of fullness will come faster, reducing your appetite. For those losing weight, it is better to use it as a replacement for lunch or dinner, or both. You can lose up to three kilograms per week on a smoothie diet. There are, of course, more strict diets when you only need to eat smoothies and drink water in between. But this option is suitable for people who have exceptional willpower. Not everyone can stand seven days on one cocktail, albeit always different, it simply gets boring. Therefore, such a diet is dangerous due to breakdowns.

A smoothie diet should not last more than a week, since low-calorie smoothies do not contain the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are necessary for the body to function properly.

To consolidate the weight loss results achieved by including smoothies in your diet, you must adhere to a low-calorie diet containing fiber, and also drink a lot of clean, still water. Also replace your afternoon snack or second breakfast with a smoothie. For the same purposes, the cocktail can be used as a fasting day.

Preparing to lose weight with smoothies

To easily transfer the diet, it is important to prepare for it correctly. To do this, a few days before the diet, reduce the calorie content of the diet (up to 1200 kcal) and the volume of consumed portions. It is best to eat porridge, fresh vegetables and fruits at this time, or lean boiled meats and fish. It is also necessary to drink at least two liters of pure water without gas per day. The number of meals per day should be at least four to five (about every 2-2.5 hours), but in small portions, and one of the meals should be replaced with freshly squeezed juice or just water.

When losing weight using smoothies, you should exclude spicy, salty, sweet, fatty, fried, smoked foods, as well as processed foods, canned food, caffeine-containing, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

During the diet, the total amount of liquid consumed (smoothies, water, juices) should not exceed three liters per day.

You should exit the smoothie diet correctly. This must be done gradually, including solid foods in the diet over two weeks and increasing the calorie content to 1500 calories. And, of course, drink more water throughout the day.

  • To make the smoothie thicker, use more fruit (frozen is also suitable in winter).
  • When you mix sour and sweet varieties of fruit, you will get a richer and richer taste.
  • The basis of the cocktail can be low-fat kefir or natural yogurt; for sweetness, you can add a little natural honey.
  • You can use absolutely any juice for a cocktail, it all depends on your taste, season and preferences.
  • You can add a handful of your favorite nuts on top of the finished cocktail.
  • Do not use high-calorie additives such as sherbet, cream, or ice cream to prepare a cocktail.

How to make smoothies for weight loss

To mix the cocktail, the products should be washed in advance, peeled, seeds removed and cut into halves. It is effective to mix foods of different densities, for example, apple and orange, in equal proportions. There should be no sugar or sugar substitutes in smoothies!

Strict seven-day smoothie diet

During the week, eat only smoothies 4-5 times, 1 glass (about 250 g per serving) per day every 2-2.5 hours.

Three-day smoothie diet

It is more gentle. Provides for replacing three meals with cocktails; for the remaining meals you can eat porridge, boiled low-fat meat, vegetables, and low-fat kefir.

Sample menu.

Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal with water, a glass of apple juice.
Lunch: cocktail serving (250 g).
Dinner: boiled piece of chicken fillet, a glass of its broth.
Afternoon snack: glass of smoothie.
Dinner: a cocktail of pre-boiled vegetables with the addition of a teaspoon of olive oil and herbs.

Smoothie recipes for weight loss

Banana-strawberry smoothie.

Ripe banana pulp (you can use peach, apricot) – ½ part.
Fresh or frozen berries (blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries) – 150 g.
Low-fat kefir or natural low-fat yoghurt (1%) – 150 ml.
Low-fat cottage cheese – 1 tbsp. l.

Beat the fruits and berries into a homogeneous mass using a blender, then add kefir, beat again and finally add cottage cheese.

Video: Healthy and easy smoothie snack.

Apples with cinnamon for weight loss.

Large apple (remove seeds first) – 1 pc.
Skim milk – 150 ml.
Cinnamon powder – ½ tsp.

Bake the apple in the oven, preheat the milk. Remove the pulp from the baked apple and combine it with milk in a blender, add cinnamon. You can use yogurt instead of milk in this recipe. Get a cold cocktail.

Vegetable smoothie.

Broccoli (florets) – 150 g.
Dill - a small bunch.
Low-fat kefir – 150 ml.
Spicy herbs to taste.

Boil the cabbage for a few minutes, cool. In a blender, mix tender sprigs of dill, kefir, cabbage and, if desired, herbs.

Milk-fruit smoothie.

Orange – 1 pc.

Soy or skim milk - ½ cup.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a blender, add chopped nuts or pumpkin seeds to the finished cocktail.

Video: recipe for making a smoothie for weight loss.

Carrot-peach smoothie with flax seeds.

Ripe peach pulp – 2 pcs.
Carrot juice – ½ cup.
Flax seeds (grind in a coffee grinder) – 1 tsp.

Mix all ingredients into a puree in a blender.

Festive smoothie for weight loss.

Ripe banana pulp - ½ part.
Frozen or fresh strawberries – 6 pcs.
1% yogurt – ½ cup.
Freshly squeezed orange juice – ½ cup.
Pre-ground flaxseeds - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine all components into a homogeneous mass and beat with a blender. Add ice cubes to the finished cocktail.

Smoothie “Slimness”

Grapefruit – 2 pcs.
Mandarin – 4 pcs.
Ripe banana pulp – 1 pc.
Strawberry low-fat yogurt – 1 cup.
Country honey – 1 tbsp. l.
Ice cubes.

Beat all ingredients in a blender, add ice cubes.

Citrus smoothie.

Orange – 1 piece.
Grapefruit – 1 pc.
Apple – 2 pcs.
Ripe banana pulp - ½ pc.
Lemon or lime – ½ part.
Grated ginger – 1 pinch.

Combine all components into a homogeneous mass, add grated ginger to the finished cocktail.

Banana smoothie.

Freshly squeezed orange juice – ½ cup.
Ripe banana pulp – 1 pc.
Apple – 1 pc.
Yogurt 1% - 200 g.
Ice cubes.

Beat everything with a blender and add ice cubes.

Strawberry smoothie.

Chilled blueberries or strawberries – 100 g.
Skim milk – ½ cup.
Low-fat yogurt - ¼ cup.
Natural village honey – 2 tsp.
Ice cubes – 2-3 pcs.

First, beat the berries with yogurt, gradually add milk, and finally add honey and ice.

Spinach smoothie.

Spinach greens – 2 cups.
Skim milk – 1 glass.
Frozen banana pulp – 2 pcs.
Ice cubes – 2 pcs.

Whisk all ingredients thoroughly into a puree mixture, add ice.

Healthy smoothie.

Flax seeds – 2 tbsp. l.
Any berries – 200 g.
Powdered stevia – 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the ingredients in a blender.

"Almond chocolate"

Almonds – 30 g.
Water – 100 ml.
Strawberries (you can use any other berry to taste) – 200 g.
Cocoa powder – 1 tsp.

Soak the nuts in water and leave overnight. In the morning, transfer the nuts and other ingredients to a blender with high power and beat.

Delicious and nutritious smoothies for weight loss will be an effective and enjoyable way to lose weight and maintain normal weight.

The diet has contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before implementing it.


  1. Disease and various disorders of the liver and kidneys.
  2. Individual intolerance or allergic reaction to the components of the cocktail.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract at the acute stage.
  4. Ulcerative lesions of the digestive system.

A fresh cocktail is a great way to get vitamins and minerals in large quantities! Especially when the cocktail includes vegetables. A study by scientists showed that .

Health, youth and beauty are the real requirements of every person for himself. However, not every dish can help achieve these logical desires. Not everyone, but cocktails made from vegetables and fruits can.

Scientifically proven that vitamins and minerals are much better absorbed from juices than from whole fruit units. Moreover, the juice does not contain those nitrates and harmful fertilizers that often linger on the surface, in the pulp of vegetables and fruits.

Carrots and beets, a couple of cabbage leaves and a cucumber, an orange, grapefruit and kiwi, an apple and a few grapes - such products are almost always found in the refrigerator. You can make healthy drinks from them or in other ways, cocktails for health who will help strengthen the immune system and remove harmful substances from the body.

Useful citrus cocktail against colds

For cooking
1 grapefruit
2 medium oranges
3 kiwi
Cocktail preparation:
Cut peeled grapefruit, oranges and kiwi into pieces.
Place the chopped fruit in a blender jar and blend until smooth.
Strain the resulting cocktail and dilute with water if desired. Cool the drink and be sure to shake before serving.

Useful cocktail of vegetables, ginger and apple to cleanse the body

For cooking For a healthy cocktail you will need:
2 tbsp. tablespoons peeled and chopped fresh ginger
medium beet
4 medium carrots
1 medium apple
1 cup water
Cocktail preparation:
In a blender, mix ginger, beets, carrots, apple with water until smooth.
Strain the juice and, if desired, add a little more water to it.
Serve the cocktail chilled.

Useful smoothie of green vegetables and fruits to cleanse the body

For cooking cocktail you will need:
1 cup chopped kale (about 3 large leaves)
1 cup seedless green grapes
cucumber, coarsely chopped
small granny smith apple
1/2 cup water
Cocktail preparation:
In a blender, mix chopped cabbage, grapes, cucumber, apple with water.
Strain the juice and add a little water if desired.
Place the cocktail in the refrigerator before serving.

Pumpkin cocktail

It is recommended to drink this miracle before bed, since nothing will calm you down like a glass of pumpkin cocktail. An anti-stress cocktail rich in microelements will come in handy, including for men suffering from inflammation of the prostate gland.

Preparation: you need to mix in a blender until foam forms: 3 tablespoons of pumpkin puree, 1 frozen banana, 150 ml of orange juice and 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Beetroot cocktail

The cocktail is recommended for everyone at the end of a working day.
Mental work consumes a lot of iodine, and it, in turn, is contained in large quantities in beet juice. Betaine, iron, folic acid will help oxygen reach a tired brain and inspire it to fresh thoughts. And the abundance of vitamins C, PP, B, P will help a tired body relax. Moreover, pectins help neutralize toxins that have formed in the intestines during the day.

Preparation: In a blender, mix ¼ beets with the juice and pulp of one orange, two carrots and the juice of a piece of fresh ginger.

It is important to know! Beetroot juice is the only one that cannot be drunk immediately after squeezing, since the volatile toxic substances that are formed when juice molecules come into contact with air cause nausea, dizziness, even coma! The beet juice should sit for several hours!

Tomato cocktail

This special drink is good and simply necessary before a banquet or other event during which the liver will receive a food or alcohol load. The secret is that tomatoes are rich in potassium, which increases the production of gastric juice and normalizes heart function. Phytoncides, which are contained in large quantities in tomato juice, eliminate fermentation processes in the intestines, and organic acids activate metabolism.

Preparation: Mix 250 ml of freshly squeezed tomato juice with the juice of one grapefruit. Add a tablespoon of red sweet pepper and finely chopped parsley to the cocktail.

Carrot smoothie

This cocktail is ideal for people who are used to paying attention to sports training, so it will be appropriate before or during physical activity. It contains the maximum range of vitamins and microelements that help oxygen reach the muscles and brain. Carrot juice is considered to be the body’s health worker, which helps fight cholesterol, liver toxins, cleanses the skin and “activates vision.” Moreover, those who drink carrot juice can get a very even golden tan.

Preparation: pass 4 carrots and an orange through a juicer. Beat the resulting juice in a blender with 300 ml of low-fat cream and 4 egg yolks.

It is important to know! Do not get too carried away with drinking juices or cocktails containing carrot juice, as an overdose can lead to apathy, weakness and the appearance of yellow spots throughout the body.

Watermelon cocktail

This cocktail is a real healer for the body. It is good after stormy parties, during periods of deep depression, and any liver problems. This drink 100% cleanses the kidneys, lowers cholesterol levels and is suitable even for those who have been exposed to radioactive radiation. Moreover, magnesium and calcium, which are contained in watermelon juice, help build muscle mass during sports training.

Preparation: Mix 500 g of watermelon pulp, 5 mint leaves, 170 g of raspberries in a blender.

It is important to know! This cocktail is not indicated for diarrhea!

Celery cocktail

This unique drink was recommended by all the famous, great figures of the intimate, sexual sphere: Casanova, Madame Pompadour unanimously advocated for celery before responsible activities! This cocktail definitely and irrevocably raises your tone and increases blood circulation. In addition, in the company of a celery cocktail it is much easier to cope with heat and high body temperature, and it is also necessary for everyone who suffers from iodine deficiency.

Celery perfectly removes carbon dioxide from the body.

Preparation: Beat 50 ml of celery juice, 100 ml of milk, one egg yolk in a blender until foam forms.

It is important to know! The content of celery in drinks should not exceed 100 ml.

Ginger-beetroot cocktail

It has everything - vitamins, iron, antioxidants... The cocktail is very healthy!

1 medium beet, peeled and cut into pieces
1 cup chopped pineapple pulp (if you don’t have it, replace it with orange)
1 cup water
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
juice of half a lemon
honey to taste

Preparation: Squeeze the juice from the beets.
Strain and pour into a blender container.
Add pineapples, ginger, lemon juice, water.
If you want the mix to be sweet, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey.
Before serving, the cocktail can be strained through a sieve or cheesecloth.


Benefits of green smoothies:

Smoothies with greens are very nutritious due to the high content of proteins and amino acids, they give a feeling of fullness without causing heaviness in the stomach.
These drinks are very rich in mineral salts and trace elements, vitamins and chlorophyll.
Green smoothies contain fiber, which is necessary for normal bowel function and the elimination of toxins and harmful substances from the body.
They contain antioxidants that protect the body from harmful environmental factors.
Cocktails with greens are quickly and completely absorbed by the body.
Green smoothies help normalize weight and cleanse the body of toxins, and help in the treatment of many diseases.
These drinks tone you up, give you lightness and energize you.
They are very useful for children, pregnant women and the elderly. For children cocktails can be given as early as six months of age.

Green smoothies are very tasty, they evoke a lot of positive emotions and pleasant sensations when consumed regularly.

How to properly prepare a green smoothie:

You need to take greens (dill, lettuce, parsley, spinach, sorrel, celery, beet and carrot tops, nettle leaves, dandelion or other greens) and vegetables (or fruits) in a ratio of 2:3, i.e. 2 parts greens and 3 parts vegetables or fruits (it is better not to use vegetables and fruits in the same cocktail). Grind everything in a blender. Add water to obtain the required consistency. If you do not add water, you will get a thick mass that can be eaten with a spoon. You can also add freshly squeezed juices to green smoothies.

It is advisable to use dark green greens (with the maximum content of nutrients). It is also recommended to constantly alternate the greens, using different recipes every day.

It is best to consume cocktails immediately after making them, but if necessary, they can be stored in a cool place for 3 days.

How to drink green smoothies:

The daily intake is 2-4 green smoothies.
It is better to start with small portions (1 glass per day) to avoid food allergies.
Green smoothies can be drunk before meals or instead of meals.

You can prepare very unusual and tasty green mixtures. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and listen to your taste sensations. And healing greens will take care of you and your health!

Recipes fruit green smoothies:

Recipe 1:
apple – 3 pcs.;
banana – 2 pcs.
lemon – ½ pc. or sorrel leaves;
lettuce – 5 leaves;
water – 1-2 glasses.

Recipe 2:
strawberries – 1 glass;
banana – 2 pcs.;
lettuce – 5 leaves;
water – 1-2 glasses.

Recipe 3:
banana – 2 pcs.;
lettuce – 5 leaves;
dill (parsley, sorrel) - several sprigs;
water – 1 glass.

Recipe 4:
pear – 3 pcs.;
lettuce – 5 leaves;
mint - several sprigs;
water – 1-2 glasses.

Recipe 5:
banana – 2 pcs.;
parsley - a bunch;
nettle (quinoa, dandelion) - several fresh leaves;
water – 1-2 glasses.

Recipe 6:
sweet plum - several pieces;
basil - a bunch;
banana – 1 pc.;
water – 1 glass.

Recipe 7:
green seedless grapes – 1 cup;
orange – 1 pc.;
banana – 1 pc.;
lettuce - a few leaves;
water – 1-2 glasses.

Recipes vegetable green smoothies:

Recipe 8:
tomato – 5 pcs.;
lemon – ½ piece;
parsley, dill - a bunch;
chopped garlic – 1 clove;
water – 1 glass.

Recipe 9:
carrots – 2 pcs.;
orange – 1 pc.;
juice of a piece of fresh ginger;
lettuce - a few leaves;
water - 1 glass.

Recipe 10:
sauerkraut brine – ½ cup;
tomato – 4 pcs.;
parsley, dill – 1 bunch;
water – ½ cup;
a little sugar.

Recipe 11:
cucumber – 1 pc.;
tomato – 5 pcs.;
dill – 1 bunch;
a little salt.

Recipe 12:
carrots – 1 pc.;
cucumber – 1 pc.;
celery root;
dill, parsley – 1 bunch;
water - 1 glass.


Grapefruit cocktail

1 grapefruit + 100 ml water + 100 ml green tea + 10-20 g ginger tuber. You can add 1-2 g of vanilla sugar, because the cocktail has a rather spicy taste.

A grapefruit cocktail, drunk instead of lunch ((English), second breakfast in the afternoon for the British) or afternoon snack, firstly, will provide the necessary vitamins to the body, and secondly, will prepare it for the main course - it stimulates metabolism. But be careful with grapefruit, there are contraindications, it should be especially noted that it cannot be combined with medications.

Banana cocktail

1 banana + 100 ml milk + 20-30 g lemon juice + a little cinnamon (optional).

Banana helps remove excess salt from the body, and is also very rich in potassium, which means it will keep the heart in good shape. It is better to drink a banana smoothie in the first half of the day for those losing weight; in the evening it will contribute to weight gain.

Kiwi-apple smoothie

1 green apple + 1 kiwi + 150 g low-fat liquid yogurt

A very healthy cocktail that can already be classified as a green smoothie. One of the best cocktails for weight loss. Low in calories, but containing many vitamins...

Vegetable smoothies

Most often, tomato juice is used for vegetable cocktails. This juice, one might say, is among the first of the healthy ones. Be sure to carefully read the ingredients: so that it contains pulp and no sugar. They are quite difficult to find, but they exist. Potato decoction is perfect for vegetable cocktails. Let's say you boil potatoes for mashed potatoes, do not pour out the broth.

Carrot with celery

2 boiled carrots + 30 g celery stalks + 100 g blueberries + 20 ml lemon juice + 250 ml tomato juice + salt and black pepper.

One of the healthiest vegetable smoothies. It is especially recommended for those who have vision problems. If you drink 3-4 glasses a day for several days, you can see progress in your vision (albeit temporary). And if add beets to carrots, you get an incredibly healthy cocktail that cleanses the body. The proportions are 1/3, which means, say, 3 carrots and 1 beet. Drink immediately after preparation and in small sips. When is the best time to drink cleansing cocktails, find information on the Internet from experts.


2 potatoes boiled until tender + 1 bell pepper + 200 g of the broth in which the potatoes were boiled + a little white base from green onions.


1. Cocktail for glowing skin:

For this amazing cocktail, you need to take three parts carrots, three parts apple, one part ginger. The main effect of this cocktail is rejuvenation (restoration) of the entire body, achieving perfect radiant skin and a tonic effect on the entire body.

2. Cocktail to lower cholesterol:

One part each of cucumber and celery, two parts of apple. The juice from all these plants reduces cholesterol and also helps with headaches and indigestion. For those over 30, this cocktail is a must. If you drink it every other day, you'll never have to worry about your cholesterol levels again.

3. Super Breath Cocktail:

Two parts carrots, one part tomato and two parts green apples. This cocktail is useful for those who want to get rid of bad breath. The cocktail also improves complexion.

4. Cooling cocktail:

1 mug of milk, 1 part radish, 2 apples. This cocktail will help you cool down from the inside when you need it. Plus it also combats bad breath.

5.Cocktail “Wild Thing”:

2 parts apples, ¼ part seedless watermelon, ½ part pineapple. An excellent cocktail for the bladder and kidneys, removes excess salt from the body.

6. Vitamin cocktail:

Mix honey nectar, milk, black grapes and watermelon in equal proportions. This drink contains Vitamin C and B2, strengthens the immune system and increases cell activity.

7. Cocktail to lower blood sugar:

Two parts banana and three parts pear. This is a very simple, healthy, easily digestible drink that regulates sugar levels in the body.

8. Antioxidant cocktail:

Three parts mango, two parts pear, two parts apple and two parts carrot. A mixture of these fruits acts on our body as an antioxidant and helps cleanse it of toxins.

9. Anti-inflammatory cocktail:

1 cup grapes, ½ part pineapple. Due to its high iron content, this cocktail acts on the body as an anti-inflammatory agent. Also helps digestion and has a positive effect on the heart.

10. Pink Floyd:

Half a cup of milk, 3 bananas, 8 wild strawberries or strawberries. It is better to take strawberries that are as ripe as possible. Extremely delicious!

You can lose weight in different ways, there are a huge number of diets and methods for every taste, but good results can only be achieved with an integrated approach. It usually includes sports, body care, nutrition, and taking vitamins. Few people use aids and assistants, such as weight loss cocktails. But they can serve as an excellent addition, while away and decorate the path to a slim figure.

What types of cocktails are there based on their action?

  1. Cleansing. They have a laxative effect, free the intestines from deposits and everything unnecessary, normalize its functioning, and enhance motility. Some types of cocktails at home have medicinal properties and will help cope with constipation and improve microflora.
  2. Accelerating metabolism. These drinks are prepared on the basis of hot spices, accelerate the blood, warm you up, and promote weight loss.
  3. Energy. Drinks of this type contain citrus juices, honey, aloe and other products that improve mood and activity. It is useful to drink them in the morning, as well as before training.
  4. Diuretics. These drinks remove water from the body, reduce volumes, and relieve swelling. For the base, herbal infusions, green tea, hawthorn, cranberries, watermelon, and tomatoes are used.

Diuretic cocktails are convenient for people to use at home. But if you expect to travel to work or school, then using such drinks will lead to certain difficulties. During the hot season, there may be problems with hot spices that accelerate the blood and increase body temperature.

Pros and cons of cocktails

Weight loss cocktails are rarely prepared at home; now everything can be purchased in sports nutrition stores, sports clubs or centers, pharmacies, and distributors. But not all purchased products are safe, they actually work, and they are often overpriced.

Pros of homemade cocktails:

  • familiar ingredients;
  • low cost;
  • safety;
  • no chemicals, preservatives, dyes.

Also, the advantages of cocktails for weight loss include low calorie content. At the same time, they saturate well, suppress hunger, and provide the body with valuable substances and vitamins. The disadvantages include a shortage of some ingredients. As a rule, a variety of extracts, extracts and other substances of various origins are added to purchased drinks, which enhance the weight loss effect.

General cooking rules

All homemade weight loss cocktails are prepared immediately before use. There is no need to make them in advance, since during storage some of the beneficial substances evaporate even in the refrigerator and in a tightly closed container.

Cooking rules:

  1. All ingredients for the drink must be fresh. There is no need to process products of questionable quality.
  2. Sugar is never added to weight loss meals. If you need to correct or improve the taste, natural sweeteners are used: honey, stevia, dried fruits.
  3. It is important to pay attention to the quality of spices. Powdered cinnamon is rarely good, it is advisable to use real sticks. You need to grind the pepper yourself from peas or pods.
  4. When preparing a homemade protein shake for weight loss, it is advisable to use low-fat dairy products.

Important! If an ingredient is intolerable or simply not to your taste, it is better not to add it to the drink or choose a different recipe.

The best cocktail recipes

If there are no fresh berries and fruits, then you can use frozen ingredients. It is important to remember that after thawing the mass will become smaller. Sometimes 30-40% of the weight goes into water, it all depends on the product. The amount of hot, fiery spices can be adjusted to your taste. Particular attention is paid to highly allergenic products: honey, exotic fruits, herbs, citruses. When consumed frequently in large quantities, they provoke a reaction. All cocktails in a regular kitchen are prepared with a blender or food processor. Soft ingredients can be mashed with a fork or pestle and grated.

Weight loss cocktail made from kefir with cinnamon and ginger

Accelerates digestion and metabolism, improves protein absorption, normalizes metabolism, accelerates blood, cleanses the body.

Low-fat kefir – 250 ml
Cinnamon – 1 tsp.
Fresh grated ginger – 1 tsp.
Ground red pepper – 1 pinch

Combine chopped fresh ginger root with cinnamon and red pepper, add one spoon of kefir, grind thoroughly. Pour in the rest of the fermented milk drink and stir. Take 1 serving at night or during the day 20-30 minutes before meals.

Cleansing cocktail with kefir for weight loss

Cleanses the intestines, promotes weight loss, helps cope with constipation.

Fresh kefir – 200 ml
Prunes – 6 pcs.
Dried apricots – 2 pcs.

Rinse the dried fruits, add warm water, leave for 30 minutes, then squeeze, transfer to a blender bowl or other container in which the drink will be prepared. Add fresh kefir. It is important that the drink is no more than two days old. Immerse the blender, chop the dried fruits and whip up the drink. Consume daily on an empty stomach an hour before breakfast for at least a week. If the laxative effect is strong, you can reduce the amount of prunes.

Protein shake for weight loss with strawberries and flax seeds

Satisfies hunger, promotes fat burning and preservation of muscle mass.

Milk – 340 ml
Yogurt – 120 ml
Flax seeds – 1 tbsp. l.
Strawberries – 100 g

Sort out the seeds and place them in a grinding container. Rinse the strawberries, leave 2-3 berries for decoration, and add the rest to the flax. Grind with a blender. Pour in milk, add natural yogurt, beat until smooth. Cut the previously set aside berries into halves. Pour into the weight loss cocktail and place the prepared strawberries on top.

Slimming cocktail with celery and apple on kefir

Invigorates, gives energy, promotes fat burning, provides vitamins, satisfies hunger.

Celery – 2 stalks
Green apple – 1 pc.
Fresh kefir – 400 ml

Wash the celery stalks and apple, cut into small pieces, and place in a blender bowl. Grind the ingredients to obtain a puree. Immediately add kefir, beat everything together for 20-30 seconds. To improve taste and increase effectiveness, you can add cinnamon and ginger to your weight loss cocktail.

Cocktail with green tea and citruses for weight loss

Removes excess water from the body, accelerates metabolism, reduces volume, gives energy, invigorates.

Green tea – 5 tsp.
Orange – 1 pc.
Lemon – 0.5 pcs.
Honey – 2 tsp.
Water – 0.5 l

Boil water, cool to 90°C, pour in green tea (it is better to take large leaf tea), cover, leave for 10 minutes. Strain. Peel the orange, remove all the seeds from the segments, remove the membranes. Place the pulp in a blender bowl and squeeze the lemon juice into it. Whisk together. Strain the tea, pour the warm drink over the citrus fruits, and swirl again. Add honey, stir until dissolved. If you have an allergy, you can replace it with stevia. Drink a cocktail daily in the morning separately from meals.

Vegetable smoothie for cleansing and weight loss

Normalizes stool, supplies fiber and vitamins to the body, suppresses hunger.

Beetroot – 0.5 pcs.
Carrots – 0.5 pcs.
Celery stalk – 1 pc.
Yogurt – 120 ml
Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Peel the root vegetables, cut into pieces, chop the celery stalk. Place everything in a food processor and grind until pureed. Add yogurt, lemon juice, beat everything together. Drink daily after workouts or instead of dinner or snack.

Protein shake with greens and cottage cheese for weight loss

Suppresses hunger, promotes weight loss, preserves muscle mass.

Soft low-fat cottage cheese – 130 g
Celery stalk – 1 pc.
Parsley – 5 sprigs
Skim milk – 150 ml
Ginger, pepper, garlic to taste

Wash the greens, chop the celery, grind together in a blender. Add cottage cheese, beat. Pour in the milk and stir again. Add aromatic and hot spices to taste. It is recommended to drink a cocktail immediately after sports training or active physical work.

Video: Cocktails for weight loss: 3 simple recipes

1. The classic recipe for diet cocktails for weight loss usually involves the use of exclusively natural and healthy ingredients. One such option is a ginger-lemon drink. To prepare it, you need to peel a small piece of ginger root and add warm water. Leave it for a while to brew. Meanwhile, you can squeeze the juice of a medium lemon. Strain the ginger, add lemon juice and clean water. This cocktail perfectly quenches thirst, but it is best to drink it no more than twice a week.

2. One great option for a light vegetable cocktail is pumpkin juice. It can also be supplemented with lemon or lime juice. You can add flax seeds or some chopped nuts to this drink to give it a thicker consistency and nutritional value.

3. Celery is a storehouse of useful vitamins that are essential for losing weight. To prepare an incredibly easy and tasty vegetable smoothie, you need to wash a stalk of celery and put it in a blender. Add some fresh herbs to taste. Grind until smooth, and then pour in a glass of clean water or low-fat kefir. You can start your day with this delicacy to feel cheerful and light.

4. Watermelon can also be beneficial for weight loss. Its juice can be combined with fresh berries crushed in a blender and you can prepare a fragrant and appetizing smoothie. You can dilute it with grapefruit juice, which is also indispensable if you are trying to lose excess weight.

5. Another successful ingredient for vegetable smoothies is spinach. It can be used both fresh and frozen. You can also add a small green apple, celery, and a banana for sweetness to the spinach smoothie. Making diet shakes for weight loss at home is not difficult at all.