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» Composition of gross agricultural output. Indicators of livestock production. See what "Gross agricultural output" is in other dictionaries

Composition of gross agricultural output. Indicators of livestock production. See what "Gross agricultural output" is in other dictionaries

Gross agricultural output

part of the gross social product created in agriculture. It represents the products of agriculture and animal husbandry produced over a certain period of time, in monetary terms.

Gross agricultural output includes all products of field crops, meadow growing, vegetable growing, horticulture and viticulture, in addition, the increase (or decrease) in the value of work in progress for the year, as well as the cost of growing young perennial plantations, is added (or subtracted). Gross livestock output includes all raw products of cattle breeding, pig breeding, horse breeding, reindeer breeding, rabbit breeding, fur farming, beekeeping, sericulture and fish breeding; it consists of the cost of the resulting offspring and the growth of young animals grown during the year, the weight gain obtained as a result of its fattening, as well as all raw products obtained in the process of economic use of livestock and poultry and not related to their slaughter (milk, wool, eggs, etc.) . Not included in V. p. X. products of processing page - x. raw materials (meat, leather, vegetable oil, wine, canned food, etc.), as well as products collected in forests or obtained as a result of commercial fishing and hunting. Part of V. p. X. takes a commodity form, a significant part of the products is used for on-farm needs in agriculture itself. V. p. s. X. calculated at current and comparable prices (See Comparable Prices). In the USSR, to calculate the dynamics of V. p. X. for a longer period, comparable (or constant) prices are used. Since 1965, prices for agricultural products have been used as comparable prices. products 1965. For the period 1950-69 V. p. X. increased from 39.3 billion rubles. up to 78.9 billion rubles.

M. Ya. Lemeshev.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what "Gross agricultural output" is in other dictionaries:

    AGRICULTURAL OUTPUT, GROSS- a generalizing indicator of the volume of agricultural production, represents the total value (gross turnover) of crop and livestock products in current (actual) prices of the reporting year ...

    GROSS PRODUCTION- agriculture, part of the gross society. product created in x ve. Characterizes the total volume of production with. X. products; calculated in monetary terms as the sum of the gross output of the country and the world without deducting the products produced on ... ... Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

    gross output- agriculture, part of the gross social product created in agriculture. Characterizes the total volume of agricultural production; calculated in monetary terms as the sum of gross crop production and ... ... Agriculture. Big encyclopedic dictionary

    The branch of economic statistics (See Economic statistics) that studies agriculture; an important instrument of state administration and planned management of socialist villages. X. enterprises. The main tasks of S. with. X. collection, ... ...

    Consistently increasing investment of means of production and labor per unit of land area, and in animal husbandry per head of livestock, application of the achievements of science and best practices, improvement of farming methods and technology ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    ANIMAL PRODUCTION, GROSS- the cost of raw products obtained as a result of the cultivation and economic use of farm animals and poultry, the cost of growing (offspring, growth and weight gain) of livestock and poultry in the reporting year, beekeeping products, ... ... Big Economic Dictionary

    A term that characterizes the result of production, economic activity. It is a set of products resulting from the production of a separate enterprise, industry, agriculture or the entire national ... ... Wikipedia - (1928 32) adopted by the XVI Conference of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (April 1929) and approved by the 5th Congress of Soviets of the USSR in May of the same of the year. P. p. p. was developed on the basis of the principles of the 1st state. promising economic plan of the Leninist GOELRO plan, it was the development of this ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

Gross and marketable output are generalizing indicators of the enterprise.

Gross output is all agricultural products produced in a given period.

Gross agricultural output includes crop and livestock products. Crop production is the gross harvest of agricultural crops, divided into main and by-products. In addition to the gross harvest, the cost of planting perennials and their cultivation is included; also an increase in work in progress (plowing plowing, raising pure fallows - costs are incurred, but products are not received)

Gross livestock production includes finished livestock products not associated with slaughter of animals - milk, wool, eggs, animal offspring, their annual growth - and by-products - manure and bird droppings.

Gross output is measured in physical and value terms:

In physical terms, it is measured by type of product, in kg, q, t, pcs.

In terms of value, gross output is estimated: in comparable prices - these are uniform prices throughout the country, they reflect the socially necessary costs of production that have developed in the country as a whole; at current selling prices - while the products are valued at selling prices, the non-commodity part of the products is valued at cost.

The gross output of agricultural enterprises differs from the gross output of agriculture in that it includes the products of auxiliary industries and trades; products that have undergone industrial processing, and performed works and services for third parties.

Gross output includes marketable output, which is the part of gross output intended for sale. Marketable products released outside the enterprise and paid for by the consumer are called sold products. In practice, marketable and sold products are synonymous, their size is determined by the proceeds from the sale of products.

The level of marketability of products is calculated by the formula:

T y \u003d (T pr / V pr) * 100%, where

T pr - the number of marketable products;

In pr - the amount of gross output.

The marketability of products depends on their consumption for production purposes: seeds, feed and other needs. For grain, potatoes and milk, the level of marketability must be below 100%. In the natural-material form, gross output includes means of production and consumer goods. Means of production are products used for production purposes (seeds, feed), as well as raw materials for processing. Consumer goods go directly into consumption, bypassing industrial processing.

Commercial products are sold through various channels:

1.federal and regional funds to meet national needs;

2.through its own distribution network;

3.on the market;

4. sale to other enterprises and organizations;

5. employees of the enterprise on account of wages and for money;

6. through exchanges;

7.through barter exchange;

8. Catering.

The marketing service of the enterprise must monitor the market situation and determine the most profitable sales channels.

The distribution of gross output can be represented by the following scheme:

By industry, gross agricultural output can be subdivided as follows:

Gross agricultural output

Crop products Livestock products

Main Conjugate Secondary Main Conjugate Secondary

Depending on the destination, gross agricultural output is divided into two parts: non-marketable products- products that are consumed directly in agriculture, i.e. used for production purposes, for example, the production of fodder crops and animal feed, milk for feeding calves and piglets, seeds and planting material, etc.;

marketable products- products used for sale.

Gross agricultural output is taken into account both in physical and value terms.

In physical terms, gross output (in centners, tons, pieces, etc.) can be represented only a single or a group of homogeneous agricultural crops: cereals, vegetables, fodder and other types of crops in crop production and individual products: milk, meat, eggs, etc. in animal husbandry.

Gross output in physical terms is calculated:

Vplant., c. = S sowing., ha * Yield, c./ha

VPlive, c. = Absorption, head. * Prod., c (pcs.) / head.

In value terms, gross output is calculated in order to determine the total production volumes by industry, by the enterprise as a whole, by region, country, and also to calculate indicators of economic efficiency of production.

Marketable products- the entire volume of agricultural products sold through all sales channels: to federal and regional funds, to employees of the enterprise, to other enterprises, by barter, through the public catering system, in its own distribution network, on the market.

Marketable products are determined in the same way as gross in natural and value terms. For determining level of marketability for certain types of products use the size of gross and marketable output in physical terms, and to determine the level of marketability of the entire agricultural enterprise apply the cost indicators of gross and marketable output.

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Executive Secretary of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics

Y. Shokamanov ____________

"_14_"__09___2009 №_08.09_

Methodology for calculating gross output

1. Introduction

For a generalized description of the activities of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, statistics uses a system of interrelated natural, conditionally natural and cost indicators. The central place in the system of indicators is occupied by natural and conditionally natural indicators, which are used in agricultural statistics to characterize the production of specific types of products. However, they do not make it possible to obtain consolidated results of the activities of agricultural producers, who in the vast majority are engaged in a diversified economy. Therefore, a summary description of the activities of agriculture, forestry and fisheries is possible only if cost indicators are used, which make it possible to obtain summary results of the industry's activities, ensuring the comparability of heterogeneous types of products. The main summary cost indicator in agricultural statistics is the gross output of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, which is calculated for each region separately and for the whole country.

2. Basic concepts

Gross output of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries is the total value of products and services created in the industry, both for sale and for own consumption. It is formed from the gross output of crop and livestock products (services), the value of products (services) produced in hunting, forestry and logging, fisheries and aquaculture. The gross output of crop and livestock products (services) is formed from the value of the produced crop and livestock products, the value of changes in the value of work in progress in crop production and the volume of agricultural services rendered. includes the cost of all agricultural crops obtained from the current year's harvest - cereals, industrial crops (oilseeds, sugar beets, tobacco, etc.), potatoes, vegetables and melons, fruits and berries, other types of crop products (forage root crops, hay , straw, haylage, silage, grasses, flowers, etc.) - the cost of services for tillage - plowing, raising fallows, preparing the soil for sowing winter crops for future crops; the cost of laying, processing and maintaining gardens. The cost of livestock products includes the cost of agricultural animal products (milk, eggs, wool, skins, etc.), the cost of livestock and poultry sold for slaughter, the cost of beekeeping and fur farming products. includes the cost of services rendered in the field of field cultivation, vegetable growing of open ground and floriculture, services for growing agricultural crops in protected ground; services in the field of horticulture, viticulture and plantations of other perennial plantations, including harvesting; services for carrying out agro-reclamation works; services for loading, unloading and transportation of crop products and other agricultural goods; services for the protection of crops from diseases and pests; services for the preparation and application of fertilizers, snow retention; support services for animal breeding; agricultural services after harvest; services for the processing and preparation of seeds for propagation; nursery services and others. The cost of products (services) produced in the hunting sector includes the cost of wild animals and game taken as a result of hunting; expenses for hunting management, such as the protection of wild animals, accounting for their numbers and resettlement, hunting equipment and hunting economic surveys, etc. ; the cost of services rendered in the field of hunting and breeding of wild animals and game. The cost of manufactured products (services) in forestry and logging includes the cost of wood harvested in the course of final felling and forest care, felling associated with the reconstruction of forest plantations and selective sanitary felling; costs of growing forests, reforestation and forest management; the cost of services rendered related to forestry and logging. The cost of manufactured products (services) in fisheries and aquaculture includes the cost of caught fish, harvested seafood and marine materials (crustaceans, mollusks, turtles, sea squirts, sea urchins, natural pearls, sponges, corals, algae, etc.), breeding costs marine organisms and crops, using technologies designed to increase the production of reproduction of these organisms in terms of increasing natural growth in the environment, as well as the cost of services provided related to fisheries and fish farming. The volume index is a relative indicator that characterizes the change in the volume of production in the industry in the compared periods.

3. Calculation of the gross output of products (services) of agriculture,
forestry and fisheries

According to the General Classifier of Economic Activities (OKED), section A "Agriculture, forestry and fisheries" consists of three sections: crop production and animal husbandry, hunting and the provision of services in these areas (section 01), forestry and logging (section 02), fishing and aquaculture (section 03). During the reporting year, the gross output of crop and livestock products (services) is calculated monthly - in section 01 (without hunting and the provision of services in this area). The calculation is made discretely per month, the indicator for the period is determined as the sum of the indicators for the months of the period. Quarterly, the gross output of crop and livestock products (services) is supplemented with calculated data on the volume of production (services) in hunting, forestry, logging, fishing and aquaculture. At the end of the year, based on the data of annual statistical observations, the final gross output in general for section A is determined.

3.1 Calculation of gross output of products (services)
crop and livestock

To calculate the cost of crop and livestock production, data on the production of agricultural products in physical terms in each category of farms and data on the average annual and average sales prices of these products by type for the reporting period are used. S grow/live = ∑(k i * p i), (1) where S grow/live - the cost of crop/livestock production; k i - quantity of the i-th type of product produced in a year; p i - average annual (average in the reporting period) selling price of the i-th type
products. The change in the value of work in progress in crop production is defined as the difference between its value for the reporting and previous years. This indicator can be positive or negative. The cost of agricultural services rendered for the year is determined based on the results of a complete annual survey of legal entities providing services in the field of agriculture. The calculation of the gross output of crop and livestock products (services), thus, can be expressed by the formula: V grow/live = S live + S grow + N grow + S conv, (2) where V grow/live is the gross output of products (services) crop and animal husbandry; S alive - the cost of livestock products; S rast - the cost of crop production; N rast - change in the value of work in progress in crop production (+/-); S usl - the cost of agricultural services. When calculating the gross output of crop and livestock products (services) for a month, the following points should be taken into account. In monthly observations, the production of only the main types of livestock products is monitored: cow's milk, chicken eggs, sheep's wool, as well as the sale for slaughter of cattle, sheep and goats, pigs, horses, camels, marals and poultry. Therefore, the cost of these main types is first determined by formula (1). Then, the calculation data for the cost of other livestock products is connected, which includes all other types of products (except those listed above) tracked in the annual report (camel and mare milk, goose and duck eggs, down, camel and goat hair, honey, velvet antlers, fur skins). etc.). For the calculation, the average share of these other types of products in the total volume of gross livestock production over the past three years is used. Calculation is made according to the formula: d live other * S live main S live other = , (3) 100% - d live other where S live other is the cost of other livestock products in the reporting period; d live other - the average share of other livestock products in the total
gross livestock production for the last three years, in %; S alive main - the volume of livestock production by main types in value terms for the reporting period. The amount of crop production produced during the year is determined by calculation. For crops of open ground, the amount of produced products should be calculated starting from the moment of maturation of the first crop. The calculation is based on the data on the sown areas of agricultural crops for the current year's harvest and the average yield of these crops over the past three years: k i = ubp i * ur i , (4) where k i is the amount of the i-th type of crop production produced per month
(agricultural culture); ubp i is the area harvested in the reporting month of the i-th type of agricultural
culture; ur i is the 3-year average yield of the i-th type of agricultural crop. When determining the harvested area in each reporting month, it is necessary to use administrative sources (reports from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its territorial divisions on the progress of harvesting the main crops). For crops not included in the reports, it is necessary to take into account the periods of their ripening, climatic features of the regions, weather conditions and other factors that accompany the harvest. For crops grown indoors all year round, the number of products grown in each reporting month is determined as 1/12 of the gross harvest of the corresponding crop in greenhouses according to the last annual report. To calculate the value of the change in the value of work in progress in crop production in the reporting month, the share of the change in the total value of the total value of the produced crop production and the change in the value of work in progress for the previous year is used. The calculation is made according to the formula: d growth unfinished * (S growing year + N growing year) N growing = , (5) 100% - d growing new where N growing is the change in the value of work in progress in crop production in
reporting month; d est unfinished - the share of the magnitude of the change in the value of work in progress
in crop production in the total volume of gross output of products (services)
agriculture for the previous year, in %; S growth year + N growth year - the total value of the cost of manufactured products
crop production and changes in the value of work in progress
production in crop production for the previous year. The change in the value of work in progress during the year should be attributed to the autumn months. To determine the cost of agricultural services rendered in the reporting month, the share of the volume of services rendered in the total volume of gross output of agricultural products (services) for the previous year is used. The calculation is made after the cost of livestock and crop production and the change in the value of work in progress in crop production are determined, according to the formula: d conv * (S live + S grow + N grow) S conv = S usl - the cost of agricultural services. d conditional - the share of the cost of agricultural services rendered in the total volume
gross output of agricultural products (services) for the previous year,
V %; S alive - the cost of livestock products; S rast - the cost of crop production; N rast - change in the value of work in progress in crop production (+/-).

3.2 Final calculation of gross output
(services) agriculture, forestry and fisheries

The volumes of products (works, services) produced in hunting, forestry and logging, fishing and aquaculture, necessary for the final calculation of the gross output of products (services) in section A, are determined based on the data of annual complete statistical observations of legal entities and individuals operating in these areas. The volumes obtained from these observations in value terms are directly included in the final annual calculation of the gross output of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. During the year, the cost of products (services) produced in these types of activities is determined quarterly by calculation, as ¼ of the cost for the previous year. After determining all the components, the gross output of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries is determined by the method of their simple summation: V sec A \u003d V plants / live + S hunting + S forest + S fish, (7) where V sec A - gross output of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries; V grow/live - gross output (services) of crop and livestock production; S hunting - the cost of products (works, services) in the hunting sector; S forest - the cost of manufactured products (works, services) in forestry and
logging; S fish - the cost of manufactured products (works, services) in fishing and

4. Calculation of the index of the physical volume of gross output
(services) agriculture, forestry and fisheries

The calculation of the volume index is based on the method of sequential generalization of data, in which the indices of larger populations are the average of the constituent elements of individual indices. The calculation is carried out in stages and begins with the determination of individual indices for each type of crop and livestock production according to the formula: k 1 i 1/0 = , (8) k 0 where i 1/0 is the individual index of the type of product; k 1 and k 0 - the number of manufactured products in physical terms in
reporting and base periods, respectively. Then, group indices are determined that characterize the change in production volumes separately in the crop and livestock sub-sectors. Group indices of physical volume are calculated using index weights, which are taken as the value of agricultural products of the base period in prices of the same period. ∑ i 1/0 * S 0 I 1/0 = , (9) ∑ S 0 where I 1/0 is the group index of physical volume; i 1/0 - individual index of the type of product; S 0 - the cost of production of the base period at base prices, taken in
as weights for aggregation. To determine group indices for those components of gross output for which there are no physical indicators, but only cost values ​​(for example, the volume of agricultural services provided, the volume of production (works, services) in forestry and logging), the deflation method is used using a price index. S 1 I 1/0 = , (10) S 0 * I prices where I 1/0 is the group index of physical volume (for cost components); S 1 and S 0 are the volumes of the corresponding component of gross output in
in value terms in the reporting and base periods
respectively; I prices - price index for the corresponding component. To calculate the index for the change in the value of work in progress in crop production, as a deflator, data on changes in the amount of costs for work in progress per 1 ha of land in the previous year, calculated based on the size of the areas where work was carried out and the total cost of these works, should be used. The hunting index is defined as the ratio of the production volume for the reporting year in comparable prices, which is provided in the report, to the production volume in current prices for the previous year. On the basis of group indices, a composite index is calculated showing the change in gross output in general for agriculture, forestry and fisheries. ∑ I 1/0 * S 0 I sec A = , (11) ∑ S 0 where I sec A is the composite index of the physical volume of gross output of products (services)
agriculture, forestry and fisheries; I 1/0 - group index of physical volume by component; S 0 - the cost of the gross output component of the base period in the base
prices, taken as weights for aggregation.

Annex 1

Forms and questionnaires used as sources of information

    Form 24-sh "On the state of animal husbandry" (monthly) and (annual); Sample survey questionnaire A-008 “On the production of livestock products in small peasant (farm) farms and household farms” (semi-annual); Form 29-sh "On harvesting crops"; Sample observation questionnaire A-005 “On harvesting agricultural crops in small peasant (farm) farms and household farms”; Form 4-x "On the results of sowing for the harvest"; Form 6-p (farmer) “On the availability of land in peasant (farm) farms”; Form 7-p (population) "On the availability of land in the households of the population"; Form 1-sh "On the activities of agricultural formations"; Questionnaire for selective observation A-001 “On the activities of a small peasant (farm) economy”; Form 8-sh (services) "On the provision of agricultural services"; Form 2-hunt "On hunting and trapping"; Form 1-forest "Report on timber harvesting and silvicultural and forestry work"; Form 1-fish "On fisheries and aquaculture"; Form 1-TSSH "Report on prices for sold agricultural products"; Form 2-TSSH “Report on actual prices for industrial and technical products, tariffs and prices for services purchased by agricultural units”; Form 1-CP (forest) "Price report for raw wood and related services".

Annex 2

reporting year

Peasant (farm)

Households of the population

The cost of livestock production


Sample observation data on the A-008 questionnaire

The cost of crop production

Annual report data by form

Sample observation data on the A-005 questionnaire

Price statistics data in the form 1-TSSH

Cost of work in progress in crop production

Annual report data by form

Sample observation data on the A-001 questionnaire

Volume of rendered agricultural services

Data of the annual report in the form 8-сх (services)

Appendix 3

Sources of information for determining gross output
products (services) of crop and livestock production in reporting month

Product types

Agricultural enterprises

Peasant (farm)

Households of the population

related to medium and large-scale production of products

Cost of produced livestock products by main types

Data of the monthly report in the form of 24-cx

Calculated according to the "Methodology for monthly calculations of the main indicators for animal husbandry in the households of the population and small peasant (farmer) farms"

Price statistics data in the form 1-TSSH

Value of other livestock products produced

Calculated according to the share of other products (except for the main types) in the total volume of livestock products for the previous year

The cost of crop production

Calculated on the basis of the data of the annual report in the form 4-sh and the average yield of agricultural crops in each category of farms for the last three years, using the data of price statistics in the form 1-TSSH

Cost of work in progress in crop production

Calculation based on the data of the annual report in the form 1-cx

Estimated based on the data of the annual report according to the A-001 questionnaire

Volume of rendered agricultural services

Settlement based on the data of the annual report in the form 8-sh (services)

Appendix 4

Scheme for calculating the gross output of products (services)
crop and livestock

Product types


Average annual (average for the reporting period) selling price*, tenge per unit of measurement

Production in kind

Cost in current prices, thousand tenge
(group 1 x group 2): 1000

Gross output of crop and livestock products (services) (line 2+line 3+line 4+line 5)

thousand tenge

Livestock products produced (sum of lines from 2.1 to 2.9)

thousand tenge


Sales for slaughter of livestock and poultry in live weight:

sheep and goats

cow's milk

chicken eggs

thousand pieces

Other livestock products produced**

thousand tenge

Crop production produced (sum of lines from 3.1 to 3.5)

thousand tenge




Change in the value of work in progress in crop production

thousand tenge

Volume of rendered agricultural services

thousand tenge

* - For the calculation for the year, the average annual selling price is used, for the calculation for the month - the average price for the reporting period. ** - In calculations for the reporting month.

Annex 5

An example of calculating the index of the physical volume of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries

(conditional example)

  • World economy: development trends and their impact on international monetary and financial relations


    This lecture examines the fundamental shifts in the modern world economy associated with the development of its internationalization into globalization and the aggravation of universal problems.

  • Production in kind

    Individual index of physical volume (by type of product), in %

    The cost of production of the base period, mln. tenge

    Group/composite index of physical volume to the previous year (by components), in %

    reporting year

    last year

    3 = group 1 / group 2 %

    Gross output of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries

    102.2 = (103.3 x 61420 + 99.5 x3500 + 104.3 x 1740 + 80.2 x 2860) / 69520

    Gross output of products (services) of crop and livestock production

    103.3 = (116.6 x 37990 + 90.4 x20100 + 101.1 x 950) / 61420

    Manufactured livestock products

    116.6 = (125.0 x 22000 + 105.1 x 15990) / (22000 + 15990)


    cow's milk

    Produced crop products

    90.4 = (87.1 x 16740 + 107.1 x 3360) / (16740 + 3360)



    Change in the value of work in progress in crop production

    Volume of rendered agricultural services

    Calculated by the deflation method

    Manufactured products (services) in the hunting sector

    Calculated by the deflation method

    Manufactured products (services) in forestry and logging

    Calculated by the deflation method

    Read also:
    1. Index analysis of cash proceeds from the sale of products of crop and livestock industries
    2. Calculation of the cost of production of industrial production processing livestock products.
    3. Operation number 4. “The warehouse received finished products released from the main production” in the amount of 135 thousand rubles
    4. Features of accounting for costs and output of livestock products.
    5. Primary, analytical and synthetic accounting of costs and output of livestock products.
    6. Preparatory work before compiling cost estimates for livestock products.

    ¨ Gross volume of products of normal life activity of animals (milk, wool, eggs, etc.) - in kind or in a form comparable in quality (milk of standard fat content, washed wool, weight of eggs);

    ¨ Gross production of meat of certain types of livestock (weight of offspring, growth and weight gain of young and fattening cattle: a) in live weight; b) in terms of slaughter weight;

    ¨ The total volume of gross livestock production of all types of livestock in value terms (in current or comparable prices).

    Animal productivity:

    ¨ Milk yield per cow at the beginning of the year (in kind, in terms of basic fat content, etc.);

    ¨ Milk yield per 1 average annual cow of a dairy herd;

    ¨ The average increase in live weight of 1 head of livestock: a) for the period of growing (stay) in this group; b) per average annual head per year;

    ¨ Average weight of one head.

    Output of livestock products per unit of land area:

    ¨ Yield per 100 ha of agricultural land: milk, cattle fattening products; wool;

    ¨ Output of pork per 100 hectares of arable land;

    ¨ The output of gross livestock production in value terms per 100 hectares of agricultural-x. land - ?SiUiPi, where Si is the density of individual livestock species per 100 hectares of agricultural land. lands, Yi - productivity of 1 head of livestock of this species, Pi - price of 1 centner of production in current or comparable prices.

    The level of zootechnical measures, the intensity of animal husbandry:

    ¨ Feed consumption per 1 head of livestock - total or by type of feed (concentrated, including compound feed, coarse, juicy, green, etc.);

    ¨ Feed costs for obtaining 1 centner of milk, 1 centner of weight gain, 1000 eggs, etc. - in kind and monetary value;

    ¨ Feed consumption per year per 100 kg of live weight of livestock in centner units;

    ¨ Provision of fixed assets of production per 100 hectares of agricultural land. land (total, including livestock facilities);

    ¨ The total amount of costs in animal husbandry per 100 hectares of agricultural land. land.

    Intensification of agricultural production:

    ¨ Funding in agriculture - the cost of fixed assets for agricultural production per 100 hectares of agricultural land. land;

    ¨ capital-labor ratio of an employee in agriculture - the cost of fixed assets for agricultural production per 1 average annual worker employed in agricultural production;

    ¨ Capital-labor ratio - the cost of fixed assets for agricultural production per unit of labor costs (1 thousand man-hours);

    ¨ The average annual number of workers employed in agricultural production - per 1 farm, per 100 hectares of agricultural production. land;

    ¨ Production costs in agriculture (including crop production, animal husbandry) per 100 hectares of agricultural land. land.

    Production specialization:

    The ratio of industries and industries (structural indicators):

    ¨ at the cost of marketable products;

    ¨ at the cost of gross output;

    ¨ on production costs;

    ¨ for crops with.-x. cultures;

    ¨ number of livestock.

    Production dimensions:

    Based on 1 enterprise:

    ¨ the cost of gross output;

    ¨ the cost of marketable products;

    ¨ number of livestock;

    ¨ land area (agricultural land, arable land, crops of agricultural crops);

    ¨ number of average annual employees;

    ¨ cost of fixed assets of production.

    Results and economic efficiency of production:

    ¨ The cost of gross output - per 100 hectares of land, 1 worker, per 100 rubles. fixed assets;

    ¨ The cost of marketable products - per 100 hectares of land, 1 worker, per 100 rubles. fixed assets, for 100 rubles. expenses for core activities;

    ¨ Cost of 1 centner of products (commercial);

    ¨ The mass of profit (loss) from the sale of products;

    ¨ Profitability.