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» Writing a resume sample for a student. Sample resumes for students with and without work experience. Among personal qualities, priority is given to

Writing a resume sample for a student. Sample resumes for students with and without work experience. Among personal qualities, priority is given to

If you are a university student without work experience, then searching for one may take a lot of time. A well-written resume is already half the success. A competent resume sample for a student with no experience will help to demonstrate the best professional qualities in order to attract an employer in the shortest possible time.

Lack of experience is not a reason to miss a chance. A competent approach to writing a resume will make you stand out from the crowd of competitors. If you are a student and you need to be noticed, then resonate with the total number of applicants, do not write the text as a carbon copy. Get rid of standard cliched phrases and provide competent arguments in favor of your candidacy.

The main purpose of a resume without work experience:

  • to be noticeable;
  • express yourself and your professional qualities;
  • advertise skills and achievements;
  • attract the employer's interest in the candidacy;
  • obtain an invitation to an interview.

Before you start writing your resume, answer the following questions:

  • why am I better than others;
  • why should I get a vacancy;
  • what unique qualities do I have?
  • that I do better than others;
  • What achievements do I have in my profession and life?

This information will help highlight the main advantages if you correctly fill out that part of the application form that the employer pays special attention to. Thanks to this, the resume will become unique, selling skills and achievements. Then the employer's attention will switch from inexperience to merits and advantages. Here you can write about academic achievements, diplomas received, prizes at Olympiads, competitions, note places of internship, and its successful results.

For a resume without work experience, the following information will be useful:

  • participation in student seminars, conferences;
  • publishing your articles in a newspaper;
  • active participation in the life of the university (attending clubs, public speaking, participation in social activities);
  • passing ;
  • assistance to teachers in organizing lectures;
  • topic of the thesis;
  • level of performance.

This information positions you as an active person and a versatile personality. Your area of ​​interest sets you apart from other candidates.

Indicate in your resume that you take on the task with enthusiasm and are focused on successful results. This is the main advantage compared to experienced specialists who have no desire to perform duties for low pay. Indicate that in a short period of time you are ready to reach the level of your colleagues and even surpass them in professionalism. The student’s main trump card is youth, a creative look and a creative approach.

The employer is interested in high-quality performance of duties even for low pay. For example, write in your resume without work experience that you are exactly the candidate who is focused on high-quality and fast completion of tasks for an initially small salary. Recommend yourself as a stable employee in business relationships.

An example of filling out the section on a student’s achievements in a resume without work experience:

  1. “I took part in the University Law Olympiad, for which I prepared long and hard for 2 weeks. Took first prize." This achievement is an example of willpower, perseverance, and shows you as a non-lazy, purposeful person.
  2. “I never skipped lectures while studying.” This speaks of responsibility and discipline.
  3. “In 3 months I improved my knowledge of English in the field of technical terminology.” Reflects the ability to learn quickly.

What sections should be included in a resume without work experience?

The resume contains standard points, for example:

  1. Information about yourself (last name, first name, patronymic, address).
  2. The name of the vacancy or position for which the applicant is applying.
  3. Enter your contact information (phone numbers, email).
  4. Wishes for a future position. Here you indicate the type of employment (part-time, full-time), the desired schedule, working hours, and the required salary level.
  5. Information about education, where it is necessary to indicate information about graduation from a secondary, secondary specialized or higher educational institution, or the specialty received.
  6. Additional education, courses, trainings.
  7. Information about previous places of employment. A student’s lack of experience in their specialty does not mean a lack of work activity. Here you can indicate places of temporary work, information about the position.
  8. Next comes the important part of the questionnaire, according to which the employer evaluates knowledge and skills. And even if the student is inexperienced, then at this point it is important to reveal the potential in order to get hooked on something. Write about your life and academic achievements.
  9. Additional skills, knowledge of languages ​​and computer programs. These are potentially useful skills for a student that communicate responsibility, literacy, and determination.
  10. Description of professional qualities. It is worth indicating only those qualities that are significant for the future position and profession.

In the personal qualities section, indicate those that will highlight your versatility among experienced employees. Example:

  • I can quickly solve assigned tasks;
  • I easily find an approach to people, it’s pleasant to communicate with me;
  • I grab information on the fly and quickly complete assignments.

Key points when filling out a resume:

  • education, achievements, personal characteristics are the main points that people pay attention to;
  • filling the page with banal phrases, there is a risk of going unnoticed;
  • in the area of ​​achievements, show imagination and reflect potential, indicate everything that is related to learning and development.

Sample resume for a student without work experience

A sample form for filling out a job search form can be found on the Internet. Here is an example of a resume for a student lawyer with no experience:

Common data:

  • date of birth, age;
  • Family status;
  • address;
  • phone number, email.

Name of position or vacancy :

  • lawyer, paralegal or lawyer.
  • The purpose of the job search is professional growth and development in your area of ​​specialization.

Desired income level and salary:

When filling out this item, you need to keep in mind that the student’s initial salary level is 20-30% less than the average lawyer’s market rate.

It is not profitable for an employer to hire an employee who needs training; it is easier for him to immediately hire a specialist. The main goal is a position in a promising company where you will begin your career.

Education information:

  • year of beginning and end of the educational institution;
  • name of the university;
  • form of education (full-time, part-time, evening);
  • speciality.

Additional courses:

  • computer;
  • linguistic;
  • professional.

Previous place of work and current position:

  1. A student or graduate of a university without experience can include information about judicial practice in their resume sample.
  2. If you worked part-time as an assistant or trainee in a law firm, then indicate the area of ​​employment: office work, housing, labor, family, inheritance law, administrative activities, drawing up statements of claim, examination of documents.
  3. Indicate the topic of your diploma or scientific research.
  4. Indicate your work activity during your studies: design, computer or car repair, sales - any experience may be of interest to the employer.

Personal achievements:

  • organization of events;
  • participation in competitions, olympiads;
  • receiving awards, certificates, prizes;
  • public speaking
  • abilities, talents.

Level of computer and software proficiency:

  • office (Word, Excel);
  • professional (Consultant, Guarantor);
  • additional (Photoshop, Corel draw, Auto cad).

Proficiency in foreign languages ​​(specify the language and indicate the level):

  • base;
  • colloquial;
  • Fluency;
  • knowledge of technical terms.

Additional information:

  • driver's license;
  • willingness to travel;
  • international passport;
  • absence of bad habits;
  • knowledge of office equipment.

Personal qualities:

  • competent approach to performing duties;
  • care when working with legal documents;
  • knowledge of articles, legislation;
  • Analytical mind;
  • fast learner;
  • observance of discipline, hard work;
  • competent speech, ability to formulate thoughts;
  • intelligence;
  • entrepreneurship, active position, initiative.

Graduated from university or college? Is it time to get a job? Many of us remember how difficult it was to write a competent resume, because yesterday’s student had no professional experience or any achievements. And if this document also requires a cover letter, the task becomes twice as difficult. How to write a resume without work experience? How to interest an employer and get the desired position?

How to write a resume without work experience: follow clear instructions

Before drawing up such a document, it is important to consider the following points:

  1. Feel free to describe your strengths. Many university graduates downplay their abilities, so don’t be afraid to praise yourself (if these praises are objective, of course). Each student has pre-graduation practice, some undergo internships. During such activities, you will definitely acquire professional skills, which should be indicated in your resume (for example, the ability to draft documents, work with regulations, skills in working with children, and so on, depending on your specialization).
  2. How to write a resume without work experience? The employer understands that you did not have time to make an entry in your work book, but it will not be superfluous to show your activity. If you worked part-time (even if not in your specialty) during your studies, and also participated in scientific conferences and seminars, or have scientific publications, this should also be indicated: responsible and creative employees are valued in any organization.
  3. You should not write unnecessary information. For example, if you are applying for an accountant position, it is not necessary to write in your professional skills that you play the piano, although it is quite acceptable to indicate this in the hobby section or voice it personally during an interview if the employer asks a similar question.
  4. Please note: Honesty is required of you. The recruiter may well call the organization you specified and ask whether you really did an internship there and what success you achieved. Deception will not work in your favor.
  5. Were you not particularly active at the university and did not participate in olympiads and conferences? In this case, place a favorable emphasis on your personal qualities: diligence, hard work, the ability to absorb a large amount of information, punctuality and quick learning.

Interesting fact: no experience? Don't skip important points (professional qualities). It is advisable to indicate in them the skills of working with a PC, as well as the ability to communicate with people and the skill of public speaking (many students automatically develop this quality during their years of study at the university).

Information in a resume should be presented concisely and clearly. It is advisable to describe professional and personal qualities briefly and separated by commas (the option of formatting them in a column is also allowed).

You can write a resume without experience based on examples that are available on the Internet. You can take a ready-made template and fill it with the necessary information.

You should not write abbreviations and abbreviations that are incomprehensible to the employer in the “Place of Study” column (especially if you are applying for a job in another city, where your university may simply not be better known). Please indicate the name of the educational institution in full, and clearly indicate the year you started your studies and the year you completed your studies.

If you completed a pre-graduate internship or internship, indicate the duties that you performed during this activity (following the instructions of your supervisor, preparing a package of documentation, interacting with employees of government agencies, and so on). This will allow the employer to better understand your skills.

The hobby section cannot be too sensitive (it is enough to indicate 2-3 of your favorite activities; it will be optimal if they coincide with your position, for example, the ability to cook for a graduate of a culinary college is the optimal hobby).

Interesting fact: when listing job responsibilities and skills, it is advisable not to use imperfective verbs - this is an unspoken rule when writing a resume. It is better to use words such as “did”, “achieved” instead of “did”, “participated”.

Be sure to include contact information so that the employer can call you. In this case, it is advisable to indicate your email address (many recruiters prefer to send emails with the aim of inviting you for an interview).

After drafting the document, it is important to re-read it carefully. Errors and typos are not in your favor and may indicate carelessness and inattention of the applicant.

Do you want your resume to be guaranteed to be viewed and the employer to pay attention to you? In this case, it is also recommended to write a cover letter.

In European countries, sending a resume without such a letter is considered a sign of bad taste and impoliteness. According to statistics, approximately 31 percent of Russian job seekers believe that a cover letter will increase their chances of success. Others believe that writing it is a waste of time and effort.

Most recruiters consider applications without a cover letter, rightly believing that applicants simply do not know how to write one correctly. So much the better for you: a former student with no work experience has a chance to stand out from his competitors by correctly drafting a supporting document!

The main purpose of the letter is to attract attention to the resume and interest the recruiter so that he reads it. Below is the information that needs to be reflected in the document:

  1. Polite and formal address to the candidate. As a rule, they contact the HR manager, and you can use your first and patronymic or only your full name (for example, “Dear Natalya!” or “Dear Igor Sergeevich!”). You should not use wording that does not correspond to business style (“Good day” and so on).
  2. The source of information from which you learned about the vacant position (for example, from the HR manager).
  3. A few sentences about you and your intention to work in this company. Please note: you should not repeat your resume in the same words! Simply indicate the qualities and achievements that most distinguish you from your competitors. Indicate that you are attracted by the prospect of working and developing in a team of professionals.
  4. You shouldn't write about ambitions. Do not write that working for the company attracts you with the possibility of further advancement in your career - such statements will scare off the recruiter.
  5. Do not focus on dubious points in your resume, if any. For example, it is better to explain the point about incomplete higher education in person during the interview process.
  6. Platitudes have no place in cover letters! Stress resistance and communication skills are hackneyed phrases that fill dozens of resumes, so the recruiter simply will not pay attention to them, and in some cases such templates can cause irritation.
  7. At the end of the document, indicate that, if necessary, you are ready to come for an interview and answer questions that the employer has. Finally, just like in your resume, include your contact information (email address and phone number).

Thus, a well-written resume and a cover letter for it is your opportunity to take an interesting position with prospects for further career advancement. Don't think that without work experience your written presentation will be short and boring: many graduates of higher and secondary educational institutions have no idea about their potential and skills, as well as what they have learned over the years of attending lectures and on-the-job training. By including information in the paragraphs of your resume, you can interest the employer, who will definitely invite you for an interview. During a personal meeting, you will have to explain in detail everything that you reported in writing, and also indicate what exactly attracts you to work in this company. Don't forget to dress neatly and formally; this positions you as a responsible employee who is familiar with the basic rules of the dress code. Confidence and a friendly tone should also become your constant companions during interviews.

Writing a resume without work experience can seem like a daunting task. The most important thing that an employer is interested in is experience and achievements; What should you talk about on your resume if you have no experience?

If you have to fill out a resume without work experience, do not rush to get upset. Thousands of young professionals face the same problem every day, successfully solve it and find work.

Example resume for a graduate without work experience

Copywriter, SMM specialist

FULL NAME. Dmitriev Igor Vasilievich

Date of Birth: 1.06.1993

City of residence: Tula

Tel.: [telephone]


Family status: not married, no children.

Purpose of search:

permanent full-time job in a medium or large company that is actively developing in the market, as a content manager, copywriter, social network manager.


2010 – 2015 – Russian State Humanitarian University

Specialty: “Romance-Germanic Philology”, master’s degree, diploma with honors. Full-time education.

Additional education

Course "Basics of website promotion."

Online intensive “SMM manager: promotion in social networks.”

Content Strategy for Professionals: Engaging Audiences course (with certification)



Extra skills

English: written, spoken - fluent.

German: written - fluent, spoken - intermediate level.

MS Office package, Photoshop - free.


January 2015 – June 2015, copywriter, editor, SMM manager(remote work during training)

Online magazine “Strategy” (publication for entrepreneurs, circulation 25 thousand copies, 50 pages, published regularly – once a month)


July 2015 – January 2016,English teacher

Children's boarding school No. 12 (Moscow). On a volunteer basis.

Objectives: teaching English to boarding school students.

Personal qualities:

  • desire to improve professional level, quick learner,
  • easy adaptation to changing conditions, new tasks,
  • interest in in-depth study of foreign languages,
  • goodwill, loyalty towards colleagues,
  • self-discipline, the desire to independently search for solutions, while working productively in a team.

Additional information:

March 2012 – May 2015 – member of the university student council.


  • active participation in the public life of the university,
  • development and implementation of activities for organizing leisure time for students, organizing internships and practical training,
  • mentoring assistance to first-year students in adapting to student life, establishing connections with classmates and teachers;
  • assistance in arranging the life of students living in the dormitory,
  • interaction with the university administration, lobbying the interests of students.

Comments for example:

  • Pay attention to the final block. The description of social activities is not related to professional tasks, but emphasizes the activity of the applicant, his developed communication and leadership qualities.
  • Don't forget to mention participation in social activities in your resume - this will increase your importance in the eyes of the employer.
  • Another good move in our example is the link to the portfolio. If your profession requires samples of work, it is advisable that there are examples and that they are organized into a structured whole - for example, in a portfolio.

What does “quality resume” mean?

To begin with, take note that a high-quality resume is a document that meets certain requirements. You cannot create a resume in any form as you like - the employer is unlikely to consider this option. Yes, there are creative resumes - most often in the form of infographics - but in any case, the applicant should have a “classic” resume: drawn up in accordance with the generally accepted structure, well formatted, presented in text format.

Another important point. Be patient and adapt your resume to each vacancy or to a group of vacancies with almost identical requirements (this is possible if the requirements are typical). The mass nature of the mailing reduces your chances of getting hired. Carefully read the requirements for the vacancy, compare your skills with them, and focus on the skills that are important for a particular employer. By the way, the same can be said about the cover letter. Each text must be done “by hand” – that is, it must be unique, “tailored” to a specific vacancy and employer.

Resume structure


This is your specialization (the specialization in which you are currently looking for a job). For example: “Logistics specialist”, “Economist, accountant”, “Project manager”.

Contact Information

Here indicate your city of residence; e-mail and telephone number where the employer can contact you. You can indicate the area in which you live if this is important for the vacancy: for example, the employer indicated in the advertisement that they are looking for an employee living in a certain area.

Purpose of job search

This section is considered optional, but if you have already outlined your career goals, you know in which field you want to find a job and grow professionally, you can reflect this in your resume. There is an advantage to specifying a goal: the more clearly you understand your aspirations, the sooner you will find “your” employer.

If we were compiling a sample resume without work experience, the section on the purpose of the search, we would formulate it like this:

“Find a job in an international company with the opportunity to implement 10 years of experience in selling consumer goods in a team of professionals.”

“Find a part-time job in the field of translations from/to English, German, Chinese, mainly legal texts.”

“Become part of a young, ambitious team of professionals working in the field of business process optimization.”


In a standard resume, the block on education is the penultimate one; it is located after the block about skills and work experience. But for a graduate, education is one of the main criteria of his competence, so the corresponding block is located immediately after the goal.

In this block, indicate information about your education (secondary and higher education): educational institution, specialty, form of study, qualification (bachelor, specialist, master). If you have an honors degree, this is worth mentioning.

Additional education

Since experience is not so much important for a young specialist as skills, it is important to give the employer as much information as possible about your training. In the block on additional education you need to list the courses of study and trainings in which you improved your qualifications.

The emphasis should be on those training activities that gave you skills that are useful for that particular job. That is, if you are applying for the role of a secretary, the employer is unlikely to be impressed by your training in vocal courses. It’s another matter if you are sending a resume for an event manager position: for this specialty, both your voice and the ability to behave in public are important, so mentioning such training experience is appropriate.

You can indicate online courses that are relevant to your specialty. And don’t forget to list all the certificates, diplomas, and diplomas that you received during additional training.


This is the section of the resume that the employer will study most carefully. Education is important, but in the end, skills are key for an employer - what you can do, what tasks you can solve, what areas of work you can be entrusted with and with what results.

The list of your skills should be complete: include in it all the skills that you possess (while not forgetting that each line in the resume should contain information that is directly related to the vacancy).

In addition to specialized ones, include universal skills in your resume - skills that relate to a job or profession, but are characteristic not of a specific specialization, but of many areas of activity.

For example, communication skills (the ability to communicate, coordinate the actions of other people, persuade, maintain contacts) are characteristic of all intellectual areas of activity, whether we are talking about design, sales or programming.

Here is a list of universal skills that you can use if you are faced with the task of writing a resume without work experience.


  • public performance,
  • business correspondence,
  • participation in negotiations,
  • producing a presentation,
  • moderating events (brainstorming sessions, round tables, conferences).

Coordination activities:

  • office work, paperwork,
  • preparation of orders, regulations, instructions,
  • organization of team work (distribution of responsibilities, control, ensuring interaction),
  • effective time management.

Analytical skills:

  • ability to work with large amounts of information, information retrieval skills,
  • the ability to see the whole as a system, understand the interaction of elements,
  • Ability to visualize data (create graphs, charts, infographics).


  • the ability to see new approaches to solving old problems,
  • unconventional view of things,
  • ability to produce new ideas.

Leadership skills:

  • the ability to motivate colleagues, cultivate a community of interests in the group,
  • the ability to inspire a team, direct the efforts of colleagues to achieve common goals,
  • the ability to maintain discipline, a positive attitude, and focus on results in the work group.


Most young specialists actually have experience. You will see this if you look at job sites for examples of resumes without work experience written by other young professionals (this, by the way, is useful to understand the level of competitors). At a minimum, every student undergoes practical training. This is your experience. Volunteering, part-time work while studying at a university, activities in public organizations, internships - all these are sources of work experience that should be described in your resume. If you had obvious achievements, be sure to mention them.

Personal qualities

For an employer, not only your knowledge, skills and experience are important, but also your personal characteristics - after all, your manager and colleagues will communicate with a person, and not with a set of useful functions.

The employer is interested in the following points:

  • how easily can you fit into the team,
  • How productive are you in building relationships with your manager, colleagues, partners, clients,
  • can you be entrusted with responsible tasks,
  • Are you ready, if necessary, to move your personal plans to the background - in the interests of the company, team,
  • How susceptible are you to criticism?
  • how easily you adapt to changing conditions,
  • what motivates you at work.

Taking into account the employer's interests, you must fill out the appropriate section of your resume. Which qualities to specify depends primarily on the vacancy.

Thus, for an accountant, honesty, the ability to perform routine tasks (working with numbers) for a long time, accuracy in working with documents, and a scrupulous attitude to detail are important. For a project manager, discipline, internal motivation and focus on results, a penchant for analysis (seeing the big picture), structuring information, goodwill and empathy are important. For a designer, it is important to have a developed imagination, a penchant for aesthetics, and an unconventional look at familiar things.

During their studies at the university, the student may not have had the opportunity or desire to immediately get a job in their specialty. But if circumstances have changed, you should not be afraid or despair. A student can quickly find a good job if he approaches writing his resume competently and responsibly.

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What are the specifics of writing a resume for a student without work experience?

Every potential employee goes through the stage of writing a resume. But the student should pay special attention to this stage, since he lacks one important advantage - work experience.

First, you should accurately determine the vacancy for which you are applying. It is advisable to create a separate resume for each vacancy, since a template approach (“general resume”) immediately catches the employer’s eye.

The emphasis in writing a resume for a student without work experience will need to be on the following sections:

  1. Personal qualities.
  2. Achievements.
  3. Education.

You need to demonstrate great potential with your resume. For this, it will not be enough to indicate the phrase: “The desire to work and develop in the chosen industry.” This is a boring cliche that 90% of newbies use. You should write your resume in such a way that your abilities and energy appear throughout the text.

Design your resume beautifully, but without fanaticism. Avoid either too much or too little text.

Do not download a standard resume sample from the Internet for people without work experience. Otherwise, it will go to the trash on the potential employer’s computer, and the vacancy will go to someone else.

Resume structure

You can come up with a structure yourself, but some blocks must be present:

  1. General information. This is the most boring but simple part of the resume. You just need to provide the following information: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, age, place of residence, phone number and email address. It is also recommended to leave a link to a page on a social network as contact information. If everything is in order with the page, the employer may be interested in you.
  2. Target. In this section, you must indicate what vacancy you are applying for (for example, “legal assistant”).
  3. Requirements for future work. In this part, you can write down your wishes regarding your future salary, type of employment (full-time, part-time, remote), hours and days of work. It is advisable for a beginner not to write increased job requirements in this section (especially regarding wages). It is better to show the employer that you are willing to endure many inconveniences in order to get the first position.
  4. Education. Here you should indicate the educational institution where you are studying, course number, faculty and other information.
  5. Experience. Lack of professional experience does not mean lack of experience as such. Here you can provide information about completing educational, industrial and pre-diploma internships, performing the functions of a group leader, faculty leader, etc.
  6. Significant achievements in school and in life. The greatest attention should be paid to filling out this section, since this is what employers look at first.
  7. Personal qualities. Only those qualities that may be relevant for future work should be described.
  8. Additional skills and knowledge. Perhaps you have some skills and knowledge that, although not directly related to the vacancy, carry potential benefits or position you as a purposeful and competent person. This could be fluency in a foreign language or knowledge of professional software.

How important is the “Education” section in a resume?

The student does not have work experience, but has potential, which largely stems from the learning process. The information in this section should be described in as much detail as possible.

In addition to general information, it is advisable for you to provide the following information:

  1. Participation in scientific conferences (section, result).
  2. Availability of published student works (articles, theses).
  3. Participation in the activities of scientific and public circles.
  4. Attending additional courses outside the main educational institution.
  5. Organization and assistance to teachers in conducting training sessions.
  6. Academic performance (average rating score, exam results).
  7. Topics of coursework and diploma project.

Why does the employer need all this? Maybe he is not concerned with the student’s research activities? This is partly true. However, the above information positions you as an active, responsible, versatile person. You also show the employer your range of interests. This makes you stand out from other candidates.

What to include in the “Personal Qualities” section

Very often in a resume you can find the following personal qualities: responsible, purposeful, hardworking. The result of such a banal listing is obvious: no one pays attention to these qualities anymore.

At least don’t include “responsible, purposeful, hardworking” at the very beginning of the section. What can you suggest as an alternative?

You should describe your personality traits in more detail. Whole sentences can be used. Here are some good examples:

  1. “I can work under pressure and multitask.”
  2. “I can navigate a large amount of information well, I quickly learn new things.”
  3. “I understand people, I know how to find an approach to a specific person, it’s easy and pleasant to communicate with me.”

Just be honest with the employer.

After a few good sentences have been compiled, you can list a few more of your qualities: punctual, disciplined, decent, etc. They should not duplicate the information given in the first sentences of the section.

It is better not to list more than 8-10 personal qualities, as this looks implausible and alienates the employer.

What is your potential?

Whatever position you are applying for, your potential as a young professional may include the following:

  1. Since you are a beginner, you are ready to work actively and enthusiastically to achieve success. This gives you an advantage over experienced employees, many of whom are overly proud and unwilling to do a good job for a low salary.
  2. Over a certain period of time you are able to learn basics of the profession and outperform experienced colleagues.
  3. You are young and have a creative, unconventional eye for many things, including work.

What is the employer interested in?

Any employer wants to receive the following from an employee:

  1. High quality work.
  2. Willingness to work hard even for a low salary.
  3. Stability of business relationships, predictability of the employee.
  4. Quick but positive results.

Experienced workers will easily beat you in the first parameter, but the rest are quite within your grasp.

Knowing your potential, as well as what the employer is interested in, you can correctly compose the main section of your resume.

Achievements in life and studies

The information in this section is designed to reveal your potential and prove to the employer that you are a suitable candidate for him.

Here are some examples of how to correctly fill out the achievements section:

  1. “I took part in the Law Olympiad of my native university in 2014, and took second place. For the sake of a good performance, I prepared hard even during the New Year holidays.” This achievement demonstrates not only determination, but also your perseverance and willpower. This is important for the employer, since many of his subordinates tend to be lazy at work, especially on the eve of holidays.
  2. “I didn’t miss a single lecture during my entire study at the university.” This phrase reflects a high level of self-discipline and responsibility.
  3. “I mastered English at the Advanced level in just four months.” Shows your ability to learn quickly.

Thus, compiling a resume for a student without work experience is not so much difficult as it is a crucial stage. In conclusion, here is a list of three key points in writing a resume:

  1. The main emphasis should be on achievements, education and personal qualities.
  2. You should not write banal phrases that are found in 90% of resumes.
  3. In the “Achievements” section you need to reflect your potential and those aspects in which the employer is interested.

5 steps to a successful resume for a specialist without work experience

The most necessary document required when hiring is a resume telling the employer about skills, work experience, education and other information. The important thing about a resume is to learn how to write it correctly!

When choosing a candidate for a position, relevant information is work experience. But naturally there are cases when specialists without work experience, graduates of educational institutions, and students apply. Just like “experienced applicants,” they have the right to have their resumes brought to the attention of employers.

So how to write a resume without work experience? Since there is no work experience, the main efforts when writing a resume without work experience should be directed to other sections that will allow you to competently present yourself to the employer, let’s look at them.

1. Keep your goal in mind when writing your resume.

Be sure to indicate the purpose of the work: this could be a list of positions that correspond to your wishes, education, and possibly the skills you acquired during your practical training. It is worth indicating 1-2 job titles in a certain area, For example: "Application for position: Sales Manager, Sales Representative." Refuse from a diverse and diverse list of positions, without having work experience behind you, you may simply scare off the employer with your ambitions. Indicate the specific purpose of your job search when sending out your resume for different positions.

When formulating the goal of your work, be demanding of yourself! Without work experience, you can add the word “intern” to the desired position/vacancy. For example: trainee analyst, trainee lawyer.

2. Expand Education Data

The “Education” section is a field where you can “expand” by showing your strengths and advantages over other candidates. In addition to basic information (period of study at the educational institution, name of the university/university, name of specialty and qualifications), you can specify the topics of coursework and dissertations. This information will be especially valuable if you are applying for a vacancy related to your occupation. For example When applying for a position as a translator, it would be appropriate to indicate the topic of your thesis "Methodology and practice of the intensive method of teaching English", 2011.

If you conducted interesting research during the process of writing your thesis, you can also indicate this. If you can brag about your diploma GPA (if it is above 4) - brag about it! For an employer, it is not so much the numbers that are important, but your readiness and desire to develop and learn. For example:“GPA 4.6.”

Also, the item on education can be expanded to include information about courses completed, advanced training, and seminars completed. Useful information for the employer will be your achievements/results obtained for academic success, show that you know how to achieve results. Provide information about certificates, prizes, awards, grants won, competitions, and participation in conferences. For example, a specialist applying for the position of trainee economist can indicate: “Participation in the student scientific conference “Modernization strategy for the development of the Russian economy”, 1st place in the individual competition, 07.2008”.

3. Indicate any work experience you have

In the usual understanding of any applicant, work experience is the knowledge and practice acquired by the applicant in a particular company when registering an employment relationship. But this is absolutely not true! If you did not formally formalize your relationship with the employer, but had a temporary or one-time job, this should be included in your resume, unless, of course, it is directly related to your specialty or the vacancy for which you are applying. A recent student can indicate in the work experience section the industrial internships that he completed at enterprises, presenting the information, adhering to the standard resume form. For example:

4. Present yourself

Even if you do not have professional experience, you have personal qualities that determine your potential success, freshness of ideas, novelty of views, readiness and desire to develop. This can be indicated in the personal qualities section; it is worth indicating those features of your person that correspond to the declared vacancy. For example When applying for the position of “Sales Manager”, you can indicate: “I have the ability to quickly make new acquaintances, I am sociable, I have a pleasant appearance”, while adding a photo to your resume. The photo can serve as your business card; it should be in a business style, both in clothing and in general format. Photos from summer vacations and holidays are strictly contraindicated!

There are many opinions on whether to include a hobby on your resume or not. In the case of self-presentation, in the absence of work experience, this will be additional information for the employer about your area of ​​interest and personal profile. Highlight those hobbies that characterize you positively and are closest to the direction in which you plan to develop in the future. For example, an accountant would be allowed to write that among his hobbies: "embroidery, knitting", since these classes require attentiveness and perseverance, and these are the most important qualities for this category of specialists.

5. Be honest with your employer!

Despite the lack of work experience, indicate in your resume only reliable information that corresponds to reality. False information is not difficult to verify with the help of recommendations and with the help of the company's security service. Show respect to your employer and don't embarrass yourself later. Remember honesty is a credit to trust in you in the future.

In conclusion, I would like to note that before writing a resume without work experience, think about how you can compensate for your lack of work experience in your specialty, answer the questions: What did I do that was outstanding during my studies? What can I do better than anyone else? and put it on your resume. Feel free to try sending your resume to vacancies that interest you, sooner or later you will probably be lucky!

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