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» Compatibility of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Scorpio and Sagittarius compatibility, how compatible are Scorpio and Sagittarius

Compatibility of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Scorpio and Sagittarius compatibility, how compatible are Scorpio and Sagittarius

The zodiac compatibility of Sagittarius and Scorpio in love relationships is high, we can say that the partners are lucky. But in order to build a long-term alliance, you will have to learn to prioritize leadership - someone must give the palm, preferably it should be a woman.

It is impossible not to notice the pair of Sagittarius and Scorpio, because they are driven by the irrepressible force of drive and movement, which is why astrologers predict relationships that are not only productive, but also successful.

If Sagittarius is a woman, Scorpio is a man

Sagittarius is a sign of the element of Fire; it always hurries forward and has a high threshold of emotionality. Scorpio is purposeful, deftly makes plans and networks, inviting passionate Sagittarius into his arms, enveloping him with a special attitude towards a feminine partner and sensuality in sex. Physical closeness, the emotional charge that is formed at this moment - this is what is important for these signs. At the same time, romantic emotional outpourings and evenings remain behind the scenes and more often appear at the second stage of the development of love relationships.

What is hidden behind the image of the mysterious Sagittarius woman? Of course, brightness, the ability to attract attention, capture men's minds and obvious sexuality. Possessing good intuition, Sagittarius perfectly reads the emotional heaviness of Scorpio, and this can weigh on her, sometimes so much that the woman begins to unconsciously avoid her partner. However, the man does not intend to fold his arms - he will need assertiveness, because it will take a lot of time to besiege a high fortress. Sagittarius values ​​long-term courtship and battles for his heart.

So, unnoticed by the man, the girl turns from prey into a hunter who carries the former into her adventures and exciting journeys.

In love relationships and family, the Scorpio man and his faithful Sagittarius companion behave on an equal footing, because all the troubles have long been clarified. Watching this couple, one may get the impression that they are more friends than lovers; compatibility is close to friendly. At the same time, the consistency of their actions and understanding of each other bring prosperity to the house, children have complete freedom of expression, but at the same time remain intellectually developed, success in work only strives upward.

Conflicts in relationships and how to resolve them

In love relationships, Sagittarius manifests itself as a romantic nature, so she definitely needs to hear from her husband how attractive, smart she is, and delight and compliments should be heard regularly in the house. At the same time, Scorpio wonders who needs this and why waste time. He may speak too bluntly, calling such desires nonsense, which greatly hurts his life partner.

Zodiac compatibility and a happy life are built on a girl’s clear understanding of what her husband’s type is, and how to properly guide him in the right direction:

  1. It should be understood that the “education” of a spouse must be carried out skillfully, because he is a powerful person. Give the reins to the owner of the house, but do not turn into a gray mouse. Successful compatibility is based, among other things, on the brightness of the girl’s presentation in society and her unusualness.
  2. Talk to your husband and try to explain that by not respecting your values, he is neglecting your feelings and desires. In the end, every person has personal boundaries that no one can encroach on.
  3. Ask your man leading questions: “Am I beautiful in this dress?”, “What do you like most about my look today?” Be interested in his male gaze, learn to transform into a spontaneous, joyful girl, leaving the image of someone previously offended.
  4. Any Scorpio will appreciate sincere admiration, because this will once again emphasize his masculinity. At the same time, turning into a mommy is strictly prohibited - the spouse will immediately feel it and pull away. Explore the difference between the phrases “Well done!” and “What would I do without you, no one can solve problems better!”

Not very high. Representatives of these zodiac signs have noticeably different characters, temperaments, as well as attitudes towards family and marriage. Scorpio needs emotionally vibrant relationships, while Sagittarius completely avoids any attachments, preferring freedom or at least the feeling of it.

Scorpio and Sagittarius - compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility Scorpio man - Sagittarius woman

Despite the low compatibility, this zodiac combination still has prospects. The Scorpio man and the Sagittarius woman are distinguished by their energy, efficiency, love of travel and, in general, of life in all its multifaceted manifestations. Such partners can become a mutual complement to each other.

Sagittarius does not look for support in her Scorpio husband, like many other women, being a completely self-sufficient person. She is able to take care of herself, and her husband becomes a friend for her, a person with whom it is interesting to spend time, so the main factor for her becomes the opportunity to feel at ease and comfortable in the company of her chosen one, as in a circle of friends. The communication of such a couple is filled with intellectual conversations, in which both will shine with erudition and both will enjoy it.

The horoscope names the Scorpio man’s readiness to retreat from his constant habit of domination as one of the secrets of the possible well-being of this union. It is his behavior and attempts to suppress the will of his Sagittarius wife that can cause frequent conflicts. Sagittarius also contributes to them, not providing the chosen one with the amount of attention, love and care that he needs. This circumstance can provoke Scorpio to infidelity.

The pairing of a Sagittarius woman and a Scorpio man has a somewhat unconventional division of roles. A woman is responsible for stability, for making fundamental decisions, and often provides financial support for the family. The Scorpio man makes “the weather in the house” and is responsible for the emotionality and sensuality of relationships. The wife will have to adapt to her husband’s changing mood, calling on all her patience to help. Time in this case works on their behalf, gradually smoothing out the sharp corners of this union.

In terms of financial well-being, they can become a very successful couple. They will be able to do everything related to obtaining material benefits better than many others, and simple luck can play a significant role in this. And if they purposefully go hand in hand towards the intended goal, then success in this regard will be guaranteed to them.

Compatibility Sagittarius man - Scorpio woman

This Zodiac combination is quite common, despite the fact that the relationship between a Sagittarius man and a Scorpio woman cannot be called simple and unambiguous. Mutual respect in their couple is combined with the desire to lead the other half, and sometimes with outright manipulation. However, the union may well become bright, deep and lasting, not losing emotional appeal for both over the years.

The external similarity of the characters of the partners actually has a different nature: behind the openness and ease of the Sagittarius man there is real cheerfulness and ease of communication, as for the Scorpio woman, she often only plays this role, as if putting on a mask behind which it will not be so Her desire to keep everything under control is clearly visible. When getting married, Sagittarius men and Scorpio women usually do not even suspect how much they will have to change themselves and in their attitude towards each other. Regardless of premarital experience, the life together of this couple will certainly reveal new features in each of them. Being good manipulators by nature, both can turn their life together into a game, while Sagittarius will be in full view, and many secrets will remain in the life of a Scorpio woman.

In conflicts, these people also behave differently. Unlike Scorpio men, a woman of this zodiac sign usually endures in silence for a long time, accumulating but not forgetting grievances, but the moment comes when she strikes back and very painfully. Sagittarians generally do not like quarrels, so in the life together of such a couple there is little open confrontation - for some time they will be dissatisfied with each other, trying not to reveal it, and then the relationship reaches a critical point and a huge scandal breaks out on the part of the Scorpio woman, which completely demoralizes her Sagittarius companion. The salvation for a couple is often that they do not have many reasons for quarrels, and besides, they tend to direct their hidden aggressiveness towards solving problems that come from outside.

Not every union of a Sagittarius with a Scorpio woman can boast of spiritual closeness and perfect mutual understanding. However, such partners usually value their relationship and adhere to unspoken rules developed over time that are acceptable to both.

Sagittarius and Scorpio - sexual compatibility

The difference in approaches to love and sex makes the connection between Scorpio and Sagittarius bright, but short-lived. For Sagittarius, romance, lightness, and freedom in relationships are important, but Scorpio does not tend to cover up the satisfaction of his physiological needs with beautiful romantic tinsel; he openly strives for leadership in this area, often obsessively dictating his wishes. Their relationship can range from trembling tenderness to raging passion, but the difference in emotional perception and accumulating dissatisfaction with each other's personal qualities doom this love affair to a short-lived existence.

Compatibility horoscope for Sagittarius and Scorpio in work and business

Sagittarius and Scorpio rarely overlap in their careers on a voluntary basis, since completely different areas of work seem attractive to them. For this reason, they are less likely than others to turn into both a friendly mini-team and competitors. If such colleagues unite due to circumstances beyond their control, then the effectiveness of their joint efforts depends on the ability to get along with each other. The success of an enterprise is based on the fact that

The relationship between representatives of the zodiac signs Scorpio and Sagittarius is always ambiguous. And this is due to the unpredictability of partners. But, despite this, relationships between lovers of these zodiac signs are always based on complete trust. Unions are rarely formed, because representatives of these zodiac signs lead different lifestyles, intersect little on their life paths, and when they meet, they are in no hurry to get closer. But if this happens, then the tandem can develop quite successfully, due to the practicality of Scorpio and the activity of Sagittarius. People are able to actively support each other and give good advice.

Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman – compatibility

A Scorpio guy, having met a Sagittarius girl, will definitely note her eccentricity and unpredictability. These features are alien and incomprehensible to him. Therefore, any relationship can initially be explained by simple interest. But, after a while, life puts everything in its place. Love or friendship may arise, but in any case, the companions will not release one of the same type.

In love relationships (love compatibility 62%)

The compatibility of a Scorpio man and a Sagittarius woman in love relationships is average; unions are often based on passion. As a rule, tandems between representatives of two zodiac signs are created when the chosen ones have not yet had time to recognize each other. In a fit of passion, partners tend not to notice the difference in their natural characters. If this is so, then the love relationship will not last long. The man will quickly begin to be annoyed by his chosen one’s easy behavior. He will associate this with promiscuity.

But if partners Scorpio and Sagittarius manage to overcome the difficult initial period of the relationship, then in the future the love union will develop successfully. Lovers will complement each other. The natural optimism of his companion will be especially valuable for a partner. She, being a sunny person without complexes, is able to bring him out of the depression that is inherent in his character.

On the other hand, the partner will gradually teach the chosen one not to idealize the world around her and to be realistic about the events taking place in it. Against the backdrop of sincere feelings, partners will provide each other with the necessary support, which will contribute to successful career advancement.

In bed (sexual compatibility 71%)

The compatibility of a Scorpio man and a Sagittarius woman in bed is relatively good. But in order for intimate intimacy to develop successfully, the difficulties of the initial period must be overcome. Partners are passionate individuals and enjoy sex. But at the same time, disagreements arise due to different approaches to intimacy.

A woman likes to flirt, she loves long foreplay. She likes to maintain some mystery and present pleasant surprises. But the Sagittarius man does not always like this approach, because it is more practical.

Despite the fact that their views on sex life are significantly different, experiencing love for each other, Scorpio and Sagittarius can quickly adapt. The reason for separation is never disagreements in the intimate sphere. Over time, they will learn to fully understand each other's desires, and the relationship in bed will turn into an all-consuming passion.

Married (compatibility in family life 41%)

Compatibility between Scorpio and Sagittarius in marriage is quite low. The thing is that a man is very responsible about starting a family. He can live alone for a long time, trying to meet a reliable life partner.

He can choose an eccentric and unpredictable Sagittarius woman only against the backdrop of strong love or by calculation. There is no understanding in the family of representatives of these two zodiac signs. Family comfort is important to a spouse, but his companion cannot provide this for him, since she prefers to spend a lot of time with friends. This not only causes disagreements, but can also cause jealousy, which often causes a break in relationships.

Difficulties will also arise if the husband tries to restrict his wife’s freedom. She will never submit and can only accept equal relationships. To save the family, partners need to stop fighting. If they succeed, the husband will soon understand how important his wife’s optimism is to him, which helps him successfully withstand false life situations. For her part, the wife will be grateful to her husband for teaching her a realistic perception of the world, which allows her to become a more successful person.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 38%)

We can say that in friendship, representatives of these zodiac signs are simply not interested in each other. Between them there may be some semblance of friendship rather than a friendly relationship based on trust.

A Sagittarius friend, who always strives for new knowledge of the world and adventures, having met Scorpio, will consider his life boring and routine. In addition, she does not understand his uncompromising and intransigence. A man does not seek to establish friendly relations with a person who never thinks about his actions, but acts impulsively and hastily. My friend always perceives life positively and she doesn’t understand why she should constantly expect something bad in the world around her.

Sagittarius man and Scorpio woman – compatibility

Very often, the chosen one Sagittarius pushes away representatives of the fair half of humanity with his straightforwardness, which is often perceived as unceremoniousness. Only the Scorpio woman is not alarmed by this trait if she is interested in her chosen one. Although it will take a lot of time for a strong tandem to be created, representatives of these zodiac signs get closer slowly, carefully looking at each other.

In love relationships (love compatibility 87%)

As a rule, the initiator of a relationship is always the woman. But she does it so tactfully and imperceptibly that the chosen one is sure that he tried to win the heart of the beauty - and he succeeded. The compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Scorpio woman in a love relationship is quite high. But at the same time, a union can be successful only when a man feels his importance.

The relationship between representatives of these zodiac signs is far from ideal. But at the same time, the high compatibility of Sagittarius and Scorpio in love indicates that partners can find a common language with each other against the backdrop of sincere love. If mutually desired, a tandem can exist for a long time.

In a love union, a lot depends on the partner, since she has natural flexibility and is able to smooth out periodically arising tensions. At the same time, it is important that the partner does not understand that he is being controlled from the outside.

In bed (sexual compatibility 79%)

Compatibility between Sagittarius and Scorpio in bed is quite good. Representatives of these zodiac signs do not have any serious complexes. Partners are passionate and strive to get maximum pleasure from sex.

The intimate life of representatives of these zodiac signs is always varied, filled with vivid sensations and positive emotions. The partner really likes the special sensuality of the chosen one, so he strives to please her. Both partners love to talk about sex and discuss all issues of interest, so there are practically no omissions that could lead to discomfort.

Married (compatibility in family life 68%)

The compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Scorpio woman in marriage is not very bad. Very often they are complicated by the jealousy of the wife. This provokes the husband's free behavior. He spends a lot of time with friends and can afford to sympathize with other representatives of the fair half of humanity. The spouse does not believe that family life should serve as a deterrent.

The wife torments herself with jealousy, but at the same time strives to maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the family tandem. Therefore, violent quarrels in themselves indicate that the woman’s patience has run out. If a man does not draw the right conclusions and does not come to his senses, then divorce may follow.

In addition, in an effort to maintain harmony in the family, the spouse must remain calm. Her unpredictable and chaotic husband can present a variety of surprises, not always pleasant ones. It is important to learn not to accumulate grievances and irritation in your soul, but to express them immediately to your companion in a calm tone. You need to understand that the spouse will always be ready to draw the right conclusions if the arguments seem reasonable to him. After all, he understands that the strength and self-confidence of a wife is very important for a prosperous family life.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 43%)

Friendship can arise very rarely between a Scorpio girl and a Sagittarius guy. Representatives of these zodiac signs are different in order to be sincere with each other. What also hinders friendships is that an impulsive man sees his friend as a sexy woman. He subconsciously dreams of an affair with her.

Partners Sagittarius and Scorpio enjoy communicating with each other, but there is nothing else in their lives that could be a connecting factor in friendship. Such relationships are more like friendship.

Relationships develop well when a man is older than his girlfriend. In this case, he brings a lot of positive emotions into her life and, in a certain sense, begins to patronize her. Out of curiosity, a serious girlfriend who is younger in age may even agree to take part in his adventures.

Friendly tandems in which the girlfriend is older in age rarely arise. Usually they are created by calculation on the part of the man. A friend strives to learn from the life experience of a wiser mentor. Very often such friendships arise against the backdrop of business relationships. A friend helps her young friend choose the right ways to solve problems and achieve great heights in his career and implement his plans.

Conquering a Sagittarius man for a Scorpio woman will not be difficult. The chosen one always pays attention to everything unusual, so a confident beauty will definitely attract his attention. Finding himself in the same company with Scorpio, the Sagittarius man will immediately note that she is no different from all his previous chosen ones.

You can strengthen the attraction with your mystery. Every time you meet someone you like, you need to look a little different and, among other things, change your behavior. It is necessary to think through actions that will indicate unpredictability.

It is very important to remain natural when meeting with your chosen one. It should be remembered that Sagittarius is very sensitive to any falsehood. There is no need to try to look better, because natural character traits are already attractive to a man. It is absolutely not necessary to focus on various everyday problems, since the chosen one is not at all interested in them.

It is important to demonstrate your intelligence and desire to learn everything new in life, to show your ability to easily carry on conversations on any topic. But at the same time, you should know when to stop so as not to seem boring.

How can a Sagittarius man win a Scorpio woman?

The Sagittarius man must make every effort to win the heart of the Scorpio young lady. First of all, you cannot shock your chosen one with your natural unpredictability.

The chosen one should turn on all his charm and immediately begin to beautifully court the woman he likes. It is important to never promise your chosen one something that you are not able to do. Empty promises for a self-confident beauty always serve as a repulsive factor. It should be understood that a woman is looking for a reliable life partner. Therefore, she will not want to see next to her a person who throws words to the wind.

The Scorpio woman is a strong person by nature. Therefore, you need to do everything to make her fall in love with you, and then give her the opportunity to be the first to take the initiative, no matter how strange it sounds. The chosen one must be sure that she chose you. Such an original approach to winning the heart of a beauty will make it possible to hold her responsible for a successful relationship in the future. If a Scorpio woman falls in love, she will never hide her feelings. Moreover, she will show diplomacy and turn a blind eye to all the natural shortcomings of her companion.

Scorpio and Sagittarius lead different lifestyles, treat each other with respect, but are in no hurry to get closer. The fewer factors that unite them, the greater the chances of their peaceful communication. Only in the business sphere of life can these people really get along. The practicality of Scorpio and the activity of Sagittarius will certainly lead this couple to success, but personal communication with colleagues is unlikely to work out. According to Scorpio, Sagittarius is wasting his life, and the representative of the fire element sees Scorpio as a gloomy and overly serious person.


The Scorpio woman is one of the few who is not frightened or repelled by the straightforwardness of the Sagittarius. If she is interested in him as a man, or she sees her benefit in an alliance with him, then she will definitely find an approach to him. The rapprochement will not be simple and quick; the representative of the water sign acts carefully. Sagittarius is harsh and hot-tempered, but the Scorpio woman does not provoke him to show aggression, and if he does lose his temper, she will find a way to extinguish the outburst of his rage at the very beginning. The only question is how important this union is to her.

♐ + ♏: In love

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- Even if a Sagittarius guy is one hundred percent sure that he has won the heart of a Scorpio girl, it is unlikely that he was the initiator of the relationship. However, only his beloved can know what it cost her to attract his attention. It is important for Sagittarius to feel like a significant man who chooses who he wants to be with, and he got this feeling.

This union cannot be called ideal, but it can be peaceful and exist for a long time. The girl in this pair has more flexibility, so it is she who will have to adapt to the mood and spontaneous actions of the Sagittarius. Of course, she is not happy about this, but she acts solely in her own interests. This can be either a strong love or other motives unknown to anyone.

The young man will never feel that he is under the influence. Scorpios do not act arrogantly, openly and rudely; they take on the role of an eminence grise. The Sagittarius guy only benefits from this connection. Representatives of other zodiac signs would constantly complain to him about his lack of restraint and impracticality. The Scorpio girl accepts him for who he is.

♐ + ♏: Married

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— The relationship between Sagittarius and Scorpio after marriage does not change dramatically, but is slightly complicated by jealousy on the part of the wife. A Sagittarius man cannot imagine his life without flirting, so even after the wedding he continues to behave as he is used to. Since he is sociable, and most of his friends do not even know his more domestic wife, thoughts of possible betrayal come to her every now and then. She does not like open scenes of jealousy, preferring to act carefully. Most likely, she has everything under control, but her husband has no idea about it. If his wife regards one of his affairs as a threat to the marriage, his mistress will have a hard time. Most often, the women that a married Sagittarius is interested in simply disappear from his life one day, and he is at a loss, not understanding what is happening.

Despite the iron character of the wife, quarrels sometimes occur in this family. If this happens, it means her cup of patience has overflowed, and she either does not want to continue living like this or does not see the point. This can happen if the husband, spoiled by her care, completely relaxed, stopped working, or openly cheated. The Scorpio woman will very quickly remove it from her neck. She herself will not disappear, but it will be difficult for her ex-husband to meet such a patient woman.

♐ + ♏: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- in this case is problematic. A Sagittarius guy and a Scorpio girl may meet in a campaign of mutual friends, but their communication will be superficial. The interests are different, there are no common topics for conversation, there is no desire to get closer on both sides. In a love relationship, a representative of a water sign turns a blind eye to the guy’s rudeness and tactlessness, but if he allows himself such behavior, not being her close person, she will deftly manage to knock the ground out from under his feet with just one phrase, after which the young man will not approach her and a cannon shot. In order not to spoil the relationship, this couple should adhere to neutrality and keep their distance.


The Scorpio man does not take the Sagittarius woman seriously, considering her eccentric and spontaneous. Even if these people work together, and she has managed to prove herself as an active and efficient employee, the representative of the water sign, fearing unexpected surprises, will look closely at her colleague for a long time. Working together can be productive, but the Sagittarius woman notices Scorpio’s distrust, although he doesn’t say so directly, so she has no desire to get close to him and prove something to him.

In personal relationships the situation is approximately the same. According to Scorpio, the representative of the Sagittarius sign does not live, but walks on the edge of a knife. He has no fear of getting into trouble thanks to his connection with her, but he does not respect this way of life.

♏ + ♐: In a love relationship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— The love affair between Sagittarius and Scorpio is often based on passion. These people either did not have time to get to know each other properly, or deliberately ignore the obvious difference in characters and habits. In any case, this period will not last long.

Scorpio is possessive, so he treats easily accessible women without interest and respect. He will regard the sociability and coquetry of a Sagittarius girl as promiscuity. He will not be able to accept it, and his beloved will not want to change. Seeing how angry a guy is with her behavior, a representative of a fire sign can deliberately provoke him to jealousy, either in order to defend her right to freedom, or out of a desire to see his reaction. In any case, the idea is not only bad, but also dangerous. Scorpio will not allow anyone to get on their nerves, so they will simply end this relationship.

♏ + ♐: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION— A Scorpio man treats creating a family with all responsibility. Before choosing the girl he loves, he gets to know her well, so as not to be disappointed later. If his bride turns out to be a Sagittarius girl, there are two options: either he is so in love that he does not notice anything around him, or there is a calculation on his part.

For Scorpio, home comfort, family values ​​and family ties are important. His wife spends her free time with friends and girlfriends, considers everyday chores to be boring, and communicates a lot with men, despite her husband’s disapproval. The Scorpio man does not believe that an adult woman can be changed, but her behavior infuriates him. If the spouses begin to quarrel, the series of conflicts will be protracted and are unlikely to end in a truce. If each of them lives his own life, then there are no quarrels, but there is also no spiritual closeness.

In intimate life, compatibility is very weak. Both are passionate, active and emotional, but in completely different ways. The husband is more sincere about intimacy with his wife, he loves to create a romantic atmosphere, and pays great attention to foreplay. The Sagittarius woman is spontaneous, sexual desire can overtake her anywhere, she loves extreme sports. The Scorpio man sees nothing but vulgarity in this. Marital unions of such couples, based on passion, fall apart almost immediately after the wedding.

♏ + ♐: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- These people are treated differently. There cannot be a trusting relationship between a Scorpio guy and a Sagittarius girl. While they are young, the representative of the fire sign considers the Scorpio lifestyle boring, and he does not understand her love for unjustified risks and the search for adventure. As they grow older, these people only move further away from each other. Scorpio perceives Sagittarius as a girl who has forever remained in adolescence, and she, feeling antipathy, tries to avoid any contact with Scorpio.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

This relationship can be over before either partner even realizes it even started if they are not careful! Their patience will be very richly rewarded. Sagittarius thrives on change in life, new ideas and the power of positive thought. Scorpio just wants to get closer to their partner and strengthen their emotional connections. In the early stages of a relationship, Sagittarius may feel surrounded by Scorpio's intense attention and high expectations for love. If Scorpio can restrain his seething emotions, then these two will be able to experience many pleasant and exciting love adventures.

Both Scorpio and Sagittarius see each day as a new adventure (or in Scorpio's case, a new mystery) and as an endless opportunity to explore to discover and learn. Common adventures bring them closer together. While Sagittarius may get tired of Scorpio's stubbornness and inflexibility, Scorpio may think that their Sagittarius partner is just a little too impulsive. They will enjoy studying together, and an interesting trip can be a very rewarding time for this couple. Their relationship will always be on the move!

Planetary compatibility Mars-Pluto-Jupiter

Pluto and Mars rule Scorpio, while Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Mars, the god of war, opens the door for the decisive, brave nature of Scorpio. Mars, when conjunct Pluto, represents rebirth and renewal. Jupiter focuses on philosophy, higher education, expansion, optimism, luck and travel. These planetary signs of growth, expansion and masculine energy combine to create a stable relationship based on mutual admiration.

Compatibility by elements Water-Fire

Scorpio is a Water sign and Sagittarius is a Fire sign. Sagittarius has a spontaneous nature, moving in any direction on a whim, while Scorpio's impulses are more secretive and less easy to read. Even if they encounter misunderstandings or misinterpretations of each other's motivations, a crisis can be averted. If these love partners agree that their relationship has value for both of them, then their devotion and affection for each other will survive any trouble.

Interpersonal compatibility between Scorpio and Sagittarius

Scorpio is a fixed sign and Sagittarius is a mutable sign. Both zodiac signs can scatter their attention on solving several problems at once. They can also both use their strong energy to manipulate their partners, this is especially important for Scorpio. Sagittarius likes to rush from project to project, so Scorpio will need to be patient in order to withstand this Sagittarius character trait. If Sagittarius sees that Scorpio is a real assistant to him in his affairs, then Sagittarius will be infinitely grateful to Scorpio for the help provided. Scorpio can be stubborn, burdensome and demanding, so he must give Sagittarius love his own space and time for his own interests. Scorpio carries out the implementation of Sagittarius' ideas to the end, even if Sagittarius has already lost interest and moves on. But more often than not, Sagittarius, due to his innate mental agility, flexibility and unshakable determination, overcomes any obstacles at work and achieves general recognition and success.

What's the best thing about a Scorpio and Sagittarius relationship?

They can give each other security and freedom of thought. Once they open up to each other and appreciate their different approaches to life, then these two have the potential for a full, deep and heartfelt relationship. Overall, they have a long and passionate relationship.

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