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» Creating a labyrinth garden with your own hands. The magic of stone labyrinths! Schemes of green labyrinths with descriptions of plants

Creating a labyrinth garden with your own hands. The magic of stone labyrinths! Schemes of green labyrinths with descriptions of plants

In the process of organizing the space of your own site, there certainly arises a desire to make it not just attractive, but as original as possible.

The most interesting solution for achieving this goal is the design of a labyrinth. Let us note that this activity is far from simple, although it is certainly fascinating, but still, with the right approach and careful preliminary design, it will not take much time.

To get an excellent result, perform all the work in a strictly defined sequence:

How to choose a site for a labyrinth?

Demarcate the area where you are ready to create a decorative labyrinth. There are no clear recommendations in this regard, since this form of landscape design is easy to organize on both flat and hilly terrain.

Important! The basic conditions meet the following rules:

What to pay attention to when drawing up a composition plan?

Creating a diagram of the maze is the most responsible answer. The subsequent attractiveness of the local area depends entirely on how competently you carry out this work.

Important! Before you start designing a labyrinth on your site, consider the options for ready-made schemes, from which choose the ideas that you think are most interesting.

Sequence of work when drawing up a project:

What type of labyrinth should I choose?

In modern landscape design, there are several directions for creating this form:

Important! Check out the features of each type to make the right decision. When choosing, be guided by the following criteria:

Why is it worth creating a labyrinth of stones?

This method is the simplest, but at the same time allows you to achieve maximum originality when decorating. This type of landscape design has a number of advantages compared to other options.

Important! Please take into account that creating a stone labyrinth is quite easy to do on your own, even without any skills.

Benefits of a stone labyrinth

There are quite a lot of advantages of such a solution, so we will highlight only the most significant:

Important! This phenomenon is due to the practical impossibility of choosing absolutely identical material in shape, color and size. Therefore, even when using the most popular scheme as a basis, the result will differ significantly from the source.

Which stones should you prefer?

Almost all types of stones of different origins are suitable for creating a stone labyrinth:

How to make a flowerbed labyrinth?

This option is also not particularly complicated, but will provide special brightness, richness and extraordinary effectiveness of the site from spring to autumn. It is very important to choose the right pattern for planting flowers and combine them in color and height.

Important! Let us note that the undeniable advantages of such a solution are:

What flowers to use to form a labyrinth?

When choosing varieties, please note that it is undesirable to use those types of flowers that are actively reseeded in areas adjacent to the planting site. In this case, you will not be able to achieve a clear delineation of the territory and the lines of the selected pattern will certainly be broken.

Give preference to the following types:

Important! The variety of shades of these rocks is so wide that it will not be a problem for you to find the most interesting solution for creating contrast in the neighboring figures of the labyrinth pattern.

Distinctive features of the labyrinth garden

The arrangement of this landscape form is the zoning of the site in accordance with the chosen pattern using hedges. Most often, all kinds of bushes that are easy to trim are used for this purpose.

Important! If you decide to give preference to a labyrinth of plants, keep in mind that the plants will require thorough care and regular shaping. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve the desired result, and all vegetation will become a shapeless mass.

Which plants to choose?

The choice of suitable plants is determined solely by your imagination, but there are several most popular options, the use of which will allow you to create a beautiful hedge with minimal time:

Important! If you decide to prefer planting annual plants, pay attention to Kochia broom - it produces thick, abundant greenery, and the height of the bush reaches 1 meter.

How to make a fantasy labyrinth with your own hands?

Such a solution is acceptable only if your local area is of impressive size, and you are used to doing most of the construction and planting work yourself. At its core, a fantasy labyrinth is a combination of all of the above types of this landscape form on a purely individual basis.

Such projects are very complex in design and often smooth and contrasting transitions from one figure to another completely cover the entire area.

Important! Please note that the difficulty of creating a labyrinth of this type on your own lies not only in the need for excellent artistic taste in order to correctly arrange a wide variety of plants and stones. Quite complex ongoing maintenance of green spaces will be required to maintain the attractiveness of the form.


Watch the video, which shows an example of a large-scale labyrinth, to appreciate the complexity of such a project.

How to create attractive paths?

There are also several simple rules for performing this work, which you must adhere to at the design stage:

Design features of the labyrinth

The scope of work will vary depending on the scale of the area for the labyrinth and the type chosen, but the sequence of stages remains the same:


Despite the complexity of creating a labyrinth, its attractiveness, if designed correctly, will delight your eyes and arouse admiration among your guests. Therefore, if you have decided to arrange your own site in this way, carefully and extremely carefully carry out all the work so as not to be disappointed in the result. Do not try to complete a complex project right away; start with the simplest form, later adjusting it at your discretion and expanding the space.

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March 2, 2015

“Don't go there! Don't trample the beds! Why did you climb into the flowerbed?!” Often children outside the city have even more restrictions than at home. Going to a country house or countryside becomes a real stress, because the young creature is torn out of its usual environment. It’s too spacious here, there’s too much oxygen, and it’s completely unclear what to do here. Sometimes they are forced to do unusual work, sometimes they are left to their own devices and the children do not know what to do with themselves...

It's fun at the dacha! This attitude will allow the little person to fall in love with life outside the city. What does your country estate have that you can’t find at home? Fascinating and entertaining, making you move and breathe deeply in the fresh country air... The most popular and simplest options are a slide, a sandbox, a swimming pool, a trampoline and a swing. What if you make a rope maze or a climbing wall? We offer you several ideas that can be implemented on the site and that your child will definitely like.

Landscape design for children

Select a small corner for your child at the dacha and build a real village with him there with houses, paths and toy inhabitants (their role can be played by dolls or Lego men).

Your child can plant flowers and herbs in the gardens of his village, just choose the safest ones. Do not under any circumstances decorate your tiny village with lilies of the valley, do not plant irises nearby (their roots are considered poisonous), there is no place for delphinium, foxgloves and buttercups. Working with your child in his personal dacha corner, talk about plants, their benefits and possible harm.

When you choose a place for a children's corner in the country, make sure that there are no evil nettles or prickly rose hips growing nearby, and that the fence boards are polished and will not give the child a splinter. Make sure that during sunny hours the mini-village is in the shade, since a child who is playing too much may refuse to leave his property.

House for children in the country

There are many ready-made proposals and a lot of descriptions on how to make a house for children with your own hands. Tree houses are popular abroad. And we invite you to grow a playhouse for your child! Of course, this will take much more time, but you can plant the seeds and choose plants together with your baby.

A green shelter for young summer residents can be grown from sunflowers. Draw a circle, clear its contours of grass and plant sunflower seeds close to each other.

Once the sunflowers have grown (they should be about five feet tall), tie the flower heads together. The result is a hut-house in which you can hide from your parents.

A similar hut can be made from legumes. Such tepee-teepees are sometimes made only for decoration, but your child can be given one such playhouse.

At the beginning of the summer season, install the base sticks, securely fastening them at the top. Plant the plants and adjust the direction as they grow; they should tend upward and entwine the base. A hut in the country can be planted from beans, but it is better if it is tall sweet peas. When the pods are ripe, children will play and enjoy the fresh peas. In addition, this plant improves the soil, enriching it with nitrogen.

School board at the dacha

Children love to draw on walls and fences. This natural desire has long been described by psychologists - children perceive the world in life-size, so they even prefer to draw a simple person the size of themselves. So let them draw what they want on the big board. It can be chalk or marker, it depends on your preferences. Teenagers will also be happy to draw, since they associate the board with school, where free artists are not given free rein. Do you remember your wonderful school years?

Auto track for children in the fresh air

This track will look great on the lawn. If there is none, then an uncultivated corner of the garden overgrown with soft grass will do. To make a racing track you will need sand and cement, a motorcycle or bicycle tire, flags, paint and two hollow tubes that will simulate barriers that cars can crash into.

Draw a track and cut the turf (the depth will be approximately 5-10 cm), install the tire in the planned place so that it sticks out from under the ground in a semicircle - it will imitate a tunnel. If you install the tire slightly diagonally, it can become a “dead loop” for desperate racers.

Fill the finished trench with a mixture of sand and cement, install the pipes and smooth the surface of the route with a trowel. When the track is dry, draw the markings, set the flags and invite your child to play.

Rope park at your own dacha

A few meters of simple clothesline will make your baby squeal with delight. Between the trees (there should be at least four of them), you need to pull the cord in a chaotic manner, and let the baby try to get through this web.

A dacha imitation rope park will bring joy to both children and adults. Try to overcome the obstacle course yourself - it’s not so easy and very funny. Try not to get confused and be sure to keep an eye on your child while he is having fun in the rope maze.

Do-it-yourself swing in the country: three budget options

A huge swing can be a good gift for the summer holidays, which the child will spend at the dacha. They can be made from a wooden pallet, tied with a rope to a strong branch of a large tree. The costs are minimal, and your baby and his friends will have plenty of delight!

Don’t forget to occasionally check whether the rope is frayed or whether the branch to which the wooden pallet is tied is cracking. Safety first.

Swing from an old chair

You can turn an old chair or an outdated wooden chair into a swing by hanging it on the branch of a tall and strong tree.

Find an unnecessary chair and remove the legs. Attach two boards under the bottom of the seat with screws, and tie a rope to these boards. To avoid damaging the tree, place a piece of thick leather or other material under the rope on the selected branch to protect the branch from abrasion.

Paint the swing in a bright color, then it will become a creative element of your garden design. And it will be much more interesting for children!

A rocking skate is perfect for active and active children, because it is more convenient to swing on it while standing rather than sitting. The author claims that it took him only 20 minutes to make this swing. The author of the rocking skate was helped by his sons. Fathers and sons team up for some fun!

What you will need: a skateboard (old or new), a strong rope, a pair of round sticks, a drill. You or your little helpers need to remove the wheels and drill holes in the board.

Thread the cord through the holes, securing the joints with knots.

You can make “handles” so that the child can hold on to future swings more confidently. To do this, drill two holes in the rounded sticks, thread the rope and again tie knots at the attachment points for security.

Do not tighten the knots too tightly; you may need to adjust the length of the cord so that the swing hangs evenly and the “handles” are positioned symmetrically. Tie the finished rocking chair to a tree branch, personally check the finished object for strength, and only after that allow the children to have fun.

DIY climbing wall

Young fidgets will be interested in conquering the rock climbing wall. It is not necessary to make it high and very large; low climbing walls are also quite difficult, but they are safer and do not require rope insurance.

An A-shaped wall would be a universal option, since on rainy days it can be moved under the roof and the fun can continue there. Try to make such a climbing wall with your children, and if they are capricious, saying that the wall is too small, give a compelling argument - climbing low (up to 4 meters) boulders and walls is called “bouldering” and is a full-fledged sport.

To make a climbing wall for children, prepare special grips (you can buy them in specialty stores or find them online), beams, two sheets of plywood and a carpet for them, galvanized bolts, washers and nuts.

Make two frames from the beams, connect their upper parts and secure with bolts. Cover the plywood with carpet and glue it to the base, then attach the grip blocks to the almost finished wall.

The homemade climbing wall is ready to be conquered! Just be sure to keep an eye on your children, especially if they are very young.

A huge water mattress will not replace a swimming pool, but it will also bring a lot of pleasant emotions to your kids. This bed is soft, a little cool and absolutely safe.

To make such a bed you will need thick film, tape, parchment, an iron and water for filling. No extra expenses will be required, although this thing looks expensive. Let us warn you right away that if you plan to keep a water-filled mattress outdoors for several days, it is better to lay it on a sandy area. A lawn is not suitable, as plants will not be able to breathe under the polyethylene and will die.

To tightly solder sheets of thick polyethylene, fold them together, place parchment paper on top and bottom and press with a hot iron.

Try not to touch the film not protected by parchment with the iron, otherwise an unexpected hole will appear in the mattress. Remove the paper from the melted edges only after it has cooled completely, otherwise you may create unnecessary holes again. Although we still need one small hole - we will insert a hose there to fill the bed with water. After filling, seal the area with tape so that the water can be easily drained.

Spray the cool waterbed with water and let the kids have fun!

This concludes the hit parade of budget entertainment for children. We hope that they turned out to be useful for you and that you will implement one or two of these ideas already this summer season. And when you do it, share it with the readers of Green Portal! We are waiting for letters and photos by email

Perhaps all owners of summer cottages are trying to do something unusual and original in their yard, something that would make it stand out from the rest. It could be small, hidden between spreading trees, other options. These are all classics, but there are other, more mysterious garden elements - remember, for example, labyrinths during the Middle Ages, which were framed by luxurious palaces! And something similar (on a more modest scale, of course) can be done by any owner of a suburban area, if he has the capabilities and desire. And about how to make a garden labyrinth with your own hands, we will tell you in today's article.

Interesting! Did you know that there are several ways to remove tree stumps? If you want to know more about this, then this is for you!

But what's so good about a garden labyrinth? You will be surprised, but this idea has numerous advantages:

  • the garden will be arranged in an unconventional, original way;
  • it will be useful for children in terms of development;
  • family and guests will be able to have great fun.

Determining what a garden labyrinth is

Let us immediately make a reservation that any labyrinth is an extremely complex system, which consists of intricate passages and paths leading to a single goal, namely the center of the entire composition. It is not at all necessary that the labyrinth in the garden be large - there are also relatively small ones among them, distinguished by their emphasized ease of implementation. In addition, a variety of materials can be used to create a composition - from traditional hedges to original stone paths.

And if you have children, then remember that such a labyrinth will very quickly become their favorite place to play, because it’s so interesting to play hide and seek there! For adults, this is an excellent opportunity to take a leisurely stroll, carried away by their dreams and thoughts.

Note! If we talk about a regular garden, then almost any type of labyrinth is suitable for it, while for a landscape garden it is better to use a fantasy or stone one.

Now - directly to the process of creating a labyrinth!

Stage one. Location, composition

Before you start doing anything, decide where the composition will be located. Obviously, almost all labyrinths can only be fully seen from above, for this reason it is very good if you have some kind of hill on your site or a house with two floors (from the second floor you can admire the delights of the composition). As for the location, it is better to arrange a labyrinth next to a children's playground or recreation area.

The most primitive version of the labyrinth is a twisted spiral, the paths of which connect in the center. But with compositions that have several exits or a dead end, everything is much more complicated. And any park labyrinth in Europe can be an excellent example of this, and if you simplify it, you can get your own original diagram.

When creating a labyrinth, attention should be paid to both the interweaving of the paths and the “heart” of the composition, that is, the central part. It is recommended to set up a recreation area there, for which you can, for example, put a table with chairs, build a pergola, and so on. Even a beautiful sculpture, flower bed, pond or even a sundial can become a “heart”.

Stage two. Choosing plants

If the labyrinth is small, that is, for children, then when creating it you can use annual plants (such as curly parsley), flower pots, and small cobblestones. But if the structure is large enough, then it will require planting shrubs. It is important that they are such that neither cutting nor care will cause any particular difficulties (and all this is extremely necessary to give the composition the required shape and adjust the dimensions of the walls).

When creating a medium labyrinth, plants no more than 0.5 meters high are used (this can be low-growing spirea, alpine currant, boxwood). All of these crops grow in the middle zone. And if you are planning something really large-scale - a composition in which adults will wander around for a while, then the best option would be trees up to 3 meters high. According to experienced experts, yew, rose hips, Tatarian maple, hornbeam, and others are most suitable for this.

Note! The combination of crop types should be selected so that they have different flowering periods, that is, they bloom not at the same time. Only then will your garden labyrinth look great most of the year!

As already noted, traditionally garden labyrinths are made in the form of a circle, although if desired, you can use any other shape - a triangle, a square, it can even be made in the form of initials. In short, there are a lot of options, so you can safely involve children in the process - they will take part in it with great pleasure. The most primitive version of the composition consists of:

  • entrance;
  • several turns;
  • exit.

As for the forms, the simplest of them are spiral compositions, where all the paths are connected in the center. There is also a cross-cutting design that lacks a distinct “heart.” Now let’s figure out what types of labyrinths are the most popular in landscape design.

Stage three. Let's get down to business - several possible courses of action

There are four main types of composition, and your further actions will depend on which one you have chosen. So, let's take a quick look at everyone.

Option #1. Hedge composition

The most attractive, and therefore tempting, option is a garden labyrinth made from hedges. It is quite obvious that this option is also the most time-consuming and difficult to implement. The crops (this can be either trees or bushes) forming passages in this type of composition require constant care and frequent pruning. Moreover, the area of ​​such beauty will be considerable - no amount of 6 acres will save it in this case.

Although, if the area of ​​the plot is large enough, and you yourself are filled with the desire to keep the hedge “in shape,” then such a structure will turn into your favorite place for walking! Most likely, not only children, but also grandchildren will be able to play in the intricate moves, since with proper care the composition will still be attractive for decades.

If you plan to use a hedge as a “building material,” we advise you to resort to:

  • brilliant cotoneaster;
  • laurel;
  • privet;
  • evergreen boxwood.

And if you don’t have the desire to wait for perennial bushes to grow, you can do everything quickly using fast-growing annual crops (this could be, for example, broom kochia, which grows no higher than 1 meter). It forms a dense green mass in record time, and is also quite easy to cut. Although there is a significant drawback - such a labyrinth of annual crops will have to be restored every year, for this reason it is rather a temporary option.

Option #2. Labyrinth made of stone

You can also use stone to create a labyrinth - in this case, the finished composition will look like the ruins of an ancient fairy-tale structure. Of course, it will be intended exclusively for viewing and, perhaps, for walking, since it will hardly be possible to use it for “wandering.” To lay out a decorative spiral, take small pebbles of the same size, or a masonry side. And if you use large stones, this will help create a kind of walking version of the composition.

If you wish, or, for example, if you think that the stone labyrinth looks too gloomy, you can “revive” it with the help of plants planted between the boulders. In this case, if small pebbles were used, then “alpine” crops (juvenile, sedum) are perfect. But to transform a stone wall, experts advise taking ivy, kobeya, honeysuckle or dichondra.

Option #3. Flower arrangement

The labyrinth in the form of spiral flower plantings is very popular. It is important to select compact flowers with erect stems. Crops must clearly repeat all the outlines of a given composition, which is why spreading flowers are unlikely to be suitable (they, as you know, “love” to grow). It is also undesirable to use reseeding crops to create a garden labyrinth (this could be eschscholzia or poppy), since, as the name implies, they are prone to self-sowing.

Note! If these self-seeding crops are nevertheless used, the composition will lose clarity and become a blurry spot. Therefore, it is better to take compact plants for this - a border rose, for example, or a bush petunia.

As for color, the labyrinth in this regard should be as clear and uniform as possible, otherwise the outlines will be blurred and will not be perceived holistically. And if the composition consists of two spirals connected in the center, then you can use two colors that contrast with each other. By the way, a flower arrangement can only act as an ordinary flower bed, that is, it can only be viewed or used for walking. If walks were chosen, then between plantings lay gravel paths that clearly follow all the passages.

Option number 4. Fantasy composition

This option is the most unpredictable, since it is away from clear lines and geometric laws. No circuit layout is required here, nor is the presence of a “heart”; The main emphasis here is on the extreme complexity of the moves, the maximum number of turns, and dead ends in unexpected places. And, walking through such a labyrinth, a person will be able to take part in an exciting journey, during which he will not know what awaits him at the next intersection.

Fantasy-type labyrinths are interesting in that they can be not only a strictly defined area of ​​a suburban area, like the options described above, but can be located throughout the entire garden, including a play area, a recreation area, etc. It is only necessary that the transitions be insignificant and “mixed” with various intersections and turns. Only in this case, the person inside the composition will not know what awaits him just a few meters ahead. And for this, pergolas, trellises or arches decorated with climbing plants can be used.

All plant crops, including hedges, will grow freely here, grow as they “want”, in order to hide from people everything that is a few steps away. And after every turn, something unusual and at the same time pleasant will await the visitor: a beautiful flowerbed, a comfortable bench for relaxation, a plaster sculpture, etc.

Summing up

If you make a garden labyrinth with your own hands, then you definitely won’t regret your idea, since this element of garden design will always attract attention, and you, in turn, will be proud of your creation! And you shouldn’t be afraid that the path to your dream may turn out to be too confusing. There is always a way out in labyrinths, you just need to make an effort and find it!

You should only undertake the arrangement of a garden labyrinth on your site if the area is spacious enough. Then there are much more opportunities to create a beautiful, unusual composition, and it will look proportionate and organic.

This is not a simple matter, but it is fascinating, and with the right approach, the result will please not only its creator, but also everyone who sees this man-made miracle. This original element of the landscape design of the site evokes particular delight among children. This wonder draws them into its winding paths like a magnet.

Since there are no clear instructions for choosing a site for creating a labyrinth, you can organize it both on level ground and on hilly ground. The most spectacular view of the labyrinth is from above, so it is quite acceptable to place it below the resting place. Conversely, in many cases, a recreation area (a gazebo or a fountain) is located in the center of the labyrinth - and this is also a beautiful solution.

Geographically, a labyrinth can be arranged between the house and the garden.

The choice of location largely depends on how “densely” the suburban area is developed. The size of the selected area and its topography determine the type of future composition; the nature of the soil only affects the selection of plants.

The main difficulty is developing a labyrinth diagram. It is more advisable to take a ready-made solution as a basis and modify it in relation to your conditions and desires. You shouldn’t take on complex shapes; it’s better to start with a regular spiral, and as your skills improve, complicate the pattern. You will also have to take into account the design style of the site, the availability of planting material and decor.

Types of labyrinths: which one to choose?

There are several directions, and each of them is interesting and attractive in its own way.

Stone labyrinth

The simplest, but no less effective way: it can be easily and quickly created without any skills, the final result is visible immediately upon completion of the work, and each project will be unique thanks to the incredible variety of shapes, sizes and colors of this natural material.

Such a labyrinth does not require constant attention and retains its attractiveness even in winter. Absolutely everything is suitable for stones: from boulders and cobblestones to pebbles and crushed stone, you just need to correlate their sizes with the area of ​​the site.


It is unusually beautiful if you select flowers with different flowering periods - then the whole season will delight you with bright, rich colors and wonderful aromas. Here it is important to come up with the right planting pattern and combination of varieties in height and color.

An original arrangement of a flower garden, where flowers forming a labyrinth are planted in a spiral

This is also not a very difficult option if you know the agricultural technology of caring for flowers. The result is achieved quickly, it is possible to design even a small area, and maintenance will not take much time. It is only necessary to immediately exclude varieties that reproduce by self-seeding, otherwise clear boundaries and a clear pattern will not be achieved. You can plant a labyrinth with tulips and daffodils, irises and coleus, border roses and salvias, dwarf snapdragons and many other flowers.

Labyrinth garden

This landscape form is created using hedges. Complex designs, regular and careful care - only an experienced gardener can master these works. You need to select bushes that are easy to trim.

Hedges are the ideal material for creating a real labyrinth in the garden.

In this case, preference is given to shiny cotoneaster, blood red and white dogwood, small-leaved elm, laurel and common privet, and evergreen boxwood. Of the annual plants, Kochia broom is noteworthy - its height does not exceed a meter, its greenery is abundant and dense.

Fantasy labyrinth

It is an individual combination of the previous types. It is created only on a spacious area. The transitions of numerous figures can be contrasting and smooth, many types of plants and stones are used in the most unexpected combinations, therefore, to maintain clear lines and visual appeal, constant and labor-intensive care of green spaces is necessary.

A walk through the labyrinth will be especially pleasant if a beautiful bench, an elegant flowerbed or an original sculpture awaits the traveler around the bend.

Path design

If the labyrinth is designed in a natural style, winding paths will look more natural, but when the geometry of all the figures is clearly expressed, they should be rectilinear, and it is advisable to make their width the same throughout the entire length of the labyrinth.

The paths can be filled with gravel or small pebbles, laid out from tree cuts, and for wide passages it is better to use clinker bricks or concrete. In any case, your labyrinth will evoke admiration and delight among your guests, and you will have a legitimate sense of pride in your creation.

Anna Zlygosteva

In our preschool institution, much attention is paid to organizing walks during the winter period of the preschooler's daily routine. Children's stay in the fresh air is of great importance for the physical development of a preschooler. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening child's body. It has a beneficial effect on the all-round development of the child, helps increase endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially colds.

To make the walk varied and interesting in groups areas in our children's Garden teachers, together with parents and schoolchildren, build slides, ice paths and snow structures. This year we built " fortress - labyrinth"for crawling, climbing, running, outdoor games.

The goal of our work is to promote the development of various motor activities of children during walks and interest in them, to promote pleasure and joy from motor activities.

Here's what we got:

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