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» Creation of a modern copy of a frigate. Sailing ships, model drawings free download Drawings of parts for assembling a ship from cardboard

Creation of a modern copy of a frigate. Sailing ships, model drawings free download Drawings of parts for assembling a ship from cardboard

Some people have a strange, but very remarkable and colorful hobby. It is called assembling ship models from wood. What do you need to make one like this? beautiful thing. Creating a wooden model is not so easy. From this article you will learn how to create one out of wood with your own hands. We will also take a short excursion into history.

Francis Drake

Many history buffs know the name of the “Iron Pirate”; his homeland was England. He became the captain of a sailing ship at just 16 years of age. At first he was a ship's priest, and then a simple sailor. But his fame really exploded when he became a brave and very formidable pirate. In the 16th century, he made quite a few voyages and took part in a considerable number of battles.

Golden Hind

At the moment of dawn of fate, several sailing ships arrived on his property. His main flagship was the Pelican. This ship was a five-deck, three-masted ship. There were 20 artillery weapons on board. All kinds sea ​​stories It’s quite rare that they tell us that a ship that already has a name can be renamed, but it was with the Pelican that, by the will of fate, such a story happened. In 1578 Francis Drake changed the name of this ship to "Golden Hind" (in Russian this name sounds like "Golden Hind"). It was under this second that it was inscribed in sparkling gold letters in world history seafarers. Francis Drake performed quite a few breathtaking deeds on it, which were later recounted in history and adventure books.

It is such wonderful ships that make many people assemble wooden ship models with their own hands. Drawings of many similar designs can often be found on the Internet. So, inspired by the ancient history of navigation, we will learn from this article information on how to do something similar.

DIY wooden ship model: from beginning to rainbow horizons

In fact, the history of modeling consists of several stages. Moreover, each of these stages is associated with several characteristics. A lover of miniature shipbuilding must be able to modify available materials. It is also important to expand the choice of modeling objects. Once it has developed enough, then it can have mass production of models. The next stage will be the development of bench exhibition modeling from the kits that he already has. Subsequently, it can develop to the formation of individual segments. It could be anything - from ship models and even to copies of individual motorcycles, trucks, as well as all kinds of other cars.

DIY wooden ship models: drawings, instructions, tools

So, well, let's start creating such a ship. Carving prefabricated wooden ship models is not the easiest task. You will need many tools for this. Among them are: a knife, a chisel, a hammer, a block (and, if necessary, a saw), thin cloth, superglue, a long wooden spike, a rope, a drill. In addition to this, you will need two more very important parameters. Firstly, it is time, and secondly, an important quality of those people who create prefabricated models of ships from wood is patience.

Carving of a ship from wood

First you have to work with a chisel. You should file everything plus remove the old bolts that have a flat head. It won't take you much time - just two minutes. In these two minutes, the pre-processed block will later become a boat. Now you need to clean the block. You should carefully scrape off the bark. Hold the block itself directly towards the tool. Let's take standard design as an example for our small ship models that we will build according to the principle below. Take a pencil and sketch a preliminary sketch on a block. After this, process the block with a sharp knife. The tilt of the blade itself should be at an angle of about 10 degrees. When planing, keep in mind that this is not the easiest job, so be patient. You should not forget that if for any reason you make a mistake, it will be quite difficult to correct everything. Remove the chips layer by layer, while you should try and process the original block as smoothly as possible. It is important that the top and bottom must be parallel.

Please note that you don't have to throw away the shavings at all. The point is that, in principle, it can be used as additional material as mulch.

Carving of the front and sides of the ship

Well, now we need to draw the front, bottom, and also the back. We will cut them out in exactly the same way as above. It is necessary to make these parts even. In order to get the bow of the ship, you will have to saw off a piece from the front. Following this, you should round off the cut using a knife. When you make the nose, try to tilt the knife blade itself back. It should be directed towards the stern.

Drilling holes and subsequent installation of equipment

You should have several spiers. Therefore, drill a number of holes; they should be slightly larger in size than the beams themselves. It is important that there are not too many holes. Otherwise, you may end up with a crack. And because of a crack, as we know, a serious disaster can occur - a leak. Don't use glue! If you do this, then further work will be much more difficult.

Installing sails on the model

First, decide how many panels you want to have on your final ship. Let's take as a condition that we will have four panels for the first mast and the second, and three for the last. Following this, take several wooden spiers and cut them. Cut the fabric into a trapezoid shape. Then start gluing them together. Make notches on the branches of the sails, fasten each branch with a corresponding notch. Then glue the middle of the edges to the sails. Repeat the same for all masts. It is best if you build the rear mast first, then the middle one, and then the bow one.

Now let's start installing the upper flying sail. Cut out a kite shape from fabric. Take the thread and attach it to the opposite corner of the panel. Leave ends on both sides for all corners. Glue small piece threads exactly on top part boat It should be slightly higher than the bow of the boat itself. Measure from the opposite corner to the middle of the lower branch of the sail on the front mast. Then cut off the thread that you measured and glue the tip to the appropriate place.

You should leave a few threads on each side. Pull them back and glue them straight inside the boat. Then you can cut off the excess rope. Create and attach the back panel in the same way. It must be attached to back side rear sail. Measure, cut, and make sure it fits the two tabs. Then glue them in the corners.

Well, now you have learned how to make simple wooden ship models. And although everything is described in this article only in general terms, we hope that it will help you in your future career as a “shipbuilder”. If, of course, you are interested in this. Believe me, this is a worthwhile activity!

Following the success of the magazine with the assembly of the Bismarck, which I wrote about in the article, a new magazine has appeared - now it is proposed to assemble the Bounty sailing ship.

As always, we have a price difference - the first issue costs 49 rubles, the second issue costs 99, and each subsequent issue costs 199 rubles.
A total of 52 issues of the Sailboat Bounty magazine are planned.

We count: 50 issues at 199 rubles is 9950, and also 99 and 49, the total is 10098 rubles only for magazines. You also need model paint, glue, and so on.

The publication frequency of the Sailboat Bounty magazine is once a week; you will need to pay 800 rubles a month. Moreover, it is not a fact that prices for the magazine will not increase. The same Bismarck has risen in price quite a bit after the 5th issue.

Isn't it better download drawings of the sailboat Bounty and build it yourself?

Here is an example of what can be built from paper:

Download paper drawings of the sailboat Bounty Can . 26 sheets to assemble! This paper model is not for one evening! :)

And here is an example of building a sailboat Bounty from wood.

Download drawings of the sailboat Bounty made of wood Can . This drawing will allow you to make a Bounty model on a scale of 1:60, the dimensions of the sailboat model are as follows: length 720 mm, height 550 mm.

Which model of the Bounty sailboat to build - wooden or paper - decide for yourself. Paper model It’s easier to build, but the wooden one has a more replica appearance.

By the way, in the video that is on the site there is a mistake; they claim that they put him in a boat, although in fact it was a longboat. The longboat usually has a length of 12.2 m, a beam of 3.66 m, a displacement of 4-5 tons, and is equipped with a retractable bowsprit (for the jib) and two masts (for the foresail and mainsail).
On the ship, the longboat was located on the barring between the foremast and the mainmast.

So, as you can see, they gave me a very real boat, almost a yacht :)

And here is that same video:

And finally, a little history about the sailing ship Bounty.

The Bounty is a three-masted ship with a total displacement of 215 tons, launched from the slipways at Deptford in 1787 as a merchant ship. On December 23, 1787, the rebuilt Bounty, under the command of Lieutenant William Bligh, set sail for Tahiti to deliver breadfruit seedlings to Jamaican plantations.

On October 26, 1788, the Bounty arrived in Tahiti, and on April 4, 1789, it set sail. However, on April 28, 1789, a mutiny occurred on the ship, as a result of which the assistant captain Fletcher Christian seized power on the ship, landed William Bligh and the remaining crew members loyal to him on a 7-meter longboat, and he led the Bounty back to Tahiti.

Since it was dangerous for the rebels to remain in Tahiti for a long time (sooner or later a punitive expedition would come for them), Fletcher Christian decided to go in search of an uninhabited island where the Royal Navy could not find him.

On January 23, 1790, the Bounty, which carried 8 crew members (the remaining 16 remained in Tahiti and 14 of them were arrested by the punitive expedition of HMS Pandora), 6 Tahitian men, 11 Tahitian women and one child, became the first inhabitants of Pitcairn Island.

The stay of the rebels on Pitcairn Island was a kind of retribution. Life on the island was harsh. Envy gave rise to violence and death. But despite these problems and the accompanying difficulties in the struggle for existence, the “colony” survived. Subsequently, the descendants of these settlers received the right to settle on Norfolk Island in 1856.

The fate of William Bligh: In seven weeks full of hardships and trials, Bligh and his companions traveled 5,800 kilometers on their 7-meter longboat. Heading northwest, they passed the islands now known as Fiji, then sailed to the east coast of New Holland (Australia) and eventually found salvation on the island of Timor. Now this island belongs to Indonesia and is located about 6,000 kilometers west of the place where they were left. When Bligh returned to England, two ships were placed at his disposal. And he again went to Tahiti for breadfruit seedlings. This time (it was in 1792) he managed to bring 700 seedlings to the West Indies - to the island of St. Vincent and Jamaica. Breadfruit trees with lush green crowns grow there to this day, bearing golden fruit in abundance.

But upon his return to England, he received a cold reception at the Admiralty. In his absence, a trial was held, where the former rebels brought charges against the captain and won the case (in the absence of Bligh). The main evidence of the events on the ship was the diary of James Morrison, who was pardoned, but longed to wash away the shame of the rebel from the name of the family. The diary contradicts the ship's log and was written after the events. These notes became the basis for the novel and subsequent film adaptations. Captain Bligh died in 1817 with the rank of vice admiral; the newspapers with his obituary did not mention the episode of the uprising on the Bounty.

For model making enthusiasts, sheets of pressed and glued wood veneer have always been one of the most sought after materials. They are easy to cut, perfectly processed, drawings of ships made of plywood are easy to find on the Internet, and therefore it is with plywood patterns that many craftsmen begin their acquaintance with modeling various ships.

Making models with your own hands is a very difficult task, requiring a significant amount of knowledge and a certain skill. In this article we will only talk about the most basic techniques, and you will hone further skills yourself.

Materials for work

If you want to make a small model of a ship, then you will need the following materials:

  • Wood - cedar, linden, walnut or other wood, preferably soft and non-fibrous. Wood blanks must be smooth, without knots or damage. Wood can be used both as a material for the main elements of the model (hull, deck) and for fine detailing.
  • Plywood is perhaps the most popular material. For ship modeling, either balsa or birch is used, since these are the types of wood that provide the minimum number of chips when sawing. Model ship plywood, as a rule, has a thickness of 0.8 to 2 mm.

Note! Sheets of beech veneer of thin thickness are sometimes used as an alternative to birch: although they are inferior in strength, they bend much easier.

  • Veneer – thin plates natural wood expensive breeds. As a rule, it is used for veneering, i.e. pasting surfaces from inexpensive material.
  • Fastening elements - thin chains, laces, threads, brass and copper nails.

In addition, we will definitely need wood glue, cardboard and tracing paper for transferring templates, etc. Fine detailing is made from metal casting. As an alternative to metal, you can use colored polymer clay.

Making a souvenir boat

Preparing for work

Any work begins with preparation, and modeling will by no means be an exception.

  • First we need to decide what we will build. If you have not previously dealt with shipbuilding art, we recommend downloading drawings of a ship made from plywood on the Internet: as a rule, they contain all necessary information and are understandable even to a beginner.

Note! Kits are available for sale that allow you to assemble a ship from finished parts. Beginners will be interested in such kits (although the price of most of them is quite significant), but it is still better to master the technology from the basics.

  • After analyzing the drawing, we check whether everything necessary is available. In principle, if something is missing, you can buy more a little later, because building a ship (even a miniature one) is not a quick task!

  • After printing the drawing, we make templates for the main parts.
  • We transfer the templates to .

Cutting out and assembling parts

You can cut blanks using either a manual or an electric jigsaw.

The latter is more expensive, but with it you will have less trouble cutting out small parts:

  • We make a starting hole in the plywood sheet into which we insert a file or jigsaw blade.
  • We cut out the part, trying to move exactly along the marked contour.
  • We process the sawn workpiece with a file, removing small chamfers along the edges and removing the inevitable chips and burrs.

Advice! Working on one element (deck, sides, keel, etc.), we immediately cut out all the parts necessary for assembly. This way we will spend significantly less time, and the work will move faster.

When everything is ready, we begin assembling our ship.

  • First, we put transverse frames on the longitudinal beam - the keel. At the bottom of each frame there is usually a groove for fastening to the plywood keel.
  • For joining, you can use standard glue, or you can use special ones. adhesive mixtures, intended for ship modeling.
  • We attach the upper parts of the frames to the deck. U simple models the deck is a single sheet of plywood, and for complex ones it can be multi-level.
  • After the glue on the frames has dried, we begin to sheathe the sides with thin strips of plywood. The thickness of the material should be no more than 1.5 mm, since only in this case we will be able to bend the skin without the risk of damaging it.
  • For bending, you can heat and humidify. After this, the material will bend without difficulty, and over time it will acquire a stable shape.

Note! The body can be covered with a continuous sheet for painting. But to imitate plank cladding, it is better to use strips up to 10 mm wide (depending on the scale).

  • We fix the glued plywood with clamps and clamps and leave it to dry.

Final finishing

By and large, this is where carpentry ends and art begins.

When the body is assembled and dried, we need:

  • Extend the sides so that they protrude above the plane of the deck.
  • Cover the surface of the deck with wooden veneer or outline it with an awl, imitating plank cladding.
  • Make and install all the small parts like the steering wheel and steering blade.
  • Secure the masts with everyone additional devices(the so-called spar), set the sails and stretch this entire structure using rigging threads.

Finally, all plywood parts must be treated with stain and varnished. This will provide our souvenir with at least a couple of decades of preservation.


Almost anyone can make a simple plywood boat with their own hands - just patience and minimal skills in working with a jigsaw (read also the article). But if you want to implement a complex drawing with many small details, then you will have to work hard. That's why we recommend starting with the simplest models and gradually increasing your skill!

In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Similar materials

We suggest gluing one of the light models paper sailboat. Creating a three-masted sailboat will be an interesting activity for several hours.

The difficulty level of the model is average, however, even a beginner can glue it together. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions and, in order not to get confused, glue the parts sequentially.

  • To print out diagrams of sailboat parts, you can use either a black-and-white or color printer. On appearance it won't have much impact. If something happens, you can color the sailboat with pencils.
  • The diagrams can be printed on thin cardboard or a sheet of whatman paper. However, if you decide to print the diagrams on photo paper, then your sailboat will be able to float in the water for a while, and then, of course, become limp.
  • Use sharp blades to cut out parts. cutting tools, scissors or stationery knife. Then the parts will have smooth and neat edges.
  • To create curved parts, use a pen or pencil to wrap the paper around it and give it a rounded shape.
  • Make the masts of the sailboat from paper tubes created from paper wrapped around a pencil.
  • When making folds of parts, use a drawing ruler and a sharp sticker. Place a ruler along the bend line, draw a sticker along it so that an indented line remains and bend it.
  • You need to cut and glue the parts sequentially, this will prevent you from getting confused when making a sailboat.
  • When gluing parts, try to use a moderate amount of glue.
  • While gluing, use tissues to dry your hands, otherwise clean paper may show marks from dirty fingers.

Paper sailboat parts diagrams

Paper sailboat - parts diagram No. 1

Paper sailboat - parts diagram No. 2

Paper sailboat - parts diagram No. 3

Paper sailboat - parts diagram No. 4

To make gluing a paper sailboat easier, we suggest downloading instructions

Sailing ships are divided into frigates and line frigates. The most powerful three-masted ships are battleships, which are characterized by displacement, armament and the size of the crew.

This class of sailing ships dates back to the seventeenth century, with the advent of artillery (cannons) capable of conducting linear combat (simultaneously from all onboard guns from the side line).
In shortened form they are called “battleships”.

Model drawings can be downloaded for free from the website or from other sources.

In May 1715, the Russian 3rd rank cannon battleship Ingermanland (64 guns) was launched from the Admiralty shipyard in St. Petersburg. Peter I himself took part in the development of its drawings. The battleship had impressive dimensions for that time: length - 52 m; width – 14m; hold depth - 6m. Peter's golden standard soared on his mast. This ship was the flagship of the Russian fleet for a long time.

Ship ranks in the sailing fleet:

  • The first rank is a three-deck or four-deck, the largest sailing ship (from sixty to one hundred and thirty guns).
  • The second rank is three-deck (a ship with three decks) (from forty to ninety-eight guns).
  • The third rank is two-deck (from thirty to eighty-four guns).
  • The fourth rank is two-deck (from twenty to sixty guns).


L "Artemiz was a cannon frigate of the French fleet. Magicienne frigate class, weight 600 tons, on board 32 guns, of which 26 were twelve-pound long guns and 6 were six-pound guns. The frigate was laid down in Toulon in December 1791. It had a length of 44 meters 20 centimeters .

Frigates were military ships with one or two decks and three masts. They differed from battleships in their smaller size. Their purpose is cruising service, reconnaissance (long-range), a surprise attack on an object with the aim of further capture or destruction. The largest models were called linear frigates. According to statistics, more frigate models are downloaded for free than battleships.