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» Melanotan tanning spray: reviews. Melanotan for tanning - there is a side effect Side effects of tanning peptide

Melanotan tanning spray: reviews. Melanotan for tanning - there is a side effect Side effects of tanning peptide

– a peptide created in a US laboratory to fight skin cancer. Melanotan 2 is a synthetic analogue of melanocortin (a substance secreted in the body to regulate melanin synthesis, which also determines the level of skin tanning). In addition to influencing the skin’s ability to tan, it has pronounced aphrodisiac properties, which has been repeatedly proven in studies.

During the initial development of a drug to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays through increased production of the melanin pigment, instability of the melanocortin molecule was discovered. Further, the substance was improved, after a large number of experiments, the peptide form -α-MSH was found, which proved to be 100 times more powerful than natural melanocortin. It was later patented as Melanotan 2 peptide.

After development in 1996, the first human studies were conducted. Young men were given Melanotan 2 in the amount of 5 injections under the skin. Small doses were used. Based on the results of this study, the effect of the drug on the body was established in the form of improved tanning quality, the skin tanned better and became darker. A couple of years later, another study was conducted to determine the effect of the Melanotan 2 peptide on patients with erectile dysfunction.

The dosage of melanotan was 0.025 mg per kg of body weight. The study found that the use of the drug eliminates erectile dysfunction, even if its causes are mental. Subsequently, several more experiments confirmed the effect of the drug on improving the quality of erection and increasing libido.

The effect of using Melanotan 2

During the study of the Melanotan 2 peptide and its mass use, the following positive effects were identified:

  • Improved tan quality.
  • Increased libido and stronger erections.
  • Accelerate and improve fat burning.
  • Decreased appetite.

Application of Melanotan 2 for tanning

To achieve good tanning quality, the generally accepted course of Melanotan 2 is 500-1000 mcg. The drug is administered subcutaneously with a syringe for insulin injection. The duration of the course is 15-20 days, during use it is recommended to visit the beach or solarium, but this does not mean that you need to spend the whole day in the sun; the usual duration of sun exposure will be enough.

The result of using Melanotan 2 in the form of a tan is fully visible within 7-21 days from the start of the course. The result in the form of improved libido occurs much faster; cases of spontaneous erection have been noted within 2 hours after the injection.

Melanotan 2 course “without freckles”

For people with white skin, the optimal dosage would be 100-200 mcg for 8-10 days. You can either inject Melanotan 2 every day or with a break of 1-2 days. To avoid the freckling effect caused by large amounts of melanotan, do not exceed the indicated dosage and stay in the sun or in a tanning bed as much as you usually do. There is no need to sunbathe for an excessively long time; this will neither enhance nor speed up the effect of Melanotan 2, but you can easily get sunburn and freckles. Also, do not forget that the skin needs to be moisturized in a timely manner with special creams.

A course for those who are not afraid of freckles

This scheme is actively disseminated on the Internet to increase the consumption of the drug, and therefore increase the number of sales from distributors. This scheme includes a “loading” stage and subsequently maintaining a certain level of melanin in the blood. The scheme is as follows: 1 day - injection of 25% of the expected dose of the drug, 2 day - 50%, 3 day - 75%. Starting from the 4th day and until the end of the Melanotan II course, 100% of the drug norm is administered every day. There is no exact data on how to calculate your dose of the drug, so it is recommended to build on the classification by skin type.

Side effects

A beautiful, even bronze tan is every person’s dream these days. Representatives of the fair sex especially want to have a beautiful, even tan. But more and more doctors insist that ultraviolet radiation is very harmful to the body. Being under the scorching sun is dangerous not only for health, but also threatens premature aging of the skin, the appearance of various rashes and inflammation of the skin.

Many people, due to heredity, simply cannot tolerate solar radiation without side effects. They may experience sunstroke, weakness, nausea, a rise in temperature and even a fever. Darker skin tolerates solar radiation much more easily than pale skin. In addition, when tanning in the sun, you will not receive a guarantee from anyone of an even tan of the desired shade.

So what should you do if any of the above factors apply to you? You don’t have to put up with the fact that at the height of the season you will look paler than many others. There is a universal remedy that will help you get an even tan without harming your health, without causing side effects and providing the shade you need.

The drug "Melanotan" is a special peptide that is used to stimulate the skin to tan in the desired way. This product comes in two types, namely: “Melanotan-1” and “Melanotan-2”. They do not have significant differences, but the more popular, based on the opinion of buyers, is Melanotan-2, released after the first analogue. Reviews about this product overflow the Internet, since the latest version of the drug is more versatile and sophisticated.

Many people use injections as a tanning product, so the demand for it is growing, reviews about tanning peptides continue to appear, and the manufacturer is releasing more and more new forms of the product. Today Melanotan exists as a shot (injection), tablets or spray. The latter is worth talking about separately.

Tanning spray is a drug that stimulates the synthesis of melanin in the human body. The spray helps to achieve the desired shade of tan.

The liquid is clear water without color and without any particular odor.

The drug works in this way:

  • Gives a medically even tan;
  • Promotes the breakdown of subcutaneous fat;
  • Improves the sexual function of the body.

Like any medical product, Melanotan tanning spray also has disadvantages and advantages.

So, the advantages of this drug:

  • Provides an even, long-lasting skin tone;
  • A very convenient form of use that does not take much time;
  • Can help in the fight against hated kilograms, as it perfectly reduces appetite;
  • Protects skin from solar radiation. You won’t be able to burn using the spray, since it creates a barrier to ultraviolet radiation;
  • A huge advantage of the drug is its ability to protect the body from diseases such as melanoma and skin cancer.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages of the spray:

  • When using it, allergic reactions may well occur. The process of sneezing in the body may intensify;
  • The way an injection works, a spray cannot. The tan from it will be much weaker than from an injection;
  • High price for the product. All the advantages of the drug and the demand for it have led to an increase in cost;
  • The shelf life of the product remains short.

To achieve the desired effect and not harm yourself, Melanotan should be used strictly according to the instructions. The instructions say that the product should be sprayed into the nostrils two or three times a day, like nasal drops. The course of treatment is two weeks. A prerequisite, without which the spray simply will not work, is visiting a solarium, or tanning naturally in the sun after using the spray.

The results of using the spray are usually visible starting from the third week of use. If used correctly, you will be able to get the desired results without resorting to other cosmetics.

Dosages of the drug are also set depending on body weight:

  • People whose body weight is over 100 kg need to use the spray three times a day, three sprays into each nostril;
  • If your weight is from 75 to 100 kg, then two injections twice a day are enough for you;
  • If your weight is lower than those listed above, then your dosage is once a day, one spray in each nostril.

More precisely, you can clarify the dosage that is suitable for you with the specialist who will sell you Melanotan. This is a much better option as it will help avoid side effects.

Side effects

If you neglect the dosage, the following unpleasant symptoms may occur:

  • Dizziness;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Deterioration of appetite or complete loss of it;
  • The appearance of new moles;
  • Weakness in the body;
  • Nausea;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Irritation of mucous membranes.

It is worth noting that in some cases, even with the correct dosage, side effects occur. In this situation, divide one dose into two doses. The best option would be to consult a doctor after side effects occur.

Opinions of buyers and doctors

Reviews from professional experts about the drug differ. Moreover, this applies to all forms of release of the drug Melanotan. People who already have health problems should think about the danger. But not a single specialist has yet expressed a categorical ban on the use of the product.

As for customer opinion, it is mostly positive. People noticed side effects, but they went away within half an hour after taking it. In general, the results from the application corresponded to those declared by the manufacturers. People who used the spray often returned to injections, since the latter give a much more pronounced result. But the drug affects all people completely differently, so you can evaluate its effect by trying it on yourself.

Tanning injections

If you dream of a more pronounced tan and a more lasting and quick result, then choose Melanotan injections rather than a spray. The drug is administered into the body using an insulin syringe. If you want a dark skin tone at any time, then you will have to take the injection throughout the year.

Side effects after injections may differ from the spray.

These include:

  • Attacks of depression and fear, unreasonable anxiety;
  • Attacks of insomnia or, conversely, increased drowsiness;
  • Increased blood pressure and rapid pulse;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Profuse sweating;
  • Deterioration of appetite or, conversely, excessive appetite;
  • Erection in men;
  • Very strong tan. Even black skin color is possible.

All these symptoms can occur if the appropriate dosage is neglected. Therefore, take the calculation of the dose you need very seriously. Just in case, you can consult a doctor to avoid possible complications, especially if your medical book indicates congenital or chronic diseases. In the latter case, the drug may be contraindicated for you.

How to use tanning injections

Melanotan is very easy to use, but be sure to calculate the dosage you need. It is determined based on the weight of the person’s body. In addition, factors such as skin type, skin condition, congenital predisposition to tanning, and skin perception of ultraviolet radiation influence the dose. Consider all contraindications.


Thousands of fair-skinned people, including experienced athletes, dream of one thing - a beautiful bronze tan. This desire is easy to fulfill, because there are solariums in any city.

But there is a more reliable and safe way to get a tan - the Melanotan peptide, created by experienced specialists at Nanox.


But what kind of remedy is this? In fact, it is a peptide that stimulates the body's production of the hormone melanin, which affects the color of human skin. That’s why Melanotan 2 gives the skin a golden tint that’s pleasing to the eye. It is great even for people with very fair skin.


Firstly, it stimulates libido, which is important for athletes who have exhausted the body with drugs that are serious for their health and are experiencing problems in their sexual life. Research conducted by scientists around the world has clearly demonstrated that after a couple of hours after the first injection, desire increases significantly.

Secondly, all athletes who dream of getting rid of fat and getting their figure in order should buy injections. Yes, yes, this remedy dulls the feeling of hunger and suppresses appetite, allowing the body to independently get rid of extra pounds and centimeters.


It is taken in the form of absolutely painless and extremely simple injections under the skin. To give an injection, the drug is diluted with a special liquid: 2 ml is enough per bottle.

For those wishing to buy Melanotan in Moscow at a favorable price, we would like to tell you about the optimal dosage of the drug. According to reviews from professionals, 10 mcg of the substance is needed per 1 kg of body weight. That is, for a 100-kilogram person, one dose is 1 mg (1000 mcg per day).


Results can be expected within two to three weeks of use. It all depends on how often you will be in the sun. It should be noted that the tanning dosage indicated is to achieve the desired skin color. To consolidate the effect, injections are given 1-2 times a week.

A few words should be said about possible side effects. If you do not exceed the dosage, no negative reactions will occur. Exceeding the recommended norm can lead to attacks of nausea, as well as the appearance of dark spots on the skin in the places where the injection was given. As a rule, the spots disappear after finishing taking the supplement.


Where can you buy an original product with maximum benefit? It is profitable to buy Melanotan 2 in the Black Market online store. You will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of our product and affordable price. Don't miss the opportunity to get a beautiful bronze tan that will be the envy of others!

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Melanotan 2 is a synthetic analogue of the natural peptide hormone melanocortin that enhances tanning. (production of melanocyte pigment melanin, which determines and makes tanning possible), thus reducing the risk of sunburn and other harmful effects of solar radiation and solariums.

Melanotan 2 - In addition to tanning, research has shown that Melanotan 2 has the effect of increasing libido and improving sexual function in both men and women.

In May 2010, the Italian Medicine Agency (AIFA - Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco) became the first public health organization to approve

Melanotan 2 as a therapeutic agent for Italian citizens, reducing painful sensitivity to sunlight.

Melanotan 2 was first synthesized at the University of Arizona. Researchers knew that the best way to protect against skin cancer was the activity of melanin in cells, that is, the tanning process. They suggested that the most effective way to protect against skin cancer would be to stimulate the natural pigmentation system to produce a protective tan before exposing the skin to ultraviolet radiation. The natural hormone α-MSH causes melanogenesis, the process by which skin pigment cells (melanocytes) produce skin pigment (melanin). They conducted research and became convinced that direct injection of the endogenous hormone into the human body is an effective way to tan without sunlight and, accordingly, the best means of preventing melanoma.

They also noted that the half-life of the natural hormone α-MSH is too short to be used as a therapeutic agent. And thus, they decided to find a stronger and more stable alternative, one that would be more applicable in practice and the alternative that met these criteria turned out to be Melanotan 2, which in the future will be widely used to stimulate tanning, as well as as a means of preventing and preventing melanoma and skin cancer.

Users write 2 reviews about Melanotan: that it has a pronounced anorexic effect (reduces appetite), and thus can be used as a means of weight loss and fat burning.

Summarizing all of the above, we can buy Melanotan 2 at an attractive price, because it:

  • effectively enhance tanning (achieving the desired tan and its subsequent maintenance without visiting or with minimal visiting a solarium or sunbathing);
  • an effective remedy for the prevention and prevention of melanoma (skin cancer);
  • sexual function stimulant (increased libido);
  • anorectic (weight regulation by reducing appetite).

In order to prepare Melanotan 2:
The M2 injection is quick and painless, similar to the injection that thousands of diabetics give themselves every day. The injection is made with a thin needle of an insulin syringe into adipose tissue (can be in the buttock or leg). The mixture must be prepared only from special sterile injection water. It is strictly forbidden to use unsterile water from a bottle or tap.

We will need a bottle of Melanotan 2, which contains powder; it can be diluted with either water for injection or lidocaine. It happens that the very introduction of the substance causes an unpleasant burning sensation, so some people dilute it with lidocaine, and then the process becomes painless.

It is recommended to dilute the bottle with 2 ml. water (3 ml hardly fits into the bottle), accordingly it turns out that 0.1 ml (one division of an insulin syringe) will contain 500 mcg of the substance. 10 mcg per 1 kg of weight is prescribed per day. That is, if you weigh 100 kg, then you need (100 * 10 = 1000 mcg) 1 mg of the substance. We dial 2 insulin divisions and get 1000 mcg (+ - 100 mcg do not matter). Here is such a simple formula. If you don’t like it, then you can dilute it the way you want.

We take a syringe, break open ampoules of water (or lidocaine), and draw 2 cubes. We break off the cap with Melanotan 2, wipe the gum with cotton wool and alcohol and pierce the gum with a needle. Water (lidocaine) flies into the bottle from the syringe under the influence of vacuum. We take out the needle, rotate the bottle for a minute in our palms smoothly and measuredly.

Melanotan dosage:
For one bottle of Melanotan 2 (10 mg), 2 ml of sterile water (water for injection) is used.
With this proportion of the solution, the daily dose is as follows:

  • 100 kg (body weight) - 1 mg per day (“20” on an insulin syringe or 0.2 ml solution)
  • 75 kg (body weight) - 0.75 mg per day (“15” on an insulin syringe or 0.15 ml solution)
  • 50 kg (body weight) - 0.5 mg per day (“10” on an insulin syringe or 0.1 ml of solution)

Dosage and frequency of use of Melanotan 2:
The correct dosage for Melanotan 2 (M2) is 1 mg per day per 100 kg of human weight. Results will gradually appear over 1-3 weeks. Melanotan 2 should be used daily until the desired tan shade is achieved. To speed up pigmentation, you should sunbathe 3 times a week (but not less than once, in the sun or go to a solarium).

After achieving the desired shade of tan, the frequency of use and dosage is reduced to 1-2 times a week, 1 mg (for some people, simply tanning 1-2 times a week is enough to maintain the achieved level).

Remember - the more often you expose your skin to UV radiation (tanning bed, sun) when taking Melanotan 2, the deeper and darker your tan will be (MT2 stimulates the body's production of melanin, and thus the skin darkens in response to UV radiation instead of burning) . Melanotan 2 gives a good tan only when the skin comes into contact with UV radiation or sunlight. If you exclude tanning in the sun or in a solarium, limiting yourself to taking M2 only, the effect will not be so pronounced. In the future, you should be guided by your ideas about aesthetics.

How to store Melanotan 2?
In powder form (in a bottle), Melanotan 2 (M2) should be stored at refrigerator temperature (2-8 degrees C). Under these conditions, it will be stored for at least 12 months.

Once mixed (dissolved) with sterile water, Melanotan 2 should be stored in the refrigerator. It is also possible to prepare disposable injection syringes and freeze them in the freezer. When you need to inject, simply remove the syringe and let it thaw at room temperature (this will only take a few minutes).

Do not subject the Melanotan 2 solution to frequent freezing/thawing - this will reduce the quality of the solution (it is better to store the Melanotan 2 solution in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees C)

Do not shake the bottle during storage or stirring, as this may degrade the quality of the product. Also, when shaking, bubbles and foam may form, which will interfere with your injection.

Side effect:

  • Skin redness
  • Nausea
  • Increased blood pressure


The drug is contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Shelf life: 12 months.

You can get more detailed information about the use of the drug