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» DIY glass snow globe. DIY snow globe. Christmas mood. Snow globe from a wine glass

DIY glass snow globe. DIY snow globe. Christmas mood. Snow globe from a wine glass

You've probably all seen glass balls with slowly falling snow. You just need to shake the ball (or turn it over) and movement begins inside the ball. Many of you bought these balloons as gifts for New Year in souvenir departments of stores. However, you don’t have to run to the store for a New Year’s gift; you can make it yourself.

How to make a snow globe? And making a snow globe yourself is not at all difficult.

What we need to create a snow ball (required materials):

  • Base for a snow ball. This can be a purchased special container in the form of a glass ball, or a small jar with a screw-on lid.
  • New Year-themed decorations, figurines, figurines (to create the atmosphere inside the ball). If the jewelry is metal, we recommend that you treat it with this product to protect it from corrosion. Do you want to create an imitation of snowdrifts in a ball? Self-hardening plastic can be used for this purpose. You can create an original ball with a photograph inside, but before placing the photograph in the liquid it must first be laminated.
  • Glycerin solution (for a smooth fall of snowflakes). It can be bought at a pharmacy.
  • Distilled water (you can also use boiled water after it has cooled completely, but distilled water is better).
  • You can use food coloring, adding unusualness to your idea.
  • Snow flakes ( artificial snow), sparkles, stars. You can make snow with your own hands. To do this, you need to peel the eggshell from the film and grind it. You can also use finely chopped rain.
  • Two-component epoxy glue (waterproof, transparent), aquarium sealant or glue gun

When you find all the necessary components, you can start creating a glass ball with snow inside.

Snow globe making process:

  1. First you need to create a composition of figures so that it fits on the lid. Then glue the decorations to the lid and dry them.
  2. Once the epoxy glue is completely dry, pour distilled water into the jar and add food coloring (any color of your choice).
  3. Mix water and glycerin in equal proportions. But you can add a little more glycerin. In this case, snowflakes will fall more slowly.
  4. Then add sparkles, snow, stars.
  5. Coat the lid threads with glue and close the jar tightly. Let the glue dry.

Your snow globe is ready, shake it and enjoy the magical spectacle.

We offer you a master class on making an accessory, without which it is simply impossible to imagine new year holidays. We will make a glass snow globe - a decoration that is always liked by both adults and children.

These snow balls are simply mesmerizing. Once you shake them, it seems as if something magical is happening. Beautiful flakes slowly swirl behind the glass, as if there is a whole snowy world in your palms.

Of course, these traditional New Year's souvenirs are not difficult to find on the eve of the holiday. But it’s much more pleasant (and, by the way, much cheaper) to make them yourself. At some point you will even feel like a wizard!

What do we need?

  • transparent glass jar
  • water (it’s better to take distilled water so that it doesn’t “go rotten”)
  • glycerol
  • white glitter
  • small figurine for the base


  1. TO back side Glue a figurine on the lid (Christmas tree, snowman, birds - to your taste).
  2. Mix water with glycerin in a ratio of one to three and fill the jar to the very top.
  3. Add glitter.
  4. Carefully coat the edges of the lid with glue and screw the jar on.
  5. All that remains is to tie a beautiful ribbon around the neck and turn the jar over.
  6. The magic begins!

Tip: if the neck and, accordingly, the lid are too narrow, glue the figurine directly to the bottom of the jar. To do this, drop glue not on the bottom, but on the figure and fix it inside.

We offer you some ideas for inspiration.

The whole family can make crafts on New Year and winter themes. This activity is exciting and will greatly unite the household. It’s frosty outside and the wind is shaking the trees, it’s cold and dark, and you’ve all gathered together at one table to create a small family masterpiece: magic jar with snow. In the warmth and comfort there is always something to talk about, both small and large. And you are also busy with useful work, the result of your efforts will only be a small miracle of yours. You can even feel like a wizard. A New Year's item will decorate the apartment and always remind you to get together like this more often. And, of course, all relatives will appreciate a family gift, because handmade things contain a piece of the soul.

What you will need for work:

A small jar with a screw cap.
A decorative plastic element such as a Christmas tree, a snowman, or any other product of a suitable theme.
Hot glue gun.

  • First of all, clear the jar of stickers and fill it exactly halfway with water.
  • Fill the remaining space of the jar with glycerin. We pour it heaped, so to speak.
  • Glue the product you have chosen to the lid of the jar; for example, let’s look at the Christmas tree. It is best to degrease the surfaces to be glued and make cuts for better adhesion. You can use other waterproof glue in your work.

  • Add glitter and small tinsel to water with glycerin. Close the jar tightly. If there are air bubbles, add water or glycerin. The lid should fit tightly to the jar. To be sure, you can put it on glue.

Now all that's left is to try it out. Turn over and shake your jar of snow and enjoy the “Winter Magic” made with your own hands.

Video: How to make a snow globe (a jar of snow) with your own hands

Young children will especially appreciate this. And you will spend many unforgettable and wonderful minutes in the company of your child. Good luck! Happy New Year!

Hello, dear readers! We all know factory-made glass balls with liquid and a beautiful composition, which, when shaken, “activate” snowfall inside the container, but not everyone knows that a similar item can be made independently. That is why today we will tell you how to make a snow globe with your own hands, practically from scrap materials. We recommend involving children in the process of creating such a wonderful item; it will be very interesting for them to observe and perhaps even participate in its recreation.

DIY glass ball with snow.

What you will need:

  1. A small jar with a screw cap (you can specially buy a glass jar with baby puree).
  2. Nail polish.
  3. Polymer glue or Moment.
  4. White tinsel or artificial snow.
  5. Scissors.
  6. White and silver glitter.
  7. A suitable figurine is clay, ceramic or plastic (sold in any souvenir departments).
  8. Glycerin (can be bought for about 8 rubles at absolutely any pharmacy).
  9. Purified water (distilled or purified with a home water filter).

How to make a snow globe with your own hands.

Using scissors, cut the white tinsel very finely, cut as finely as possible, since even the smallest particles will visually appear large in water.

Paint the lid of the jar with a matching nail polish color. Also pay attention to the inner walls of the lid, since more often than not the product will be in an upside-down state, which means that possible unadorned places will be evident.

After the varnish on the lid has hardened, glue the selected figure to the inside of it. We used a figurine of the Moscow Kremlin, it’s just a pity that the inscription on it is in English, but apparently in Moscow such products are purchased more often by foreign tourists than by our compatriots, since literally all the souvenirs are full of English-language engravings.

You can place Kinder Surprise figures, small figurines or small children's toys inside your snow globe. We recommend stopping by the gift shop and purchasing a tiny plastic Christmas tree or snowman. If you don’t want to look around the city for a souvenir shop, visit any hypermarket; they usually have departments with similar trinkets.

Try to select small figures. Glass with water will act as a magnifying glass, so a large composition will appear bloated and dimensionless.

Now we proceed to the next more interesting step, pour glycerin into the jar, look at the photo below to see how much we poured into a small container. The speed of rotation of snowflakes will depend on the amount of glycerin; the more of it, the slower they will spin. Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to make a snow globe without glycerin just using water? The answer is no, without glycerin the snowflakes will immediately fall to the bottom of the container, while with it they can swirl around the composition inside the jar for quite a long time.

We also pour purified water into the jar with glycerin to the top. It is important that the water is crystal clear, which is why we recommend using either distilled water or simply purified in a home filter.

Well, now we come to the most interesting moment. Pour half a teaspoon of previously chopped white tinsel or prepared artificial snow into the jar. Mix it with a teaspoon and see how our snowflakes “come to life”. Do not add a lot of snow, otherwise the composition itself will not be visible behind the snowfall.
Snowball with your own hands.

Add 1/3 teaspoon of white and silver glitter here. Mix everything thoroughly. Here I would like to say that the point with sparkles can, in principle, be completely skipped; snow alone will be quite enough.

We close the jar with a lid on which the figure is attached. Scroll the lid with special care so that the liquid does not start leaking out. Ideally, the lid should be treated with a layer of glue with inside, and only then tighten it.
DIY snow globe.

Finally, the neck of the jar can be decorated with rhinestones, tied with a ribbon with a bow, or made from polymer clay spectacular stand. We decided to leave our snow globe with an open lid and neck; we didn’t want to burden the composition with unnecessary details.

Before you pick up your snow globe, wipe it with a napkin to remove any marks left during the creation process. Now shake our snow globe and admire the snowfall, as well as the playful shimmer of white and silver glitter.

DIY glass ball with snow, video:

Today you learned how to make a snow globe with your own hands, we hope this master class was comprehensive, but in any case, if you still have questions, or if they arose in the process of creating a similar composition, feel free to ask them in the comments, we’ll be happy to answer them we will answer.

DIY New Year's snow globe from a jar

You can very easily make a New Year's snow globe with your own hands from scrap materials. This is one of the most popular Christmas souvenirs all over the world. To decorate a souvenir, you can make some kind of figurine, for example, like here, a snowman. You can sculpt from any modeling mass, except salted dough, which dissolves in water

For work we will need:

glass jar with a tight-fitting lid,
boiled or distilled water,
glycerin solution;
waterproof glue (two-component transparent waterproof epoxy glue, florist clay, aquarium sealant, glue gun in the form of silicone sticks)
snow substitute (artificial snow, body glitter, crushed foam, broken eggshell, coconut shavings, white beads);
various chocolate egg figurines
polymer clay toys,
various little things - you can use anything to decorate a souvenir, except salt dough, which dissolves in water.

The inner surface of the jar must be washed and dried. Glue the prepared figures onto the inside of the lid.

If we need to use any metal parts, we must first coat them with colorless nail polish - otherwise they risk corroding and ruining the craft.

Now we pour boiled water mixed with glycerin in a 1:1 ratio into the jar, but you can add more antifreeze - then the snow inside the dome will be very slow and “lazy”.

Pour “snowflakes” from the selected material into this liquid, and if they fall too quickly, add more glycerin.

After testing the snow is completed, we are left with the last step: screw the lid tightly and treat the joint with glue. When the craft is dry, you can turn it upside down and admire the result!