Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Stand for the summer period in kindergarten. Stand design for the summer period. Scheme of work analysis and design of a corner for parents

Stand for the summer period in kindergarten. Stand design for the summer period. Scheme of work analysis and design of a corner for parents

Summer is not only a time for travel, but also the most favorable time for children to relax, harden and improve their health.

Therefore, it is very important that parents make the most of this precious time. At the same time, many questions arise about how best to do this.

The sun is good, but in moderation

In summer, children should spend maximum time outdoors. However, if older preschoolers are allowed to sunbathe a little, then direct sunlight can cause harm to children. The biggest danger is overheating of the body, sunburn, sunstroke, since a small child has less perfect thermoregulation and his skin is very delicate.

Light-air baths can be carried out under a canopy or in the shade of trees. In this case, the principle of gradual exposure of the child’s body must be observed. First, the arms and legs are freed from clothing, and then the rest of the body. The time of light-air baths gradually increases to 30-40 minutes.

After a week-long course of light-air baths, preschool children can begin sunbathing. A child can sunbathe while lying down, or even better while playing and on the move.

Sunbathing in combination with light-air baths, as well as water procedures, has an excellent strengthening effect. Children become more resistant to influenza-like illnesses than those children who sunbathed little.

Caution: heat and sunstroke!

Experts do not make much difference between these conditions. And this is understandable.

The basis of both heatstroke and sunstroke is overheating of the body. The cause of heat stroke is the difficulty of heat transfer from the surface of the body. This is often associated with prolonged exposure to a hot, humid atmosphere. When sunstroke occurs, blood circulation in the brain is impaired. This usually happens when a child walks in the sun with his head uncovered.

The younger the child is, the more sensitive he is to the effects of heat and sunlight. Therefore, overheating of the body in a small child can sometimes already occur while taking light-air baths.

With mild sunstroke or heatstroke, the symptoms are mostly the same. These are dizziness, weakness, headache. In severe cases, convulsions, vomiting, and loss of consciousness may occur. In all such situations, you need to urgently call a doctor, and before he arrives, move the child to the shade, wet his head and chest with cold water, put a cold compress on the bridge of his nose, and raise his head. Give the child something to drink and calm him down.

Bathing is an excellent hardening agent

You can swim in open water starting from the age of two.

The swimming area should be shallow, level, and with a slow current.

Before giving your child the opportunity to independently enter the water, you need to make sure that there are no holes, deep mud, snags, or sharp stones in this place.

An adult must be in the water with the child.

When swimming, you must follow the following rules:

Children's safety in summer!
Dear parents, as the summer season approaches, we are beginning to think about the various dangers that await children at every step:
- overheating in the sun and possible heat and sunstroke;
- falling from a bicycle or roller skating and wounds and more serious injuries;
- bites of various insects and inflammation;
- asphalt disease and multiple abrasions;
- playing with sand, not washing hands thoroughly enough and poisoning, intestinal diseases.
And this is not a complete list of everything that you and I can encounter during outdoor activities in the summer. But it’s not for nothing that they say “Forewarned is forearmed”! And you and I are quite capable of protecting our children from many unfavorable factors and various “summer” dangers. To do this, it is enough to follow simple rules of behavior on the street while walking, playing near bodies of water, when returning home, while playing sports, etc.
Today, many information sources contain reminders regarding the prevention of serious unpleasant consequences for children during summer vacations. You just need to turn to social networks, where there are groups related to preschool children, their upbringing, education and health. We bring to your attention brief information on the topic “Children’s safety in summer”, presented on the VK website in the group “Preschooler, speech therapist, teacher, parents, educators.”

SUMMER is a vacation, and a vacation is a vacation. Therefore, we do not burden the children with complex hours-long classes, but conduct classes that are easy and entertaining. So, the natural desire of children to explore and understand the world is fully satisfied. We look into those corners of the world around us that we did not have time to look into during the school year. Children get lots of independent, hands-on experience. After all, everyone knows that nothing is remembered better than one’s own conclusions. Both kids with minimal knowledge about the world around them and those who have been exploring the world for several years find it very interesting in such classes! Creativity occupies a special place in the program of this SUMMER. Since we spend a lot of time in nature, the central idea is to preserve the nature around us. The children receive the basics of environmental education.

In addition, SUMMER is the time when we gain strength, vitamins and health. We are not reinventing the wheel in this area. Walks in the fresh air during the day, outdoor games, healthy eating, friendship with sports. That's the whole secret of a healthy, agile and rosy-cheeked child.

Teachers pay as much attention to each child as he needs to solve any problem, even the most "unsolvable" question.

Summer health work is organized according to an approved plan and is aimed at ensuring the protection of the life and health of students, organizing a health-saving regime, preventing morbidity and injury.

The main tasks of work for the summer health period are:

  • implement a system of measures aimed at the health and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity, the formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills;
  • create conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of children, for independent, creative activities of children on the site;
  • carry out pedagogical and social education of parents on issues of education and health improvement of children in the summer.

Priority areas of work for the summer period:

  • physical education and health work;
  • cultural and leisure activities.

Children spend most of their time outdoors. Reception of children, gymnastics, play activities and other activities are organized in the fresh air. We focus on increasing children’s physical activity through outdoor games, sports entertainment, excursions, and outdoor material. Children willingly work in the flower garden, in the vegetable garden, participate in role-playing games, games with water and sand, theatrical performances are organized, play situations are played out on the playground, and conditions are created to ensure the protection of children’s lives and health. During the period of summer health work, consultations are organized for parents according to the plan on the topic of safe summer holidays for children. Parents were actively involved in the improvement of preschool sites. The floors on the verandas and some of the equipment in the areas were replaced. Our GOAL: to help parents raise capable, smart, healthy and happy children! Our summer programs are educational, fun, active and so different... Our experience shows that SUMMER can and should be spent usefully!

Summer is an amazing and fertile time when children can walk, run and jump to their heart's content. It is during this period that they spend a lot of time outdoors. And it is very important to organize the life of preschoolers in such a way that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting content, so that memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting episodes from their lives will delight children for a long time. That is why the work of a kindergarten in the summer is a little different from other times. Children receive no less attention, but they spend much more time outdoors. Basic summer activities in kindergarten: group games in the fresh air; active and regular physical activity; sport competitions; familiarizing children with the nature around them; reading children's literature. A huge role in how interesting children will spend the summer in kindergarten is played by the desire and ability of the teacher to make every day bright for the child. During the summer, summer health work continues in our kindergarten. To successfully conduct educational and recreational leisure, children must accumulate a certain amount of knowledge. In kindergarten, a calendar plan was developed on topics such as: "Hello summer" , "Health Week" , "Week of Environmental Knowledge" , "My favorite city" and others, as well as summer holidays. During the summer recreational period, all participants in the educational process are covered. It provides ample opportunities for strengthening the physical, mental and social health of pupils, developing their cognitive, communication, and creative abilities, as well as increasing the information competence of parents in the field of organizing summer holidays for children.

Summer is a wonderful time for both children and adults. It is in the summer that children have a great opportunity to get a boost of health for the whole year. Many children spend their summer in kindergarten.

  • group games in the fresh air;
  • active and regular physical activity;
  • sport competitions;
  • familiarizing children with the nature around them;
  • reading children's literature.

A huge role in how interesting children will spend the summer in kindergarten is played by the desire and ability of the teacher to make every day bright for the child. In the summer, preschoolers in kindergarten can get a lot of new and interesting experiences, since it is during this period that they are freed from schoolwork and devote time to sports games and excursions.

Summer work with children in kindergarten is usually called recreational work; it has its own specifics. It is important to make every possible use of the summertime conditions that are favorable for strengthening children’s health and to ensure that the child gets stronger, gets healthier and hardened, and learns to understand and love the amazing, beautiful world of plants and animals. In summer, nature provides great opportunities for the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers.

Irina Malinovskaya

Summer is coming. The most wonderful time for children and parents. Vacation time, carefree recreation, unforgettable trips to nature, to the country. Children have more opportunities to walk, move, and spend a lot of time in the fresh air. Parents try to spend all this time with their children. For the guys it is necessary to do it correctly and safely organize a vacation, do summer is interesting, beneficial for health and development. But parents sometimes have no idea how educational and full of discoveries even an ordinary walk in a public garden, a park, or a forest can be for a child.

IN to help parents we organized a corner in the reception group« Summer is coming» .

Its goal is to help increase the competence of parents in matters organizing children's summer holidays, providing practical help in education matters children preschool age.


1. Ensuring life protection and health promotion children in summer.

2. Prevention of childhood injuries.

3. Rendering assistance in organizing play activity children.

4. Implementation of pedagogical and medical education of parents on health issues children in summer.

I'm sure that information about what to do with your child on the road, what games and activities organize in recreation areas, anyone will be useful family. Our task is to provide it to parents in full.

This is how the idea was born organizing a corner for parents in the reception group« Summer is coming» . To corner fulfilled the function assigned to it, we made it bright and attractive, the material colorful and accessible to everyone. A presentation was held at the final parent meeting corner.

The main material was placed in thematic folders.

To the thematic folder "Attention! Summer

included the following materials:

Set of recommendations « Summer holidays with a child» . It includes the following recommendations "Preschooler in summer» , « Summer. What are the benefits of juices?, “How to harden a child - strengthen the immune system”, "What should a child's room be like? summer clothes and shoes» ;

Summer toy library "Games in the sandbox";

Doctor's advice “Hardening with air, sun, water”;

Traffic police warns "Road ABC";

Consultation"ABOUT children's summer holiday. Precautionary measures";

Consultation“Child at the dacha. Security measures";

Materials have been prepared for pupils with health problems “Prevention of myopia. A set of exercises for the eyes" And “A set of exercises for flat feet”. We believe that these complexes will be of interest to other parents.

Thematic folder materials « Summer is red and... dangerous» reveal a list of dangerous situations that await a child in the forest, in the country, on the street or on the beach. The folder was prepared together with the nurse.

The folder includes the following materials:

Meeting with a tick

Snake bite



Nose bleed

Mushroom poisoning


Wild animal bites

Insect bites

Flame burn

Burns from boiling water, milk, hot food

Poisoning from household chemicals

Drug poisoning

Foreign body in the larynx

Foreign body in the respiratory tract

Falling from height

Eye injury


Pediculosis in children

Beware of poisonous berries and plants

Poisonous mushrooms, signs of poisoning and emergency measures help

Dangerous situations.

Thematic folder "Interesting for children" will help parents to broaden their horizons children, continue the comprehensive development of the child in summer conditions.

The folder contains materials:

Make a wish for the children. 100 riddles - 100 answers.

100 ideas and 100 ideas for caring and smart mothers children.

Summer at sea. Interesting things nearby.

Mass flowering of plants.

Mushroom growth in summer.

WITH with help parents based on materials from the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus decorated the screen"How to ensure your child's safety"

and booklet "Tips for summer» .

We bought a screen "Road Safety", which was also posted in corner« Summer is coming» .

Information about children's clothing in the group placed on a screen "Clothing requirements children» . The material includes excerpts from the Sanitary Standards and Regulations "Requirements for preschool education", approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

IN corner monthly replaced material is placed in accordance with the plan for interaction with family. This material is in a permanent section "Pedagogical piggy bank".

The material, which is replaced monthly, is also on the stand. "For you, parents".

Material requested by parents is placed on the stand "Ads".

We wish parents health, interesting and safe holidays with children!

Thank you very much to all colleagues for your attention and support!

Publications on the topic:

Family club as a form of organizing work with disadvantaged families Abstract: the article touches on the problem of dysfunctional families. This problem is very relevant, and is currently appearing more and more.

Game as a form of organizing a child’s life activity in a preschool educational institution Shcherbak S. V. kindergarten "Beryozka" Game as a form of organizing a child's life in a preschool educational institution Technologies, development, gaming, activities.

MAN Conference Group work as an effective form of lesson organization in conditions of improving the quality of education and upbringing “Any training.

I always want to spend warm spring days outdoors. However, along with the rapid awakening of nature, ticks also awaken to active life. The most dangerous ticks are encephalitic ones.
Encephalitis is a very dangerous brain disease. If a person bitten by an encephalitis tick does not receive medical assistance in time, he will die. And even for a person saved from death, this serious illness often leads to serious problems with his health.
To avoid getting encephalitis, you must get vaccinated!
A special vaccine will develop immunity in your body to this disease. Vaccinations need to be done several times throughout the year, and then repeat this procedure every three years...

The materials of the “Psychologist Advises” stand explain who a psychologist is and what the responsibilities of this specialist are; They talk about why and how children should be punished and encouraged correctly, and how to prepare a child for school in a timely manner. The stand materials contain the main points in the mental development of children, which parents should pay attention to, and also pay attention to the development of the emotional and personal sphere of preschoolers.
Contents: see continuation...

A visual aid for information stands in a group locker room. Materials from the “Children's Infections” stand will make it possible to introduce parents of preschool children to the national calendar of preventive vaccinations; They will talk about some acute infectious diseases, their symptoms, treatment, and how to care for a sick child in the family. The material from the third issue of the project, dedicated to acute childhood infections, can be placed not only in preschool educational institutions and developmental centers for children, but also in children's clinics.

The stand materials will give parents information about the responsibilities of the head of a preschool educational institution to ensure fire safety, introduce them to fire safety rules, help develop in children a sense of the danger of fire, teach them how to safely handle household appliances and correct behavior in the event of a fire.

Folder "Seven Stars" about the crisis of 3 years of age
Format: jpeg + png
Size: 28.7 MB
Number of sheets: 6
Design: Ptitsaindigo
There are seven main features, the so-called seven-star symptoms, characteristic of a child’s behavior during a three-year crisis. It is these features that are discussed in this mobile folder.

Folder "How to help a child survive the "Polar Night""
Format: jpeg + png
Size: 45.2 MB
Number of sheets: 6
Author: Ptitsaindigo
In the period from November to January, when the sun is below the horizon, “biological darkness” sets in, which leads to “ultraviolet starvation”; during this period the human body, especially children’s, needs help. A moving folder will help parents cope with the problems of this period.
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