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» Stereotypes that prevent you from finding a girl. Why women love the rich Why girls choose successful and rich cars

Stereotypes that prevent you from finding a girl. Why women love the rich Why girls choose successful and rich cars

In order to find out which women rich men prefer, you must first understand the psychology of such men. For men, the process itself is interesting, to win a girl. We all know that they are ready to move mountains for the sake of their beloved. A rich man is a well-endowed man:

  1. Highly paid job;
  2. Expensive car;
  3. Unlimited bank account;
  4. A nice apartment or a country house.

We are all accustomed to the popular saying: “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”! But in relationships with rich men, this proverb is inappropriate. They are, first of all, aesthetes and love everything beautiful.

As a rule, rich men do not want to part with their freedom for a very long time. They pay too much attention to their work. And reaching a more mature age, they begin to search for their spouse. In order to still win the favor of such a man, a girl needs to try hard.

What kind of women do rich men like?

Rules to help women

Many men approach the issue of marriage very carefully. Doubts about the loyalty and selflessness of women’s intentions give rise to thought. In order for a rich man not to have such doubts and to be sure that you are really the one with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life, a woman needs to know a few rules:

1. The most beautiful woman.

Rich men spend a lot of time on their appearance. They believe that appearance is business card successful people. The appearance of his woman plays a very important role. She should look irresistible, even without makeup. And he could always brag about her to his friends and say that he has the best woman.

It is important to remember that a rich man is an owner and he does not intend to share with anyone else what belongs only to him!

The most beautiful woman

2. Intelligence.

Such men achieve success thanks to their intelligence. They are very literate and well-read, always tactful and well-mannered. Therefore, a woman should be able to hold a conversation on any topic. Her statements must be well presented and her judgments must be balanced.

Note! A group of psychologists from Peking University conducted an experiment and found that poor men are more loyal to the choice of their woman.

They do not have the same demands as, for example, rich men, and in general they are satisfied with their choice. Therefore, seriously consider the question: “Are you really ready to become the wife of a rich man?”

Are you ready to become the wife of a rich man?

3. There is no room for scandals.

Rich men do not like scandals and therefore look for women with an easy-going and balanced character. They are the leaders in the family. And if a woman starts to fight with them for this title, then such a relationship will quickly crack. A woman should be wise and understand his opinion. Men can look outside for what they are missing in their marriage. The wife who comes to terms with this will have a successful and happy marriage.

Remember, men should always be praised, his merits pointed out, and told that he is the best, smartest and kindest! They love it and believe me, harmony will always reign in your relationship.

No room for scandals

4. Procreation.

We all know very well that the main duty in life for women is giving birth to children. They dream of a “continuator” of the family. If a woman’s plans do not have room for a child, then such a relationship will not last long.

They themselves pay little attention to raising their children. It is enough for them to know that there are children, and their upbringing is usually done by wives or specially trained nannies. In any case, surrounded by their friends, they do not forget to boast about the successes and achievements of their children.

The idea of ​​procreation for rich men is another way for self-affirmation, as well as a profitable object for investing the funds that he has been earning for so long.

Continuation of the family line

5. Bird in a cage.

Wives of rich men should forget about career growth. Wealthy men can provide for their beloved themselves and therefore do not see the point in her working. The wife must raise the children and sometimes do something around the house.

She should also always be next to him at social events. Good mood and an impeccable appearance is what should accompany a wife at such events. Not all women can withstand life in a “golden cage.”

Bird in a cage

But if you still want to be close to a strong, independent, self-confident and independent man:

  1. Don't fight for leadership;
  2. Don't start a scandal without reason;
  3. Don't challenge his opinion.

Never forget that every woman is beautiful in her own way. If you devote more time to yourself for your beloved, then rich men themselves will pay attention to you! There are three golden rules:

  1. Love yourself regardless of external factors;
  2. Pamper yourself as often as possible;
  3. Develop as a person.

How much is said today that women today have become picky and selfish: they try to find a richer man, first of all they look at the wealth of their partner, and not at his human qualities, they build relationships based on material benefits in the future.

Do you have all this today? Of course have! But it seems that many are going too far in accusing our women of considerable prudence and greed. Of course, hunters for other people's money were everywhere and at all times, and with economic development our country and open opportunities for earning money, their number could rightly increase. But is the desire of the vast majority of today's women to have a worthy and wealthy man next to them so scary and immoral? Let's try to figure it out.

Why does a woman want to find a more secure and stable share for herself? We will not talk now about those sharks who choose their main life occupation and act in cold blood in this direction, using everything known methods and funds. And we will turn to completely normal and adequate girls and women who, one way or another, along with all the “ideal” qualities of the expected man, also consider his financial level.

1) At the moment, great prospects have opened up in our country for both income and good personal income. In this sense, something like healthy competition has formed among men in the workplace - whoever is smarter, more focused, more active, achieves more and climbs higher. Accordingly, from a female point of view, a logical formula can be derived: whoever earns more is more viable. This means that this one is best suited for joint future offspring.

Every mother instinctively strives to take the best possible care of her offspring, so she subconsciously looks for the best and most reliable place, food, and care for them. And in human language - housing, provision of everything necessary and more, opportunities for education and development. In the same way, subconsciously she strives to cover her rear in case something suddenly happens: she dies, gets sick - how will she live? So it provides them with insurance for the future - for decent survival and living. Naturally, a well-to-do man in this sense maximally satisfies all the needs of a woman in terms of her main mission - giving birth to a child.

From all this we can conclude that an important role in women’s “requests” is played not by cold calculation and the desire to place their bottom in a warmer place, but by echoes of the natural instinct of high-quality care for their offspring. And, of course, these things are reinforced by the obvious fact that men today are different, and given a wide choice, no one forbids wanting the best.

This is what he writes, for example: Doctor Kurpatov about this question: “It’s always a question of financial prospects and solvency young man was important for a woman, even in “disinterested” Soviet time. Of course, she’s giving birth to him! Of course he must be wealthy. How else? There is only one significant difference: the range of possibilities has expanded enormously. If previously the young man competed only with the “guy next door,” now his competition is with the oligarch from the penthouse. The expansion is colossal". And he continues regarding the demands of modern ladies: “...not because the girls are mercantile, but because the girls already see both”.

2) The second point is the “spirit” of the time. Today, all media: television, glossy magazines, newspapers zealously promote a rich and beautiful life. Their plots and pages are replete with stories about Cinderellas who snatched away a luxurious prince, glamorous girls going through the rich one after another, and beauties for whom all roads to a sweet and carefree life are open. And how should the consciousness of a modern girl be formed under the pressure of such propaganda? In spite of? But why? Because an initially decent and highly spiritual person filters this kind of information?

Partly, of course, true. But you and I are all modern people, we live in step with the times, we buy advertised services and goods, we work in private companies, we travel to popular places, we try to buy new and fashionable cars. On what basis then should we completely filter this particular side of life? Of course, we pass some part of this “propaganda” through ourselves - some more, others less - but a certain part of the “spirit” of our time remains in our consciousness and begins to participate in the formation of our life attitudes. And that's okay, that's natural process. Good or bad, he is there, he is coming, and this will happen at all times.

3) Today, women themselves have become quite independent, earn good money, and can provide for themselves. Therefore, they rightly think that a man should be better - that’s why the demands are growing. This is normal, this is natural. Historical consciousness The “weaker sex” has not yet atrophied in women’s self-identification: a man should be a protector, a reliable shoulder, stronger and more powerful in all respects: physically, morally, financially. And if I am at some level, then my man should logically be at least at the same level plus have some other “additive” - this is women’s logic.

4) When a woman wants wealth for herself personally, then her main need in this sense becomes to be better, more beautiful, more attractive. Ask what she will get the most joy from: a car, an apartment and travel experiences, or from investing a certain amount of money in her own attractiveness and feeling like a goddess. Almost everyone will agree on the latter. Why does a woman want to be better and more beautiful? All for the same man.

So let's not blame modern women the fact that they have all completely become mercantile. “Predators” have existed at all times, and even if there are more of them, this does not mean that absolutely all young ladies are now engaged exclusively in hunting, and not in building relationships and love. It’s just that the men themselves, with such an economic model of society, showed themselves with the best side: “promoted”, “turned around”, “earned money”. And, of course, their best representatives potentially significantly win in the natural, but invisible competition for the attention of the fair sex.

And let all the ladies not get super oligarchs, but what’s wrong with at least wanting a better life for yourself and your future generation? Yes, nothing - the process is natural, logical and natural not only for any normal human consciousness, but also for the biologically determined female instinct.

In short: because they do not have the obligation to be rich, unlike men, and because of gender inequality. Plus, because such an alliance is perhaps the easiest social lift for a woman, if she herself is not the daughter of a deputy, tycoon, high-ranking official or general.

So far, even in the Western world, where feminism seems to have won long ago and achieved its main goals, there are very few countries where feminism really won - having made a revolution in the consciousness of women, allowing them to be proud of their own rights and freedoms, their self-sufficiency and independence, encouraging their scientific, political or economic self-realization.

In other words, for a woman to not want to marry a rich man, she must have either an alternative or fear.

And it must be said that Western feminism is slowly giving women both options, not limiting women to searching for a moneybag and showing that it is not at all healthy to be in the position of an initially weak and vulnerable element against the background of such a man.

However, even in the West they are filming different versions conservative plot about Cinderella - both “Pretty Woman” and modern “50 shades...”.

If you cross out feminism and remember the classical works of culture of centuries up to the 19th-20th, it turns out that the main capital of a woman was fertility (the ability to bear children), her reproductive function, there was usually no talk of any wealth, especially since property and money was often inherited through the male line. It is also worth mentioning that women did not have the right to vote until the last century - the political (representative) function was performed by men who supposedly expressed the “opinion of the family.”

In Russia, feminism never happened, but there was an unsuccessful Soviet experience of equal rights (when men were actually excluded from family life, but society jealously watched how women played the roles of mother and housewife) coupled with the destructive 20th century for the male gene pool (First World War, then civil, dispossession, first wave of Stalinist repressions, Gulag, Great Patriotic War, the second wave of repression, the artificial creation of a homophobic environment in the criminal world, Afghanistan, perestroika, the 90s with bandits, Chechnya, “shock therapy” and a chaotic market economy...).

Already in the 1970s, Soviet women began to “ask” back, into the kitchen, abandoning political and other ambitions outside the family. In mass productions of those years, installations on woman's happiness (“Love affair at work", "Moscow does not believe in tears").

At the same time, around the same time, the first phenomenon emerged in Soviet society - same-sex families consisting of mothers and grandmothers, along with single mothers who were forced to combine both gender roles due to the absence of a spouse and father. And the second phenomenon is a manless atmosphere, multiplied by the fact that social role men was in many ways even more archaic against the backdrop of equal rights Soviet women. And male beauty and grooming not only did not cost a penny, but was aggravated by worker-peasant homophobia and the humiliating label “like a woman” (sweet, cute, pomaded).

There was no adequate attitude towards male household work; it was not considered prestigious for men to cook food, wash dishes, take care of children, do laundry, and so on - but they were popular folk wisdom like “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

In the 80s and perestroika, the Iron Curtain fell - and women began to dream even more often about a bourgeois family, supposedly of a Western model, in which both spouses work, but the man has more income, gives the woman flowers, takes her in a car, and what kind of car! - after all, even Zhiguli cars were in short supply in the USSR - and opens doors for her and kisses hands.

For real People's Artist the entire Union becomes the Italian macho Adriano Celentano, seduced and tamed on the silver screen obstinate beauty Ornella Muti.

Plus, don’t forget about the growing economic stratification: the USSR is approaching the end of its existence with a fully emerging class of proto-bourgeoisie from among cooperative businessmen: not only was glasnost declared in the country, but the famous law on cooperation was also adopted.

In popular culture and everyday life, the collapse of Soviet equality is actually affirmed. In favor of a retreat to conservative values, when masculine attributes (power, money, strength, fame and influence) are rigidly assigned to men, and feminine qualities (beauty; family and raising children; tenderness, emotions and empathy) are no less rigidly attached to women.

Moreover, the Soviet Union was a militaristic state with a conscript army as an institution of discrimination against men, on the one hand, but at the same time as a powerful social elevator for natives of rural areas, and the country was either preparing for a big war, or healing wounds after one of them, or participating in local military conflicts in Asia and Africa.

Then the 90s happened as an era of hypermasculinity in the person of the bros, nomenklatura “red jackets” and a few real businessmen who joined the market stream. The 90s finally condemned the Soviet model of sexual equality. People who were not ready for a capitalist economy (along with the country as a whole) blocked railways, received funerals from Chechnya, transported factories for scrap metal. Plus the phenomenon of same-sex families and the fear of manlessness. After all, a husband, father or brother is either imprisoned, killed, or drinking out of grief.

The liberals have ruined this country, you bastards! Fuck your freedom of speech when there is nothing to feed the children!

Then we got a young and assertive leader of the nation, criminal structures were legalized, and oil prices soared, flooding the country with money. The proto-bourgeoisie of the 80s took shape into businessmen and an oligarchy.

A society that yearned so much for “ strong hand”, has finally found a legitimate bearer of hegemonic masculinity.

Naturally, women have virtually no socially approved alternative to a successful marriage.

Be a “woman with balls”- energetic, strong-willed and decisive - suddenly, but predictably, I felt ashamed, because this means that such a woman, it seems, simply does not have a normal man who would solve political and economic issues.

TV series and the same Mass culture depict happy woman as a housewife at a wealthy man's boarding house. Rublyovka - the center of Moscow - Maldives.

And less and less - as an independent and emancipated mistress of her destiny. As, after all, a professional or an intellectual. As an athlete or a winner.

“I'll be alone again. A strong woman is crying at the window,” Alla Pugacheva sings to us in 1995. “Remember, you promised me a fairy tale? And carry flowers in your arms,” continues the “Brilliant” group in 2002. “I love my husband,” says a certain Veronika Andreeva from 2017.

It is clear that, choosing between
- “I follow him like stone wall, he is a reliable and generous man,”
- “I got involved with a loser who has everyone around him to blame for his worthlessness”,
- “so what if he cooks himself, it would be better if he found a second job for himself, a new iPhone will be coming out soon”
and an erroneous idea of ​​feminism and female independence (“doing it all on your own,” “like a man”), a woman is more likely to choose the first, opportunistic option in the person of that same rich man.

It is also clear that thanks to feminism, women begin to value completely different traits and qualities in men, and not just the level of income. After all, the number of ladies who need self-realization outside the family, who believe in their strengths and who believe that partnership and equality, when the opinions of a man and a woman weigh plus or minus the same, is still increasing, is a more honest scheme than female manipulations based on women's tricks and mythical “weaknesses”.

The States and Europe went through the stage of accumulating initial capital and assimilating women's emancipation in the second half of the 20th century; we can say that now, in the 21st century, a protracted final phase is underway. The result of which will be a generation of free and self-sufficient women who have a real alternative to “loving a rich man without love.”

In this sense, Russia is somewhere between the stages of bargaining and depression, if not in the earlier stage of anger. (Yes, Western women once also considered feminists crazy, giggled at caricatures of suffragettes and were satisfied with the traditional female role in society.) Today's Russian women (and Russians) are just beginning to realize why feminism is still a good thing.

Really, no offense, why should a “ready” man with the full range of masculine qualities choose you? What is unique about you? Don't be shy, don't be offended, just voice your strengths!

Do you want to marry a “ready” man?

Then I ask: “Why do you need a rich, successful, developing, without bad habits and spiritually rich?” This is not a provocative question. I sincerely hope to hear an answer. I want to hear a confident answer from a woman who knows her strengths and values ​​herself. Relationships are always an exchange. If a man gives you money, fame, status, position, shares good qualities, leads you along the path of spirituality, what, as a woman, can you offer him? Most women are offended by my question. And those who are not offended say “I’m beautiful / slim / smart. I have a good education/ I have an apartment / job / money"

Well, let's figure out how unique all of the above is.

Beauty? We live in Russia, and this is a country beautiful women, we have a lot of them. Beauty will not make you stand out from the crowd for such a man!

Slenderness? There are a lot of slim people, here again you may not be able to withstand the competition.

Smart? There are a lot of these in Russia. Smart, educated, candidates and bachelors, doctors with two and three degrees. And there are women whose education is many times better than yours. For example, I have a friend, she is beautiful, smart, slim, studies at Harvard, has many degrees, but she is still alone!

A good lover? This, of course, is a plus, but if you evaluate only on this scale, then any woman of the most ancient profession (courtesan / concubine) will “make” you! Sorry.

Really, no offense, why should a “ready” man with the full range of masculine qualities choose you?

What is unique about you? Don't be shy, don't be offended, just voice your strengths!

1. Maybe you know how to listen with sincere interest in your eyes?

2. Or maybe you can see the good in a man and sincerely admire it?

3. Maybe you know how to inspire heroic deeds?

4. Maybe you know how to remain silent when necessary and leave decisions to the man?

5. Or maybe you are easy-going and always in a good mood?

6. Maybe you are a household charmer and know how to create such an atmosphere at home that a man can completely relax?

7. Or maybe you know how to cook so that everyone who eats this food groans with pleasure?

8. Maybe you know how to get pleasure and enjoyment from everything that life brings? Do you know how to enjoy while enjoying yourself?

9. Maybe you know how to accept a man with all his strengths and weaknesses?

10. Maybe you know how to be grateful for everything, even for little things?

11. Or maybe you know how to obey and follow a man with trust?

12. Or do you know how to serve while maintaining your own dignity?

If you have 5 “yes” on this survey, then you are beyond competition, and a worthy man will definitely appear in your life, because these skills are in modern world make a woman unique, rare, in demand!

If you value only your beauty, figure and ability to satisfy a man sexually, then most likely you will be used. With such values ​​one cannot expect a serious relationship. After all, if you treat yourself only as a body, then why should others get to the bottom of your soul?

If you value only your mind, then relationships will be built on equal terms. Like good friends, like-minded people. But you can’t expect any care, admiration, or romance.

Eat good exercise, which will help you understand your blind spots that you need to work on in order to meet that “ready” man (if you really need him).

Write a list of 20 qualities that you want to see in a man.

Imagine his image without going into details of his appearance.

Watch him.

What position does he hold?

Where does he go?

What kind of friends does he have?

How does he spend his leisure time?

How does he behave with women?

With parents?

Feel it. Immerse yourself in it. Imagine that you have become one. You may want to straighten your shoulders and straighten up. You can feel the vibrations of masculine strength and confidence filling you.

And you (in the image of that man) accidentally meet a girl (this girl is you yourself, look at yourself through the eyes of this man).

As a man, what do you think about this girl? What is she like? Is she attracted to you? What does she need to become your woman?

Listen to what words come to your mind. Write them down.

In this practice your inner man gets in touch with your inner woman. They need to be honest to become a couple!

And after these realizations, return to yourself, to your female body.

Maybe this practice will show you why this man hasn’t stopped you on the street yet, why he hasn’t recognized you, hasn’t seen you.

Most of my clients, having carried out this practice, understand that it is not the beauty of the face that needs to be increased, nor the waist made to be slimmer. Most men think that a woman is too nervous, twitchy, emotional, fussy, insecure, unkempt, and lacks the proper polish, grace and charm.

Of course, you need to take care of your figure and face, you need to learn the art of sexual intimacy, but believe me, this is not paramount.

This practice will also make you understand what level you are at now, and if you are comfortable there, then maybe you don’t need a “ready” man. Perhaps you will agree to a relationship with a person of your level, with whom you will constantly develop, and, as a result of this development, you will come to prosperity.

Many of my clients are still lonely because of their exorbitant demands.

Here comes a man. He starts courting, gives flowers, buys expensive clothes, takes him out into the world, says compliments... Do you think the woman is happy about this?

Fig! She begins to panic and plunge into the abyss of fear, she waits for it all to end, she is jealous and checks his phone and mail, with every expensive gift the thought comes to her: “What should I do to deserve this?” - she becomes twitchy, nervous and fearful. She begins to curry favor, which completely kills the man’s interest in herself. And then it begins: “You don’t love me / you could find a more beautiful woman / why did you choose me / I’m sorry that I don’t match / you probably have someone else” - and that’s all! This kills all its value.

Because for this level of relationship you need to have sincere self-sufficiency, awareness of your uniqueness, awareness of your feminine power, interest in yourself and in life, the ability to live happily without a man.

It’s as if a calm, confident jockey approached that thoroughbred horse, who knows his professionalism and understands that if they don’t give him this horse, then they will give him a better one! And he calmly looks into his eyes and smiles. For a horse, such a rider becomes incredibly attractive. After all, horses (like men) very strongly feel the internal state of the rider.

I used to ride horseback quite often, and the owner of the stable always told me: “If you are afraid of a horse, do not ride it. She’ll smell it and smash you through the forest!” But, of course, I didn’t listen to her. That is why I chose racing two-year-olds, almost unbroken, with a wild disposition. That is why I fell head over heels from them, they dragged me along with stirrups along the ground, I turned over with the horse in the icy conditions as I galloped along on the fastest horse. Because of stupidity! Because of the usual stupidity.

Therefore, I appeal to all women: please try to be adequate and reasonable in your desires and choice of a man! Try to look at it from the outside. Do you really need such a stallion?

Will this bring you happiness?

Or maybe you need a man with good qualities, who is yet to become outstanding, thanks to your faith in him, your ability to see his strengths and inspire him?

With this appeal, I encourage you to work not only on your appearance, but also on the qualities necessary for happiness, on your own “depth”!

It's too late to go back to start things right, but it's not too late to rush forward to finish things right...published

©Valery Rozanov, Doctor of Psychology

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

I have no luck with men. More precisely, there are a dime a dozen suitors around, but there is no one to marry. I’ll explain right away. When choosing a life partner, I have several criteria. He, of course, must be kind, strong, caring and loving, but, just as important, he must have an apartment, a car and earn good money. I don’t need an oligarch, and I won’t meet such a man, because I come from a simple family and move in the wrong circles. But I won’t live with a boy who doesn’t have a penny to his name. And I don’t see anything reprehensible in this. However, it is precisely this natural desire that prevents me from establishing my personal life.

I'll explain my theory. Every man believes that representatives of the fair sex, under any circumstances, must fulfill their purely feminine duties: washing, tidying, ironing, bathing, cleaning, going to the grocery store, cooking, looking after children, etc. For some men, even a plate or mug It's difficult to clean up after yourself. They believe that this is not a man's business. The husband of one of my friends will sit hungry, but he will never heat even cooked food in the microwave. He says that a woman should feed her husband, period! And another friend of mine divorced his wife because she turned out to be a useless housewife: she couldn’t cook anything except pasta with a bouillon cube, she never put the house in order and scattered her things all over the apartment.

If a woman begins to express dissatisfaction with the fact that all household chores fall solely on her alone, and demands that housework be divided equally, the man immediately takes the pose: “From time immemorial, women have been the keepers of the hearth. This is how it happened historically. And there is no need to shift women’s responsibilities onto men’s shoulders!”

Okay, dear men, we women agree. And we must admit that most of us, one way or another, do what we should. Personally, I do absolutely all the housework because my mother raised me that way. And I cook amazingly! And in general, I am an excellent housewife. But why then do you, dear men, having firmly grasped our feminine responsibilities, forget about your masculine ones? Remember, historically it turned out that if a man marries a girl, he, firstly, is obliged to bring her into the house, and secondly, to provide for her, himself, and their common children. Ours modern men They don’t care at all about where they will take their wife after the wedding, or even look for rich brides with apartments, so as not to “bother” too much. They also don’t want to support their family and won’t allow their wife to sit at home and not work. Well, what can we talk about if modern men are not even the least bit ashamed that they earn less than their wives!

If a girl dreams of marrying a wealthy man with a place to live, the man will immediately call her materialistic and vile. What’s wrong with a woman wanting to connect her life with a man who is only able to fulfill his masculine responsibilities? A girl whom a man provides financially will immediately be contemptuously called a kept woman or a prostitute. But, excuse me, for what? Just because she is trying to restore historical justice?

In general, either I don’t understand something and demand too much, or modern men have simply become insolent and greedy!

With respect and hope for understanding, Galina.