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» Screeding the house with reinforcing belts. How to properly tighten the walls of a brick house. Reinforcement installation technology

Screeding the house with reinforcing belts. How to properly tighten the walls of a brick house. Reinforcement installation technology

The construction company "Svay-Stroy" offers its services in the following areas: house wall screed. If cracks have spread along the walls, do not panic - timely assistance from our company’s specialists will prevent further destruction of the building and guarantee its safety and full suitability for subsequent use and habitation.

Cracks on the walls - where do they come from?

Such a need as fixing cracks in the wall, can become relevant both for an old building and for a new house. As a rule, the appearance of cracks indicates that the technology was violated during the construction process, or the house was incorrectly designed. Also, a crack that suddenly appears may indicate that there are problems with the foundation. Despite the fact that cracks always cause a lot of concern, you should not think about the fact that the house will have to be demolished - you can almost always do without it! The specialists of the Svay-Stroy company are ready to do everything necessary work to cope with cracks and prevent their further appearance or spreading.

There is a solution!

Cracks can appear at the corners of the structure, along the extension, or in any random place. Our company’s specialists will examine the structure to understand the cause of the problem and select best option her decisions. In some cases, it is enough to cover up the crack that appears, and it will not spread - such work is completed in less than an hour and is cheap. But in other cases, it is necessary to tighten the walls, which is done using metal corners, and such work will take several hours.

When studying an object and searching for causes, a specialist may discover foundation flaws, the fact of overloading the roof or other factors that led to cracks, and they will need to be eliminated in order to ensure that the structure can be used for many decades. If such problems are discovered, our company’s specialists will readily fix them so that you never have to deal with cracks again.

If you need to screed your home against cracks in the walls, contact our company! We will carry out these works for you on a turnkey basis, regardless of their volume and complexity. Call, write. Our manager will conduct a preliminary consultation on the terms and conditions of visiting the site to estimate the cost of the work.

When cracks appear in brick walls, the home owner has no time for jokes. His task is to strengthen the structure. In general, many people prefer to limit themselves to sealing gaps, but it is worth understanding that without eliminating the main cause, there is not much benefit from this.

Read also: How to make adobe brick with your own hands

Below we will talk about a method for screeding walls that have begun to crack. brick house.

The extension has moved away

The main factor in the divergence of masonry is the deformation of the foundation. All the rest are nothing more than consequences.

When cracks occur at the junction of the extension with the main house (and this is the problem that people encounter most often), the connection between the walls erected at different times is broken. There are several ways you can help here.

Read also: What and how to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house

If the fault no longer expands, it is sufficient:

  • clean from dust and poorly adhering solution;
  • prime well;
  • fill with fresh cement to the full depth.

Usually this “treatment” lasts for several years, but later the crack will definitely manifest itself.

The second option is much more reliable. This is where the screed is made. To do this, install in the corners of the extension metal corners(up to 100 by 100 mm), and inside the house there are thick steel strips with holes. Then they are connected by rods with threads at the ends and tightened with nuts.

Bad connection

If the brick was not laid according to correct scheme, then the connection between the rows turns out to be quite weak. This, however, does not mean that the building will necessarily crack; however, if the foundation is deformed, then a fracture will form precisely in the weak spot. In such a situation, the entire defective wall is screeded.

Other technology violations

First of all, they are evidenced by the rupture of the masonry clearly along the seam. In this case, the blocks always remain intact. More often this problem is caused by:

  • poor wetting of brick surfaces;
  • insufficient pressing to the solution;
  • improper preparation of the masonry mixture (not enough cement).

If errors were made when calculating the foundation or the house turned out to be heavier than planned, then cracks often form in the corners of the building. This, however, is also caused by the lack of additional reinforcement for this part of the structure.

Here, one screed will not be enough, since it does not fix the main problem– we will have to further strengthen the foundation. You shouldn't give up on this if you want to continue to live in the house for many years.

A responsible homeowner should have the house screeded just in case for preventive purposes immediately after construction is completed. With this approach, the occurrence of cracks is reduced to zero.

If the trouble in question did happen to a mansion in which people already live, then this method will not only slow down, but also stop the process of destruction.

First of all, prepare:

  • 4 wide (100 by 100 millimeters) corners, whose length corresponds to the height of the walls;
  • reinforcement or round rod with a cross-section of at least 16 mm and a length equal to two perimeters of the building;
  • up to one and a half meters of thick-walled ½-inch pipe;
  • threaded studs with a diameter of 16 mm;
  • 16 washers and nuts each.

First of all, fines are cut into the external plaster and removed from the corners. If this is not done, then subsequently it will not be possible to disguise the metal ties.

The remaining work is performed in this order:

  • 150 mm sections of pipe are welded to the corners on both sides;
  • blanks are installed on the corners of the house;
  • cuttings of studs (20 cm) are connected to the reinforcement by welding;
  • the latter is inserted into the pipe and secured with nuts.

If you use a smooth rod (circle), then you can cut a thread on it with a die, then there is no need for studs.

To tighten the nuts more tightly, you can heat the reinforcement with an autogen - the metal will expand, and then cool and contract.

When the house is subsequently planned to be insulated with foam plastic or lined with siding, the studs are simply welded overlapping to the rods - such a connection will be much more reliable, and will hide the unattractive appearance finishing coat facade.

In other cases, the reinforcement is connected to the studs end-to-end. The welding site will need to be further strengthened. The same pipe is best suited for this. Sections up to 120 mm long are made from it. They are cut lengthwise and welded over the joint.

The nuts should be tightened in several stages, with an interval of a year.

When choosing materials, do not try to save money - a corner that is too thin will not be able to ensure high-quality fastening of the walls. There is also little benefit from being too narrow.

Sealing cracks

Once the screeds have been installed, you can begin to seal the gaps. Small ones (from 1 to 5 millimeters) are filled with façade putty. Large ones (from 10 mm) require the use of cement mortar prepared in the usual way.

Very large cracks are pre-filled with mounting foam - it will penetrate deeply and provide good thermal insulation. After it dries, the wall is leveled with plaster.

Remember, in order to prevent the crack from appearing again in the future, it is necessary to properly prepare it before sealing. In particular, it is dusted as thoroughly as possible with a vacuum cleaner or blown with a compressor. Before applying the plaster, the surfaces are moistened with water using a sprayer or, at worst, a broom.

It is not advisable to use reinforcing mesh in this situation - they help only when we're talking about about shallow cracks that form only on the surface of putty and other similar materials.

This video will help you understand the process better:

Screeding a house against cracks in walls using reinforcement

Today, many methods are offered to stop the appearance of cracks in buildings, one of which includes screeding the house against cracks, which is performed using various materials. Cracks are the cause for subsequent destruction of the structure and lead to emergency situation, which requires immediate resolution of this problem.

Screeding a house with reinforcement

To perform this type of work, certain skills and abilities in welding are required, and you should also correctly calculate the required amount of reinforcement and its diameter. These parameters are determined depending on the area of ​​the entire building and the damaged areas.

You can carry out these activities yourself, but it is better to contact a specialized organization. The company's professional staff also take into account the degree of destruction of the building, the number of floors, the type of foundation and type of roof, as well as the characteristics of the soil and territory.

In some cases, in places where the walls are not particularly damaged, it is recommended to lay out new masonry, and in areas with an increased degree of destruction, tighten them using reinforced and more durable reinforcement.

Required materials for screeding with reinforcement

For screeding with reinforcement, the following materials and tools are required, which include:

  • Fittings;
  • Hairpins;

The technology of screeding with reinforcement is not complicated and consists of the following: special corners are attached to the corners of the house, into which studs are threaded and washers and nuts are screwed on. The house is held together using nuts, which are regularly tightened depending on the condition of the building.

Characteristics of fittings

Reinforcement is elements that are connected to each other through concrete and are reinforced concrete beams, tensile stress. It is also used to impart increased strength and rigidity. different designs. Its components can be rigid (various angles, channels and rolled I-beams) and flexible (grids, frames and profile rods).

There are several ways to connect reinforcement to concrete, which include:

  • Interaction by friction;
  • By shift method;
  • Bonding during concreting of a reinforcement element;
  • Connection at the electrochemical level;
  • Compression with concrete after shrinkage.

Classification of fittings

Today, reinforcement has the following classification depending on various characteristics.

Depending on the area of ​​use:

  • Strained;
  • Unstressed.

Depending on the intended purpose:

  • Working;
  • Assembly;
  • Anchor;
  • Constructive.

Depending on the location in the structure:

  • Transverse;
  • Longitudinal.

Main types of house damage

Screeding a house against cracks is carried out as a result of the following reasons that lead to a violation of the integrity of the house.

And these include the following:

  • Camber;
  • Blockage;
  • Extension department.

Features and description of the collapse of the structure

Mostly, the collapse of the house leads to the formation of cracks in the upper corners of the openings, and the walls are deformed by waves or separated by the entire surface.

This type of destruction can be complete or partial. Complete involves changing the condition of all load-bearing walls of the structure, and partial - only some partitions.

Easy house collapse

The main signs of such destruction include cracks in half the corners of the openings, deformation of the heads of walls up to one third of the height in the normal state of the foundation.

The reason for the occurrence of such processes may be the significant weight of the roof, the construction of an additional floor, as well as the lack of a reinforcing belt. In order to eliminate this, it is necessary to use a steel clip on the corner supports.

The rods run along the facade of the external walls, and to complete the work you will need steel corners, a pipe, studs and nuts, a steel rod, subsequent welding and painting.

Average camber

The main signs of such destruction are the same reasons that are observed with slight collapse, but with a probability of up to 80%.

The reasons for the appearance may be insufficient reinforcing belt, significant overload and lack of connection between walls and corners during the initial construction of the building.

In this case, it is recommended to screed along the entire perimeter of the house in three layers of steel belts to ensure better and more reliable fixation of the walls. In this case, the steel circle can be replaced with a strip, and the welding seams must be of excellent quality.

Strong collapse

The main signs are the appearance of noticeable cracks in the walls and foundation of the building, as well as a combination of other reasons that are characteristic of light and medium destruction. The cause of the appearance may be destruction of the foundation of the house.

To avoid complete destruction of the building, continuous support and corner clips, as well as a retaining belt of the foundation, are used.

To strengthen the foundation, reinforced concrete is laid along the entire length of the base.

Description of the collapsed house

A blockage involves the collapse of walls inside a house, which can be complete or partial. In all cases, welding work is performed in the middle of the premises, which, as a rule, requires capital repair activities in all rooms of the building.

Complete blockage is characterized by the collapse of three walls in varying degrees. The reasons may be impaired house construction technology and insufficient reinforcing belt. To eliminate this, a rigid steel frame with a through fastening is used.

Watch the video:

A partial collapse is characterized by the obstruction of two walls, which may be caused by the negative effects of moisture or precipitation. For repairs, a partial holder is used according to the principle of continuous installation.

Annex department

In most cases, a combined separation of the house extension occurs. The main sign is a crack at the junction with the main house or along inner corner.

The main reasons for such destruction are the lack of connection of the extension to the house during its construction, as well as a poor foundation and possible overload of the additional room.

The screed of a house from cracks is eliminated by a set of measures, including the use of through, semi-through, anchor clips and supports. In this case, supports can be located along the entire perimeter of the foundation or clogged in individual places.

How to screed walls to prevent the destruction of your home

From the author: good day, my dear readers, who are again faced with the problem of low-quality buildings. The formation of cracks in walls and floors is no exception either for old forgotten Stalinist houses, or for recently purchased new buildings in European-style residential complexes. Having noticed a crack in the wall, first of all you will think about what to do with it, after which you will puzzle over how to make a screed?

Pulling together walls when large cracks form in them is an adequate and correct solution, since this is considered a more rational and less expensive way to stop the destruction of the entire building.

Could a crack really break everything?

Of course, it can, if you don’t attach importance to it right away. Cracks in the wall can be either harmless to the integrity or turn the home into a pile of stone and dust, which can take not only a lot of valuable things, but also human lives.

You see, a crack formed in the wall (in most cases) is only the tip of a huge iceberg, which confidently moves towards the foundation, destroying it too. It makes no sense to explain why a foundation split is dangerous, since everyone knows what this will ultimately lead to.

If we reason correctly, then it is not the crack that leads to the foundation, but on the contrary, it comes from it, since only a serious physical impact can start a split from the center and lead to two or more directions. There is no other way to create such an injury to the building.

You may encounter other reasons if your building was built from bricks that were laid with gross errors. They often appear as a result of saving money on auxiliary materials that serve as the prevention of these diseases.

Why is all this happening?

There may be more than one reason, since the condition of the foundation is influenced by many factors. Having identified the most basic ones, we are ready to present them to you:

  • displacement of earthen rocks due to seismic activity of the area. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, the phenomenon is quite rare, but, nevertheless, in some areas at the foot of the mountains such cases do occur. Even the Crimean Mountains, not to mention the Caucasus, are no exception, making themselves felt from time to time with minor earthquakes. They are imperceptible to humans, but can quite noticeably affect the foundations of buildings;
  • climatic conditions are also not left aside. Nature may not have bad weather, but the foundation doesn’t think so. Due to excessive moisture or, conversely, its lack, the earth, clay, sand or their synthesis can sag from time to time, thereby affecting the position of the foundation, lowering one of its parts, forming cracks that will force you to tighten the walls;
  • Trees could grow next to your house, the power of whose roots can easily pierce the foundation. As far as I remember, next to my parents’ house, literally three or four meters from the wall from the backyard, the previous owners planted a nut. By the time we moved there, it was already a little more than ten meters in height, and its roots were close to the building itself. After 3 years of our living there with outside A crack about three centimeters wide and more than two meters long opened, which was very elegantly hidden by the old owners who had moved far away using putty and whitewash. The reason for this turned out to be the ill-fated nut. The natural solution to this problem was to cut down the tree, which also entailed certain losses. The first is permission to cut down a tree, since it is impossible to engage in amateur activities in this matter. The second was a broken roof from falling branches, because it was incredibly difficult to direct them in the right direction. And the third is a crack in the foundation, which later had to be strengthened with reinforcement;
  • an initially incorrect design or construction site can also cause splits to form in the walls of the house. Minor cracks up to one millimeter wide are not normal, but acceptable for new buildings, so if you have one, don’t be alarmed ahead of time. Almost all scientists and builders claim that any building takes about five years to sit normally on the surface of the earth due to its enormous weight. You should not completely ignore such moments. Any crack that forms must be monitored so that it does not begin to increase in size. If this happens, then this is a sign of improper construction, and you need to contact the developer to get the necessary advice or even help. If you notice that cracks have appeared in your home, then you urgently need to contact specialists in this field, because only they can provide you with qualified support.

How to deal with cracks in walls yourself

Any distortion in the foundation and, therefore, in the walls requires immediate repair. Many of us may be faced with the problem of insufficient funding and the search for a more budget-friendly and independent restoration of the integrity of your home.

Naturally, there is a solution, and, purely theoretically, it will not require a colossal amount of financial investments from you and physical strength, since it’s quite possible to tighten a crack real challenge for any person.

Yes, it is with the help of an artificial screed made of reinforcement that you can strengthen the foundation and prevent your house from splitting in half, as if the world had again begun to divide into continents.

What is a screed and what does it consist of?

A screed is the only solution that will help you stop or cut off the possibility of complete destruction of your house. Why suspend? You see, if the building was erected with errors in the construction itself or in an unsuitable place, then the process of destruction cannot be stopped. Whatever you do, you will only delay the outcome of the event. Naturally, this is if the problem is in the foundation. If you find that the cause of the split was the wall itself (it can be made of brick or wood), then everything will be a little simpler.

If you have expressed a desire to repair the breakdown yourself, then you will need certain skills, without which it will be a little difficult:

  • In order to save a lot of money and not buy an already welded screed, you can limit yourself to purchasing fittings and electrodes, and then independently welding the required size of reinforced mesh. So, the first thing is welding and the skills to use it.
  • fittings Something without which you will not be able to make a screed either for the foundation of the house or for its brick or wooden components. It will be exploited in different ways, but its presence is mandatory. Why? The reinforcement has the necessary ratio of size and strength to ensure that the structure itself is as comfortable, reliable and, if necessary, aesthetically pleasing as possible;
  • to strengthen the lower part of the foundation of the house you will need a large number of concrete mortar, the method of application of which I will tell you a little later;
  • Piles will come in handy when shaping the area that needs to be filled with concrete. And then you will need to give it the desired shape. Don't skimp on them, as low-quality wood may break and force you to redo the whole job. If you are not interested in the aesthetic beauty of the foundation, and you do not want to spend extra money on logs, think about how much money you will throw away on excess concrete mortar, which will certainly spread around the house for a distance of about half a meter.

Let's move on to the practical part of installing the screed on the base of the house

We've read a lot of stories and theories, but now let's look at how to do it all in practice. The very first thing you will need to do is arm yourself with a shovel and, if possible, equip several of your friends or hired workers with them to speed up the process. Start digging at the place where the rift originates. Go deeper to a depth of about half a meter. It is possible that more depth will be required, given that it depends on the height of the building, its number of floors and the load it creates. You can find out the depth of the foundation from the house construction plan.

It is necessary to excavate not only the place where the breakdown occurred, but also along the house at a distance of one and a half, or better yet, two meters. This distance is also determined situationally and individually for each building. Why do you need a big ditch? If you strengthen a small part, the split will repeat much faster than you can cook dinner and raise a glass to a job well done.

The second stage will be the construction of a reinforced mesh. Reinforced mesh It consists of reinforcement rods welded in such a way as to create a network with squares, the side of which can be at least ten centimeters. If you reduce this distance, the solution may simply split in two without fixing the required area.

An increase in this indicator leads to the fact that the reinforcement process does not in any way contribute to an increase in strength, but only creates the appearance of work performed. If the financial issue does not play a big role, then it is better to make a double grid, that is, build it in two levels. This will require more concrete but will provide additional strength.

A small life hack: it is quite possible that you do not have enough funds to purchase required quantity reinforcement for screed. If time does not allow you to wait, then you can replace it with an ordinary concrete pillar. Yes, it will not provide the same level of strength, but it will serve quite confidently as a temporary structure. And if we take into account that there is nothing more permanent than something temporary, we get an excellent alternative.

Having built the grid, you need to firmly fix it to the foundation of the house. Drill holes and install mesh. You don’t have to rush to seal up the resulting cavities, because in the next step everything will become more clear. This ends the third stage.

Fourth - installation of piles. In some cases they are not needed, but if you have made a serious dig at the house, they will come in handy. Install the pilings and wooden fencing to begin the next step.

Fill everything with concrete. Very important point is precisely that you should under no circumstances fill the screed by manually puttingtying the cavity between the mesh and the house. This process only involves pouring concrete mortar. Otherwise, all the work will be done in vain and will not show any results. The building will continue to deform.

After you have done everything we indicated above, wait until the concrete hardens. This will take up to one week, depending on climatic conditions your area.

What to do if trouble occurs on the masonry?

Tightening the walls of a brick house is much easier, but it is unlikely to lead to a complete solution to the problem.

The reason for the formation of holes between the bricks, if the base of the building is not affected, is the incorrect laying of the stone itself. The right decision there will be demolition of the wall and rebuilding it, but if you cannot afford to tear it down and rebuild everything again, then there is also a solution. Let's look at it step by step:

  1. Determine the place where the fault began. It was on this row that a mistake was made in the construction.
  2. Install threaded holders on one and the other side of the wall that will hold the reinforcement that creates tension. Do not forget that the thread should also be on the reinforced rod.
  3. Pass the reinforcement through the holders and secure it. Pull the rod as tight as possible to create tension. Do not overdo it, as you may tear out the outermost brick.

If the split in the wall is small, then you can use ordinary dowels along the entire crack.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to properly tighten walls. If you enter into Google the query “the wall has come off, how to steal a video,” then a host of assistants will instantly come running to your aid. For example, here is a video about what to do if similar situation happened to a house made of timber:

But don't forget that the most best help provided by qualified specialists. Don't skimp on your home if you don't want to be left without it.

Crack in a brick wall: what to do

Cracks in the walls spoil the mood worse than any other construction defect. You tried, you built, you seem to have taken everything into account, and you have a crack. It's unpleasant, you'll agree. However, there are ways out, although some of them do not completely save the situation. First, you should familiarize yourself with the main reasons why the walls are bursting at the seams in the literal sense of the word.

Factors causing cracks in walls and solutions

All the reasons presented below are some kind of factors that accelerated the occurrence of cracks. There is usually only one reason - subsidence of the foundation or its individual parts. But if you do not make the mistakes discussed below, then the crack will either not appear at all or will not have large sizes.

Screeding a house: basic rules

Screeding of an already finished house is done in order to protect oneself from the appearance of cracks or in order to prevent the crack(s) from growing. This method has successfully proven itself and we believe that the best and most reliable way to strengthen ready house simply doesn't exist.

Let's assume that we have a house with dimensions of 6*6 meters and a height of 3 meters. We will need:

  • Steel corner: 100*100 mm – 4 pieces, 3 meters each
  • Fittings or rod: diameter not less than 16 mm - 48 meters
  • Thick-walled pipe: internal diameter is equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the fittings - 1.5 meters
  • Threaded studs: diameter equal to the diameter of the fittings - 16 pieces
  • Washers, nuts: 16 pieces each

From the photograph it becomes clear how all the details will be used: The corner is placed at the corners of the building, sections of thick-walled pipe are pre-welded onto it, the studs are welded to the reinforcement or rod and the entire structure is tightened with nuts. Now a few tricks and rules:

  • The photo shows that the pin is welded to the rod with an overlap. This is somewhat unesthetic if it is not planned to cover the entire building with siding or similar materials. Then you can butt weld it, but additionally reinforce it with the same thick-walled tube. To do this, cut off a 10-12 centimeter piece with a grinder, cut it lengthwise and apply this kind of tire at the junction of the stud and the reinforcement. Four seams are welded and that’s it, the connection is smooth, with small and barely noticeable tubercles in the form of halves of a tube.
  • After tightening all the nuts, we strongly recommend carrying out this operation after the first summer. You can repeat it again in a year - it won’t be superfluous.
  • If a rod or reinforcement passes through the threshold of a house, then everything needs to be calculated correctly: and so that Entrance door opened freely, and so that the threshold did not have to be cut very deeply.
  • The thick-walled tube into which the threaded studs will go must be of such thickness that it does not burn through during welding and at the same time warms up the metal sufficiently. Only in this case can we talk about the reliability of welding.
  • The nuts must be tightened sequentially to avoid distortions.
  • The thicker and wider the corner, the more reliable the screed will be. Don’t go cheap – a thin and narrow corner won’t give the desired effect.
  • The corners of the house, which are framed by various brick belts, need to be prepared by cutting out a place so that the corner fits snugly against the corner of the building.
  • If you plan to screed the house with your own hands and without the involvement of outsiders, then we advise you to fasten the corners with self-tapping screws or bolts directly to the corner of the building. By doing this, you will accurately place the corner at the desired level and stretch the reinforcement on all four sides of the house without any problems. This is done like this: holes (2-4) are drilled in the corner closer to the edge, so that drilling the wall for the dowel does not disturb the brick. Next, the corner is aligned and marks are placed on the wall with a pencil through the holes in the corner. Now pick up a hammer drill or impact drill and go ahead. Self-tapping screws with a hex head will hold any weight of the corner, especially since this is done temporarily, only for the sake of fixation due to the lack of “extra” hands. Before final tightening the nuts, it is better to remove the screws.

How to repair a crack

You need to understand that before you can repair a crack in the wall, you need to strengthen the wall itself. Otherwise, the crack will appear again and again, and your work will be repeated at the same time.

  • If the crack is small in width, somewhere around 1-5 millimeters, then you can get by with putty.
  • If the crack is larger, up to about 1 cm, then it is better to seal it with sand-cement mortar with a ratio of 1:3.
  • Cracks of even greater width and depth, accordingly, are better to foam first, and then repeat either point 1 or 2 - be guided by the situation. Polyurethane foam works wonders, believe me.
  • Before sealing, any crack should be thoroughly cleaned of dust, remnants of plaster or putty, soil (if the seal is located on the outside closer to the base) and other debris. It is advisable to moisten with water before plastering using a sprayer or even a broom (if the structure does not require a special approach in terms of cleanliness).
  • It is often recommended to reinforce with mesh, but you need to understand that this operation is useless if the wall continues to move to the side or fall down. No mesh or other similar things will save you from a newly appeared crack and you will have to repair it again and again.

Instead of a conclusion

The crack in the wall will not disappear - you will only putty or plaster it. But if you properly screed the house or strengthen the foundation, or both, the crack will no longer expand. Let's give an example: in a house where the crack reached the size of the thickness of a palm, after screeding and sealing the crack for almost 15 years, a barely noticeable line appeared, reminiscent of a cobweb rather than a crack. One can only imagine how loudly the house would fall apart if it was not pulled together in time. But even better is to avoid mistakes in construction, so as not to worry about cracks later.

Screeding the walls of a house - repair, strengthening, strengthening, restoration in St. Petersburg

Screeding the walls of a country house - standard ways to perform quality work

Our organization is often contacted by owners of country houses who need screeding of the walls of their house. This country houses, whose wall has burst or cracks have appeared in the walls or foundation. In such cases, we offer the client to have the walls of the house professionally screeded. In cases where owners ignore these defects and insulate and finish the facade without screeding the house, this leads to disastrous consequences.

The screeding of a brick house simply needs to be entrusted to professionals, since this work requires not only a qualified welder and theoretical training, but also many years of experience and observation of processes for a long time. If you do this kind of work yourself and don’t guess with the loads, then all further work on insulation and finishing of the facade will be pointless, and this is a serious financial expense.

The dimensions of rolled metal for screeding the walls of a house must be selected depending on the size of the structure, the degree of its destruction and the features of its design. When starting work on screeding the walls of a house, it is necessary to study the cause of the destruction and try to remove it as competently as possible. Usually this reason is a weak foundation, which will have to be strengthened and insulated. And sometimes a complete replacement of the foundation is required.

There are two methods of screeding: floating construction and rigid screeding. The first is suitable for small buildings where the loads are minimal. And rigidly tightening is necessary for two-story and higher houses. The difference in these designs is that the floating tie simply tightens the house using threaded connections, while the rigid tie also strengthens the walls of the house by means of many anchors drilled into the walls of the house. Let's look at each method separately in more detail.

The first method is for one-story house with dimensions of 6.0 x 6.0 meters and small cracks in the walls up to 1 cm, a floating screed is suitable. To do this, the corners of the house will need to install 60 mm corners vertically along the entire height of the house, and tighten them together with 18 mm reinforcement (rod) or a 40 mm strip using threaded connections. When tightening a house, you need to understand that it will not tighten at once and the entire structure will need to be tightened periodically.

The second method is suitable for two or three storey houses. In these cases, corners of 80-100 mm are fixed at the corners of the house on metal anchors made of 8mm reinforcement. Vertically every 2.5-3 meters and along the edges of window and doorways Also, racks made of 60x30 mm profile pipe are mounted on the anchors. Then the transverse crossbars are welded horizontally and are also fixed with metal anchors. This entire structure securely tightens the house and prevents its destruction. After installation metal constructions primed and painted with enamel to match the color of the house.

After contacting our construction organization The walls of the house will be screeded with high quality and within the time period specified in the contract. And then, with peace of mind, you can begin insulating and finishing the facade. Our specialists have many years of experience in high-quality performance of such work. Additionally, we can offer you other construction services, such as roofing work, for your home.

House screed - Apartment renovation StroyDonServis

Screeding a house with reinforcement: technology, price, what to pay attention to?

Screeding a house with reinforcement is a procedure carried out during overhaul floors, cracks in the very foundation of a house or apartment.

To give the house screed maximum strength for many decades, experts recommend not skimping on work and reinforcing the screed.

What needs to be considered before carrying out work on screeding a house with reinforcement?

This process must be entrusted to professionals who have serious knowledge and skills in welding, and will also be able to calculate the required diameter of the reinforcement. The required amount of reinforcement depends on the degree of destruction of the building, its number of storeys and size. It is also necessary to take into account the shape and covering of the roof, the soil, the type of foundation and even the location of the building. When screeding a house with reinforcement yourself, you may not take into account all these important parameters, and the quality of work may suffer.

If the crack has spread through small areas of the house, then it is necessary to re-lay the damaged areas before performing the main work. It is recommended to tighten those areas that have suffered the most damage with thicker reinforcement.

To screed a house with reinforcement, you will need the following materials:

  • Fittings of the required diameter.
  • Studs corresponding to the size and cross-section of the reinforcement.

Reinforcement installation technology

In order to tie a house with reinforcement, it is necessary to weld stops for the rod at the corners.

Important! The level for each wall should be different in order to avoid abrasion of nuts and studs.

The resulting corners must be secured to the corner of the house, and studs must be drilled into the stops. Then washers are put on the studs and nuts are screwed on, with the help of which the house is tied with reinforcement.

When screeding a house with reinforcement, you do not need to tighten the nuts sharply and too tightly; do it gradually. It is advisable to re-tighten the nuts approximately every six months. After screeding the house with reinforcement, all that remains is to carry out the final stage - priming and painting.

How is the screed secured?

  • Stretch fittings. This is a special steel, frame or composite mesh, which is made of fiberglass.
  • Dispersed reinforcement. The main materials are glass or steel fiber.

It is possible to combine these materials, but complete replacement of one with another is not recommended by experts. It all depends on what loads on the floor will be in a particular room. For example, a 50 mm leveling screed residential buildings produced with a solution of a dry mixture, this structure is strengthened with a reinforcing mesh for screeding made of steel wire with cells. The mesh must be installed carefully and competently so that the reinforced floor screed has strong parameters.

How is a floor screed made using reinforcement?

The floor screed with reinforcement is made using a steel mesh with special cells; the thickness of the reinforcement for the screed should be no more than 5 mm. The mount is installed on special rubber mounting supports, which are pre-placed on concrete bases.

How much does it cost to screed a house with reinforcement?

The cost of screeding a house with reinforcement depends on the professionalism and quality of work construction company. This type repair work is an excellent solution to eliminate small cracks and damage to the house.

Entrust the screeding of your home with reinforcement to professionals! Our company offers a wide range of repair services at the most affordable prices. We will make your home comfortable to live in! Contact our company managers to learn more about our pricing policy And the widest spectrum services provided.


If cracks have appeared in the walls of your building, we will help prevent its further destruction. IN standard version Metal corners are placed in the corners, and reinforcement strands run parallel to each other, top and bottom. Tubes are welded to the corners, and to the thread fittings, forming a metal frame, which is tensioned by a specialist in a certain sequence. If the building has extensions, projections, etc., in such cases additional material is used (plates, anchor bolts, etc.). The dimensions of the material for screeding the house are selected by our specialists depending on the dimensions of the building. For example, for a one-story building with a size of 8x8, Ø16 reinforcement and an angle of 63 are used. If the cracks are quite large, you can use three or even four chords. In the work of tightening houses, we use direct current electrodes (DCEA), which produce the highest quality welding of metals. Many years of experience have allowed us to produce screeds of any complexity, both single-story and multi-storey buildings. We use a variety of methods that are effective in our work.

We will carry out work on tightening houses in the Voronezh region. We work all year round.

(Prices are negotiable) Tel. 8-952-543-71-25 Vladimir email. mail

We produce products of any size at the customer's request.

  • Canopies (polycarbonate, corrugated sheet)
  • Greenhouses
  • Gazebos
  • Fences (profiled sheet, chain-link, forging)
  • Gates (wrought iron, corrugated sheet, garage)
  • Wickets
  • Lattices
  • Fences
  • Railing
  • Garages
  • Aviaries
  • Shutters
  • Doors

Cracks in the walls spoil the mood worse than any other construction defect. You tried, you built, you seem to have taken everything into account, and you have a crack. It's unpleasant, you'll agree. However, there are ways out, although some of them do not completely save the situation. First, you should familiarize yourself with the main reasons why the walls are bursting at the seams in the literal sense of the word.

Factors causing cracks in walls and solutions

All the reasons presented below are some kind of factors that accelerated the occurrence of cracks. There is usually only one reason - subsidence of the foundation or its individual parts. But if you do not make the mistakes discussed below, then the crack will either not appear at all or will not be large in size.

Screeding a house: basic rules

Screeding of an already finished house is done in order to protect oneself from the appearance of cracks or in order to prevent the crack(s) from growing. This method has successfully proven itself and we believe that there is simply no better and more reliable way to strengthen a finished house.

Let's assume that we have a house with dimensions of 6*6 meters and a height of 3 meters. We will need:

  • Steel corner: 100*100 mm – 4 pieces, 3 meters each
  • Fittings or rod: diameter not less than 16 mm - 48 meters
  • Thick-walled pipe: internal diameter is equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the fittings - 1.5 meters
  • Threaded studs: diameter equal to the diameter of the fittings - 16 pieces
  • Washers, nuts: 16 pieces each

From the photograph it becomes clear how all the details will be used: The corner is placed at the corners of the building, sections of thick-walled pipe are pre-welded onto it, the studs are welded to the reinforcement or rod and the entire structure is tightened with nuts. Now a few tricks and rules:

  • The photo shows that the pin is welded to the rod with an overlap. This is somewhat unesthetic if it is not planned to cover the entire building with siding or similar materials. Then you can butt weld it, but additionally reinforce it with the same thick-walled tube. To do this, cut off a 10-12 centimeter piece with a grinder, cut it lengthwise and apply this kind of tire at the junction of the stud and the reinforcement. Four seams are welded and that’s it, the connection is smooth, with small and barely noticeable tubercles in the form of halves of a tube.
  • After tightening all the nuts, we strongly recommend carrying out this operation after the first summer. You can repeat it again in a year - it won’t be superfluous.
  • If a rod or fittings passes through the threshold of a house, then everything needs to be calculated correctly: both so that the front door opens freely, and so that the threshold does not have to be cut very deeply.
  • The thick-walled tube into which the threaded studs will go must be of such thickness that it does not burn through during welding and at the same time warms up the metal sufficiently. Only in this case can we talk about the reliability of welding.
  • The nuts must be tightened sequentially to avoid distortions.
  • The thicker and wider the corner, the more reliable the screed will be. Don’t go cheap – a thin and narrow corner won’t give the desired effect.
  • The corners of the house, which are framed by various brick belts, need to be prepared by cutting out a place so that the corner fits snugly against the corner of the building.
  • If you plan to screed the house with your own hands and without the involvement of outsiders, then we advise you to fasten the corners with self-tapping screws or bolts directly to the corner of the building. By doing this, you will accurately place the corner at the desired level and stretch the reinforcement on all four sides of the house without any problems. This is done like this: holes (2-4) are drilled in the corner closer to the edge, so that drilling the wall for the dowel does not disturb the brick. Next, the corner is aligned and marks are placed on the wall with a pencil through the holes in the corner. Now pick up a hammer drill or impact drill and go ahead. Self-tapping screws with a hex head will hold any weight of the corner, especially since this is done temporarily, only for the sake of fixation due to the lack of “extra” hands. Before final tightening the nuts, it is better to remove the screws.

How to repair a crack

You need to understand that before you can repair a crack in the wall, you need to strengthen the wall itself. Otherwise, the crack will appear again and again, and your work will be repeated at the same time.

  • If the crack is small in width, somewhere around 1-5 millimeters, then you can get by with putty.
  • If the crack is larger, up to about 1 cm, then it is better to seal it with sand-cement mortar with a ratio of 1:3.
  • Cracks of even greater width and depth, accordingly, are better to foam first, and then repeat either point 1 or 2 - be guided by the situation. Polyurethane foam works wonders, believe me.
  • Before sealing, any crack should be thoroughly cleaned of dust, remnants of plaster or putty, soil (if the seal is located on the outside closer to the base) and other debris. It is advisable to moisten with water before plastering using a sprayer or even a broom (if the structure does not require a special approach in terms of cleanliness).
  • It is often recommended to reinforce with mesh, but you need to understand that this operation is useless if the wall continues to move to the side or sink down. No mesh or other similar things will save you from a newly appeared crack and you will have to repair it again and again.

Instead of a conclusion

The crack in the wall will not disappear - you will only putty or plaster it. But if you properly screed the house or strengthen the foundation, or both, the crack will no longer expand. Let's give an example: in a house where the crack reached the size of the thickness of a palm, after screeding and sealing the crack for almost 15 years, a barely noticeable line appeared, reminiscent of a cobweb rather than a crack. One can only imagine how loudly the house would fall apart if it was not pulled together in time. But even better is to avoid mistakes in construction, so as not to worry about cracks later.

From the author: Good day, my dear readers, who are again faced with the problem of low-quality buildings. The formation of cracks in walls and floors is no exception either for old forgotten Stalinist houses, or for recently purchased new buildings in European-style residential complexes. Having noticed a crack in the wall, first of all you will think about what to do with it, after which you will puzzle over how to make a screed?

Pulling together walls when large cracks form in them is an adequate and correct solution, since this is considered a more rational and less expensive way to stop the destruction of the entire building.

Could a crack really break everything?

Of course, it can, if you don’t attach importance to it right away. They can be both harmless to the integrity and turn a home into a heap of stone and dust, which can take not only a lot of valuable things, but also human lives.

You see, a crack formed in the wall (in most cases) is only the tip of a huge iceberg, which confidently moves towards the foundation, destroying it too. It makes no sense to explain why a foundation split is dangerous, since everyone knows what this will ultimately lead to.

If we reason correctly, then it is not the crack that leads to the foundation, but on the contrary, it comes from it, since only a serious physical impact can start a split from the center and lead to two or more directions. There is no other way to create such an injury to the building.

You may encounter other reasons if your building was built from bricks that were laid with gross errors. They often appear as a result of saving money on auxiliary materials that serve as the prevention of these diseases.

Why is all this happening?

There may be more than one reason, since the condition of the foundation is influenced by many factors. Having identified the most basic ones, we are ready to present them to you:

  • displacement of earthen rocks due to seismic activity of the area. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, the phenomenon is quite rare, but, nevertheless, in some areas at the foot of the mountains such cases do occur. Even the Crimean Mountains, not to mention the Caucasus, are no exception, making themselves felt from time to time with minor earthquakes. They are imperceptible to humans, but can quite noticeably affect the foundations of buildings;
  • climatic conditions are also not left aside. Nature may not have bad weather, but the foundation doesn’t think so. Due to excessive moisture or, conversely, its lack, the earth, clay, sand or their synthesis can sag from time to time, thereby affecting the position of the foundation, lowering one of its parts, forming cracks that will force you to tighten the walls;
  • Trees could grow next to your house, the power of whose roots can easily pierce the foundation. As far as I remember, next to my parents’ house, literally three or four meters from the wall from the backyard, the previous owners planted a nut. By the time we moved there, it was already a little more than ten meters in height, and its roots were close to the building itself. After about 3 years of living there, a crack about three centimeters wide and more than two meters long opened on the outside, which was very elegantly hidden by the old owners who had moved far away using putty and whitewash. The reason for this turned out to be the ill-fated nut. The natural solution to this problem was to cut down the tree, which also entailed certain losses. The first is permission to cut down a tree, since it is impossible to engage in amateur activities in this matter. The second was a broken roof from falling branches, because it was incredibly difficult to direct them in the right direction. And the third is a crack in the foundation, which later had to be strengthened with reinforcement;
  • an initially incorrect design or construction site can also cause splits to form in the walls of the house. Minor cracks up to one millimeter wide are not normal, but acceptable for new buildings, so if you have one, don’t be alarmed ahead of time. Almost all scientists and builders claim that any building takes about five years to sit normally on the surface of the earth due to its enormous weight. You should not completely ignore such moments. Any crack that forms must be monitored so that it does not begin to increase in size. If this happens, then this is a sign of improper construction, and you need to contact the developer to get the necessary advice or even help. If you notice that cracks have appeared in your home, then you urgently need to contact specialists in this field, because only they can provide you with qualified support.

How to deal with cracks in walls yourself

Any distortion in the foundation and, therefore, in the walls requires immediate repair. Many of us may be faced with the problem of insufficient funding and the search for a more budget-friendly and independent restoration of the integrity of your home.

Naturally, there is a solution, and, purely theoretically, it will not require a colossal amount of financial investment and physical strength from you, since closing a crack is a very real task for any person.

Yes, it is with the help of an artificial one that you can strengthen the foundation and prevent your house from splitting in half, as if the world had again begun to divide into continents.

What is a screed and what does it consist of?

A screed is the only solution that will help you stop or cut off the possibility of complete destruction of your house. Why suspend? You see, if the building was erected with errors in the construction itself or in an unsuitable place, then the process of destruction cannot be stopped. Whatever you do, you will only delay the outcome of the event. Naturally, this is if the problem is in the foundation. If you find that the cause of the split was the wall itself (it can be made of brick or wood), then everything will be a little simpler.

If you have expressed a desire to repair the breakdown yourself, then you will need certain skills, without which it will be a little difficult:

  • In order to save a lot of money and not buy an already welded screed, you can limit yourself to purchasing fittings and electrodes, and then independently welding the required size of reinforced mesh. So, the first thing is welding and the skills to use it.
  • fittings Something without which you will not be able to make a screed either for the foundation of the house or for its brick or wooden components. It will be exploited in different ways, but its presence is mandatory. Why? The reinforcement has the necessary ratio of size and strength to ensure that the structure itself is as comfortable, reliable and, if necessary, aesthetically pleasing as possible;
  • to strengthen the lower part of the base of the house you will need a large amount of concrete mortar, the method of use of which I will tell you a little later;
  • Piles will come in handy when shaping the area that needs to be filled with concrete. And then you will need to give it the desired shape. Don't skimp on them, as low-quality wood may break and force you to redo the whole job. If you are not interested in the aesthetic beauty of the foundation, and you do not want to spend extra money on logs, think about how much money you will throw away on excess concrete mortar, which will certainly spread around the house for a distance of about half a meter.

Let's move on to the practical part of installing the screed on the base of the house

We've read a lot of stories and theories, but now let's look at how to do it all in practice. The very first thing you will need to do is arm yourself with a shovel and, if possible, equip several of your friends or hired workers with them to speed up the process. Start digging at the place where the rift originates. Go deeper to a depth of about half a meter. It is possible that more depth will be required, given that it depends on the height of the building, its number of floors and the load it creates. You can find out the depth of the foundation from the house construction plan.

It is necessary to excavate not only the place where the breakdown occurred, but also along the house at a distance of one and a half, or better yet, two meters. This distance is also determined situationally and individually for each building. Why do you need a big ditch? If you strengthen a small part, the split will repeat much faster than you can cook dinner and raise a glass to a job well done.

The second stage will be the construction of a reinforced mesh. Reinforced mesh consists of reinforcement rods welded in such a way as to create a network with squares, the side of which can be at least ten centimeters. If you reduce this distance, the solution may simply split in two without fixing the required area.

An increase in this indicator leads to the fact that the reinforcement process does not in any way contribute to an increase in strength, but only creates the appearance of work performed. If the financial issue does not play a big role, then it is better to make a double grid, that is, build it in two levels. This will require more concrete but will provide additional strength.

A small life hack: It is quite possible that you do not have enough funds to purchase the required amount of reinforcement for the screed. If time does not allow you to wait, then you can replace it with an ordinary concrete pillar. Yes, it will not provide the same level of strength, but it will serve quite confidently as a temporary structure. And if we take into account that there is nothing more permanent than something temporary, we get an excellent alternative.

Having built the grid, you need to firmly fix it to the foundation of the house. Drill holes and install mesh. You don’t have to rush to seal up the resulting cavities, because in the next step everything will become more clear. This ends the third stage.

Fourth - installation of piles. In some cases they are not needed, but if you have made a serious dig at the house, they will come in handy. Install the pilings and wooden fencing to begin the next step.

Fill everything with concrete. A very important point is that you should never fill the screed by manually filling the cavity between the mesh and the house. This process only involves pouring concrete mortar. Otherwise, all the work will be done in vain and will not show any results. The building will continue to deform.

After you have done everything we indicated above, wait until the concrete hardens. This will take up to one week, depending on the climatic conditions of your area.