Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» On your own or with help. Internet publication about high technologies. Incorrect estimate. incorrect payment

On your own or with help. Internet publication about high technologies. Incorrect estimate. incorrect payment

Saving in everything has become a reality for many of our compatriots. This also applies to construction and repairs, since it is generally accepted that the hired team will have to overpay, and the result is not guaranteed. Is this so? Let’s try to figure it out.

Nobody can do it better than myself

Who among us has not heard this phrase? Indeed, we know what we want, what the apartment will look like. Hence the seemingly obvious advantages of self-repair:

  • You think through the design yourself and bring it to life yourself. If you don’t like something in the end, you’ll have yourself to blame;
  • you save money, because, as you know, your work is free. Of course, you will still have to purchase materials, but there will still be savings.

This is where the pros end, and the cons begin, which many often forget about:

  • You carry out repair work with your own hands in your free time. That is, in the evening after work, on weekends, during holidays and vacations. In addition to the fact that you are depriving yourself of proper rest, you are also prolonging the repair for an indefinite period of time;
  • Not all work can be done with your own hands. At least not everyone can do this and have the necessary tools for this. For example, it is better to entrust it to specialists to change batteries, pipes, and electrical wiring.

That is, it turns out that there is a reason for inviting a repair team.

Builders must be chosen wisely

But what about the fact that their work is expensive, that they work unscrupulously, that then they have to redo everything?

There can be only one answer: you need to approach the choice of a repair company very carefully and even meticulously. Ask your friends, read reviews on the Internet, talk with the company’s management, and if possible, visit already renovated facilities. This is the only way to find truly conscientious and responsible craftsmen.

As for the high cost, many companies offer discounts for large volumes of work, seasonal promotions (especially in winter), and special offers for socially vulnerable groups of the population. So you can always agree on prices.

By inviting repair specialists, you can save money if you wish, and let’s not even talk about saving free time.

We offer our services

Our company is professionally engaged in providing construction services - we have excellent experience, low prices, a good business reputation, confirmed by many satisfied clients! We invite you to place an order for the renovation of an apartment, house or other premises in Tula and the Tula region. We provide a mandatory guarantee for all work!

Most people don't know where to start, what to grab onto. Chaos begins in the apartment. All family members argue with each other, with neighbors (due to inconvenience, noise, garbage, etc.). So is it really necessary to spoil the nerves of yourself and people every time the need for repairs arises?

We will do super repairs for you in St. Petersburg and the region at the best prices!


Repair on your own or with the help of professionals in St. Petersburg

Of course, you can do the repairs yourself, but you definitely can’t do without quarrels. And the quality of repairs may not be the best. After all, if you are not a specialist, then you can make many mistakes that will sooner or later make themselves felt (peeled wallpaper, swollen floors, peeling paint, etc.).

From all this it follows that when making repairs it is better to contact specialists.


It’s good if one of your friends is an apartment renovation specialist, then you can completely trust the person you entrust with the renovation of your home. But if you don’t have such friends, then It is worth using the services of specialized apartment renovation companies that will help you with repairs from A to Z.

Such companies employ people who will help you choose everything you need for repairs to suit your taste.

And qualified specialists of various construction specialties will quickly and efficiently bring to life all your desires for arranging your apartment. can help a person with an average level of income. It all depends on the client’s desires and capabilities.

We wish you creative renovation!

Kvadrat Repair - in St. Petersburg.

In Soviet times, we most often stored all our things in various walls, cupboards, wardrobes or in dressing rooms, storage rooms and mezzanines. People lined up overnight to buy furniture and decorate their apartments, freeing themselves from the problem of placing various things.

In modern times, the abundance of furniture and its various variations and classes amazes the imagination and allows you to choose furniture to suit every taste and color. We will stop and consider all the nuances associated with proper disassembly, assembly, packaging and transportation of the sliding wardrobe. If you bought a new wardrobe, then most likely it will be delivered to your home and assembled for a small fee. The point of this article is to provide advice for those who decide to move the wardrobe themselves.

You can transport any sliding wardrobe or built-in wardrobe either on your own or with the help of our professional specialists of your choice

Let's consider the main issues related to the transportation of a sliding wardrobe:

- How to disassemble a wardrobe?

- What should I pack a wardrobe with?

- Which car is suitable for transportation?

- How to place a wardrobe in the back?

- Will the disassembled wardrobe fit into the elevator?

1. Before ordering without movers, prepare the wardrobe for transportation in advance. This cabinet cannot be transported when assembled. Most manufacturers do not recommend this, and in residential buildings and many country houses you simply will not fit through the doorway with such a cabinet, even if you manage to lift it. To disassemble, you need to look at exactly what tool you will need. Basically, screwdrivers and hexagons are enough for these purposes, but it happens that for disassembly you will need a special sprocket, without which disassembly will be impossible. In addition, please note that self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws can be screwed into the bottom of the cabinet. Accordingly, you will need the help of second parties in disassembly. Mark all wooden parts in order with a pencil or marker. In order to disassemble the sliding cabinet doors, lift them up, loosening the screws securing the rollers in advance.

2. Use bubble wrap to pack mirrored doors; stretch film is quite suitable for packing other parts. Here again you will need the help of second parties for reliable and convenient packaging.

3. A porter or gazelle is suitable for transporting the cabinet. Low-slung trucks will increase the risk of trucking without scuffs, chips and scratches, since their bed floor is not level due to the vehicle's wheels. All long parts of the cabinet must be transported on edge or in an upright position.

4. If, in addition to the cabinet, there is no more property to be transported, then you will have to tie it with belts, fixing the furniture in a stationary state. Use cardboard and improvised material to lay between pieces of furniture where the fittings remain. If, in addition to the cabinet, other property is transported, then this is even better, since in this case there is more opportunity to distribute everything in the body into space.

5. Not all disassembled parts of the wardrobe are included in the elevator, especially those longer than 230 cm, even if there is a freight elevator. To transport large items on the elevator, it has additional doors. Lately, lifters have either welded these doors or made them so that they do not open. The fact is that if you do not have the skills and abilities to properly open and close additional elevator doors, you can get stuck in the elevator and cause it to malfunction. Along a flight of stairs, it is most convenient to carry each individual wooden part of the cabinet in a vertical position behind your back, clasping it with your hands from below.

In our company, by filling out an application for Cargo Transportation Moscow, you receive a guaranteed high quality of work, even if you have to disassemble and transport the most complex wardrobe.
We remind you that we still have a promotion. When moving into an apartment, we will prepare special tape and stretch film for you absolutely free of charge.

Esotericists, sorcerers, magicians and other mysterious personalities claim that in order for “dreams to come true” to become a reality with the help of the power of thought or the magnetism of the individual, certain rules must be followed:

1. Don’t “chatter” about your desire left and right.

It’s clear that you want to brag to your girlfriend that in exactly 300 days, 20 hours and 13 minutes you will know English perfectly, but the fulfillment of desires with mental power is a magical process and does not tolerate leakage of energy.

2. It is very, very recommended that before turning on the magnetism of the individual, spend some time alone to listen to your desire: is mine not mine? Do I really want this or was it my neighbor Svetka who “told me” that it was time to get married? So what am I going to do with this happiness, attracted by the power of thought?

3. Don’t think that in order to become the proud owner of a brand new smartphone, you just need to lie down on the couch and imagine showing off this miracle of technology in front of your friends.

Personal magnetism only works in conjunction with actions: the Universe will begin to give you opportunities to earn money for a new phone, lead you to stores with good prices, and protect you from unscrupulous sellers. In a word, with the help of the power of thought, a desire will come true faster and with less energy, “without noise and dust.”

4. When you have decided on a desire that you want to fulfill with the help of mental power, do not even think about doubting that this is possible.

We found time to turn on the “back”!

5. Personal magnetism does not act instantly, like a magic wand or a hair from old man Hottabych’s beard, so be prepared to wait a little.

And the larger the desire, the more time the Universe needs to fulfill your request. So don’t hit the dishes out of anger if you didn’t manage to learn how to drive a car in 15 minutes.

6. Your desire, in order to fulfill it with the help of personal magnetism or mental power, must be as clearly formulated as possible, like the questions in the program “What? Where? When?".

That is, no thought “I want to get married,” but “I want to get married by the end of this year to a brown-eyed IT specialist with a separate home.” Well, you understand what we mean: the more precise the desire, the faster your “order” will be fulfilled.

7. The goal must be realistic to achieve through the power of thought.

Alas, it is unlikely that you will be able to become an English princess.

8. Your desire should not affect the interests of other people or negatively affect them.

You, after all, are not a medieval witch to send a pestilence on your neighbor’s livestock (read – on the cat Murzik in our enlightened 21st century). And thanks to the power of thought, you receive exactly the same thing that you “send” into the Universe.

That is, if you want to attract fame, money and the respect of your colleagues in addition to the thought - get it, “broadcast” so that your ex-husband loses his job - find out where the Employment Service is in your city. This is the energy cycle in nature and the effect of magnetism.

9. You must be extremely focused on what you want to achieve with the power of thought, and there are a thousand and one options for how to do this, here are just a few:
write down your desire from A to Z and re-read your note several times a day.

By the way, it is not necessary to eat and write again after each reading ☺ – on the contrary, charge the paper with your energy;

Come up with your own personal positive affirmation and say it out loud or in your thoughts as often as possible (for example, “I am a successful self-employed entrepreneur,” “I make $5,000 a month,” “I win the damn pumpkin pie contest”).

The main thing is not to scare random fellow travelers on the subway and colleagues!

create a “dream card” to achieve the fulfillment of a desire using the power of thought: attach pictures of what you want (clippings from magazines, newspapers, printouts from the Internet, etc.) to a large piece of paper. Provide all this with signatures from the series “This is me, and this is my red Ferrari.”

For example, you really want to get married. So you sculpt indecently happy newlyweds, dolls on the hood and “cute” hearts.

Look at your card more often to strengthen the magnetism of your personality and breathe another portion of energy into your desire. Such cuttings can also be attached to an ordinary cork board. Computer-savvy citizens can use special drawing programs.

10. After the wish comes true with the help of the power of thought, do not forget to thank the higher powers for their generosity - they, you know, like everyone else, love polite people.

By the way, the next time you “order” (don’t you have the same desire?!), this will definitely be credited to you.

If you dream and see how to conquer cities and peoples with your charisma, I advise you to read explanatory books in your spare time

The explosive growth of the mobile technology market is pushing companies to pay more attention to smartphone and tablet users. To realize the potential of touch devices, mobile applications are used, which are becoming an increasingly common IT tool. However, for many companies, the question is: “How and when to create mobile applications?” still remains open.

Access to information from mobile devices is required in two cases. Firstly, when a company has a need to attract new customers and create a more convenient service for existing clients, then we talk about “external” applications. Or the goal is to improve the efficiency of managers - and we are talking about “internal” applications. In both cases, the company faces a difficult task, which consists not only in developing specific software, but also in integrating it with existing business processes.

Architecture and ideology

It should be remembered that a mobile application in itself is not particularly valuable (unless it is a finished product, such as the Anrgy Birds game). However, for most companies, mobile applications are a new way of interacting with the user, and therefore must be integrated with the rest of the existing IT infrastructure.

To fully develop applications, it is necessary to build an ideology for their creation and development, think through the architecture and methods of interaction with databases, and also provide support and development of the software product. That is why the development team must have an architect responsible for formalizing all technical aspects of the application, and an ideologist who links technologies with real user needs and functionality.

At the same time, the main advantage of mobile applications as a separate class of solutions for providing services is the use of the unique features of mobile devices, mainly touch screens. In addition to this, adapting content to the screen of a smartphone or tablet, as well as the ability to save settings and preferences, makes working with the application more comfortable and user-friendly. However, at the same time, the customer must understand that he is taking upon himself the support and development of another element of the IT infrastructure, which requires separate investments.

How much is it?

As Asteros developers note, an application that supports only a few key functions can be prepared in just a month. As the number of mobile functions, the number of functional customers, integration procedures, specific design requirements and other nuances grow, the duration of an average project can be up to six months. However, in some cases the development procedure takes even longer. The cost of a mobile application development project varies greatly and has virtually no upper limit.

In any case, developing a mobile application is a team effort, and except in rare cases, it cannot be completed by one specialist. To implement the project, at a minimum, an interface developer, designer, programmer and manager are required. Depending on his role or qualifications, a mobile application development specialist can earn from 6 thousand rubles. in a day. High qualifications can be valued at more than 20 thousand rubles. in a day. Thus, the application development budget can be very impressive.

Searching for employees or choosing a partner

You need to develop a mobile application yourself if this is the main channel of work with the audience for the company. When a mobile application is only part of a marketing company or performs some auxiliary function, it is cheaper and more efficient to order it from the developer, he believes Evgenia Smorodnikova, one of the founders of the business accelerator and the educational project for entrepreneurs

Development of mobile applications is a rather labor-intensive and costly process, which is often fully implemented only in companies whose profile is development. In other cases, all that is required is the presence of specialists responsible for planning the development of application infrastructure and filling them with useful business functions.

“If mobile solutions are given a significant place in the corporate development strategy, then it is reasonable to create your own team of mobile technology ideologists with a constant workload. Architects, visualizers and programmers can be outsourced, varying the team as required and selecting a stable, well-coordinated composition. If mobile technologies are not priority for the company, you can give the work of mobilization to a partner organization, requiring from it a composition of architects and ideologists assigned to you,” comments Petr Lileev, head of mobile solutions practice at Asteros Consulting.

Adapted web interface

However, today it is possible to release mobile applications without creating anything new. For this, all the same technologies are used as for web components, but they are created specifically for mobile devices, accompanied by the same icons as full-fledged mobile applications.

“In a corporate environment, there is a problem with updating components. Therefore, if there is no desire to create your own application store in a corporate environment, the company will be forced to use portals,” notes Igor Akulov, technical director of the company "P2P technologies". - And if you don’t need the ability to work with device hardware (compass, accelerometer, barcode scanner, card reader, etc.), most of the so-called “enterprise mobile applications” will most likely turn out to be nothing more than wrappers for web clients ".

Mobile sites as an alternative to applications

The need to create mobile applications is dictated by the desire of companies to deliver certain content directly to mobile devices. However, in many cases this can be done using mobile sites. The advantage of this approach is the less expensive implementation of the infrastructure, since, unlike applications, sites do not need to be updated on client devices - it is enough to change the formatting or content on the server.

On the other hand, mobile applications offer such advantages as intuitive motor skills, designed for the capabilities of a particular device, and the ability to work offline, which is important when the user is on the subway, on an airplane, or simply out of reach of a data network.

However, there is no universal remedy, and in reality everything depends on the type of business and the company’s promotion strategy in the market. Both websites and applications require funds for development and support, and the return on them must be adequate.

Do you need to choose?

However, it is absolutely not necessary to choose between mobile applications and websites for smartphones and tablets. Those companies that already have a team to develop and support web portals can easily adapt existing products to work with mobile devices. The use of mobile applications allows you to attract new customers, make work with company services more personalized and increase the loyalty of existing customers. Ultimately, people always like different things, and while some customers prefer to install something new on their smartphone, others are more happy to go to a mobile site from it and get all the information they need from there.

Mobile future

According to experts, the mobile application market in Russia is gradually stabilizing, the demand for developments is becoming more systematized and instead of chaotic requests, customers are gradually moving to long-term strategic plans. When development projects are launched for a reason, but as part of an approved IT strategy, where mobile technologies are a separate budget item, the efficiency of using the created tools is much higher, and this provides the opportunity for further development of the application infrastructure. In any case, modern businesses see mobile solutions as convenience for both their managers and clients. This means that there will be more and more applications, and the cost of their development will gradually decrease due to the appearance of more development companies on the market.