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» Mysterious disappearances of people. Mysterious disappearances of people

Mysterious disappearances of people. Mysterious disappearances of people

Mysterious disappearances of people have occurred at all times, but the case of mass disappearance looked especially terrible. Agree, it is difficult to imagine that an entire settlement or the entire crew of a ship on the high seas can disappear in one moment... But this also happens.

Eskimo village on Lake Angikuni

More than 80 years have passed, and scientists have still not found an explanation for the mysterious disappearances of people in 1930 in Canada. Angikuni - this name was given not only to the lake, but also to the local fishing village located nearby. About 2,000 Inuit lived there, always happily welcoming travelers.

This area was a tasty morsel for hunters and fishermen - fur-bearing animals were hunted in the vicinity, and the miners rarely left with empty handed. Although getting to Angikuni was not easy, there were intrepid seekers, including a Canadian hunter named Joe LaBelle. He often visited those parts, and after hunting he liked to stop at an Inuit village to rest and gain strength.

But on November 12, 1930, he failed to warm up at the hot fire. It was cold that day, so Labelle was terribly cold and counted the minutes to the village. Finally, the igloos appeared, but Joe noted that the surrounding area was somehow suspiciously deserted and quiet. He shouted out a greeting, but no one answered him.

Joe skied up to the first house and entered. There was no one inside, although the situation indicated that the residents had left the home as if a few minutes ago: stew was bubbling in the pot, all things were in their places.

Having walked around the entire village, Joe did not find a soul. Despite the fact that all the warm clothes and weapons, food were left in the igloo, and the snow around the village did not preserve a single human trace, despite the calm weather. Frightened, the hunter hurriedly went to the nearest telegraph office and reported the terrible disappearance to the Canadian police.

A few hours later the detachment arrived. Several other hunters who happened to be nearby said that they saw a strange luminous object in the sky at night, and it seemed to them somehow connected with the mysterious disappearance of people.

But terrible details awaited the police and hunters ahead. Firstly, the local cemetery was completely destroyed: the graves were dug up and the corpses disappeared. Secondly, dead dogs were found near the village. The Eskimos, who consider dogs to be their breadwinners and a great value, would never in their lives kill an entire flock and certainly would not touch their dead.

Where 2 thousand Eskimos went, why they abandoned all their belongings and took neither food nor clothing, remains a mystery.

Vessel "Cyclops"

"Cyclops" - an American ship named after the one-eyed character Greek myths, was built for the US Navy a few years before the First World War.

According to the classic canons of mysterious disappearances, the ship disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle area, and neither the remains of the bodies nor the ship itself were ever found. 306 people were missing, including both crew members and passengers.

On February 16, 1918, the ship left the port of Rio de Janeiro and headed towards the North Atlantic States. In addition to people, the ship was carrying 10 thousand tons of manganese ore.

The ship made an unscheduled stop in the Barbados area due to overload (the Cyclops' capacity was only 8 thousand tons), but did not send any alarm signals.

The ship never arrived at its destination port. Many theories have been put forward, but none of them can explain how exactly the ship disappeared.

It is noteworthy that during World War II, two “brothers of the Cyclops” - the ships “Proteus” and “Nereus” - also disappeared while transporting heavy metal ore, similar to the one that the Cyclops was transporting. They disappeared in the same region of the Bermuda Triangle.

Flannan Islands Lighthouse

The Flannan Islands are a small archipelago off Scotland. Today the islands are uninhabited - since the lighthouse began to work automatically, the profession of lighthouse keepers has become a thing of the past. A 23-meter lighthouse rises above the islands, helping ships find their way in the rough sea darkness.

In 1925, it became one of the first lighthouses in Scotland equipped with a telegraph, but a quarter of a century earlier...

At the beginning of the century, three keepers were supposed to be on duty at the lighthouse at all times, and another one was at the shore station. On each voyage to the islands, he replaced one of the caretakers and took his place.

When the mysterious disappearance happened, at the lighthouse there were: second assistant keeper James Ducat, first assistant Thomas Marshall and assistant Donald "Occasional" McArthur. Three weeks before the incident, chief keeper Joseph Moore left the lighthouse. According to him, everything was completely as usual.

But on December 15, 1900, from the steamship Arctor, which was sailing from Philadelphia to Lith, alarm signal: The crew of the ship complained that there was no signal from the lighthouse. Unfortunately, the authorities did not give this great importance, and the flight to the lighthouse, which was supposed to take place on December 20, was canceled due to bad weather conditions.

Only on December 26, Joseph Moore and the team managed to reach the lighthouse. But no one met them except the bare flagpole. The lighthouse gates and all the doors were locked, the keepers' beds were not made, and the clocks had stopped.

Surprisingly, the lighthouse lamps were perfectly polished, there was enough fuel in them, and the waterproof raincoats of the keepers were hanging on their hooks. The only thing that was strange about the lighthouse setting was the overturned kitchen table.

Upon arrival at the base, the ship's captain reported: “A mysterious incident occurred on the Flannan Islands. Three caretakers James Ducat, Thomas Marshall and Donald "Random" MacArthur disappeared from the island without a trace.

The stopped clock and other evidence indicate that this happened about a week ago. Poor guys! They must have been blown off the cliff by the wind or drowned while trying to repair lifting mechanism or something like that."

The last entry in the observation log was made at 9:00 on December 15, 1900, but before that, on the night of December 14, the rangers recorded a strong storm, although none of the coast stations in that area and none of the ships passing by on those days until On December 16, no storm was recorded.

Versions of events range from the mystical (aliens) to the criminally tragic (one of the caretakers killed two others), but there is no reliable information about what happened on the distant Scottish islands.

Village of Hoer Verde

The disappearance of 600 people from a Brazilian village in 1923 is more reminiscent of a horror film than real story. We should start with the fact that little was known about Hoer Verde even before its disappearance: what the locals did, how they lived... But the village existed, and people lived there.

Soldiers of the national army arrived in the village, which greeted them with silence and emptiness. Somewhere a radio was working, there were leftovers of food on the tables, and in some places the fire had not yet gone out. The worst thing is that school board The soldiers found the inscription: “There is no salvation.” A recently fired gun was found nearby.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the only information about the village of Hoer on the Internet is the story of this disappearance, so it is quite difficult to verify the authenticity of this story today.

Much in our world defies logical explanation, but we always want to find answers to it. People disappear who cannot be found for many years, and at this time new thoughts and versions about everything that happened constantly arise in the head. It is clear that there can be a lot of reasons, but this circumstance is very, very frightening. After all, we remain in the dark and cannot accurately name the reason for the disappearance. If one person disappears, then completely normal and reasonable thoughts of everything that is happening are born in the head, but if he disappears immediately a large number of people, then it will be very, very difficult to explain. Yes, we are used to believing in some mystical events and incidents, the appearance of aliens and other extraterrestrial intelligences, but we have never seen them ourselves. All this really sounds quite strange and absurd, but sometimes people cannot give the strangest events any normal and plausible explanations. When I came across this American documentary series, hosted by Terry O Quinn, I immediately wanted to get to know him better. This project talks about the completely strange and inexplicable disappearances of large aircraft, ships, their crews, as well as entire territories that no longer exist on our planet. I think everyone has heard about the disappearance of Atlantis, so here are the creators of this project We decided to study this topic more thoroughly and put forward our own versions. Indeed, it is quite difficult to give a logical explanation of where the ship went during a thunderstorm or storm, especially if no wreckage was found anywhere. All this really looks very strange and frightening, so the most terrible, creepy and fantastic thoughts come into your head. Many have also heard about such a place as the Bermuda Triangle, which also has a huge number of questions. After all, it is in this place that ships and people disappear without a trace. No one knows where they disappear, and many of these moments are again beginning to be associated with mysticism. This documentary series will try to answer many questions that interest us. To do this, competent representatives of various specialties and first-class detectives, who at one time were involved in the investigation of these strange and mysterious disappearances, were invited to the filming of the series. They will indeed tell quite interesting and incredible facts, will give examples and analogies, so it was very, very interesting for me to watch and listen to their arguments. The project turned out to be very intriguing, interesting and quite interesting, at least for me. I followed the progress of the investigation with great pleasure and genuine curiosity and tried to understand for myself how such a sad event could have happened. The plot was really very rich and exciting, because the presenter suggested trying to find answers to the main questions using the most modern and fairly accurate technology. At the end of each episode it will be clear whether they succeeded or not. I really really liked this American documentary series and the viewing experience was the most vivid and amazing. In general, I really like these kinds of stories, where there is so much mysterious and inexplicable, and this series allowed me to figure out some points. Personally, I was satisfied with everything that happened on the screen and received a lot of positive emotions. If you also like to understand various mysterious and inexplicable events, then you will definitely like this series. Thank you for your attention and enjoy watching!

Where do missing people go? NKVD officers detained a suspicious foreigner. His passport was fine, but he claimed that he came from a non-existent country. Multi-day interrogations yielded no results. Then the foreigner was taken for a psychiatric examination. But along the way he seemed to evaporate.

The mysterious disappearance of people is a generally accepted fact. Every year more and more more people disappear without a trace. Some people disappear forever and no one knows them future fate. Who steals them and why? Disappearances have occurred since biblical times.

Statistics are kept on those who have disappeared without a trace, and they are as follows: 2 million people disappear without a trace on the planet every year.

Statistics of disappearances by country

England loses five thousand of its citizens a year, France - seven thousand, Italy eight and a half thousand people, but in Germany as many as nine thousand evaporate. And Russia is breaking all records, losing 35,000 law-abiding citizens within a year. And no one records how many villages have disappeared in Russia.

There are a lot of missing cases. Here is one of these: On December 1, 1949, 14 people witnessed a disappearance on a bus. The bus departed from Albany to Bennington; all passengers saw soldier James Thetford board the Bus and take his seat. On the way, the bus did not stop anywhere, and when it arrived in Bennington, James was no longer there, but his things remained in place. What happened and where he went remains a secret.

There are millions of similar stories, a wife leaves her husband, a mother of her children. Absurd isn't it? But there is an assumption about wandering parallel spaces. Yes, there are parallel worlds on earth that take away our citizens. Like black holes, only on earth. But this is just one assumption.

There are also suggestions that people are being abducted by aliens. And people work, wherever in Antarctica, in mines extracting uranium or gold. There are thousands of such assumptions. But for now, no one can be sure that it will not evaporate tomorrow.

Unexplained cases of disappearances

In Novosibirsk, under very strange circumstances, a short time Four people, strangers to each other, disappeared at once. At the same time, all four disappearances are united by the New Year celebration - someone disappeared while returning from a corporate party, someone after a party or a school matinee.

The first missing person was 25-year-old Dmitry Petrov. He left the Beer Arena bar near the Studencheskaya metro station and disappeared. His friend said that before his disappearance the young man did not have any conflicts.

Just two days later, under almost similar circumstances, 27-year-old Andrei Sokolov, who was returning home after a corporate party, disappeared. His friend said that Andrei reached his house on Fabrichnaya Street, but did not enter the entrance. The next day, the young man’s phone was already turned off.

On the morning of December 28, 16-year-old Artur Harutyunyan went missing. He successfully passed the college exam at SibGUTI and went to a New Year's concert at school No. 98, where he had previously studied. The guy was last seen at the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station.

The fourth mysterious disappearance occurred after the New Year. 26-year-old Andrei Velikiy called on January 3 and said that he was vacationing with friends. On the night of January 4, he left without explaining the reasons. During the day, the young man left a message on his VKontakte page in which he wrote that he had forgotten his phone number with his friends. After that, no one saw Andrey.

It is possible that all four disappearances are related. This opinion is shared by Arthur Harutyunyan’s mother, who stated that her son could not have disappeared without warning his parents.

Mysterious stories are not uncommon in railways. One of these, which caused a lot of noise in its time, will take us to Italy at the beginning of the 20th century.

In the summer, July 14, 1911, from the railway station in Rome I set off on a “cruise”, a pleasure train owned by the Sanetti company. The passengers on the train were well-known Italians among the rich.

Surely, they were casually looking at the sights, discussing their business with fellow travelers, making deals, communicating with families as the train approached the kilometer-long (extra-long, by the standards of that time) tunnel. But everything mysteriously ended when the train disappeared into it. Because the other side never showed up...

The amazed railway workers, having discovered the mysterious disappearance, began a thorough inspection of the tunnel. But, to the surprise of all Rome, the train was never discovered. No traces of the crash, any remains, parts of the train, nothing. All 106 people disappeared into nowhere. Almost all.

Soon after a massive search of the tracks, two passengers from the ill-fated train were found. To say that they were in a state of shock is to say nothing. It took time for them to come to their senses. And later, each of them said the same thing:

“Suddenly, everything around was enveloped in a milky white fog. The closer we got to the tunnel, the thicker the fog became and soon turned into a real viscous liquid. We were in the vestibule when we were seized by a terrible attack of panic, and we jumped out as we walked.”

The poor fellows suffered for a long time from mental disorders, sleep disorders and psychological abnormalities, which were caused by severe stress. But over time they returned to normal. But the train never showed up.

Italian railway authorities decided to close the tunnel to traffic. Its entrances were blocked with stones. And during World War II, an aerial bomb hit the tunnel’s vaults, burying the mystery forever.


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The first such case described occurred in Ancient Greece: in the midst of the battle, one of the warriors, who was pierced by a dart, suddenly melted into the air. And in the place where he had just stood, his weapon, shield and fatal dart remained. In ancient times, such disappearances of people happened quite often, so those around them did not see anything unusual in them.
In the 18th century, the British diplomat Benjamin Bethurst mysteriously disappeared in Germany, returning home after completing an important assignment at the Austrian court. Along the way, he and a friend stopped for dinner at an inn in the German village of Pereljoerg. After dinner they returned to the carriage, but before the trip the diplomat decided to take a look at the horses. Before his friend’s eyes, Bethurst melted into thin air while he was stroking one of the harnesses. His friend was so amazed that he was speechless. When he came to his senses, he called the people at the inn for help. But no matter how much they searched for the missing diplomat, they could not find him.

In 1867, a mysterious disappearance occurred in Paris before the eyes of Dr. Bonvilen. The victim was his neighbor Lucien Boussier, a tall young man. That evening, Lucien went to the doctor to consult about the weakness he had developed. Bonvilen asked him to undress and lie down on the couch, which he did. Before beginning the examination, the doctor walked away for a second to take a stethoscope from the table, and when he turned to the couch, the patient was not there. Moreover, his clothes were lying on a chair nearby. Bonvilen immediately went to the neighbor’s apartment, but there was no one there either. The police, to whom the doctor reported the incident the next day, did not find the missing man. Where the naked man could have gone remains a mystery.

The most famous case of sudden disappearance of a person occurred in 1880 in America on the outskirts of the town of Gallatin in Tennessee on the farm of David Lang. After washing the dishes after dinner, the farmer and his wife Emma left the house. The woman went to the children playing in the yard, and the husband went to the horses grazing in the meadow. Moving a few tens of meters away from the house, Lang saw a gig in which his friend Judge Auguste Peck and his son-in-law were riding. The judge was also noticed by the rest of the household, to whom Peck always brought gifts. They shouted joyfully and began waving their hands at him. The farmer also waved to his friend and, without reaching the horses, turned and hurriedly headed towards the house to meet the guests. But after walking a few meters, David Lang suddenly disappeared into thin air in front of five witnesses.

Emma screamed, afraid that her husband had fallen into the hole. Then, together with the judge, his son-in-law and children, they walked around the entire field, especially carefully examining the place where David disappeared, but did not find any traces of him or holes. The search, which involved several dozen Lang neighbors and townspeople, also yielded nothing. A few months later, Lang's children noticed that the grass where their father disappeared had turned yellow. Subsequently, no plants grew there, no animals, no insects came close to mysterious place. All American newspapers then wrote about this disappearance. Many versions were put forward, but none of them could explain what happened to the farmer.
On July 30, 1889, the English newspaper "Daily Chronicle" reported that Mr. David Macmillan, a member of the family of the owners of the still existing famous publishing house Macmillan, while walking up a hill, waved to his friends and disappeared into thin air. Despite a thorough search and a reward, he was never found.
Especially many disappearances occurred in the northeastern United States in the vicinity of the town of Bennington in Vermont, which journalists even nicknamed the “Bennington Triangle” by analogy with the famous Bermuda Triangle, where ships and planes disappear without a trace. People in the Bennington Triangle disappeared right into their gardens and houses, on the streets and at gas stations.
On December 1, 1949, soldier James Thetford vanished in the presence of fourteen witnesses on a bus en route from Albany to Bennington. All the passengers saw him sit down in his seat and doze off immediately after departure. When the bus, which had never stopped en route, arrived in Bennington an hour later, Thetford was not on it. His bag was still on the shelf above the seat, and only a crumpled newspaper remained in the place James had occupied.
The youngest victim of the Bennington Triangle was eight-year-old Paul Jackson, who disappeared on October 12, 1950. He was playing in the farmyard. His mother went to the pigsty to water the pigs, and when she came out a few minutes later, her son was no longer there. The alarmed woman searched the entire farm and walked around the surrounding area, loudly calling for her son, but he did not respond. For several days, hundreds of police officers, rescuers and volunteers searched for the boy to no avail.
People are also disappearing in other parts of the United States: in 1975, American Jackson Wright and his wife were driving a Ford from New Jersey to New York. As he passed the Lincoln Tunnel, he noticed that the car windows were fogged up. Wright pulled over to the side of the road, stopped and asked his wife to wipe them down. Martha Wright got out of the car with a rag, walked up to the windshield and... disappeared. Not understanding what happened, the husband also got out of the car and began to look around. But the woman was nowhere to be seen. Wright was flagged down by a passing police patrol, who immediately began searching for Mrs. Wright. As in other cases, they were in vain.

Rare cases of such "evaporations", confirmed by witnesses, occur almost instantly, without any sound or light effects. It is possible that these people dematerialize, like characters in a science fiction movie, disintegrating into their component parts - molecules and atoms, which then undergo structural changes. Moreover, everything happens at the submolecular level, so those present do not see anything.

Currently, scientists cannot give an exact answer to the question of why and how these disappearances occur. Some researchers believe that just as black holes are formed in the Universe, capable of absorbing stars, their systems and even entire galaxies, exactly the same holes appear in humans at the submolecular level. They are the ones who absorb a person from the inside, leaving no traces of him.

Others believe that the disappearance of people is associated with aliens who abduct people to conduct experiments on them. However, these are all hypotheses, and the mysterious disappearance is still shrouded in mystery.
It is difficult to explain cases of disappearances that occurred right in front of witnesses. From year to year, people disappear in different parts of our earth, some of them appear alive after a certain time, some are found by the police. But there is also a group of missing people whose disappearance will remain mysterious phenomenon for all. Let's try to trace this phenomenon. Disappearances have occurred since biblical times. In the 17th century, the Novgorod Chronicles wrote about the disappearance of the monk of the Kirilov Monastery - Ambrose during a meal. A 15th-century chronicler wrote about one scandalous merchant, Manka-Kozlikha, who, in front of the entire people, disappeared on market day, right on the square of the Suzdal principality, to which the people said that “the devil took her.” In those days they thought that evil spirits controlled this.
There is no explanation for the phenomenon of people disappearing in full view of witnesses. One moment a man was walking along the lawn and in a second he was no longer there. Oliver Thomas from Rhayadar, Wales, in 1909, went out into the yard for a couple of minutes and headed to the well to draw water. The parents were in the house and, hearing a cry: “Help! They grabbed me!”, they ran out into the street, but saw no one, the boy disappeared. The victim of the disappearance was Lucien Bussier, a neighbor of Dr. Bonvilen. It happened in 1867 in Paris. Lucien went to the doctor in the evening to examine him and consult him about his weakness.
There are a number of assumptions about where people disappear. Perhaps they are sucked into “temporal whirlpools” when, having disappeared in their time, they appear in the future or past, researchers of anomalous phenomena speculate. Maybe this is dematerialization - disintegration into atoms with a sudden disappearance, and there is also a version that people are abducted by aliens in order to study and experiment on us.
On May 20, 1937, a trip around the world was made on a twin-engine aircraft with special equipment. The team consisted of pilot Amelia Earhart (first pilot) and co-pilot Fred Noonan. During the flight, observation was carried out from the ground. They flew over Florida, Brazil, Africa, India, Australia. We made a stop on July 2, refueled in Lae, New Guinea, and flew on. Later, there was the last radio message, very short, and the plane did not give any more signal. The search, in which the pilots, Earhart's husband, and family friends took part, was unsuccessful.
A brigade of prisoners, along with a guarding platoon of NKVD troops, disappeared without a trace in 1939 during the construction of one of the camps. It was 150 kilometers north of Krasnoyarsk, the area was all in swamps, people call that place Devil’s Kurgan. When the investigation into the disappearance was conducted, no evidence or clues were found that would indicate the escape of a group of prisoners. Only hats were found; there were as many of them as there were missing people.
There are known cases when entire settlements. In 1930, Joe Labelle, a miner, decided to visit one of the Eskimo villages located in northern Canada. He once worked not far from it, 300 km from Churchill. And so Joe entered the village and what he saw - it was empty, there were no people, silence everywhere. The impression was as if the villagers had disappeared somewhere instantly, having not completed their household chores. The fire was burning, the pots were filled with food, the dogs were tied and fed. Eskimo rifles stood loaded against the walls, and they never left the villages without guns and dogs. In the huts there were unfinished clothes with needles stuck in them. Labelle reported what he saw to the police, who spent a whole week looking for at least some traces of the disappearance of the entire village - nothing. Unusual phenomenon- this is what was written in the report on the disappearance of the Eskimos.
On the territory of China is located one of the mysterious deserts in the world of Takla - Makan, which translated means “If you go, you won’t come back.” There are many legends, mysteries, secrets hidden in it, as well as the fact that people, animals, vehicles disappear, and sometimes disappear in the area of ​​Lake Lob-Nor. It was there that in 1980, on June 17, they unsuccessfully hoped to find Peng Jiamu, who was the vice president of the Xinjiang branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the head of the study of the lake. The police with dogs combed every inch of the desert, and it is not small, but they found nothing.
Sergei Ktorov, a Russian researcher from Voronezh, discussing the disappearance of a person, given that there is a theory about parallel worlds, expressed his version of this phenomenon. “There are short-term moments of contact between the opposite universe and our world. In these moments, lasting negligible fractions of a second, the object “falls” into another world.” The most important thing, according to S. Ktorov, is that one day our entire world may end up in a parallel universe.”

A C-46 plane crashed while flying over the mountains in the United States in 1947. There were 32 people on board. And again, as in other cases, rescuers did not find any traces of the crew and passengers. Another story happened with a Brazilian businessman. Together with his wife, he was flying to visit friends for a holiday, but the Cessna plane, for some reason, crashed not far from the shore in shallow water. People who watched all this called rescuers. With great effort they were able to open the door, which was jammed - but the cabin was empty! Maybe the businessman threw his wife overboard and then threw himself out, but this is impossible, since the door was locked from the inside. Larger number evidence of a person's disappearance appears unexpectedly under mysterious circumstances. Tracing all the cases, scientists believe that they are all unique and there is no logical conclusion to them.
There is one simply fantastic story in the archives of the New York Police Department. And it happened in November 1952. In the evening, a driver driving his car hit a man who died on the spot. Moreover, witnesses and the driver himself said that the man suddenly appeared on the road “as if he had fallen from above.” The police noticed that the clothes the dead man was wearing were of an old style. The corpse was taken to the morgue. Everyone was also stunned by the fact that the identity card was issued 80 years ago. Business cards found in the things, cards indicating the profession - traveling salesman. Address, street indicated in documents, renamed more than half a century ago.
They also checked surnames in old archives and interviewed people with the same surname. I was surprised by the story of one old woman who talked about how her father left and did not return. She also showed a photo to the police (April 1884), which depicts a young man with a little girl. And that man is a copy of the one who was hit by a car on Broadway. After many years, people are thrown into a “time loop”.
Incredible interesting case recorded in the archives of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee. It happened like this: in the fall of 1972, a bus was traveling in Nizhny Tagil, in which a person disappeared before the eyes of many people. According to the testimony of witnesses and the story of the man's wife, they were driving on the back platform, talking. It was raining outside the window and there was a thunderstorm. The man had a nickel-plated metal pipe in his hands. At the moment of impact another lightning bolt they heard some kind of crash and the man disappeared into space, and the pipe he was holding in his hand fell to the floor. It seemed to many that the lightning strike was right near the bus.
USA. 1997, a family of 4: wife Millie Waldrug with her husband and the second with children, were traveling. On the way, we stopped at a cafe in New Mexico, where they ate, and while the head of the family was still eating, Millie and the children wanted to ride around the neighborhood a little on the road. And later no one saw them again. By the way, people have already disappeared on this road, and they became 17th on the list of missing people. All around, on the sides of the road there is desert and there is nowhere to turn left or right.
In London, everyone was shocked by the disappearance of millionaire philanthropist Peter Lampl. The police were forced to turn to residents asking for help in finding the millionaire. Leaving his home on Sunday morning, he never returned. Peter Lampl is the head of the Sutton Trust, which organizes summer courses for disadvantaged children at university centers in Oxford and Cambridge. Everyone is horrified and worried that Peter is missing. Relatives and employees are shocked - “This is not like him at all. He always strictly adhered to the established business schedule and let people know where he was and what he was doing.” The millionaire also had medications for depression with him, which he could not live without Lately. He even thought about going on vacation for a while, as there were problems in his family life.
William Nef is an illusionist who discovered the ability to disappear. While performing on stage, magician William Nef could somehow make visible objects and even animals disappear. And one day, when Nef was performing, he unexpectedly discovered the ability to disappear and appear again. He first performed this disappearing trick in the 60s in Chicago. Then it happened in his house, he simply disappeared into thin air and, before his wife’s eyes, appeared right in front of her. Well, the third time this happened at the Paramount Theater in New York, when Nef was performing, the audience was shocked by what they saw, the clothes on the magician and he himself dissolved and became invisible. Radio reporter Knebel was present in the hall, who later shared his impressions in the book “The Path Beyond the Universe,” where he says: the figure of Nef began to lose visible outlines - until it became completely transparent. But, what is most surprising, his voice did not undergo the slightest change, and yet the audience, holding their breath, listened to every word." Then Knebel writes about how the magician appeared again: a vague outline gradually appeared - like a careless pencil sketch."
There is still no explanation for such a phenomenon as the disappearance of a person; some researchers believe that aliens are involved in this; there is also a version of parallel worlds, talk of a spontaneous transfer in time or a “time loop”. However, all these are just assumptions, and the phenomenon remains a mystery, a riddle for everyone. Perhaps one day scientists will be able to answer the mysterious disappearance of a person. Time travel is considered a topic for writing in science fiction books. People who study time travel are always treated lightly, with humor, and even more so to those who work on developing a time machine. People are attracted to something unknown, unclear, something that scientists cannot yet explain. For example, when a person disappears unexpectedly, and then appears in some other place, but let's hope that in the future a great discovery will be made by man in understanding these inexplicable phenomena.

“When studying anomalous phenomena, it is important to maintain a critical attitude towards such information and carefully check it,” says Doctor of Technical Sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Rudolf Nesmelov. “I knew a woman who talked about her communication with her “brothers.” according to reason”, who abducted her straight from bed, about how she, obeying their “call”, walked 15 kilometers through the forest mud... Then, they say, she returned home - and her shoes were clean! She has no doubts about the veracity of these sensations arose." As a rule, when analyzing phenomena, it turns out that “bright spots of light in the sky” are atmospheric phenomena or the lights of a flying airplane. The "glowing balls" in the evening turn out to be planets - such as Saturn and Jupiter, often visible to the naked eye, and if you drive a car, the planet appears to be moving parallel to you.

Disappearing planes and ships, people disappearing to God knows where - all these, as a rule, are jokes, pranks or hallucinations. Objective evidence that stories of disappearances are based on real facts, No. However, this does not mean that miracles are impossible: they often have a clear scientific explanation. For example, scientists from the Biophysical Center at the Research Institute of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation are conducting very interesting experiments in the field of quantum teleportation - the instant transfer of information about a biological object over any distance. For now, the objects are laboratory mice, but the results already allow us to draw a conclusion: what Albert Einstein predicted a hundred years ago, and then played out many times by science fiction writers, is quite possible. It is impossible to exclude the possibility of controlling the passage of time, moving in it, as in space. There are serious works about this by astronomers who study the laws of life of the Universe. All this, although practically unattainable for now, does not at all contradict the current laws of physics.

As soon as a person or group of people disappears without a trace, the construction of various, sometimes supernatural, versions of what happened begins. The people in this collection disappeared once and for all, and their stories have already become the stuff of legends and rumors.
Every year hundreds of thousands of people disappear around the world; in Russia alone, about one hundred and twenty thousand people disappear a year - think about it, this is a whole city, and a rather large one.
Of the 120 thousand people who disappeared last year alone, the majority were men - almost 59 thousand. 38 thousand are women, 23 thousand are minors and small children.
But what is surprising is that, according to statistics, even traces of a quarter of the missing are never found - these people simply disappear...
I bring to your attention a selection of the most mysterious and inexplicable disappearances of people recorded in history.

1763 England, Shepton Mallet. Owen Parfitt, 60, sat in a wheelchair in his sister Suzanne's yard. When the weather began to deteriorate, Suzanne and her neighbor went out into the yard to help her brother return to the house. But he was not there. Owen's coat lay lonely in the chair. Where could a person go who was virtually unable to move independently?

The most famous disappearance in the world is that of British Ambassador Benjamin Batuste to Germany, which occurred on November 25, 1809.
1809 Germany. British diplomat Benjamin Bathurst (1784-1809), who disappeared between Berlin and Hamburg. He and his companion were heading to Hamburg. On the way, they stopped for lunch at a hotel in the city of Perelberg. After eating, the men returned to the crew waiting for them. The nobleman left a little earlier than his servants to the horses and no one ever saw him again. There was an assumption that he could have been kidnapped by the French. They decided then that he was stolen to demand a ransom. But until mid-December there was no demand for a ransom and no news about the fate of Batuste. Then for the search his wife began. At first, she identified all the corpses found since November 25, but did not recognize them as her husband. Then Batuste's fur coat was found in the annex of the peasant Schmidt's house. On November 16, two women brought Batuste's trousers, which they found in the forest, to the police. Police decided that Batust disappeared on his own initiative.Later it turned out that Batust left the fur coat at the hotel, and it was taken by the mother of that peasant, when she found out about the disappearance, she worked at that hotel. In March 1810, Mrs. Batust searched all the surroundings of the city of Perleberg with a detachment of soldiers and dogs. But I never found anything. In April 1852, the hotel building was demolished and a skeleton was discovered near the stable gate. The back of the head was pierced by a heavy object. But finding out who this person was before was not possible at that time. Although they determined from his teeth and crowns that the man was not poor.

In 1920-1950 Strange disappearances have repeatedly occurred in Bennington, Vermont. From 1945 to 1950, near a place called Long Pass, seven people disappeared without a trace. The body of only one of them was found.
"Bennington Triangle" is a phrase first used in 1992 by writer and folklorist Joseph Seatrow to refer to an area in southwestern Vermont. The exact boundaries of this anomalous zone are unknown, but it includes the cities of Glastonbury, Woodford and Somerset - once quite large industrial settlements, abandoned by people due to the decline of the timber industry in the region.

The first documented case of a missing person in the area occurred on November 12, 1945. On this day, 74-year-old Middie Rivers, who led a group of 4 hunters, went missing. He moved away a little from his comrades, after which no one saw him. The search party found only a rifle cartridge in a nearby stream. Perhaps it fell out of Middy's pocket when he leaned towards the water to quench his thirst or wash himself. No signs of a struggle or other objects of the man could be found. Middy Rivers was an experienced hunter and fisherman who knew the area well, and could not simply get lost.
On December 1, 1946, 18-year-old student Paula Jean Welden disappeared while hiking. She was the eldest daughter of the famous engineer, architect and designer William Archibald Welden, and her disappearance attracted much public attention. The FBI got involved in the case. A survey of witnesses yielded little results: a group of tourists saw Paula on the Long Trail in the evening. Detectives believed that the girl was crossing the forest, but got lost as dusk fell. FBI, police and search parties They combed the entire area, but did not find even a hint of the missing student.
In 1949, veteran James Tedford disappeared in the same region while returning home by bus from a trip to visit relatives. According to witnesses, the man was last seen on the bus at the last stop before Bennington, but there was no trace of James. The transport arrived in the city with his luggage, but without him. On the seat, next to the veteran’s things, there was an open brochure with a bus schedule, where James had disappeared – a mystery.
On October 12, 1950, 8-year-old Paul Jepson went missing while riding in a truck with his mother. At one of the stops, his mother was briefly distracted, and during this time Paul disappeared. Searchers found no trace of the boy, although he was wearing a bright red jacket that was easy to spot. With the help of dogs, we managed to follow his trail to approximately the same place where Paula Welden was last seen 4 years earlier.
On October 28, 1950, the last officially confirmed disappearance of a person occurred. 53-year-old Freida Langer and her cousin went camping from a camp near the city of Somerset. After she tripped and fell into the creek, she told her brother that she would return to camp to change clothes. This was the last time she was seen alive - the woman never made it to the camp. Over the next two weeks, 5 search expeditions were undertaken with the participation of aviation and more than 300 search engines, which did not yield any results. However, on May 12, 1951, Freida Langer's remains were found at a site that had been thoroughly explored by searchers 7 months earlier. Due to the long period of time that had passed since her death, the cause could not be determined.
According to one version, the missing were killed by a maniac who committed his crimes at a certain time of the year, when his mental illness worsened. According to another version, sectarians were involved in the case.

1971, England. Another disappearance in one of the most mysterious places world - the famous Stonehenge. At that time it was not protected from outsiders and a group of hippies decided to camp near these charming stones
Several people decided to spend the night in the center of the structure, setting up tents there. At night a storm broke out. Suddenly, Stonehenge was illuminated by a bright blue flash. Two witnesses, a farmer and a policeman rushed to Stonehenge, thinking they would find the wounded there. But they didn’t find anyone. The young people were never found - neither alive nor dead...

Dorothy Harriet Camille Arnold (born Dorothy Harriet Camille Arnold; 1884, New York, USA - missing December 12, 1910, ibid.) - American socialite and heiress to a perfume company.
The disappearance of Dorothy Arnold caused a lot of controversy and rumors in American society and became one of the most mysterious in US history.
At 11 a.m. on December 12, 1910, Dorothy Arnold left her room, located on the second floor of the Arnold house, and went down the stairs. Before her daughter left, Arnold's mother offered to keep the girl company, but Dorothy politely refused. When Dorothy left, she did not take any luggage with her, and the girl had only $25 in cash, while her monthly allowance, assigned by her father, was $100. The day before, she withdrew $36 from the bank to join her friends for lunch.
On her way west along Fifth Avenue, Dorothy met several acquaintances. Subsequently, they all recalled that Arnold was in excellent spirits and was heading towards the Park and Tilford candy store on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 27th Street. The last place Arnold came into public view that day was the bookstore at 26 Via Brentano. Here she bought Emily Calvin Blake's humorous book of epigrams, Notes from a Busy Girl, which she also paid for with a family loan, and met her friend, Gladys King. She waved goodbye to Gladys. This happened at two o'clock in the afternoon, and since then no one has seen her. King later recalled that before they parted, Dorothy told her that she was going to go home through Central Park. However, there is a further version of events, according to which Arnold, having left the bookstore, went to a nearby travel agency, where she inquired about the departure schedules of ships from New York to Europe. She also asked the company's employees about prices and sales schedules, but in the end she left without purchasing a ticket.
Subsequently, all versions, ranging from memory loss due to injury, as well as murder and suicide, were refuted. The disappearance remained unsolved, despite the fact that Dorothy's parents spent about $100,000 on the search, which was a huge amount at that time.

One of Britain's greatest unsolved mysteries is the disappearance of three lighthouse keepers on the Scottish island of Flannan in December 1900.
The day after Christmas, a transport ship arrived on the island. To the surprise of the crew, the lighthouse keepers, as usual, were not waiting for them on the small pier of the island. After sounding the sound signal and firing flares, they still did not notice any activity on the island. Ultimately, the ship's crew sent a replacement lighthouse keeper, Joseph Moore, to check it out.
As he approached the door, he saw that it was unlocked. As he stepped carefully, he also noticed that two of the three waterproof jackets usually kept in the front room were missing. When he reached the kitchen, he found the remains of food and a chair lying on the floor. The clock in the kitchen stopped. The lighthouse keepers were nowhere to be seen.
Further investigation revealed disconcerting recent entries in the lighthouse log. The entry for December 12 was written by a custodian named Thomas Marshall. In it, Marshall claimed that the island was hit by such strong winds, which were worse than anything he had seen in his life before. Although the lighthouse was strong enough to survive any storm, Marshall wrote that the chief keeper, James Ducat, was very quiet. The third keeper, William MacArthur, was an experienced sailor and a notoriously hardy brawler with a penchant for brawling in taverns. The log entry noted that he was crying at the time.
Further records stated that the storm continued to rage for several days in a row. Safe in the lighthouse, the three men nevertheless began to pray. The last entry read: “The storm is over, the sea is calm. God bless".
At the same time, the main version is still death during a storm, which may have been caused by some kind of accident, and the bodies were washed out to sea during bad weather.

The Parisian doctor Bonvilen was extremely surprised when he did not find Lucien Boussier in his patient’s office. In 1867, a mysterious disappearance occurred in Paris in the office of Dr. Bonvilen. The victim was his neighbor Lucien Boussier, a tall young man. That evening, Lucien went to the doctor to consult about the weakness he had developed. The doctor ordered young man undress and lie down on the couch, and he went to get a stethoscope. After a minute's absence, the doctor returned to the patient, but found only his things lying on the chair. The patient himself was nowhere to be found. He was also not at home, where the doctor went to take the clothes. The search for concerned relatives also yielded no results.

In the United States, there is a well-known story about how soldier James Thetford disappeared. The event took place on December 1, 1949 in the presence of eyewitnesses. Thetford, along with fourteen other passengers, was riding a bus from Albany to Bennington. Everyone saw that he sat down in his seat, read the newspaper and fell into a doze. The bus traveled non-stop for an hour. Nobody paid any attention to Thetford. When the bus arrived at its destination, one passenger was missing. It was James Thetford who disappeared. His seat turned out to be empty, and under the seat they found a bag with personal belongings and a newspaper that he was reading. How the passenger disappeared from the bus moving non-stop remained a mystery to everyone. The police investigation did not produce results.

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