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» Tactical RPG games for PC. The best tactical RPGs on PC. The Banner Saga series

Tactical RPG games for PC. The best tactical RPGs on PC. The Banner Saga series

The turn-based tactics genre is becoming relevant again.

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The turn-based tactics genre is becoming relevant again. The success of remakes of once popular games and successful companies on Kickstarter confirm this. New projects are released regularly, winning recognition from critics and ordinary users. In anticipation of the release of an unusual I'm not a Monster We have selected ten iconic and simply wonderful representatives of the genre. We warn you right away: it will not be in the top "Civilizations" And Master of Orion. We're talking about games that focus on small-squad combat—games that rely on intelligence, wits, and tactics to win. Intrigued? Then let's begin!

Tenth place - “Operation Silent Storm”

Who would have thought that the game was from a Russian developer? Nival will turn out to be a real hit and a trendsetter of the genre. Yes, probably many, because at that time the studio was already quite widely known. "Operation Silent Storm" talks about a special detachment during the Second World War. The spirit of a large-scale military conflict is felt every second, and the player, like a real commander, plans a foray into enemy territory.

Technically and gameplay-wise, the game in 2003 could surprise. True, at times the impression was spoiled by the appearance of ubersoldiers in exoskeletons. The fantasy elements are not to everyone's taste. Some opponents had almost cheating abilities, and the very appearance of unimaginable technology from the future confused the prevailing idea of ​​the game, which depicted in great detail the main confrontation of the 20th century. Otherwise, Silent Storm remains in the memory of many as a project that made a significant contribution to the industry.

Ninth place - Xenonauts

Xenonauts- excellent clone X-COM: UFO Defense. So excellent that we decided to put it in the top, and not the original game. The project turned out to be not a carbon copy, but rather a development of the ideas of UFO Defense. True, they looked alike, like identical twins. Again sprite graphics, albeit in high resolution, almost the same interface. The rapid response system detects a UFO, and off we go... First contact, and you are immediately plunged into a confrontation between special forces and aliens. In the first skirmish with aliens, most likely, you will lose your squad.

The game turned out to be incredibly difficult. Hardcore tactics will appeal to fans of that same X-COM, but definitely not to the mass player. Here everything is decided by preparation and development of a plan that you will have to follow step by step. And if something suddenly goes wrong, it’s a big deal. Extraterrestrial creatures easily take out fighters taken by surprise.

Eighth place - Laser Squad Nemesis

Series Laser Squad is not so well known in the CIS, but that doesn’t make it any worse. The very first game of the franchise could have been placed in the top, but we decided to focus on Nemesis.
Overall, it's a standard turn-based tactical action game, but with one twist... Laser Squad Nemesis is a multiplayer game. The outstanding game designer Julian Gollop, who by the way created the X-COM series, built a system that was then used for years.

This time the player can take on the role of both a defender of humanity and an alien invader. Here you can choose from powerful mechs, fast infantry, or a swarm of aliens. Roy literally. Everyone’s tactics are different, and the gameplay depends on who is in your squad. Some will have to get closer to the enemy and set up ambushes, while others will be able to dig in at a respectful distance and use powerful space guns along with telekinesis.

Unfortunately, Nemesis has not received any updates since 2006, but some enthusiasts still play it. No wonder, because the gameplay remains just as exciting even after years... Again, how many multiplayer turn-based tactical games do you know?

Seventh place - Into the Breach

From the creators Faster Than Light We were expecting something amazing. And for good reason. At first sight, Into the Breach It may seem simple, almost primitive, but don’t let the appearance scare you. This is a real gem of the genre with gameplay thought out to the smallest detail.

The game is reminiscent of chess in many ways, including visually. Your equipment is located on separate cells, while the ubiquitous bugs wait on others. But they have a whole bunch of chips that they can definitely surprise you with. For example, you make a move, and then it turns out that another enemy is crawling out of the ground. Right below you. Here you need to study tactics of all types and think through every move.

The gameplay changes radically, as soon as you replace the set of mechs in your squad. The only pity is that in terms of duration the project is almost as modest as in terms of appearance. But this is where replayability comes to the rescue. You can return to Into the Breach again and again, trying different, sometimes unobvious, tactics. For example, nowhere does it say that with a hook and a cable you can attract not only enemies, but also your own equipment. And this is just one hidden feature out of many!

Sixth place - Vandal Hearts

Through turn-based combat Vandal Hearts tells a story steeped in the spirit of medieval wars. While your squad is fighting on the battlefield, intrigues are being woven and conspiracies are being planned in the political arena.

The game is very similar to Final Fantasy Tactics, but it should be taken into account that in many ways it was Vandal Hearts that served as the source of inspiration for the spin-off of the famous series. The fighters on the team are unique, even if they fit within the framework of standard classes. But there is not a single unnecessary hero. The balance is calculated to the smallest detail. And for almost every new battle you will have to come up with new tactics.

At one time, Vandal Hearts became a step towards the development of the genre, intelligently implementing and sorting out the accumulated ideas. If you decide to play it now, it's unlikely to disappoint you... As long as you're not picky about graphics. Otherwise, this is a standard turn-based tactical role-playing game from the nineties.

Fifth place - Jagged Alliance 2

In due time, the second part of the series Jagged Alliance made a lot of noise, especially in the post-Soviet space. The sequel largely followed the formula of the original, but deepened it in every single aspect. The mercenaries have become more colorful, the interface and controls have become more convenient. There was no need to get used to the game; everything was done on an intuitive level. But I had to learn to fight. Hiring fighters, choosing perks and weapons - all this required attention and calculation from the player. But it was no less fascinating than the battles with the soldiers of the usurper Queen Deidrana.

And the banana state of Arulco itself then, in 1999, amazed many with the depth of its elaboration. You had to communicate with the locals, train the people’s militia, and the player’s actions affected the world. For example, returning to the battlefield, you could find ruins there, the bodies of defeated enemies and crows circling above them. Jagged Alliance 2 has become truly iconic. And proof of people's love are dozens of mods that were carefully passed on disks from hand to hand.

It's a shame that since then there have been only failed attempts to resurrect the great series. All hope for THQ Nordic. Although... there's not much hope.

Fourth place - Shadowrun: Hong Kong

Shadowrun not like most of the games in the top. This is not only a turn-based tactics game, but also an advanced role-playing game, moreover, in a unique setting where cyberpunk is intertwined with fantasy. Here, elves wear formal suits, dwarves hack security systems, and orcs are armed not with axes, but with shotguns. The main difference between this Shadowrun and previous parts of the series is that Hong Kong is an order of magnitude larger. And we are not talking about square kilometers, but about the opportunities that the game provides. Here you have a whole field for tactical tricks, and a lot of branching dialogues. And the game is written superbly... Almost the same way it was designed. Except that the script sags in places.

The gameplay of the game is reminiscent of the same Jagged Alliance: you prepare a squad, select fighters, and so on. But on the battlefield you have to act differently. You don't have a squad of mercenaries, but thugs from Hong Kong. Every second contraction begins slowly. You are looking for ways to solve the puzzle, looking at how to get out of the next difficult situation... And then suddenly everything seems to accelerate, and the tangle instantly unravels. This game has a special dynamic.

Third place - Invisible, Inc.

A game that many critics called a design miracle. Yes, in many ways this is a copy of other tactical games. You will have to hide, sneak and deceive enemies using standard techniques for the genre, but... The way Canadian developers from Klei Entertainment skillfully tie stealth into turn-based mechanics is amazing.

Each level is a challenge for attentiveness and ingenuity. You are not led by the hand, but given a whole bunch of options to choose from. The entire game is preparation for one final mission. This is both plot-driven and well-executed. In the scenario, your intelligence organization was attacked and some of the agents were captured. You have only two operatives at your disposal. Yes, as the game progresses you can free a couple more, but if the available fighters are killed, then that’s it. Start the game again.

Gameplay in Invisible, Inc. came out fresh and dynamic, but it is not the main advantage of the game. As we have already said, design is at the forefront here. The developers masterfully used colors and shapes, creating their own unique style. This is what will make you replay Invisible, Inc. Every now and again. Fortunately, mission details and levels are procedurally generated for each playthrough.

Second place - Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin was a pleasant surprise for all fans of old-school RPGs. But the sequel not only was not inferior to its predecessor, but also surpassed it in all respects. brainchild Larian already takes pride of place in the lists of the best projects of the last decade, and we even named it the best game of last year. Excellent mechanics, well-developed and deep mythology and excellent graphics. All this about Divinity: Original Sin 2.

Yes, yes, it is X-COM that comes out in first place. But this should not be surprising. It was this series of games that largely influenced the turn-based tactics genre. And you’ve heard its name more than once in the top.

The original game from the nineties could easily have come in first place, but Enemy Unknown deserves a high title no less. After all, it is this part of the franchise that is responsible for returning the genre to its former glory.

Firaxis Games They didn’t just revive what was created twenty years ago. No, they became a real example for all remake creators, giving new life to the original idea. The game retained the atmosphere and spirit of that very X-COM, but was modernized and adapted for modern players.

The gameplay has changed and become more intuitive. Fights with alien invaders drag on and don’t let go. In addition, looking for a way out of stalemate situations is now much more exciting. Hardcore is accurately and accurately mixed with accessibility.

There are many varieties of aliens, and they are all unique. Each battle with them turns into a separate little story that could pass for an episode of a science fiction series. And if you also study the dossier of your fighters, it can turn into a real drama. From first contact to the end of the campaign, you can lose a lot of operatives. And every loss is perceived as personal. In order for as many comrades as possible to remain alive, you will have to learn the habits of the enemy and the abilities of all your fighters.

The global part is no less fascinating. Management will take a lot of time, but will give you a lot of emotions. It’s worth mentioning the design of Enemy Unknown, which is now being copied by everyone.

Hi all! There are a lot of charts on the Internet where they review strategies, including turn-based strategies. We decided to go further, bringing to your attention a hodgepodge of the best, in our opinion, video games with turn-based battles. We will present it for our convenience and your interest, in the form of TOP-20. We thought for a long time, doubted, rearranged the contestants, deleted and added new games, but in the end we finally brought the TOP to the final form. If you like games with turn-based combat, we think you will be interested in checking out what we have prepared for you. If no one objects, we'll start.

20th place. Gorky-17.

This game was played only by those who are now over 30. In front of you, although visually outdated, is a very interesting role-playing strategy with turn-based, tactical battles, excellent voice acting and a good plot. Those who played it in their youth many years ago can now easily shed tears of emotion. Of course, there were great monsters, a great atmosphere, interesting characters, and most importantly, the need to think about every new move as if you were playing chess. In general, based on a combination of factors, it has a clear place in our hit parade.

19th place. Wasteland 2.

This game had huge potential. Many were waiting for it, but in the end a miracle didn’t happen, and instead of a masterpiece, we saw just a strong average movie with cliched locations, monotonous battles and a lot of conventions such as the unreal openness of the world. However, this does not negate the fact that the game turned out to be quite good. And fans of collective, turn-based battles, where you need to control an entire combat squad at once, may easily like this.

In Hard West we were offered an explosive mixture of Western and diabolical mysticism.

18th place. Hard West.

We personally didn’t expect anything from this game, but it turned out to be of surprisingly high quality. This is one of the most unusual games present here. Agree, the Wild West with its cowboys, saloons and the Gold Rush, where the Devil himself came, recruiting sectarians, turning people into demons and creating various satanic outrages - looks very unusual. As a result, the already excellent cowboy shootouts, the better of which we have seen only in XCOM, are accompanied by a demonstration of skills that have little in common with the usual spaghetti western. Here you have devouring corpses, shooting with silver bullets, turning into a demon and other mystical possibilities. We really enjoyed.

17th place. Darkest Dungeon.

At the time of this writing, this gothic, dark adventure is the most popular game on Steam with the “Turn-Based Game” tag. This very complex game, with a touch of rogue-like in its gameplay, won a lot of prizes at the end of 2015, despite its status as an early version. The game developers invite you to assemble a team of fighters and go on a dangerous adventure through dark dungeons. The nuance is that each fighter has not only strengths, but also weaknesses that affect the outcome of the battle, so the gamer will have to keep in mind many factors, led by the so-called Psychosis System. In general, very unusual and quite interesting.

16th place. Temple of Elemental Evil.

Very few people remember this game, but it is, in our opinion, one of the best examples of adventure in the world of Dungeons & Dragons. The game was remembered for its atmosphere, categorical step-by-step approach and high complexity. Gather a squad of five heroes and set out on an adventure. In those days, developers did not lead gamers by the hand, and did not tell them where to run and what to press at every step, and this gave the game an additional flavor. In general, a well-deserved, turn-based veteran.

15th place. The Banner Saga.

The second part of this game will arrive soon, and the admiration surrounding the first part still does not subside. The developers of the Saga will invite you to plunge into the world of Scandinavian myths with all their Naglfars, Odins and Ragnaroks. Personally, we really like the fact that the game is hand-drawn. This gives her style uniqueness. Well, the fact that getting used to it is as easy as shelling pears does not change the fact that the battles themselves are quite complex, and you need to think before each new move. In short, although not a masterpiece, it is a very, very high-quality representative of the turn-based genre.

14th place. Revolution Under Siege.

After a bunch of role-playing games, it finally came to strategies. This game is unique in its own way, since its events take place during the civil war in the Russian Empire. Among our gamers, the project is known as Civil Heroes: Reds vs. Whites 1918-1923. The game, needless to say, is completely unknown to the general public, but those who don’t mind touching that troubled era will definitely like this strategy. The main thing is not to give it up right away, since the rules for a beginner may seem very confusing.

13th place. Europa Universalis IV and Crusader Kings 2.

This is the first and last time we feature two games at once. Honestly, we couldn’t decide which one is better. Here, in our opinion, is a classic version with a dispute about the taste qualities of plums and apricots. Some people like the early Middle Ages, while others prefer a later era. Europe 4 is more difficult. Kings 2 is easier, but the differences don’t end there. What unites these turn-based strategies, perhaps, is that before you sit down to play one of them, you need to actually study the training materials, because the rules of the games are very confusing, which, of course, does not negate the fact that in its genre it is best samples.

12th place. Age of Wonders 3.

And again the strategy. We decided to take the most recent, third part, but this does not mean that the previous two were worse. Quite the opposite - many people like them better. Be that as it may, here is one of the most famous game series, which, if it loses to the leaders of the genre, which we will talk about a little later, then only slightly. It has everything we love: pure fantasy, an abundance of skills and abilities, wide tactical possibilities in battles, as well as several unique races. You need to play this for weeks and months, and if you don’t have time, then it’s better not to sit down at all. A definite place in our TOP.

The creators of Arcanum will force players to choose between magic and technology.

11th place. Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.

We know. We know that this is not a pure turn-based game, but, nevertheless, the opportunity to conduct battles in turn-based mode is also available here. The world of this game is one of the most unusual, vibrant and memorable. Here we have an intricacy of magic and technology, whose representatives are at enmity with each other, and dream of wiping out their ideological enemies from the world. Your hero will have to decide which side he will choose, and, of course, resolve his important issues. The plot is completely non-linear, equipped with an open world, real, deep dialogues and other old school things. In short, a game close to genius.

10th place. Divinity: Original Sin.

This is one of the best games of 2014, and probably the best game in its genre in the same year. For all fans of fantasy with an emphasis on collective battles, when you have a combat squad of magicians and warriors at your disposal, this game is definitely recommended. And if for some reason you, being a fan of the genre, have not yet played it, then be sure to fill this gap before the game makers release the second part.

9th place. Pillars of Eternity.

Here, as well as in the next two positions, we will present a not entirely turn-based game. What distinguishes the Pillars of Eternity from a 100% turn-based approach is that the battles here are conducted in real time, but there is the possibility of activating a tactical pause, and in fact, the gameplay features, willy-nilly, force the gamer to constantly press the spacebar, activating a tactical pause in order to issue new commands to his heroes. Otherwise, the game, although not a masterpiece, is a very good take on the old school fantasy style, with a deep plot and excellent graphics.

8th place. Icewind Dale.

A game similar to the previous one: also real time, but with a tactical pause. We don’t presume to say which part of Icewind Dale is cooler, but definitely, since we already had Divinity and Pillars of Eternity, this game has no right not to be mentioned. A solid masterpiece for decades. Piece material, made with soul. An unconditional hit of its genre.

7th place. Baldur's Gate.

With this game we complete our micro-TOP, consisting of three fantasy RPGs, which can be classified as turn-based battles purely technically. Everything here is the same as in Icewind Valley, only more global and more thoughtful. Baldur's Gate is a deeper, more richly made game than its competitors of those years, a game that has become a hit of all times for good reason. The only thing you might not like about it is the need to read a lot. Therefore, this RPG, frankly speaking, is not for everyone.

6th place. Disciples 2.

When talking about turn-based combat games, we can't help but mention this one. Followers began as a budget parody of one more widely known game to all of us, but in the end its creators were able to prove their own uniqueness and personal, unique atmosphere. In our opinion, the third part was not very successful, the first one had too simple gameplay, but part No. 2 turned out to be the most successful. Excellent, atmospheric fantasy, with a unique visual implementation - a fair participant in our hit parade.

5th place. Sid Meyers Civilization 3 and 5.

From this place we already have real heavyweights. In our opinion, it was the third and fifth parts of this turn-based strategy that turned out to be the best. There are no battles as such here. Their result is calculated instantly, but this does not negate the fact that Civilization has taken, is taking, and will take weeks and months of life from people. Sleepless nights and unlearned lessons are just about her. No one has yet created anything of higher quality in this genre and style.

Worms Armageddon is an example of an unfading and eternally relevant classic.

4th place. Worms Armageddon.

Yes Yes. What did you think? Of course, we would not forgive ourselves if we forgot about the legendary Worms. Years have no power over this game. Just install another HD mod and you can start fighting again. The game is simple in its genius, and at the same time provides players with a huge scope of action. Resourcefulness, eye, the ability to think tactically and strategically, as well as perform certain mathematical calculations - this is what the gameplay of this masterpiece is based on.

3rd place. XCOM: Enemy Within.

When talking about tactical, turn-based strategies with a role-playing twist, it would be unfair not to mention this game. We don't yet know whether XCOM 2 will leave its place in history, but the previous part, along with Enemy Unknown, is an unconditional masterpiece, of which there are few. Compared to this, all competitors, whose gameplay involves controlling a combat squad in turn-based combat mode, look faded. Great and phenomenal!

2nd place. Fallout 2.

This game has been talked about and talked about. There are absolutely no people indifferent to her. It is either not understood or considered one of the most brilliant games of all time. The turn-based battles themselves are very interesting and varied, although they have a number of conventions that negatively affect realism. But everything else in the second, and even in the first part of Fallout, is at heights unattainable for the current gaming industry. Technological post-apocalypse, open world, complete non-linearity and a great plot - factors, the combination of which should have given the game first place. It should have been, if not for one equally brilliant competitor. Let's meet!

1 place. Heroes of Might & Magic III.

If I personally needed to take one game with me to a desert island, I would take this one, after pumping it up with several hundred fan cards. Many people like the second part, some like the fifth. Some even find the, in our opinion, disastrous seventh interesting, but a classic remains a classic. Everything about Third Heroes is great: sounds, music, maps, plot, gameplay depth, an amazing degree of replayability, smart opponents, the presence of a cooperative mode, beautiful, timeless graphics, and most importantly, great turn-based battles. In general, a clear winner of our hit parade.

This is the material we got. If you have something to say, if you think that we have forgotten someone, please comment. This was the TOP 20 of the best representatives of the gaming industry with turn-based battles. Play only good games. All the best, and see you again.

In this review, we will analyze the TOP 10 turn-based strategies with tactical elements.

This type of game is distinguished from other turn-based strategies by a clear bias towards tactical actions and the virtual absence of such things as traditional for conventional strategies, such as the construction of buildings and economic development.

10. Laser Squad Nemesis

Nemesis is a continuation of the franchise, released in 2002. So, before us is a classic tactical strategy with a turn-based combat system in which players give orders to their units. Each turn the player gives orders to his troops, and can view the expected result of his actions.

Orders from both players are sent to the server and processed simultaneously, and the results of the battle are sent back to the players.

At the same time, the game has a single company and other modes. There are also four races in the game, including a race of aliens who rely on their numbers, a race of aliens with expensive weapons, energy weapons and mind control technology. In the last part, the graphics, of course, were improved. However, you shouldn’t expect any special beauty. They didn’t really bother with the plot at all.

9. Incubation: Time is Running Out

]A hit with a capital H and one of the best turn-based strategy games on PC. The original game was released already in 1997, and in Russia - only in 2005 with a good translation and voice acting.

According to the plot, people mastered interstellar flights and began to explore other planets of the solar system to build colonies. The main events take place in the Nostalgia colony. We will have to fight not alone, but as a whole detachment. Initially, 3 fighters and 5 cells are available. Fighters can also interact with objects on the map.

Units have skills such as physical training, skills with light and heavy weapons, engineering and medical skills, as well as leadership abilities. Fighters' skills automatically develop when purchasing weapons and equipment.

Apart from a great single, Incubation It can captivate you with a good multiplayer game. Graphics, sound, as well as AI did not disappoint. The game is a classic and recommended to anyone who wants to remember the old days.

8. Silent Storm

The game was released by a Russian studio Nival in 2003. Silent Storm- a project in a rare combination of tactics, strategy and RPG. The most amazing thing is that all the elements are organically woven into each other and present an organic and inseparable picture.

In the yard, 1943 is the height of the Second World War. Allies and Russian countries organize groups of saboteurs to work behind enemy lines. But in the course of their actions, they find out that there is a third - much more powerful - party in the world. International secret terrorist organization Thor's Hammer. The player controls a special forces squad of six people. You can select a team to suit your taste.

Each side has access to an extensive card index with fighters of six professions - grenadier, soldier, sniper, medic, engineer and intelligence officer.

World Silent Storm is divided into three parts - a global map where you need to select a mission, a base where you fiddling with ammunition, and the missions themselves, which take place in a step-by-step mode. Moreover, the game has an element of nonlinearity. From time to time, forks in the plot arise, so you won’t be able to experience all the missions in one playthrough.

The game is a hot example of what our developers can do when they want. Several awards, including the best strategy of 2002, high marks from the press and a small but very devoted community - the game rightfully deserved everything. Fans of good strategy-tactics with an original plot and a huge variety of ways to play, please do not pass by.

7. Panzer General

Another turn-based strategy that launched a whole series of turn-based games. All actions of the game take place during the Second World War. The main goal is to capture all points on the map, for example, settlements or airfields. Units in the game are represented by different classes, such as infantry, artillery, tanks, self-propelled guns, air defense, fighter and bomber aircraft and navy.

All units have unique properties, so the types of units are characterized by impact strength, defense strength, firing range, ammunition, fuel reserves, and so on.

All this provides wide tactical scope for turning sketchy pictures into a real extravaganza of military operations.

6.Front Mission

Exclusive for Play Station and a truly rare guest for consoles. Tactical strategy about the world of walking mechs - vanzors. They can change spare parts, give them different weapons, load them, etc.

Vanzor battles take place on a miniature map, which is conventionally divided by cells. The player can place four characters of his team on the field, and they are also given the right to make the first move.

The game contains two scenario lines that are quite noticeably different from each other, which allows you to look at the same political events from different angles, revealing the personalities of the heroes in different ways. On some maps we even have to play for different sides of the barricades. The game is quite old, so you can't play it without an emulator.

5. Jagged Alliance

A series of tactical role-playing games, the first part of which was released back in 1994. The whole plot revolved around the small island of Metavira, which you had to occupy with mercenary forces during the game. Money for mercenaries had to be obtained by extracting and selling medicinal plants growing on the island.

The graphics are a top view of the graphics card. The game was captivating with a variety of characters - each with their own characteristics that can be developed, a wide choice of weapons and tactics when capturing sectors.

The second part raised the bar even higher, becoming a cult favorite among fans of turn-based tactics. It has managed to acquire a wide number of mods and is still played with a bang.

4. Demiurges

The only card game included in our TOP turn-based strategies.

The entire world of the Demiurges consists of ether. Everything around us is their ether. We ourselves will go there from there. Demiurge cards resemble cards from "Heroes"- towers, forts, mines, laboratories, monster caves, enemy castles, scattered resources, artifacts, global spells, and so on.

The enemy, just like you, can attack your castle, and the castle is your breadwinner, so you should not neglect its protection. This is the heart of the game. What could be more exciting than a confrontation between two lords who have taken command of one of the four races in one of a dozen arenas.

Battles in Demiurges have two phases - attack and defense. When attacking, the player casts spells, gives commands to the summoned creatures and chooses who will go on the attack. The enemy begins to defend himself, casting his spells and sending his creatures to intercept. Then comes his attack phase and the player must defend himself.

Victory can be achieved in a huge number of different ways. As for the economy, there are a total of 8 different types of resources available - all of them are used for only one purpose - the further purchase of spells, as well as runes that modify spells.

3. X-COM: UFO Defense

The series is known, remembered and loved all over the world. Here we have a classic mixture of turn-based strategy and tactical role-playing game.

The plot is this - unknown people are attacking the Earth, they are superior to earthlings in technology and are much better organized. A project was created to counter the threat X-COM, in which you are called to lead.

The graphics were simply wonderful for their ancient times. A bright world, lots of details, wonderful art - everything is made with love and pleases the eye to this day.

The battles in the game are turn-based, but the tension in the battle did not let go until the very end. On a tactical map, almost the entire environment can be destroyed to the ground if you have a sufficiently powerful weapon - this is very cool for a modern game, but for the nineties of the last century - something completely prohibitive.

In addition to the soldiers themselves, you had to manage a network of team bases, control the development of technical innovations based on the goods obtained from the aliens, as well as establish relationships with governments and understand statistical reports.

The result is an excellent game, which has a place not only on a museum shelf, but also in the heart of a gamer.


Those same worms that are sometimes classified as a separate genre of artillery tactical games. The first part appeared back in 1994.

Several generations of the series Worms, offering various combinations of graphical environments and tactical options, have been ported to almost all gaming devices. And there have been a lot of mods that expand the capabilities of the game.

In general, worms have become an integral part of the industry for a long time, which is not surprising - seemingly simple gameplay turned into outright madness, thanks to good humor, high-quality character animation and a spectacular special atmosphere. All this is in Worms.

The game is worth playing again and again, getting a lot of fun from hitting or missing.

1. XCOM: Enemy Unknown

In the 2012 remake, the sophisticated fighter control system underwent noticeable simplifications. However, neither tactics nor strategy have gone away, so it is no less captivating than before. And the fact that it has become more spectacular, player-friendly and intuitive has benefited everyone.

Only one thing has changed in the global map - previously we could build several bases and purchase several landing ships, but now we have both of them strictly in a single copy. Instead of bases, there are now orbiting satellites that detect UFOs. By concentrating the action within one base, the developers were able to make it more lively and filled it with interesting characters who communicate and argue with each other. They even introduced a story campaign that sets specific tasks for the player and adds tension. Otherwise, we have before us good old tactics, carefully transferred to Unreal Engine 3 so that the new generation can touch the classics of the genre.

Read more about the latest installment in this legendary series in our review of XCOM 2

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    ✪ 7 most anticipated tactical (step-by-step) strategies of 2018




general description

Similar to computer role-playing games, the player controls a group of characters with a set of upgradeable characteristics; he explores the game world, completes quests and engages in battles with various types of opponents. The battles themselves, however, are more similar to wargames: player-controlled characters and their opponents are placed on a map with a rectangular, isometric or hexagonal grid, along which they can move in turn order, taking certain actions. Victory in battle is determined by the success of the interaction of the characters and the correctness of the decisions made by the player in planning the battle.

It is important that tactical battles represent the main, if not the only part of the gameplay, and its other components (exploration of the world, peaceful interaction with NPCs, purchases in stores) are kept to a minimum and serve as additions to battles - the time spent in them is not comparable with the time carried out in the actual battles. Thus, almost all quests in tactical role-playing games are resolved by going through a chain of battles and some actions performed in these battles.


Tactics Ogre influenced that look much more tactical RPG that are recognized by gamers today, this includes games such as Final Fantasy Tactics And Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. Not only did the characters move individually across the battlefield grid, but the view was also isometric and the turn order was calculated for each character individually. Although this game defined the genre, it is not widely recognized among American gamers since it did not reach American audiences until several years later. Sequel to the original Tactics Ogre - Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis- was later released for the Game Boy Advance.

Generation of games for 32-bit consoles

The thirty-two-bit era had many iconic RPGs such as Vandal Hearts from Konami, Final Fantasy Tactics And Front Mission 3 from Square, and Shining Force 3 from Sega.

Final Fantasy Tactics, while it may be disputed, did the most to bring tactical RPGs to the US. [ ] Being developed by former employees of Quest, the developer responsible for the series Ogre Battle, this game combined many elements of the series Final Fantasy with gameplay style Tactics Ogre.

Tactical RPG on

Although the genre is represented by a significantly smaller number of games than on game consoles, it is not so exotic for this platform. Examples of TRPGs for a personal computer include a series of games X-COM, Jagged Alliance And Silent Storm. Tactical role-playing games on PC tend to have a much smaller role-playing component and a larger tactical component.

  • The Rebelstar series (1984-1988) and Laser Squad (1988), developed by game designers the Gollop brothers, were the predecessors of the more popular series X-COM. They were deprived of the economic elements and components of a global strategy characteristic of X-COM.
  • X-COM: UFO Defense (1992), which spawned the series of the same name, combines elements of grand strategy and tactical role-playing games.
  • Jagged Alliance (1994) gained enormous popularity and spawned a series of the same name, one of the most significant events of which was Jagged Alliance 2 (1999).
  • Incubation: Time Is Running Out (1997) was one of the first 3D tactics games.
  • Vantage Master (1997), developed by Japanese company Nihon Falcom, was not released outside of East Asia.
  • Gorky 17 (1999, published in the USA under the title Odium) was developed by the Polish company Metropolis Software and later continued with two games in the third-person shooter genre.
  • Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel (2001) was an unusual spin-off in the Fallout series. Its action took place in the central states of the United States destroyed by nuclear war.
  • Shadow Watch (2000), despite its unusual tactical system (action points were obtained by performing various actions themselves), was a commercial failure.
  • Freedom Force (2002) and its sequel Freedom Force vs. theThirdReich (2005) focuses on the adventures of a team of superheroes in a world reminiscent of the Marvel universe.
  • Soldiers of Anarchy (2002) is a real-time tactical role-playing game where the player controls a squad of mercenaries.
  • Games from the UFO series - UFO: Aftermath (2003), UFO: Aftershock (2005) and UFO: Afterlight (2007), although they are the ideological heirs of the X-COM series, are practically devoid of strategic and economic components and can well be called tactical role-playing games.
  • Access code: Paradise (2003) and its sequel The Authority of Law (2005) were developed in Russia. The action takes place in the cyberpunk world of the future.
  • Operation Silent Storm (2003), also developed in Russia, and its sequels - Operation Silent Storm: Sentinels (2004) and Hammer and Sickle (2005) - became prominent representatives of tactical role-playing games dedicated to the Second World War (with some fantastic assumptions).
  • The Battle for Wesnoth (2003) is an open source turn-based strategy game. It contains very significant role-playing elements and, with some reservations, can be called a tactical role-playing game.
  • Metalheart: Rise of the Replicants (2004) is a tactical RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world; it received very low critical ratings.
  • Shadow Vault (2004), developed in Slovakia, was also criticized in the European and American press.
  • Night's Watch (2005) and its sequel Day's Watch (2006) are tactical role-playing games set in the fantasy universe of The Watch.
  • Developed by the Russian company Apeiron, the tactical role-playing games “Brigade E5: New Alliance” (2005) and “7.62” to a certain extent copy the mechanics of the Jagged Alliance series.
  • JAZZ: Job for Hire (2007) was developed as another game in the Jagged Alliance series, but due to a break between the developers and the copyright holder, it was released as a separate game not related to this series.

Comparison with traditional RPGs

Tactical RPGs have several differences from traditional ones.

  • Tactical RPG tend to present more massive battles than typical RPGs. In a typical computer RPG, the player controls either one character or a party of six or fewer, fighting against a group of monsters or enemy characters of similar numbers. Tactical RPGs are more open-ended, often featuring battles between six heroes and eight or more computer-controlled opponents. In Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen, the player could control multiple parties, each of which could have up to five characters, thus allowing battles to occur between two armies, each with 25 characters or more. Recent games in the Super Robot Wars series have introduced the platoon system, which allows the player to group units into regiments; in the latest Alpha 2 mission, 76 player units are theoretically possible on the map. RPGs on PC are also diverse in this regard. X-COM 3 allows you to divide agents into groups.
  • In a typical console RPG, combat takes place on a static screen and does not provide room for maneuver, changing positions, flanking, etc. tactical RPG combat takes place on a map, usually isometric and divided into squares (and it resembles a chessboard) on which the characters can move. Each square usually represents some type of terrain and has attributes such as relative height, type of magical energy, difficulty of moving through it, etc. Thus, a sheer wall might be difficult to climb through, while a castle might have steps. The direction of the attack often affects damage and accuracy (so in , an attack from the rear is literally a hundred times stronger). In other words, proper maneuvering is extremely important in tactical RPGs, while the importance of maneuvering in a standard console RPG is often completely absent.
  • Typically, battles in console RPGs, depending on the game, are either turn-based (most Dragon Quests, Final Fantasy X), or in real time (series Tales of…, Star Ocean). Tactical RPG they are mostly turn-based to allow the player to gauge the difficulty and plan their strategies. In some tactical RPG there is a real-time element, like in Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen.
  • Some mainstream RPGs have de-emphasized character class ( Final Fantasy IX), and don't allow much flexibility regarding each character's combat role. Healers will always be healers, fighters will always be fighters, for example. Tactical RPG on the contrary, they tend to provide much more freedom, allowing the player to choose the class of each character, and even provide a system whereby classes change during the course of the game. Several milestones tactical RPG, including Dofus, Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth.
  • In both genres, there are typically two phases (or turns) per round: the player's phase (turn) and the enemy's phase (turn). During each of them, units of one team are able to move and attack units of the enemy team. The phase ends when all units have performed an action. Final Fantasy Tactics And Shining Force allow you to move only one character at a time, and Vandal Hearts 2 both phases are performed simultaneously.
  • In both genres, units can only move a limited distance and attack enemies within a certain radius.
  • In both genres, units are typically divided into classes with specific strengths and weaknesses. Exception: series Front Mission.
  • IN tactical RPG the first three concepts from 4X/4P(Expand, Explore, Exploit - Expand, Scout, Develop) are avoided in favor of a greater emphasis on battles (i.e. Destroy). Many strategy games have a separate tactical element for determining the outcome of battles, although these are usually on a much larger scale than in purely tactical games.
  • System tactical RPG carries out character statistics with such parameters as: hit points (hit points, HP), magic points (mana, MP or, in some cases, SP), attack, defense, speed and accuracy, which can vary from character to character. Attacks may also have elemental properties that grant strengths and/or weaknesses in areas such as bludgeoning, piercing, or heat damage.
  • Eastern tactical role-playing games typically use a swords-and-sorcery fantasy or hybrid world combining fantasy and sci-fi elements, while Western TRPGs tend to have a more realistic, contemporary military theme.
  • Most Eastern TRPGs were developed for game consoles, while virtually all existing Western TRPGs were developed for.
  • Eastern TRPGs are often relatively linear and committed to a specific plot, while Western TRPGs are more open-ended and rarely contain rigid plot boundaries.
  • Eastern TRPGs are characterized by the presentation of a plot connecting battles through plot scenes and character dialogues, sometimes quite voluminous and lengthy. Western tactical RPGs are often limited to brief briefings between battles.
  • Western TRPGs often have a world map with sectors through which you can travel in a fairly random order.
  • In Western TRPGs, there are usually significantly more neutral objects on the battlefield (not belonging to either the player or the enemy) that can be interacted with - for example, destroyed.

Tactical RPGs are an amazingly diverse genre that has absorbed so much that it is fit to write doctoral dissertations and organize scientific debates on it. Perhaps no other direction in games today provides developers with so much scope for creativity, and players with the freedom to make decisions and compose their own multi-moves, as these interactive adventures. But at the same time, they are also an unusual, fascinating test of intelligence and endurance.

And even if all this happens only on screens, a truly good tactical RPG on PC easily transports the player’s consciousness to other worlds and eras, forcing him to believe in the proposed game mechanics and laws (no matter whether they are extremely simple, or, on the contrary, cunning and confusing) , as the highest truth of the local, virtual universe. Making you worry, fear, get angry, admire, be moved and experience a whole range of other feelings and emotions, often suppressed for one reason or another in real life in front of living people. Yes, yes, good role-playing games with a tactical element successfully integrated into them are really capable of all this, and such a loud statement is not empty talk - this fact is confirmed by scientific research by sociologists and psychologists.

Well, enough of the eulogies, let's move directly to our top tactical RPGs. The only thing I would like to note in conclusion is the impressive number of really cool projects in this genre and their paradoxical dissimilarity from each other, which makes it difficult to clearly identify the superiority of one over the other. So take the positions proposed in the top as a convention - all the games presented here are good in their own way.

21. Silent Storm

The release of the turn-based tactical RPG Silent Storm in 2004 was a real breakthrough in the genre, the game was so rich in a variety of ideas. Moreover, almost all of them work here as originally intended by the developers; in other words, they have an extremely positive impact on the gameplay.

There is also a fascinating combat system based on realistic, reliably conveyed characteristics of damage to one or another part of the body and a solid set of weapons (about 70 units), and a wide selection of tactical solutions for each individual mission, and two factions to choose from, and an unusual setting ( mixing a real historical era, specifically, with science fiction). Even the plot has various development options and numerous branches, which even today is not found in purely tactical games as often as we would like.

All this is just a small fraction of the advantages of Silent Storm, which will definitely be of interest to gamers who do not put graphics at the forefront, but prefer the tactical element.

20. Fallout Tactics

An equally legendary game released in 2001 by Softworks (developed by 14° East), the events of which unfold in the Fallout universe, well known to millions of players.

The game, in fact, is very close to the first two parts of the series, but still has a noticeable bias towards tactical battles (although, if desired, they can be transferred to real time).

19. Commandos 3: Destination Berlin

A very unusual project from Pyro Studios, located at the intersection of several genres: , RPG, action, stealth, and even a little bit from .

The game has an excellent script, several unique types of fighters, the ability to use various equipment and even multiplayer. However, the main features characteristic of the game as a whole are the most gorgeous locations in their depiction and design, creating some kind of enchanting mood for the players. And this despite the fact that Commandos 3 was released in 2003, so the overall level of graphics and effects here is relatively low.

18. Jagged Alliance 2

Some readers may have noticed that previously this place was occupied by another game from the Jagged Alliance series, which got here more out of the principle of “making way for the young” than due to its own merits.

We discussed and decided to replace it with the “old man” Jagged Alliance 2, more worthy of mention in our top. And that's why.

Jagged Alliance 2 is a golden classic of tactical strategies, whose gameplay is characterized by unprecedented tactical depth due to the many details controlled by the player. There is the opportunity to assemble a squad by choosing suitable fighters from more than a hundred unique mercenaries, each of whom has not only a certain set of skills, but also their own character, which determines the reaction to all game events and relationships with other members of the squad. There is also an editor for creating your own character.

All events in Jagged Alliance 2 develop randomly, making each playthrough unique and unrepeatable, and the available missions can be completed in a variety of ways.

The only thing we must sadly warn you about is that this wonderful creation came out a very long time ago - in 1999. You can draw the appropriate conclusions yourself about its visual qualities.

But if you manage to put up with its graphics, which are more than simple by modern standards, truly incredible adventures and exciting tactical battles await you.

17.Hard West

A tactical game with elements of an RPG about, into which the developers (CreativeForge Games) managed to successfully incorporate elements and a touch of .

A beautiful picture, an interesting plot, an interactive environment (occupies a very important place in), a lot of side effects, characters, weapons and unique skills - what else does a game need to attract attention. Especially those who are interested in the theme of the Wild West and tactical role-playing games.

16. We Are The Dwarves

A very unusual game that stands out among all other tactical RPGs on several counts.

Firstly, the setting of We Are The Dwarves deserves attention, in the center of which were three brave dwarves who went to collect magic stones. It would seem that these guys belong right between fairies and, as well as other inhabitants of fantasy worlds. But no, our dwarves are “astronauts”, and they will explore “planets” lost in the “endless depths of space”.

Secondly, the game offers interesting gameplay, built on several innovative principles, which are difficult to describe; it’s better to see and try it all yourself.

And finally, thirdly, a hardcore game. Even too much. Perhaps only the most patient will be able to cope with at least its first quarter. Moreover, difficulties at each stage of the game will appear new and completely unpredictable.

15. The Banner Saga Series

A series of tactical RPGs from the Stoic studio, currently consisting of two games. Based on the Old Norse setting, which the developers added with their own creative ideas.

In addition, The Banner Saga is characterized by a pleasant, hand-drawn visual style, fairly simple and quickly learned combat mechanics, which, however, provide unimaginable scope for tactical combinations, and a fascinating concept of traveling through the local world, during which random things happen to the player every now and then. events that force you to make morally difficult decisions and are important for future decisions.

14. The Dwarves

Another tactical role-playing game whose main characters are dwarves. True, this time everything happens in a classic fantasy setting.

The game offers more than a dozen characters ready to join the squad of Tungdil (the protagonist of The Dwarves), interesting main and additional quests, a good plot based on the novels of Markus Heitz, and of course, intense tactical battles with dozens of different opponents.

13.Legends of Eisenwald

A role-playing game with tactical combat, made in . A stunningly detailed in-game world and a rapidly and unpredictably developing plot bring Legends of Eisenwald closer to such famous projects as Mount & Blade and King’s Bounty. The developers themselves call their creation a simulator of a knight errant.

The game features a large number of historically accurate units, types of equipment and weapons. Moreover, weapons can be selected individually for each fighter. Also, each member of the squad has a skill tree, allowing over time to turn him into a narrow-profile combat unit.

12. Valkyria Chronicles

A 3D tactical game with unusual visual design, a large number of characters and a complex storyline. Definitely will appeal to all lovers.

The game initially appeared as an exclusive for the PlayStation 3, but in 2014 a special version was released for Windows. The PC version also received a ton of additional in-game content.

In addition to the unique element of tactical strategy, Valkyria Chronicles has a deep RPG system: all fighters, and there are more than a hundred of them, are unique, for each it is necessary to select the appropriate equipment and wisely upgrade their abilities.

11. The Age of Decadence

An isometric tactical RPG from Iron Tower Studio, in the setting of which the ideas of the Ancient Roman Empire are intricately mixed, and also contains some elements of the post-apocalypse.

The main feature that sets The Age of Decadence apart from all isometric RPGs over the past few years is its incredible hardcore nature. Here the principle of “one mistake - and start all over from the last save point” is raised to the absolute level.

The graphics in the game, despite the release in 2015, look much older. However, Iron Tower Studio's locations and game objects turned out to be very convincing.

The plot and history of the local world deserve special praise, rich in many details and details, and contributing to an incredibly deep immersion in the game.

10. King's Bounty Series

A wonderful series of computer games, which is a mixture of RPG and RPG. Main features:

  1. A bright fairy-tale world that captivates with its beauty
  2. A fun story that pokes fun at fantasy tropes.
  3. Unusual quests
  4. Interesting, although not new, battle mechanics and a balanced role-playing system, the presence of several game classes

9. Shadowrun Series

A series of isometric tactical RPGs with an unusual setting that combines elements of fantasy and. By the way, the Shadowrun universe was originally created for the tabletop role-playing game of the same name, so the mechanics here were worked out very carefully.

All three games from the Shadowrun line are distinguished by an interesting, large set of races and classes, a classic role-playing and combat system that migrated here from the 80s, and also amazing.

8.Darkest Dungeon

Darkest Dungeon is a 2D RPG from Red Hook Studios, which also combines elements of tactical strategy and. The game is captivating with its turn-based combat system and a well-conveyed dark fantasy atmosphere. The latter is the merit of the artist-designers and sound engineer, who gave Darkest Dungeon an original visual concept and a powerful, soul-chilling sound.

In addition, the game boasts a unique system of the heroes’ state of mind: while exploring the dark depths, squad members are constantly stressed, suffer from various phobias, and can even develop a mental disorder. All this, of course, directly affects their combat effectiveness and behavior. By the way, the death of characters here is permanent.

Random generation is very important in Darkest Dungeon: it creates the structure of the dungeon, offers a list of characters available for recruitment, determines the reward for success, and so on. In general, roguelike at its finest.

7. Mordheim: City of the Damned

Another stunningly beautiful and exciting role-playing game in a dark fantasy setting (based on the popular Warhammer universe), but unlike Darkest Dungeon, it offers more traditional principles of gameplay. And here they are brought almost to perfection.

Four available factions, each with its own unique classes of fighters, a variety of weapons and abilities, a complex combat system that takes into account dozens of different nuances (distance, terrain, equipment, formation, luck and much more - all of this somehow affects the course of the battle), gloomy The atmosphere and impressive scenery of a city mired in bloody battles, multiplayer and single-player modes are the most obvious advantages that City of the Damned boasts.

6. Tyranny

A fun, story-driven RPG with an isometric view from . It is based on a huge, well-developed world with many opportunities for the player, a non-linear plot, a global role-playing system, the ability to take companions and much more. Including an excellent combat system with a tactical pause.

Overall, Tyranny fully meets the high gaming standards set by Obsidian Entertainment, and will be of interest primarily to fans of large-scale, wide-open RPGs for player interaction. But fans of tactics will also find a lot of interesting things here.

5. Xenonauts

A masterpiece from independent developers Goldhawk Interactive, it is a tactical role-playing game based on the X-COM series. The game adopted many mechanics from the named series, modernized and successfully supplemented them, bringing even more depth and tactical freedom to the gameplay.

The player will have the opportunity to take control of a paramilitary intergovernmental organization that protects the planet from the predatory attacks of alien aggressors.

All Xenonauts gameplay is divided into two parts:

  1. Tactical battles taking place in a turn-based mode. At the same time, the environment is constantly changing, depending on the mission being performed, and game events are never the same and consistent. I would also like to note the wide variety of enemies (about fifty types of alien opponents) and high locations, which have a tangible impact on the course of the battle.
  2. Wide-functional base management, allowing you to recruit personnel, conduct various research, expand the network of interceptors to fight enemy forces and equip your fighters with the best weapons. However, it will not be possible to upgrade quickly and comprehensively: players will have to constantly keep strict records of resources and maintain a balance between all the areas presented for the development of the base.

4. Wasteland 2

Continuation of the famous series of post-apocalyptic RPGs from Brian Fargo. Perhaps one could even say that this is the best project within the framework of a post-apocalyptic tactical strategy/RPG, where the player gets to take control of a squad of assorted fighters. All other projects either came out too long ago or do not reach the level of Wasteland 2 in terms of quality.

cult, has received deservedly high ratings in both Metacritic, and, it seems, one of the main contenders for the title of “Game of the Year”.

Original Sin 2 offers a traditionally diverse set of races and classes, a large number of quests, dialogues, the ability to choose from several options in almost every game situation, and much more.

We are primarily interested in the local tactical battles, which take place in a step-by-step mode and with the active participation of party members. As in the previous part, to successfully complete the battle, players will have to competently use the features of the environment, which has become even more interactive here. Plus, the element of luck will play an important role.

It’s also nice that Original Sin 2 has a 4-player option, allowing you to play as