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» One or another preference. Preference. About common sense

One or another preference. Preference. About common sense

Not long ago, a new book by the famous sociologist Duncan Watts, Everything Is Obvious: How Common Sense Fails Us, was published. In it, Watts offers a new perspective on the nature of human preferences.

“This is the most personal device we've ever created,” Tim Cook said of the Apple Watch. “You don’t just carry them with you—you wear them on you. That's why, when working on Apple Watch, we tried to create a device that could serve as a means of self-expression for the most different people" These words general director Apple makes it clear: the company strives to sell not only technology, but also a lifestyle.

Today people use gadgets not only for their intended purpose, but also as a kind of means of identification. But how exactly are these or those preferences formed in the consumer’s head? For much of the 20th century, the dominant view was that each person has a fixed set of preferences.

However, recent psychological research shows that in reality everything is not so simple. The type of wine a customer chooses may depend on the music playing in the store. Font size used for printing reference information on packaging, can influence the degree of confidence in this information. A person can repeat at every corner that he prefers “intellectual cinema,” but when he gets to the cinema, he makes a choice in favor of the next hyped blockbuster.

New research doesn't just confirm that getting reliable information about addictions target audience from its representatives it is not always possible. These studies lead us to wonder: Are there really fixed preferences, or is choosing between multiple options a process in which everything depends on “context”?

About common sense

Duncan Watts notes: common sense is often used as a tool to find the reason for actions taken. Common sense, for example, may tell a person who has consented to the use of his organs after death that this act characterizes him with the best side(even if in fact he just left the default answer in the appropriate form). Trying to find the reason for their actions, people often embellish reality.

Why is human behavior so difficult to predict?

The pattern of behavior that a person follows depends on many factors, one of which is the environment. According to Watts, it is extremely difficult to understand the logic of human actions without taking this factor into account.

Using abstract concepts such as “market” or “economy”, researchers often underestimate the importance of personal interaction between people. But it is precisely this interaction, which is sometimes very chaotic in nature, that provides the very “context” without which it is very difficult to analyze human behavior.

Disadvantages of Common Sense

Duncan Watts asks: why is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa the most famous painting in the world? Answering this question, most people would probably mention the mysterious smile of Gioconda. “In fact,” writes Watts, “the Mona Lisa is so famous simply because it resembles the Mona Lisa more than any other painting.”

For several centuries the portrait was known only to a narrow circle art connoisseurs. However, in 1911, a story happened that ultimately decided the fate of the painting. Mirror master Vincenzo Peruggia, who was an employee of the Louvre, decided to return the painting to Italy and stole it from the museum. As a result, Perugia ended up in a French prison, but for the Italians he became a real hero. These events attracted the attention of the press to the painting.

Marcel Duchamp created a piece called “L.H.O.O.Q.” in 1919, adding a mustache and goatee to the portrait:

“Mona Lisa” has been on the covers of newspapers and magazines for several years. The painting, which for hundreds of years was almost unknown to anyone, overnight turned into a cult work. But the legendary smile of Gioconda appeared long before Vincenzo Perugia committed the historical theft.

Here is another example of how common sense can lead to error.

Once, the famous American sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld proposed to consider the results of a large-scale survey of American soldiers conducted during the Second World War. Lazarsfeld focused on the fact that, according to the survey results, soldiers from rural areas got used to the realities of military life faster than urban residents.

It was easier for rural residents to get used to harsh conditions, since they were no less “spoiled” than city residents. Sounds logical, doesn't it?

However, in reality, the survey results indicated that city residents quickly adapted to the new conditions. Interestingly, this result is also quite simple to explain. Indeed, people living in cities get used to large crowds of people, as well as to a command style of management.

Paul Lazarsfeld:

“If the correct answer and the answer that is directly opposite it seem equally obvious, you should look into the criteria of obviousness.”

We know less than we think

In the final part of his book, Duncan Watts examines the main problems of strategic planning. One of these problems is that in some areas chance plays too much of a role.

Physical laws are stable, so scientists can predict when the next thing will happen. solar eclipse. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to predict the results of the World Cup with the same accuracy using a set of formulas.

Even if you have a significant amount of statistical information at your disposal, you will not be able to use it effectively unless you know which information is truly important and which is of secondary importance. It is obvious that the average percentage of possession over the last 5 matches is more than important indicator than the attendance at the national team's home stadium. But how do you understand, for example, what is more important: the average number of passes or the average number of shots on goal?

Watts introduces the concept of “strategic uncertainty.” You need to understand: you are not immune from failure, even if you have chosen the right strategy. In his book The Strategic Paradox, Michael Raynor cites the example of the MiniDisk, which Sony envisioned as a replacement for compact cassettes and a significant share of the global market. However, Sony management's plans went awry as the new medium suddenly had to compete with the Internet.

Another strategy described by Watts is called “study and react.” This strategy, for example, is used by the clothing chain Zara. The company does not try to predict what clothes will be in demand in the new season. Instead, Zara simply hires "agents" who go to shopping centers and find out what people are already wearing.

Using information about which styles, fabrics and colors are most popular, the company's designers create clothing items that are literally doomed to success.

The “study and react” strategy is also actively used by Internet companies. Google, Buzzfeed, Huffington Post and many other companies prefer to pre-test new features on a small group of users to minimize Negative consequences in case the audience does not like the innovations.

Duncan Watts:

“You shouldn’t overestimate common sense. When we're talking about about strategic planning, you must first rely on facts and reliable statistics."

“People themselves don’t know what they want until you show it to them,” he once said Steve Jobs. Yes, he may not have been thinking about “designing human desires” when he said those words. However, this phrase perfectly describes the approach that Apple takes today: the company does not sell products that people prefer, but creates preferences.

Whether people want it or not, their whole life consists of the fact that they need to choose this or that at a certain moment, to give preference. It's unavoidable. Therefore, it would be nice to know what it is. Let's look at the word itself and its synonyms.


“Preference” is a frequent guest in the everyday dictionary. The reader has probably often heard: “What do you prefer: tea or coffee?” And even without explanation, it was clear that a person was required to choose which drink would brighten up his lunch, dinner, breakfast, or help pass the time during a boring conversation at a party. There are only two meanings.

  1. Greater respect for a certain object, person or development of events, greater desire for a certain outcome.
  2. Same as taste or priority. The latter, in turn, itself needs clarification. Priority is the dominant place of something. This may be the first position of a scientist in the history of science. The advantage or predominance of a particular value. For example, if you give up your seat to someone on public transport, then the elderly and children have priority. The third meaning is political purpose. The reader can listen to examples in the news; officials love this word.


Naturally, the specific replacement depends on the situation. But we will provide everything so that the reader has a choice.

  • Respect.
  • Sympathy.
  • OK.
  • Taste.
  • A priority.
  • Value.
  • Wish.
  • Wanting.

The main thing when choosing is to maintain the harmony of the meaning and style of the text. Sometimes "preference" is not exactly the word needed to express the author's intent. It is worth paying attention to the fact that when they talk about approving something or someone, they often do not deal with the human mind. Even when it comes to respect, it is not always possible and should be about rational admiration for something. It also happens that a person is respected in spite of himself. For example, when athletes receive an opponent, they respect the stronger one, not the weaker one, although the latter has a better chance of winning.

Love triangle

An obvious example that will show what preference is concerns the well-known love theme.

There is a girl and two boys (the reader can mentally change it to another triangle if he doesn’t like this one). One from a good family is, of course, rich, with excellent prospects, and the other is poor, but ardent and ardent. His only advantage over his opponent is that he loves a girl. The choice of a young woman will depend precisely on her preferences and taste, which are also not formed randomly, but are rooted in her basic, systemic values ​​and life goals. How does she imagine happiness? What does money mean to her? What is the essence of love? Does she clearly understand the meaning of the word “preference”? This series can be endless.

Outwardly, this may be expressed vulgarly or stupidly. Or maybe the choice will be wise. The important thing is that even behind such an ordinary thing as love, there is a huge inner work of a person, which he himself does not fully understand.

Therefore, the sooner a person turns to studying his inner world, all the better. If he can clearly say what he likes, what he doesn’t like, what he is drawn to, then this, no joke, can save him from many problems in the future. The key to self-knowledge is words, including “preference” (we have already discussed the meaning). Language not only helps us buy bread and milk in the store, but also allows us to understand who we are and why we came into the world, that is, to determine our own, individual purpose of existence.

I offended you close person... there is no need to look for those who are right and wrong, it is more important to understand the differences between the parties to the conflict...

A loved one has offended you... It is not clear why, in response to your efforts to rectify the situation, he becomes even angrier. You don't deserve this. In the end, you can answer him in the same way! But you hold back, although it doesn’t make it any easier...

Typical situation in our Everyday life. You can give a lot of other examples, but they will all boil down to one thing: every day problematic situations arise at different levels of communication - starting with a beloved spouse and ending with an unloved boss (or vice versa). And here everyone gets out in their own way: someone reads recommendations in smart books, someone looks for an answer on the Internet, someone finds it easier to consult with friends, and someone relies only on themselves.

It is clear that the more a person has a choice of means to solve a particular issue, the more likely it is that he will solve this issue. That's why we want to introduce you to one more a way to make everyday communication more enjoyable for you and your loved ones. We do not claim that this is a panacea for all conflicts, but who knows, maybe our option is right for you?

Let's return to our example - an unfair insult. If you could listen to the second participant in the conflict, it would probably turn out that he also sincerely strives for the better. Just like the saying goes: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.”

And who is right? - you ask. But the secret is that we don’t need to look for those who are right and wrong; it is more important to understand the differences between the parties to the conflict that led to it. The point is that we are all different.

“Today I wanted to be on time, but you know, people of my type are always late.”

Two people in everyday life can speak the same words, putting different meanings into them: one sees a forest, the other sees trees. The second is a realist, he asks a specific question and expects a specific answer;

For the first one, everything is relative. Both are “valuable” in society in their own way: the first sees perspective in all things, the second can focus on facts and details. Try to determine which of these two abilities is the main one! Now look deep inside yourself and answer - which option do you prefer? preference(what do you personally see – forest or trees)?

By choosing certain preferences in life, you are defined as a person, or more precisely, as personality type. Therefore, understanding yourself and others is, first of all, knowledge of personality types, your own and those around you, as well as the patterns of relationships between them.

Deals with all these issues socionics. But we must remember that Socionics only explains human behavior, but does not justify it!“Today I wanted to be on time, but you know, people of my type are always late” - this is an “excuse”, tightly supported by a scientific base, a refusal to cooperate.

So, first of all, you need to determine your personality type. There are 4 pairs of preferences for this. Each person is:

Extrovert(directed more “outward”)

Introvert(directed more “inward”)

Sensory(sensations, “here and now”)

Intuitive(imagination, ideas and plans)

Logician(thinker, physicist)



Irrational(to the perceiver)

Having determined your preference in each pair, you receive a 4-point characteristic, which is your type. There are 16 different combinations in total - 16 personality types.

Of course, a person can simultaneously coexist analytical abilities, clarity, objectivity (logician) and a sense of harmony, mercy (ethicist), but still, one of the characteristics will prevail.

So that our reader can determine his type, we offer a small express test. We do not guarantee 100% that the result will be correct, but perhaps you will get closer to the truth. At the first stage of the training “The Art of Mutual Understanding,” which, by the way, is called “Know Yourself!”, students take a test consisting of 88 questions, which increases the likelihood of a reliable result.

As a result, you will reach one of 16 types. As you will see in the table, each type is given the names of historical or cultural figures, some - literary heroes. Who doesn’t know the great strategist Napoleon or Hamlet, tormented by the question “to be or not to be.” So, we see not a dry set of preferences, but a living image, character, prototype.

But in order to better understand those around you and determine your type, it is not enough; you need to learn the characteristics of other types and the relationships between them, and learn how to correctly type people. There is also a connection between 16 personality types and Tarot cards. But you can’t tell everything in one article, because the theory was created over many years, supported by observations and scientific research.

The theatrical and psychological school “Obraz” is interested in everything that can be useful to our students both on stage and in life. Having determined his type and the type of his character, it will be easier for the actor to understand and play him, and it will be easier to build relationships between the characters.

18+ Have you ever thought about your uniqueness? I am sure that even if they thought about it, it would be in the professional sphere. No doubt this is very important. But, after all, each person is individual in his sexuality! Everyone has sexual preferences and fantasies, which depend on many factors. This is an extremely interesting and broad topic, but today we will talk about the role that age plays in the formation of sexual desires and preferences. I will show you how some similarities associated with this or that period of life can be traced. Given this information, it will be much easier for you to build a sexual relationship with your partner, and, moreover, it will help in raising your children.
Let's figure out together how age affects certain sexual preferences.


As a rule, during adolescence, many people experience all the delights of sex for the first time. After hearing exciting stories from friends and movie characters, girls and boys are eager to experience a new feeling for themselves. For many, this desire is provoked by parental prohibitions, because, as they say, forbidden fruit is sweet. Surely you are familiar with this craving for “sweets”, right? And some simply succumb to peer pressure, because it’s not fashionable to be a virgin, at least that’s what teenagers think. Therefore, if you really care about how happy your child will be in his personal life, learn to talk to him about sex long before he has problems.

When that long-awaited moment comes when the partners retire and... What to do next? No one has any experience, both partners are a little constrained. And in the end, apart from painful sensations and embarrassment from ridiculous movements, they experience nothing. Where's the orgasm? Many people at this age, unfortunately, never get to experience it. And it’s even more impossible to talk about any preferences, because many teenagers, when having sex, don’t even go into detail about how it can be diversified. They have only one desire in their heads - to become “adults” in the eyes of their friends. Unfortunately, it is during this period that a lot of complexes and emotional blocks arise that leave an imprint on the rest of one’s life... And if a person does not consciously free himself from them, then he is unlikely to experience all the delights of sexual life.

Twenty-year-old girls are already more or less familiar with the joys of sex. But even at this age, due to insufficient knowledge of their body, they may not experience orgasm. And sex is far from their first place. Appearance, studies and money, and emotional experiences are more important to them. Although, modern girls have heard enough about the importance and power of female sensuality for men. And, some of them use this successfully, i.e. imitate orgasms and passion. But imitation is just a game... And the girl doesn’t get real pleasure. Moreover, it becomes a habit, and many people don’t even dream about orgasm in the future. Therefore, they assign all fantasies to their partner, and they themselves simply participate in the process. Of course, the situation can be changed, but there will be a long way to go internal work. But the results exceed even the wildest expectations!
Who takes the lead in your bed experiments?

For young guys, on the contrary, at this age the peak of sexuality begins. They always want to have sex, so, as a rule, they often change partners. And often in their fantasies you can see two, or even three girls at once. Would you like to try a threesome?
They agree to have sex wherever such an opportunity arises: in the bathroom, at sea, and even in the forest. But since they are controlled by their hormones, they mostly do not think about their partner, they only think about themselves. They get excited very quickly, but cannot control ejaculation. For this reason, as a rule, only men receive pleasure from sex.
Do you remember at what age you first experienced an orgasm and what do you associate it with?

For women, in terms of sex, this age is the most pleasant. After all, they have studied their body enough, they know what they want from a partner. They have various fantasies, which they transfer into their sexual life. They are ready to play the role of a nurse or an overbearing boss. Have you already practiced similar images in your sex life? Women are able to give themselves to their man in the most unexpected place, which, moreover, may not be deserted. Remember the most unexpected place you had intimacy? And what fantasy would you like to turn into reality?

In men, sexuality is also increased, but they have learned to control their erections, therefore, they have learned to satisfy their partner. They know how to bring a woman to orgasm. More and more often, men use teasing and slightly daring foreplay; there is no rush in their actions, because at this age it is no longer speed and quantity that are more important, but quality. They also prefer various experiments in bed, sometimes very unexpected ones, which consist not only in changing the position, but also in changing the image of both themselves and their partner. Therefore, you can often find men in the form of a plumber or a boss.
What roles do you prefer to play in sex?

A woman at this age is also at the peak of sexuality; she knows what she needs from a partner and achieves it. But it’s true that sexual desire slowly begins to decline due to age and some women experience discomfort during sexual intercourse. And this is not surprising, because the body begins to prepare for menopause. But always remember that menopause is not an obstacle to pleasure. And do not hesitate to contact a specialist, because he will help you get rid of the problems that have arisen. By the way, long before the onset of menopause, a woman needs to maintain her health, lead an active lifestyle and take vitamins. Nowadays, menopause has become much younger - the lifestyle is too passive, and congestion in the pelvic area leads to various problems, incl. in the sexual sphere. Be more attentive to yourself, and your sex life will always be vibrant.

For men, a crisis period begins. The monotony of sex can get so boring that they try to add variety with the help of porn films and strip clubs. They begin to look for something new: new positions, new images in sex, and sometimes even new partners. It is possible that a man will want to try a threesome. If you notice some changes in your man, then it’s time to introduce new sexual experiments into your life, otherwise the man may start experimenting himself. And who knows how far he can go, and who will help him in this? But, wise and sexy woman can easily avoid these problems in a relationship, and while enjoying it herself.

For several years now I have been conducting trainings for women that help them discover their sexuality and learn sex techniques. And I am very happy that both young girls and adult women come to these trainings! Means, strong relationships and there are more and more happy couples!!!

In women, sexual desire decreases sharply with age. But this does not mean that you can give up on sex life. Women can still experience orgasm. True, the only variety in sex is foreplay, and not for everyone and not always. But, however, there are also women who surpass even young people in their experiments. Take note of these women, and in no case give in to the young ones when you are over 50. I will not tire of reminding you, dear readers, that at any age your pleasure depends only on you!

Men's interest in sex increases over the years. But, unfortunately, at this age many people develop health problems that make sex simply impossible. But in such a case, there are other ways to excite your woman. Although, not all men use them, because they want not only to satisfy, but also to be satisfied. Very often during this period, men try to change the situation by changing their sexual partner. But, as a rule, if there is an effect, it is very short-lived, and then the situation worsens even more. After all, a young lady needs much more, unless this relationship is built solely on material interest. But this is also a choice. And, if a man is happy with this... But, you can truly improve sex during this period with the woman you trust, who is ready to support in any situation. But it should be noted that many women, having lived with a partner for a long time, cease to treat him as a man and do not realize their mistakes. Therefore, it is very important to take into account many factors and act based on the specific situation.

There are also couples who, despite their age, want and most importantly can have sex. True, activity is decreasing significantly, but as they say, it’s better this way than nothing at all. Partners no longer have any special preferences in sex, because they tried everything that was possible in their youth. It would seem that now they can only repeat themselves, or lead a calm and quiet sex life? It depends on their choice! If they like it, and the main thing is that it’s enough for them, then yes. But, even at this age, you can add bright colors to your sexual relationship. True, they will no longer be so much physical as emotional. Of course, the partners, or one of them, will have to work on this... But what’s stopping you? There is time, and if you have the desire, then even during this period you can enjoy sexual relations! How do you perceive older people who say that sex is present in their lives? Do you look with disbelief or admire?

And by the way, many scientists have proven that the longer partners are sexually active, the longer they will live. So, if you are worried about something in your sex life, never hesitate to consult a doctor or psychologist with any questions you may have. After all, with the help of specialists, you will not only increase your life, but also get pleasure while continuing to realize all your sexual fantasies.
And we’ll talk to you next time about what kind of sexual fantasies there are!

See you again!

Always with you, Liliya Zinovieva



|| Preferential attention, respect, approval of something over someone else. To give, to give preference to someone or something.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary.

D.N. Ushakov.:


    Synonyms See what “PREFERENCE” is in other dictionaries:

    preference See importance, dignity, difference, give preference, give preference... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. preference choice, election; preemptive right,… … Synonym dictionary

    - priority precedence A situation where there is a privilege to provide, facilitate or provide priority service (ITU T Y.1271). preference Task or... ...

    Technical Translator's Guide PREFER, honor, honor; person, person; thinner (rare); honorable (yon, ena); honoring; owls Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 …

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary English preference; German Praferenz. Recognition tsp. advantages compared to others. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology Preference - setting or justifying the choice between

    preference possible solutions (alternatives); a statement that one alternative (a project, the acquisition of some good, an assumption about the future outcome of some action, etc.) is preferred... ...

    preference Economic and mathematical dictionary - give preference action give preference action preference give action preference is given action, passive on...

    PREFERENCE- Basically - greater liking for one thing than for another. In practice, many psychologists prefer to operationalize the term, and preference is often used in relation to turning to one of the alternatives or actually choosing one of... Explanatory dictionary of psychology

    Wed. Recognition of an advantage over someone or something else. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Preference, preference, preference, preference, preference, preference, preference, preference, preference, preference, preference, preference (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words


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