Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» BIM technology information modeling of buildings. Are BIM design technologies as effective as they say? How is data collected into such a model?

BIM technology information modeling of buildings. Are BIM design technologies as effective as they say? How is data collected into such a model?

The Russian construction industry is going through a difficult period. To maintain its position in the market, reduce costs, and reach a qualitatively new level, the construction business needs to master and implement new technologies. Today, a technology that requires close attention from the industry is Building Information Modeling, or simply BIM. It is becoming a new industry standard and, perhaps, a “lifeline” for many companies during a crisis.

- What are the advantagesBIM -technology?

The first is a reduction in the time frame for creating and implementing a project. This occurs through more accurate planning and optimization of schedules. The ability to quickly and accurately calculate volumes of materials allows you to conduct tenders and purchases without wasting time and money. You can also organize design for a given cost and carry out constant monitoring of costs.

The second advantage is that if regulations are followed, BIM guarantees higher quality of the project. Of course, it will not replace the professionalism of a designer or planner. But if, during the team’s work, models are coordinated across disciplines, and the model undergoes other regular automated checks, then the result is predictably of higher quality.

Third is cost. Analysis and comparison of Russian projects showed that construction costs were reduced by up to 10 percent. If you do not use BIM directly at the construction stage, then high-quality project documentation based on this technology will allow you to avoid mistakes and save on construction.

Moreover, even if traditional technologies were used at the design stage and BIM was not used, it is still useful for the builder to “raise” the model from the drawings before building. Typically, a 3D model reveals thousands of problems that will be very costly on the construction site.

- What is the advantageBIM -design compared to conventional?

With BIM design, instead of developing drawings and tables, the future object is modeled from “intelligent”, that is, electronic versions of real-world objects. Each of them has precise geometry, information, for example about physical properties, manufacturer, type, material.

As a result, the formed model is a source of design documentation. Drawings, plans, elevations, sections, and specifications are generated from it. All changes are made to the model, and the documentation changes automatically. Thus, it is impossible to forget to make an edit, not to take something into account, not to count, or to miss something. The program will do everything for you. And the documentation turns out consistent and error-free.

- What will the implementation give?BIM professional community?

BIM is a technology of the 21st century. I don’t doubt for a minute that there will be huge demand for it from customers in the near future. The use of these technologies is a matter of maintaining competitiveness and survival in the market.

- Why are BIM technologies not yet widely used in Russia?

When everything was good in the economy - they built a lot, everyone had a lot of orders, there was no time to be distracted by innovation. In our country, the first serious implementation of BIM began during the 2008 crisis. Then a number of companies decided to switch to new technologies that increase operational efficiency. Today they have already accumulated significant experience in BIM and are leaders.

The attention to BIM among industry management arose in March 2014, when these technologies received support at a meeting of the presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for modernization and innovative development of the economy. Now there is a lot of talk and discussion about this, and I am sure that along with the new crisis that has befallen us, there will be a new wave of implementations. But already for those who survive.

- Which companies are currently designing and building according toBIM ?

These are developers - Etalon Group of Companies, Tekta Group of Companies. They are building housing. All their projects are now implemented in BIM. In addition, these are design organizations Gradproekt, Spectrum, BPS International, AECOM, Atrium, Krupny Plan, UNK Project, Gorproekt, GIPRONIIAVIAPROM, Inzhproekt, SPC "Grad", Gorkapstroy and many others.

- How are you planning to introduce BIM technologies into the industry?

Firstly, for the wide industrial application of these technologies, several very significant things are needed, which only the state can organize for the Construction Complex. First of all, this is a regulated regulatory framework.

Secondly, this is the motivation of market participants. They are already beginning to include in the terms of reference the requirement to complete the project using BIM technology. Increasingly, such demands are being made by private customers, but this also happens with government customers. Provided that it becomes normal practice for government customers to order BIM projects, the industry will move towards innovation much more actively.

Thirdly, we need to quickly establish a process for training those working in the industry in the basic provisions and principles of BIM. Even before adopting specific software tools, industry professionals need to understand what these technologies provide them with and what to expect from a specific organization's BIM migration depending on their profile. And, of course, it is necessary to revise university programs so that graduates come to production with the necessary knowledge.

How much will it cost companies to switch to BIM technologies? How do you think companies can be motivated to use them?

The investments are significant, the amounts are very different depending on the profile of the organization and the characteristics of its activities, so the entire process must be carefully planned.

Companies should never be forced to switch to BIM. The decision to transition should come from business needs and be made by the organization’s management based on all available data. If BIM is your client's requirement, then you should seriously consider this step.

- What is the benefit of BIM technology in low-cost construction?

In transparency. BIM makes it possible to check the estimate using the model, compare it with similar projects and monitor the progress of the development and implementation of the project. Therefore, it would be extremely useful for the government customer to order budget projects in BIM from the point of view of rational use of budget money.

- Do all objects need to be designed inBIM ?

Today it makes sense to talk about the feasibility of using BIM for unique, especially dangerous and technically complex objects. Working with these technologies, we build twice: first virtually, digitally, carrying out all the necessary analyzes and calculations, and then physically.

In all other cases, the feasibility of use should be analyzed. But if the organization has already switched to BIM, then all subsequent projects are carried out only in these technologies. There is practically no return to the previous practice of working in 2D.

According to our rough estimate, based on 20 years of practice, up to 50-60% of the budget can be “lost” on earthworks. On reinforced concrete and finishing exactly 30%. Due to reorder errors and collisions, the cost of an engineer increases by approximately 10%. It is for this simple reason that when an “evil customer” implements a BIM model of a building, wild screams and groans begin from all sides.

BIM control will now be on all government orders according to the new standard, so the screams and moans will be especially epic.

Here I see a trace of all systems, I can get an accurate estimate for each node: and when moving or adding an object, I will immediately receive updates in all design and working documents.

What is a BIM model? This is a three-dimensional model of a building, where all systems are docked and linked in one single plan. We installed an outlet in the room - a new outlet and the corresponding cable footage immediately appeared in the general estimate. The error of such a model based on materials is 2%. On paper, they usually take a margin of 15%, and the excess of this margin is desperately “lost.”

Let me show you examples rather than tell you.

Here is the main view: here you can see a model of the building without a render, just at the level of engineering diagrams. In the now open window in the center there is a building for inspection; in the background you can see sections of specific systems.

This is what all the building’s engineering systems look like “assembled.”

You can turn off the consistent view and view only specific subsystems. For example, this one - water supply.

And this is an electrician.

You can rotate and enlarge the area of ​​interest.

Switch to another system view.

View individual nodes as “bricks”, that is, objects (then it is convenient to duplicate them in the constructor, for example).

You can view concrete structures and their properties.

That's closer.

And then superimpose on them the types of systems or individual units.

For the customer, we usually put together a beautiful render (like below), and we ourselves use the view as above when designing.

About three years ago, computers began drawing BIM models of buildings. Of course, 3D buildings were designed back in the Soviet Union, but now it has become truly accessible and easily reproducible.

Even these “bricks”, that is, models of components, such as elevator devices, are made in 3D and can be viewed from all sides. Since this is not “The Witcher” or “Mass Effect”, optimization of the engine is done last, there is no special pre-rendering, and sufficiently powerful machines were needed to work comfortably with the system.

How is data collected into such a model?

Today, building design can go in three ways:
  1. The old fashioned way, that is, on paper, or more precisely, in one of the CAD systems. There will be a bunch of different documents, which are then combined into one common project in the engineer’s mind. This is a completely normal method when the work is carried out by qualified specialists. But in reality, in the real world, someone will still cross the cable duct and ventilation, if not during design, then certainly during implementation. By playing with tolerances, differences in schemes and the lack of a unified plan, you can “lose” quite a lot.
  2. Start the old fashioned way and get the sketch approved the old fashioned way, and then move to BIM and design everything right away as needed. An intermediate stage is most often needed when the general contractor decides to properly control the construction.
  3. Design directly in BIM. Then the sketch is one of the representations (simply saving the model in a certain format and printing it out), the electrical plan is another representation, etc. All this can even be approved in Moscow in electronic form.

For our office, the cut-out of which is visible above, we used both methods. More precisely, we imported old 3D models and design documentation data, and then began to support everything in BIM.

The first stage took several months for two specialists. We took drawings from AutoCAD and imported them into the BIM environment. Some were in the PDF and had to be traced by hand. We spent a month working on the architecture and design. The rest of the time, as an engineer, in particular, I had to go into the building, look at places and photographs. The most important thing that the scheme provided was the absence of system collisions. The BIM environment does not allow you to cross engineering subsystems: it is similar to board routing. There are many ways to avoid this and catch bugs.

This is extremely important for the general contractor, because for each such collision at the site he pays out of his own sweat. I built a residential complex, built a skyscraper, in our team there is a person who designed three metro stations from scratch, data centers and other smaller objects - without any calculations at all. So, every damn time when there is no BIM, ventilation always comes into the column. We correct, we move, we change. Then the designer says: “It’s not like that.” And the rigmarole begins from the very beginning. Now we design directly in BIM, and this removes a lot of headaches.

But let's return to our building. After all the systems were outlined, they began to saturate the engineers and draw up the drawings correctly so that the BIM had complete specifications. That is, at first, for example, the electrical panel was just one unit, like a material point, then it was divided into separate large devices and lines inside, and then it became so detailed that we already knew the serial numbers of spare parts. This design depth is called LOD: the British standard for levels of detail of information model elements. LOD100 and LOD200 are like in computer games, when there is a certain constructor and components. The model can be used for analysis (based on volumes, areas and orientations by applying generalized performance criteria) and cost estimation based on estimated areas and volumes. Well, and planning, of course. LOD300 is already a normal level of detail for issuing traditional design documentation and for carrying out various engineering calculations. Equipment, products and materials, as well as rough work can also be counted there. The 300 model can be used for collision analysis. LOD 400 is already the release of working documentation for carrying out various engineering calculations, to obtain accurate data on equipment, products and materials for calculating the volume of work. This model can be used at the construction and installation stage, that is, it will serve as direct instructions to builders. You can safely ask for each joint. If a meter of cable is lost, no one will notice. 50 meters disappeared - I immediately burned myself. We usually work at this level, but for our office we aim for LOD 500. This model can be used at the operational stage, consumables such as lamps and their service life are visible there.

The 400th LOD in construction practice provides several more obvious advantages. Here's one example. A very common mistake is incorrect calculation of capacity. This is usually done manually by comparing different plans. In BIM, it is automatically considered a system, and everything fits together as it should. Often designers calculate using different methodologies or simply do not notice some detail, and the equipment simply does not turn on in terms of power.
Going over budget is usually up to 7% for re-ordering new units (this is even if you don’t have to change anything in the layout on the fly to install new equipment).

At the 500th LOD, the technical and economic indicators of the building are already the same: it was built with all the formulas for calculating loads, power, brands of toilets, slopes and the exact amount of wire.

What's next

Then, having such a model, any automation modules are screwed to it. You can hang a work schedule on top and look at it. We will install automation in our building and give some access to the control room in order to manage the building like in Hollywood.

It is very convenient for estimators to work with a BIM model from the 400th LOD. It’s convenient for designers - they quickly print and cut into units. This greatly reduces the time required for various tasks. Educated BIM superintendents twist and turn. Contractors at the construction site, of course, don’t need this at all, all the “losses” are visible, and it’s very difficult to falsify documentation. The entire technical and economics are checked: the earth mass is perfect, all the pipes, everything. Logs are written: who got into the model, when they got in, what they looked at, what they changed. Naturally, all these modules complicate the work in terms of training (you need at least a month’s course just to read BIM professionally), but this is already a regulatory requirement. At state competitions, everything will now be done through the BIM model. Uneducated contractors will suffer.

How much does it cost

To move 100 thousand square meters under LOD 400 costs approximately the same as 5-6 apartments in the center in money and several months in work. Oddly enough, it still pays off well in savings on the project. However, a more correct approach is to immediately design in a BIM environment. This is a month longer at the preparation stage, but it turns out almost free of charge in the overall estimate.

Automation is more expensive. For example, our colleagues made a module for a stadium control system, there are control sensors at the lower levels that check vibrations, the level of slope of walls and beams, and evaluate the appearance of defects in the metal. Simply put, they help to understand that the stadium can collapse in six months or a year during normal life, or in a few hours if it was damaged by an earthquake (but it seems to be standing). The same data is transmitted to the Ministry of Emergency Situations in real time.

Here's who needs it:

Scientific and technological progress is inexorable. All industries are developing, new technologies are appearing, including in construction. Novostroy-SPb found out what BIM technologies are, how they work and what prospects they open up for developers.

What's happenedBIM-technologies

Currently, BIM technologies are widespread in the USA, China, Great Britain, Finland and Singapore, where the vast majority of buildings are implemented with their help. In Russia there are not yet many companies that are actively introducing them into their arsenal, but every year the number of developers striving to master modern IT products is growing steadily.

Translated from English, BIM (Building Information Modeling) means “building information modeling”. An information (digital) model makes it possible to obtain more data about a house and visualize the image of a future object, says Alexander Svinolobov, Deputy General Director of Bonava St. Petersburg LLC. The use of such a model significantly simplifies the dialogue between various participants in development - designers, builders, marketers, sellers and contractors, since all the necessary information on the object is clearly structured and located in one place.

BIM technologies mean software that allows a developer and his contractors to switch to building information modeling, comments Roman Blonov, director of the IT department of Becar Asset Management. This software allows you to draw a building in 3D and virtually construct it.

A building designed using BIM technologies has physical properties, the speaker reports. The object can not only be seen before construction begins, but also various parameters and materials can be calculated. For example, before work begins, you can notice that a particular beam is carrying too much load, and make adjustments to the project.

“BIM technologies allow us to provide a fundamentally new approach to the design, construction and operation of a facility, eliminate possible errors, and create a higher quality product. The main advantages are the absence of errors in drawings, specifications, estimates and the ability to automatically create complex design and estimate documentation of high quality"

Director for Strategic Development of FGC Leader Pavel Bryzgalov

Maria Andreeva, director of the information technology department of the Setl Group holding, reports that with the help of BIM technologies, already at the project stage, you can not only see what the finished residential complex will look like outside and inside, but also evaluate the planning solutions of the apartments. This technology is available to both the buyer and the investor.

Arsenty Sidorov, General Director of Scientific and Technical Center Etalon LLC (part of the Etalon Group), agrees with his colleagues, believing that three-dimensional information modeling of buildings and structures allows one to take into account absolutely all the nuances of construction at the design stage. The specialists working on the object perceive the building as a single whole. The model is constantly being updated with new details and information. With the use of BIM technology, design and all documentation are carried out in three-dimensional form, which simplifies the work, improves its quality, and reduces the time frame.


In addition to the ability to review a facility in all its details before its construction begins, BIM technologies can significantly reduce the time it takes to commission a facility and the financial costs of its construction. They also allow you to centrally store all data and documentation associated with it, says Roman Blonov. Any change recalculates the project and is reflected in the necessary documents. This is especially convenient if changes are forced to be made at some stage of construction - all contractors see them at once.

Cloud technologies allow several participants to collaborate online on a project and update information, believes Alexander Svinolobov. The new approach virtually eliminates the possibility of technical errors, reduces the time required to make correct decisions and has a positive effect on the quality characteristics of the building. The result is more advanced design documentation, which will not require amendments to the project and additional costs associated with non-compliance with the current contract.

"Double Effect"BIM-technology gives in the planeasset-management. If a management company is immediately involved in the process of creating a project, which participates in the digital modeling of the building and then connects to its management, it can advise and adjust the project so as to optimize in advance all future processes of managing the facility.”

Roman Blonov, director of the IT department of Becar Asset Management

In addition, three-dimensional virtual models can be synchronized with the calendar schedule - virtual general construction plans are created using BIM, says Arsenty Sidorov. In them, each element is accompanied by additional information, and the time when it will be built is indicated. Thus, we have the opportunity to create a construction scenario in advance, analyze the need for supplies of materials, and the loading of tower cranes.

Pavel Bryzgalov is confident that the use of BIM technologies allows planning to be carried out at a qualitatively different level: with the required degree of detail by type of work, both for the purposes of organizing work and for budgeting purposes. BIM technologies allow you to design a building and, even before the start of construction, fully calculate and determine all the processes that will take place in it.

Disadvantages of BIM technologies

The most obvious drawback of BIM technologies at the start of their use is the price. We say that we can potentially avoid various risks in development and construction, reduce the cost of work, but for this we need to invest significantly in switching to new software. Moreover, it is fundamentally important that access to it and a complete transition to its use is relevant for all contractors. If someone falls out of the construction of a digital model, its meaning is completely lost, says Roman Blonov.

Arsentiy Sidorov cites the difficulty of their implementation as the only disadvantage of BIM technologies. For this reason, developers have not yet begun to switch to BIM en masse. At first, this will result in very significant costs for the company; it will require training of specialists or the search for personnel qualified in this area. Again, the IT infrastructure will need to be updated. Some companies will be able to switch to BIM within 2-3 years, but we will be able to talk about a large-scale transition to this technology only in 7-10 years.

How are they used?BIM-technology in Russia

Alexander Svinolobov says that the introduction of BIM technologies has made it possible to improve the quality of houses being built while maintaining the same level of prices for apartments. In addition, the duration of construction work has been reduced due to the fact that information modeling allows optimizing production methods: using standard elements - prefabricated reinforced concrete elements, metal elements and ready-made bathroom blocks.

FSK Leader uses BIM only in the design of social infrastructure in the Moscow UP-quarter Scandinavian. In the future, the company plans to use information modeling directly in construction. “At this stage, we expect that this will reduce the costs of eliminating and identifying errors in the design process by 30-40%,” says Pavel Bryzgalov.

At Etalon Group, BIM technology, among other things, helps achieve the highest level of safety on construction sites. For example, the use of a patented methodology for assessing the state of occupational health and safety at industrial and civil construction sites using the BIM “Safety Index” technology makes it possible to reduce various risks during construction by 3 times, reports Arsenty Sidorov.

Today, all projects under construction at Etalon Group are implemented using BIM technology. They began to be implemented in 2012, transferred projects to a new format for about a year, and then began mastering BIM at the stage of planning and construction control. And in 2015, Etalon Group already commissioned the first facility with an electronic passport and an electronic model.

Maria Andreeva shares information that the Setl Group holding today uses a complex of two interrelated technologies. These are BIM technologies and an automated investment control system (ASIC). ASIC is needed, first of all, by the developer - the system allows you to monitor the quality of construction at all stages.

Setl Group is gradually switching to the widespread use of BIM technologies. Already now, buyers can see some residential complexes in 3D format on an interactive table in the St. Petersburg Real Estate office. This is the residential complex "Palacio" on Vasilievsky Island (the construction management project based on information modeling technology was recognized as the best at the Second All-Russian open competition with international participation "BIM Technologies 2017" in the category "BIM Construction"), the residential complex "GreenLandiya-2" nearby from the metro station "Devyatkino", "Nevskie Parusa" in the Nevsky district.

Publication date May 03, 2018

BIM technology for information modeling of objects (Building Information Modeling) is a development of the computer-aided design (CAD) system generally accepted today. The main difference from the latter, in addition to three-dimensional drawing, is that the model has a database containing detailed information about the technological, technical, architectural, construction, estimate, and economic characteristics of the object. Depending on specific requirements, the database can be supplemented with legal, operational, environmental and other information.

PrinciplesBIM design

The postulates of information modeling or BIM design, which formed the basis of the modern approach to the development of design documentation, were identified and applied during the reconstruction of Heathrow Airport Terminal 3 in the late 80s by the developer of software systems for Autodesk and Bentley Systems, Robert Eisch. He named the basic principles of BIM:

  • designing an object in three-dimensional space;
  • the ability to automatically issue drawings and specifications;
  • presence in the model of all design data of the object;
  • intelligent parameterization;
  • the ability to simulate the construction process with reference to time and budgeting.

By combining all sections and decisions of the project in a single multidimensional space, the manager can see the results of construction before it begins. When talking about BIM design, along with the generally accepted term “3D visualization”, “4D” and “5D” are often used. This literally means expanding the number of spatial dimensions that are provided by linking the model to the construction schedule and the estimated cost of the facility.

World development experience

As noted above, the development of information modeling systems abroad has been going on since the 80s of the last century. One of the leaders and founders of the movement was Autodesk, whose achievements served as an impetus for the creation of an alliance for the interaction of various graphics platforms.

The Alliance of Interoperability includes 12 major software developers, including Autodesk (Revit, Autocad), Tekla, Graphisoft (Archicad), Trimble (Sketchup) and others. For correspondence between different platforms, the open specification IFC data format is used.

Today, almost all famous architects and design studios work with BIM design technologies. In accordance with analytical studies, the use of modern approaches in design and construction makes it possible to achieve tangible savings in terms of construction and installation work, the cost of construction and operation of facilities.

For example, during the construction of the Museum of Art in Denver according to the project of D. Libeskind in 2006, thanks to the created model of interaction between contractors linked to the network schedule, the overall implementation time was reduced by 14 months. Significant results were achieved through the implementation of BIM during the construction of a higher music school in Miami designed by Frank Gehry in 2008.

According to research by McGraw-Hill Construction, the level of involvement of US and Canadian design bureaus in BIM technologies in 2007 was 28%, in 2009 – 49%, in 2012 – 71%. In the United States, the American National Bureau of BIM Standards, created under the National Institute of Building, is engaged in a systematic transition to information modeling.

In many European countries, the introduction of advanced BIM technologies is carried out by targeted actions of the authorities. In particular, in the UK, back in 2010, an action plan was approved, according to which, starting from 2016, all government-funded construction projects must be developed in accordance with BIM standards. In addition, recession trends in the EU economy have created conditions for design and construction organizations to search for new, more efficient approaches to performing work. With a forced reduction in the number of project participants, BIM technologies turned out to be an effective way to survive.

BIM: advantages and opportunities

So, the term BIM design today means an information model of an existing or planned facility, the distinctive features of which are:

  • interconnectedness and consistency of all elements;
  • the ability to add, change, analyze and predict development;
  • binding to real time and place;
  • access for simultaneous work by specialists in various fields and the ability to combine their technical solutions in a single space.

The main advantages of using BIM follow from this definition. The advantages of modeling include:

  • the ability to automatically create high-quality design and estimate documentation;
  • no errors in drawings, dimensions, specifications, estimates;
  • up-to-date information on the performance and cost indicators of materials;
  • visual clarity facilitating the adoption of optimal technical solutions;
  • ease of management of construction and operation of the facility;
  • availability of up-to-date data for the possibility of reconstruction, technical modernization and demolition of buildings and structures at the end of their life cycle.

An important component of the innovative BIM approach is the possibility of visual modeling of the construction process itself, during which each of the specialists participating in the project can track the implementation of the technical solutions laid down by them and their interaction with related partners. When modeling the operation of an object, it is possible to observe the operation of the equipment provided for by the project and draw conclusions about the satisfactoriness of its parameters.

ImplementationBIMin the domestic construction industry

Speaking about the implementation and prospects for the development of information modeling in Russia, it is necessary to highlight several main factors that influence this process. On the one hand, there are a number of companies interested in development, which, by promoting BIM technologies at their sites, strive to be at the forefront of construction technologies.

On the other hand, there are centralized government programs aimed at a gradual transition to more progressive design and construction systems. At the same time, there are certain forces and circumstances that hinder these positive processes. Let's look at each of these points in more detail.

Who promotes technologyBIM designin Russia

One way or another, most designers and builders have heard at least something about information modeling. For many, BIM design is associated primarily with three-dimensional design. At the same time, things often don’t go beyond the realization that new technology is the future. However, today the domestic market already has a core of interested companies that are actively promoting the introduction of innovations.

One of the pioneers in the use of BIM in Russia is the Design Bureau of High-Rise and Underground Structures (St. Petersburg). Using modeling methods, the bureau has developed over 70 objects of varying degrees of complexity. Among them are complex projects for the Mariinsky Theater stage, a 120-story skyscraper in Azerbaijan, a shopping center in Minsk and others.

One of the largest domestic developers, Morton Group of Companies (Moscow), uses BIM technologies not only to optimize construction and installation work, but also to plan the entire life cycle of constructed objects. One of the company's pilot projects was the construction of a kindergarten.

The Etalon group of companies (St. Petersburg) has currently implemented an information modeling system at all of its construction sites. Active supporters of the implementation of BIM technologies are foreign companies that have their representative offices in Russia. Among them are NCC (Sweden), YIT (Finland) and a number of others.

State regulation and examination

The program for introducing construction information modeling was approved by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in December 2014. In accordance with this document, technology development consists of the following stages:

  • development of 23 pilot BIM projects. The models are currently undergoing examination;
  • examination of pilot projects and analysis of results. Completion date - until the end of 2015 (work in progress);
  • development of a BIM classifier containing about 70 thousand names of building materials;
  • creation of a list of regulatory frameworks that need adjustment when introducing information modeling by the end of 2015;
  • adjustment of building codes and regulations - during 2016;
  • starting from 2017 - a mandatory requirement for the use of BIM when implementing part of government design orders;
  • starting from 2018 – the Ministry of Construction will provide recommendations on the use of BIM technologies by construction contractors;
  • further increase in the percentage of modeling in the design and construction of facilities.

Currently, within the framework of pilot BIM projects, interaction between their developers and experts is being established. Since April 2015, the state examination, along with classical technical documentation in paper form, has also accepted models of objects for consideration. For these purposes, the state structure has trained specialists on staff, as well as equipped workplaces. The main tool for designers and experts is currently the Revit Autodesk complex.

Features of implementationBIM design technologiesin Russia

When studying the issue of implementing BIM technologies, most often one comes across positive reviews and a detailed description of the advantages of a more advanced system. However, among domestic specialists (designers and builders) there are also a sufficient number of skeptics. And there really are reasons for a negative perception of the process.

Despite the unified approach to the basics of BIM proclaimed by software developers and the free exchange of information between the platforms of Autodesk, Bentley, Tekla, Graphisoft and others, it is not possible today to actually fulfill this condition without losing a significant part of the data. In essence, a design organization that has adopted a particular software package becomes a hostage to its manufacturer.

At this stage of development, in many cases there is no established connection between calculation systems and visual construction of the model. It is very problematic to fit information about defects in building structures of existing buildings and structures that require repair and strengthening into a single BIM system. Therefore, today there is no need to talk about a comprehensive process of object modeling.

A certain skepticism is also caused by the statement that sets of working documentation are “cut” automatically from the finished model without the participation of the “human factor”, and the possibility of errors in this process is minimal. The practice of using the same Revit Autodesk indicates the need for significant “manual” modification of drawings in terms of bringing them to SPDS standards. Users claim that the out-of-the-box version of the software requires significant time spent customizing it to suit their needs, creating their own databases, stamps and forms.

Despite the assurances of the developers, the use of BIM technology is not justified in all cases. Building an information model is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming process that can be justified in large-scale projects. Developing the design of small objects using BIM will simply increase the time and cost of completing the work. Apparently, in order to justify cases of ineffective use of technology, developers are actively promoting the idea of ​​​​using the model at all stages of the life cycle of an object, right up to its demolition.

In addition to these pitfalls, the process of implementing BIM in domestic design and construction organizations faces the following problems:

  • high cost of switching from CAD systems to information modeling. Often, enterprise management does not realize the need to use licensed products and specialized personnel training;
  • negative reaction of company employees when additional responsibilities are imposed. In most cases, the process of training specialists in modeling occurs during non-working hours and without additional payment;
  • reduction in labor productivity and loss of time when developing pilot projects in the BIM environment.

Working under sanctions and import substitution

It just so happens that in addition to the internal problems of introducing advanced technologies, designers today are also influenced by foreign political factors. By and large, having invested a considerable amount of money and labor in its development based on imported technology, the organization may be left with nothing.

In this regard, the Ministry of Construction is considering proposals from three domestic software developers as part of the import substitution project. Requirements for potential applicants are to ensure full compatibility with global BIM technologies and support the implementation of the software product among design and expert organizations.


To summarize the above, it can be noted that:

  • the development of BIM technologies is a logical and irreversible process of evolution of design and construction technology;
  • Along with the undoubted advantages, the process of introducing information modeling in Russia has a number of pitfalls, the presence of which cannot be ignored;
  • the implementation of BIM systems must be approached selectively, taking into account the characteristics of a particular project. The all or nothing approach is not correct. In some cases, CAD systems are more effective, and the use of BIM can be carried out in a limited form (for example, three-dimensional modeling).

SEVERIN PROJECT leader in information design. The use of BIM technology in design allows our company to provide the Customer with the most modern level of services.

BIM (Building Information Modeling)information modeling of structures- the most modern technology used in the process of collective synchronous creation of virtual models of buildings and structures (including the development of architectural space-planning solutions, load-bearing structures, utility networks, adjacent infrastructure, landscape of the designed territory), necessary throughout the entire design process (from concept to development working documentation, drawing up specifications and cost estimates), construction and subsequent operation.

BIM is a fundamentally different approach to object design. The basis is the volumetric comprehensive creation by all participants in the design process simultaneously: architects, engineers, technologists, designers. In our work, we proceed from the functional purpose of the building, the purposes for which it is intended, and how and by whom it will be used. In the designed object, everything should be extremely clear, rational and comfortable.

Why do you need a BIM model of a building?

  • The 3D BIM model is easy to understand and work with. The final result in the form of a virtual 3D model of the structure allows you to evaluate the object and make decisions absolutely consciously and confidently - as if you were looking at an already built object.
  • Based on a comprehensive BIM model of the building, an accurate financial forecast of the final cost of the project is created. Budget estimates and estimates meet the highest design levels of accuracy.
  • Variant design using BIM technology provides the most complete information when comparing individual options and choosing the optimal solution.
  • When using BIM technology, the number of random errors and inconsistencies when linking individual sections of project documentation is significantly reduced, which minimizes the number of costs and downtime for this reason - this circumstance is extremely important when several contractors interact at one site.
  • The quality of design using BIM technology can significantly reduce the time required for the examination of design documentation.
  • During the operation of a building developed on the basis of a BIM model, the quality of service is improved and operating costs are reduced due to a complex of detailed information accumulated over the entire period of design, construction and commissioning of the facility.

What can we do

We designed our first facility using BIM technologies in 2007 - a Multifunctional complex in the city of Chernogolovka. Since then, using BIM technology, we have completed projects for objects of various functional purposes: multifunctional complexes, entertainment complexes, hotels. Currently, a comprehensive BIM design is underway for the multifunctional shopping complex “Retail Park” in Vidnoye with a total area of ​​108 thousand m2

SEVERIN PROJECT Using BIM technology, we carry out projects of any complexity and scale - from small buildings to large commercial and industrial complexes and structures.

For us and our Customers, BIM technologies mean the quality, consistency and reliability of the design decisions we make, control over the timing and cost of the objects being developed.

World design standards using BIM technologies are a common practice for leading construction and design companies in Russia.