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» Technology for using an oxygen cushion. How to breathe correctly with an oxygen cushion How long does an oxygen cushion last?

Technology for using an oxygen cushion. How to breathe correctly with an oxygen cushion How long does an oxygen cushion last?

Oxygen pillow for home use - instructions for use, how and where to fill it yourself

This device is used when it is necessary to deliver and administer oxygen to a patient when his condition has sharply worsened. Not everyone has the skills to perform artificial respiration. The pillow helps patients with severe diseases of the respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, kidneys, etc. The presence of such a device in the first aid kit ensures a high degree of readiness to provide assistance before the ambulance arrives after it is called. To fill the oxygen bag and then use it, you need to study this device and the application algorithm in more detail.

What is an oxygen cushion

This is the name of a special medical device, which is a rubber quadrangular container with air forced inside. Qualified specialists fill the pillow with therapeutic gas from a cylinder. The oxygen concentration is 99%, the rest is nitrogen. The pillow is designed for administering gas by inhalation. It is made from rubberized fabric - polyester taffeta. The final material is obtained from it by rubberizing, rectification and vulcanization.

What does it look like

Externally, the device looks like regular pillow. This is a small rubberized bag with a volume of 25-75 liters. It is equipped with an ebonite mouthpiece. An alternative to this device is an inhaler funnel. The device also has a rubber tube with a tap. The latter is designed to regulate the air supply. The mouthpiece is stored in a dry and tightly closed container. Before pumping oxygen into the cushion from a cylinder, a reducer is required to be connected, which helps reduce the pressure to 2 atm. Weighs oxygen cushion on average 4 kg.

What is it for?

The device always comes with a warranty card and operating instructions. The pillow is used to care for patients who require inhalation of an oxygen-air mixture when necessary to replenish the lack of oxygen in the body. This means that the pillow is designed for oxygen therapy. The procedure is a method of therapeutic intervention through the supply of humidified oxygen.

An alternative to a pillow is an oxygen tank. This device is compact and convenient. The product is filled with oxygen at the factory. The volume of one can reaches 8-17 liters. The indication for oxygen therapy is oxygen starvation. This is a symptom that occurs due to various reasons. The main ones are impaired pulmonary ventilation, lack of oxygen and difficulty in getting air into the body. Oxygen therapy helps patients who suffer from the following pathologies:

  • cyanosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bipolar disorder;
  • acute or chronic heart failure;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • anemia;
  • a tumor that has blocked the airways;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • insufficient blood circulation;
  • suffered traumatic brain injuries;
  • asthma attacks due to allergies;
  • carbon monoxide or alcohol poisoning;
  • heart failure;
  • coronary insufficiency.

The oxygen pillow requires a prescription from a doctor. According to it, if necessary, this device can be purchased at a pharmacy. Some patients are given the product at the clinic at their place of residence. To refill the device with oxygen, you must go to the same medical facility. Some pharmacies also provide this service. As a result, the oxygen cushion can be reused multiple times. It is worth considering that oxygen therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor. An overdose of oxygen causes the same harm to a person as its lack.

How to use an oxygen pillow at home

To normalize breathing, the device must be used correctly. For this purpose, instructions for use are attached to it. It is best to use the device under the supervision of a doctor or nurse. The first step is to disinfect the mouthpiece. To do this, wipe the part with cologne, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, vodka or another alcohol-containing product. If you don’t have these on hand, you can pour boiling water over the mouthpiece or simply boil it. Further steps for using the product:

  • wrap the mouthpiece with several layers of damp bandage or gauze of the same width;
  • insert it tightly into the patient’s mouth so that it does not fall out, and hold it;
  • smoothly and slowly turn the wheel of the device and adjust the rate of flow of therapeutic gas;
  • make sure that the patient inhales the mixture through the mouth and exhales through the nose;
  • turn off the tap as you exhale, and open it again as you inhale, or clamp the rubber tube;
  • continue the procedure for 5-7 minutes, taking breaks of 5-10 minutes;
  • when the gas begins to run out, press the bag from the corner with your free hand, gradually rolling it up;
  • disconnect the mouthpiece, boil and store in a clean, dry place.

Features of oxygen supply

To make the procedure hygienic, you need to wrap the product in a clean cloth, such as a sheet or pillowcase. You can skip this stage in an emergency situation, when even a second of delay is dangerous for the patient. Humidification of the supplied gas during such inhalation is not enough, so the mucous membranes become dry. Other features of inhalation:

  • it is necessary to moisten the bandage or gauze as it dries;
  • according to doctors, the optimal volume of gas supplied, which the human body assimilates well, is 4-5 liters per minute;
  • During the procedure, it is necessary to follow the scheme: “inhale - open the tap, exhale - close it,” which ensures that the gas enters directly into the patient’s lungs, and not into environment;
  • Sometimes it is necessary to squeeze out the gas to help the healing mixture come out.

Replacing maxi catheters helps reduce oxygen leakage. Tubes are numbered 8-12. Catheters are inserted into the nasal passages so that they reach the posterior pharyngeal region. The distance is approximately equal to the distance from the earlobe to the tip of the nose. The catheters are first marked by sticking a small strip of tape. Doctors do not recommend performing inhalation using catheters on your own.

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Storage rules

After the procedure, the product must be filled with oxygen, otherwise the walls of the device may stick together. The place where the oxygen cushion will be stored should have a temperature within 1-25 degrees. Recommended indoor humidity is at least 65%. The oxygen bag should not be located near household appliances, generating heat. It should also be kept away from fuels and lubricants.

Refilling oxygen bags

There are several options for refueling the product. When choosing a place to fill the product with gas, you must consider your capabilities. If oxygen is required constantly, then traveling to pharmacies or clinics every time will be inconvenient. In general, you can refill the device:

  1. In a medical institution, including a clinic, hospital, etc. It is especially recommended to contact these institutions for those who have been prescribed oxygen therapy by a doctor. In this case, refueling is free.
  2. At the pharmacy. It is worth considering that not everyone offers a procedure for refilling a pillow. When purchasing, you should ask in advance whether this or another pharmacy has such an opportunity.
  3. At home. This is the most convenient option. To refuel at home, you need to purchase oxygen cylinders at the pharmacy.

What do they run?

To refill the product, a reducer from a cylinder is required. This container is very convenient for storing and transporting oxygen in compressed form. A pressure of 150 atmospheres is maintained inside the cylinder. The material from which it is made is high quality steel. Depending on the size of the pillow, you can find a cylinder with a capacity of 1-40 liters. To ensure the safety of the cylinder during transportation, it is equipped with a safety cap. When storing, do not allow it to fall. It is prohibited to keep cylinders near fire, heating elements and heating devices.

How to refuel yourself

The process of filling a pillow, as well as its use, has its own recommendations. It is important to follow it strictly so that there are no problems with the inhalation procedure in the future. So, refueling the product occurs as follows:

  • open the device clamp;
  • disconnect the mask from the hose, carefully insert it into the special outlet on the cylinder;
  • open the container slowly and carefully;
  • fill the pillow until it is completely expanded;
  • Make sure that the rubber hose does not move away from the outlet, otherwise your hands may be burned by the supplied gas;
  • close the cylinder, set the clamp on the cushion to the “closed” position.

Where can I buy

To purchase a pillow, you can choose a regular or online pharmacy. Regardless of where you buy it, you will need a prescription from a doctor. You cannot buy an oxygen bag without a prescription. Among the online stores where you can order a pillow, in some cases even at a discount, the following stand out:

Cost of an oxygen bag

The price of the product is determined by the manufacturer, the volume of the pillow itself and the markup of specific pharmacies. A popular brand of pillow is Meridian. Its manufacturer is DGM PHARMA APPARATE HANDEL AG, Switzerland, and the country of origin is China. Examples of costs are presented in the table:

Brand of pillow or can

Price for Moscow and St. Petersburg, rubles

Oxygen cartridges Kislorod

Side effects and contraindications

There are no absolute contraindications to oxygen therapy for adults. Particular care must be taken when inhaling children and pregnant women. For these categories of patients, oxygen therapy is indicated only as prescribed by a doctor. Complications from prolonged inhalation of pure oxygen may include:

  • dry mouth;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • impaired mucociliary clearance;
  • systemic vasoconstriction;
  • carbon dioxide retention;
  • decreased minute ventilation;
  • decreased cardiac output.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.


What is an oxygen cushion

What diseases require such a prompt response? There are a lot of them, and they concern, first of all, severe disorders in the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system. The danger of such conditions lies in the often occurring acute oxygen deficiency - at stake human life! To normalize breathing in this case, an oxygen-air mixture is used, which contains 93% oxygen and 7% carbon dioxide: The life-saving medicine is given to the patient to inhale, and the functions of the respiratory system are quickly restored.

Oxygen products in the form of a pillow or an oxygen inhaler are a handy tool for inhalation therapy. In hospitals, oxygen tents and inhalers are usually used - such devices are convenient for use in emergency and emergency care.

There is nothing complicated in home oxygen therapy: you just need to purchase an oxygen cushion to use it in cases of emergency before the ambulance team arrives. An oxygen pillow is a device specially adapted for use at home.

What is an oxygen cushion

The appearance of the device really resembles an ordinary pillow, but this is probably where their common features end. An oxygen cushion is a rectangular rubber container with a volume of 10–75 liters, equipped with a mouthpiece (or, alternatively, a funnel) and a rubber tube with a tap that regulates the supply of therapeutic gas. Oxygen is pumped into the pillow from a cylinder, to which a reducer is first connected to reduce the pressure to 2 atm. The doctor writes a prescription and you can go to a specialized pharmacy or clinic at the patient’s place of residence to pick up the device. The pillow must be accompanied by documents - operating instructions and a warranty card.

The pillow is intended for repeated use, and as the oxygen mixture is consumed, the container can be refilled by contacting a pharmacy or medical facility.

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In what cases is an oxygen cushion used?

Oxygen therapy is in demand in the treatment of many diseases in which oxygen starvation develops. A deficiency of vital gas occurs when:

  • violation of the lung ventilation mechanism;
  • difficulty supplying oxygen during inspiration;
  • oxygen deficiency in the environment.

Oxygen starvation is a common symptom when a person suffers from bronchial asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema or pulmonary edema. This list also includes insufficient blood circulation, anemia, carbon monoxide poisoning, and the recovery period after major surgery.

Instructions for use of oxygen device

  1. Fill the pillow with oxygen and attach the mouthpiece to the free end of the rubber tube of the device. The mouthpiece must be disinfected in advance with 70% alcohol.
  2. Wrap the mouthpiece in 3-4 layers of damp gauze. This is necessary to humidify oxygen and avoid dry mouth in the patient.
  3. Insert the mouthpiece into the patient's mouth and press firmly, but not too hard. This is important - this way oxygen will get directly into a person’s lungs, and there will be no leakage into the environment. Slowly and smoothly turn the oxygen cushion valve, adjust the flow rate of the gas that leaves the device under the influence of increased pressure. Make sure that the patient inhales oxygen through the mouth and exhales through the nose. The optimal volume of oxygen supply, which is well tolerated by patients, is 4–5 liters per minute. You need to act according to the scheme “inhale - the tap is open, exhale - the tap is closed.” This will prevent oxygen from entering the air.
  4. As the oxygen in the device decreases, the pillow is pressed down from the corner with your free hand, gradually rolling it up. Inhalation is carried out for 5–6 minutes, interrupting the procedure for 5–10 minutes for the patient to rest.
  5. After inhalation, disconnect the mouthpiece from the pillow, boil it and store it in a dry container (this can be a clean jar) with a tight-fitting lid until the next procedure.

Typically, oxygen lasts for 5–7 minutes, after which the device is replaced with a spare bag or refilled with gas. The percentage of oxygen escaping from the pillow into the air can be somewhat reduced by replacing the mouthpiece with a catheter, which is inserted into the patient’s lower nasal passage. If the choice is ultimately made in favor of a catheter, then you will need a device numbered 8–12. Several holes are made in the catheter, slightly retreating from its end, and it is carefully inserted into the nostrils so that the device enters the posterior pharyngeal cavity. In this case, the approximate distance is from the tip of the nose to the earlobe. The required distance on the device is pre-marked using a small strip of adhesive tape. A significant “minus” in using a catheter is that you cannot insert it yourself. It is best to entrust the procedure to a qualified medical professional.

Contraindications to the use of an oxygen cushion

There are usually no significant contraindications to oxygen therapy. When treating children and pregnant women, an oxygen pillow is used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor and only in case of urgent need.

How to store an oxygen bag

After the oxygen therapy procedure, it is recommended to fill the device with air so that its walls do not stick together until the next use. To store the pillow, choose a cool, dark place with a temperature of 1 to 25°C in a room with a humidity of at least 65%. The oxygen cushion should not fall within the range of devices that generate heat, and should also be kept away from flammable and lubricant substances.

MirSovetov warns: long-term use of an oxygen cushion is undesirable. Despite oxygen humidification with damp gauze, the mucous membrane oral cavity, nose and respiratory tract as a whole still loses the moisture necessary for normal functioning.

Remember that only a doctor can prescribe oxygen therapy to a patient. This one, at first glance, safe method requires great responsibility, since an overdose of oxygen can cause the same harm to a sick person as its deficiency. Particularly severe consequences when inhaling too large volumes of oxygen are observed in infants. If the patient experiences discomfort during oxygen inhalation, the procedure must be stopped immediately!

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Home care for patients with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, kidneys, etc. requires a high degree of readiness to provide emergency assistance with a sharp deterioration in the condition of patients. One of the most important measures in this case is the elimination of oxygen deficiency in the body by inhaling an oxygen-air mixture (96 % oxygen and 7% carbon dioxide). For oxygen therapy at home, before the ambulance arrives, they use an oxygen cushion, which is a rubberized bag with a capacity of 16 to 25 liters. At one end of the oxygen bag there is a rubber tube with a valve for regulating the oxygen supply and a mouthpiece. If necessary, according to a doctor’s prescription, an oxygen cushion is issued at a pharmacy or clinic at the patient’s place of residence. It is reusable, so as the oxygen from the pillow is used up, it is refilled again at the pharmacy or clinic.

Immediately before oxygen inhalation, an ebonite mouthpiece is placed on the free end of the rubber tube of the oxygen cushion, which is boiled in advance and stored in a dry, sterilized jar with a tight-fitting lid. To prevent dry mouth and moisten oxygen, the mouthpiece is covered with damp gauze. The mouthpiece should not be pressed tightly against your mouth. It is held at a distance of 4-5 cm from the patient’s mouth and the tap on the rubber tube is gradually opened. Oxygen, due to increased pressure, leaves the pillow and, when inhaled, enters the respiratory tract. The rate of oxygen supply is regulated by the tap on the tube and pressing on the pillow from its corner until the oxygen is completely released. Typically, patients tolerate 4-5 liters of oxygen per minute well. The tap is opened when inhaling and closed when exhaling so that oxygen does not enter the air. Oxygen is usually inhaled for 5-7 minutes with a break of 5-10 minutes.

The oxygen cushion lasts for 4-7 minutes, and then it is replaced with a spare one or refilled with oxygen. Oxygen humidification with this method of administration is insufficient, and it dries out the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and respiratory tract, so prolonged use of oxygen cushions without breaks can lead to undesirable complications and is therefore not recommended.

Loss of oxygen from the pillow to the surrounding air can be reduced by replacing the mouthpiece with a catheter inserted into the lower nasal meatus.

Updated: 2019-07-09 20:56:34

  • The favorable course of the disease to a certain extent depends on the living conditions that surround the patient at home, on the sanitary and hygienic
  • Neuroses are functional diseases of the central nervous system that affect the entire body as a whole. The cause of neuroses is acute or chronic overstrain

Unfortunately, there are times when it is necessary to provide emergency assistance to a person. In such cases, an oxygen cushion may be needed. It is used for heart rhythm disturbances, problems with breathing and blood vessels.

The danger of such pathologies lies in the fact that a person may begin to experience a sharp lack of oxygen. And not every one of us knows how to perform artificial respiration. Therefore, an oxygen cushion can become an indispensable assistant. To normalize breathing, an oxygen-air mixture is used, which contains 7% carbon dioxide and 93% oxygen. This mixture is given to a sick person to inhale to quickly restore respiratory functions.

Today, you can buy an oxygen bag and an oxygen inhaler in pharmacies. Such means are readily available, and each person can use them independently if necessary. In hospital settings, doctors use inhalers or oxygen tents to provide care. They are more convenient to use.

Carrying out oxygen therapy at home is not difficult at all. You need to buy an oxygen bag to use in emergencies. However, if there is an acute lack of oxygen, you should not rely only on an oxygen cushion. She can only help until the ambulance arrives. This device is fully adapted for home use.

What is an oxygen cushion?

Externally, this device is very similar to a regular small pillow. However, this is where their similarities end. An oxygen cushion is a rubber quadrangular container, the volume of which can range from 10 to 75 liters. The pillow is equipped with a mouthpiece, as well as a rubber tap, with which the supply of the medicinal mixture is regulated.

The oxygen mixture is pumped into the pillow using a cylinder, to which a reducer is first attached to reduce the pressure to 2 atm. You cannot buy an oxygen bag without a prescription. Therefore, if you want to purchase it, you first need to consult a doctor so that he can write a prescription. After this you can go to the pharmacy. The oxygen bag must be accompanied by documents: a warranty card and an instruction manual.

The oxygen cushion is designed for reusable use. As soon as the medicinal mixture in it runs out, it can be filled with a new one. Therapeutic mixtures for oxygen pillows are sold at the pharmacy or you can contact the medical institution at your place of residence.

When to use an oxygen blanket

Treatment with an oxygen cushion is called oxygen therapy in medicine. It is necessary for diseases of the respiratory system or heart. An oxygen cushion is used for oxygen starvation. Oxygen deficiency can occur when:

  • oxygen deficiency in the environment;
  • violations of the pulmonary ventilation mechanism;
  • difficult oxygen supply during inspiration.

Oxygen starvation is a common symptom in many diseases. For example, with pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pulmonary edema. This list can also be supplemented with the following diseases: anemia, circulatory disorders, carbon monoxide poisoning. Often oxygen therapy may also be necessary after major surgery.

How to use an oxygen bag correctly

Oxygen bags must come with an instruction manual. The instructions describe step by step how to properly use an oxygen cushion:

  1. It is necessary to fill the oxygen bag with the therapeutic mixture and attach the mouthpiece to the free end of the rubber tube of the device. Before attaching the mouthpiece, it must be disinfected with a 70% alcohol solution.
  2. Wrap the mouthpiece in several layers of gauze. This must be done in order to humidify the oxygen, as well as to prevent dry mouth of the sick person.
  3. Insert the mouthpiece tightly into the patient's mouth so that it does not fall out. The mouthpiece must be held. This is very important, since oxygen will immediately enter the human lungs and will not leak into the environment. Make sure the mouthpiece is inserted correctly. After this, smoothly and very slowly turn the valve of the oxygen cushion, and then adjust the flow rate of the therapeutic mixture. The therapeutic mixture is released under pressure, so you must always ensure that the patient inhales oxygen through the mouth and exhales it through the nose. Doctors believe that the optimal volume of oxygen supply, which is well absorbed by the human body, is no more than 4-5 liters per minute. It is necessary to act according to the following scheme: “inhale - open the tap, exhale - close the tap.” Thanks to this scheme, oxygen will not enter the environment, but will go directly to the patient’s lungs.
  4. Oxygen will decrease over time, so you need to press the pillow from the corner with your free hand, gradually rolling it up. Inhalation should be done for 5 minutes, then you need to take a break for 5-10 minutes so that the patient can rest.
  5. After completing the procedure, you need to disconnect the mouthpiece from the pillow and boil it. The mouthpiece should be stored in a clean and dry place.

As a rule, one oxygen cushion is enough for 5-7 minutes. After this, you need to change the pillow for a new one, and fill this one with gas.

Contraindications to the use of an oxygen pillow

There are no contraindications to oxygen therapy. However, this procedure may not be suitable for everyone due to the individual characteristics of the body. When treating pregnant women and children, an oxygen pillow should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

How to properly store an oxygen bag

As mentioned above, the oxygen cushion is enough for one procedure lasting no more than 7 minutes. When the healing mixture in the pillow runs out, it should not be left empty, as the walls of the pillow may stick together, after which the pillow will become unusable. To prevent this from happening, you need to fill the pillow with oxygen.

If you know that you will have to use the oxygen bag several times, then buy an air cylinder for it in advance. Using a cylinder, you can fill the pillow with an oxygen mixture yourself.

The oxygen cushion must be stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature of 1 to 25 degrees. The humidity of the room where the pillow will be stored should be no more than 65%. Under no circumstances should oxygen bags be stored near devices that generate heat. Also, pillows should be stored as far as possible from lubricants and flammable substances.

It is important to know

As useful as an oxygen cushion may be, it is not recommended to use it for long periods of time. Despite the fact that wet gauze humidifies the air entering the lungs, the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and respiratory tract still lose the moisture necessary for normal functioning.

Oxygen is useful. But you should not start using an oxygen pillow on your own, without a doctor’s recommendation. This method requires a lot of responsibility. After all, an overdose of oxygen can cause serious harm to the human body. Oxygen pillows are especially dangerous for infants. After all, the baby can inhale more oxygen than he needs.

If during the procedure the patient becomes worse or begins to experience discomfort, it is necessary to immediately stop the oxygen supply from the pillow and call an ambulance.

Attention! All oxygen bags are sold unfilled!

Before buying an oxygen bag, we recommend finding a place where it will be refilled for you!
If you are not sure that you can do this, we advise you to choose an oxygen source that does not require refilling:

How to calculate how long an oxygen cushion lasts? Depending on age, gender, lung capacity and health status, the patient usually consumes from 2-3 to 5 liters of air in one breath. Based on this, it turns out that the 25 and 40 liter pillows offered in our online store are designed for:

  • 5-12 minutes in the first case;
  • 8-20 minutes in the second.

It should be taken into account that for safety reasons for human health, the duration of the session should not exceed 7 minutes. Then a break is taken for 5-10 minutes, after which, if necessary, the supply of the oxygen mixture is resumed. A 40 liter pillow is enough for two sessions of 4 minutes each.

If there is a need to continue supplying oxygen, the tank is refilled with gas. If there is no such need, the oxygen cushion is filled a small amount air to prevent sticking of the walls.

Oxygen pillows

In respiratory failure and life-threatening conditions, it often plays an important role in emergency response. medical care allocated to an oxygen cushion, which is designed for repeated filling with the gas mixture. If the need to use this medical product arises frequently, then it is advisable to purchase it for home first aid kit, and the price is more than affordable.

The home oxygen bag includes a mouthpiece, a mask and a catheter, through which oxygen is supplied to the patient. The feed speed is controlled by a clamp; as the gas is consumed, the cushion is twisted from one corner to make maximum use of the entire volume.

The valve opens during inhalation and closes during exhalation so as not to release the oxygen mixture into the surrounding space. The use of a nasal catheter instead of a mask or mouthpiece allows you to minimize the loss of the gas mixture.

Target: medicinal.

Indications: as prescribed by a doctor (respiratory, circulatory, central nervous system diseases).


Airway obstruction.


1. An oxygen cushion filled with oxygen.

2.Mouthpiece (funnel).

3. Sterile gauze wipes folded in 4 layers.

4. Boiled water or defoamer (10% antifomsilane, 96% ethyl alcohol).

5. Bobrov apparatus.

6. Transition polyvinyl chloride tube.

7.Nasal cannula.

8.Distilled water – 30 0 C-40 0 C

9. Sterile tray.

10.Container for used material.

11.Container with disinfectant solution.

12. Sterile gloves.

Patient preparation:

1. Establish a trusting relationship with the patient.

2. Explain the purpose and progress of the manipulation, obtain permission to carry out the procedure.

3.Give the patient a comfortable position.

4.Clear the airways if necessary.

5.Teach the patient proper breathing through funnel– inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.


Oxygen supply through the Bobrov apparatus

1. Wash your hands at a hygienic level, wear gloves.

2. Prepare Bobrov’s apparatus for operation: pour 2/3 of the volume into a clean glass container with distilled water at a temperature of 30 0 C - 40 0 ​​C and screw the screw until it stops on the plug to ensure the tightness of the connection. Check the water level in the apparatus - only one glass tube is immersed in water.

3. Connect a polyvinyl chloride adapter tube to the glass tube of the device (immersed in water) and connect its free end to the valve on the system for centralized oxygen supply.

4.Connect a funnel to the other glass tube of the apparatus (located above the water). A nasal cannula can be attached.

5. Open the tap on the oxygen supply system and adjust the oxygen supply rate (4-5 liters per minute). For control

6. Bring the funnel to the patient’s mouth or attach a nasal cannula to the patient.

7. Ask the patient to breathe correctly: inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose (if he breathes through a funnel).

8.Supply oxygen for 40-60 minutes.

9. To stop the oxygen supply, it is necessary to close the valve on the centralized oxygen supply system. Remove the funnel or nasal cannula from the patient. Disconnect the funnel (or nasal cannula) from the device. Empty the container of the Bobrov apparatus from water.

10.Check the patient’s well-being

Oxygen supply via oxygen cushion

1. Wash your hands at a hygienic level, put on gloves.

2.Attach the funnel to the pillow tube.

3.Moisten a napkin in water or defoamer and squeeze lightly. Wrap the mouthpiece (funnel) with a damp cloth (folded in 4 layers).

4.Hold the mouthpiece (funnel) near the patient’s mouth and open the valve on the pillow.

5.Adjust the oxygen supply rate (4-5 liters per minute). For control oxygen flow rate - bring the funnel through which the oxygen is supplied to the palm of your other hand and make sure that the oxygen flows with moderate force.

6.Ask the patient to breathe correctly: inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.

7.As oxygen is supplied to the patient, press on the pillow and roll it up from the opposite end until all the oxygen is completely released. Close the tap on the pillow.

8.Remove the oxygen cushion (after 15 minutes, if an oxygen mixture containing 80 - 100% oxygen was supplied). Disconnect the funnel.

9Check the patient’s well-being

10.Repeat oxygen supply after 10-15 minutes (if necessary).


1.Give the patient a fortified drink.

2. All used instruments should be disinfected. The funnel is disinfected by wiping with 70% alcohol. Remove gloves and disinfect. Wash and dry your hands.

3.Carry out daily careful care of the patient’s mucous membranes

Possible complications:

1.Dryness and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose. 2. Oxygen intoxication.

3. Violation of the rhythm of breathing and cardiac activity.