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» Taurus Scorpio compatibility at work. Taurus - Scorpio: compatibility in love relationships. How to get the attention of a Taurus woman

Taurus Scorpio compatibility at work. Taurus - Scorpio: compatibility in love relationships. How to get the attention of a Taurus woman

- these are two opposites. A calm and friendly nature, loving the comfort of home, and a person who loves to be in public, attracts a lot of attention, is domineering and hot-tempered. But what do these signs have in common? Can they be side by side and create a strong union?

Compatibility in love affairs

Scorpio and Taurus love compatibility theirs is built more on passion than on reason. Both signs are very jealous, treat their partner as property, willful and have a special temperament. If suddenly a small spark flares up in them, then very soon it will flare up into a strong fire. But, even though they both have marriage, they take marriage seriously and remain faithful to their partner.

Taurus woman, Scorpio man: compatibility in love they have a special one, she tries to achieve complete power over his body, and he conquers her entirely to himself alone. This couple has a great connection in their sex life. Their hearts beat in rhythm, both have the most powerful temperament, and there is harmony in bed. What else is needed for strong bonds? In addition, the lady in this union does not talk about her personal life and does not collect gossip; the partner also adheres to the same position, so they do not have scandals on this basis. The beautiful and gentle Taurus is a girl who has excellent compatibility with other signs; she will have a special attitude towards the restraint of her beloved.

Scorpio guy and Taurus girl an excellent tandem, because he is very impressed by her calmness and prudence. But for a man to be comfortable in this union, he needs to take risks, expect something new. That is why he constantly tries to drag his partner into unnecessary scandals, often raises his voice, is rude and insolent. But the lady is very wise and knows how to peacefully put out this kind of fire, remove the negativity and not lead to a scandal.

Scorpio man Taurus woman I like his correct approaches to all his outbursts. But the lady herself is very patient and tactful, she is ready to smooth out such outbursts, but only as long as she feels that her love is strong. But if she understands that she is not ready to endure all this any longer, then she will be the first to take a serious step and break off all relations.

A union where the Scorpio lady is very rare. Usually this hot-tempered person avoids the domestic Taurus. She is not attracted to him as their goals are completely opposite. And if suddenly they fall in love, this couple does not exist for long, the lady always begins to show character that...

Is friendship possible between two signs?

For Scorpio, his snobbery and high opinion of himself do not add to his popularity, but Taurus, on the contrary, knows how to maintain friendship and very quickly finds a common language with new people. The friendship of these signs is determined only by how successful Scorpio is. But Taurus simply love to expand their circle of acquaintances, which is sure to please a friend. If apathy does not break out between them at the beginning of their acquaintance, then their friendship can become the strongest and most faithful.

Scorpio – Taurus sign compatibility in friendly relations is possible only thanks to the calmness of the latter, because it is he who manages to smooth out the friend’s temper and irritability. Their relationship is built on complete trust and mutual respect, which makes their friendship strong. They are both able to create a strong and strong business alliance, where the drive and prudence of Taurus reign, enhanced by the passion and quite interesting ideas of Scorpio, such a tandem can be an excellent start for their common business. But if rivalry suddenly breaks out between them, then each will stand his ground to the last, and will not make concessions under any circumstances. Both are so stubborn that their friendship can develop into enmity for many years.

Scorpio – Taurus: is a joint business possible?

Taurus Scorpio compatibility in love relationships They have a good one, but in their work they are able to create a well-coordinated tandem. If the main thing in their joint business is Scorpio, then he is very careful in selecting personnel. He is an authoritative and demanding boss, but the Taurus employee suits him in everything, since he carries out all the tasks assigned to him with precision, does not enter into conflicts and always listens to the opinion of Scorpio, but at the same time is not afraid to make his comments and wishes.

Scorpio man, Taurus woman: compatibility This couple is also very good at work. After all, the lady has business acumen, never rushes in making decisions, and values ​​the opinions of all her employees. A Scorpio, led by a woman, shows his intelligence in his work, very much, but if he decides to take the place of Taurus, then there will be a scandal.

Scorpio Taurus: Compatibility in Love, affairs and friendship are possible for them only if they can find a common language and a way to give in to one another. But if mutual understanding between them is not established from the first days, then their relationship has no future, they will break all ties forever. In the future, after the breakup, they will no longer be able to trust each other, and further contacts are excluded.

They are opposite signs in the zodiac. This gives their relationship a specific, complex connection. They can team up so that each partner's individual strengths balance out the other's weaknesses. Their sex drive will most likely be off the charts! Taurus and Scorpio have a lot in common, but... personalities are very powerful, they often balance between passionate love and passionate disagreement!

Taurus and Scorpio have deep desires: Taurus has a desire for property, Scorpio has a desire for power. They are both preoccupied with wealth and resources, and they both have strong passions for different types of things. Taurus is a little more self-focused than Scorpio, who is more concerned with their lover and immediate family. Both of these signs have a large, deep-seated need for security in their relationships, but with slightly different centers. While the honest and straightforward Taurus hates infidelity, Scorpio loves to be mysterious. Scorpio's security is the need to be sure that their emotional connection with their loved one is strong. It's good when Taurus needs this reassurance as well and is also willing to provide it to their Scorpio lover.

Compatibility by planets Venus-Mars-Pluto

Taurus is ruled by Venus (love and money), while Scorpio is ruled by Mars (passion) and Pluto (power). This combination is very intense due to the influence of Pluto, it is also an excellent balance of masculine and feminine energy. Scorpio and Taurus together form the basis of all love relationships - love and passion. Venus and Mars are suitable for each other; Venus is the beauty of the novel, and Mars is the passion of the novel. Scorpio is sexually powerful and intense, while Taurus is a sensual and tireless lover and is attracted to such intensity. In turn, Scorpio enjoys the devotion inherent in the birth of Taurus, ruled by Venus.

Earth-Water Element Compatibility

Interpersonal compatibility between Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus and Scorpio are both fixed signs. This means that they are quite stubborn and determined once they have their eyes set in one direction. Let's hope they keep their eyes pointed in the same direction, otherwise they are prone to heated arguments among themselves like no other zodiac sign. Taurus seems to prevail as the dominant partner, but this is not always the case. Scorpio can "win" in more devious ways, such as using emotional manipulation to get what they want. These partners must learn to discuss their views and needs openly and reach compromise if they want their union to last happily. This mainly depends on Scorpio's ability to learn to trust Taurus. A relationship will fail if the two partners truly cannot reconsider their self-righteous principles in life.

What's the best thing about a Taurus and Scorpio relationship?

Theirs is a strong connection that can shine when the barriers to intimacy are removed. When Scorpio understands that he is letting Taurus into his life for a long time, and will not cause him suffering, and Taurus, in turn, will not impose his opinion on Scorpio. The love relationships of these zodiac signs are viable and can blossom.

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Scorpio is the most powerful and independent of all the zodiac signs. Often people born at this time are ruthless and decisive. On the other hand, Taurus are characterized by a cool head, sensitivity, and a certain vulnerability.

At first glance, these two signs are absolutely incompatible, but if you look deeper into this issue, it turns out that people of both signs have a lot in common and can complement each other well.

General information about sign compatibility

The signs represent different elements - earth and water. But when they come together, most often a strong union develops, allowing both representatives to express themselves. The path to happiness or success will not be smooth, but the results will be worth it.

The main problem is similar character traits, therefore, for a successful union, one of the partners, or better yet both, will have to show cunning in turn and give in.

Both signs can become most successful in the following areas:

  • poetry;
  • art;
  • the science;
  • marriage.

In the process of a relationship, Taurus receives a piece of independence and spiritual strength of the partner, and Scorpio receives peace and homeliness. Both signs have similar traits:

  • hard work;
  • persistence in achieving goals;
  • well developed sense of humor;
  • constancy.

It is against the backdrop of these character traits that the first positive impression is formed upon meeting, which grows into a long, passionate relationship.

According to astrologers, Taurus and Scorpio will either be at enmity or create an ideal union, there is no third option.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Most often, after meeting a representative of the opposite sex they like, modern people try to find out each other's zodiac sign, and after that they review the compatibility parameters in detail. This information does not always determine your future fate, but it can definitely help you build harmonious relationships.

He is Scorpio, she is Taurus

Let's look at the main character traits of both representatives, and then give recommendations that will help make such a union strong.

  • Features of a woman's body:
  • Enormous willpower, patience; Stubbornness, but with an easy character d
  • A Taurus girl is always surrounded by a lot of friends; Coolness.

The representative of the fair sex of this sign is always surrounded by many gentlemen, but her character traits allow her to choose the one and only, without obeying impulses of passion.

  • Features of a Scorpio man:
  • determination and perseverance;
  • justice;

jealous character.

Compatibility in love

If the first months of dating do not end in marriage, then further love relationships will be relevant for both partners for a very long time.

  • A closed Scorpio will reveal a second nature to his chosen one, and this is tenderness and sensuality. At the same time, the girl will feel like she is behind a stone wall, because Scorpio will never offend his chosen one. Both signs suffer from the disease, but Taurus is able to suppress this feeling, while Scorpio cannot cope with one of its main traits. Scandals will arise constantly, but reconciliation will bring a lot of passion, making love glow with new colors;
  • A sense of ownership. Another characteristic feature of Scorpio. A woman will have to come to terms with this, trying not to give a man any reason to doubt that she belongs only to him.

Marriage Compatibility

The common factor for both spouses is children. The Scorpio man is a wonderful dad, a supporter of a large and friendly family. Scandals from the previous period of relations will not go away, but mutual responsibility to the younger generation will keep their number to a minimum.

However, there are dangers:

  • Jealousy of a Taurus woman. By taking care of the house and children, a woman will no longer suppress her inherent jealousy, so for a man the world will turn upside down. Now he will have to get used to this and find ways of reconciliation;
  • Family budget. These zodiac signs have almost opposite views on spending. Taurus prefer constancy and a certain monotony, while Scorpios easily succumb to a romantic surge, allowing themselves expensive purchases that are not directly related to the material well-being of the family, which can lead to a breakup.

She is a Scorpio, he is a Taurus

Main characteristics of a Taurus man:

  • romance;
  • patience and calm;
  • loyalty.

The main character traits of a Scorpio woman:

  • femininity;
  • mystery and patience.

jealous character.

Both signs are characterized by passion, so their compatibility in love will be almost perfect. However, the Scorpio woman is very jealous and possessive. If, due to his stubbornness, a man goes into a serious scandal, then the love relationship can end in an instant.

However, at the thought that one of the partners may soon find a replacement, feelings will flare up with renewed vigor and Taurus and Scorpio will again rush into each other’s arms. Lasting love is possible only when the couple is able to go through the first period together, full of quarrels and mutual reproaches.

Marriage Compatibility

Despite the differences in character, a married couple from the Taurus of a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman can turn out great.

Dad will be wonderful, and mom will completely complement him if there is not enough strictness in upbringing. Taurus will forget about jealousy, and Scorpio will create a family hearth.

  • However, a happy family will be under several conditions: The Scorpio woman is demanding, the financial component greatly influences her state of mind;
  • Restraint. Scorpio will still have outbursts of anger, so it is extremely important for Taurus not to respond to them with inherent stubbornness;
  • Agreement on the issue of hospitality. Taurus loves big companies, which he is willing to host quite often, but Scorpio does not really like this. Therefore, for a successful union it is important to find a middle ground.

Negative sides of the union

These two signs are almost complete opposites, so they attract. However, a number of similar and not very pleasant character traits can turn love into hatred for the rest of your life:

  • A closed Scorpio will reveal a second nature to his chosen one, and this is tenderness and sensuality. At the same time, the girl will feel like she is behind a stone wall, because Scorpio will never offend his chosen one. This is a common feature. If one of the partners does not overcome it within himself, then grandiose scandals with the same consequences are simply guaranteed;
  • Passion and calm. Scorpio lives by passion, he constantly needs new sensations. Taurus strives for constancy and tranquility. Hence the large percentage of spouses or lovers cheating on each other;
  • Scorpio's strong character. Subconsciously, the water sign strives to subjugate the partner and if this is successful, then interest in further relationships is lost, which often leads to a break;
  • Opposite concepts about the way to earn money and then spend financial resources. If the monotonous work of a Taurus is quite satisfactory, then Scorpio needs constant challenges.

Compatibility in different areas

Let's take a closer look at the compatibility of signs in the main areas of life.


The couple is considered almost perfect. Scorpio tries to bring something new, and Taurus shows a keen interest in this. Often sex remains the only thing that connects both spouses when there is no trace of love left.

It should be understood that if Taurus tries to show conservatism for a long time, Scorpio’s interest will certainly fade away, and the couple will break up.


Scorpio and Taurus perfectly feel each other's needs, while both strive for constancy. The explosive nature of the water sign is perfectly stabilized by the earth sign and vice versa - Scorpio is able to give a charge of energy that is vital for Taurus. Friendship may end due to circumstances, but it is unlikely to resume again.


The similarity of characters allows you to persistently and responsibly approach any business, complement each other in your work, which leads to excellent results at the initial stage of business development.

However, in the future there is a huge difference in strategies. Therefore, successful alliances are possible only with the correct distribution of responsibilities. Monotonous and constant - for Taurus, challenges and novelty - for Scorpio.

With mutual desire, representatives of these zodiac signs are able to get along. A favorable tone for their relationship can only be set by mutual sympathy and a successful coincidence of circumstances. If there is a clash of interests between Taurus and Scorpio, both will show intransigence even in small things, as a result of which they can become dangerous rivals. One way or another, these people respect each other, so they are unlikely to resort to dishonest methods of struggle.

TAURUS man and SCORPIO woman

The personal relationship between a Scorpio woman and a Taurus man can develop successfully, but on the condition that they give up the struggle for power and do not change each other. The decisive factor here is not zodiac compatibility, but personal sympathy and the desire to be together.

If this couple is united by common affairs, then there will be no conflicts only if everyone takes care of their responsibilities, giving the other the opportunity to work independently. Scorpio may not be satisfied with the sluggishness of Taurus, while the representative of the earth sign is not delighted with the harsh behavior of Scorpio. Mutual nitpicking will lead to confrontation, which will completely discourage both of them from cooperating.

♉ + ♏: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- A Taurus guy and a Scorpio girl live in different rhythms. At first, this is not so noticeable - the lovers are too fascinated by each other, so they turn a blind eye to many things. A girl’s external calm will make a deceptive impression on a guy, but her behavior only speaks of her ability to keep her emotions under control. As long as everything suits her, she will indeed behave with restraint, but the turning point in this relationship will come precisely from her suggestion.

The Taurus guy suits the Scorpio girl in many ways - he is not a fan of wasting time, he is practical and smart in everything, but from her point of view, he is too slow. Representatives of both zodiac signs treat the choice of a loved one with all responsibility - they are in no hurry to unite their everyday life, and do not start talking about a wedding ahead of time. The Scorpio girl does not force anyone to be with her, but she is much faster than a guy in assessing the prospects of a love relationship. From the very first meetings, she had already managed to consider the positive and negative sides of this connection, and if she had already decided for herself that this person was right for her, then she could not understand the guy’s position. In any case, her further actions will lead to not the most pleasant consequences - if she directly inquires about her lover’s plans for their future together, he will perceive this as pressure on her part; if she lets the situation take its course, then he may not wait for the guy’s initiative. The Scorpio girl is not one of those who wait for years for fate’s favor. If she is ripe for starting a family, then a more promising and determined suitor will put an end to her relationship with Taurus with his appearance.

♉ + ♏: Married

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- Since the most difficult thing for this couple is to decide to register their marriage, and both value their family, the relationship between the spouses promises to be very strong. The Scorpio woman will make her own adjustments to her husband’s measured lifestyle, but will do everything to ensure that these changes do not become painful for him.

The spouses are completely satisfied with their life together - both love order and cleanliness, but the wife does not always have the opportunity to devote as much time to the house as she would like. She usually works alongside her husband, who often owes his success in his career to his wife. If this is so, then the Scorpio woman will never demonstratively emphasize her merits, as a result of which everyone will be satisfied.

In intimate life, not everything is smooth at first - the wife wants more variety in bed than her husband can offer. Gradually the situation will improve for the better. The Scorpio woman acts unobtrusively, she does not insist, but interests her husband in new sensations, for which he will later be grateful to her.

♉ + ♏: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The Scorpio girl is friends either with those who understand her perfectly, or in case of another interest, but she does not believe in her. She definitely doesn’t have a kinship of souls with a Taurus guy, so it’s unlikely that she will maintain a relationship with him just for the sake of communication. If young people spend a lot of time together, and a Scorpio girl tries to communicate with a Taurus on topics that interest him, most likely, she is thus eyeing him as a guy. She doesn’t like to beat around the bush for a long time, so she will soon bring clarity to the relationship.

SCORPIO man and TAURUS woman

If the goals of a Scorpio man and a Taurus woman coincide, they will find a common language in both business and personal life. In the event of a conflict of interests, these people risk becoming enemies. Since they are both unyielding, each of them insists on being right to the last, even if he realized that he was wrong. Taurus and Scorpio are so principled that sometimes they even act to the detriment of their own interests.

♏ + ♉: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- A Scorpio guy is attracted to constancy and responsibility in his chosen one. Unlike representatives of other zodiac signs, she does not provoke him to jealousy, and there is also no understatement on her part. The girl is also interested in an active and determined young man, especially since he is attentive and knows how to look after beautifully.

At first, the lovers are simply fascinated by each other, but the varying degrees of their activity will one day make themselves felt. The Taurus girl does not like to change anything in her life; she perceives change as a threat to stability, but does not admit it out loud. The Scorpio guy is more mobile, he always tries to improve his living conditions, needs new emotions, but at the same time he is not extreme and does not take unnecessary risks. However, his beloved does not support him. If a guy is planning a vacation trip together, going to a party, or inviting her to meet his social circle, the girl will immediately have a thousand reasons to refuse him. At first the young man will tolerate it, but soon he will get tired of it. It is unlikely that this relationship can continue.

♏ + ♉: Married

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- If representatives of these zodiac signs started a family not at too young an age, the chances of a long and successful union are high. For a Taurus woman, like a Scorpio man, a cozy home environment, stability and close people nearby are very important. Each of them tries to benefit the relationship to the best of their ability. The wife takes on all the housework, and the husband makes career progress and earns good money.

In any case, there are reasons for mutual claims. The Taurus woman would like a calmer life - she perceives her husband’s constant craving for change as dissatisfaction with family life, but in fact, Scorpio is active by nature, and the worst thing for him is boredom and stagnation. To maintain peace in the family, a wife does not have to lead a lifestyle that is unusual for her, but she should not become an obstacle to her husband’s path to self-expression. If she takes a closer look at her husband, she will understand that he is not carried away by dangerous adventures, so she may not worry about him unnecessarily. Scorpio is smart, so he doesn’t act rashly, and he will greatly value an understanding wife and will try to pay more attention to her.

♏ + ♉: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- According to the Scorpio guy, the Taurus girl leads a too monotonous lifestyle, so communication with her is unlikely to interest him. For a representative of an earth sign, Scorpio is unpredictable; it is difficult for her to understand him, but she does not try. The fact is that the young man is quite secretive, and the Taurus girl does her best to avoid the company of any mysterious personalities. Friendly relations are possible between these people, but nothing more. In any case, we are not talking about here, and if there is a desire for rapprochement, then the reason for this is sympathy on one of the sides.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

The union of Taurus and Scorpio and all their relationships reveal their deepest desires and aspirations. Both of you do not stop halfway when the opportunity presents itself to taste the joys of life. Both of you are looking for an opportunity to achieve success.

Taurus - Scorpio: is there compatibility?

You have met your opposite, because in the system of zodiac signs, Taurus is located exactly opposite to Scorpio. This does not mean that they are absolutely different from each other.

There is a feeling that some part of what is inaccessible to one can be found in another. Taurus is close to the earth, which brings the emotionally self-absorbed Scorpio closer to it.

While Taurus is not able to perceive the hidden meaning underlying a given situation, Scorpio grasps it thanks to its sensitivity.

The union of Taurus and Scorpio will definitely not be boring, and with such a combination of signs, there is a high probability that you will be passionate lovers.

Each of you encourages the other to experience pleasure.

How compatible are a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman?

The Taurus man is greatly impressed by the hidden energy of the Scorpio woman. He is sure that she reads his thoughts, but does not know whether this is good or bad for him, although he likes it - because the attention that she shows to him increases his interest in life.

The Scorpio woman sees that the Taurus man corresponds to the ideal that she was looking for. The Scorpio woman is looking for clues to the mystery of what the Taurus man's business abilities really are.

She is not interested in money per se, but in a lover and companion who could compete with her in relevant business qualities. Will the Union of Taurus and Scorpio be happy?

The Taurus and Scorpio couple are wonderful in their desire to outdo each other. The Taurus woman is wary of the Scorpio man’s ability to control himself.

She would like to know if he would make attempts to subjugate her, to take possession of her. Such aspirations do not bother her. Another thing is his arrogant confidence that the whole world exists for him alone.

She wants to see if he will still admire her after she trusts him. Is he really as good as he seems? She would really like to hope so!

How compatible are Taurus women and Scorpio women?

The Scorpio man finds the Taurus woman seductive. She is sensual, and her speech is calm and quiet. The Scorpio man knows that he better not abuse the generosity of the Taurus woman.

He hopes that his beloved Taurus woman has a forgiving heart. One thing is certain: he would like his strength and her strength, the element of which is Earth, to unite.

It’s not for nothing that he constantly thinks about his beloved. Your love will be tested, which you will face both together and individually.

When you relieve a loved one of their grief, you experience ecstasy. You will fight with all your passion against the obstacle that stands in your way. It is your birthright to do so.

Taurus wants peace of mind, while Scorpio craves inner confidence no less. You form a strong alliance.

When you know you can count on each other, no obstacle will seem insurmountable. To maintain the love of Taurus and Scorpio, tell each other the truth.

In the Taurus-Sagittarius Union, you need your partner, but find it difficult to express it. You hope that he (or she) will constantly prove to you that he is worthy of trust.

From time to time you will be visited by impulses of frankness.

Astrologers - about the compatibility of Taurus with Scorpio

From Olshevskaya N.’s book “Astrology for Women”:

You are Taurus, he is Scorpio: both are extremely self-critical and extremely stubborn. This is another example of the mutual attraction of opposite signs, in which the most likely areas of confrontation are jealousy and sex.

Taurus is a romantic person who loves tenderness and affection, and Scorpio’s ability to neglect “calf tenderness” sometimes offends his sensitive partner.

Scorpio may also be tempted to make a scene of jealousy in order to retain the woman's love without showing any feelings in return. This will awaken in you a stubborn determination to keep him.

You will reason like this: “After everything I’ve endured, dedicated so much time to you, I simply cannot retreat and give you to someone else.”

The Scorpio man will most likely answer, “No woman can tame me,” but will undoubtedly be pleased to watch you try to do so.

You are Scorpio, he is Taurus: the main obstacle here is stubbornness. A Scorpio-Taurus union is probably better for Scorpio than for Taurus.

Scorpio feels the need for the Venusian influence of a partner, but Taurus, although he can learn the persistence he needs, is better off staying away from the selfish and jealous (or jealousy-inducing), and sometimes terribly sarcastic Scorpio.

But Taurus is not a masochist at all! After all, Scorpio can offer him unwavering fidelity, a long and stable sex life and faith in his talents. These are the positive aspects of such a union.

From Wolinsky S.'s book "Astrolove":

In love, these two are worthy of each other, and the Scorpio lover can sometimes surprise the Taurus lover. So the happy smile of satisfaction on Taurus’s face is quite understandable.

The sense of ownership inherent in both signs helps them isolate themselves from everyone for the sake of love that is deep enough to last a lifetime.

Just be careful with secrets! Each of you is not a model of openness, but if you keep your feelings and thoughts to yourself, how will the other know about it?

After all, you are on opposite sides of the zodiac circle...

Taurus can be too straightforward, and Scorpio's sudden murderous sarcasm is sometimes simply dangerous for love, but if you fill Scorpio's heart with the harmony of peace, he will have no reason for sarcasm...

Love and compatibility in a Taurus - Scorpio couple

From the book by G. Novoselova “Your Love Signs”:

Yes! This combination will make your hair stand on end. These two signs are waving to each other from opposite sides of the zodiac, and you know what they say about opposites.

These two attract each other like mad magnets. To understand why this happens, just look at who controls them.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is responsible for love affairs and fatal relationships, and Scorpio is ruled by the powerful psychologist Plutonium and purposeful sexual Mars.

Now imagine how these gods of love and sex dance merrily together, and you will understand what can come out of such a union.

Both are very constant and will above all be fantastically devoted to each other” and also generous. In the Taurus-Scorpio relationship, the instinct of ownership also plays a big role, but this is not as scary for them as one might expect.

Everyone wants to subjugate their partner not only physically, but also in matters of morality and mentality. The most amazing thing is that both are satisfied with this (I know what the Air signs will say: “This is primitive!”).

A problem arises (yes, honey, it always does; when they say that the road of love is never smooth, we are not talking about your lawn!). If he or she is ruled by Pluto, then this is a quiet playmaker.

As soon as the truth comes out (Scorpio knows how to hide it better than Taurus), there will be a huge scandal, since Taurus is not able to bear this.

Scorpio will be rewarded for his intrigues in due time: for example, he will completely lie, start drinking or become addicted to drugs out of despair. But even when the temperature of love drops very low, the question of a complete break will not arise.

The union of Taurus and Scorpio is inextricable thanks to the inner inflexibility and incredible constancy of both. These two believe that they are welded together for life and cannot be separated.

The marital happiness of this couple is explained by the fact that both have interests outside the family. During rest and entertainment they do not depend on each other.

Both are looking for something reliable (the blessed Ox is always drawn home) and willingly spend a lot of time together, but they must definitely take a break for themselves in order to expand their horizons (you might see a tempting object of new love flash by: intelligence is not enough for them to get carried away, brilliant the mind is not able to replace bodily beauty with it).

However, no matter how you look at it, it will be a prosaic union in which unbridled earthly desires rule.

Bring an Ox to a Scorpio girl and you will get something stunningly sexy and hot (by the way, how are your legs?). The situation is somewhat better in the case when she is a Heifer and he is a Scorpio.

However, this is such a difficult combination that it would break the devil’s head.

Sexual compatibility of a Taurus - Scorpio couple

From the book “Love Compatibility” by Rowan D.:

To some extent, it is true that people born under the signs of Taurus and Scorpio are especially quick to become attached to the tools they use in their work.

It is precisely this strong attachment to the means to achieve the goal that can lead you to forget whose means you are using.

How to avoid problems in a Taurus - Scorpio couple?

You must be respectful of other people's material property if you want to live in peace.

Money can be a source of joy or quarrel. By sharing your income with each other, you increase tenderness in your hearts for each other. You will not inspire love if you avoid and keep your distance from your partner. Each of you probably needs your own bank account - and one shared one!

You both have developed instincts to help you get rich. When it comes to money, you don't always agree to rely on your partner's ideas.

To be compliant in such matters is not in the nature of the signs Taurus and Scorpio. Your willingness to share will increase when you have freedom in your actions and are able to acquire more material goods.

Be honest when you borrow from your partner. When you lend, say directly that you expect to get the loan back. Say that you hope for the return of what you gave, if you want the loaned things to return to you in the same condition in which they were received from you.

When you borrow, do not lie that you already have the things you need to repay the debt with. When you lend, don’t lie and say you don’t need to repay the money. The way you conduct business is vital to your relationships. Your romance will benefit from the respect you show for your partner's property.

  • Your relationship is probably more intense than it seems at first glance. You won't like what you hear if you give in to your hidden emotions, but keeping your problems under a lid is not the best solution to them.
  • Try to listen to each other without interrupting or diverting your partner’s attention to your own affairs. Don't defend your position. Only by maintaining a clean atmosphere in your relationships will you be able to resolve the contradictions that arise.
  • Remember that feelings of resentment do not go away quickly, even if you let them out; however, this begins the process of honest, frank and sincere communication.
  • Do not attack your partner with furious accusations, but calmly explain what is unacceptable to you in his actions or statements.
  • Engage in conversation often. But even better - don’t just speak out, but listen to each other as carefully as possible, although it is tempting to react angrily to your partner’s words or actions.
  • Patience is a virtue and a true virtue. No one in the world is infinitely patient. You can direct the energy that is difficult to restrain with patience into a creative direction.

You will be rewarded with renewed passion if the direction of your energy is correct.

The forced actions of many people are not worth discussing. This is another aspect of coercion. A person with a compelling drive states that he (or she) is very energetic.

The behavior of such people may absolutely not correspond to this outwardly. When you do not know the limits in sex, the use of stimulants, in work, or escape from reality in some other way, perhaps you are trying to say something to each other, but in order for your partner to understand you better, you rush to extremes.

If you can pinpoint the root causes of your coercive behavior, you can take the first important step in overcoming their influence. You may want more love than your partner is able to give you.

In a Taurus-Scorpio relationship, it is necessary to strive to achieve more significant goals. You may be blocking your partner's vital urges.

Negative energy can be overcome because problems in a Taurus Scorpio couple cannot be avoided otherwise. You need to believe in it! This is the only way you can develop positive thinking in yourself.

The cultivation of self-destructive energy is characteristic of you.

It's helpful to remember that the concentrated forces we usually put into negative behavior or suppressing other people can be used to benefit ourselves and others if we just make the effort!

Psychological games for compatibility in a pair of Taurus and Scorpio

Compatibility game “Borrowing”

Games in the Taurus-Scorpio relationship arise as an attempt to cope with extreme emotional stress.

The game of Borrowing begins when you do not show proper respect for each other's property.

Nothing irritates a Taurus or Scorpio more than having their property used by other people inappropriately.

Taurus is terribly upset if Scorpio appropriates for himself what was merely loaned to him. The relationship between Taurus and Scorpio may eventually deteriorate because of this.

Scorpio becomes angry and gloomy if Taurus disposes of what was given to him for temporary use as his property.

Taurus and Scorpio may constantly disagree about material issues. These two zodiac signs are focused on money matters.

If each of you does not clarify as carefully as possible your views on how business should be done, the game of “Borrowing” may become prevalent in your relationship.

The union of Taurus and Scorpio is under threat, if you do not divide your accounts on an equal basis or are unable to at least clearly define mutual plans and hopes, this can lead to disastrous consequences for your relationship.

Intense competition between you can become destructive and drive you apart. Disagreements about money can make you bitter if they drag on too long.

Compatibility game “Cursed Emotions”

When Taurus and Scorpio find it difficult to express their feelings caused by some kind of conflict, a game of “Cursed Emotions” can begin in their relationship.

You deliberately provoke strong reactions in each other, which often happens when people born under opposite signs form a love alliance.

Taurus stubbornly strives to suppress feelings of resentment, while Scorpio is a master at hiding what others should not see. Scorpio's strength is that he keeps his plans secret until he completes them.

The problem in the Union of Taurus and Scorpio is that Scorpio does exactly the same thing with his emotions.

Scorpio, whose element is water, would rather step aside from disagreements than enter into direct communication with an opponent.

When you hold in strong emotions for too long, it destroys your relationships. Repressed emotions can break out under circumstances that are outwardly unrelated.

Passion in a Taurus-Scoripon Union will take a hit, as will your sense of intimacy. You get the feeling that something is wrong in your relationship.

Trying to avoid a problem becomes a new problem. The game turns into poison for you, causing irreparable harm to the purity of relationships.

Your relationship is not as deep as it could be. The trust in each other that you seek may seem unattainable.

You may even feel lonely because you are not connecting with your partner.

Compatibility game "Odysseus and the Sirens"

The game of Odysseus and the Sirens leads to undesirable behavior that manifests itself outwardly when you both lose your balance. Odysseus is a mythological hero who escaped the disaster that threatened him if he succumbed to the spell of the sweet voices of three sea nymphs.

The sea nymphs were half birds, and half human beings, capable of bewitching anyone who listened to their singing.

And then the ships sailing by ran aground near the rocky shore. Odysseus tied himself to the mast of his ship and sealed the ears of his companions with wax as the ship approached the treacherous coastal waters.

Thanks to this, the team escaped the spell of the sea nymphs and were saved. As history shows, Odysseus and the crew of his ship did not give in to temptation.

The sweet singing of the sea nymphs did not kill anyone. But what does this story have to do with you? The sirens seem to tempt you to live your life on a knife's edge.

The balance of your relationships is disrupted if you strive for extremes. Unrestrained behavior can lead to reckless behavior.

Neglect of limitations can lead to self-destruction. You may find yourself being too lenient with yourself when it comes to spending money, eating, working, having sex, and so on.

Usually you awaken powerful energy in each other, but in this game your energy is misdirected.

The relationship between Taurus and Scorpio in this case will not continue. Remember: people born under opposite signs have great opportunities to make each other happy.

But the opposite is also true - no one will make each other suffer as much as they can. Playing in the Taurus-Scorpio Union is never intentional.

She is just an unconscious plea for love, respect and help to fulfill your desires.

Compatibility of Taurus with other signs: