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» Samsung phone how to switch to Russian. How to put Russian on android. Switch language on Android physical keyboard

Samsung phone how to switch to Russian. How to put Russian on android. Switch language on Android physical keyboard

He tries to build his own into his creation

virtual keyboard

However, it rarely meets the requirements of the user. Under such circumstances, the Android OS allows you to change the keyboard by downloading any other one. However, not all phone owners understand how


keyboard on android. If you are also asking this question, then the current material is written for you!

How are keyboards distributed?

No matter what virtual


for a tablet, in other words, a phone is an ordinary application. If the manufacturer has installed its own keyboard, then it is unrealistic to remove it without special tricks. But that doesn't mean you can't change the keyboard that is displayed by default each time you type.

Third-party keyboards are distributed through the popular Google Play online store. Among themselves, they differ in the location of the buttons (layout), the ability to stick to the edges of the screen, a set of stickers and emoticons, theme support, and many other qualities. You can read more about this step in our selection. best keyboards for android.

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During the installation process of the latest keyboard, in most cases you do not need to enter the “ Options”, following our annotation. It is enough to agree with the offer at the first start by answering there by pressing the button " And sell". Or the utility itself will transfer you to the necessary options window, where you only need to activate the switch on the installed keyboard.

What to do if it doesn't change


keyboards (Samsung)

Error, does not change language nv keyboard, solution of course 🙂

What to do if it doesn't change


on keyboard (Android)

Who helped like and subscribe, sorry for the lags)

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Changing the virtual keyboard

You can easily choose a different keyboard on your phone. For this purpose, perform the following actions:

Step 1. Follow through in this section " Options».

Step 2. Select " Language and Input».

Step 3. Here you should select the item " Current keyboard". It can be placed in a subsection, in other words, the tab " Keyboard and input methods».

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STEP 5. You will be taken to this section, described just above. Here you need to activate virtual keyboard, busy have a desire to take advantage. At the same stage, of course, turn on voice and some other unusual input methods.

Step 6. Activate the keyboard for the English layout in the same way.

That's all. Installing a keyboard on Android is painfully simple - just download it from Google Play. There are no obstacles in its activation either - now you understand how it is done.

Articles and Lifehacks

Often the problem of how to change the language of the phone to Russian is faced by owners of devices manufactured in the Middle Kingdom. Phones of Chinese craftsmen occupy a considerable niche in the sales of mobile devices.

Some firms are practically not inferior to world brands in terms of quality, winning at a lower cost. The situation attracts users, they use the opportunity to save money.

Unfortunately, there is an unpleasant moment that can overshadow the joy of owning a Chinese device. The problem is the Chinese language, in the form of hieroglyphs that are difficult for European understanding.

When it might be needed

A new device is purchased, as a rule, with the Russian language already installed, selected and configured.

Everything is fine until the first failure occurs. There is nothing compromising Chinese brands here, all phone manufacturers sin like this.

The user does the necessary data reset, loads the phone, and falls into a slight stupor. Everything works, only Chinese characters are everywhere. Don't panic, there is a way out.

Instructions for changing the language

  1. Open the settings menu.

    Depending on the version of Android installed, the menu may be at the bottom of the screen, on the left in older versions, on the right in newer versions. Or move out of the upper right part of the screen, in the latest versions of the system;

  2. Then you need to find the settings icon, it is presented in the form of a gear or a system of regulators;
  3. We are looking for the option "Language and keyboard", which often looks like an icon with the letter "A", in various variations (with three dots). May resemble the globe, with meridian and parallel axes;
  4. In the menu that opens, click on the first line;
  5. In the proposed list of options, we find the desired language, select it.
The system will take a form that is understandable to you.

If the proposed method did not help, you may need to install additional language applications, or completely flash the phone to a different version of the operating system.

e Android.

What questions and problems do not arise during the operation of devices with a "green robot". One of the most common: how to switch the keyboard language in android. Sometimes you choose one and print on it. And now it is necessary to switch to another language, but it was not there. Does not work. The thought is already creeping in whether there is a virus on the android, or the reason is simpler. And what magic combinations are not “typed”, but nothing helps. Then instructions can come to the rescue.

Switching the language on the android virtual keyboard

It's no secret to anyone that the device can have a virtual and physical (usb) keyboard. Let's start with touch.

1. Go to settings. If you cannot change the English language, then look for Settings.

2. Find "Language and keyboard", in English this section will be called "Language & keyboard".

3. Now select keyboard settings.

4. Rustle inside. You need to detect something like "input language" or "language selection key". In different devices (and Russification can give a different translation).

5. Now choose the language you need for the keyboard. After saving, this language will be added to the virtual keyboard (check the boxes). The "acting" language will be written in space.

To change the layout, you will either need to move your finger left and right along the space bar, or press a special button (most often in the form of a schematic globe). It all depends on the type of keyboard, so the options are different. For example, with Samsung you have to tinker a little longer, because it’s more difficult to find the “checkmarks” for them. However, if you follow the instructions clearly, you will quickly figure it out and add the necessary languages. If necessary, they can be "downloaded" from the network. Of course, in this case, creating a folder on iPhone e is an unnecessary undertaking.

Switch language on Android physical keyboard

This method applies to Tablets am, because most often they have USB keyboards for ease of typing. How to switch the keyboard language in android if it is physical? It's also pretty simple.

1. Again, the first thing you need to do in the settings is check the boxes for the languages ​​you need.

2. Save your selection.

3. Further, depending on the selected (or because of the firmware), switching languages ​​​​can be carried out by various key combinations: Ctrl + Shift (either left or right, or both working options) - the most common way to switch layouts.

Sometimes there are keyboards with the same "globe" symbol. But again, in order for the “clave” to work, it is necessary to configure it on Android itself. Only after all the settings on it will it become possible to switch layouts at your discretion.

How to switch the input language (keyboard) on an Android smartphone or tablet.

Basically, modern mobile devices on the Android platform, which are sold on our market, are already equipped with Russification built into the firmware. However, there are not rare cases when the device you ordered (for example, from China) does not have Russian localization. For some, this will not be such a big problem, but most users probably wanted their beloved "Andryukha" to communicate in their native language. That is why we will now tell you how to change the language on an Android tablet and phone.

Some users may be ready to accept a firmware that does not have Russian localization, but the on-screen keyboard should definitely be Russified, since sending SMS messages, chatting on social networks, etc. in Latin will be unreadable for the addressee. Therefore, first we will look at several ways that can help in this matter.

  1. Through the settings on your phone. Step by step, our actions should be like this.

On your device, go to the “Settings” section (or “Settings”):

Select the item "Language & keyboard" i.e. “Language and keyboard”, in the “Keyboard settings” section “Keyboard settings”) we find “language & input” - “Input language”:

click and select the desired language:

After the manipulations done, the key for switching the input language should be displayed on the keyboard, or the "space" button will show the current layout, and its change will occur by sliding the finger over the space in one direction or another.

Op-pa! It seems that everything was done correctly, but they didn’t find the Russian language in “language & input”? Do not rush to tear your hair on your head - we still have a hundred yards on this topic, therefore, we read further.

2. With a special application.

So, if the above method turned out to be inapplicable for you, then a great way out is to install a keyboard that supports the Russian language. In fact, this is a common utility, which can be downloaded and installed on your device without any difficulties. We will mention only two of the rather large assortment available, these are:

- a wonderful free keyboard, endowed with many functions and emoticons (by the way, it will come in handy if you are an active user of the Instagram network, because this feature is not provided in the service itself).

"" is a great tool for fast typing, has its own translator, checks the written text and much more.

After we install the application, you need to go to "Settings" (settings) and in the item "Language & keyboard" check the box next to the newly installed keyboard. If there is a need, then by clicking on the name, you can set the desired settings.

Despite the fact that after reading our article up to this section, typing in Russian will no longer be a problem, many owners of Android devices will certainly want their favorite device to have a completely user-friendly interface with Russian localization. How this can be done, we will now understand.

If you have an old version of Android OS (up to 4.2), then proceed as follows.

Download and install MoreLocale 2 - the most popular application for localizing Android firmware. Then, to Russify your system, perform the following steps:

Launch MoreLocale 2 and select the "Custom locale" item in the program window:

In the field that appears, press the "ISO" button, which is located next to the "Language" menu item and select the language - in our case, "Russian".

Then we press "ISO", which is located opposite the "Country" item and from the list of countries that appears, select "Russian Federation", press the "Set" button to confirm.

Now our smartphone can speak Russian. True, it is worth noting that if Russification is not provided for in applications that are installed in the operating system, then it is possible that something completely Russified will not work, but this is already the tenth thing, right?

For versions with Android OS 4.2 and higher, our actions will be completely different, we read:

Full Russification for the latest versions involves some difficulties, but not for us, because in this case we have a couple of methods in our arsenal, one of which should definitely help.

First option. Install the Set Locale & Language program, which makes it possible to set the system language, even if it is not in the firmware.

However, some users complain that the program is not always stable, and after a reboot, the localization settings may disappear. Well, what can I say, here only personal testing can decide whether this program is suitable for your device.

The second option is with a computer. If the above method was useless for you, then we suggest using another opportunity to translate the system language on your tablet or phone into Russian.

  • Download and install on your PC the latest version of the ADB program and the driver for your device.
  • You need to install More Locale 2 on your mobile device
  • On your Android, turn on the “USB debugging” mode (“menu”, then “Settings”, then “Developer options”, and “USB debugging”). If there is no “Developer options” item in your menu, find the “About phone” item in “Settings”, then on the name of the device model or on the firmware version itself, click “Developer options” ten times in a row to display the settings menu.
  • We unpack the ADB program on the PC to the root of the “C” drive (the path to the executable file is: C:\adb\adb.exe).
  • We connect our smartphone to the computer.
  • We launch a command line application on the computer (command cmd.exe).
  • In order to go to the C:\adb\ folder, enter the command cd c:\adb
  • We are looking for our device, for which we enter the adb devices command
  • Below the line “List of devices attached”, the identifier of our mobile device should be issued, after which, we enter “adb shell pm grant android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION”, we wait for the answer “locale android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION "(If a mistake was made, you will have to carefully enter the command again).
  • We disconnect the smartphone from the PC and launch the MoreLocale 2 application (the sequence of actions is described in the first section of this article).

If you could not find the latest version of ADB (the inscription "offline" next to the identifier), then you can download the Android SDK package, after installation on your PC, the latest version of ADB will be located in the /platform-tools/ folder.

It remains to draw your attention to the following detail: all the described localization methods for Android work at the software level, but by no means at the OS level, therefore, if you decide to reset your device to factory settings, i.e. perform a “hard reset”, then everything that you have achieved in terms of localization will fly to ... (in general, you yourself know where). But after all, you will always have the opportunity to return to this article and refresh your memory on how to install the Russian language on Android so that your "Andryukha" can communicate in Russian again.

Articles and Lifehacks

The question of how to change the input language on Android, as well as the possible causes of such a problem, is quite relevant.

Typically, the phone is already set up for your location, with a look that matches your possible priorities. And sometimes, on the contrary, the language of the system is not your native language.

In cases where the initial device setup is done by you personally, the system asks about your language preferences.

If there is a desire to change the default language, we perform this procedure using the built-in settings.

Changing input language and system

  • Open the "Settings" item in the main menu of the phone;
  • Select the tab "Language and keyboard" ("Language and input");
  • We mark the required language in the proposed list;
  • The whole system will appear before you, taking into account the choice made.
Be careful not to joke too much when activating Chinese characters. The reverse procedure may be somewhat more complicated than described.

Change input language

The Android keyboard, when typing, is equipped with two languages ​​by default. The first is your "native", the second can be anything, up to Chinese. Solving the issue when it comes to the keyboard is not difficult.

To fill the arsenal of keyboard languages ​​with content that is convenient for you personally, do the following:

  1. Go back to the phone menu, open "Settings";
  2. Open the "Language and keyboard" tab;
  3. We are looking for the "Keyboard Settings" section;
  4. Select the "International Keyboard" tab;

    In some models and versions of Android, you need to click on the "Keyboard" item, hold for a few seconds, uncheck the "System Language" item in the drop-down list. After that, the menu "Active input methods" is activated;

  5. Check the required languages;
  6. Now, when typing text, the selected languages ​​can be changed using a special icon at the bottom of the keyboard.
When choosing languages ​​in a large list, you should not choose unnecessary ones. This will give you a lot of inconvenience while entering text that requires switching keyboard layouts.