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» The temperature in the apartment is 20 degrees. The most comfortable room temperature standards. Where to contact in case of deviations from the acceptable level

The temperature in the apartment is 20 degrees. The most comfortable room temperature standards. Where to contact in case of deviations from the acceptable level

Housing and communal services enterprises are obliged to provide comfortable conditions in apartments, so in winter the home should be warm. Management companies do not always provide the prescribed temperature regime. As a result, residents apartment buildings not only are they freezing, but they are also forced to overpay for services of proper quality.

Let's look at ways to influence the management company.

Optimal temperature for humans

During the research, the most acceptable living conditions for humans were determined. The normal temperature in the apartment should be in the range from 21 to 25 degrees.

Such a large scatter is explained by:

  1. individual characteristics of the body;
  2. the age of the person;
  3. his way of life;
  4. floor.

The research results formed the basis for the adopted technical standards.

Current standards for permissible temperature in the home

Requirements for temperature conditions in housing are established in GOST R 51617-2000. This document provides differentiated indicators, taking into account the season and purpose of the premises in the apartment. Acceptable The normal temperature in an apartment during the heating season is in the range from 18 to 25 degrees.

In a relationship individual parts apartments and premises common use The following indicators have been established:

  • for a living room from 18 to 24 degrees;
  • for the bathroom at least 24 - 26 degrees;
  • for the kitchen from 18 to 19 degrees (this is explained heating devices, located on it);
  • for children's rooms the norm is from 21 to 24 degrees (for infants more than heat, and for older children – closer to the lower limit);
  • for other rooms in the apartment the norm is within 18 – 22 degrees;
  • For landing from 14 to 20 degrees;
  • for the corridor between apartments from 16 to 22 degrees.

The air temperature in the apartment can deviate from the norm by no more than 3 degrees. For living rooms, discrepancies are allowed only from midnight to 5 am.

If the apartment is corner, then the minimum temperature level increases by 2 degrees, since the room has 2 walls facing the street.

Battery operating parameters and procedure for measuring their temperature

To determine compliance with the legally permissible temperature in the apartment during winter, it is necessary to check the operation of the batteries. They should be periodically monitored to establish the validity of housing and communal services tariffs.

Regulations governing minimum temperature radiators are not provided. In this case it is installed maximum limit heating batteries, defined in SNiP 41-01-2003.

  • If the heating system is two-pipe, then the radiator should not heat up above 95 degrees.
  • When the system is single pipe, the limit is 115 degrees.

To establish deviations from the permissible temperature norm and achieve recalculation, you need to measure the temperature of the radiators using one of the following methods:

  1. applying standard electronic thermometer to the surface of the battery (in this case it is necessary to add no more than 2 degrees to the readings);
  2. using a heat meter that senses infrared radiation;
  3. using an alcohol-type thermometer (it must be isolated from the environment when taking measurements).

Any of the devices used must have a certificate and passport, which contains the rules of use and error characteristics.

Measuring the temperature in the apartment

Violations can be detected by recording the temperature in the apartment. Measurements should be carried out observing a number of rules:

  • It is necessary to record the temperature on a cloudy day so that the sun does not heat the air;
  • if doors, windows or walls are not airtight, then it is necessary to limit the air flow;
  • measurements are carried out in 2 rooms (except for apartments with a single living space);
  • the temperature is recorded at a distance of at least half a meter from outer wall and heating devices and not lower than 60 cm from the floor;
  • as when establishing compliance with the permissible temperature of a battery in an apartment, you should use a certified device that has a passport.

Watch the video about temperature standards:

Actions when deviations are detected

If you discover that the temperature in your home does not comply with current standards, you must contact the management company. She must send a team to establish the causes of the lack of heat.

If the source of the problem is not found, then you need to contact the housing and communal services operator with a request to take measurements. The organization will carry out an inspection and draw up a report in which it will record the evidence received. Before signing the document, you should familiarize yourself with the equipment used and test results.

The next step will be to send a report and a claim to eliminate the detected problems and recalculate the cost of services already provided.

If the management company refuses to comply with the requirements, it is necessary to go to court. To do this, it is necessary to collect all copies of documents (acts, statements and claims) exchanged between the citizen and the housing and communal services operator.

The plaintiff has the right to demand a reduction in the cost of services provided by 0.15% for each hour of the period when the permissible temperature standard was not observed. Practice shows that it is possible to achieve the return of overpaid services only by initiating legal proceedings.

To get expert commentary, ask questions below

Winter! At my house today it’s 14°C, and during the winter it hasn’t been more than 18°C... I decided to look for the standards and this is what I found: Heating, that is, uninterrupted maintaining in a residential area certain temperature air during the heating season, is a public service, the quality of which has been established state standards(the heating season opens when the average daily air temperature does not exceed + 8 degrees C for 5 days).

If room temperature less than +14 gr. C, consumer has the right not to pay for heating services in general. If less than the norm, municipal authorities must recalculate paid fee (for the procedure for recalculation, see Appendix 1 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 N 307 “On the procedure for providing utility services to citizens”) GOST R 51617-2000 (temperature standards in rooms)

Room Indoor air temperature during the cold season, °C Air exchange rate in 1 hour, m 3 /h, by exhaust (by inflow) or the amount of air removed from the premises
Living room of an apartment or dormitory 18(20) 3 m 3 per 1 m 2 of residential premises
The same, in areas with the coldest five-day temperature (probability 0.92) minus 31 °C and below 20(22) Same
Apartment and dormitory kitchen, vat:
a) with electric stoves 18 Not less than 60 m 3 / h
b) with gas stoves 18 Not less than 60 m 3 / h with 2-burner stoves, not less than 75 m 3 / h with 3-burner stoves, not less than 90 m 3 / h with 4-burner stoves
Drying cabinet for clothes and shoes in the apartment - 30 m 3 /h
Bathroom 25 25 m 3 /h
Individual restroom 18 25 m 3 /h
Combined toilet and bathroom area 25 50 m 3 /h
The same, with individual heating 18 50 m 3 /h
Common washroom 18 0,5
Shared shower 25 5
Shared restroom 16 50 m 3 /h for 1 toilet and 25 m 3 /h for 1 urinal
Dressing room for cleaning and ironing clothes, washroom in the dormitory 18 1,5
Lobby, common corridor, front hall apartment building, staircase 16 -
Lobby, common corridor, staircase in the dormitory 18 -
Laundry room 15 7 (at least 4)
Ironing and drying rooms in dormitories 15 3 (at least 2)
Storage rooms for storing personal belongings and sports equipment; household and linen in the hostel 12 0,5
Isolation room in a dormitory 20 1
Elevator machine room 5 Not less than 0.5
Garbage collection chamber 5 1 (through the garbage chute)
Notes 1 In corner rooms of apartments and dormitories, the air temperature should be 2 °C higher than indicated in the table. 2 In the stairwells of houses for climatic region IV and climatic subregion IIIB, as well as houses with apartment heating air temperature is not standardized (SNiP 2.01.01). 3 The air temperature in the elevator machine room during the warm season should not exceed 40 °C.

What to do next? If you are not the lucky owner warm apartments, then without delay, or better yet, on the same day, write a claim to the housing and communal services and wait for the commission, which should appear in your apartment within two days. Sample claim (file attached in message)

To the Head of the Housing Office ______________________________ From __________________________________________ resident(s):___________________________


In accordance with the service agreement concluded between me, as the owner of the apartment at the address: ___________________, and your organization, I am provided with utility services, including heating services. I conscientiously fulfill all the terms of this agreement, paying fees in full and on time, as evidenced by monthly receipts.

You are in violation of Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” you are not fulfilling your obligations: this year, since the beginning of the heating season, the air temperature in my apartment does not exceed... degrees, which is... degrees below the established standard.

(Next, you should indicate what the consequences of the low temperature regime were: dampness in the apartment, the cold in the apartment caused colds in the residents, and constant moral and physical suffering caused an exacerbation of chronic diseases, other facts.) My arguments are confirmed by the following documents (then you should rewrite the numbers and dates of acts, copies of complaints and other documents, if any).

For a long time, our verbal demands addressed to you remain unfulfilled.

Based on the above, I demand: 1. Bring the temperature regime in the apartment into compliance with the requirements of the standards. 2. Proportionately reduce heating fees in the period from... until the moment when the temperature in the apartments is brought to normal.

If my legal demands are not satisfied, I will be forced to go to court with a statement of claim to force you to fulfill your obligations under the contract, as well as to collect compensation for moral damage caused on the basis of Art. 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", which I value at... rubles.

I propose to resolve the dispute out of court.

Date__________ Signature___________

If there was no commission, you could create it yourself. A signature from two neighbors is enough to confirm that the temperature does not meet the standards.

Temperature standards in residential premises are established in order to ensure comfortable conditions for human life during the cold season.

Heating in apartment buildings produced by public utilities. Unfortunately, they do not always adhere to current legislation. If the standard temperature in the apartment is not observed, then its owner has the right to file a complaint with the relevant government service.

Standard temperature in residential premises

Today, the procedure and specifics of central heating are regulated by SanPiN documents. All necessary data is collected in Resolution No. 354 of 05/06/2011. If necessary, a person can go to court at any time if these norms and rules are not observed.

The standard temperature in an apartment according to SNIP is set as follows:

  • Not less than 18˚С.
  • In the corner room at least 20˚C.
  • Temperature reduction by 3˚C at night is allowed.

The equipment used in the apartment must also comply with sanitary standards. heating devices. For example, the temperature of a water heater cannot be more than 90˚C.

Factors affecting the temperature in the apartment

The air temperature in a living room in winter is important. It is formed not only through the influence of heating devices. The following factors should also be taken into account:

  1. Climatic conditions of a particular region. The minimum temperature plays an important role.
  2. Season. The premises are heated not only in winter. The devices also work in spring and autumn. At the same time, temperature indicators during this period are different.
  3. Human factor or individual preferences.
  4. Materials that were used to build the house. Today, quite often an additional layer of insulation or waterproofing is used.

The permissible wall temperature in an apartment, according to current standards, should not be lower than 20° degrees. Otherwise, it will not be possible to create comfortable living conditions in the room. It is also affected by the weather and dew point.

Temperature standards in various rooms

The optimal temperature in an apartment is a subjective concept that depends on the individual preferences and habits of the owner. The sensations should not cause discomfort. Otherwise the person will feel bad.

Temperature indicators are considered acceptable if they comply with those established by current legislation:

Any residential premises - at least 18° C.
The room between two neighboring apartments is at least 16° C.
Kitchen - at least 18° C.
Toilet, bathroom - at least 18° C.
Entrance lobby or staircase - at least 14° C.
Storage room - at least 12° C.

In our separate article you can also find out the recommended indoor humidity standards. These standards also significantly affect a person’s comfortable perception of the indoor microclimate.

The influence of humidity on a person’s comfortable state at the same temperature

Ideal temperature in a child's room

Pediatric sources advise paying close attention to your baby’s temperature. Overheating or hypothermia can negatively affect its general condition. The temperature in the child's bedroom should be 18°-20° C. Thanks to this, all biochemical processes in his body will proceed normally.

Dr. E.O. Komarovsky warns that the increase is dangerous and can lead to disruptions.

However, it is necessary to increase the intensity of the heating system for a newborn who was born ahead of schedule. For its development, it is necessary to create certain conditions, which the pediatrician will tell parents in more detail.

Optimal temperature during the heating season

Residents of our country observe an increase in utility bills every year. At such a moment of crisis, they are giving away a significant part of the budget and want to know that they will be in comfortable conditions in winter. Unfortunately, public utilities do not always do their work conscientiously. That is why it is important to know what the temperature in the apartment should be during the heating season in the apartment.

The relationship between the owner of this service is regulated by GOST R 51617-2000. It specifies each period of the year and general technical conditions.

In winter, it is necessary to adhere to the range from 18° to 25° C.

If you deviate from the norm, it is difficult to imagine comfortable living in an apartment.

The importance of maintaining a comfortable temperature

The heat in the room creates a favorable environment for the growth and development of bacteria harmful to the human body. At the same time, normal temperature does not impair heart function. The heat thickens the blood and makes you work internal organs in intensive mode. Constant exposure leads to dehydration, which provokes nervous tension.

Hypothermia or hypothermia quite often acts as a trigger for the development of a cold. It is important that the body temperature does not fall below 36 degrees. Hypothermia is especially dangerous for children. Their body has little heat output, so it cannot recover quickly.

Rules for measuring room temperature

The rules for measuring air temperature are very important, because only if they are followed will it be possible to obtain the correct result. To perform the manipulation you will need a regular mercury thermometer for internal use. It should be located away from heating appliances. The optimal solution is to place it suspended permanently.

Temperature measurements must be carried out by a registered device according to current regulations. Today there are many devices on sale that differ high level accuracy. It must be located at a distance of at least 1.5 meters from the floor. In this case, there must also be at least 1 meter to the outer wall. You can get an accurate result only if the thermometer remains in the selected position for at least 10 minutes.

Indoor climate control

The indoor microclimate is regulated not only by the heating system. Attention should also be paid to the following factors.

  • Ventilation provides the necessary air exchange. Oxygen enters and leaves the room carbon dioxide. The latter factor negatively affects a person’s well-being and can cause severe headaches. Can solve problems supply valve. He will block the exit warm air from the premises. At the same time, oxygen flows in sufficient quantities.
  • Central heating significantly reduces indoor air humidity. To eliminate the negative effect, it is recommended to purchase special devices. They periodically spray moisture into the environment.
  • In the bathroom due to hot water Condensation from the tap accumulates on the walls, which can lead to the formation of mold or mildew. Helps to resolve the situation correctly organized ventilation. Experts advise installing a small hood.

Responsibility of utilities for violation of temperature standards

Violation of the temperature standard not only causes discomfort, but can also lead to an exacerbation of a number of chronic diseases. If utility services did not check the functioning of the system in a timely manner, then residents of the house have the right to file a complaint. It initiates a review by regulatory authorities of the validity of this application.

The responsibility of utility services for violation of temperature standards comes down to the need to recalculate the cost of services already provided. Additionally, they are also required to correct all system faults. After completing the work, the microclimate of the room is re-checked. The result is recorded in a special act.

If irregularities have been identified in the central heating system, the apartment tenant has the right to claim a recalculation of the amount accrued to him in the amount of 0.15 per hour of use. Thanks to this, payments can be reduced by 90% within 28 days. However, to obtain such a decision, you will need to file a claim in court.

In practice, there are many examples of poor quality heating services for entire houses. Residents can file a class grievance that will allow them to obtain the compensation they are entitled to under the law.

To assert your rights, it is recommended to contact regulatory authorities. The application may indicate several residents at once who are not satisfied with the service provided by the utility organization. If she refuses to comply repair work or inspection, then a lawsuit is filed in court.


The norms and rules of current legislation are specifically designed to protect people. That is why he can always rely on them when defending his own interests. Only in this case will it be comfortable to live in this territory.

If poor quality heating services are detected, you must immediately report this to the service organization. To do this, an audit report is drawn up, which is attached to the complaint in writing.

There are also cases of low temperatures in the private sector. To identify problems, you will need to check the heating devices that are currently in use. Exist modern methods, which will allow in a short time and with minimal investment increase the efficiency of each battery. It is recommended to replace radiators with more modern devices. Thanks to this, it will be possible to achieve results and create comfort for all family members.

Comfortable conditions for a person to stay in residential premises ensures compliance with the approved standard temperature in “ Sanitary regulations and norms", as well as others regulatory documents.

It is necessary to know these standards in order to demand the appropriate level of services provided and working conditions.

Warmth in the living area

The standard temperature is calculated based on the type of room, its purpose, the degree outside the window, and the age of the people who will stay in it.

ATTENTION! The air temperature for children's rooms is set several degrees higher than for adults. This must be taken into account when equipping a children's room in an apartment.

Understanding the reasons for its disturbance will help bring the indoor microclimate back to normal. Reasons for non-compliance with temperature standards:

  1. Failure to comply with standards in the heat transfer process.
  2. Lack of thermal insulation in the apartment - drafts, thin walls, lack of double-glazed windows on the windows.
  3. Cold, heat loss in a nearby room.
  4. Lack of thermal insulation;
  5. The temperature is below −5°C in the basement, attic, first floor.

Required Living Conditions

Sanitary temperature standards are prescribed in the “Sanitary Rules and Standards”. Deviations from SanPiN requirements create an uncomfortable indoor microclimate.
SanPiN defines microclimate parameters and their standards.

The microclimate consists of the room temperature, which is a cumulative indicator, and consists of:

  • air temperature;
  • surfaces;
  • relative air humidity;
  • air speed;
  • intensity of thermal radiation;
  • air exchange level.

The air temperature in industrial, educational, office and residential premises is set taking into account the period of the year.

  1. According to the standards, two seasons are established:
  2. cold when it’s below +10°C outside;

warm, at an outside temperature above +10°C. When calculating the requirements for sanitary standards, human energy costs in the room are taken into account.

  • Temperatures in excess of established calculations have the same negative impact on the human body as low temperatures:
  • the general condition of the body worsens; colds occur, infectious diseases
  • , heart problems;
  • productivity decreases;

the atmosphere in the room may not be acceptable for a person to be in it.

With high energy consumption of work, a hot microclimate in the room is dangerous to human life.

Standard Sanitary rules prescribe the optimal and permissible air conditions in a residential area.

Acceptable, used when it is impossible to adhere to optimal requirements. Norms have also been established for workers to stay in workshops subject to deviations from optimal and permissible temperature conditions.

The residence time is established for each category of work, expressed in hours.

  1. If the microclimate in the office or production is not observed, workers have the right to demand, on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, SanPiN norms, a reduction in the working day. You can increase the air temperature in the apartment by eliminating heat loss by setting:
  2. double glazed windows;
  3. warm floor;
  4. large radiators;
  5. thermal reflectors behind the radiator;

insulating the walls and entrance doors inside and outside. Insulating the attic and entrance doors to the entrance will help increase heat in multi-storey apartments. Maintaining the temperature in the basement. Air rises from bottom to top. In the absence of thermal insulation front door

in the entrance, they freeze the most on the first and last floors.

Sanitary standards

Sanitary air requirements are established for all types of premises used by people, which are divided into 6 categories according to GOST. The classification of premises depends on the purpose of their use by people. Optimal air conditions for

  • production premises
  • set depending on:
  • on the level of energy consumption when performing work (W);

relative air humidity (%); air movement speed in the room (m/s). In the cold season, maximum optimal conditions in the workshop for workers with

In warm times, according to standards, indoor air should be no more than +2 degrees Celsius higher than the conditions in the cold period.

This indicator is due to the sharp temperature difference between indoors and outdoors, which is harmful to health.

The cause of summer chronic colds is precisely the sudden hypothermia of the body caused by improper use of air conditioners in cars and buildings.

The relative air humidity in the production workshop for any time of year, work, should be in the range of 60-40%. Air movement speed is within 0.1-0.3 m/s.
Permissible air standards are applied if it is impossible to establish optimal conditions.

Under acceptable conditions, it is possible to perform an 8-hour work shift, but in this case there will be a decrease in efficiency and a deterioration in the health of workers. SanPiN installed acceptable standards temperatures in deviations from optimal are not higher than +3°C. Relative air humidity - 15-75%. Movement speed deviations are within 0.2-0.5 m/s.

ATTENTION! Employers often try to solve the problem of improper air exchange by using air conditioners.

When installing and operating air conditioners in the workplace, the standards of SanPiN and the labor protection law must be observed. Air should not flow towards the worker, sound insulation should not exceed permissible standards. It is necessary to perform timely servicing of air conditioners.

Temperature The temperature regime according to SanPiN is set for each room. In the cold season, in the living room, a stable optimal temperature

within 20-22°C, acceptable - 18-24°C.

For the kitchen and toilet - 19-21°C, bathroom combined with a toilet - 24-26°C, in the corridor -18-20°C, lobby, pantry - 16-18°C. The permissible microclimate for the kitchen and toilet is 18-26°C, a bathroom combined with a toilet is 18-26°C, a corridor is −16-22°C, a pantry is 12-22°C. IN warm time

per year, the optimal temperature in the apartment should be in the range of 22-25°C. Acceptable conditions are within 20-28°C.

With centralized heating, the easiest way to check whether the heating network complies with heat transfer standards is to measure the temperature of the tap water in a thermal glass.

If the standards are not met, the Managing Organization must recalculate the cost of the service for the corresponding period by 0.15%.

When setting the temperature in an apartment, it is necessary to take into account its location. An apartment located on the north side requires the warmest possible conditions, and for a child’s room, a few degrees higher on top of this. A south-facing room, without temperature adjustment, will require frequent ventilation.

IMPORTANT! You can independently regulate the temperature in your apartment by installing a modern radiator with the appropriate function.


Temperature at staircase, is prescribed according to the Gosstroy standard and should be within 16-18°C.


Regulatory standards set the temperature for non-residential premises buildings, including the basement. According to the standards, in basement it should not be lower than +5°C.


In regulatory documents, floor temperature is classified as surface temperature. Minimum permissible +25°С, maximum +31°С. Under normal conditions, the floor temperature depends on the atmosphere in the room, the level of heating of the lower room, and the thermal insulation of the floor.

When installing a “warm floor” system, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics flooring, coordinate them with the temperature of the “warm floor”. Otherwise, due to overheating, the floor covering may be destroyed. The characteristics of the flooring material can be clarified with the seller when purchasing it.

Responsibility for compliance with temperature standards Management Company or housing office. Residents’ complaints can only be absent if preventive and repair work on the heating and hot water supply systems is carried out in a timely manner, and if there are no sources of heat loss in the building.

To resolve the issue of non-compliance with the heat supply to the apartment, you need to contact service organizations. If they fail to act - to the consumer rights protection authority.